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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

April 2018
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2607 Apr 30 Mon LESSON Wishing everyone a happy Chitra Pournami and a happy Buddha Purnima/Vesak 30-4-2018 Monday 09:00 AM Venue : Maha Bodhi Society 14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru * 10:30 AM * SACRED VESAKHA BUDDHA PURNIMA DAY * 10:30 AM * Sri Mahabodhi, Vishwa Maitri Puja, Sripada Cetiya Puja, Buddha Puja, at Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara, Undertaking of Tisarana, Atthasilan and Pancasila, Dhamma Desana and Blessings by Venerable Kassapa Mahathera President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru
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Posted by: site admin @ 7:41 pm

2607 Apr 30  Mon LESSON

Wishing everyone a happy Chitra Pournami and a happy Buddha Purnima/Vesak
30-4-2018    Monday    09:00 AM
Venue : Maha Bodhi Society
14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru

*  10:30 AM  *

* 10:30 AM  *
Sri Mahabodhi, Vishwa Maitri Puja, Sripada Cetiya Puja,
Buddha Puja, at Mahabodhi Loka Shanti Buddha Vihara,
 Undertaking of Tisarana, Atthasilan and  Pancasila,

Dhamma Desana and Blessings by
Venerable Kassapa Mahathera
President, Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru

* 12:00 Noon *

Lunch for Devotees
Lunch Service by Shri Anand Mulsavalgi, Vijayapura

* 1:30 PM  to 4 PM*

Buddha Purnima Day Discourse in Kannada by
Venerable Ananda Bhikkhu
Gen. Secretary, Maha Bodhi DSociety, Bengaluru

Dhammadeeksha Dhammashiksha Program

* 6:00 PM *

Deepa Puja

Offering Lights to the Supremely Awakened Buddha

Celebrations dupported by,
Dr.Ramachandra,HoD, Management, Maharani College, Bengaluru
Shri Veerabharraiah, Educationist and Social Worker
Upasaka Murthy, Shri Nagasena Dhoke

Vesak day: Celebrating Awakenment with Awareness Around the World
Vesak day: Celebrating Enlightenment Around the World…/celebrating-enlightenment-…

Vesak day: Celebrating Awakenment with Awareness Around the World

Vesak Day may be known by different names around the world, but
Buddhists around the world come together as they celebrate sacred events
in Buddha’s life—birth, awakenment with awareness and passing away.
Vesak is the fourth month of the lunar calendar. Vesak Day is celebrated
on different dates in spring around the world. Usually, it is
celebrated following the first full moon in May.

Origin of Vesak day

Buddha was born as Siddhartha, the crown prince of the Sakya tribe in
the garden of Lumbini, Nepal. He left his home to join his people when
he was 29 and chose the life of an ascetic when he was faced with old
age, sickness and death. After practising for six years, he realised
that awakening would come only by meditation. Using grass as a mat, he
sat under the Peepal tree in Bodh Gaya, located in India’s present-day
state of Bihar, facing east direction. He vowed not to rise until he
attained enlightenment. He sat for forty-nine days, and became the
Buddha or the enlightened one at the age of thirty-five. A Peepal tree
still stands at the same spot behind the main temple. It was planted in
the nineteenth century and is believed to be a direct descendant of the
original tree. Believers tie prayer flags to its branches and meditate
under it. A sense of peace and serenity fills the air, as Buddhist monks
sit around the tree to meditate and chant. Vesak is observed by
devotees to pay homage to Buddha. They take time to realize Buddha’s
wise and compassionate guidance and honour him with respect and joy.

Celebrate freedom from greed, hatred and ignorance on Vesak

Each Buddhist culture follows its own traditions for the day.

Sri Lanka

On Vesak Day, houses and streets are adorned with thousands of candles
and colourful buntings. Huge temporary temples, made of bamboo and cloth
are set up with elaborate electric light displays that depict different
stories from the Buddha’s life. Celebrations are subdued, focused on
prayers and chanting of scriptures. People wear white clothes. Sweets
are distributed and people refrain from eating meat or fish. Prayer
songs called bhakti geetha are sung. Colourful Vesak lanterns in various
shapes called Vesak koodu light up homes.

Singapore and Malaysia

Vesak is a day filled with goodwill and good deeds. Devotees perform
ceremonial bathing by pouring fragrant water over the statue of the baby
Prince Siddhartha which is usually placed in a vessel of perfumed water
and strewn with flowers. This symbolizes a fresh start in life by
cleansing one’s bad deeds and replacing them with good ones. In
Singapore, devotees buy caged birds and set them free on the Buddha’s


“Buddha Jayanti” has special meaning in
the birthplace of Buddha. Thousands of people come to Lumbini, where
prayer flags are replaced, stupas freshly painted and every temple
thoroughly cleaned. Buddhists gather for morning prayers at
Swayanbhunath temple, also known as “Monkey temple.” They then move to
Boudhanath in the afternoon to watch a Buddha image paraded on an
elephant. Crowds of devotees chant joyfully. Boudhanath stupa is lit
with fairy lights and thousands of wax candles surrounding it—creating a
peaceful sight in the golden glowing light.

India and Bangladesh

Vaisakha Puja or Buddha Purnima as it is called in these countries is a
time for Buddhist devotees to pay special attention to Buddha’s
teachings. Most devotees wear white and visit temples and listen to
monks give talks. Money, food and other useful items are donated to
organisations that care for the poor, sick and elderly. Pilgrims flock
to Bodh Gaya and light thousands of oil lamps at Mahabodhi temple.


The Thai people call the festival Visakha Bucha. The main ceremonies
take place at Sanaam Luang, the public square in front of the King’s
Grand Place in Bangkok. A grand statue of the Buddha is displayed here
on the day. Buddhist monks from far off places visit the capital to pay
their respects and the capital is bathed in the bright colours of their
orange robes. Tents and stalls are set up around the capital at
different points surrounding statues of the Buddha with food being
distributed freely.


Hari Waisak celebrations
congregate at the Borobodur temple in Java. The main attraction is the
releasing of a multitude of colourful lighted lanterns into the air. The
sight of these lanterns rising into the night sky against the full moon
is nothing short of ethereal.

Vietnam and Cambodia

It is
known as Vesak or Phat Dan in Vietnam and the pagodas in Hanoi are
decorated with colourful flags and streamers on this occasion. In
Cambodia, where it is called Vesak Bochea, the streets are transformed
by processions of Buddhist monks carrying colourful flags and lotus
flowers. In the evening, it is a stunning sight to behold as the monks
pass through the streets holding candles and incense sticks.
Around the world

The festival is celebrated in Tibet as Saga Dawa, in Laos as Visakha
Bouxa, in Myanmar as Ka-sone and in Japan it is known by many names
including Hanamatsuri, Kanbutsu-e, Goutan-e, Busshou-e, Yokubutsu-e,
Ryugu-e and Hana-eshiki. Other places where it is celebrated include
Korea and China.
Have any footage or animation of Vesak Day?

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Vesak (Pali: Vesākha, Sanskrit: Vaiśākha), also known as Buddha Purnima and Buddha Day, is a holiday traditionally observed by Buddhists and some Hindus on different days in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia and the Philippines and in China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam as “Buddha’s Birthday” as well as in other parts of the world.[6][7] The festival commemorates the birth, enlightenment (Buddhahood), and death (Parinirvāna) of Gautama Buddha in the Theravada or southern tradition.Buddha Purnima falls on different days in different countries. In India, Buddha Purnima 2018,
which is a gazetted holiday, can be observed on 30th April, Monday. It
is also known by different names in different countries. For example, in
Hong Kong it is called as Buddha’s birthday, in Indonesia it is called
as Waisak day, in Singapore it is known as Vesak day while in Thailand
it is called as Vaisakha Bucha day.[8]


The decision to agree to celebrate Wesākha as the Buddha’s birthday was formalized at the first conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists
held in Sri Lanka in 1950, although festivals at this time in the
Buddhist world are a centuries-old tradition. The resolution that was
adopted at the World Conference reads as follows:

this Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, while recording
its appreciation of the gracious act of His Majesty, the Maharaja of Nepal in making the full-moon day of Vesak a Public Holiday in Nepal,
earnestly requests the Heads of Governments of all countries in which
large or small number of Buddhists are to be found, to take steps to
make the full-moon day in the month of May a Public Holiday in honour of
the Buddha, who is universally acclaimed as one of the greatest
benefactors of Humanity.[9]

Vesākha Day, Buddhists all over the world commemorate events of
significance to Buddhists of all traditions: The birth, enlightenment
and the passing away of Gautama Buddha.
As Buddhism spread from India it was assimilated into many foreign
cultures, and consequently Vesākha is celebrated in many different ways
all over the world. In India, Vaishakh Purnima day is also known as
Buddha Jayanti day and has been traditionally accepted as Buddha’s birth

In 1999, the United Nations resolved to internationally observe the day of Vesak at its headquarters and offices.[10]

The name of the observance is derived from the Pali term vesākha or Sanskrit vaiśākha, which is the name of the lunar month in the Hindu calendar falling in April–May (see Vaisakha).[11] In Mahayana
Buddhist traditions, the holiday is known by its Sanskrit name
(Vaiśākha) and derived variants of it. Local renditions of the name vary
by language, including:

  • Assamese: বুদ্ধ পূর্ণিমা Buddho Purnima
  • Bengali: বুদ্ধ পূর্ণিমা Buddho Purnima, বুদ্ধ জয়ন্তী Buddho Joyonti
  • Dzongkha: སྟོན་པའི་དུས་ཆེན་༥ འཛོམས་ Dhüchen Nga Zom
  • Burmese: ကဆုန်လပြည့် ဗုဒ္ဓနေ့ “Full Moon Day of Kason”
  • Chinese: 佛陀誕辰紀念日; pinyin: Fótuó dànchén jìniàn rì, 佛誕 (Fódàn, Birthday of the Buddha), 浴佛節 (Yùfójié, Occasion of Bathing the Buddha), 衛塞節 (Wèisāi jié)
  • Hindi: बुद्ध पूर्णिमा Buddha Pūrṇimā, बुद्ध जयन्ती Buddha Jayantī, वैशाख पूर्णिमा Vaisākh Pūrṇimā
  • Indonesian: Hari Raya Waisak
  • Japanese: 花祭り Hanamatsuri (Flower Festival)
  • Khmer: វិសាខបូជា Visak Bochea
  • Kannada: ಬುದ್ಧ ಪೌರ್ಣಮಿ Buddha Pournami
  • Korean Hangul석가 탄신일; Hanja釋迦誕辰日; RR: Seokka Tanshin-il (Birthday of the Shakyamuni Buddha), Korean: 부처님오신날 (Buddha’s Day)
  • Lao: ວິສາຂະບູຊາ Vixakha Bouxa
  • Malay: Hari Wesak (هاري ويسق)
  • Mongolian: Бурхан Багшийн Их Дүйцэн Өдөр (Lord Buddha’s Great Festival Day)
  • Marathi: बुद्ध पोर्णिमा Buddha Pornima
  • Nepal Bhasa: स्वांया पुन्हि Swānyā Punhi
  • Nepali: बुद्ध पुर्णिमा Buddha Purnima, बुद्ध जयन्ति Buddha Jayanti
  • Sinhalese: වෙසක් Vesak
  • Tamil: விசாக தினம் Vicāka Tiṉam
  • Tagalog: Araw ng Bisyak
  • Telugu: బుద్ధ పౌర్ణమి Buddha Pournami or alternatively వైశాఖ పౌర్ణమి Vaisakha Pournami
  • Thai: วิสาขบูชา Wisakha Bucha
  • Tibetan: ས་ག་ཟླ་བ།, THL: Sa Ga Dawa
  • Vietnamese: Phật Đản (Birthday of the Buddha)


May 2007 had two full moon days: the 1st and the
31st. Some countries (including Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Malaysia)
celebrated Vesākha on the 1st, and others (Thailand, Singapore)
celebrated the holiday on the 31st because of a different local lunar
observance. The difference also manifests in the observance of other
Buddhist holidays, which are traditionally observed at the local full

Likewise, in 2012, Vesak was observed on 28 April in Hong
Kong and Taiwan, on 5 May in Sri Lanka, on 6 May in India, on 28 May in
South Korea and on 4 June in Thailand. (In 1999, the Taiwanese
government set Buddha’s birthday as the second Sunday of May, the same
date as Mother’s Day.[12][13]). In 2014, Vesak is celebrated on 13 May in Myanmar, Singapore and Thailand while it is observed on 15 May in Indonesia.

Vesākha, devout Buddhists and followers alike assemble in their various
temples before dawn for the ceremonial and honorable hoisting of the Buddhist flag and the singing of hymns in praise of the holy triple gem: The Buddha, The Dharma (his teachings), and The Sangha
(his disciples). Devotees may bring simple offerings of flowers,
candles and joss-sticks to lay at the feet of their teacher. These
symbolic offerings are to remind followers that just as the beautiful
flowers would wither away after a short while and the candles and
joss-sticks would soon burn out, so too is life subject to decay and
destruction. Devotees are enjoined to make a special effort to refrain
from killing of any kind. They are encouraged to partake of vegetarian
food for the day. In some countries, notably Sri Lanka, two days are set
aside for the celebration of Vesākha and all liquor shops and slaughter
houses are closed by government decree during the two days.

birds, insects and animals are released by the thousands in what is
known as a ’symbolic act of liberation’ of giving freedom to those who
are in captivity, imprisoned, or tortured against their will. (The
practice, however, is banned in some countries such as Singapore, as it
is believed that the released animals are unable to survive long-term
and may adversely impact the local ecosystem if they do.)[14]

devout Buddhists will wear a simple white dress and spend the whole day
in temples with renewed determination to observe the Eight Precepts.

Young novice monk on Vesākha Day Parade

Devout Buddhists undertake to lead a noble life according to the teaching by making daily affirmations to observe the Five Precepts.
However, on special days, notably new moon and full moon days, they
observe the eight Precepts to train themselves to practice morality,
simplicity, and humility.

Some temples also display a small
statue of the Buddha in front of the altar in a small basin filled with
water and decorated with flowers, allowing devotees to pour water over
the statue; it is symbolic of the cleansing of a practitioner’s bad
karma, and to reenact the events following the Buddha’s birth, when
devas and spirits made heavenly offerings to him.

Devotees are
expected to listen to talks given by monks. On this day, monks will
recite verses uttered by the Buddha twenty-five centuries ago to invoke
peace and happiness for the government and the people. Buddhists are
reminded to live in harmony with people of other faiths and to respect
the beliefs of other people as the Buddha taught.

Bringing happiness to others

File:Korean Minute- Buddha's Birthday Festival.webm
Video Korean Buddhist monks perform ritual dances and music on Buddha’s Birthday.

Vesākha (Vesak) also means making special efforts to bring happiness to
the unfortunate like the aged, the handicapped and the sick. To this
day, Buddhists will distribute gifts in cash and kind to various
charitable homes throughout the country. Vesākha is also a time for
great joy and happiness, expressed not by pandering to one’s appetites
but by concentrating on useful activities such as decorating and
illuminating temples, painting and creating exquisite scenes from the
life of the Buddha for public dissemination. Devout Buddhists also vie
with one another to provide refreshments and vegetarian food to
followers who visit the temple to pay homage to the Enlightened One.

Paying homage to the Buddha

Tradition ascribes to the Buddha
himself instruction on how to pay him homage. Just before he died, he
saw his faithful attendant Ananda, weeping. The Buddha advised him not to weep, but to understand the universal law that all compounded things
(including even his own body) must disintegrate. He advised everyone
not to cry over the disintegration of the physical body but to regard
his teachings (The Dhamma) as their teacher from then on, because only
the Dhamma truth is eternal and not subject to the law of change. He
also stressed that the way to pay homage to him was not merely by
offering flowers, incense, and lights, but by truly and sincerely
striving to follow his teachings. This is how Buddhists are expected to
celebrate Vesak: to use the opportunity to reiterate their determination
to lead noble lives, to develop their minds, to practise
loving-kindness and to bring peace and harmony to humanity.

Dates of observance

The exact date of Vesak is based on the Asian lunisolar calendars and is primarily celebrated in Vaisakha month of the Buddhist calendar and the Hindu calendar,
and hence the name Vesak. In Nepal, which is considered the
birth-country of Buddha, it is celebrated on the full moon day of the Vaisakha month of the Hindu calendar,
and is traditionally called Buddha Purnima, Purnima meaning the full
moon day in Sanskrit. In Theravada countries following the Buddhist calendar,
it falls on a full moon Uposatha day, typically in the 5th or 6th lunar
month. Nowadays, in Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, Vesak/Buddha Purnima is
celebrated on the day of the full moon in May in the Gregorian calendar.
In Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, Vesak is celebrated on the fourteenth or
fifteenth day of the fourth month in the Chinese lunar calendar. In
China, and Korea, Vietnam, Buddha’s Birthday
is celebrated on the eighth day of the fourth month in the Chinese
lunar calendar, in Japan the same day but in the Gregorian calendar. The
date varies from year to year in the Western Gregorian calendar, but
usually falls in April or May. In leap years it may be celebrated in

In the following table, year numbers in the range 2500-2599 are BE (Buddhist Era).

Year (CE) Thailand[15] Singapore Laos Myanmar Sri Lanka Cambodia Indonesia Nepal & India China Malaysia Vietnam[16]
2001 7 May 2544 7 May 6 May 2545 7 May 2545 7 May 2545 7 May 2545 30 May 7 May 6 Jun
2002 26 May 2545 27 May 26 May 2546 26 May 2546 26 April 2546 26 May 2546 19 May 26 May 26 May
2003 15 May 2546 15 May 15 May 2547 15 May 2547 15 May 2547 16 May 2547 8 May 15 May 15 May
2004 2 Jun 2547 2 Jun 3 May 2548 4 May 2548 3 May 2548 3 Jun 2548 3 May 26 May 3 May 2 Jun
2005 22 May 2548 23 May 22 May 2549 23 May 2549 22 May 2549 24 May 2549 23 May 15 May 22 May 22 May
2006 12 May 2549 12 May 11 May 2550 12 May 2550 12 May 2550 13 May 2550 13 May 5 May 12 May 12 May
2007 31 May 2550 31 May 31 May 2550 30 April 2551 1 May 2551 1 May 2551 1 Jun 2551 2 May 24 May 31 May 31 May
2008 19 May 2551 19 May 18 May 2551 19 May 2552 19 May 2552 19 May 2552 20 May 2552 20 May 12 May 19 May 19 May
2009 8 May 2552 9 May 8 May 2552 8 May 2553 8 May 2553 8 May 2553 9 May 2553 8 May 2 May 9 May 9 May
2010 28 May 2553 28 May 28 May 2553 27 April 2554 27 May 2554 28 April 2554 28 May 2554 27 May 21 May 28 May 28 May
2011 17 May 2554 17 May 17 May 2554 17 May 2555 17 May 2555 17 May 2555 17 May 2555 17 May 10 May 17 May 17 May
2012 4 Jun 2555 5 May 5 May 2555 5 May 2556 5 May 2556 5 May 2556 6 May 2556 6 May 28 April 5 May 5 May
2013 24 May 2556 24 May 24 May 2556 24 May 24 May 2557 24 May 25 May 2557 25 May 24 May 24 May 24 May
2014 13 May 2557 13 May 13 May 2557 13 May 14 May 2558 13 May 15 May 2558 14 May 13 May 13 May
2015 1 Jun 2558 1 Jun 2 May 2558 2 May 2559 3 May 2559 3 May 2559 2 Jun 2559 4 May 25 May 3 May 1 Jun
2016 20 May 2559 21 May 21 May 2560 21 May 2560 21 May 2560 22 May 2560 21 May 14 May 21 May 14 May
2017 10 May 2560 10 May 10 May 2561 10 May 2561 11 May 2561 10 May 3 May 10 May 10 May
2018 29 April 2562 29 April 2562 29 May 2562 29 May 29 May
2019 18 May 2563 19 May
2020 6 May 2564 6 Jun

Vesak is celebrated in Jetavana, India, 2011

In Japan

In Japan, Vesākha or hanamatsuri (花祭)

is also known as Kanbutsue (灌仏会), Goutan’e (降誕会)), Busshoue (仏生会), Yokubutsue (浴仏会), Ryuge’e (龍華会) and Hanaeshiki (花会式). It is not a public holiday. It is based on a legend that a dragon appeared in the sky on the Buddha’s birthday and poured soma over him.

It used to be celebrated on the 8th day of the fourth month in the Chinese calendar
based on one of the legends that proclaims the day as Buddha’s
birthday. At present, the celebration is observed on 8 April of the
Solar Calendar since the government of Meiji Japan
adopted the western solar calendar as the official calendar. Since the
8th day of the fourth month in the lunar calendar commonly falls in May
of the current solar calendar, it is now celebrated about a month

In Japan, Vesak celebrations include pouring 甘茶 (amacha), a sweet tea made from Hydrangea macrophylla, on statues. In Buddhist religious sites such as temples and viharas, more involved ceremonies are conducted for lay Buddhists, priests, and monks and nuns.

In Nepal

Vesak, commonly known in Nepal as “Buddha Jayanti” is widely celebrated all across the country, predominantly, Lumbini – the birthplace of Buddha, and Swayambhu – the holy temple for Buddhists, also known as “the Monkey Temple”. The main door of Swayambhu
is opened only on this very day, therefore, people from all over
Kathmandu valley are stimulated by the event. Thousands of pilgrims from
various parts of the world come together to celebrate Buddha’s birthday
at his birthplace, Lumbini. In Nepal,
Buddha is worshipped by all religious groups, therefore “Buddha
Jayanti” is marked by a public holiday. People donate foods and clothes
to the needy and also provide financial aid to monasteries and schools
where Buddhism is taught and practised.

In Sri Lanka

A Vesak pandal or thorana in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Vesak Thorana in Piliyandala, Sri Lanka

is celebrated as a religious and a cultural festival in Sri Lanka on
the full moon of the lunar month of Vesak (usually in the Gregorian
month of May), for about one week and this festival is often celebrated
by different religious people in Sri Lanka.[17] During this week, the selling of alcohol and fresh meat is usually prohibited, with abattoirs also being closed.[18] Celebrations include religious and alms-giving activities. Electrically-lit pandals
called thoranas are erected in locations mainly in Colombo, Kandy,
Galle and elsewhere, most sponsored by donors, religious societies and
welfare groups. Each pandal illustrates a story from the Jataka tales.

addition, colourful lanterns called Vesak kuudu are hung along streets
and in front of homes. They signify the light of the Buddha, Dharma and
the Sangha. Food stalls set up by Buddhist devotees called dansälas
provide free food, ice-crea and drinks to passersby.[19]
Groups of people from community organisations, businesses and
government departments sing bhakti gee (Buddhist devotional songs).
Colombo experiences a massive influx of people from all parts of the
country during this week.

In Korea

Lotus Lantern Festival (연등회, Yeon Deung Hoe) in Seoul

In South Korea the birthday of Buddha is celebrated on the 8th day of the 4th month in the Korean lunar calendar (as well as in Hong Kong, Macau, Vietnam) and is an official holiday. This day is called 석가탄신일 (Seokga tansinil), meaning “Buddha’s birthday” or 부처님 오신 날
(Bucheonim osin nal) meaning “the day when the Buddha came”. It has now
grown into one of the nation’s biggest cultural festivals. Lotus
lanterns cover the entire temple throughout the month which are often
flooded down the street.[20]
On the day of Buddha’s birth, many temples provide free meals and tea
to all visitors. The breakfast and lunch provided are often sanchae bibimbap.

In Laos

The Vixakha Bouxa festival is the Lao version of the Thai Visakha Puja, which it closely resembles. It commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha,
which are all said to have happened on the same date. It is held around
the month of May or Vesak, based on the lunar calendar. Celebrations
include dances, poems, parades, processions, deep meditation, theatrical performances, and puppet shows.

Boun Bang Fay

One part of the Vixakha Bouxa festival is called Boun Bang Fay, or Rocket Festival. As this occurs during the hottest and driest season of the year, large homemade rockets are launched into the sky in an attempt to convince the celestial beings to send down rain. Traditionally, Buddhist monks made the rockets out of hollow bamboo tubes filled with gunpowder (among other things). Nowadays, lay people make the bang fai more like fireworks
and hold competitions for the highest, fastest and most colorful
rockets. The event takes place on both sides of the Mekhong River border
between Thailand and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and
sometimes teams from the neighbouring countries will compete against
each other. Tourists travel long distances to witness this now popular

In Vietnam

Before 1975, the birthday of Buddha was a national public holiday in South Vietnam.[21] It was a public festival with float and lantern parades on the streets. However, after the Fall of Saigon, the day was no longer a public holiday.

In Malaysia

Celebrated by Buddhists to mark three momentous
events in Buddha’s life – his birth, enlightenment, and his departure
from the human world, the Wesak celebration in Malaysia begins at dawn
when devotees gather at Buddhist temples nationwide to meditate on the Eight Precepts.
Donations - giving food to the needy and offerings of incense and joss
sticks - and prayers are carried out. The sutras are chanted in unison
by monks in saffron robes. The celebration is highlighted by a candle
procession. Wesak Day in Malaysia is a national public holiday.

In Indonesia

Vesak Day celebration in Borobudur temple, Indonesia

This significant and traditional holy day is observed throughout Indonesia, where it is known as Waisak Day.[22][23] At Borobudur,
thousands of Buddhist monks will join together to repeat mantras and
meditate as they circuit the temple in a ritual called “Pradaksina”.
This is a form of tribute to the temple. Monks celebrate the special day
by bottling holy water (which symbolises humility) and transporting
flames (which symbolize light and enlightenment) from location to
location. The monks also took part in the “Pindapata” ritual, where they
received charity from the people of Indonesia. Waisak Day in Indonesia
has been celebrated as a national public holiday every year since 1983.

In Singapore

In Singapore, Vesak Day was made a public holiday in 1955 after many public petitions, replacing Whit Monday.[24][25][26]
In the early decades of the 20th century, Vesak Day was associated with
the Ceylonese community which then celebrated it along with their
National Day in a two-day event. After World War II, there was a
movement to make Vesak Day a public holiday, with the Singapore Buddhist
Association leading the petitions.[27]

At the United Nations

In 1999, the United Nations General Assembly
adopted resolution 54/115, entitled ‘International recognition of the
Day of Vesak at United Nations Headquarters and other United Nations
offices’. The resolution internationally recognized the Day of Vesak to
acknowledge the contributions that Lord Buddha and Buddhism have made
for over two and a half millennia. It also called for annual
commemoration of the Day at the UN Headquarters, in New York, and other
UN offices around the world.[28][29]

The Day of Vesak is an official holiday for the UN offices in many of the countries in the South-East Asia.


  2. May 2016 calendar of Sri Lanka
  3. May 2016 calendar of Cambodia
  4. Buddha Purnima/Vesak in India
  6. Fowler,
    Jeaneane D. (1997). World Religions: it is celebrated to mark the
    birth, enlightenment and the passing away of the Lord Buddha. An
    Introduction for Students. Sussex Academic Press. ISBN 1-898723-48-6.
  7. The World Buddhist Directory
  8. “Visakha Puja”. Retrieved 20 March 2012.
  9. “World Fellowship of Buddhists Second Two-Year Plan (B.E. 2544-2545/2001-2002)”. Buddha Dhyana Dana Review Online. Retrieved 2015-12-25.
    ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY: 54/115. International recognition of
    the Day of Vesak at United Nations Headquarters and other United Nations
    (PDF). United Nations. Retrieved 6 February 2012
  11. “Vesākha”. The Pali Text Society’s Pali-English Dictionary. Retrieved 7 February 2012.
  12. Camaron Kao (14 May 2012), “Thousands of believers mark Buddha’s birthday”, China Post, archived from the original on 16 June 2013
  13. Ko Shu-Ling (9 May 2011), “Sakyamuni Buddha birthday celebrated”, Taipei Times, The
    legislature approved a proposal in 1999 to designate the birthday of
    Sakyamuni Buddha — which falls on the eighth day of the fourth month of
    the lunar calendar — a national holiday and to celebrate the special
    occasion concurrently with International Mother’s Day, which is
    celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
  15. “International VisakhaBuja Date Collection”. เมื่อนานาประเทศ ต่างหันหลังให้ (วันวิสาขบูชา) ไทย. Retrieved 2 February 2012.
  17. “Unifying the Spiritual and The secular”. Sunday Observer. 2018-04-27. Retrieved 29 April 2018.
  18. Vesak Festival in Sri Lanka
  19. “Vesak Festival in Sri Lanka”. Retrieved 29 April 2018.
  20. Lotus lanterns light up Seoul night
  21. Niên biểu lịch sử Phật giáo Việt Nam Archived 15 November 2012 at the Wayback Machine.
  22. Akhtar Malik (1 January 2007). Survey of Buddhist Temples and Monasteries. Anmol Publications. p. 145. ISBN 978-81-261-3259-1.
  23. Sameer Das Gupta (1 January 2008). Advanced history of Buddhism: monasteries and temples. Cyber Tech Publications. p. 145.
  24. Y. D. Ong (1 January 2005). Buddhism in Singapore: A Short Narrative History. Skylark Publications. p. 206. ISBN 978-981-05-2740-2.
  25. Piyasīlo (1992). New Directions in Buddhism Today: Celebrating 30 Years of the Buddha Day Holidays, 1962-1992. Community of Dharmafarers. p. 6. ISBN 978-983-9030-03-7.
  26. Jason Lim; Terence Lee (26 May 2016). Singapore: Negotiating State and Society, 1965-2015. Routledge. p. 147. ISBN 978-1-317-33152-0.
  27. 5 Things About Vesak Day
  28. “Buddha’s message of compassion ‘timeless’ says UN chief on international day”. UN News Service Section. United Nations. UN News Centre. 10 May 2017. Retrieved 11 May 2017.
  29. “International recognition of the Day of Vesak at United Nations Headquarters and other United Nations offices”. United Nations. Retrieved 11 May 2017.

Buddha Jayanti

30ᵗʰ April

Buddha Jayanti is a special day for both Hindus and
Buddhists in Nepal. On this day people celebrate the life of Lord
Buddha; his Birth, Enlightenment and Mahaparinirvana (Death).

Lumbini, in the western Terai plains of Nepal, is the place where
Prince Siddhartha (known as the Buddha) was born. The newly-born
Prince is believed to have taken seven steps and uttered a
timeless message to all humanity. It is believed that this happned in
the beautiful Sal grove, which is now the focal point of the Lumbini Garden area. 

The Nativity Sculpture at Lumbini that depits the birth of the Buddha.

As per widely held beliefs, Maya Devi, the Queen of Shakya King
Suddhodhana of Kapilvastu, gave birth to the Prince Siddhartha while
passing through the Lumbini Garden, on the day of “Vaishakha Poornima”
(full-moon day of May) in 623 BC.

The Queen is believed to have taken a bath in Pushkarini (the Sacred
Pond) and taken support of a tree branch in anticipation of the
delivery, before giving birth to the little infant, who went on to
become the Buddha. 

Tourists celebrating Buddha Jayanti at one of the Buddhist shrines by lighting butter lamps.

Lumbini - the birthplace, Tilaurakot or Kapilvastu - where Buddha
spent his first 29 years, Devdaha - his maternal home, and other sacred
places and monasteries all over Kathmandu and Nepal, are crowded with
devotees on the day of Buddha Jayanti.

In Kathmandu valley, Buddhists of all persuasions as well as pilgrims
from abroad, honor the Buddha at the two great stupas Swyambhunath,
Boudhanath and the largely Buddhist city of Patan. Activities at the
main Buddhist stupas and shrines begin at dawn and continue till late in
the evening.

Buddha Purnima 2018 - Lord Buddha’s birthday is
celebrated as Buddha Purnima (Buddha Jayanti) all over world. In 2018,
Buddha Purnima falls on 29th of April, Sunday.

India Guide
Festivals in India
Buddha Purnima 2018 date

Buddha Purnima 2018

When is Buddha Purnima in 2018

This year, Buddha Purnima will be celebrated on April 29, 2018.

Buddha Purnima is also popular as Buddha’s Birthday, Buddha Jayanti, Vaishakh Purnima and Vesak Day.

Buddha Purnima

Buddha Purnima - Buddha Purnima, reverentially, the most important
day for the followers of Buddhism, commemorates Lord Buddha’s
enlightenment in 588 B.C and also his attainment of the highest of
spiritual goals, ‘Nirvana’ in Bodh Gaya and ‘Parinirvana’ (or “final
cessation”) in Kushinagara. Alternatively called Buddha Jayanti,
this day consecrates the birth anniversary of Lord Buddha who was born
in Lumbini, Nepal. As the name itself suggests, Buddha Purnima
is observed on a bright full moon in the Vaisakha month (April/May), a
time especially suited for introspection, charity and puja.

Buddha Purnima History
Historically, the importance of Buddha Purnima goes back to the
era of Chinese scholarship where the day is mentioned in the works of
the Chinese scholar, Fa-Hien. Buddha Purnima is known by different names
in different countries. As per the native tongue of different countries,
Nepal observes ‘Swanyapunhi’, Singapore upholds Lord Buddha’s teachings
on ‘Vesak Day’, Indonesia celebrates ‘Hari Waisak’, while Thailand
commemorates this day as ‘Visakha Bucha Day’. Buddha Jayanti is
celebrated across south-east Asian countries that have a recognizable
Buddhist population. Countries that observe Buddha Purnima include Sri
Lanka, Vietnam, Tibet, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Korea, China,
Cambodia, and Japan.

Rituals during Buddha Purnima
Buddhists observe Buddha Purnima with great calmness and
contemplation, reflecting on the moral precepts laid down by Lord
Buddha, ruminating on the events of his exemplary life, visiting
monasteries and listening to sermons and narratives/verses from Buddhist
scriptures, offering food and donation to the monks and paying homage to
the statue of Buddha by offering incense, flowers, candles, and fruits.

Despite the festivity, the mood during Buddha Jayanti is
peaceful and sublime. For Buddhists, this is a day to reaffirm their
faith in the five principles called Panchsheel, i.e. refraining from
taking life, stealing, lying, consuming intoxicants and committing
adultery, as well as the Eight-Fold path as symbolized by the Dharma
wheel. The day advances with a host of religious activities that include
large-scale prayer meets, recitation of Buddhist Holy Scriptures,
religious discourses, group meditation, processions, and elaborate
offerings and worship of the statue of Lord Buddha. Special religious
programmes including ‘bhajan’ and ‘aarti’ are held. As a part of
rituals, devotees pour milk and scented waters on the Bodhi tree and
place diyas around it.

The holy Mahabodhi temple in Bodh Gaya, which is the main shrine
dedicated to Lord Buddha sees hordes of followers descending on the site
on this day. Sarnath, near Varanasi, where the Buddha preached his first
sermon is another important site for Buddha Purnima celebrations.
Followers from Thailand, Tibet, Bhutan and various other places visit
Sarnath on this day for blessings.

The most important and visual aspect of Buddha Purnima celebrations is
the procession in Bodh Gaya that starts from the 80-ft tall Buddha
statue up to the Mahabodhi tree, the fig tree, representative of Lord
Buddha’s Enlightenment. The Mahabodhi tree is worshipped in a
ritualistic way with water, incense, flowers, diyas and candles. The
Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya, a strong symbolic and
architectural gem, housing the majestic statue of Buddha is decorated
with colorful flags and flowers for Buddha Purnima celebrations. The
temple premises and adjoining locality are lit up in equal measure and
decorated with colorful flags in yellow, white, red and blue at various
places. A Buddha statue is also worshipped which stands near the
consecrated ‘Vajrasana’ or the ‘Diamond Throne’, which exists from King
Asoka’s age.

Since purity is one of the hallmarks of this day, ‘Kheer’, a sweet-dish
made with rice and milk is prepared. Meat-eating is totally abstained
from. Devotees generally prefer to dress in white. To mark the occasion,
fairs are also held. As a symbolic gesture, on Buddha Purnima, Buddhists
in India and other Buddhist countries make special efforts to light up
their houses while streets are gloriously illumined with lights. In
Orissa, Dhauligiri is a Buddhist site known for Buddha Purnima

In Sikkim, scriptures are read before the Buddha statue throughout the
day. Devotees gather in huge numbers to listen to discourses on the life
and teachings of the Buddha. Followers wear white robes on the day of
Buddha Purnima. In Nepal, traditionally, this day witnesses a large
congregation around Buddhists stupas. Likewise, Lumbini, the sacred
birthplace of Lord Buddha, also sees mass participation of Buddhists
from everywhere. In Sri Lanka, homes are brightly illuminated. In Japan,
April 8th marks the Buddha’s birthday, and a traditional way of
worshipping is using spring flower for shrines and placing small Buddha
idols on them. In Myanmar, Buddhists water and worship the Bodhi trees.

Buddha Purnima Date Calendar

2017: May 10 (Wednesday)

2018: April 30 (Monday)

2019: May 18 (Saturday)

2020: May 7 (Thursday)

2021: May 26 (Wednesday)

Guide to Celebrating Buddha Jayanti in India

The Most Sacred Buddhist Festival

Mahabodhi temple in Bodhgaya on the occasion of Buddha Purnima.

Buddha Jayanti, also known as Buddha Purnima, celebrates the birthday
of Lord Buddha. It also commemorates his enlightenment and death. It’s
the most sacred Buddhist festival.

Buddhists regard Lumbini (which
is now part of Nepal) to be the birthplace of Buddha. Named Siddhartha
Gautama, he was born as a prince into a royal family sometime in the 5th
or 6th century BC. However, at the age of 29 he left his family and
began his quest for enlightenment after seeing the extent of human
suffering outside the walls of his opulent palace.

He became enlightened at Bodhgaya in the Indian
state of Bihar, and is believed to have lived and taught mostly in
eastern India. Buddha is believed to have passed away at Kushinagar in
Uttar Pradesh, at the age of 80.

Many Hindus believe Buddha to be the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, as indicated in scriptures.

When is Buddha Jayanti?

Buddha Jayanti is held on a full moon in late April or May each year. In 2018, Buddha Jayanti falls on April 30. It will be the 2,580th birth anniversary of Lord Buddha.

Where is the Festival Celebrated?

At the various Buddhist sites across India, particularly at Bodhgaya and Sarnath (near Varanasi, where Buddha gave his first sermon), and Kushinagar. Celebrations are widespread in predominantly Buddhist regions such as Sikkim, Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh, and north Bengal (Kalimpong, Darjeeling, and Kurseong) as well.

The festival is also celebrated in Buddha Jayanti Park, Delhi.

The park is located on Ridge Road, towards the southern end of Delhi Ridge. The closest metro train station is Rajiv Chowk.

How is the Festival Celebrated?

include prayer meets, sermons and religious discourses, recitation of
Buddhist scriptures, group meditation, processions, and worship of the
statue of Buddha.

At Bodhgaya, the Mahabodhi Temple wears a festive look and is
decorated with colorful flags and flowers. Special prayers are organized
under the Bodhi Tree (the tree under which Lord Buddha attained
enlightenment). Plan your trip there with this Bodhgaya travel guide and read about my experience of visiting the Mahabodhi Temple.

A large fair is held in Sarnath in Uttar Pradesh. The relics of the Buddha are taken out in public procession.

An International Buddha Poornima Diwas Celebration,
organized by the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) in
conjunction with the Indian Ministry of Culture, was held at Talkatora
Stadium in Delhi for the first time in 2015. The event was attended by
various international guests, monks, and members of parliament. It is
now an annual event.

The National Museum in Delhi
also brings the mortal remains of Buddha (what are believed to be some
of his bones and ashes) out for public viewing on Buddha Jayanti.

Sikkim, the festival is celebrated as Saga Dawa. In Gangtok, a
procession of monks carries the holy book from Tsuklakhang Palace
Monastery around town. It’s accompanied by the blowing of horns, beating
of drums, and burning of incense. Other monasteries in the state also
have special processions and masked dance performances.

What Rituals are Performed During the Festival?

Buddhists visit temples on Buddha Jayanti to listen to monks give talks
and recite ancient verses. Devout Buddhists may spend all day in one or
more temples. Some temples display a small statue of Buddha as a baby.
The statue is placed in a basin filled with water and decorated with
flowers. Visitors to the temple pour water over the statue. This
symbolizes a pure and new beginning. Other statues of Buddha are
worshiped by offerings of incense, flowers, candles and fruit.

pay special attention to Buddha’s teachings Buddha Jayanti. They give
money, food or goods to organizations that help the poor, elderly, and
those who are sick. Caged animals are bought and set free to show care
for all living creatures, as preached by Buddha. The usual dress is pure

Non-vegetarian food is normally avoided. Kheer, a
sweet rice porridge is also commonly served to recall the story of
Sujata, a maiden who offered the Buddha a bowl of milk porridge.

What to Expect During the Festival

Buddha Jayanti is an extremely peaceful and uplifting occasion.

Buddha Purnima, Vesak Day 2018 Date, Information, History, Importance, Essay, Speech, Quotes, Wishes & Celebrations, Article

Buddha Purnima, Vesak Day 2018 Date, Information, History, Importance, Essay, Speech, Quotes, Wishes

Today, Buddhism has gained worldwide acceptance around
the world. More and more people throughout the world are inclined
towards the peaceful and nonviolent teachings of Buddhism. The law of
karma has offered a new way of thinking and has given a new direction of
life to numerous people around the world.
Buddhism, as we
know it today, can be traced back to a person named Siddhartha Gautama,
commonly referred to as Gautama Buddha or Buddha Shakyamuni.

Buddha Purnima or Vesak is widely celebrated across the many states
in India. Students in schools and colleges are asked to write an essay,
speech or paragraph in their exams. Hence in this article, we have given
you all the information about the Gautam Buddha Purnima, Vesak, such as
the history of Buddha Purnima, Vesak, importance and significance of
celebrating the Buddha Purnima, Vesak, quotes slogan, and celebration
ideas and activities for students and citizens to celebrate the Buddha
Purnima, Vesak. So, let’s start.

Buddha Purnima, Vesak 2018 Information, Essay, Speech, Article, & Celebration Ideas, Activities

Introduction to Vesak or Buddha Purnima

Buddha Purnima festival is dedicated to celebrating the birth
of Lord Buddha. Buddha Purnima or Buddha Jayanti is celebrated by the
followers of Buddhism with traditional religious sentiments. Buddha
Purnima falls on the full moon day in the Hindu month of Vaisakh
(April/May). Lord Buddha was born on the Full Moon day in the month of
Vaisakh in 563 BC. Also, it is important to note that Buddha achieved
enlightenment and nirvana (salvation) on the same day (the Full Moon
day). Thus, Buddha Purnima also marks the death anniversary of Gautam
Buddha. A large fair is held at Sarnath on the occasion of Buddha
Jayanti as Gautam Buddha gave his first sermon at this place.Therefore,
this place holds an important place in Buddhism.

Buddha Purnima is also celebrated at Gaya and Kushinagar and
other parts of India and all over the world. Buddha Purnima celebrations
at Sarnath are popular all around the world and Buddhist from other
countries come to India to be a part of this celebration. The devotees
offer their prayers at the temples in Sarnath. Sermons, recitation of
Buddhist scriptures and other religious processions are performed by the
Buddhists devotees to their god.

What is Vesak?

Vesak is a religious and cultural festival celebrated by
Buddhists all over the world. It is celebrated on the day of the full
moon in the month of April/May. 
Vesak Day is one of the
biggest festivals celebrated by Buddhists all over the world with utmost
devotion.  This day holds great importance for Buddhists as this day is
marked with important events that took place in the life of Lord Buddha
on this day.
First comes the birth of Siddhartha Gautama
in Lumbini in Nepal where queen Mahamaya gave him birth to which took
under the arbor of Sat tree. The second event was the attainment of
enlightenment by Buddha under the Mahabodhi tree in Gaya.
The third event was Lord Buddha’s Parinibbana over 2500 years ago at Kushinagar.

Origin and History of Vesak, Buddha Purnima Festival

Buddha Purnima is celebrated by devotees of Gautam Buddha
worldwide, commemorating his birthday. As per Theravada Tripitaka,
Buddha was born on this day in Lumbini, now known as Nepal approximately
around the year 563 BC.
If folklores are to be believed,
an astrologer visited Suddhodana, the king and father of Buddha (then
known as Siddhartha) at the time of his birth and predicted that the
young Siddharth will grow up and leave behind all wealth and luxuries to
become a holy man. On knowing this, the king always protected his son
from difficulties of the real world.

Buddha Purnima Vesak WhatsApp Status videos for 2018

But when Prince Siddhartha was twenty-nine years old when his
life changed. In carriage rides outside his palaces he first saw a sick
person, then an old man, then a corpse. This shook him to the core of
his being and he realized that his privileged status would not protect
him from sickness, old age, and death. When he saw a happy spiritual
seeker the urge to seek the peace of mind arose in him and he decided to
follow the path of peace and spirituality.

Also, this day is marked as the day when he attained salvation
or Nirvana under the Mahabodhi tree at Bodh Gaya. Devotees celebrate the
day by preaching and offering prayers to Lord Buddha. Buddha Purnima is
celebrated in countries like India, China, Bhutan, Nepal, Singapore,
South Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam etc. Being the
birthplace of Lord Buddha, every year millions of devotees come to
Gaya, Kushinagar and Sarnath to celebrate the most important occasion of
Buddhism. A large fair is held in Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh, a major
Buddhist pilgrimage site where Buddha delivered his first sermon after
attaining enlightenment. Devotees, on this day, wear white clothes,
pray, meditate and chant from the scriptures, following which, they make
fruits and sweets’ offerings to the Buddha idols. 
Coincidentally, this day is also marked as the death anniversary of Gautam Buddha.

Essay on Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Biography, Speech, Article in English

Though the followers of Buddhism have been celebrating Buddhist
festivals for centuries, but it was at first conference of the World
Fellowship of Buddhists held in Sri Lanka in 1950, the decision to
celebrate Vesak as Buddha’s birthday was taken. Although it took 49
years for the United Nations to recognize the importance of Buddha
Purnima. The UN announced only in the year 1999 that it would be
celebrating Buddha Purnima at their offices and at their headquarters in
New York City.

Importance and Significance of Vesak, Buddha Purnima Festival

The significance of Vesak lies with Buddha and his universal
peace message to the mankind. It teaches its followers to take the right
path and to turn away from evil. It is a message of peace and perfect
harmony between human beings and nature. 
The United Nations
General Assembly accepted the importance of “Vesak” and in 1999 by its
resolution 54/115 acknowledged that Buddhism as one of the oldest
religions in the world contributing to peace and harmony in the world
for over 2500 years and is commemorated annually at the United Nations
Headquarters and UN Offices.

Vesak Day 2018 celebrations, Ideas, Activities, and events

On Vesak, all Buddhist homes, public places, temples, etc., are
illuminated with lanterns and lamps. Various religious groups,
neighborhood groups and associations provide free food to people
including lunch, dinner, snacks, drinks. The night of the full moon day
in the month of Vesak and the following day people enjoy decorations
done with lanterns and pandals. Buddhists on this day visit temples and
listen to monks who preach the teachings of the Lord Buddha. Some
temples display a small statue of Buddha as a baby. The statue is placed
in a basin filled with water and decorated with flowers. Visitors to
the temple pour water over the statue. This symbolizes a pure and new

Many Buddhists focus on spreading Buddha’s teachings during
Vesak. They may wear white robes and only follow vegetarian diet on and
around Vesak. Caged animals are bought and set free to display care for
all living creatures, as preached by Buddha.

Quotes by Gautam Buddha for Buddha Purnima, Vesak 2018 Messages, Wishes & WhatsApp Status

This year on his 2580th birth anniversary let us recall some important teachings by Lord Buddha

  • Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship
  • Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
  • Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.
  • No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path
  • To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family,
    to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own
    mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to
    Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally
  • Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.
  • You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.
  • We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.
  • Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and
    the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases
    by being shared.
  • You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
  • To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.

Teachings of Lord Buddha for Buddha Purnima, Vesak 2018

Buddha always believed that instead of teaching people what to
believe in life and what path to follow, it is important to realize
enlightenment for one’s own self.
The foundational teaching
of Buddhism is based on the Four Noble Truths. The First Truth tells us
that life is dukkha which is referred by him as “stressful” and “unable
to satisfy.”

The Second Truth tells us dukkha has a reason behind it. The
immediate reason is craving for something in life. People often do not
understand reality and misunderstand others. We perceive life in a
narrow and selfish way and going through life and we think that craving
will make us happy. But we find satisfaction only briefly, and then the
anxiety and craving start again.

The Third Truth tells us we can know the cause of dukkha and be
liberated by setting us free from stress and cravings.Merely adopting
Buddhist beliefs will not accomplish this, however. Liberation depends
on one’s own insight into the source of dukkha. The craving will not
cease until you realize for yourself what’s causing it.

The Fourth Truth tells us that insight comes through the
practice of the Noble Eightfold Path. The Eight fold Paths might be
explained as an outline of eight areas of practice ― including
meditation, mindfulness, and living an ethical life that benefits others
― that will help us live happier lives and find the wisdom of


This year April 30 will be celebrated as Buddha Purnima all
around the world. This year also, millions of devotees will come
together to celebrate the day dedicated to Lord Buddha who spent his
life preaching about peace and spirituality. He has always taught to
follow the right path in life no matter how difficult it is. This will
ultimately help us to become a better human being in life.

Dhamek Stupa at Sarnath (Varanasi) is a massive…

Prabuddha Bharath Land of Buddha

Lord Buddha

Lord Buddha

Tawang Monastery

Tawang Monastery

Sikkim Monks

Bodhi Temple,Sarnath

Wishing everyone a happy Chitra Pournami and a happy Buddha Purnima/Vesak

Buddha Purnima : Here’s how people are celebrating Gautam Buddha’s birthday worldwide

Wishing everyone a happy Chitra Pournami and a happy Buddha Purnima/Vesak

Chitra Pournami is a very significant day.

Buddha Purnima, known as Vesak, also falls on 30th May 2017. The day is
extremely significant, not only because this was the day when the
little prince Siddhartha was born, but because he attained awakenment
under the Bodhi tree in Gaya and became Gautama Buddha, the founder of
Buddhism, on the same full moon day. Interestingly he also got Nibbana
or salvation in Kushinagar on the same (Purnima) day in the month of
Vaisakh (April-May). That moment of awakenment with awareness, under the
Bodhi tree in Gaya, changed the course of spiritual seeking forever.
The four most important places of worship in Buddhism are Lumbini in
Nepal, where Buddha was born to the King Shuddhodana (King of
Kapilvattu) and Queen Maya Devi, Bodh Gaya in Bihar, where he got
awakenment with awareness, Sarnath in Varanasi, where he gave his first
sermon to five devotees, and Kushinagar, where at the age of 80, he
attained salvation Nibbana.

this day, we find monks giving discourses and sermons highlighting the
teachings of Gautama Buddha at all these places. Devotees congregate to
offer prayers and water to the statue of Buddha placed in water and
decorated with flowers, symbolic of a new beginning. A large fair is
held at Sarnath and the ancient relics of the Buddha are taken out for
public display in a procession. Giving food and clothes to the poor is
another important activity undertaken by the devotees. Most of them
prefer to wear white clothes, eat vegetarian food and distribute kheer
in memory of a woman devotee named Sujata, who had offered Gautama
Buddha a bowl of sweet milk porridge on this day.

from India, Buddha Purnima is celebrated with great religious fervour
in many other South Asian countries, including Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Cambodia, China, Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan.

Wishing everyone a happy Chitra Pournami and a happy Buddha Purnima/Vesak

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