Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

January 2011
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127 LESSON 04 01 2011 Siha Sutta To General Siha On Generosity FREE ONLINE eNālandā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY-Environmental engineering-GOOD GOVERNANCE-BSP only party of country which did not spare its own ministers, MPs and legislators on violation of law —Hon’ble Chief Minister ji-Legislator Mr. Purushottam Naresh Dwivedi suspended from BSP, CB-CID handed over investigation-Chairman National Scheduled Castes Commission indulging in petty politics-Opposition parties should look into their own shady past-Respect of all women important and at par-Hon’ble C.M. directs to provide Rs. 2 lakh as financial assistance to family members of deceased in Deoria firing-Injured persons to get Rs. 25,000 each-Hon’ble C.M. Grieved over death of Amar Ujala Managing Director-VOICE OF SARVAJAN-HONEYLEAKS-CII turns down govt advice on ombudsman for SC/ST jobs-
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Posted by: site admin @ 9:13 am

127 LESSON 04 01 2011 Siha Sutta To General Siha On Generosity FREE ONLINE eNālandā Research and Practice UNIVERSITY

Awakeness Practices

All 84,000 Khandas As Found in the Pali Suttas

Traditionally the are 84,000 Dharma Doors - 84,000 ways to get Awakeness. Maybe so; certainly the Buddha taught a large number of practices that lead to Awakeness. This web page attempts to catalogue those found in the Pali Suttas (DN, MN, SN, AN, Ud & Sn 1). There are 3 sections:

The discourses of Buddha are divided into 84,000, as to separate addresses. The division includes all that was spoken by Buddha.”I received from Buddha,” said Ananda, “82,000 Khandas, and  from the priests 2000; these are 84,000 Khandas maintained by me.” They are divided into 275,250, as to the stanzas of the original text, and into 361,550, as to the stanzas of the commentary. All the discourses including both those of Buddha and those of the commentator, are divided  into 2,547 banawaras, containing 737,000 stanzas, and 29,368,000 separate letters.

Course Programs:

Welcome to the Free Online e-Nālandā Research and Practice University

AN 5.34 

PTS: A iii 38

Siha Sutta: To General Siha (On Generosity)

translated from the Pali by

Thanissaro Bhikkhu

© 1997–2010

I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Vesali, in the Great Forest, at the Gabled Pavilion. Then General Siha went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, having bowed down to him, sat to one side. As he was sitting there he said to the Blessed One: “Is it possible, lord, to point out a fruit of generosity visible in the here & now?”

“It is possible, Siha. One who gives, who is a master of giving, is dear & charming to people at large. And the fact that who is generous, a master of giving, is dear & charming to people at large: this is a fruit of generosity visible in the here & now.

“Furthermore, good people, people of integrity, admire one who gives, who is a master of giving. And the fact that good people, people of integrity, admire one who gives, who is a master of giving: this, too, is a fruit of generosity visible in the here & now.

“Furthermore, the fine reputation of one who gives, who is a master of giving, is spread far & wide. And the fact that the fine reputation of one who gives, who is a master of giving, is spread far & wide: this, too, is a fruit of generosity visible in the here & now.

“Furthermore, when one who gives, who is a master of giving, approaches any assembly of people — noble warriors, brahmans, householders, or contemplatives — he/she does so confidently & without embarrassment. And the fact that when one who gives, who is a master of giving, approaches any assembly of people — noble warriors, brahmans, householders, or contemplatives — he/she does so confidently & without embarrassment: this, too, is a fruit of generosity visible in the here & now.

“Furthermore, at the break-up of the body, after death, one who gives, who is a master of giving, reappears in a good destination, the heavenly world. And the fact that at the break-up of the body, after death, one who gives, who is a master of giving, reappears in a good destination, the heavenly world: this is a fruit of generosity in the next life.”

When this was said, General Siha said to the Blessed One: “As for the four fruits of generosity visible in the here & now that have been pointed out by the Blessed One, it’s not the case that I go by conviction in the Blessed One with regard to them. I know them, too. I am one who gives, a master of giving, dear & charming to people at large. I am one who gives, a master of giving; good people, people of integrity, admire me. I am one who gives, a master of giving, and my fine reputation is spread far & wide: ‘Siha is generous, a doer, a supporter of the Sangha.’ I am one who gives, a master of giving, and when I approach any assembly of people — noble warriors, brahmans, householders, or contemplatives — I do so confidently & without embarrassment.

“But when the Blessed One says to me, ‘At the break-up of the body, after death, one who gives, who is a master of giving, reappears in a good destination, the heavenly world,’ that I do not know. That is where I go by conviction in the Blessed One.”

“So it is, Siha. So it is. At the break-up of the body, after death, one who gives, who is a master of giving, reappears in a good destination, the heavenly world.”

One who gives is dear.

People at large admire him.

He gains honor. His status grows.

He enters an assembly unembarrassed.

He is confident — the man un-miserly.

Therefore the wise give gifts.

Seeking bliss,

they would subdue the stain

of miserliness.

Established in the three-fold heavenly world,

they enjoy themselves long

in fellowship with the devas.

Having made the opportunity for themselves,

having done what is skillful,

then when they fall from here

they fare on, self-radiant, in Nandana.[1]

There they delight, enjoy, are joyful,

replete with the five sensuality strands.

Having followed the words of the sage who is Such,

they enjoy themselves in heaven —

disciples of the One Well-gone.



The garden of the devas.

See also: AN 5.148.


WISDOM              IS             POWER

Awakened One Shows the Path to Attain Ultimate Bliss


Using such an instrument

The Free ONLINE e-Nālandā Research and Practice University has been re-organized to function through the following Schools of Learning :

Buddha’s Sangha Practiced His Dhamma Free of cost, hence the Free- e-Nālandā Research and Practice University follows suit

As the Original Nālandā University did not offer any Degree, so also the Free  e-Nālandā Research and Practice University.

The teachings of Buddha are eternal, but even then Buddha did not proclaim them to be infallible. The religion of Buddha has the capacity to change according to times, a quality which no other religion can claim to have…Now what is the basis of Buddhism? If you study carefully, you will see that Buddhism is based on reason. There is an element of flexibility inherent in it, which is not found in any other religion.

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar , Indian scholar, philosopher and architect of Constitution of India, in his writing and speeches














Level I: Introduction to Buddhism,Level II: Buddhist Studies,


Level III: Stream-Enterer,Level IV: Once – Returner,Level V: Non-Returner,Level VI: Arhat

Jambudvipa, i.e, PraBuddha Bharath scientific thought in


Philosophy and Comparative Religions;Historical Studies;International Relations and Peace Studies;Business Management in relation to Public Policy and Development Studies;Languages and Literature;and Ecology and Environmental Studies


The New School offers two programs of study focusing on the environment, a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies, part of the university’s new interdisciplinary undergraduate program suite, which prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century marketplace.

These innovative new programs, administered by the Tishman Environment and Design Center, take students beyond natural ecology and resource conservation, emphasizing urban ecosystems, sustainable design, and public policy. The New School has always taken a proactive stance in addressing challenging social issues right here in New York City, and the university is committed toenvironmental responsibility. In keeping with that tradition, the university offers this wide-ranging program that allows undergraduate students to study and work at the intersection of society and nature, relying largely on interdisciplinary courses that capitalize on the faculty’s expertise and the students’ interests.

Environmental engineering

Blue Marble composite images generated by NASA in 2001 (left) and 2002 (right).


Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical and biological sciences, (including physics, chemistry, biology, soil science, geology, andgeography) to the study of the environment, and the solution of environmental problems. Environmental science provides an integrated, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems.[1]

Related areas of study include environmental studies and environmental engineering. Environmental studies incorporates more of the social sciences for understanding human relationships, perceptions and policies towards the environment. Environmental engineering focuses on design and technology for improving environmental quality.

Environmental scientists work on subjects like the understanding of earth processes, evaluating alternative energy systems, pollution control and mitigation, natural resource management, and the effects of global climate change. Environmental issues almost always include an interaction of physical, chemical, and biological processes. Environmental scientists bring a systems approach to the analysis of environmental problems. Key elements of an effective environmental scientist include the ability to relate space, and time relationships as well as quantitative analysis.

Environmental science came alive as a substantive, active field of scientific investigation in the 1960s and 1970s driven by (a) the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to analyze complex environmental problems, (b) the arrival of substantive environmental laws requiring specific environmental protocols of investigation and (c) the growing public awareness of a need for action in addressing environmental problems. Events that spurred this development included the publication of Rachael Carson’s landmark environmental book Silent Spring[2] along with major environmental issues becoming very public, such as the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill, and the Cuyahoga River of Cleveland, Ohio, “catching fire” (also in 1969), and helped increase the visibility of environmental issues and create this new field of study.

Ecology and Environmental Studies

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Jun-Ku Yuh, Ph.D.



November, 2006



Internationale Zuliefermesse für Luft- und Raumfahrt





Press Information Bureau

(C.M. Information Campus)

Information & Public Relations Department, U.P.

BSP only party of country which did not spare its own ministers, MPs and legislators on violation of law

—Hon’ble Chief Minister ji

Legislator Mr. Purushottam Naresh Dwivedi suspended  from BSP, CB-CID handed over investigation

Chairman National Scheduled Castes Commission indulging in petty politics

Opposition parties should look into their own shady past

Respect of all women important and at par

Lucknow : 02 January 2011

The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Ms. Mayawati

ji, taking tough action in Banda incident, has suspended the

Naraini legislator Mr. Purushottam Naresh Dwivedi from the

party till the government received the CB-CID investigation

report. She said that if Mr. Dwivedi was found guilty in the

report, then he would be expelled from the party and sent to

jail and if the report is in his favour, then he would be

reinstated in the party.

The State Cabinet Secretary Mr. Shashank Shekhar

Singh, on behalf of the Hon’ble Chief Minister ji, gave this

information at a press conference held at the Annexe media

centre here today. He said that the Hon’ble Chief Minister ji

was of the opinion that the dignity of all women was equal and

important and the caste, community and religion of the girl of

Banda incident were immaterial. He said that for the Hon’ble

Chief Minister ji nobody was above law. The C.M. had clearly

said that after the CB-CID investigation, punitive action would

be taken against the guilty of the Banda incident, he pointed


It may be recalled that Sheelu D/o Achchhe Lal Nishad is

a r/o Shahbazpur village in Naraini Tehsil of Banda district.

She has been named in the Banda incident. Mr. Mayank

Dwivedi, S/o Mr. Purushottam Naresh Dwivedi, on 14

December 2010, lodged an FIR against her at police station

Atarra. She was arrested the same day. Some stolen articles

like blanket bag, Rs. 5000 in cash and one spice double sim

mobile of black colour were recovered from her. Sheelu, after

her mother’s death, lived with her maternal grand parents at

Harnampur village, police station Dharampur, district Panna,

M.P. On 03 November 2010 a missing FIR regarding Sheelu

was lodged at police station Panna, M.P.

Mr. Singh said that the Chairman of National Scheduled

Castes Commission Mr. P.L. Punia was indulging in petty

politics regarding this case and he was demanding a report

from the State Government, which was not under his purview

as the victim did not belong to SC category. Instead she

belong to backward caste, he pointed out.

Expressing her surprise over the petty politics being

indulged by the opposition parties over the law and order and

other petty incidents including Banda, Hon’ble Chief Minister ji

said that the opposition parties should look into their own

shady past. She said that the people of the State had not

forgotten the guest house incident which occurred on 02 June

1995, in which the SP and its supporters misbehaved with a

woman and on this issue the then SP Government had been


The Hon’ble Chief Minister ji reminded that several other

incidents like killing of legislators Krishna Nand Rai and Raju

Pal, misbehaviour with the then SP Firozabad by Samajwadi

Party (SP) legislator, other incidents of killing and anti-social

activities took place during the SP regime and the SP

Government hushed up these incidents including killing of SC

engineer in Azamgarh, Kavita Chaudhary incident and Madarsa

incident of Allahabad. In all these incidents the Samajwadi

Party people were involved and they escaped with the

cooperation of the SP Government.

The Hon’ble Chief Minister ji said that the other

opposition parties like Congress, BJP etc. had the similar

record. She reminded that during the BJP regime several

killings took place which included killing of Mr. Nirbhay Pal

Sharma legislator from Sarsawan, killing of BJP leader Mr.

Santosh Kumar Shukla and Mr. Ajay at the Shivali office,

murders of legislator Mr. Manzoor Ahmad, Sharda Rawat,

Mahendra Singh Bhati, Indra Bhadra Singh, Bhagwan Baksh

Singh etc.

The Hon’ble Chief Minister ji said that during the

Congress regime, the brother of the then Chief Minister, who

was himself a High Court Judge, was killed in 1981. Likewise,

the murder of Mr. Vilayati Ram Katyal could not be forgotten.

She sought to know from the leaders of these parties as to

what were they doing at that time. She further inquired as to

what steps these parties took at the killing of former minister

Mr. Laxmi Shankar Yadav, former legislator Mr. Om Prakash

Paswan, Mr. Jawahar Singh Yadav and Mr. Brahm Dutt


The Hon’ble Chief Minister said that BSP was the only

party which had not spared Party Ministers, MPs and MLAs

over violation of law. An MP belonging to her party had been

arrested from her residence for violation of law. She had not

been hesitated over taking the action against Anand Sen

Yadav Minister and Mr. Anand Sharma MLA from Dibai.

Similarly, action had been taken against party MLA when his

name came into light in the murder of executive engineer in


Terming the allegation of opposition parties regarding

not taking the action against the policemen as baseless, she

said that 12 FIRs were lodged in the incidents against the

women during the period between 1

st January 2010 and 30

November 2010, in which 12 accused were policemen. In

these incidents 06 policemen were arrested, while 03

policemen appeared in the Court. Charge-sheets were filed in

the Court into 07 cases.

The Cabinet Secretary said that several schemes- Dr.

Ambedkar Gram Sabha Yojana, Mahamaya Garib Balika

Ashirvad Yojana, Savitri Bai Phule Balika Shishka Madad

Yojana, Sarvjan Hitai Shahri Garib Malikana Haq Yojana,

Mahamaya Avas Yojana and Uttar Pradesh Mukhymantri

Mahamaya Arthik Madad Yojana were launched from time to

time to benefit every poor of the State on the directives of the

Hon’ble Chief Minister.


Hon’ble C.M. directs to provide Rs. 2 lakh as financial assistance to family members of deceased in Deoria firing

Injured persons to get Rs. 25,000 each

Lucknow : 03 January 2011

The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Ms.

Mayawati ji has directed the officers to provide financial

assistance of Rs. 2 lakh to the family members of

deceased during the firing incident in Deoria.

The Hon’ble Chief Minister has also directed the

officers to give Rs. 25,000 each to the persons injured in

the firing and Rs. 10,000 each to the persons whose huts

got damaged.


Hon’ble C.M. Grieved over death of Amar Ujala Managing Director

Lucknow : 03 January 2011

The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Ms.

Mayawati ji has expressed profound grief over the demise

of Mr. Atul Maheshwari, Managing Director of Dainik Amar


In a condolence message, Hon’ble Chief Minister ji

said that late Maheshwari remained committed to the

principles of journalism and he treated newspaper as a

medium of human service. He believed in simplicity and

human values, she added.

Hon’ble Chief Minister ji has conveyed her deep

sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the bereaved

family members of late Maheshwari. It may be recalled that

Mr. Atul Maheshwari aged about 55 years was ailing and

breathed his last at Noida today leaving behind his family





CII turns down govt advice on ombudsman for SC/ST jobs

CII turns down govt advice on ombudsman for SC/ST jobs
Press Trust of India / New Delhi January 01, 2011, 0:05 IST

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) today turned down a
direction of the government for appointing an ombudsman to track job
creation for scheduled castes (SCs) and scheduled tribes (STs). It
said it cannot create such an institution.

However, the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
(Ficci) had appointed noted industrialist Y K Modi as an ombudsman for
overseeing employment generation for the weaker sections. Due to his
pre-occupations, Modi had since vacated this post and Ficci was
looking for an alternative, chamber sources said.

The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham)
has nominated heads of four regional chambers — Madras Chamber of
Commerce, Bombay Chamber of Commerce, Merchant Chamber and PHDCCI — as

“The Assocham president will be an arbitrator at the apex level. We
have conveyed this to the Prime Minister’s Office,” Assocham Secretary
General D S Rawat said.

But CII maintained that it had no mandate to create such an
institution. “A formal position of ombudsman was not created since
industry associations like CII do not have the legal mandate to create
and empower such a person, since discharge of duties of an ombudsman
could need semi-judicial powers,” CII said in a statement.

CII said “its decision” had already been made known. In a recent
letter to the industry bodies, the government had sought the status
from the chambers on the issue.

Environmental Studies


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