ро╕рпБродрпНродрокро┐роЯроХ, рокрпБродрпНродро░рпН рокрпЖро░рпБроорпН роЕро│ро╡рпБ роЕро╡ро░рпЗ ро╡рпЖро╡рпНро╡рпЗро▒рпБ
Sutta Pitaka consists mainly of discourses delivered by the Buddha
himself on various occasions. There were also a few discourses delivered
by some of his distinguished disciples (e.g. Sariputta, Ananda,
Moggallana) included in it. It is like a book of prescriptions, as the
sermons embodied therein were expounded to suit the different occasions
and the temperaments of various persons. There may be seemingly
contradictory statements, but they should not be misconstrued as they
were opportunely uttered by the Buddha to suit a particular purpose.
тАиThis Pitaka is divided into five Nikayas or collections, viz.:- тАи
родро┐роХрпНроХ (роирпАро│рооро╛рой) роиро┐роХро╛роп (родро┐ро░роЯрпНроЯрпБроХро│рпН)
рокрпБродрпНродро░ро╛ро▓рпН роХрпКроЯрпБроХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпНроЯ 34 роирпАро│рооро╛рой рокрпЛродройрпИропрпБро░рпИроХро│рпН роХрпКропрпНроЪроХрооро╛роХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпНроЯродрпБ.
D─лgha Nik─Бya
long] The D─лgha Nik─Бya gathers 34 of the longest discourses given by
the Buddha. There are various hints that many of them are late additions
to the original corpus and of questionable authenticity.
роороЬрпНроЬро┐роо (роородрпНродро┐роо) (роироЯрпБродрпНродро░рооро╛рой) роиро┐роХро╛роп (родро┐ро░роЯрпНроЯрпБроХро│рпН)
роХрпКроЯрпБроХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпНроЯ 152 роородрпНродро┐роо ( роироЯрпБродрпНродро░рооро╛рой роирпАроЯрпНроЪро┐ ) рокро▓рпНро╡рпЗро▒рпБ ро╡роХрпИрокрпНрокроЯрпНроЯ
ро╡ро┐ро╖ропроЩрпНроХро│рпН роЪрпЖропро▓рпН родрпКроЯро░рпНрокрпБ роЙроЯройрпН рокрпЛродройрпИропрпБро░рпИроХро│рпН роХрпКропрпНроЪроХрооро╛роХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпНроЯродрпБ.
Majjhima Nik─Бya
medium] The Majjhima Nik─Бya gathers 152 discourses of the Buddha of
intermediate length, dealing with diverse matters.
ро╕роорпНропрпБродрпНрод (роХрпБро╡ро┐ропро▓рпН) роиро┐роХро╛роп (родро┐ро░роЯрпНроЯрпБроХро│рпН)
роиро┐роХро╛роп (родро┐ро░роЯрпНроЯрпБроХро│рпН) роОрой роЕро┤рпИроХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпБроорпН роирпЖро▒ро┐ роорпБро▒рпИроХрпН роХроЯрпНроЯро│рпИ роЖрогрпИ роЕро╡ро▒рпНро▒ро┐ройрпБроЯрпИроп
рокрпКро░рпБро│рпБроХрпНроХрпБ роПро▒рпНрок 56 рокроЩрпНроХрпБро╡ро░ро┐ роХрпБро╡ро┐ропро▓ро╛роХ роХрпКропрпНроЪроХрооро╛роХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпНроЯродрпБ. роЕродрпБ роорпВро╡ро╛ропро┐ро░роорпН
ро╡ро┐роЮрпНроЪро┐ рооро┐роХрпБродро┐ропро╛роХ рооро╛ро▒рпБроорпН родройрпНроорпИропрпБро│рпНро│ роирпАро│роорпН роЖройро╛ро▓рпН рокрпЖро░рпБроорпНрокро╛ро▓рпБроорпН роТрокрпНрокрпБ
роирпЛроХрпНроХро╛роХ роЪрпБро░рпБроХрпНроХрооро╛рой роирпЖро▒ро┐ роорпБро▒рпИроХрпН роХроЯрпНроЯро│рпИ роЖрогрпИ роиро┐ро░роорпНрокро┐ропродрпБ.
Saс╣Гyutta Nik─Бya
group] The Saс╣Гyutta Nik─Бya gathers the suttas according to their
subject in 56 sub-groups called saс╣Гyuttas. It contains more than three
thousand discourses of variable length, but generally relatively short.
роЕроЩрпНроХрпБродрпНродро░ (роХрпВроЯрпБродро▓рпН роЕроЩрпНроХрооро╛рой) (роЖроХрпНроХроХрпНроХрпВро▒рпБ) роиро┐роХро╛роп (родро┐ро░роЯрпНроЯрпБроХро│рпН)
роХро╛ро░рогро┐, роХро░рпБродрпНродрпИроХрпН роХро╡ро░рпНроХро┐ро▒, роХрпАро┤рпН роирпЛроХрпНроХро┐ роЕро▓рпНро▓родрпБ роПро▒родрпНродро╛ро┤ родро▒рпНрокрпЛродрпИроХрпНроХрпБ
роЙродро╡рпБроХро┐ро▒ роОрой роЕро┤рпИроХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпБроорпН рокродро┐ройрпКройрпНро▒рпБ рокроЩрпНроХрпБро╡ро░ро┐, роТро╡рпНро╡рпКройрпНро▒рпБ
роХрпКропрпНроЪроХрооро╛роХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпНроЯродрпБ роирпЖро▒ро┐ роорпБро▒рпИроХрпН роХроЯрпНроЯро│рпИ роЖрогрпИ роХрогроХрпНроХро┐роЯро▓рпН роЖроХрпНроХрпИ роТро░рпБ
роХрпБро▒ро┐рокрпНрокро┐роЯрпНроЯ роХрпВроЯрпБродро▓рпН роЖроХрпНроХроХрпН роХрпВро▒рпБ роОродро┐ро░ро╛роХ роЕро╡рпИ роорпБройрпНройрпЛроЯро┐ рооро╛родро┐ро░ро┐ роЗро▒роЩрпНроХрпБродро▓рпН
роХро╛ро░рогро┐. роЕродрпБ роЖропро┐ро░роХрпНроХрогроХрпНроХро╛рой рокрпЖро░рпБроорпНрокро╛ро▓рпБроорпН роЪрпБро░рпБроХрпНроХрооро╛рой роирпЖро▒ро┐ роорпБро▒рпИроХрпН роХроЯрпНроЯро│рпИ роЖрогрпИ
роиро┐ро░роорпНрокро┐ропродрпБ. родройрпНройроХроорпН роХрпКрогрпНроЯро┐ро░рпБ
Aс╣Еguttara Nik─Бya
factor | uttara: additionnal] The Aс╣Еguttara Nik─Бya is subdivized in
eleven sub-groups called nip─Бtas, each of them gathering discourses
consisting of enumerations of one additional factor versus those of the
precedent nip─Бta. It contains thousands of suttas which are generally
роХрпБродрпНродроХ (роЪрпБро░рпБроХрпНроХрооро╛рой, роЪро┐ро▒ро┐роп) роиро┐роХро╛роп (родро┐ро░роЯрпНроЯрпБроХро│рпН)
роЪро┐ро▒ро┐роп роиро┐роХро╛роп (родро┐ро░роЯрпНроЯрпБроХро│рпН) ро╡ро╛роЪроХроорпН рооро▒рпНро▒рпБроорпН роЖро▓рпЛроЪройрпИ рооро┐роХрпНроХ рооро╛родро┐ро░ро┐ родрогро┐роирпНрод
роЗро░рогрпНроЯрпБ рокроЯрпБроХрпИроХро│рпН : родроорпНроорокрод (роТро░рпБ роЪроороп роЪроорпНрокроирпНродрооро╛рой роорпБро▒рпНро▒рпБродрпН родрпКроЯро░рпН ро╡ро╛роХрпНроХро┐ропроорпН ,
роорпВройрпНро▒рпБ роХрпВроЯрпИроХро│рпН роирпВроЯрпНроХро│рпН роТройрпНро▒ро┐ройрпН рокрпЖропро░рпН , родроорпНрооро╛ро╡ро┐ройрпН роЙроЯро▒рпНрокроХрпБродро┐ роЕро▓рпНро▓родрпБ
рокро╛роХроорпН), роЙродро╛рой (ро╡ро╛ро░рпНродрпНродрпИроХро│ро╛ро▓рпН,
роорпЗро▓рпНроирпЛроХрпНроХро┐роп рокрпЗро░ро╛ро░рпНро╡роорпН, роЖро╡ро▓рпН роХрпКрогрпНроЯ роЕро▓рпНро▓родрпБ
роороХро┐ро┤рпНроЪрпНроЪро┐ роХрпВро▒рпНро▒рпБ, роЪрпКро▒рпНро▒рпКроЯро░рпН , роЙрогро░рпНроЪрпНроЪро┐рооро┐роХрпНроХ роЙро▒рпБродро▓рпБрогро░рпНроЪрпНроЪро┐, роороХро┐ро┤рпНроЪрпНроЪро┐
роЕро▓рпНро▓родрпБ рооройродрпНродрпБропро░роорпН роЗро░рогрпНроЯройрпБро│рпН роТройрпНро▒рпБ), роЗродро┐ро╡рпБродрпНродроХ ( роЗродрпБ роХрпБродрпНродроХройро┐роХро╛роп роиро╛ройрпНроХро╛роорпН
рокрпБродрпНродроХроорпН рокрпЖропро░рпН), ро╕рпБродрпНрод ( роТро░рпБ роЪро░роорпН, роЗро┤рпИ ,: рокрпБродрпНродроЪрооропроорпН, роЪро╡рпБроХродроирпВро▓рпН роТро░рпБ
рокро╛роХроорпН; роТро░рпБ ро╡ро┐родро┐, роирпАродро┐ ро╡ро╛роХрпНроХро┐ропроорпН роЗро▒роЩрпНроХрпБродро▓рпН роХро╛ро░рогро┐),родрпЗро░роХро╛род-родрпЗро░ро┐роХро╛род(
родрпЗро░ро╛роХрпНроХро│рпБроХрпНроХрпБ роЙро░ро┐ропродро╛ройродрпБ), рооро▒рпНро▒рпБроорпН роТро░рпБ роЪро░роЯрпБ роЬро╛родроХ ( рокро┐ро▒рокрпНрокрпБ , рокро┐ро▒рокрпНрокро┐роЯроорпН ,
роТро░рпБ рокро┐ро▒рокрпНрокрпБ роЕро▓рпНро▓родрпБ : рокрпБродрпНродроЪрооропроорпН ро╡ро┐ро╡рпЗроХроорпН ро╡ро╛ро┤рпНродро▓рпН , роТро░рпБ роЬро╛родроХ, роЕро▓рпНро▓родрпБ
рокрпБродрпНродро░ро┐ройрпН роорпБроирпНродро┐роп рокро┐ро▒рокрпНрокрпБ роХродрпИро│ро┐ро▓рпН роТройрпНро▒рпБ.)
Khuddaka Nik─Бya
[khuddha: short,
small] The Khuddhaka Nik─Бya short texts and is considered as been
composed of two stratas: Dhammapada, Ud─Бna, Itivuttaka, Sutta Nip─Бta,
Therag─Бth─Б-Ther─лg─Бth─Б and J─Бtaka form the ancient strata, while other
books are late additions and their authenticity is more questionable.
роЗроирпНрод роРроирпНродро╛ро╡родрпБ рокродро┐ройрпИроирпНродрпБ роирпВроЯрпНроХро│ро╛роХ рокро┐ро░ро┐роХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпНроЯрпБро│рпНро│родрпБ:-
The fifth is subdivided into fifteen books:- тАи
роЪрпБро░рпБроХрпНроХрооро╛рой рокро╛родрпИ (роЪроороп ро╡ро┐ро░ро┐ро╡рпБро░рпИ)
Khuddaka Patha (Shorter Texts)
родроорпНроорокрод (роорпЖропрпНроорпНроорпИ рокро╛родрпИ)
Dhammapada (The Way of Truth)
роЙродрой (рооройрокрпНрокрпВро░рпНро╡рооро╛рой роорпБродрпБроорпКро┤ро┐ роЕро▓рпНро▓родрпБ роУро░роЪрпИ роирпАрогрпНроЯ роиро╛ро▓роЪрпИроЪрпНроЪрпАро░рпНроХро│ро╛рой роороХро┐ро┤рпНроЪрпНроЪро┐)
Udana (Heartfelt sayings or Paeons of Joy)
роЗродро┐ роЙродрпНродроХ (роЗро╡рпНро╡ро╛ро▒ро╛роХ роЕро▓рпНро▓родрпБ роЕро╡рпНро╡ро╛ро▒ро╛роХ роХрпВро▒ро┐роп рокрпЛродройрпИроХро│рпН)
Iti Vuttaka (’Thus said’ Discourses)
ро╕рпБродрпНрод роиро┐рокроЯ (роЪрпЗро░рпНродрпНрод рокрпЛродройрпИроХро│рпН)
Sutta Nipata (Collected Discourses)
ро╡ро┐рооро╛рой ро╡родрпНродрпБ (ро╡ро╛ройро┐ропро▓рпН роХрпБроЯрпБроорпНрокроЩрпНроХро│рпН родройро┐родрпНродройро┐ропро╛роХродрпН родроЩрпНроХрпБродро▒рпНроХрпЗро▒рпНрокрокрпН рокро┐ро░ро┐роХрпНроХрокрпНрокроЯрпНроЯ рокрпЖро░ро┐роп роХроЯрпНроЯро┐роЯ роХродрпИроХро│рпН)
Vimana Vatthu (Stories of Celestial Mansions)
рокрпЗроЯро╛ ро╡родрпНродрпБ (роЗро▒роирпНродрпБ рокрпЛрой,рооро╛рогрпНроЯро╡ро░рпН роХродрпИроХро│рпН)
Peta Vatthu (Stories of Petas)
родрпЗро░ро╛роХро╛родро╛ (роЪроХрпЗро╛родро░ро░рпНроХро│рпН ро╡ро┤ро┐рокро╛роЯрпНроЯрпБрокрпН рокро╛роЯро▓рпНроХро│рпН)
Theragatha (Psalms of the Brethren)
родрпЗро░ро┐роХро╛родро╛ (роЪроХрпЗро╛родро░ро┐роХро│рпН ро╡ро┤ро┐рокро╛роЯрпНроЯрпБрокрпН рокро╛роЯро▓рпНроХро│рпН)
Therigatha (Psalms of the Sisters)
роЬро╛родроХро╛ (рокро┐ро▒рокрпНрокрпБ роХродрпИроХро│рпН)
роиро┐родрпНродрпЗроЪ (ро╡ро┐ро│роХрпНроХро┐роХрпНроХро╛роЯрпНроЯрпБродро▓рпН)
Niddesa (Expositions)
рокродро┐роЪроорпНрокро┐род (рокроХрпБродрпНродрпБ роЖро░ро╛ропрпНроХро┐ро▒ роЕро▒ро┐ро╡рпБ)
Patisambhida (Analytical Knowledge)
роЕрокродро╛рой (роЮро╛ройро┐роХро│рпН ро╡ро╛ро┤рпНроХрпНроХрпИ)
Apadana (Lives of Saints)
рокрпБродрпНродро╡роорпНро╕ (рокрпБродрпНродро░ро┐ройрпН ро╡ро░ро▓ро╛ро▒рпБ)
Buddhavamsa (The History of Buddha)
роЪро╛ро░ро┐роп рокро┐роЯроХ (роироЯродрпНродрпИ роорпБро▒рпИроХро│рпН)
Cariya Pitaka (Modes of Conduct)
Vinaya Pitaka тАиThe Vinaya Pitaka mainly deals with the rules and
regulations of the Order of monks (Bhikhus) and nuns (Bhikhunis). It
also gives an account of the life and ministry of the Buddha. Indirectly
it reveals some useful information about ancient history, Indian
customs, arts, sciences, etc. тАиFor nearly twenty years since his
enlightenment, the Buddha did not lay down rules for the control of the
Sangha. Later, as the occasion arose, the Buddha promulgated rules for
the future discipline of the Sangha. тАиThis Pitaka consists of the
following five books:- тАи
Parajika Pali (Major Offences)
Pacittiya Pali (Minor Offences)
Mahavagga Pali (Greater Section)
Cullavagga Pali (Smaller Section)
Parivara Pali (Epitome of the Vinaya)
Abhidhamma Pitaka тАиThe Abhidhamma, is the most important and
interesting, as it contains the profound philosophy of the Buddha’s
teaching in contrast to the illuminating but simpler discourses in the
Sutta Pitaka. тАиIn the Sutta Pitaka one often finds references to
individual, being, etc., but in the Abhidhamma, instead of such
conventional terms, we meet with ultimate terms, such as aggregates,
mind, matter etc. тАиIn the Abhidhamma everything is analyzed and
explained in detail, and as such it is called analytical doctrine
(Vibhajja Vada). тАиFour ultimate things (Paramattha) are enumerated in
the Abhidhamma. They are Citta (Consciousness), Cetasika (Mental
concomitants). Rupa (Matter) and Nibbana. тАиThe so-called being is
microscopically analyzed and its component parts are minutely described.
Finally the ultimate goal and the method to achieve it is explained
with all necessary details. тАиThe Abhidhamma Pitaka is composed of the
following works: тАи
Dhamma-Sangani (Enumeration of Phenomena)
Vibhanaga (The Book of the Treatises)
Ikatha Vatthu (Point of Controversy)
Puggala Pannatti (Description of Individuals)
Dhatu Katha (Discussion with reference to Elements)
Yamaka (The Book of Pairs)
Patthana (The Book of Relations)
Twelve Divisions of Buddhist Canons тАиThe content of Buddhist canons
is divided into twelve divisions, categorized by the types of forms of
literature (i.e., Sutta, Geyya and Gatha) and the context (i.e., all
other nine divisions). It is known as the Twelve Divisions. тАи
Sutta - These are the short, medium, and long discourses expounded by
the Buddha on various occasions. The whole Vinaya Pitaka is also
included in this respect.
Geyya - i.e., the metrical pieces. These are discourses/proses mixed with Gathas or verses.
Gatha - i.e., verses, chants or poems. These include verses formed in
the Dharmapada, etc., and those isolated verses which are not classified
amongst the Sutta.
Nidana - i.e., the causes and conditions of the Buddha’s teachings.
Itivrttaka - i.e., the suttas in which the Buddhas tell of the deeds of their disciples and others in previous lives.
Jataka - i.e., stories of the former lives of Buddhas. These are the 547 birth-stories.
Abbhuta-dhamma - i.e., miracles, etc. These are the few discourses that
deal with wonderful and inconceivable powers of the Buddhas.
Avadana - i.e., parables, metaphors. Illustrations are used to
facilitate the human beings to understand the profound meanings of the
Buddhist Dhamma.
Upadesa - i.e.,
dogmatic treatises. The discourse and discussions by questions and
answers regarding the Buddhist doctrines. It is a synonym for Abhidhamma
Udana - i.e.,
impromptu or unsolicited addresses. The Buddha speaks voluntarily and
not in reply to questions or appeals, e.g., the Amitabha Sutta.
Vaipulya - i.e., interpretation by elaboration or deeper explanation of
the doctrines. It is the broad school or wider teachings, in contrast
with the “narrow” school. The term covers the whole of the specifically
Mahayana suttas. The Suttas are also known as the scriptures of
measureless meaning, i.e., infinite and universalistic.
Veyyakarama - i.e. prophecies, prediction by the Buddha of the future attainment of Buddhahood by his disciples.
Nine Divisions of Buddhist Canons тАиThe term is generally referred to
Hinayana. There are only nine divisions excluding Udana, Vaipulya and
Veyyakarana. тАиHowever, there is also a Mahayana division of nine of the
Twelve Divisions, i.e., all except Nidana, Avadana and Upadesa.