2424 Sun 29 and 2425 Mon Oct 2017 LESSON
A major antagonist - a well-known LGBT activist, openly countering:
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‘Savarkar Apologised to British 6 Times to Fight them’: BJP Leader’s Claim Triggers Jokes in Kerala
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[While the Adani Group’s revenue increased 20 times in a span of 12
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in Classical English,02) Classical Afrikaans-Klassieke Afrikaans,03) Classical Albanian-Klasike Shqiptare,04) Classical Amharic-ጥንታዊ አማርኛ,05) Classical Arabic- العربية الكلاسيكية
06) Classical Armenian- Դասական հայերեն,07) Classical Azerbaijani- Klassik Azərbaycanlı,08) Classical Basque-Euskal klasikoa,09) Classical Belarusian- Класічная беларуская,10) Classical Bengali-ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,11) Classical Bosnian-Klasični bosanski,12) Classical Bulgarian-Класически български,13) Classical Catalan-Català clàssic,14) Classical Cebuano
Digha Nikaya - die “lang versameling”
Digha Nikaya - “koleksioni i gjatë”
04) Classical Amharic
04) ጥንታዊ አማርኛ
ዳጄ Nikaya - “ረጅም ስብስብ”
05) Classical Arabic
05) العربية الكلاسيكية
ديغا نيكايا - “مجموعة طويلة”
06) Classical Armenian
06) Դասական հայերեն
Digha Nikaya - «երկար հավաքածու»
07) Classical Azerbaijani
07) Klassik Azərbaycanlı
(Pali ti “üç” + Pitaka, “səbət”), və ya Pali canon, Theravada buddizm
doctrinal əsasını təşkil əsas Pali dil mətnlərinin toplusudur. Tipitaka və paracanonical Pali mətnlər (şərhlər, salnamələr, və s.) Birlikdə klassik Theravada mətnləri tam bədən təşkil edir.
Pali kanonu geniş bir ədəbiyyat orqanıdır: İngilis tərcüməsi mətnləri minlərlə çapa qədər əlavə edir. Canon’un çoxu (lakin hamısı) artıq illər ərzində ingilis dilində nəşr olunmuşdur. Bu web saytında bu mətnlərin yalnız kiçik bir hissəsi mövcud olsa da, bu kolleksiya başlamağa yaxşı yer ola bilər.
Tipitaka’nın üç bölməsi bunlardır:
Vinaya Pitaka
ərzində gündəlik işlər tənzimləyən davranış qaydaları ilə bağlı
mətnlərin toplusu - bhikkhus (halal rahiblər) və bhikkhunis (halal nuns)
icma. qaydaları sadəcə siyahısı daha çox, Vinaya Pitaka da böyük və müxtəlif
mənəvi icma daxilində kommunal harmoniya saxlamaq üçün necə suala
Buddha həlli barədə ətraflı məlumat verən, hər bir qayda mənşəyi
arxasında hekayələr daxildir.
Sutta Pitaka
buddizm bütün mərkəzi təlimlərinə olan Buddha və onun ən yaxın
şagirdləri bir neçə aid Suttas, və ya ifadələr toplanması. (Bu saytda birdən çox sutta tərcüməsi mövcuddur). Suttalar beş nikayadan (kolleksiyalar) bölünür:
Digha Nikaya - “uzun kolleksiya”
Majjhima Nikaya - “orta uzunluqda kolleksiyası”
Samyutta Nikaya - “qruplaşdırılmış kolleksiya”
Anguttara Nikaya - “daha çox işlənmiş kolleksiya”
Xuddaka Nikaya - “kiçik mətnlərin toplanması”:
Sutta Nipata
Nettippakarana (yalnız Tipitaka’nın Burma nəşri daxildir)
Petakopadesa (”")
Milindapañha (”")
Abhidhamma Pitaka
Pitaka-da təqdim olunan əsas prinsiplərin reallaşdırıldığı və ağıl və
maddənin xarakterinə dair istintaqa tətbiq oluna biləcək sistemli bir
çərçivəyə çevrilən mətnlərin toplanması.
08) Classical Basque
08) Euskal klasikoa
(Pali ti, “hiru,” + pitaka, “saskiak”), edo Pali kanon, Pali lehen
hizkuntzako testuen bilduma da, Theravada budismoaren fundazio
doktrinala osatzen dutenak. Tipitaka eta Pali testu paracanonikoak (iruzkinak, kronikak, eta abar) elkarrekin Theravada klasikoaren testu osoa osatzen dute.
Pali canon literatur sorta zabala da: ingelesez itzulpenak milaka inprimatutako orrialdeetan gehitzen ditu. Canon gehienak (baina ez guztiak) ingelesez argitaratu dira urteetan zehar. Testu hauen zati txiki bat bakarrik badaude webgune honetan, bilduma hau hasteko leku ona izan daiteke.
Tipitakako hiru zatiketa hauek dira:
Vinaya Pitaka
buruzko testu bildumak Sangha barruan eguneroko gaiak gobernatzen
dituztenak: bhikkhus (monje ordenatuak) eta bhikkhunis (moises
ordenatuak) komunitateak. Arrazoi zerrenda bakarra baino askoz ere gehiago, Vinaya Pitakak arau
bakoitzaren jatorria duen istorioak ere barne hartzen ditu, Buddha-ren
soluzioari buruzko azalpen zehatza emanez komunitate komunitario handi
eta askotariko baten barruan harmonia komunitarioa mantentzeko.
Sutta Pitaka
bilduma edo diskurtsoak Buddha eta bere dizipulu hurbilenetariko
batzuk, Theravada budismoaren oinarrizko irakaspen guztiak dituena da. (Mila sutta itzulpen baino gehiago daude eskuragarri webgune honetan.) Suttas bost nikayas (bildumak) artean banatzen dira:
Digha Nikaya - “bilduma luzea”
Majjhima Nikaya - “erdiko luzera bilduma”
Samyutta Nikaya - “taldekatutako bilduma”
Anguttara Nikaya - “beste faktore bilduma”
Khuddaka Nikaya - “testu txikien bilduma”:
Sutta Nipata
Nettippakarana (Tipitaka burmesean bakarrik sartu zen)
Petakopadesa (”")
Milindapañha (”")
Abhidhamma Pitaka
Pitakan aurkezten diren doktrina-printzipio subjektiboak berregituratu
eta birmoldatu egiten dira, esparru sistematiko batean, kontuan eta
materiaren izaera aztertzeko.
09) Classical Belarusian
09) Класічная беларуская
(Палі ці, «тры» + питак, «кошык»), або Pali канон, з’яўляецца зборам
першасных тэкстаў мовы Палі, якія ўтвараюць дактрынальныя асновы будызму
Тхеравады. Типитак і paracanonical тэксты Палийских (каментары, хроніка і г.д.) разам складаюць поўнае цела класічных тэкстаў Тхеравады.
Pali канон з’яўляецца шырокая літаратура: у англійскай перакладзе тэкстаў дадаць да тысячы друкаваных старонак. Большасць (але не ўсё) Канон ўжо апублікавана на англійскай мове на працягу многіх гадоў. Хоць толькі невялікая частка гэтых тэкстаў можна знайсці на гэтым сайце, гэтая калекцыя можа быць добрым месцам для пачатку.
Тры падраздзялення Типитаков з’яўляюцца:
Vinaya Питака
тэкстаў, якія тычацца правілаў паводзін, якія рэгулююць паўсядзённыя
справы ў рамках Сангха - абшчына бхикшу (рукапаложаных манахаў) і
бхикшуни (рукапаложаных манашак). Значна больш, чым проста спіс правілаў, Vinaya Питак таксама ўключае ў
сябе гісторыю ззаду паходжання кожнага правіла, падаючы падрабязную
справаздачу аб рашэнні Буды да пытання аб тым, як захаваць супольную
гармонію ўсярэдзіне вялікага і разнастайнага духоўнага супольнасці.
Сутта Питака
Сутта або дыскурсаў, якая прыпісваецца Буды і некалькі яго бліжэйшых
вучняў, якая змяшчае ўсе цэнтральныя вучэння будызму Тхеравады. (Больш за тысячу Сутта пераклады даступныя на гэтым сайце.) Сутта падзеленыя паміж пяццю nikayas (зборнікі):
Дигх Nikaya - «доўгая калекцыя»
Маджхима Nikaya - «Зборнік сярэдняй даўжыні»
Саньютта Nikaya - «згрупаваных калекцыя»
Ангуттара Nikaya - «Дадатковы-факторизуется калекцыя»
Кхуддака Nikaya - «Зборнік маленькіх тэкстаў»:
Сутта Nipata
Nettippakarana (ўваходзяць толькі ў бірманскім выданні Типитаков)
Petakopadesa ( “”)
Milindapanha ( “”)
Абхидхамма Питака
тэкстаў, у якіх асноўныя веравучыцельныя прынцыпы, прадстаўленыя ў
Сутта Питаке перапрацаваныя і рэарганізаваны ў сістэматычную рамку, якія
могуць быць ужытыя да даследавання ў прыроду розуму і матэрыі.
10) Classical Bengali
10) ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা
(পালি টিআই, “তিন,” + পিঠক, “বাজপাখি”), বা পালি ক্যানন, প্রাথমিক পলি
ভাষা গ্রন্থের সংগ্রহ যা থেরবাদ বৌদ্ধধর্মের মতবাদ ভিত্তিক ফাউন্ডেশন গঠন
করে। টিপিতাক এবং প্যারাজাননিকাল পালি গ্রন্থে (ভাষ্য, ইতিহাস, ইত্যাদি) একসঙ্গে শাস্ত্রীয় থেরবাদ গ্রন্থে সম্পূর্ণ দেহ গঠন করে।
পালি ক্যানন সাহিত্যের একটি বিশাল অংশ: ইংরেজী অনুবাদে গ্রন্থে হাজার হাজার মুদ্রিত পৃষ্ঠা যোগ করা হয়েছে। ক্যানন এর বেশিরভাগ (কিন্তু না সব) ইংরেজি বছর আগে ইতিমধ্যে প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। এই গ্রন্থে শুধুমাত্র একটি ছোট ভগ্নাংশ পাওয়া যায়, যদিও, এই সংগ্রহ শুরু করতে একটি ভাল জায়গা হতে পারে।
টিপিতাকের তিনটি বিভাগ হলো:
বিনয় পিত্তক
মধ্যে দৈনিক বিষয় পরিচালনার আচার আচরণ সংক্রান্ত গ্রন্থে সংকলন -
Bhikkhus (ordained সন্ন্যাসী) সম্প্রদায় এবং ভিক্ষুক (ordained নান)। বিধি-বিধানের মাত্র একাধিক তালিকা ছাড়াও, ভ্যানয়া চিঠাকর প্রতিটি
শাসনব্যবস্থার পেছনের গল্পগুলিও রয়েছে, যা বৌদ্ধদের বৃহত্তর এবং বিভিন্ন
আধ্যাত্মিক সম্প্রদায়ের মধ্যে সাম্প্রদায়িক সম্প্রীতি বজায় রাখার
প্রশ্নে বুশের সমাধান সম্পর্কে একটি বিস্তারিত বিবরণ প্রদান করে।
সুতার পিঠক
কাছে সুচিত্রা, বা বক্তৃতা, এবং তাঁর কয়েকজন নিকটতম শিষ্যদের সংগ্রহ,
থেরবাদ বৌদ্ধধর্মের সমস্ত কেন্দ্রীয় শিক্ষা সম্বলিত। (এক হাজারেরও বেশি ছুটি অনুবাদ এই ওয়েবসাইটে পাওয়া যায়।) সুচিত্রা পাঁচটি নিকায় (সংগ্রহ) মধ্যে বিভক্ত:
দীঘা নিকাইয়া - “দীর্ঘ সংগ্রহ”
Majjhima Nikaya - “মধ্যম দৈর্ঘ্যের সংগ্রহ”
সাময়তা নিকাইয়া - “গোষ্ঠীভুক্ত সংগ্রহ”
আঙ্গুটার নিকাইয়া - “আরও সংগ্রাহক সংগ্রহ”
খদ্দাক নিকাইয়া - “সামান্য গ্রন্থের সংগ্রহ”:
সুচিত্রা নিপতা
Nettippakarana (শুধুমাত্র Tipitaka এর বার্মা সংস্করণ অন্তর্ভুক্ত)
পেটকোপেডা (”")
মিলিন্দীপাহ (”")
অভিধর্ম Pitaka
সংকলন যা নিখুঁত তত্ত্বীয় নীতিগুলি সুচিত্রা পিটারকে উপস্থাপন করে
পুনর্বিন্যাসিত এবং পুনর্বিন্যাসিত একটি পদ্ধতিগত কাঠামোতে যা মন ও বস্তুর
প্রকৃতির অনুসন্ধানে প্রয়োগ করা যেতে পারে।
বৌদ্ধ ধর্মের প্রচার ও প্রসারের লক্ষ্যে রাজবন বিহার, রাঙামাটি, বাংলাদেশের
কয়েকজন নিবেদিতপ্রাণ ভিক্ষুর অক্লান্ত প্রচেষ্টায় পিটকীয় ও অন্যান্য
ধর্মীয় বইগুলো পিডিএফ আকারে রূপ দেয়া সম্ভব হলো। সেগুলোই আমি শেয়ার করলাম
আগ্রহী বাংলাভাষাভাষী বৌদ্ধদের কাছে। বইগুলো ডাউনলোডের ইচ্ছে করলে
নিম্নোক্ত নির্দেশনা অনুসরণ করুন:
চিরং তিট্ঠতু বুদ্ধ সাসনং।
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Tripitaka, Tipitika (Pali Canon) Bangla pdf format Free Download Free Online.
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✿বৌদ্ধ ধর্মীয় অন্যান্য গ্রন্থ সমুহঃ
☸✫*•._()_ বিদর্শন ধ্যান অনুশীলন সহায়ক - সম্পাদনা : প্রদীপ কুমার বড়ুয়া _()_.•*✫☸
বিশুদ্ধিমার্গ , ,
আলোকিত মহাজীবন- মোগোক্ স্যাদো, চট্টগ্রামের বৌদ্ধ জাতির ইতিহাস, মনুষ্যত্ব বিকাশে ধর্ম, বিদর্শন ভাবনা (মূল- তংপুলু কাবাডে সেয়াডো), কুশল প্রশ্নোত্তর, বুদ্ধ যুগে বৌদ্ধ নারী, বুদ্ধের শিক্ষা, হৃদয়ের দরজা খুলে দিন, বুদ্ধ -অনুবাদকঃ শওকত হোসেন, শাক্যমুনী বুদ্ধের জীবনী ,,উৎসর্গ ও সূত্র , জাতক পঞ্চাশক (অখণ্ড) , মিলিন্দ-প্রশ্ন (১ম ও ২য় খণ্ড), ধম্মপদ (কবিতায়), অভির্ধম্মার্থ-সংগ্রহ , কথাবত্থু ( Kathavanthu) - উজ্জ্বল বড়ুয়া বাসু
✿বিভিন্ন প্রকাশনিতে প্রকাশিত বৌদ্ধ ধর্মীয় বই ও লেখকের নামঃ
•পালি সাহিত্যের ইতিহাস: ১ম খণ্ড ও ২য় খণ্ড ~ রবিন্দ্রবিজয় বড়ুয়া; বাংলা একাডেমি, ঢাকা
•ত্রিপিটক পরিচিতি ~ সুদর্শন বড়ুয়া; ধর্মরাজিক বুক এজেন্সী, বাসাবো, ঢাকা
•বৌদ্ধ সাহিত্য ~ ড. বিনয়েন্দ্র নাথ চৌধুরী; মহাবোধি বুক এজেন্সী, ৪ এ
বঙ্কিম চ্যাটার্জী স্ট্রীট, কলেজ স্কোর (পূর্ব), কোলকাতা-৭০০০৭৩, মো:
+৯১-৯৮৩১০৭৭৩৬৮, ইমেইল: mahabodhibookagency@hotmail.com
•বৌদ্ধ ধর্মীয় বই - রকমারি ডট কম
Buddhist Book in English :-
কৃতজ্ঞতাস্বীকার : জুয়েল বড়ুয়া
উৎসর্গ : আচার্য্য বুদ্ধ ঘোষ, Mr T.W. Rhys Davids and Mrs C.A.F. Rhys Davids
✫Any difficulties of DOWNLOAD first sign in GMAIL account.
✫ YouTube video : * Buddha Vandana
✫ফেইসবুক পাতা : * Pali & Buddhist Studies ;*
11) Classical Bosnian
(Pali ti, “tri”, “pitaka”, “košare”) ili Pali kanon je kolekcija
primarnih tekstova pali jezika koji čine doktrinarni temelj Theravadskog
budizma. Tipitaka i parakononički Pali tekstovi (komentari, hronike, itd.) Zajedno čine kompletno telo klasičnih tekstova Theravada.
Pali kanon je ogromno telo književnosti: u prevodu na engleski jezik tekstovi dodaju hiljade štampanih stranica. Većina (ali ne i sve) kompanije Canon već je objavljena na engleskom jeziku tokom godina. Iako je samo mali deo ovih tekstova dostupan na ovoj web stranici, ova kolekcija može biti dobro mesto za početak.
Tri divizije Tipitake su:
Vinaya Pitaka
tekstova koji se odnose na pravila ponašanja koja se odnose na dnevne
poslove unutar Sanghe - zajednica bhikkhusa (ordained monks) i
bhikkhunis (ordained monahas). Više nego samo spisak pravila, Vinaya Pitaka uključuje i priče iza
izvora svakog pravila, pružajući detaljan prikaz Budinog rješenja na
pitanje kako održati zajedničku harmoniju unutar velike i raznolike
duhovne zajednice.
Sutta Pitaka
sutata ili diskursa, pripisanih Budi i nekolicini njegovih najbližih
učenika, koji sadrže sva centralna učenja Theravadskog budizma. (Više od hiljadu prevodilaca sutte dostupno je na ovoj web stranici.) Sutate su podeljene među pet nikayas (kolekcije):
Digha Nikaya - “duga kolekcija”
Majjhima Nikaya - “kolekcija srednjih dužina”
Samyutta Nikaya - “grupisana kolekcija”
Anguttara Nikaya - “dodatna zbirka”
Khuddaka Nikaya - “zbirka malih tekstova”:
Sutta Nipata
Nettipakarana (uključen samo u burmansko izdanje Tipitake)
Petakopadesa (”")
Milindapañha (”")
Abhidhamma Pitaka
tekstova u kojima su osnovni doktrinarni principi predstavljeni u Sutta
Pitaki su preoblikovani i reorganizovani u sistematski okvir koji se
može primeniti na istragu o prirodi uma i materije.
12) Classical Bulgarian
12) Класически български
(Пали ти, “три”, “питака”, “кошници”) или Пали канон е колекцията от
първични езикови текстове на Пали, които формират доктриналната основа
на будизма на Теравада. Типитака и парканоничните текстове на Пали (коментари, хроники и др.)
Заедно съставляват цялото тяло на класическите текстове на Теравада.
Калият на Пали е огромно литературно тяло: в текстовете на английски език текстовете добавят до хиляди отпечатани страници. Повечето (но не всички) на Canon вече са публикувани на английски през годините. Макар че само малка част от тези текстове са налични на този уебсайт, тази колекция може да бъде добро място за стартиране.
Трите отделения на Типитака са:
Виная Питака
на текстове относно правилата за поведение, ръководещи ежедневните дела
в Санга - общността на бхиккус (ръкоположени монаси) и bhikkhunis
(ръкоположен монахини). Много повече от списък с правила, Винайа Питака включва и историите
зад произхода на всяко правило, предоставяйки подробно описание на
решението на Буда на въпроса как да се поддържа общностната хармония в
една голяма и разнообразна духовна общност.
Сута Питака
от suttas или дискурси, приписани на Буда и някои от най-близките му
ученици, съдържащи всички централни учения на будизма Theravada. (На този уебсайт има повече от една хиляда преводни сата) Стутите са разделени от пет никейа (колекции):
Дигата Никая - “дългата колекция”
Маджхима Никая - “колекцията със средна дължина”
Самиюта Никая - “групираната колекция”
Ангутара Никая - “допълнителната фабрична колекция”
Khuddaka Nikaya - “колекцията от малки текстове”:
Стута Нипата
Nettippakarana (включени само в бирманското издание на Tipitaka)
Петакападеса (”")
Milindapañha (”")
Абихахама Питака
на текстове, в които основните доктринални принципи, представени в
Sutta Pitaka, се преработват и реорганизират в систематична рамка, която
може да се приложи при разследване на характера на ума и материята.
# | Ключова дума | Позиция | Резултати от търсенето | Adwords | |||||||
Търсения месечен | Цена на клик | Очаквано | |||||||||
Кликвания | Импр. | Разходи | CTR | CPC | Позиция | ||||||
1 | Пали Канон* | 10 | 64 | 0 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
2 | Кхема | 39 | 160 | 0 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
3 | Дуккха | 43 | 160 | 0 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Показване на 1 — 3 от 3 думи |
Ключова дума | Позиция | Отрязък | |||||||||
Дуккха | 43 |
Verse 277 - The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories
277: “All conditioned phenomena are impermanent”; when one sees this with Insight-wisdom, one becomes weary of dukkha (i.e., the khandhas). This is … |
Кхема | 39 |
The Story of Theri Khema - The Dhammapada: Verses and Stories
Queen Khema arrived at the monastery, the Buddha was expounding the Dhamma to an audience. By his supernormal power, the Buddha made a very … |
Пали Канон | 10 |
Tipitaka Network - Sutta Spectra!: Online Pali Text Portal
Pali Kanon … The Pali Tipitaka (Unicode: Pāḷi Tipiṭaka, Velthuis: Paa.li Tipi. taka) or simply … The Pali scriptures were later translated into other languages. |
Показване на 1 — 4 от 3 думи |
# | Конкурент | Ниво | Общи ключови думи | Ключови думи общо | Рекламни ключови думи |
1 | accesstoinsight.org |
4 | 11 | — |
2 | buddhanet.net |
3 | 18 | — |
3 | buddhism.about.com |
3 | 9 | — |
4 | vipassana.com |
3 | 3 | — |
5 | leighb.com |
3 | 3 | — |
6 | palikanon.com |
2 | 2 | — |
7 | receptnik.com |
1 | 142 | — |
8 | gaisma.com |
1 | 82 | — |
9 | gotovim.ru |
1 | 69 | — |
10 | taste.com.au |
1 | 54 | — |
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1 | Паниагуа | 2 | 66 | 0 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
2 | Левеа | 2 | 160 | 0 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
3 | Александър Абуш | 2 | 12 | 0 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
4 | Дошен | 2 | 248 | 0 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
5 | Адриан III | 2 | 729 | 0 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
6 | Бъниша | 2 | 127 | 0 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
7 | Animal Magnetism | 2 | 160 | 10 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
8 | Ана Карима | 2 | 12 | 50 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
9 | bonets | 2 | 81 | 10 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
10 | Наполеон II | 2 | 160 | 10 | $0 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Показване на 1 — 10 от 10 думи |
Събрахме данни за 7,640 рекламни елементи. Tipitaka.net не е намерена в рекламите.
Digha Nikaya - la “col·lecció llarga”
Digha Nikaya - ang “taas nga koleksyon”
Economic Condition in India!
Tanvi Builders declare bankruptcy after taking
50% advance for 500 flats in Dahisar.
Tanvi Builders has project in Kashimira behind
Maruti car showroom
Dahyabhai of Heera Exports, his son Kavit standing &
their partner Vijaybhai of Kandivali East Thakur Complex…
They have filed for insolvency…
Their all projects stopped… Flat buyer are in their office…
Estimate is 80% of builders in Bombay will
be bankrupt in a year or so.
Be careful before investing in under
construction projects
Petroleum Products IMPORTS @ Rs.20/Kg, Exports Rs.30/kg
October28, 2017 (C) Ravinder Singh progressindia2015@gmail.com
It was quite shocking that India Imports 35 million tones of Petroleum
Products @ Rs.19.97 per kg, which is actually less than Crude Oil
imports @ Rs.21.98 per kg and Exports mainly by Private Refiners @ 29.75
per kg.
Since Crude Oil requires
High Cost Refining and Storage & Handling is expensive – it cost
India about 25% more and Exports mainly by Petroleum Companies are about
50% more than Petroleum Products.
Since the TRADE IN Petroleum
Products is Rs.5,81,792 Cr + Rs.1,94,893 Cr = 7,76,685 Crores – such
large Gaps in Petroleum Imports THAT TOO MAINLY LOW GRADE and Exports –
Rs.1,00,000 Cr to Rs.1,50,000 Cr Annual Loss/Moneylaundering
National Loss could be at least Rs.1,00,000 Cr to Rs.1,50,000 Cr Annually – even more from Money Laundering angle.
Figures for latest year are WILD compared to earlier years.
Crude Oil Imports cost Rs.4,70,251 Cr for 213.9 million tones – Rs.21.98/Kg.
Petroleum Products Imports cost Rs.70,727 Cr for 35.4 million tones – Rs.19.97/kg.
Petroleum Products Exports cost Rs.1,94,893 Cr for 65.5 million tones – Rs.29.75/kg.
Ø Price of Petroleum Products in FY2016-17 was Rs.18 Per Liter, this includes High Cost Lubricants also.
Ø I had reported this earlier also but this time Money Laundering Angel is also Important.
Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, ND -110016, India. Ph: 091- 8826415770 [4G], 9871056471, 9718280435,
Ravinder Singh* is a WIPO awarded inventor specializing in Power, Transportation,
Smart Cities, Water, Energy Saving, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Technologies and Projects
‘Savarkar Apologised to British 6 Times to Fight them’: BJP Leader’s Claim Triggers Jokes in Kerala
BJP Kerala spokesperson JR Padmakumar’s claim has triggered an avalanche of jokes in the Malayalam cyber space.
Newsclick Bureau 26 Oct 2017
Savarkar memes
The claim by JR Padmakumar, the BJP Kerala spokesperson, that Hindu
Mahasabha leader VD Savarkar had apologised not once, but six times to
the British so that he could participate in the Indian freedom struggle,
has triggered an avalanche of jokes from Kerala’s famed meme factories.
The argument was made by Padmakumar during the course of a news debate
in Manorama News channel on Tuesday. The comment can be seen in the clip
below (with English subtitles):
Padmakumar’s comments have
resulted in an explosion of jokes in the Malayalam cyber space. A small
sample of translated memes can be seen below.
Savarkar meme - 03.jpg
Savarkar meme - 02 (split personality).jpg
Savarkar meme - 01.jpg
Since the RSS was not part of the freedom struggle, claiming that
Savarkar was a participant in the freedom struggle has been the only
option for Sangh Parivar spokesperson to claim some link with the Indian
people’s fight against British colonial rule. But Savarkar had
petitioned the British several times during his jail term at the
Andamans and subsequently after his release, seeking forgiveness and
offering complete cooperation.
While Savarkar was lodged in the
Cellular Jail in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, he had written in his
mercy petition on 14 November 1913:
“If the government in their
manifold beneficence and mercy release me, I for one cannot but be the
staunchest advocate of constitutional progress and loyalty to the
English government which is the foremost condition of that progress…
Moreover, my conversion to the constitutional line would bring back all
those misled young men in India and abroad who were once looking up to
me as their guide. I am ready to serve the government in any capacity
they like, for as my conversion is conscientious so I hope my future
conduct would be.”
As Rajendra Prasad notes in a 2002 article ,
Savarkar wrote an article in Mahratta of Pune on 1 March 1925, to which
the government objected. He subsequently sent an explanation, at the end
of which he thanked the government for having given him an opportunity
to explain himself. He hoped that in the future too they would be
pleased to be as kindly disposed towards him. The conditions of his
release remained in force till 1937 when the elected government revoked
them. Savarkar became the president of the Hindu Mahasabha immediately
Savarkar advanced the argument that Hindus constitute
a nation in his 1923 book Hindutva. He laid out the theory that Hindus
and Muslims are separate nations in his 1937 presidential addressed to
the Hindu Mahasabha, and a resolution to that effect was passed by the
Mahasabha. This was three years prior to the Muslim League’s 1940
resolution demanding Pakistan on the basis of the two-nation theory.
“India cannot be assumed today to be a unitarian and homogeneous
nation, but on the contrary, there are two nations, in the main, the
Hindus and the Muslims,” he said in the address.
Peace Is Doable
This chitpavam brhmin is the role model of Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks (RSS)
because of his stealth,shadowy discriminatory hindutava cult which is
being implemented after the BJP (Brashtachari Jiyadha Psychopath)’s
Murderer of democratic instututions (Modi) gobbled the Master Key by
tampering the fraud EVMs.
A major antagonist - a well-known LGBT activist, openly countering: <https://www.facebook.com/
Other significant links:
There’s obviously, a rather unresolvable, strong two-way tension.
On the one hand, the stark inadequacies of the “due process”, on top of
the highly asymmetric power architecture, acknowledged across the whole
spectrum. Leading to “helplessness” of the accusers and thereby their
recourse to this action.
On the other, the issue of ethicality of a
list (of “harassers” or worse), with no context, no charge indiacted,
let alone proved. Or the complainants. And, of course, the version(s) of
the “accused” - who must be a “mixed” crowd, with widely varying
degrees of of offenses committed and, at least, in a few cases just
none, nowhere captured.
Additionaly, an element of “Savranas” vs.
“Dalits” was subsequently added. Specifically to counter the
acknowledged feminists, given the “parity” in terms of gender leading to
a sort of “tie”. Just to break it and regain the initial “advantage” in
the debate by bringing in the “oppressed caste” element vis-a-vis the
much reviled Savarna “elite”.
(Tellis, btw, has, among other things, emphatically contested the claim that Sarkar is a Dalit.
He has also highlighted the fact of his belonging to an oppressed “sexual minority”.
That makes the equation and match of “identity politics” rather interesting.)
The essential point that, however, remains is what purpose the whole controversy is serving?
Peace Is Doable
[While the Adani Group’s revenue increased 20 times in a span of 12
years from Rs.3741 crore in 2002-03 to Rs.75659 crore in 2014-15 in the
times when Narendra Modi was the chief minister of Gujarat, here is the
Adani-Modi Nexus and the reality of the Gujarat Model.
These scams
involve selling of state’s natural resources at low prices to people
like Adani and others, defrauding the people of Gujarat; making illegal
profits from food meant for the state’s poorer people and even diverting
it elsewhere; selling off land at throwaway prices to various
super-rich friends and associates, etc. Can the Gujarat model or the BJP
be called corruption free after this?]
Gujarat Model: A Corrupt Government from Top to Bottom
The rise of Adani’s business empire coincides with the ascent of
Narendra Modi, which can be a text book example of crony capitalism.
Prudhviraj Rupawat 27 Oct 2017
With the Election Commission announcing that elections for Gujarat
Assembly will be held on 9 and 14 December, it is time to look at the
BJP’s track record in the state. It has been ruling Gujarat continuously
since 1998. PM Modi was chief minister of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014
before becoming the Prime Minister. He and the BJP have constantly
harped on the ‘Gujarat’ model of governance claiming that it was perfect
and corruption free.
As we see below, this is far from the
truth. The state was mired in a variety of scams and corruption scandals
according to media reports and documents collated by NewsClick. In
this, it was in no way different from the Congress and several other
parties, but a mythology has been created by the BJP’s propaganda
machinery about the great Gujarat model.
One of the ways in which
Gujarat did become a model was this: it became a crucible for crony
capitalism. Apart from favoring a bunch of local industrialists, traders
and land sharks, the shining example of this is the Adani Group, the
prime favourite of Modi.
The rise of Adani’s business empire
coincides with the ascent of Narendra Modi, which can be a text book
example of crony capitalism. There must have been a quid pro quo of
While the Adani Group’s revenue increased 20 times in a
span of 12 years from Rs.3741 crore in 2002-03 to Rs.75659 crore in
2014-15 in the times when Narendra Modi was the chief minister of
Gujarat, here is the Adani-Modi Nexus and the reality of the Gujarat
These scams involve selling of state’s natural resources
at low prices to people like Adani and others, defrauding the people of
Gujarat; making illegal profits from food meant for the state’s poorer
people and even diverting it elsewhere; selling off land at throwaway
prices to various super-rich friends and associates, etc. Can the
Gujarat model or the BJP be called corruption free after this?
Land Scam
From 2005 onwards, the Adani group was given land for setting up a port
and a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) at Rs. 1.32 per square metre (sq. m)
while the average market price was Rs.1100 per square metre which
resulted in an estimated loss of Rs. 6546 crores to the State
government. Also in 2016, Department of Commerce, Government of India
has amended SEZ rules allowing refunds benefitting Adani group with Rs.
500 Crore.
In 2010, associates of Anandiben Patel’s daughter Anar
Patel got 422 acres of land in 2010 from the Narendra Modi’s government
at Rs 15 per sq. m, a huge 91.6% discount to the government’s stamp
duty rate of Rs 180 per sq.m. with an overall loss of Rs. 143.5 crore to
the state government.
At Sanand, The Tata group was given land
for the Nano car project at Rs 900 per sq. m against the market price of
Rs 10,000 sq. m with an estimated loss of Rs. 33000 crores to the
In 2011-12, Narendra Modi while on a spree of selling
government land to private giants such as Ford, L&T, Reliance and
Essar resulted in an estimated loss of Rs. 500 crores.
Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) scam
In 2005, Modi claimed that a block in Krishna Godavari (KG) basin owned
by Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) had 2 trillion cuft
(cubic feet) of gas worth Rs. 2.2 lakh crore. A decade later, GSPC is in
the red for Rs. 20000 crore with negligible presence of gas as claimed
as earlier. Now, the BJP government is forcing the public sector company
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) to buy GSPC with all its losses
Between 2006-09, natural gas owned by GSPC was sold to Adani
Energy at cheaper prices at a loss of Rs. 70.5 crore to the state
Also in 2010, 49% shares in GSPC Pipavav power
station were sold to Swan Energy for only Rs. 381 crore without inviting
any tenders.
Adani Coal Scam
The Adani Group was accused
of inflating prices of imported coal and equipment and of charging them
to consumers. Reportedly the pending Enforcement Directorate case which
has earlier levied a fine of Rs. 5500 crore and can rise up to Rs. 15000
crore on the group was being sabotaged and the ED officials being
Leaving behind the scams mentioned above, the Gujarat
government has levied lesser penalties than prescribed by Gujarat Urja
Vikas Nigam to Adani power bearing a loss of Rs. 160 crore.
Recently, the adjudicating authority of the Directorate of Revenue
Intelligence (DRI) has ordered to strike down all proceedings launched
by the DRI against the Adani Group firms in 2009, earlier accused of
allegedly inflating the total declared value of goods imported under
power and infrastructure heads. This further benefitted the Adani group a
worth of Rs. 1000 crore.
Anganwadi food Scam
Despite High
Court’s directions, in 2014, pre-cooked food contracts in Anganwadis
had been given to favored firms resulting in a loss of upto Rs. 500
crore to the State Government.
Rice Scam
Allegations of
diverting subsidized rice, meant for distribution among labourers who
dug village ponds, to the open market came out in 2004-05. This scam was
worth of Rs. 500 crore.
Disclaimer: The views expressed here are the author’s personal views, and do not necessarily represent the views of Newsclick.
Peace Is Doable
Former BBC journalist’s arrest: Congress accuses BJP of curbing press freedom
Party leader Ajay Maken demanded Vinod Verma’s immediate release and an
inquiry against Chhattisgarh minister Rajesh Munat for allegedly making
a sex CD.
by Scroll Staff
Published Yesterday · 09:51 pm
Former BBC journalist’s arrest: Congress accuses BJP of curbing press freedom
Vinod Verma/Facebook
The Congress on Friday accused the Bharatiya Janata Party of curbing
press freedom, after the police arrested former BBC journalist Vinod
Verma from his home in Ghaziabad, PTI reported. Verma was arrested for
allegedly using a sex CD to try to extort money from Chhattisgarh
minister Rajesh Munat.
“The Narendra Modi-led central government
and the Chhattisgarh government have been attacking, squeezing press
freedom,” Congress leader Ajay Maken said. “We strongly condemn Verma’s
arrest and demand that he be released immediately, and a judicial
inquiry into the allegations against the state minister be announced.”
After his arrest, Verma had claimed that the BJP government in
Chhattisgarh was framing him because he had a sex CD involving Munat.
Maken said the journalist’s arrest should not be seen as a “one-off”
incident. The Congress leader wondered whether a junior journalist would
dare to do investigative stories after “the way Verma was picked up
from his residence” merely for investigating allegations against a state
Maken also demanded a judicial inquiry into
allegations levelled by Patidar leader Narendra Patel that the BJP had
bribed him with Rs 1 crore to join the party.
Peace Is Doable
Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani links ISIS case with Ahmed Patel, Congress says BJP is nervous
[“Who took notorious terrorist Maulana Masood Azhar and two others to
Kandahar? And what about Eknath Khadse, who had resigned as a minister
in Maharashtra? So who is linked with terrorists? Who invited Pakistan’s
ISI to Pathankot airbase after terror attack? So don’t give lectures to
the Congress party. It is the BJP which is linked with those who want
to divide the country,” he (Congress’s Randeep Surjewala) said.]
Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani links ISIS case with Ahmed Patel, Congress says BJP is nervous
At the press conference, Vijay Rupani said, “Just two days before being
caught, they had resigned or their resignation were procured. This
looks suspicious. What is the connection?”
By: Express News Service | Gandhinagar/new Delhi | Updated: October 28, 2017 11:53 am
Kasim Steamerwala, one of the two arrested from Surat
Seeking the resignation of Ahmed Patel, political secretary to Congress
president Sonia Gandhi and Rajya Sabha MP, Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay
Rupani said here today that the hospital that employed one of the two
youths arrested for suspected ISIS links in Gujarat was being “managed”
by Patel. And that he should explain the circumstances behind employing
the youth and why the accused resigned days before he was arrested.
“I congratulate the ATS (Anti-Terrorist Squad) for having caught two
terrorists ( lawyer Ubed Mirza, 29, and Kasim Steamerwala, 31) in time.
Had it not been so… a big disaster would have happened,” said Rupani in a
late-evening briefing held at BJP headquarters in Koba, Gandhinagar on
Friday. He said that the terrorists had planned to attack a Hindu
Godman, Hindu shrines and a synagogue. They were well-prepared with
passports and visas to flee abroad, Rupani said.
“Ahmed Patel is
the person running the show at the hospital in Bharuch where he (Kasim, a
laboratory technician) was employed. Patel was earlier a trustee of the
hospital from which he resigned in 2014. However, he continued to run
the show at the hospital where President Pranab Mukherjee was invited to
inaugurate the premises in 2016,” said Rupani alleging that Patel had
hosted the event and was present on stage. IS suspects: Advocate from
business family, technician eyeing job in Jamaica
On October 23,
2016, then President Mukherjee had attended the inauguration of the
renovated Sardar Patel Hospital and Heart Institute (SPHHI) and had
said: “I am happy to be associated with an institution that carries the
name of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who united 570 principalities into the
Indian Union with 1,800 dialects and seven major religions of the
According to the hospital’s website Ahmed Patel had been
associated with the foundation of the hospital. In 1981, Morari Bapu
raised funds for the hospital by doing a Ram katha. In 1986 when Ahmed
Patel was GPCC president he helped raise funds. Jayesh N Patel, a
trustee of the hospital denied that “Ahmed Patel or any of his family
members are connected with the hospital and the trust in any away’’. In a
statement issued this evening, the hospital trustee said that “some
elements are levelling baseless allegations against the hospital’’.
“I strongly condemn it’’, said the trustee. “Suspect Mohammed Kasim
Steamerwala was recruited as Echo Technician through due procedures’’.
The hospital did not mention when he was hired. Its statement said, “The
suspect resigned on October 4, 2017 voluntarily and was relieved from
duty on October 24’’. “The hospital trust had no knowledge at all about
the personal activities of the suspect’’, the release said. “The
hospital trustees strongly condemn the activities of the suspect.”
At the press conference, Rupani said, “Just two days before being
caught, they had resigned or their resignation were procured. This looks
suspicious. What is the connection. Did you know or did you didn’t? You
have to tell the nation. Both Congress and Rahul Gandhi should also
respond about the connection. It was a danger to the security of the
nation. Doubts have risen in the minds of people. We are demanding that
Ahmed Patel should resign from Rajya Sabha and Ahmedbhai and Congress
should clarify on the matter,” Rupani added.
Union HRD Minister
and senior BJP leader Prakash Javadekar told The Indian Express: “The
BJP is fighting elections on the plank of development in Gujarat. But
what has been exposed by the Gujarat ATS is alarming. The ISIS
terrorists nabbed by the Gujarat ATS were planning to attack Jewish
religious places and leaders. One of them was working with a hospital
that has been patronised by Congress leader Ahmed Patel. Now Congress
owes an explanation on this,”
Patel, on his part, said the
allegations were baseless. “My party and I appreciate the ATS’s effort
to nab the two terrorists. I demand strict and speedy action against
them. The allegations put forward by BJP are completely baseless. We
request that matters of national security not be politicised keeping the
elections in mind. Let’s not divide peace loving Gujaratis while
fighting terrorism,” he tweeted.
Addressing a press conference in
Chandigarh, Congress’s Randeep Surjewala alleged that Rupani’s
allegations were a ruse to hide his government’s failure in the run-up
to elections. “The BJP is jittery as it is facing imminent defeat in
Gujarat.” “The facts are unequivocal. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel hospital
in Bharuch is a charitable hospital employing close to 200 employees.
Ahmed Patel or any family member are neither its trustees nor have
anything to do with recruitment or engagement of employees,” Surjewala
told The Indian Express.
“A person worked in this hospital for
five months as a temporary technician. After he resigned and went away,
he has been picked by ATS for his alleged connection with the ISIS and
alleged plan to attack a Jewish synagogue in Ahmedabad…The BJP
government should take action with full force. But a frustrated BJP
facing imminent defeat is resorting to levelling reckless allegation vis
a vis Ahmed Patel with not a whisper or an iota of truth.”
took notorious terrorist Maulana Masood Azhar and two others to
Kandahar? And what about Eknath Khadse, who had resigned as a minister
in Maharashtra? So who is linked with terrorists? Who invited Pakistan’s
ISI to Pathankot airbase after terror attack? So don’t give lectures to
the Congress party. It is the BJP which is linked with those who want
to divide the country,” he said.
On Wednesday, the Gujarat ATS
had arrested Steamerwala and Mirza for allegedly plotting ISIS inspired
lone-wolf terror attack on a synagogue in Ahmedabad. According to the
FIR, Steamerwala resigned a day before and was “planning and preparing
for emigration (Hijrah) to Jamaica in immediate future and indulge in
jihad under guidance of Abdullah el-Faisal, a radical preacher based in
Jamaica.” The FIR also claims that Steamerwala was in touch with the
preacher. It says that he had obtained work visa for Jamaica “on pretext
of working as Echo-Cardiogram Technician in a hospital in Jamaica.”
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