Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

May 2008
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119 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words 𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4427 Sun 8 May 2022 Buddha’s own words on compassion and kindness towards all living beings
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 119 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words
𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4427  Sun 8  May  2022

Buddha’s own words on compassion and kindness towards all living beings

Buddha’s own words on compassion and kindness towards all living beings

the sects that arose after the Buddha’s death, what we now call
Theravada, the “way of the elders,” is the sole surviving strand. As the
oldest of the three main Buddhist traditions, it is the one most
closely associated with the teachings of the historical Buddha. The
school is rooted in the Tipitaka (Sanskrit, Tripitaka), “the three
baskets,” three collections of texts. Collected in the Tipitaka are some
of the earliest known Buddhist texts: the Suttas (Sanskrit, sutras),
accounts of hundreds of oral teachings given by the Buddha and his
senior disciples; the Vinaya, rules of the monastic order; and the
Abhidhamma (Sanskrit, Abhidharma), later scholarly commentaries on the
teachings. Together they form the Pali canon, a collection of
foundational texts that comprise the doctrinal basis of Theravada.
rests on core Buddhist teachings including the four noble truths and
eightfold path to enlightenment, the three jewels (Buddha, dharma, and
sangha), and concepts such as impermanence, non-self, karma, rebirth,
and dependent origination (the co-arising of phenomena), along with
ethical precepts and the meditation practices of samatha (calm abiding)
and vipassana (insight).
the Buddha set out ethical guidelines for lay practitioners, Theravada
is essentially a monastic tradition, emphasizing vows of renunciation
and self-purification. For the Theravadin, the spiritual ideal is the
arahant (Sanskrit, arhat), or “accomplished one,” who through solitary
effort attains nirvana—liberation from the suffering of cyclic existence
that marks samsara, or worldly life. In classical Theravada, a
layperson could become a “stream-enterer”—the first of four levels of
attainment on the path to enlightenment. But the disciplined life of a
monastic was deemed essential to reach the highest level—a non-returner
like the Buddha, whose “final nirvana” experienced at his death freed
him from rebirth.
has sometimes been called “Southern Buddhism”: from its origins in
northern India, it fanned out across southern Asia and today remains the
predominant form of Buddhism practiced in Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma),
Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos, and it is also practiced in Europe, the
Americas, and beyond.
What is Theravada Buddhism?
Buddhism is the oldest of the three main Buddhist traditions and is
most closely associated with the teachings of the historical Buddha.


But a noble one produces

An abundance of merit

By having a compassionate mind Towards all living beings.

“Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.”

“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.”
“You don’t have a Soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”
“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”
“One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world.”

“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you start to filter it with positive thoughts your life will start to change.”
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”
“If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you would not let a single meal pass without sharing it in some way.”

“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.”
May all beings everywhere be safe and well.

May all beings everywhere be happy and content.

May all beings everywhere be healthy and strong.

May all beings everywhere be peaceful and at ease.
Buddhism and all beings’ right to life
large majority of human beings deny the right to life of animals and
other sentient beings, including insects. Why? (Sentient being is a
living being endowed with mind and consciousness). The late Venerable
Narada Thera in his book titled, Manual of Buddhism, states as follows-
“The tolerance of…


गौतम बुद्ध : मन को शांत कैसे करें | How To Make Your Mind Peaceful : Gautam Buddha
लेकिन एक नेक का उत्पादन करता है
योग्यता की एक बहुतायत
सभी जीवित प्राणियों के प्रति एक दयालु मन होने से।
“शांत मन और आत्मा बोलेंगे।”
“हम जो कुछ भी सोचते हैं उसका परिणाम है।”
“आपको क्या लगता है आप कया बनेंगे। आप क्या महसूस करते हैं, आप आकर्षित करते हैं। आप क्या कल्पना करते हैं, आप बनाते हैं। ”
“आपके पास एक आत्मा नहीं है। आप एक आत्मा हैं। आपके पास एक शरीर है। ”
“हर सुबह हम फिर से पैदा होते हैं। आज हम जो करते हैं वह सबसे ज्यादा मायने रखता है। ”
“एक पल एक दिन बदल सकता है, एक दिन एक जीवन बदल सकता है, और एक जीवन दुनिया को बदल सकता है।”
दिमाग एक शक्तिशाली चीज है। जब आप इसे सकारात्मक विचारों के साथ फ़िल्टर
करना शुरू करते हैं तो आपका जीवन बदलना शुरू हो जाएगा। ”
“स्वास्थ्य सबसे बड़ा उपहार है, सबसे बड़ा धन, सबसे अच्छा रिश्ता विश्वास।”
आप जानते हैं कि मैं देने की शक्ति के बारे में क्या जानता हूं, तो आप इसे
किसी तरह से साझा किए बिना एक भी भोजन पास नहीं होने देंगे।”
“जब आपको एहसास होता है कि सब कुछ कितना सही है तो आप अपने सिर को वापस झुकाएंगे और आकाश पर हंसेंगे।”
हर जगह सभी प्राणी सुरक्षित और अच्छी तरह से हो सकते हैं।
हर जगह सभी प्राणी खुश और संतुष्ट हो सकते हैं।
हर जगह सभी प्राणी स्वस्थ और मजबूत हो सकते हैं।
हर जगह सभी प्राणी शांतिपूर्ण और आराम से हो सकते हैं।
बौद्ध धर्म और सभी प्राणियों के जीवन का अधिकार
गौतम बुद्ध : मन को शांत कैसे करें | How To Make Your Mind Peaceful : Gautam Buddha

  • 08) Classical Afrikaans– Klassieke Afrikaans

    Soothing music for meditation. Meditative Mind. Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.
    Maar ‘n edele produseer
    ‘N oorvloed meriete
    Deur ‘n deernisvolle gedagtes te hê teenoor alle lewende wesens.
    ‘Stil die gees en die siel sal praat.’
    ‘Al wat ons is, is die resultaat van wat ons gedink het.’
    ‘Wat jy dink, word jy. Wat jy voel, trek jy aan. Wat jy voorstel, skep jy. ”
    ‘Jy het nie ‘n siel nie. Jy is ‘n siel. Jy het ‘n liggaam. ”
    ‘Ons word elke oggend wedergebore. Wat ons vandag doen, is wat die belangrikste is. ”
    ‘Een oomblik kan ‘n dag verander, eendag kan ‘n lewe verander, en een lewe kan die wêreld verander.’
    ‘U gedagtes is ‘n kragtige ding. As u dit met positiewe gedagtes begin filter, sal u lewe begin verander. ”
    ‘Gesondheid is die grootste geskenk, tevredenheid die grootste rykdom, getrouheid die beste verhouding.’
    u weet wat ek weet van die krag van gee, sou u nie toelaat dat ‘n
    enkele maaltyd verbygaan sonder om dit op een of ander manier te deel
    ‘As jy besef hoe perfek alles is, sal jy jou kop terug kantel en vir die lug lag.’
    Mag alle wesens oral veilig en goed wees.
    Mag alle wesens oral gelukkig en tevrede wees.
    Mag alle wesens oral gesond en sterk wees.
    Mag alle wesens oral rustig en gemaklik wees.
    Boeddhisme en alle wesens se reg op die lewe
Soothing music for meditation. Meditative Mind. Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.

  • 09) Classical Albanian-Shqiptare klasike,

    Por një fisnik prodhon
    Një bollëk meritësh
    Duke pasur një mendje të dhembshur ndaj të gjitha qenieve të gjalla.
    “Qetë mendja dhe shpirti do të flasin.”
    “E gjithë ajo që jemi është rezultat i asaj që kemi menduar.”
    “Ajo që mendoni, bëheni. Ajo që ndiheni, ju tërheq. Çfarë e imagjinoni, ju krijoni. “
    “Ju nuk keni shpirt. Ju jeni një shpirt. Ju keni një trup. “
    “Çdo mëngjes ne kemi lindur përsëri. Ajo që ne bëjmë sot është ajo që ka më shumë rëndësi. “
    “Një moment mund të ndryshojë në ditë, një ditë mund të ndryshojë një jetë, dhe një jetë mund të ndryshojë botën.”
    “Mendja juaj është një gjë e fuqishme. Kur filloni ta filtroni atë me mendime pozitive jeta juaj do të fillojë të ndryshojë. “
    “Shëndeti është dhurata më e madhe, kënaqësia e pasurisë më të madhe, besnikëria marrëdhënia më e mirë.”
    do të dinit se çfarë di për fuqinë e dhënies, nuk do të lejonit që një
    vakt i vetëm të kalonte pa e ndarë atë në një farë mënyre.”
    “Kur të kuptoni se sa e përsosur është gjithçka, ju do ta ktheni kokën prapa dhe të qeshni në qiell.”
    Të gjitha qeniet kudo kudo të jenë të sigurta dhe mirë.
    Të gjitha qeniet kudo kudo të jenë të lumtur dhe të kënaqur.
    Të gjitha qeniet kudo kudo të jenë të shëndetshëm dhe të fortë.
    Le të jenë të gjitha qeniet kudo të jenë paqësore dhe të lehta.
    Budizmi dhe e drejta e të gjitha qenieve për jetën
    Cfare eshte zgjimi shpirteror? Pjesa 2. Matrix
    Me ndihmoni Te bej me shume Video te Tilla Duke bere Donacione K

  • 10) Classical Amharic-አንጋፋዊ አማርኛ,

    ግን አንድ ክቡር የሆነ አንድ ምርት
    የተትረፈረፈ ግርማ
    ለሁሉም ሕያዋን ፍጥረታት ሁሉ ርኅሩኅ አእምሮ በማግኘት.
    “ዝም በል ነፍስም ይናገራል.”
    “እኛ እኛ ብቻ ያለነው ነገር ባሰብነው ውጤት ነው.”
    “እርስዎ የሚመስሉት, ትሆናለህ. ምን እንደሚሰማዎት, ይስማማሉ. የምትታየው ነገር, ትፈጥርላለህ. “
    ነፍስ የለዎትም. ነፍስ ነሽ. አካል አለህ.
    “በየቀኑ ጠዋት እንደገና ተወለድን. ዛሬ የምናደርገው ነገር ጉዳዮች በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው. “
    አንድ ቀን አንድ ቀን ሊለወጥ ይችላል, አንድ ቀን ሕይወት ሊለውጥ ይችላል, እና አንድ ሕይወት ዓለምን ሊለውጠው ይችላል.
    አእምሮህ ኃይለኛ ነገር ነው. በአዎንታዊ ሀሳቦች ማጣራት ሲጀምሩ ሕይወትዎ መለወጥ ይጀምራል. “
    “ጤና ትልቁ ስጦታ, እርካታ ያለው ታላቅ ግንኙነት, ታማኝነት, ታማኝነት ነው.”
    “ስለ የመስጠት ኃይል የማውቀውን ካወቅክ አንድ ምግብ በሆነ መንገድ ሳያጋራ አንድ ምግብ እንዲያልፍ አይፈቅዱም.”
    ሁሉም ነገር ምን ያህል ፍጹም እንደሆነ ሲገነዘቡ ጭንቅላቱን መልሰው ያቆማሉ እና በሰማይ ላይ ሳቁ. “
    በሁሉም ቦታ ሁሉም ፍጥረታት ደህና ይሁኑ እና ደህና ይሁኑ.
    በየትኛውም ቦታ ያሉ ሁሉም ፍጥረታት ደስተኛ እና ይዘቶች ይሁኑ.
    በየትኛውም ቦታ ሁሉም ፍጥረታት ጤናማ እና ጠንካራ ይሁኑ.
    በየትኛውም ቦታ ያሉ ሁሉም ፍጥረታት ሰላማዊ እና ቀላል ይሁኑ.
    ቡድሂዝም እና የሕይወቱ መብት ሁሉ
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  • 11) Classical Arabic-اللغة العربية الفصحى

  • Public

    لكن النبيلة تنتج
    وفرة من الجدارة
    من خلال وجود عقل عاطفي تجاه جميع الكائنات الحية.
    “هادئ العقل والروح سوف تتحدث.”
    “كل ما نحن عليه هو نتيجة ما فكرنا فيه.”
    “ماذا تظن انك ستصبح. ما تشعر به ، أنت تجذب. ما تتخيله ، تنشئه “.
    “ليس لديك روح. أنت روح. لديك جسم. “
    “كل صباح نولد مرة أخرى. ما نفعله اليوم هو أكثر ما يهم “.
    “يمكن أن تتغير لحظة واحدة في اليوم ، ويمكن أن يغير يوم واحد من الحياة ، ويمكن أن تغير حياة واحدة من العالم.”
    “عقلك هو شيء قوي. عندما تبدأ في تصفيةه بأفكار إيجابية ، ستبدأ حياتك في التغيير. “
    “الصحة هي أعظم هدية ، والرضا أعظم ثروة ، وإخلاص أفضل علاقة.”
    “إذا كنت تعرف ما أعرفه عن قوة العطاء ، فلن تدع وجبة واحدة تمر دون مشاركتها بطريقة ما.”
    “عندما تدرك كم هو مثالي ، ستميل رأسك إلى الخلف وتضحك على السماء.”
    قد تكون جميع الكائنات في كل مكان آمنة وبصحة جيدة.
    قد تكون جميع الكائنات في كل مكان سعداء ومحتوى.
    قد تكون جميع الكائنات في كل مكان يتمتعون بصحة جيدة وقوية.
    أتمنى أن تكون جميع الكائنات في كل مكان سلميًا وراحة.
    البوذية وجميع الحق في الحياة
    Tony Robbins: STOP Wasting Your LIFE! (Change Everything in Just 90 DAYS)

  • 13) Classical Assamese-ধ্ৰুপদী অসমীয়া

    এজন মহৎ ব্যক্তিয়ে উৎপাদন কৰে যোগ্যতাৰ প্ৰাচুৰ্য সকলো জীৱৰ প্ৰতি
    সহানুভূতিশীল মন ৰখাৰ দ্বাৰা। “মন আৰু আত্মাই কথা ক’ব। “আমি যি ভাবিছোঁ তাৰ
    ফলস্বৰূপে আমি সকলো।” “আপুনি যি ভাবে, আপুনি হ’ব। আপুনি কি অনুভৱ কৰে,
    আপুনি আকৰ্ষিত কৰে। আপুনি যি কল্পনা কৰে, আপুনি সৃষ্টি কৰে।” “আপোনাৰ আত্মা
    নাই। আপুনি এজন আত্মা। আপোনাৰ এটা শৰীৰ আছে।” “প্ৰত্যেক ৰাতিপুৱা আমি পুনৰ
    জন্ম গ্ৰহণ কৰোঁ। আজি আমি যি কৰোঁ সেয়াই আটাইতকৈ গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ।”
    মুহূৰ্তই দিনসলনি কৰিব পাৰে, এদিনে এটা জীৱন সলনি কৰিব পাৰে, আৰু এটা
    জীৱনে পৃথিৱীখন সলনি কৰিব পাৰে।” “আপোনাৰ মন এটা শক্তিশালী বস্তু। যেতিয়া
    আপুনি ইয়াক ইতিবাচক চিন্তাৰে ফিল্টাৰ কৰিবলৈ আৰম্ভ কৰে তেতিয়া আপোনাৰ
    জীৱন সলনি হ’ব।” “স্বাস্থ্য হৈছে আটাইতকৈ ডাঙৰ উপহাৰ, সন্তুষ্টি সৰ্বাধিক
    সম্পদ, বিশ্বস্ততা সৰ্বশ্ৰেষ্ঠ সম্পৰ্ক।” “যদি আপুনি জানে যে মই দিয়াৰ
    শক্তিৰ বিষয়ে কি জানো, তেন্তে আপুনি কোনো প্ৰকাৰে ভাগ-বতৰা নকৰাকৈ
    এটাআহাৰও পাৰ হ’বলৈ নিদিব।” “যেতিয়া আপুনি অনুভৱ কৰিব যে সকলোবোৰ কিমান
    নিখুঁত আপুনি আপোনাৰ মূৰটো পিছলৈ হেলনীয়া কৰিব আৰু আকাশত হাঁহিব।” সকলো
    জন্তু সুৰক্ষিত আৰু ভাল হওঁক। সকলো জন্তু সুখী আৰু সন্তুষ্ট হওঁক। সকলো
    ঠাইতে সকলো বোৰ জীয়াই স্বাস্থ্যৱান আৰু শক্তিশালী হওঁক। সকলো বোৰ সতেজ
    শান্তিপূৰ্ণ আৰু স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যত থাকক। বৌদ্ধ ধৰ্ম আৰু সকলো জীৱৰ জীৱনৰ
    শৈলেন বাবু যাতে হিন্দু মুসলমানের মেয়ে গো সত্যপীর
    SK SAHALAM MOBILE. 8348902554
  • 14) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik Azərbaycan,

    Ancaq bir nəcib bir istehsal edir
    Bir çox ləyaqət
    Bütün canlılara qarşı mərhəmətli bir düşüncə keçirməklə.
    “Ağlını və ruhu sakitcə danışacaq.”
    “Bütün olduğumuz hər şey düşündüyümüzün nəticəsidir.”
    “Nə düşünürsən, sən olursan. Nə hiss edirsən, cəlb edirsən. Nə təsəvvür edirsən, yaradırsan. “
    “Bir ruhunuz yoxdur. Sən bir ruhsan. Bir bədəniniz var. “
    “Hər səhər yenidən doğuluruq. Bu gün nə etdiklərimiz ən çox vacibdir. “
    “Bir an bir gün dəyişə bilər, bir gün bir həyat dəyişə bilər və bir həyat dünyanı dəyişə bilər.”
    “Ağlınız güclü bir şeydir. Həyatınızın dəyişməyə başlayacaq müsbət düşüncələrlə süzməyə başlayanda. “
    “Sağlamlıq ən böyük hədiyyədir, ən böyük sərvəti, sədaqət ən yaxşı əlaqəsidir.”
    “Verməyin gücü haqqında bildiyimi bilsəydin, bir yeməkdən bir şəkildə paylaşmadan bir yemək keçməsinə icazə verməzdin.”
    “Hər şeyin nə qədər mükəmməl olduğunu başa düşəndə ​​başınızı geri əyəcək və göyə güldürəcəksən.”
    Hər yerdə bütün varlıqlar təhlükəsiz və yaxşı olsun.
    Hər yerdə bütün varlıqlar xoşbəxt və məzmun olsun.
    Hər yerdə bütün varlıqlar sağlam və güclü ola bilər.
    Hər yerdə bütün varlıqlar dinc və rahat olsun.
    Buddizm və bütün varlıqların həyat hüququ-buddha
    Buddhist Mantra For Healing all Sufferings, Pain and Depression - Tayata Om Mantra

    BSP candidates may upset plans of other parties in Bidar district

    M.B. Girish

    BSP has given ticket to rebels candidates from Congress, JD(S), BJP

    Fierce contest is on the cards in Basavkalyan constituency

    Bandeppa Kashempur, Sanjay Kheny and Naseemoddin Patel to fight it out in Bidar South

    BIDAR: The entry of Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) candidates into the fray may upset the plans of the nominees of other parties in some constituencies in Bidar district which will go to the polls on May 22.

    The BSP has given ticket to rebel candidates from the Congress, Janata Dal (Secular) and Bharatiya Janata Party.

    Naseemoddin Patel is contesting from Bidar South constituency on the BSP ticket after the Janata Dal (S) denied his candidature, Shantappa G. Patil, who was denied the BJP ticket, is the BSP candidate for Basavakalayn and Raheem Khan is contesting on the BSP ticket from Bidar Assembly seat after the Congress went in favour of the former Minister Gurupadappa Nagamarapalli.

    The BJP, which has fielded Raghunathrao Malkapure, who belongs to the Kuruba community, for Bidar constituency, is said to have a large vote base in the segment as the party nominees Narayanrao Manhalli won the seat in 1983 and 1989 and Rameshkumar Pande in 1999.

    The Congress, which won the seat in 1985, has fielded Mr. Nagamarapalli, a Lingayat. BSP, which won the Bidar seat in 1994 elections, has fielded Mr. Khan.

    The former Minister Bandeppa Kashempur of the Janata Dal (S), Sanjay Kheny of the BJP and Mr. Naseemoddin Patel are locked in a triangular contest in Bidar South, a new constituency.

    Both Mr. Kashempur and Mr. Kheny, whose native villages Kashempur and Ranjol Kheny respectively, are part of the constituency, are banking on their popularity and their family reputation. Mr. Naseemoddin Patel, a member of the zilla panchayat, is counting on the votes of minority community people.

    Samad Siddique of the Congress is said to be a “weak” candidate in the constituency.

    State unit president of the Janata Dal (S) Merajuddin Patel is contesting for Humnabad constituency where Rajshekar Patil of the Congress and Subhash Kallur of the BJP are in the fray.

    In Aurad constituency, which is reserved for the Scheduled Castes candidates, Narsinghrao Suryawanshi of the Congress, MP, is in a straight fight with the BJP’s Prabhu Chavan.

    Both are counting on the votes of Marathi-speaking people who are in large numbers in the constituency. Baburao Kadam is the Janata Dal (S) candidate.

    Prakash Khandre of the BJP, Ishwar Khandre of the Congress and Anil Bhusare of the Janata Dal (S) are in the contest in Bhalki.

    In the previous elections, the constituency witnessed a direct fight between Mr. Ishwar Khandre and Mr. Prakash Khandre. However, Mr. Prakash Khandre won the seat.

    Fierce contest is likely on the cards in Basavkalyan as Mr. Shantappa Patil has entered the fray as the BSP candidate.

    He has to fight it out with Basavraj Patil Attur of the BJP, Maruti Muley of the Congress and Mallikarjun Khuba of the Janata Dal (S).

    In the last elections, Mr. Khuba was the Janata Dal (S) candidate, Mr. Attur - Janata Dal (United), Mr. Muley -Congress and Mr. Shantappa Patil was the BJP candidate.

    5.84 % decrease in voter turnout in Raichur dist

    According to official information received, the average turnout in Raichur district of the North Karnataka region was 54.01 per cent as against 59.85 per cent in the 2004 elections.

    The voter turnout has come down by 5.84 per cent, compared to the 2004 elections, in Raichur district of the North Karnataka region in the second phase of elections to Karnataka Assembly, which was held on May 16.

    According to official information received, the average turnout in the district was 54.01 per cent as against 59.85 per cent in the 2004 elections. The district had recorded the lowest turnout in the polls in the state.

    It may be noted that in 2004, the elections were held simultaneously to the Assembly and Lok Sabha. The number of voters in the district had also increased to 12,47,868 from 10,82,77 in 2004. Only 6,73,934 voters had exercised their franchise in this election

    Sindhanur Assembly constituency topped the list with the highest voter turnout of 58.65 per cent, followed by Raichur Rural constituency, recording 56.27 per cent polling, Deodurga constituency (55.71 per cent), Manvi (54.66), Maski (53.59) Lingsugur (53.56) and Raichur City (45.19).

    An election official said strict implementation of rules, and making photo identity cards mandatory were some of the reasons for the reduced turnout. Rigging was considerably reduced in all the constituencies, the official claimed. Meanwhile, some technical problems had forced the election authorities to order repolling in two booths in Maski constituency, which was being held.

    Mr. Gandhi faced the brunt of the simmering discontent within the Congress when his motorcade was proceeding to Amethi from Lucknow.

    The issue came to the boil after he addressed party workers at Jagdishpur village, 70 km away, when he pointed out that he had received complaints of internal squabbles and that it amounted to “indiscipline”.

    As he started out for the town, a local Youth Congress leader and several party workers squatted in front of his motorcade, forcing it to a halt.

    When Mr. Gandhi asked them what the trouble was, they accused him of not fulfilling his promise made six months ago and said that not one of those displaced by the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited plant set up at Jagdishpur was given a job.

    Party sources said the activists were also peeved at Mr. Gandhi “not spending enough time with them.” “He has taken a note of their demand on the BHEL project and would be talking to the higher authorities,” they said.

    Manual scavenging still rampant in North East Delhi, says report

    Parul Sharma

    Finance and Development Corporation had sponsored the study to identify scavengers in the city

    As per the report scavenging is a women dominated profession

    ‘The scavengers have high aspirations for their children and want them to study’

    NEW DELHI: While 15 years have lapsed since the demeaning and humiliating practice of manual scavenging was banned through the enactment of the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993, manual scavenging is still rampant in North East Delhi, where a majority of Delhi’s 1,282 scavengers work, a study by a Delhi University lecturer has revealed.

    According to the study conducted by Pamela Singla, a lecturer at the Department of Social Work at Delhi University, the main pockets of residence and workplace of people engaged in removal of night soil are in areas like Karawal Nagar, Old Seelampur, Shahdara, Gandhi Nagar, Nand Nagri and Babarpur. “Scavenging is done mainly by two ways, either by cleaning of drains or emptying the containers containing night soil,” said Dr. Singla, sharing the findings of the study that she conducted for the Delhi SC/ST/OBC/Minorities/Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation.

    The Corporation had sponsored the study to identify scavengers in the city. Acting on the report, the Delhi State Cabinet had recently decided to initiate steps for the rehabilitation of manual scavengers.

    As per the report, “Scavengers and Scavenging in Delhi”, submitted to the Corporation in July last year, scavenging is a women dominated profession.

    “About 80 per cent of scavengers are women and majority of them are married. Over 71 per cent are below 40 years of age. Out of 1,282 scavengers, 1,085 reside and work in Delhi, while the remaining work in the Capital but live in Loni. Besides scavenging, they also collect garbage and clean septic tanks. They are engaged in scavenging purely owing to financial reasons as they have to fend for their families,” shared Dr. Singla.

    A majority of them are not satisfied with their jobs since the work is “extremely filthy”. About 12 per cent of scavengers said they could not quit the profession as there was no alternative means of employment available to them because of their illiteracy.

    “They are not sure what they want to do. During informal interactions with some of the women, I could gauge that they were not ready to undergo training for any other job. They showed willingness to do government jobs. Some women even said they would not mind scavenging if it would be counted under government jobs and would give them a regular, fixed income at the end of the month coupled with weekly holidays,” she said.

    According to the report, the scavengers had high aspirations for their children and wanted them to study and get into some “dignified profession”.

    Interestingly, Dr. Singla had conducted the same study way back in 1992 and was glad to note that the number of human scavengers in the Capital had come down from 8,000 back then to 1,282 this time round.

    “Things have improved in some ways. In 1992, there were many scavengers who carried it (night soil) head load. In 2007, such persons were almost negligible with most carrying it in a cart,” she noted.

    Dr. Singla said the profession can be completely abolished only when the authorities convert “dry” latrines to “wet” latrines with simultaneous programmes for their rehabilitation.

    “As long as there is a demand for their services, scavengers will continue to exist,” she concluded, adding that the Corporation is sharing the report with some ministries.

    7,85,702 people vote in Chitradurga district

    Staff Correspondent

    Hosadurga records highest turnout of 73.4 per cent

    Chitradurga: In the elections to the six Assembly constituencies held here on Friday, the district registered a polling percentage of 67.83.

    Of the 11,58,33 registered voters, 7,85,702 exercised their franchise. The Hosadurga segment took the lead with a poll percentage of 73.4. As many as 1,22,921 voters exercised their franchise there.

    Molakalmur, which is considered to be one of the most backward areas in the district, registered a polling percentage of 71.83 to emerge as the second highest. The number of people who exercised their franchise there was 1,38,317.

    Chitradurga constituency, where 1,37,764 people voted, came third by registering a polling percentage of 66.57.

    Holalkere registered a voter turnout of 66.51 per cent, while Challakere reached 65.46 per cent and Hiriyur 64.27 per cent.


    The counting of votes will take place on May 25 at the Government Arts and Junior College.

    As many as 64 candidates are in the fray

    Good voter turnout

    SIRSI: The Yellapur constituency has registered the highest voting percentage of 75 among the six constituencies in Uttara Kannada. Official sources said that Sirsi registered 73.62 per cent, Haliyal 69.91 per cent, Kumta 68.60 per cent, Karwar 63.51 per cent and Bhatkal 63.44 per cent. Kelaginamane polling booth in Siddapur taluk registered 89.94 per cent voting, Shiraguni booth 88.73 per cent, and Baragalagadda booth registered the lowest of 51.79 per cent, the sources said. Of the 9,51,149 voters in Uttara Kannada, 6,53,63 exercised their franchise. Uttara Kannada registered 68.72 per cent voting, 00.09 per cent more than the previous election.

    Security tightened for counting of votes


    CHAMARAJANAGAR: As many as 159 employees will be deputed on May 25 to carry out counting of votes of the four Assembly constituencies in Chamarajanagar district, Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer K. Vishwanath Reddy has said.

    In a release here on Saturday, he said that 48 counting supervisors, 44 counting assistants and 48 Central Government employees would be put on duty on the day. Counting of votes would be held in the presence of 474 counting agents and 40 candidates, he said. The number of people who had cast their votes was 1,25,856 in Hanur constituency; 1,30,887 in Kollegal; 1,23,597 in Chamarajanagar; and 1,43,341 in Gundlepet, he said.

    The district police have made tight security arrangements on the day of counting. Nearly 183 police personnel would be deployed at the counting centres, he said.

    Kundapur records 90 per cent

    Special Correspondent

    BANGALORE: As many as 67.75 per cent of the electorate cast their ballot on Friday in the second phase of polling in the Legislative Assembly elections in 66 constituencies.

    Kundapura constituency in Udupi recorded 89.61 per cent turnout and Raichur recorded the lowest turnout of 45.19 per cent.

    The polling percentage for some the districts is:

    Raichur: Raichur Rural-56.27, Raichur-45.19, Manvi-54.66, Deodurga- 55.71, Lingsugur-53.56, Sindhanur-58.65 and Maski-53.59.

    Uttara Kannada: Haliyal-69.92, Karwar-63.51, Kumta-68.88, Bhatkal-63.44, Sirsi-73.59 and Yellapur-75.48.

    Bellary: Hadagali – 65.05, Hagaribommanahalli – 69.87, Vijayangara — 67.15, Kampli – 71.32, Siruguppa – 74.31, Bellary – 59.70, Bellary City – 51.87, Sandur – 76.72, and Kudligi - 71.79.

    Chitradurga: Molakalmuru – 71.82, Challakere – 65.46, Chitradurga – 66.57, Hiriyur – 64.27, Hosadurga – 73.40, Holalkere – 66.51.

    Davangere: Jagalur – 71.84, Harapanahalli - 80.13, Harihar – 74.80, Davanagere North – 55.66, ,Davangere South – 62.16, Mayakonda – 70.05, Channagiri – 73.13, and Honnali – 82.31.

    Shimoga: Shimoga Rural – 70.27, Bhadravati – 63.66, Shimoga – 56.74, Tirthahalli – 78.83, Shikaripura – 78.12, Sorab – 76.51, and Sagar – 70.09.


    32 with criminal charges are in the fray

    Special Correspondent

    BANGALORE: Even as the State prepares for the third phase of polling for the Assembly elections, the list of candidates includes a large number of candidates having criminal background from three major parties. A study, “Karnataka Election Watch 2008”, released by the Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR) shows that the wealth of candidates has increased multifold since the last elections in 2004. ADR spokesperson Trilochan Sastry told presspersons here on Saturday that there were 36 candidates with grievous criminal charges such as murder, attempt to murder, bribery, cheating, dacoity, forgery, rape and theft. Of them, 27 were from major political parties.

    The BJP tops the list of parties having candidates with criminal cases against them with 12 candidates followed by the Janata Dal (Secular) with seven and the Congress with six. Eleven other candidates have criminal records.

    Mr. Sastry said the ADR was careful to include only those charges that were serious in nature. One BJP candidate faced charges of murder while in the Congress, four of them faced charges of murder.

    The Janata Dal (Secular) has one such case. The document says 140 candidates with serious criminal charges have contested in all the three phases of elections so far.

    The document states that there are 22 candidates who faced grievous charges in 2004 but the nature of their offences have changed after they became MLAs or when their parties came to power. The ADR wants the authorities to investigate into the charges. Giving details about the volume of wealth accumulated by the candidates contesting in the third phase, the document says the candidates have amassed wealth of Rs. 199.02 crores since the last elections in 2004.


    Bangalore: Not taking action to remove 350 banners and buntings, put up illegally by the supporters of Congress leader D.K Shivakumar on May 16 in connection with his birthday, proved costly for two employees of the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) as they were suspended for dereliction of duty. The suspended employees are: M. Ramesh (Second Division Revenue Inspector) and Yathiraj (First Division Revenue Inspector), both working in the Advertisement (East) division of the BBMP. Meanwhile, a show-cause notice has been issued to Francis, Assistant Revenue Officer, Incharge of Advertisement (East) division on the same issue. — Staff Reporter


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    118 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words 𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4426 Sat 7 May 2022 What is Theravada Buddhism? Chatsumarn Kabilsingh, 68, is trying to revive the ancient tradition of ordaining women monks. She was ordained a full bhikkhuni in Sri Lanka, becoming the Venerable Dhammananda, and returned to Thailand to help other women follow the same path.
    Filed under: General
    Posted by: site admin @ 5:43 am

    118 Buddha’s Most Powerful Positive Own Words

    𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝   4426  Sat  7  May  2022
    What is Theravada Buddhism?
    Chatsumarn Kabilsingh, 68, is trying to revive the ancient tradition of
    ordaining women monks. She was ordained a full bhikkhuni in Sri Lanka,
    becoming the Venerable Dhammananda, and returned to Thailand to help
    other women follow the same path.

    Resentment and complaint are appropriate neither for oneself nor others. #buddhaquotes #buddhismquotes #quotes #inspiringquotes #amazingquotes #bravequotes #smartquotes #wisdom #buddhism #buddhateachingThis contains an image of: Understanding Buddhism:10 Reasons Why Its Not A ReligionThis contains an image of: Inner Peace & Stoicism/Buddhism

    Kindly visit:

    for slideshow

    8. Rescuing a swan shot by Devadatta


    the sects that arose after the Buddha’s death, what we now call
    Theravada, the “way of the elders,” is the sole surviving strand. As the
    oldest of the three main Buddhist traditions, it is the one most
    closely associated with the teachings of the historical Buddha. The
    school is rooted in the Tipitaka (Sanskrit, Tripitaka), “the three
    baskets,” three collections of texts. Collected in the Tipitaka are some
    of the earliest known Buddhist texts: the Suttas (Sanskrit, sutras),
    accounts of hundreds of oral teachings given by the Buddha and his
    senior disciples; the Vinaya, rules of the monastic order; and the
    Abhidhamma (Sanskrit, Abhidharma), later scholarly commentaries on the
    teachings. Together they form the Pali canon, a collection of
    foundational texts that comprise the doctrinal basis of Theravada.

    rests on core Buddhist teachings including the four noble truths and
    eightfold path to enlightenment, the three jewels (Buddha, dharma, and
    sangha), and concepts such as impermanence, non-self, karma, rebirth,
    and dependent origination (the co-arising of phenomena), along with
    ethical precepts and the meditation practices of samatha (calm abiding)
    and vipassana (insight).

    the Buddha set out ethical guidelines for lay practitioners, Theravada
    is essentially a monastic tradition, emphasizing vows of renunciation
    and self-purification. For the Theravadin, the spiritual ideal is the
    arahant (Sanskrit, arhat), or “accomplished one,” who through solitary
    effort attains nirvana—liberation from the suffering of cyclic existence
    that marks samsara, or worldly life. In classical Theravada, a
    layperson could become a “stream-enterer”—the first of four levels of
    attainment on the path to enlightenment. But the disciplined life of a
    monastic was deemed essential to reach the highest level—a non-returner
    like the Buddha, whose “final nirvana” experienced at his death freed
    him from rebirth.

    has sometimes been called “Southern Buddhism”: from its origins in
    northern India, it fanned out across southern Asia and today remains the
    predominant form of Buddhism practiced in Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma),
    Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos, and it is also practiced in Europe, the
    Americas, and beyond.
    What is Theravada Buddhism?
    Buddhism is the oldest of the three main Buddhist traditions and is
    most closely associated with the teachings of the historical Buddha.

    In pictures: Thailand’s female monks
    Thai women have not been ordained as monks for seven centuries – but one woman is trying to revive the tradition.

    Chatsumarn Kabilsingh, 68, is trying to revive the ancient tradition of
    ordaining women monks. She was ordained a full bhikkhuni in Sri Lanka,
    becoming the Venerable Dhammananda, and returned to Thailand to help
    other women follow the same path.

    Two bhikkhunis, or female Buddhist monks, at Wat Plak Mai Lai, a forest monastery in Thailand.
    Samaneris, or novice nuns, during a community work session at Wat
    Songkdhammakalayani, the first temple gathering fully ordained nuns in
    Thailand since 1960. All nuns are placed at the same level, regardless
    of their prior education or training.
    A novice nun begging for food near Wat Songkdhammakalayani.
    People from communities around the monastery feed the monks.
    New Samaneris (Buddhist novice nuns) during the Almsround (a food-giving
    ceremony that symbolizes humbleness) near Wat Songdhammakalyani, the
    first temple gathering fully ordained nuns in Thailand since 1960.
    People from communities around the monastery feed the Bhikkhunis (female
    buddhist monks).
    Novice nuns learn head massage techniques during their ordination training.
     Thai Sangha, the religious authority in Thailand, does not recognise ordinations of women.


    Excellent 👌 🎶 🎤 🎵 singing bird 🦢 🐦 🦅
    Nightingale Song.(Luscinia).
    bird is singing in the spring. Birds chirping. Best bird song.Nature
    sound and relaxing.Leave comments.The thrush nightingale (Luscinia

    MISSION 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    We will make BSP supremo Ms. Behen Kumari Mayawati ji as the Prime Minister of this country for Awakened YOUNIVERSE
    मिशन 2024 (बसपा) 🐘
    युवाओं को जगाने के लिए हम बसपा सुप्रीमो सुश्री बहन कुमारी मायावती जी को इस देश का प्रधानमंत्री बनाएंगे।
    মিছন 2024 (বিএছপি) 🐘
    আমি বিএছপি ৰ চুপ্ৰিমো শ্ৰীমতী বেহেন কুমাৰী মায়াৱতীজীক এই দেশৰ প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী হিচাপে জাগ্ৰত ইয়োইউনিভাৰ্ছৰ বাবে প্ৰস্তুত কৰিম
    মিশন 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    জাগ্রত যুবকদের জন্য আমরা বিএসপি সুপ্রিমো শ্রীমতি বহেন কুমারী মায়াবতী জিকে এই দেশের প্রধানমন্ত্রী করব
    મિશન 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    જાગૃત યુવાનો માટે અમે બસપા સુપ્રીમો સુશ્રી બહેન કુમારી માયાવતીજીને આ દેશના વડાપ્રધાન બનાવીશું.
    ಮಿಷನ್ 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    ಜಾಗೃತರಾದ ಯುವಜನತೆಗಾಗಿ ಬಿಎಸ್‌ಪಿ ವರಿಷ್ಠೆ ಶ್ರೀಮತಿ ಬೆಹೆನ್ ಕುಮಾರಿ ಮಾಯಾವತಿ ಅವರನ್ನು ಈ ದೇಶದ ಪ್ರಧಾನಿಯನ್ನಾಗಿ ಮಾಡುತ್ತೇವೆ.

    മിഷൻ 2024 (ബിഎസ്പി) 🐘
    ഉണർന്ന യുവജനങ്ങൾക്കായി ഞങ്ങൾ ബിഎസ്പി അധ്യക്ഷ ശ്രീമതി ബെഹൻ കുമാരി മായാവതിയെ ഈ രാജ്യത്തിന്റെ പ്രധാനമന്ത്രിയാക്കും.
    मिशन 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    जागृत तरुणांसाठी आम्ही बसपा सुप्रीमो सुश्री बहन कुमारी मायावती जी यांना या देशाच्या पंतप्रधान बनवू.
    मिशन 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    जागृत युवाका लागि बसपा सुप्रीमो सुश्री बहन कुमारी मायावती जीलाई यस देशको प्रधानमन्त्री बनाउनेछौं।
    ମିଶନ୍ 2024 (BSP) 🐘 |
    ଜାଗ୍ରତ ଯୁବକମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଆମେ ଏହି ଦେଶର ପ୍ରଧାନମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ଭାବରେ ବିଏସପି ସୁପ୍ରିମୋ ସୁଶ୍ରୀ ବେହେନ କୁମାରୀ ମାୟାବତୀ ଜିଙ୍କୁ ପ୍ରସ୍ତୁତ କରିବୁ |
    ਮਿਸ਼ਨ 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    ਜਾਗਰੂਕ ਨੌਜਵਾਨਾਂ ਲਈ ਅਸੀਂ ਬਸਪਾ ਸੁਪਰੀਮੋ ਸ਼੍ਰੀਮਤੀ ਬਹਿਨ ਕੁਮਾਰੀ ਮਾਇਆਵਤੀ ਜੀ ਨੂੰ ਇਸ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਬਣਾਵਾਂਗੇ।
    ਮਿਸ਼ਨ 2024 (भ्SP) 🐘
    ਜਾਗਰੂਕ ਨੌਜਵਾਨਾਂ ਲਈ ਅਸੀਂ ਬਸਪਾ ਸੁਪਰੀਮੋ ਸ਼੍ਰੀਮਤੀ ਬਹਿਨ ਕੁਮਾਰੀ ਮਾਇਆਵਤੀ ਜੀ ਨੂੰ ਇਸ ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਬਣਾਵਾਂਗੇ।
    مشن 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    اسان بي ايس پي سپريمو محترمه بهن ڪماري ماياوتي کي هن ملڪ جي وزير اعظم بڻائينداسين.
    மிஷன் 2024 (பிஎஸ்பி) 🐘
    விழித்தெழுந்த யுனிவர்ஸ் இந்த நாட்டின் பிரதமராக பகுஜன் சமாஜ் கட்சியின் தலைவி திருமதி பெஹன் குமாரி மாயாவதியை உருவாக்குவோம்.

    మిషన్ 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    మేల్కొలుపు మీకోసం BSP అధినేత్రి శ్రీమతి బెహెన్ కుమారి మాయావతిని ఈ దేశానికి ప్రధానమంత్రిగా చేస్తాం
    مشن 2024 (BSP) 🐘
    ہم بی ایس پی سپریمو محترمہ بہن کماری مایاوتی جی کو بیدار نوجوانوں کے لیے اس ملک کی وزیر اعظم بنائیں گے۔

    Loop Wtf GIF

    On 14-05-2008  Wednesday  4 PM at Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Beside NIMHANS, Bangalore

    CHILDREN SERVICE DAY  was Inauguration by Dr.H.Thimmaiah

    Prof. of Ophthalmology (Retd.) & Ex. Director of Minto Hospital

    Dana Service was Led by Dr. Siddaraju Director, Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bangalore


    Upasaka Dr. M.R.Narendrakumar

    Blessed by

    Venerable Bhikkhu Panyaloka

    Mahabodhi Bhanteji


    A Buddhist Center for Higher Learning

    (Supported by the Government of India )

    Maha Bodhi Society is running a two year Diploma course in Buddhist Studies over correspondence. The aims of the Academy are

    - To conduct Buddhist study programs through correspondence courses in a non-formal and cost effective way.

    - To present Buddhist teachings in a comprehensive and practical way. Practice of Buddhist meditation and moral precepts called Pancasila will be taught as an integral part of these courses.

    Please use this opportunity and gain wisdom! May you be happy!



    On 15-05-2008 AT  MYSORE Thursday 6 PM   At Mahabodhi Carla Students Home, Saraswathipuram, Mysore 2552nd Sacred Buddha Jayanti Celebrations was observed with BUDDHA JAYANTI PUBLIC MEETING,Buddha Pujawas Inaugurated by Shri S.Mariswamy, IPS Former Commissioner of Police, Bangalore & ADGP, Chairman, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore

    Chief Guests were and with the Release of book “Yaavudu I Dharma?” by Prof.B.N.Chandraiah Buddhist Writer & Release of book – “Bauddha Dharmadalli Mahileya Sthaana” by Shri C.Chandrashekara

    Eminent Artist and Ex. Chairman, Karnataka Lalitha Kala Academy and Rajyotsava State Awardee

    Ex. Dean of CAVA, Mysore

    Shri Janardhan (Jenny) Theater Director and Singer

    Presided by

    Venerable Ananda Bhanteji

    Mahabodhi Bhanteji

    Dhammapada Recitation and Songs by Mahabodhi children

    Deepa Puja


    On 16-05-2008  Friday  2:30 PMAt Kidwai Institute of Oncology , Hosur Road , Bangalore  CANCER PATIENTS SERVICE DAY was observed with Dana Service at Kidwai Cancer Hospital , Bangalore was Inaugurated by Shri Chotmal Goenka Vipassana Meditation Center , Bangalore

    Release of Book “Buddha matthu Dhammada Pavitra Gunagalu”by Dr.A.C.Sreeram Chairman and Director, Mallige Medical Center , Bangalore

    Dana Service was Led By Dr.Loknath, MD Medical Oncologist, Kidwai Hospital , Bangalore

    Blessed by Venerable Bhikkhu Sangharakkhita

    Mahabodhi Bhanteji

    Thanking the following donors for supporting our humanitarian

    and spiritual activities

    1. Sri Sri Sri Chidananda Swamiji Maharaj

    2. Sri Siddartha Education Society, Tumkur

    3. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Engineering College, Bangalore

    4. Sri.S. Mariswamy, Spoorthidhama, Bangalore

    5. Sri. P.L. Nanjundaswamy, Bangalore

    6. Sri. Narasimhaiah, Bangalore


    On 17-05-2008  Saturday 10 AM At Bhagawan Buddha Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Srinidhi Complex, Mallathalli, Outer Ring Road, (Near Dr.Ambedkar Engineering College ), Bangalore – 560056 (Tel: 080-23211056)

    STUDENTS SERVICE DAY was observed with Buddha Puja

    was Inaugurated and Dhamma Talk by Venerable Ananda Bhanteji Vice President, Maha Bodhi Society

    Chief Guests & Release of book “Saavu Nishchita Baduku Anishchita” by Shri Shankaralinge Gowda, IAS

    Secretary, Medical Education, Govt. of Karnataka


    Dr.H.R.Surendra, MD

    HOD of Ophthalmology, K.R.Hospital, Mysore .


    Dr.M.R.Srivatsa, MD

    Executive Committee Member, Central Council of Homeopathy,

    Govt. of India


    Presided by

    Shri K Chandrashekar

    Chairman and Managing Trustee, Sri Bhagawan Buddha Homeopathic College, Bangalore


    C.M. announces Rs. 50,000 assistance each for seriously injured persons

    Lucknow: May 15, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati has expressed deep sympathies the injured persons who are feared to have lost their eyesight because of using contaminated water. These people were injured in an accident at Tanda-Bajpur road in Rampur district today. She announced an assistance of Rs. 50,000 for each person suffering from serious injuries. She also directed the officers to provide free medical aid to the injured persons and said that the State Government would bear all the expenses towards their treatment. She has also directed the Commissioner Moradabad division Mr. Uma Dhar Dwivedi to conduct an inquiry into the accident. It may be recalled that about 35 persons belonging to Manpur Uttar, Imratpur and Rasoolpur villages of Swar Tehsil of the Rampur districts onboard a truck carrying concrete were going on Tanda-Bajpur road. The vehicle lost balance on a diversion on a bridge and turned turtle. In the accident all the 35 persons got injured. On the same spot, a few days back a tanker carrying chemicals had overturned and because of the leakage of the chemical the water of the nearby nullah got contaminated. Since the injured persons used this water they may have lost their eyesight. Out of the injured 19 persons have been admitted in the Dr. Sushila Tiwari Medical College of Haldwani (Uttarakhand) and 12 persons admitted in the district hospital Rudrapur. After coming to know about the accident the D.M. Rampur, S.P., C.M.O. and other officers reached the accident spot immediately and arranged the treatment of the injured persons. ******

    C.M. reviews the situation after dust storm in a high level meeting

    Lucknow : May 15, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Ms. Mayawati, while conveying her heartfelt condolences and deep sympathies to the family members of those who lost their lives in the severe dust storm which lashed yesterday, parts of the State has announced for immediate distribution of Rs. One lakh as financial assistance each to the families of those killed. She immediately called a high level meeting and reviewed the situation. She directed the concerned district magistrates to make arrangements for treatment of injured persons food etc. besides, setting up of relief camps. She also directed them to make available the additional amount of Rs. 27.10 crore immediately. She has also directed for providing necessary assistance after estimating loss of life and property, cattle heads and damage to houses. It may be recalled that a severe dust storm that hit 19 districts brought in its wake incidents of fire in which 89 persons died. The relief amount of Rs. One lakh each has been distributed to the bereaved family members. Relief works in the affected districts are going on in full swing. Control rooms have been set up at tehsil level in drought affected districts and at district level in other districts and the telephone installed with number 1077. An amount of Rs. 147 crore has been provided for relief works to the districts and money would not be allowed to come in the way of relief operations after availability of additional amount of Rs. 27.10 crore. Directives have been issued through fax and telephone yesterday night to all Divisional Commissioners to distribute relief amount to the families affected by dust storm and incidents of fire in their respective districts. Besides, district magistrates have been asked to estimate the loss of houses, animals etc. due to fire and immediately provide compensation. Massive loss of life and property has been reported in several districts due to the dust storm yesterday. Temporary relief camps have been set up in schools and other places for the people who have been rendered homeless in the incidents of fire due to this natural calamity. Besides, those who sustained injuries in fire, wall collapse and falling of trees are being properly treated and admitted in hospitals. Relief amount is being distributed after estimating the number of injured and loss of property. The districts affected by the dust storm are Kanpur Dehat, Unnao, Farrukhabad, Jalaun, Aurraiya, Etawa, Sitapur, Etah, Lakhimpurkhiri, Jhansi, Bagpat, Mathura, Mainpuri, Agra, Fatehpur, Firozabad, Aligarh, Kannauj and Badaun.

    All-out efforts to make Uttar Pradesh a prosperous State — Mayawati

    Lucknow: May 13, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ms. Mayawati, while addressing a function organised to mark the completion of one year of her Government held at the C.M.S. Degree College, Kanpur road here today, said that the State Government’s achievements on the law and order and development front were noteworthy. The State Government took several decisions of historical and far-reaching importance to create an atmosphre conducive to development and peace, in order to measure upto the expectations. People reposed faith in the policies and programmes of the BSP Government by ensuring landslide victory of BSP candidates in recently held by-polls. She extended her heartiest felicitations to the people and assured them that the Government would spare no efforts to make Uttar Pradesh a developed and prosperous State. She said that the BSP Government would provide opportunities of development to all the sections of society, so that those lagged behind in the race of development could also benifit and brought into the mainstream of development. On the occasion, the Chief Minister laid foundation, inaugrated and made announcements of more than 48 schemes totalling to Rs.8500 crore. She inaugrated 375 metre long 8-lane Mahamaya flyover constructed over NOIDA-Greater NOIDA Expressway and Okhla Barrage, NOIDA crossing. The bridge has been constructed at a cost of about Rs. 67 crore. She also dedicated to the people 26 new roads constructed by the Public Works Department at a cost of Rs. 840 crore. Besides, she dedicated Mahamaya Government Degree College, B.B.Nagar Bulandshahr, Ramabai Ambedkar Government Degree College, Sambhal, Moradabad, Gautam Buddha Government Degree College, Gunnaur (Badaun) and Panchsheel Convention Centre of Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur to the people. She laid foundation of 1000 M.W. Anpara-D Thermal Project costing Rs. 5300 crore, Rs. 1077 crore Agra Drinking Water Supply Project, Rs. 270.95 crore Kanpur Drinking Water Supply Project, Rs. 111.02 crore Varanasi Drinking Water Supply Project, Rs. 190.89 crore Kanpur Sewage Disposal Project, 24 new bridges costing Rs. 269.46 crore, widening and improvement work of 13 main roads costing Rs. 452.50 crore, hostel to be constructed at the training centre of the Rural Development Bank at a cost of Rs. 3.50 crore. She also laid foundation of the residential and non-residential buildings of the Divisional Commissioner Aligarh, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Government Degree College, Padaria, Mainpuri and Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Government Degree College, Anougi, Kannauj. Ms. Mayawati also laid foundation of Bhimrao Ambedkar Government Degree College, Maharajganj, Mahamaya Government Degree College, Sherkot, Bijnore, Manyawar Kanshiram Government Degree College, Gabhana, Aligarh, Manyawar Kanshiram Government Degree College, Ninauwa, Farrukhabad, Savitribai Phule Women’s Hostel at the Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur and residential and non-residential buildings for the police. In addition to that she also laid foundation of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar multi-speciality hospital, Mahamaya Girls Inter College Building and Panchsheel Boys Inter College at NOIDA, Manyawar Kanshiram multi-speciality hospital building and Savitri Bai Phule Girls’ Inter College building at NOIDA, Manyawar Kanshiram Engineering College of Information and Technology, Azamgarh and Ambedkarnagar, Mahamaya Polytechnic of Information and Technology at Jyotiba Phule Nagar, Mahamayanagar, Chandauli and Gorakhpur and Gautam Buddha Boys’ Inter College Building at Greater NOIDA. Ms. Mayawti announced to provide financial assistance of Rs. 4,824 per student for one-year correspondence course in Urdu Journalism. She also said that decision had been taken to open 50 new polytechnics, 250 new I.T.I.s through public-private-participation under the new programme of the expansion of technical education. She also announced to upgrade all 278 government high schools to the intermediate level. Besides, she said that decision had been taken to consider opening of co-education schools, in case of non-receipt of applications for the establishment of girl schools in served and unserved development blocks. Decision had also been taken to reduce distance standard from 10 km. to 5 km. between schools, in order to encourage opening of schools and intermediate colleges in the private sector. On the occasion, she presented letter of allotment/keys of houses to the seven (7) beneficiaries under the housing for the poor scheme. These beneficiaries included Smt. Sheela and Ashish Sharma of Badaun, Niranjan Singh and Karan Singh of Mathura, Smt. Kanti Singh, Shri. Tejpal and Irshad of Meerut. These houses have been constructed in the Manyawar Shri Kanshi Ram Nagar scheme. She also inaugurated Saubhagyawati Surakhshit Matritva Yojna for the women belonging to B.P.L. families with a view to providing secured and institutional delivery facilities to them. Under the scheme, provision has been made to pay Rs. 1.85 lakh per 100 deliveries to the identified nursing home and private hospitals, which would perform the said number of deliveries of pregnant women belonging to B.P.L. category. Ms. Mayawati said that her government was committed to live up to the expectations of the people and all efforts were being made to make Uttar Pradesh a leading state of the country. She said that only B.S.P. Government could provide an atmosphere free from injustice, crime, fear, corruption which was condusive for development. All the governments ruling the state since independence could not provide such an atmosphere. She said that after coming to power, the biggest challenge before the government was to streamline the law and order of the state. The Government had succeeded in it and there was a sharp decline in the incidents of crime. The Chief Minister maintained that the State Government had brought an end to the atmosphere of anarchy following which the situation stabilised. She said that peace was necessary for development and the government took some bold decision to improve the law and order, as against the previous regime where the F.I.R.s were not registered and the jungle raaj pervaded all over the State. She remarked that her government accorded top priority to the establishment of the ‘rule of law by the law’ in the State and abolish the jungle raaj. Provisions like A.T.S., S.T.F., U.P.C.O.C.A., S.I.T. were made to deal with terrorism, notorious criminals etc. The SC/ST Act was being followed strictly. Efforts had been made to ensure development and welfare of naxal affected areas. She congratulated the police administration for the dip in the crimegraph. Ms. Mayawati said that after coming to power, she immediately held a meeting of senior officers of the State and reviewed the law and order situation as well as development works. At that meeting, she had listed her government’s priorities and ordered the officers to follow them strictly. She said that the services and facilities being provided by the State Government should reach the common man and no let up in it would be tolerated. She said that the officer had been directed to remain present in their offices between 10 a.m. to 12 noon, so that on the spot redress of people’s grievances could be ensured. Besides, the officers had been directed to organise ‘tehsil diwas’ and ‘thana diwas’ on a regular basis. She said that the government was specially focussing on the villages and poor among the farmers. She said that the State Government had prepared all its policies in the light of Sarvajan Hitai, Sarvajan Sukhai (welfare and happiness for all). The Chief Minister said that monitoring of law and order had been made foolproof at every level. The Government’s intent was to ensure that the benefit of government schemes should reach beneficiaries. She said that her government had doubled the amount of all types of pension and the number of the beneficieries too had been raised. For the development of villages new norms had been fixed for the selection of gram sabhas on the basis of population of ‘Sarva Samaj’ under Dr. Ambedkar Samgra Vikas Yojna, so as to ensure the benefit of development to all. For the development and expansion of basic facilities in towns and cities, Manyawar Kanshi Ram Shahri Samgra Vikas Yojna had been launched. We had put back on rails the development of the entire state within our limited resources, without the cooperation of the Central Government. She said that electrification work lying unfinished in 17,179 villages had been completed and power supply ensured in more than 20,000 villages Dr. Ambedkar Gram Sabha Yojna. Ms. Mayawati said that on assumption of power she inherited empty coffers and the serious problem of power. The government took necessary steps to meet power crisis without loss of time and long term schemes had been formulated to solve the problem. She said that these efforts were expected to result in the availability of 10,000 MW in the state in the five years. She said that almost all the previous governments failed to pay heed to power generation in keeping with the need of increasing population. She said that efforts of present government had resulted in 100 per cent payment of cane prices to the farmers in the year of 2006-07 and about 75 per cent in 2007-08. The remaining payment of cane dues would be made soon. The penalty for less weighing had been increased from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 50,000. The crushing capacity had been increased by raising the number of sugar mills. The Chief Minister said that keeping in view the importance of education, 88,000 primary teachers were being recruited, besides ensuring qualitative improvement in education. Buildings of 5,500 primary and higher primary schools besides 27,000 class rooms had been constructed in one year. Decision had also been taken to hold students union’s elections according to the recommendations of the Lyngdoh committee. With a view to ensuring participation of private sector in technical education and higher education, emphasis had been laid on the creation of more and more employment opportunities. The initiative had for the first time been taken to implement the reservation system in the jobs being created in the private sector on voluntary basis. She said that schemes were being implemented for the development of rural areas and top most priority had been given to employment generation adding that the rule of previous governments had been confined to a few places. She said that for medical and health facilities her government had made a budgetary provision of Rs. 5626 crore for high class facilities in every area without any discrimination which was 20 per cent more than the last year. Besides, a provision of Rs. 383 crore had been made for the construction of primary and community health centres. Hospitals established earlier were being upgraded, expanded and modernised. Ms. Mayawati said that her government had been sensitive to the interests of the destitute, weaker sections and the poor from the very beginning. Decision had been taken for establishing several schools for handicapped persons for making them self-reliant. Besides it, decision had also been taken to establish a university at Lucknow for them on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis. For the betterment and welfare of minorities, Madarsa Siksha Parishad had been constituted for the first time in the State. She said that a proposal for inclusion of socially, economically and educationally backward caste in the scheduled castes list had been sent to the Government of India. Request had to also been made to Central Government to bring constitutional amendment for providing benefit of reservation to the poor people of upper castes in the private sector. The backlog of reserved posts had been filled by way of drive. The recruitments under general category had also commenced. The Chief Minster especially referred to the efforts of state government for providing relief to the drought affected people in Bundelkhand. On the occasion she said that after taking the reigns of administration, she was told that the drought conditions of Bundelkhand were very severe. It was due to the insensitivity of previous government that the situation worsened in the last four years. She said that her government declared nine districts as drought affected without wasting time and relief and development works were taken up on war-footing. She said that she herself went to Bundelkhand and schemes worth Rs. 1500 crore were started. In each village food grain banks had been opened for providing foodgrains to the destitute and helpless persons, besides provision or community kitchen. The Minimum amount of agriculture subsidy had been increased from Rs. 250 to Rs. 1000 for small and marginal farmers. Under NREGA 6.37 lakh families were given employment and 3.13 crore man days employment was created. The Chief Minister said that the government had formulated a pragmatic middle of the path economic policy. Ganga Express-way project costing Rs. 40,000 crore had been prepared on PPP basis, which would connect the entire Uttar Pradesh to Delhi. The industrial development had been given a fillip by strengthening the infrastructure facilities in the State. Besides, VAT regime had been implemented and tax rates of necessary items have been reduced so as to bring down prices of essential commodities. Ms. Mayawati said that the foundation laid by Dr. Ambedkar for an egalitarian social order was carried forward by Manyawar Shri Kanshiram. No body had done any thing in memory and honour of such great persons. She said that the government took initiative in this direction and to perpetuate their memory to constructing memorials. Besides, several other schemes had been launched after the name of Saints, Gurus and great men, so that the people could take inspiration from their life and struggles. She said that the people had realised during one year of the rule that the promises made by the B.S.P. Government were not confined to paper, but were seen on the ground. She assured the people that every moment of the B.S.P. Government was devoted to the welfare and betterment of the people. Earlier, the Chief Minster inaugurated a photo exhibition based one year’s achievements of the government. Cultural programmes were also presented on the occasion. The Chief Minister appreciated M.P. and Chairman U.P. Advisory Council Mr. Satish Chandra Mishra, Chief Secretary Mr. P.K. Mishra, Cabinet Secretary Mr. Shashank Shekhar Singh for their commitment for implementing the policies of the Government. While the Chief Secretary Mr. P.K. Mishra welcomed the Chief Minister and other guests, Principal Secretary Information Mr. Vijai Shanker Pandey proposed vote of thanks. On this occasion, M.P. Mr. Satish Chandra Mishra, several Minister, MPs, MLAs, Party office bearers and Cabinet Secretary Mr. Shashank Shekhar Singh were present, besides senior officers and eminent citizens.

    Calls for consensus on passage of Women’s Reservation Bill

    Lucknow: May 6, 2008 The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Ms. Mayawati, while clearing the stand of the State Government on the issue of Women’s Reservation Bill, said that from the outset her Government was of the view that “Jitni jiski bhagidari, Utni uski hissedari”. She said that considering that the population of the women was 50 per cent of the total population of the country, therefore, it would be justified that they were given 50 per cent reservation in all levels of the political structure of the country. The C.M. said that her Government welcomed the proposal of 33 per cent reservation of women as it was an important step towards the empowerment of women, but it also expresses its disapproval of certain provisions incorporated in the Bill. Ms. Mayawati said that there was no provision to ensure that the women of all categories of the Sarva Samaj got the benefit of reservation. Therefore, her government was of the view that certain important amendments should be made in the Bill. She said that her government believed that out of the 33 per cent reservation quota proposed for the women, there should be provision for separate reservation for the women belonging to SC/ST and OBC categories, viz. these categories should not be given quota within quota. *******

    Einstein’s letter auctioned


    LONDON: A letter in which Albert Einstein termed God as the product of human weakness sold at an auction here on Thursday for more than £200,000.

    60 % vote in Karnataka phase II

    Special Correspondent

    Bangalore: Polling in the second phase of elections for 66 seats of the Karnataka Assembly held in 10 districts on Friday was by and large peaceful. In the first phase on May 10, elections were conducted for 89 seats. The third phase, covering the remaining 69 seats, is scheduled for May 22.

    A violent incident in Bellary on Thursday, resulting in the transfer of the Superintendent of Police, and a shootout by a naxal group at Hebri in Udupi district in which two people were killed, did not have much impact on the polling.

    Udupi and the neighbouring district of Dakshina Kannada recorded the highest polling percentage of 68. It was 55 per cent in Bellary.

    Chief Electoral Officer M.N. Vidyashankar said the polling average was 60.3 per cent. It was 63.3 per cent in the first phase.

    Heavy security

    Director-General and Inspector-General of Police R. Srikumar told The Hindu that apart from the State police and the special anti-naxalite police, a number of platoons of Central paramilitary forces were on duty.

    There was only one attempt at bogus voting in a polling station at the New Mangalore Port and even this was thwarted by the police. The polling percentages in the other districts were: Chikmagalur (63), Chitradurga (60), Davanagere (64), Koppal (62), Raichur (47), Shimoga (60) and Uttara Kannada (61).

    67.8 per cent polling in second phase of Karnataka polls

    Karnataka Chief Electoral Officer, M N Vidyashankar told reporters that Chikmagalur registered 71.14 per cent while Bellary, classified as a highly sensitive district, recorded 66.64 per cent.

    About 67.8 per cent of the 1.10 crore electorate cast their ballot yesterday in the second phase of polling in Karnataka assembly elections in 66 constituencies spread over ten districts, Election Department sources said today.

    Karnataka Chief Electoral Officer, M N Vidyashankar told reporters that Bellary, classified as a highly sensitive district, recorded 66.64 per cent.

    Chikmagalur registered 71.14 per cent, Chitradurga 67.83 per cent, Dakshina Kannada 72.87 per cent, Davanagere 70.84 per cent, Koppal 62.39 per cent, Raichur 54.01 per cent, Shimoga 70.06 per cent, Udupi 75.63 per cent and Uttara Kannada 69 per cent.

    Incidentally, these districts had registered 67.8 per cent polling in the 2004 assembly elections also, he said.

    Vidyashankar said there was a possibility of ordering re-poll in two or three polling booths and awaited reports from Returning Officers.

    Sources had projected about 60 per cent polling yesterday.

    The second phase of polling was by and large peaceful and was held amid unprecedented security cover.The security was tightened in the light of poll-related violence in which Naxalites shot dead two persons in Hebri in Udupi district on May 15 and also some clashes between Congress and BJP workers in Bellary.

    Voters sealed the poll fortunes of 589 aspirants.

    In the first phase of election in 89 assembly segments spread across 11 districts, about 66 per cent of an estimated 1.73 crore electorate had exercised their franchise

    A total of 155 constituencies out of the 224 seats have gone through the voting process and remaining 69 from eight districts face election on May 22, in the final phase.

    The counting of votes will be taken up on May 25.


    anti-national activities had reached a new height during the NDA government headed by Atal Behari Vajpayee.
    He said that law and order was state’s responsibility and the bomb blasts in Rajasthan would have prevented had Vijayraje Scindia-led BJP government taken proper measures. 
    BJP was using the terror issue as an election stunt.


    Poll scuffle in Bellary



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