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Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine
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Posted by: site admin @ 11:18 pm

Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine


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Privacy Issues in an Electronic Voting Machine

Arthur M. Keller

UC Santa Cruz, Baskin

School of Engineering

Santa Cruz, CA 95066


David Mertz

Gnosis Software, Inc.

99 2nd Street

Turners Falls, MA 01376


Joseph Lorenzo Hall

UC Berkeley, SIMS

102 South Hall

Berkeley, CA 94720


Arnold Urken

Stevens Inst. of Technology,

Political Science

Hoboken, NJ 07030

+1(201) 216-5394


In this paper, we describe the Open Voting Consortium’s voting

system and discuss the privacy issues inherent in this system. By

extension, many of the privacy issues in this paper also apply to

other electronic voting machines, such as DREs (Direct

Recording Electronic voting machines). The privacy issues

illustrate why careful and thorough design is required to ensure

voter privacy and ballot secrecy.

Categories and Subject Descriptors: K.4.1 [Computers and

Society]: Public Policy Issues — privacy.

General Terms: Design, Human Factors, Legal Aspects.

Keywords: Electronic voting, open source, privacy design.


The requirements for secrecy in elections depend upon the

values and goals of the political culture where voting takes place.

Gradations of partial and complete privacy can be found in

different cultural settings. Most modern polities institutionalize

the ideal of complete privacy by relying on anonymous balloting.

The use of secret balloting in elections — where a ballot’s

contents are disconnected from the identity of the voter — can be

traced back to the earliest use of ballots themselves in 6th Century

B.C.E. Athens, Greece. The public policy rationales for instituting

anonymous balloting typically aim to minimize bribery and

intimidation of the voter [1]. Secret ballots, although not always

required, have been in use in America since colonial times.

Today, almost one hundred years after most states in the U.S.

passed laws to require anonymous balloting, a strong sense of

voter privacy has emerged as a third rationale.

These cultural values and practices contribute to the sets of

user requirements that define the expectations of voters in

computer-mediated elections and determine alternative sets of

specifications that can be considered in developing open source

software systems for elections [7]. The Open Voting Consortium

(OVC) has developed a model election system that aims as one of

its goals to meet these requirements. This paper describes how the

OVC model ensures ballot privacy.

The OVC has developed the model for an electronic voting

system largely in response to the reliability, usability, security,

trustworthiness, and accessibility concerns of other voting

systems. Privacy was kept in mind throughout the process of

designing this system. Section 2 of this paper discusses the

requirements for a secret ballot in more detail and how secrecy

could be compromised in some systems. Section 3 describes how

the OVC handles the privacy concerns. While this paper focuses

mostly on privacy issues for US-based elections, and how they are

addressed in the OVC system, many of the issues raised are

applicable elsewhere.


The public policy goals of secret balloting — to protect the

privacy of the elector and minimize undue intimidation and

influence — are supported by federal election laws and

regulations. The Help America Vote Act of 2002 [5] codifies this

as “anonymity” and “independence” of all voters, “privacy” and

“confidentiality” of ballots and requires that the Federal Election

Commission create standards that “[preserve] the privacy of the

voter and the confidentiality of the ballot.”

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has issued a set of

Voting System Standards (VSS) [4] that serve as a model of

functional requirements that elections systems must meet before

they can be certified for use in an election. The FEC VSS state


“To facilitate casting a ballot, all systems shall: […] Protect the

secrecy of the vote such that the system cannot reveal any

information about how a particular voter voted, except as

otherwise required by individual State law;” ([4] at §

This high level requirement of not exposing any information

about how an individual voted is required of all voting systems

before certification.

It is not sufficient for electronic voting systems to merely

anonymize the voting process from the perspective of the voting

machine. Each time a ballot is cast, the voting system adds an

entry to one or more software or firmware logs with a timestamp

and an indication that a ballot was cast. If the timestamp log is

combined with the contents of the ballot, this information

becomes much more sensitive. For example, it can be combined

with information about the order of votes cast collected at the

polling place with surveillance equipment — from cell phone

cameras to security cameras common at public schools — to

compromise the confidentiality of the ballot. As described below,

system information collected by the voting system should be kept

separated from the content of cast ballots and only used in

conjunction by authorized, informed elections officials.

Rebecca Mercuri proposed that Direct Recording Electronic

(DRE) voting machines have a paper audit trail maintained under

glass, so the voter does not have the opportunity to touch it or

change it. [6] Some vendors are proposing that paper from a spool

be shown to the voter, and a cutter releases the paper audit trail

piece to drop into a box for safekeeping. [2] A challenge is to

make sure that all of the paper audit trail is readable by the voter,

doesn’t curl away out of view, and yet the paper audit trails from

previous voters is obscured from view. However, the paper audit

trail can fall in a more-or-less chronologically ordered pile. The

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for

personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are

not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that

copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy

otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,

requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.

WPES’04, October 28, 2004, Washington, DC, USA.

Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-968-3/04/0010…$5.00.

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problem of reconciling the paper audit trail with the electronic

ballot image is difficult to do in an automated manner if the paper

audit trail cannot be sheetfed. Another approach is to keep the

paper audit trail on a continuous spool. [7] While this approach

has the potential to be more easily scanned in an automated

fashion for recounts, privacy is compromised by maintaining the

chronological order.

In the longer version of this paper, we discuss in more detail these

issues. We discuss that problem that the voter’s secret identity

must be disclosed to poll workers and yet not be discernable from

the ballot. Covert channels can be used to transfer identity of the

voter to the ballot. A critical example is when the machine that

prepares for the voter an authorizing token also contains the voter

registration data, which might be passed to the electronic voting

machine through that authorizing token.


In the full version of this paper, we discuss a variety of issues and

their solutions in security, privacy, and reliability for the voting

system designed by the Open Voting Consortium and described

more fully there.

Some of these issues are the following.

The Advantage of Free and Open Source Software. When

the system is a black box, where the source code is maintained as

a trade secret, we must trust the official testers. A frequent

criticism of free and open source software is that, while the code

is available for inspection, no coordinated inspection is actually

conducted. [3] The absence of Non-Disclosure Agreements and

restrictive intellectual property agreements encourages the large

body of open source developers to inspect the code.

Randomization of Ballot-IDs. Under the OVC design

ballots carry ballot-IDs to enable auditing of official paper ballots

against unofficial electronic ballot images. Ballot IDs are easily

remembered and can be a vehicle for disclosing the vote.

Privacy Issues with Barcodes. The Open Voting

Consortium system design uses a barcode to automate the

scanning and tallying of paper ballots. Such barcodes raise several

possibilities for introducing covert channels.

Privacy in the Voting Token. The token given to the voter

to enable her to use the electronic voting machine might contain

information that could compromise anonymity. Analysis of the

software and the poll worker interface for encoding the voter

token can show the type of information that can be encoded.

Information Hidden in Electronic Ballot Images and

Their Files. The electronic ballot images (EBIs) are stored on the

electronic voting machine where the ballot was created. Storing

the EBIs in a database management system can record sequence

information that can be used to identify voters. Flat files can

include the date/time in the file directory, a potential privacy risk.

Reading Impaired Interface. It is important that the ballot

not record that the voter used the reading impaired interface. Nor

should the electronic voting machine maintain such information in

a way that identifies specific ballots. If a separate reading

impaired voting station is used, the ballot-ID should be generated

in a manner that does not identify the voting station used.

Printed Ballot. The secrecy of the voter’s selections is at

risk while the voter carries the paper ballot around the polling

place. We use a privacy folder — an ordinary manila folder

trimmed along the long edge so that the barcode sticks out.

Ballot Validation Station. The ballot validation station

allows visually impaired voters, or anyone, to hear through

headphones and therefore validate their paper ballots. Ballot-IDs

should not be persistently stored by the ballot validation station.

Languages. Steve Chessin identified a problem with ballots

for non-English speakers when printed in the voter’s own

language. This approach makes bilingual ballots easy to identify,

and that can compromise ballot anonymity if only a small number

of voters in a given precinct choose a particular language.

Public Vote Tallying. It is important that the ballots be

shuffled before publicly visible scanning occurs. The ballots will

naturally be ordered based on the time they were placed in the

ballot box. The sequence of voting is a potential privacy risk.

Results by Precinct. Care must be taken to ensure that

results posted by precinct do not compromise privacy and yet can

be reconciled against county totals.

Privacy in the Face of Voter Collusion. Complex cast

ballots, taken as a whole, contain potential covert channels.


We have discussed the privacy issues inherent the Open Voting

Consortium’s voting system that includes a PC-based open-source

voting machine with a voter-verifiable accessible paper ballot. By

extension, many of the privacy issues in this paper also apply to

other electronic voting machines, such as DREs (Direct

Recording Electronic voting machines). The privacy issues

illustrate why careful and thorough design is required for voter

privacy. Imagine how much work is required to ensure that such

systems are secure and reliable.

Further information about the Open Voting Consortium can be

found at This paper is an

extended abstract; a longer version may be found at


We acknowledge the work of the volunteers of the Open Voting

Consortium who contributed to the design and implementation we

describe. In particular, Alan Dechert developed much of the

design and Doug Jones provided significant insights into voting

issues. The demonstration software was largely developed by Jan

Kärrman, John-Paul Gignac, Anand Pillai, Eron Lloyd, David

Mertz, Laird Popkin, and Fred McLain. Karl Auerbach wrote an

FAQ on which the OVC system description is based. Amy Pearl

also contributed to the system description. Kurt Hyde and David

Jefferson gave valuable feedback. David Dill referred some of the



[1] Albright, S. The American Ballot. American Council on Public Affairs,

Washington, D.C., 1942.


[3] Cohen, F. Is Open Source More or Less Secure? Managing Network

Security, 2002, 7 (Jul. 2002), 17–19.

[4] Federal Election Commission. Voting System Standards. Vols. 1 & 2


[5] Help America Vote Act, 42 U.S.C.A. §§ 15301 – 15545.

[6] Mercuri, R. A Better Ballot Box? IEEE Spectrum Online, October 2,



[7] Sequoia Voting Systems, “Sequoia Voting Systems Announces Plan to

Market Optional Voter Verifiable Paper Record Printers for Touch

Screens in 2004,”

[8] Urken, A. B. Voting in a Computer-Networked Environment. In The

Information Web: Ethical and Social Implications of Computer

Networking, Carol Gould (ed.), Westview Press, Boulder, CO, 1989.

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The Yoga Suttas of Patanjali: a manual of Buddhist meditation
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 11:01 pm


The Yoga Suttas of Patanjali: a manual of Buddhist meditation

and free adaptation of the article published on the blog “Theravadin -
Theravada Practice Blog” (

We consider here the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a classical text and revered in Hinduism, dated at approx. 200 BC and compared its semantics and vocabulary to Buddhist canonical texts. In
summary, this comparison is quite obvious that the author of Yoga Sutra
was highly influenced by Buddhist philosophy and meditation practice,
possibly contemporaneously to the author.

it appears that a student of Buddhist canonical texts may in fact be
more easily understood than the Yoga Sutra a Hindu practitioner with no
other previous reference parameter practical and philosophical.
do not consider comments here later Hindu / Brahman existing this text,
some of which seem to avoid (or ignore) the original references to
Buddhism in this text.

proximity of the Yoga Sutra-style, vocabulary, and subject to canonical
texts in Pali could also mean simply that Patanjali - or whoever it is
that inspired his writings - had practiced meditation from a Buddhist
contemplative community, a community of monks for a time before
returning to Brahmanism and then the movement would have rephrased his
experience in order to add a divine touch to your experience, making
substantial use of technical terms of Buddhist meditation, as originally
framed or developed by the Buddha for the purpose of contemplative
 But this would be pure speculation, because there is so far no studies or historical finding that supports this understanding.

is also possible, even likely, that the Buddhist meditation had so
broadly permeated the practice Hindu / Brahman at the time (after years
of a strong cultural influence began with Buddhist proselytism promoted
by Ashoka the Buddhist Sangha in his reign and Consolidation of India),
that these technical terms as well as descriptions of practice of jhana /
dhyana (meditative absorptions) have it built into common knowledge at
the point of no longer sounding particularly Buddhists.
similar to what happens today with the adoption of the ideas of
“nirvana” and “karma” in Western culture, in Christian countries.

particular, if the Yoga Sutra is read in one continuous line is amazing
how close the text is the thoughts and topics about samadhi, jhana
meditation and Samatha (concentration) as defined in the ancient texts
in Pali Buddhist.

For a first analysis, an overview. Look
at the “Ashtanga Yoga” or the “Eightfold Path of Yoga” (sic) we are
certainly inclined to think the definition of the central Buddha of the
Noble Eightfold Path.

instead of following the Buddhist literary definition of the Noble
Eightfold Path, the interpretation of the eightfold path of yoga follows
(to our surprise?) Another description of the Buddhist path: the one
given by the Buddha as he described how he taught his disciples to
practice in your system meditative, which consists of a number of steps
outlined in various suttas of the volume of speeches with Mean Length
(as in Ariyapariyesana Sutta, MN 26, etc.) and remind us much of the way
“yogic” (pragmatic?), as devised by Patanjali at Yoga Sutra.

Then compare these two “paths to reach the samadhi.”

First what is in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali:

1.                  Yama, on the field conduct, morality or virtue

2.                 Niyama, self-purification and study

3.                 Asana, proper posture

4.                 Pranayama, breath control

5.                 Pratyahara, the removal of the five senses

6.                 Dharana, concentration or apprehension of the object meditative

7.                  Samadhi, meditative absorption

And down the list of steps recommended by the Buddha when asked about the gradual development through his teachings. This list is found in many suttas of the volumes of speeches and Mean Length Long, as in other parts of the Canon:

1.                  Sila, moral conduct or virtue, and Santosa, contentment

2.                 Samvara, containment or removal of the senses

3.                 Kayagata-sati and Iriyapatha, or “Asana” means the cultivation of mindfulness and four correct postures.

4.                 Anapanasati, mindfulness of breathing

5.                 Overcoming Obstacles or five nivarana (sensual desire, ill will, anxiety and remorse, sleep and torpor, doubt, skeptical)

6.                 Sati, mindfulness, keep the object in mind, often quoted along with the comments dharana canonical.

7.                  Jhana, levels of meditative absorption

8.                 Samadhi, a result of absorption, the “realization” of various kinds or Samāpatti

Of course we’re not the first to notice similarities such as the list above. A handful of other authors have noted some more and others less obvious parallels. In fact, even Wikipedia has an entry for Yoga Sutra in which we read:

“Karel Werner writes that” the system of Patanjali is unthinkable without Buddhism. As
far as terminology goes aa long in the Yoga Sutra that reminds us of
formulations of the Buddhist Pali Canon and even more Abhidharma
Sarvastivada Sautrantika and school. “Robert Thurman writes that
Patanjali was influenced by the success of the Buddhist monastic system
to formulate its own matrix for the version of thought he considered
orthodox (…) The division between Eight States (Sanskrit Ashtanga)
Yoga is reminiscent of the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddha, and the
inclusion of brahmavihara (Yoga Sutra 1:33) also shows the influence of
Buddhism in parts of the Sutras. “

this is where the subject becomes interesting for us here on this blog
and its relevance to the practice of Buddhist meditation.

all the above tells us that the Yoga Sutra is a comment Hindu / Brahmin
or at least a photograph of meditation practices common (influenced by
Buddhism) in the second century BC?

If this is the case, definitely warrants a closer look at. Certainly,
this is because the text is not a Buddhist but shares a “core” of
fundamental ideas on meditation to be able to take it as a sign pointing
to a deeper understanding of some of the terminology in the context of
the first centuries of Buddhist practice.

if the Yoga Sutra is read in a Buddhist context, one can have some idea
of how people understood at that time and (ou!) practiced Buddhist
 Could this be of some help in triangular or point of which was the direction of former Buddhist meditation?

more we know how people practiced a few centuries after the Buddha’s
Parinibbana, the more we can understand how some of his teachings have
evolved and how they were implemented and explained / taught.

makes this fascinating idea is that this text would definitely be
filterable through the eyes of a Hindu / Brahman, but he is still
influenced by the “knowledge” of Buddhist meditation apparently so well
received, and the time of his writing had become the mainstream
“contemplative practices.
would show us how and in what particular point, was considered to be
the “essence” of meditation (in addition to being philosophical
discussion of its purpose) in order to be considered universally true,
then that can be “merged” into other forms of practice religious.

Under this view, the Yoga Sutra is actually quite revealing. Consider a few passages that copies may shed light on this idea. Passages like the following really seems a direct copy and paste the Buddha-Dhamma. Some of them even make much sense in a context of religious doctrine theological-in-search-of-the-soul-creationist , but it fits absolutely in the philosophy of liberation through concentration and wisdom. However,
they were considered “truth” and “accepted” so that the author Hindu /
Brahman had no other choice but to incorporate them into their theistic
philosophy, reminding us Western Christians today that due to the common
acceptance of the idea karma / kamma, sometimes find ways to
incorporate this idea in their religious views.

Let’s start seeing the following list of impurities that Yoga Sutra tells us must be overcome:

(ignorance), Asmita (egoism), raga-Dvesha (desires and aversions),
Abhinivesha (clinging to mundane life) are the five klesha or distress.
 Destroy these afflictions [e] You will realize Samadhi. “

[Free translation of the original quote from Wikipedia]

impresses the reader as Buddhist before this paragraph is the simple
fact that all these impurities listed are those that no longer are you
supposed to Arahant one, or Awakened (!!!).
 That is, according to the text of Patanjali, the “Samadhi of Conduct” would be conceptually the same as the Buddhist Liberation.

Consider the terms used:

ignorance or mental turvidão is even mentioned in the first place,
while clearly a Buddhist point of view is considered the root of all

“asmita”, which is superficially translated as “selfishness” by
understanding that had developed in shallow Sanskrit tradition that was
ignorant of the deeper meaning of that term as used in the suttas of the
Pali Canon (or tried to distort to suit your context religious).

term Buddhist in particular, pointing to the deeply embedded “notion
that it is” (ASMI-tā) has a clear explanation in the suttas, but here in
this passage and elsewhere, is reduced to a mere “selfishness” as a
moral impurity devoid of its original psychological application.
the suttas “ASMI-Mana” is a deeply rooted psychological tendency that
only a Arahant (Iluminsfo) won [see post “The scent of am” blog

there is also “abhinivesa”, a term the Buddha uses to explain how our
mind comes in and assumes the five groups of attachment.
term “Nives” denotes a dwelling, a house - a simile brought by the
Buddha to show how our consciousness moves “inside” of the contact
experience of the senses and settles as if living in a house (see Sutta
Nipata, Atthakavagga , and Haliddakani Magandiya Sutta Sutta). This
usage is decreased very particular psychological context in Hindu /
Brahmin to denote only an “attachment to worldly life.”But here is worth
questioning whether this was also shared by superficial understanding
or just by Patanjali Yoga Sutra later commentators, who have lost sight
of these implications for not having knowledge of or access to the
preceding context of Buddhism in the Yoga Sutra was written?

And sometimes something awakening about the “sati” Buddhist can also be found. We
have another pearl of a Buddhist point of view, which can be considered
truly revealing: the use of the word “Dharana” in the text of

This is one area in which our contemporary knowledge of Buddhism can benefit from insights. The
term “Dharana”, which literally means short and “I can hold, carry,
keep (in mind)” is a good description of the task faced in Buddhist
contemplative practice, regardless of what tradition / school

In meditation we also need to maintain our meditation object firmly in focus in mind, without losing it. This
central feature of the task undertaken when trying to cultivate
meditative concentration, relates as an equivalent to the literal
meaning of the Buddhist term “sati” (which means reminder / recall) and
what is general and now translated simply as “mindfulness” - a
translation that often aboard with questions.

And the reason is as follows, in summary: To maintain the object of meditation in mind you need to remember it. Remember here that means you have to hold, keep in mind, your object of concentration. This
is exactly what makes the faculty of memory, usually being pushed away
by the impressions with new information by the six senses, which, if
penetrated, would result in more or less a wild spin.

you are able to sustain their concentration on one point however - or
even as much as you can keep it, one of the laws of functioning of the
mind that the Buddha rediscovered and explained in detail that this
rebate is “artificial” senses the support and focus on a particular
mental object equivalent to a minor sensory stimulus.

a result of mental calmness and happiness (piti) and happiness index
(sukha) will arise and show signs of the primeirs a stronger
concentration - these being two of the five factors of meditative
absorption (jhana), along with (i) directed thought (vitakka) (ii)
sustained (Vicara) and (iii) equanimity (Upekkha).

is also the reason why is quite logical that samma sati, mindfulness,
has to come before samma samadhi, full concentration in the Noble
Eightfold Path of Buddhism - or, as shown in this case in the Yoga
Sutra, “Dharana” would be the stage immediately prior to “Delivering the

this case the Yoga Sutra throws much light on the original meaning as
understood in the early centuries of Buddhist practice and can help us
reach a more precise understanding of what “samma sati, right
mindfulness, originally meant or pointed.
 (In Theravadin blog post is a rather plain and that shows how sati yoniso manasikara are coming in practical terms, check this 
link ).

the opposite side, or better, understanding it as a byproduct of the
practice of sati is no other term that would best be described as
 The Pali term is sampajaññā -
which literally means “next-consideration”, eg, be well aware of when
performing an action, then a “clear understanding” of what it does - but
this activity is a result of sati, as having the mind fixed on an
object leads to a refined consciousness that arises when during the next
and keep the mind of an object, creating a clear understanding of the
few sensory impressions that may enter. According to this concept, mindfulness would be a result of sati and not the practice of sati in itself!

again, both activities are happening almost simultaneously, even if not
in the same order and then the current use of the term translated can
be done - at the same time a fine distinction, however, has its
 You can not
keep an object from the standpoint of mind without which would create or
develop mindfulness in mind - but (unfortunately!) you may be aware of
all your actions that you work without the right concentration - as when
eat an ice cream, in seeking the sensual pleasure, an example of
improper care. This being the fact that unfortunately idealize the interpretations of some Westerners who want to say “Buddhist”.

is a difference between deliberately let himself be led by sense
impressions by focusing on their physical pleasures and enhancing /
supporting raga (desire) and nandi (joy) - and, from the perspective of
Gotama Buddha, put his feet on the ground using the mindful memory and
thus experiencing a more refined awareness of trying to get it off the
shaft so that it results in a greater mindfulness, in the culmination of
his experience flows into total equanimity in the face of both
pleasurable and painful sensations.

then, we must understand as vipassanā is no way a synonym for
mindfulness (sati) but something that springs from the combination of
all these factors especially the last two, samma sati (mindfulness) and
samma samadhi (right concentration) applied to the relentless
observation of what appears to be in front of (yathabhuta).

could say, vipassanā is a name for the Buddhist practice of sati
associated samadhi directed to the view anicca / anatta / dukkha (ie,
generating the wisdom of the vision of these three features) in the
processes of the six senses, including any mental activity.
 Thus, one will find the term vipassanā but the idea of sati in
the Yoga Sutra, Buddhist texts mention as the first term clearly having
samādhi as just the beginning of the journey to insight and access -
for example aniccanupassana .

Finish here the parenthesis. Suffice
to say that any particular reference to the Buddhist philosophy citing
anicca antta or point to the goal of Nibbana, a philosophical
proposition to which the system of Yoga certainly does not refer.

In essence the school of Yoga can be placed below the postures eternalists. So,
while it definitely does need to produce sati-samadhi, definitely does
not need to understand is samadhi anicca, dukkha and anatta - that does
not sound very compatible with the worldview of a eternalistic. Before
this, all spiritual approach arise due to the attempt to interpret
Samadhi Yoga Sutra as marriage or at least as close as you can get from a
“God”, a “Lord.” Something
that sounds quite natural in the end to a theist - such as an
Evangelical Christian would never interpret the reduction of its focus
on mental object unique sensual ecstasy and consequently a mere effect
of a psychological technique, but he would label it “the divine sign of
God touching him. “ It is for
this reason that, according to the Buddha Dhamma, in fact in most
situations we are inclined to be led by the plots of our senses,
including the mental impressions / thoughts / feelings / perceptions -
and therefore tend to limit ourselves to go beyond such experiences also
distorted the merger would allow access to insight and liberation.

to the context of comparison with the Christian interpretation of this
ecstasy, in short what Patanjali is facing such a theistic
interpretation sounds like someone moving a large portion of vocabulary
and terminology for the New Testament, which gives this ring a Buddhist.

funny thing is that this is exactly how many of the contemporary New
Age books are written - an amalgam of the terms of Western Spirituality /
Christian trying to express a view east.
one can imagine that the situation in India was similar to that when
the Yoga Sutra was written addressing the Buddhist philosophy of that

remaining Buddhist philosophy with his particular terminology
established by the Buddha himself would have become so pervasive in
religious thought, so to make seemingly trusted what was written on
meditation was a need to borrow or rely on several of these Buddhist
concepts predominant.
had largely been done or even conscious, as most New Age authors
present not even reflect the content of their texts but about the
message you want to spend.

below is done in a way a translation - or rather a translation of a
transliteration given the proximity between languages - as was done with
the text of the Yoga Sutra in Sanskrit brought back to Pāli.
 Similar to what has been done this Sutra ( Theravadin available on the blog, in English on this 
link ),
the exercise helps us see how the same text would sound the Pāli
language, opening then find parallels in ancient Buddhist texts, the

having said all that, pragmatism invoked by the text (which is what
makes it so valuable) also indicates much more than a simple textual
 As you
read this you can not discern the notion, especially since the position
of a meditator concentration of whoever has written or inspired by this
text, at some point personally experienced jhana and samadhi and wanted
to convey his experience making use a rich language Buddhist meditation
on the same interpretation being directed to an audience Brahman /
proto-Hindu India 200 BC.

check by itself - the pauses between sets of paragraphs labeled in bold
are the author / translator and some important technical terms
Buddhists were deployed, with additional comments made in italics:

Patañjalino yogasutta (Part I of IV)


atha yogānusāsana | | 1 | |

And now a statement about the European Union (Yoga)

[1] Read yourself to be the object of meditation, or an instruction (anusāsana) on the meditative practice (yoga).

yogo-citta-vatta nirodho | | 2 | |

The Union (Yogo) is the extinction of the movement of the mind

[2] in this passage denotes vatta turbulence, swirl, activity - literally wandering, circling, confused. In
this context broadly means “meditation is (…) a stop to the busy
mind,” which is very active and its activity suggests a walk in circles.
 Probably the most direct (and correct) translation.

Tada ditthi (muni) svarūpe’avaṭṭhāna | | 3 | |

(Only) then he who sees is allowed (to be) in (his) true nature.

In the Pāli language Drist the word does not exist, and it would be
something like subsitituída by Muni, which has the same meaning -
except, of course, the fact that “he who sees” further points in this
case the seeing process.
 Here was however used the term Pāli ditthi so as to maintain the link with the term semantic ditthi. The alternate translation is then: “So lets see who (or have the opportunity - avaṭṭhāna) of being in their true and natural.”

Sarup-vatta itaritara | | 4 | |

(Otherwise) at other times we become (equal) to this activity (of mind).


vatta Panza kilesa akilesā ca ca | | 5 | |

Activities (Mental) are five, some non-contaminating other contaminants:

pamanes-vipariyesa-vikappa-Nidda-sati | | 6 | |

Experience (Evident-Measurement), ii) misperception (Illusion), iii)
Intentional Thinking / Willing, iv) Sleep / Numbness, v) Memory /

i) pamanes, experience or clear-measurement

Paccakkh’ānumān’āgamā honte pamāāni | | 7 | |

What one sees and looks directly (paccakha), taking as a reference - it’s called experience.

[7] Literally: “What comes through direct visualization and measurement is called the experience”

ii) Vipariyesa, misperception or illusion

Micca vipariyeso-Nanam atad-rūpa-patiṭṭhita | | 8 | |

Illusion is the wrong understanding, based on something (lit. “one way”) that is not really.

iii) Vikappa, Thought Intentional / Keen

Saddam-ñāānupattī vatthu-Sunna vikappo | | 9 | |

Thinking / Willing is any way of understanding and unfounded assertion
(ie the internal speech, voltiva, partial and willful, based on mental

Alternative translation: “Thinking is cognition without a sound object /
cause noise (vatthu).Think about it, thoughts are no more than sounds,
silent babble that passes through our being.

iv) Nidda, Sleep / Numbness

abhava-paccay’-ārammaā vatta Nidda | | 10 | |

Mental activity in the absence of mental objects is called Sleep / Torpor.

v) Sati, the Memory / Mindfulness

Anubhuti-visayāsammosā sati | | 11 | |

Not to be confused (or not lose) the object (sensory) previously experienced is called Memory / Mindfulness.

Abhyasa-virāgehi Tesam nirodho | | 12 | |

The extinction of these [activities] comes from the practice of detachment / cessation of passions (turning)

[12] We have here the words turn and nirodha in the same sentence! It can not be more Buddhist canon than this! Interestingly, however, is the current use and non-metaphysical terms of this stretch. They are applied in a simple process of meditation, in particular the process of concentration meditation. This can not go unnoticed and goes directly in line with readings jhanic cultivation practices in Buddhism.

 The Training 

tatra-tiṭṭha yatano abhyasi | | 13 | |

practice’s commitment to non-movement (ie, become mentally property (at
the same time it parmanece fluid - an excellent description for the

so-Kala-pana Dīgha nirantara-sakkār’āsevito dalhia-bhumi | | 14 | |

Mast this (practice) must be based firmly in a long and careful exercise [excellent point here!]

This goes in line with what the author wrote the medieval Pali
subcomentários the volume of the Digha Nikaya, where also we find the
combination of the terms and dalhia bhumi - “firmness” and
“establishment” - in the same sentence, denoting ” firm establishment “

diṭṭhānusavika-visaya-vitahāya Vasik-Sannes viraga | | 15 | |

Detachment is the mastery (VASI-kara) of perception, the dropping of the seat (vitahā) by the following (anu-savika, lit.’s Subsequent flow) experience a prey to view.

parama-tam Puris akkhātā gua-vitaha | | 16 | |

This is the climax: the abandonment of the current headquarters of the senses, based on personal revelation / knowledge of self.

[16] Here we turned a Brahman, is this approach that allows the soul to win the seat / attachment, Tanh. And this short sentence has much to offer! At
that moment in history, Patanjali was so convinced of the Buddhist goal
of “opening up the attachment, the seat stop,” which boils down to vita
hā term he uses. However,
it does not give up without a soul which its theistic philosophy simply
collapses and nothing in the text would make it distinguishable from a
treatise on the Buddha Dhamma.
mounted on a meditative Buddhist terminology and guidelines in the
conversation he introduces the term “Puris, which can be read as” soul,
“saying that the more you get closer to its” intrinsic nature “(svarūpa)
and inner body “Puri, or soul, you become able to stop itself this seat
/ attachment.

Realization - Jhana / Dhyanas 

The first jhana / Dhyāna

vitakka-vicar-Anand-Asmita rūp’ānugamā sampajaññatā | | 17 | |

is the alertness (sampajañña) from (the) (Kingdom of) form: a
self-directed thought-based consciousness, which remains (to this) and
inner happiness.

[17] Here we describe an almost identical description of the first jhana used time and again by the Buddha in Pali texts ( see this example ). Indeed,
we have a very beautiful description of the first jhana as a form of
sampajaññatā (fully aware of what is happening), after the plan of the
form (the theme of our meditation is a mental form) and a combined
happiness at the thought we are trying to grasp what itself could be
described as the pure experience of “I am” (Asmita - the term is being
used more loosely in place as would suttas).

the announcement vitakka / vicara the first mention of meditative
absorption is a clear reference to the origin of Buddhist Yoga Sutra.
 Interesting also is the connection that is being done now with sampajaññatā: Think of everything we have said before about sati. If sati is simply the seizure of an object (the paṭṭhāna
of sati, so to speak), so it’s interesting to see how sampajaññā this
case, is identified with the state of the first jhana.
 Could this mean that when the Buddha mentions these two texts in Pali, which implicitly means samatha-vipassana?

is not at all a strange idea, like many vipassana meditators, focusing
on objects will be much more subtle quickly show signs of the first
 Could it be then that the term “sampajaññatā” was seen as the first result of a concentrated mind?

any case, experience will teach you very quickly that when you try to
hold an object in your mind, your awareness of what happens at this time
will increase dramatically, simply due to the fact that his effort to
keep the object is under constant danger during the siege of sense.

saw-Paticca Abhyasa-anno-pubbo sakhāraseso | | 18 | |

(This accomplishment) is based on detachment and previously applied for any subsequent activities.

bhava-Paticca videha-prakriti-layana | | 19 | |

(For example) Based on this existence and the characteristics of self

saddha-viriya-sati-samadhi-paññā-pubbaka itaresam | | 20 | |

flower gives himself (based on these qualities) of conviction (saddha),
energy (viriya), mindfulness (sati), concentration (samadhi) and wisdom

[20] The Buddha mentions these five factors when he was training arupa jhana under his previous two teachers. He also mentions how crucial factors when striving for enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. Later,
during his years of teaching, he gave the name of “powers” (bullet) and
explained that, if perfected, would lead to enlightenment.

Tibba-savegānām āsanno | | 21 | |

(For those) with a firm determination reached (this accomplishment, the first Dhyana / jhana).

Advancing in jhana, tips and tricks.

Mudu-majjhim’ādhi-mattatā tato’pi Visions | | 22 | |

There is also a differentiation between (achievement) lower, middle and high

Issar paidhānā-go | | 23 | |

Or based on devotion (devotion) to a Lord (a master of meditation).

kilesa-kamma-vipākāsayā aparāmissā Puris-visions’ Issar | | 24 | |

The Lord (the Master) that is no longer influenced by the outcome kammic impurities and past desires.

Besides the question whether the term “Issar” found here could be read
as merely referring to a master of meditation (which fits perfectly into
the discussion until verse 27, where it starts to not fit any more) is
likely discussion, including on-line
 translation of the Yoga Sutra by Geshe Michael Roach . The
principle can be interpreted so as to skeptics recalling the first
sutta MN seemed more logical to assume Issar was first used to designate
“the Lord” (ie your God).

But with a little more research found that the term Issar Theragatha us are used to designate the “master”. Interesting is also the word in Pali āsayih replaced simple wish / desire - “Asa.” But
“almost” sounds like “Asava” that would fit even better in the context
of kamma and vipaka Asava.But the idea is very specific (”that which
flows within you, taking it) and may or may not be what was meant in
this passage.

tatra-niratisaya sabbaññatā bīja | | 25 | |

It is this that lies the seed of omniscience unmatched.

sa pubbesam api guru kālen’ānavacchedanā | | 26 | |

This Master from the beginning never abandoned him or abandon

[26] Literally, “not” drop “(an + evaluation + chedana), or abandon, even for a time (short) (Kalena)

tassa vācako Panavia | | 27 | |

His Word is the breath and the clamor of living

[27] On the panavah term, which can be interpreted as “om” in Hindu literature. It
all depends if we read verses 24-27 as involving “Issar” to mean “God”
or simply refer to consider meditation master of meditation you learn.
you do a search in the Tipitaka, you see that when the Buddha used the
term was to refer to teachers (see for example Theragatha)

taj-tad-japp attha-bhavana | | 28 | |

Praying in unison with this, this is the goal of meditation

touch-pratyak cetanādhigamo’pi antarāyābhāvo ca | | 29 | |

So if the mind itself and carries it away all obstacles / hazards:


skeptical questions, be moved to laziness of attachment, wrong view of
things, not meditative placements, or not yet firmly established in

citta-vikkhepā te’ntarāyā | | 30 | |

These are the causes of mental distractions (they fall due).

dukkha-domanass’agam ejayatv’assāsa-Passaseo vikkhepa-saha-Bhuvah | | 31 | |

The physical and mental pain arises in the body, the shaking of the inhale and exhale conjução occur with such distractions.

[31] Here dukkha and Domanassam mentioned. They also appear in the definition of the Buddha’s four jhana, but in a different direction. The problem described here meditative seems out of place and looks as if someone had to fit these words here. Also
the inhale and exhale clearly has an important role in that they cease
to exist (nirodha) so subjective to the practitioner in the fourth
 It is strange that all this is on the list, but is presented in a very different interpretation.

  The Objects of Meditation

tat-pratiedhārtham ekatattābhyāsa | | 32 | |

In order to control these distractions, this is the practice of unification of mind:

metta-karuna-mudita Upekkha-sukha-dukkha-Visayan-puññāpuñña bhāvanātassa cittapasādana | | 33 | |

cheerful calm the mind (citta-pasada) is achieved by meditation of
loving kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity in the face of pleasure,
pain as well as luck and misfortunes.

[33] And here we go. The
four brahmavihara, of course, famous for the way Buddha encouraged
monks to practice them to subdue the obstacles and enter the five jhana.
is also interesting as the Tipitaka sometimes aligns them with the
progression in four jhana (which deserves to be studied separately).

pracchardana-vidhāraābhyā go prāasya | | 34 | |

Or the inhale and exhale, which is also an excellent exercise in meditation.

Visayavati go pa-vatta uppannā manaso thiti-nibandhinī | | 35 | |

It helps to stop and control the increasing mental activity that occurs through the power of the senses.

and 35] Wow, now includes Anapanasati to the list of meditation
techniques, the most favorite topics of Buddhist meditation, in addition
to brahmavihara, which “coincidentally” was mentioned in the previous
he almost “cites” the benefit of Anapanasati of Pali suttas, the Buddha
gave in the Anapanasatisamyutta Mahavagga, where it is clearly said
that the greatest benefit of Anapanasati is the ability to quiet the
 Very interesting!

Visoko go jotimatī | | 36 | |

And the mind becomes free from sorrow and radiant.

vita-raga-visaya go citta | | 37 | |

Free from desire for sense objects

and 37] These two passages seem more like a copy of what the Buddha
says in the suttas: “It is almost always remain in these states, O
monks, neither my body or my eyes get tired.” Although it immediately to
Explaining how the mind free from desires and radiant moves away from
the senses, as do the experienced meditators, this passage is important
because it shows that the author knew what he was talking in terms
pragmáticos.Não there is something more important to the induction of
samadhi (ie, jhana) that the resolution of the mind, the balance against
the attack of the senses to the mind.

svapna Nidda-go-jnānālambana | | 38 | |

Of dreaming and sleep,

yathābhimata dhyānād-go | | 39 | |

parama-anu-stop-mahattvānto’ssa vasīkāri | | 40 | |

kkhīa-vatta abhijātass’eva grahīt mani-Graham-grāhyeu stha-tat-tad-anjanatāsamāpatti | | 41 | |

it happens in the destruction of mental activity or movement
[Khin-vatta], there is the appearance of a jewel, the emergence of
someone who carries such an object, the object and the carrying of such
an object in itself - and this immobility is what is called a
realization, or state of completion.

tatra-nana-saddattha vikappai sakiṇṇā savitakkā Samāpatti, | | 42 | |

There is the state of realization is “with thought” and marked by impurity of speech of conscious thought, the internal speech.

[42], in the Pali Canon parlance we would say “savitakka-jhana.”

sati-parisuddha svarūpa-suññevattha-matta-nibbhāsā nivitakkā | | 43 | |

there is a state of achievement without thinking (nirvitakka) with full
attention and clearer that it is the nature of emptiness without a

[43] parisuddham sati is obviously the name the Buddha gave to the fourth jhana. It
seems that the author tries to show us the range of four jhana,
pointing to the criteria of the first, and then, in contrast to the
characteristics of the fourth jhana again using the terminology of the
Pali suttas.

etadeva savic Nirvicārā ca-sukkhuma visaya akkhātā | | 44 | |

Likewise, the state with and without research and consideration (vicara) is judged by subtlety of the object.

[44] Here we are somewhat hampered by the language, and tempted to ask: by whom discerned before the non-self (anatta)?

sukkhuma-visayatta c’āliga-pary’avasānam | | 45 | |

It culminates in a subtle object with no features

tā eva sa-Bijo samādhi | | 46 | |

But even this is a samadhi with seed / question.

Nirvicārā-visārad’ajjhatta-pasado | | 47 | |

is attained with the inner conviction without regard to the
concentration already (vicara, which is paired with vitakka)

itabharā paññā tatra | | 48 | |

In this way, the truth is filled with wisdom.

sut’ānumāna paññāyā-anna-visaya vises’atthatā | | 49 | |

And this wisdom is of a different kind of knowledge acquired through learning.

taj-jo-sakhāro’ñña Samkhara-paibaddhī | | 50 | |

Such activity (meditative and induced) obstructs born (all) other activities.

tassāpi nirodha Sabba-nirodha nibbījo samādhi | | 51 | |

With the extinction of it all is also stopped - and this is the root-without-samadhi (samadhi-unborn)

This last sentence sounds more like a reporter who, after being invited
to a very important meeting, is eager to share what he heard from
relevant sources.

we are given a definition, in fact, the definition of the Buddha
“phalasamāpatti” - a state of jhana, which can only happen after someone
has had a realization that the particular insight nirvanic, giving you
access to that which is samadhi no “seeds” (nibbīja).

whole concept fits nicely into a row of theistic argument, and no
attempt is being made here in the final set of samadhi, to explain it.

the Buddhists speak of this matter so that among the philosophical
circles “mainstream” of the time it was automatically understood as “the
highest you can get,” and the argument was so powerful that, despite
not fit in the school already thinking of the times (an ancient
Hinduism) was considered indisputable?

Hard to say. This
argument appears in the Sutta Ratanasutta Nipata.Vemos this final
state, without seeds, as something that would target when trying to
“Sanna-vedayita-nirodha” cessation of perception and feeling, a
realization of the Buddha described as possible Arahants Anagami for
that, after entering the eighth jhana sequentially finally leave the
activity more subtle (the sankhara) back.

Patanjali Yoga viracite-iti-samadhi sutta pahamo-pated | | |

This is the first chapter on the Samadhi Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.

Source for adaptation and translation

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Posted by Dhammarakkhittas at 15:31 

Labels: ashtanga yoga , Brahmanism , Buddha , Buddhism , ancient Buddhism , dharma , dhyana ,Hinduism , jhana , patanjali , Sangha , Theravada , yoga , Yogasutra



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Main Page

Welcome to our yoga postures section. Here you will find
yoga moves that are broken down to the bare basics with colour photos
to match. We also have state of the art flash yoga animation technology that you can use to view these moves in full screen size, full colour and with full instruction.

Yogic exercises cater to the needs of each individual
according to his or her specific needs and physical condition. They
involve vertical, horizontal, and cyclical movements, which provide
energy to the system by directing the blood supply to the areas of the
body which need it most.

In yoga, each cell is observed, attended to, and
provided with a fresh supply of blood, allowing it to function smoothly.
The mind is naturally active and dynamic, while the innerself is
luminous. In this section we will give you plenty of yoga images and

Breathing Pose
Arm Stretch
Kneeing Twist

Breathing Pose

The simple act of learning to control the breath
has a number of beneficial effects on your wellbeing, ranging from
increasing your energy, to improved relaxation into sleep. It purifies
the body by flushing away the gaseous by products of metabolism and will
also help you to remain calm in the face of the challenges that we
encounter in our everyday lives.

Control of the breath is an essential element in
the art of yoga. When bringing the air in to the abdomen, do not to puff
the stomach out, but pull the air into it while extending the inside
wall. By harnessing the power of the breath the mind can be stilled and
can be prepared for your Yoga practise.

Instruction Table Breathing Basics

Sit in a simple cross-legged position on
the floor. If you don’t feel comfortable in this position place a folded
blanket under your buttocks. 

Place your right hand on the rib cage and your left hand on your abdomen 

slowly through the nose feeling the breath filling the abdomen,
bringing it slowly into the rib cage, then the upper chest. 

softly feeling the breath leave the abdomen first, then the ribs and
lastly the upper chest. Observe the space at the end of the exhale

Now move hands so your forearms come to a comfortable position
resting on your knees and continue the breathing with a relaxed rhythm.

Continue with a flowing controlled breath in your own time.

Yoga breathing is also call Pranayama . Many say that Pranayama (Rhythmic control of breath) is one of the bests medicines in the world .

Right click the link and save as to download a beginners breathing routine . Then watch in windows media player.

Click the BIG play button in the middle below. To watch a Pranayama Breathing overview .

Please visit:


The Virasana Arm/Shoulder Stretch

Hero Pose

The purpose of this pose is to help give the entire
body a very complete stretch from the heels to the head. It improves
strength and endurance and helps to control your breathing in
conjunction with the movements of the body.

It eases and stimulates the joints especially the
knees, ankles and shoulders. It reduces and alleviates backache and
improves the circulation of the entire body.

Instruction Table

Come in to a position on your hands and your 

knees with your knees together and your feet slightly wider than hip width apart. Your big 

toes & little toes pressing firmly into the floor

Push back with your hands & sit between your
buttocks on the floor, make sure you roll your calf muscles out wards so
your not sitting on them.

Make sure the inner calves are touching the outer thighs and your ankles are outside your buttocks, arms resting at the sides.

Inhale as you slowly raise your arms to shoulder height, shoulders down.

Exhale lengthen out through the fingertips & turn your palms to the roof. Inhale stretch your arms overhead.

Interlock the fingers. Slowly exhaling turn the palms
towards the ceiling, and with a powerful push lift up from the belly
into your chest and shoulders.

Exhale bring your hands down in a smooth continuance motion….

Now bringing your arms interlocking behind your back
with straight arms, being careful not to roll the shoulders forward,
squeezing the shoulder blades together and opening the chest on the
front of the body.

Inhale hands back to the side

Repeat 2-3 more times

  Please Visit:

Kneeing Twist Pose

Regular practice of the kneeling twist pose
will aid in your ability to rotate the spine and upper torso more
effectively, while increasing the flexibility and strength in your back
and abdominal muscles. It also massages, stimulates and rejuvenates the
internal abdominal organs.

This pose is a good beginners pose and will get you ready for more advanced twists.

To view in flash - click the image below

Instruction Table


Sit on your heals with your knees together, the tops of the feet
pressing firmly into the ground. Your head, shoulders, and hips should
be in one straight line.

Arms relaxed by the side keep your base firm by contracting your buttocks.


Inhale, extending the spine upwards, exhale twist around to the
right, placing your left hand on the outside of your right thigh,
turning the head in the direction of the twist, but keeping the head and
shoulders relaxed.

Take a few breaths here, keeping the stomach soft and the eyes soft.

Repeat on the other side

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Triangle Pose

The Triangle Pose

Triangle pose tones the leg muscles, spinal nerves and abdominal organs; it contributes towards a strong healthy lower back.

The triangle gives an excellent and complete stretch

throughout the entire body.

To view in flash - click the image below

Instruction Table

Align yourself in mountain pose. 

Continuing with your smooth

flowing breath

Inhale deeply and jump your feet out landing approx
1.2-1.5m apart. your feet need to be in line and pointing forward at
right angles. Next raise your arms to shoulder level, be sure that they
are in line with each other. Stretch your arms out from the middle of
your back. Lift your chest and look straight ahead.

Now turn your right foot out while keeping your hips to
the front, and turn your left foot in from 90 to 70 degrees, by pivoting
on your heel. Insure your right heel is in line with the instep of the
left foot.

This is important as it sets the base for this pose.

The kneecaps and thighs are pulling up,
simultaneously pushing downward through your feet into the floor.
Inhale, extend the spine, exhale as you bend to the right, pushing out
from the hips, through the right arm…

Taking your right hand to a comfortable position on your
leg, your left arm coming up to straight, moving down as far as
possible without turning the hips or torso. Keep the thighs firm and
rolling around towards the buttocks, moving the left hip back and open
the chest.

Inhale, extend the neck and spine, exhale, turn your head to look up at your left hand.

your head, your buttocks and your heels in one straight line,not
looking down with you body, keep opening your whole body up.

Breathe easy.

Click here to view the Triangle pose

The Tree Pose

This pose harnesses the powers of mental concentration, while
allowing you to calm the mind. It develops balance and stability, and
strengthens the legs and feet, also increasing flexibility in the hips
and knees.

The tree pose is a balance pose incorporating three lines of
energy, emitting from the centre outwards. One line proceeds down the
straight leg, one line extends up the spine and out the fingertips, and
the third moves outward through the bent knee.

To view in flash - click the image below

Instruction Table

Align yourself in mountain pose. 

Continuing with your smooth

flowing breath

On your next inhale; shift the bulk of your weight onto
your left foot. Exhale bend the right knee, and assisting with your
hand, place the sole of your right foot as high as possible into the
left inner thigh, with toes pointing down, steady yourself, and 

breathe easy.

Next raise your arms to shoulder level, be sure that
they are in line with each other. Stretch your arms out from the middle
of your back. Lift your chest and look straight ahead. Keep completely
focused on the pose.

Now bring your palms together in prayer
position. Keeping your eyes focused on a point in front of you, will
assist your balance.

Inhale as you raise your arms overhead keeping your palms together and stretching upwards through the fingertips. 

Keep working your right knee back and contracting your buttocks muscles in and down.

Feel your abdomen plane and hips facing straight ahead, while lifting out of the waist.

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The Warrior Pose


The Warrior pose is
named after the mythic warrior-sage, Virabhadra. This challenging pose
strengthens the entire body while improving mental capacity and self

It builds, shapes and tones the entire lower body. It tones the
abdominal section and helps to prevent, reduce and eliminate back pain.
The entire upper body -front and back- is worked and doing this pose
increases the capacity of the respiratory system.

To view in flash - click the image below

Instruction Table

Stand in mountain pose continuing with your smooth flowing breath.

Jump your feet sides ways and sweep your arms out to the side so your
ankles are below your wrists. Establish your foundation, by pulling
your knees and thighs up, tucking your tailbone under, pushing your feet
firmly into the floor.

an imaginary line running vertically down the centre of your body,
dropping your shoulders. Squeeze your arms and legs away from the


Keep an awareness of this line as you turn your right
foot out to 90 degrees and turn your left foot in to 70 degrees. Ensure
the heel of your front foot aligns with arch of your back foot, hips
facing forward.

If your body wants to turn off centre, counter-act it by pushing simultaneously in opposite directions from the centre line.

Inhale, an as you exhale bend your right
leg, pulling up with the outside and inside of the thigh to form a right
angle at the knee. Only go as low as you can with out turning your hips
off centre.

you want your knee directly above your ankle with you leg coming
vertically out of the floor like pillar. Keep the power flowing through
the back leg into the floor.

Inhale lift the spine; exhale turn your head to look over your right arm. Take a few deep breaths through the nose.

Hold the pose and breathe smooth.

Reverse the procedure back to mountain pose and repeat back to the other side.


  Please Visit:

Mountain Pose
Prayer Pose

Mountain Yoga Pose

The Mountain Pose is one of the most important poses in yoga. It is the start and finish point of all standing poses.

When standing in mountain pose, the mind is quiet,
and the body strong and still, like a mountain. This is a pose you can
practise in your daily life, practising to stand correctly will have a
profound influence on your physical and mental well being.

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Instruction Table

   Moutain Pose 1

Stand with your feet hip width apart, so the outsides of the feet are almost parallel edged.

Press and spread the toes into the floor. Feel the weight of your
body distributed evenly through your feet, from the toes to the heels,
keep pressing firmly into the floor.


Moutain Posture 2
Lift the kneecaps up by contracting the front thigh
muscles, but not locking the backs of the knees. Pull up with the back
of the thighs, and activate the hip and buttocks to level the pelvis. 


Mountain Poses Back
Your hips should be directly over your knees, and your
knees over your ankles. This gives you a stable foundation and by
positioning the pelvis properly, keeps the spine healthy.

Now extend the spine, by slowly inhaling, lifting up
through the legs as you lift the ribcage, opening the chest and dropping
the shoulders down, extending the neck, keeping the jaw and eyes soft.


    Bring the shoulder blades into the back, to support the ribcage. Breathe slowly and softly.

Keep your head directly over your shoulders, and look at eye level at a point in front of you.

Please Visit:

The Prayer Pose

This pose is simple, but very effective, and is a
key movement to more advanced poses. This pose will teach you how to
push from under the shoulders and out of the lats, the major muscle
group of the back. A key movement in a lot of yoga poses.

It strengthens and aligns the upper body while
releasing tension and increasing the circulation to the shoulder joint,
which is a ball and socket joint. It also aids in strengthening the
abdominal and lumber region as you look to form a solid base.

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Instruction Table

Centre yourself in mountain pose and take a
few deep breaths here, breathing down into the abdomen, continuing the
breathing that you are now familiar with.

Inhale, raise your arms to shoulder height and stretch them out in the opposite direction to each other 

Now twist your arms from the shoulder and turning your palms upwards. Keep the body in a nice strong upright position

Bring your arms out in front of you, pushing
your elbows firmly together and your fingers extending away from you,
while focusing on pulling your shoulder blades together..

Continue squeezing the elbows together as you bring your palms together

Now bend at the elbow and take the forearms to vertical.
Keep pressing firmly with the palms and the elbows as you breathe the
arms upwards. With each exhale moving slightly higher.
Shoulder opener Yoga Posture. This
movement will teach you how to push from under the shoulders and out of
the lats, the major muscle group of the back. A key movement in a lot of
yoga poses. This pose is simple, but very effective, and is a key
movement to more advanced poses.
Please Visit:

The Shoulder Shrug

The shoulder rotation is another pose which can be practiced anywhere and at any time.

It strengthens and aligns the shoulder region while
releasing tension and increasing the circulation to the shoulder joint,
which is a ball and socket joint. It also aids in strengthening the
abdominal and lumber region as you look to form a solid base.

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Instruction Table

Align yourself in mountain pose. 

Continuing with your smooth

flowing breath

As you inhale, lift your shoulders to your ear lobes, keeping the head erect and soft.

As you exhale, rotate the shoulders around 

by pushing up out of the chest and squeezing the shoulder blades together, rotating them 

in a full circle.

Back down into mountain pose

Repeat 3 more times

  Please Visit:

Lying Twist
Downward Dog
Seated Forward Bend

The Lying Basic Twist

Doing this pose will rapidly increase strength and muscle tone in your midsection.

The lying twist is another pose which is very
simple yet extremely effective. This pose is soothing to the spine and
neck, and warms and frees the lower back and hips and it also improves
digestion and assists in toxin elimination.

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Instruction Table


Come to a position lying on your back and stretch your arms out to
the side and place your palms and shoulders firmly on the floor.

Move your shoulder blades under. Spread your toes apart. Feel the
back and shoulders moulding to the straight lines of the floor.



Bend your knees as far as they come towards the chest.



Inhale, keeping your knees and ankles together,
Exhale, rolling your knees to the right. Focus on keeping your arms
pressing out wards and your shoulders pushing firmly into the ground.
You may feel or hear your spine lengthening as it extends into the
correct alignment.

Knees & ankles together breathe, focus on creating length between the left lower rib and the hip,

Now turn your head to look over your left hand. Relax in to this pose, stomach soft, breathing soft and relaxed.

Reverse the pose back up and repeat to the other side

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The Downward Facing Dog

Adhomukha Svanasana

The downward yoga pose is
named as such as it resembles the shape of a Dog stretching itself out.
This pose helps to strengthen, stretch and reduce stiffness in the legs
while strengthening and shaping the upper body. Dog pose Yoga Posture .
One of the main yoga asanas. If you have time for only one posture try
this one.

Holding this pose for a minute or longer will
stimulate and restore energy levels if you are tired. Regular practice
of this pose rejuvenates the entire body and gently stimulates your
nervous system.

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Instruction Table

Come up onto your hands and knees with your knees hip
width apart and the hands shoulder width apart, your fingers wide
pressing firmly into the floor.

Inhale, arch your spine and look up as you turn your toes under.

As you exhale straighten your legs and pause here for a moment.

Now push the floor away from you hands, positioning your
body like an inverted V, achieving a straight line from your hands to
your shoulders to the hips. Straight arms and straight legs.

As you inhale press downward into your hands and lift outward out of the shoulders.

Lift your head and torso back through the line of your body.

Please Visit:

The Seated Forward Bend


The purpose of this pose is to give the entire back
of your body a very complete stretch from the heels to the head. It is
excellent for posture improvement and stimulates the internal organs as

It adds in improved mental concentration and
endurance and helps to control and calm the mind. It relieves
compression while increasing the elasticity of the spine, it also
strengthens and stretches the hamstrings.

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Instruction Table

Come to a sitting position with your legs together in front of you. 

the fleshy part of your buttocks from underneath you, so you are on the
top of your sitting bones, which are located at the very top of your

Roll the thighs inwards so that the kneecaps are facing directly upwards.

Activate the legs by pressing down into the floor, and out through the heels.

Spread your toes wide and pull them towards you. 

Lengthen your lower back muscles down as you extend your spine up and out of the pelvis.

Now take your strap around both feet. The
strap`s purpose is to keep the spine straight. This is very important.
Be aware the head is an extension of the spine, so keep it aligned

Use the breath to create the optimum degree of intensity in the stretch.

On your next exhale; come down the belt further while
maintaining the extension on the front and back of the torso. Some of
you will be able to grab the sides of your feet. Breathe softly and
continuously. Don’t pull yourself forward by the strength of your upper

Keep bending at the hips, maintaining a relaxed head and neck.

Go a little further, relax your abdomen, and inhale, as
you lengthen, exhale, and come further forward, increasing the space in
your vertebrae.

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The Locust
The Bridge
Extended Child’s Pose

The Locust Pose


The locus yoga posture is
named as such as it resembles the shape of the insect known as the
Locust. This pose helps to strengthen, stretch and reduce stiffness in
the lower back while bringing flexibility to the upper back region.

When you first begin to practice this pose, your
legs may not move very far off the floor. Please continue and stay
positive as you will find your range will continue to improve the more
you practice. Learning to master this pose will hold you in good stead
for more advanced back bends.

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Instruction Table

Come to a position lying face down on the floor, with
your arms along side your body, palms and forehead down. Bring your
knees and ankles together. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and
down. Push your palms into the floor. Pull the abdominals inwards,
contract the buttocks, and press the hips and pubis firmly into the

On your next exhale; raise the legs to a height that is comfortable but challenging.

Keep the buttocks activated, lock the knees, keep the ankles together.


Extend the front of your body as you pull
the shoulder blades together, raising the head, the arms, and upper
torso away from the floor, looking straight ahead, opening the front of
the chest and pushing down the lines of the arms.

Keep the legs working strongly.

Please Visit:

The Bridge Pose

The Bridge Pose is
a simple yet very effective pose to practice. It helps to promote a
healthy flexible spine while strengthening the legs and buttock muscles.
It also helps to stretch and stimulate the abdominal muscles and

It aids in easing and stimulating the mind and is a great way to reenergize if feeling tired.

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Instruction Table

Lie on your back with your legs bent, heels close to the buttocks, Feet pressing firmly into the floor, hip width and parallel. 

Your arms should be slightly out from your sides, the palms of your hands pressing firmly into the floor.

Inhale, and with the exhale raise the hips up by pushing strongly
into the floor with your feet. Keep the buttocks firm, and press the
shoulders and arms into the floor. Only go to the height that you are
comfortable with. 

Take a few nourishing breaths in this position, as you keep opening the chest and lengthening the torso.


Now bring your arms over your head to the floor behind
you. Keep lifting your buttocks away from the floor, keeping them
contracted, which will protect the lower spine, and work softly with the
breath, keeping the head and neck relaxed.

pose stretches the whole front of the body, and brings mobility to the
spine. Breathing is improved from the opening of the ribcage and chest

Please Visit:

The Extended Child’s Pose / Garbhasana

The Childs Yoga pose when
practiced regularly is very beneficial to your entire mind and body. It
helps to release the pressure on the spine while providing an entire
stretch through the upper body to the fingertips. It also aids in
strengthening and stretching the insides of the legs while massaging the
internal organs.

Breathing will becomes more efficient and your mind
will become clear. It also aids in improved mental processes and helps
to rejuvenate and energize the entire being.

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Instruction Table

Bring your big toes together and your knees wide apart, inhale as you lift your spine and extend your stomach.

Exhale bend forward from the hips as you walk you hands
out as far in front of you as possible, extending from the hips to the

Place your forehead on the ground & buttocks
back to the heels. Work your pubis to the floor and strech the inner
thigh muscles. Focus on the breath.

Breathing into the abdomen as you extend it
forward in to the breastbone, creating length through the upper body.
Exhale from deep in the abdomen relaxing in the spine and continue the
slow controlled breathing.

  Please Visit:

Standing Forward Bend
The Boat (beginners)

The Standing Forward Bend

This pose aids in digestion and is restorative. It
frees the rib cage allowing for improved breathing. It aids in mental
concentration and helps to revive mental and pysichal exhaustion. The
heartbeat is slowed and the lower back is strengthened and pressure is
removed from the lumbar region.

It increases flexibility while strengthening and
developing the hamstrings. It also helps to strengthen the feet and
ankles while realigning the entire body.

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Instruction Table


Stand in mountain pose, in the centre of your mat, with your hands in prayer position. Jump your feet wide apart.

Keep the outside of your feet running parallel while lifting your
arches, pulling up with the thighs and the tail bone tucked under.


Place your hands on your hips and feel the extension up out of the waist.

Inhale, As you exhale bend at the hips extend forward,
continue lifting out of the hips keeping your legs strong and your base
nice and firm, looking forward to begin with. Keep the extension on the
stomach, which will help keep your back flat protecting it. 

Take a few breaths here.

Now take your hands to the floor extending from the lower abdomen to
the breastbone and through the spine. Some of you maybe on the finger

you can’t keep your spine straight put your hands on your knees and
keep slowly working down your legs, working with your body, not against
it. Lift your sitting bones to the ceiling.


Draw your shoulders down your back so you can extend the neck with ease.

Remember to keep the arches high.

Please Visit:

The Boat Pose

Doing the boat pose will rapidly increase strength and muscle tone in your midsection.

Keep challenging yourself to stay in this pose
longer. If you find the stimulation of the midsection becoming intense,
just persist with it, knowing your mind has ultimate control over the

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Instruction Table

Find yourself on your sitting bones, lifting out of the hips.

Extend your spine upwards, and press the soles of your feet into the floor, with the knees and ankles together.

Using your fingertips on the floor for balance, extend your abdomen as you lean back slightly.

Bring your lower legs up, parallel to the floor.
Breathe softly, in and out through the nose, while opening the chest and
squeezing the shoulder blades together. 

Focus on a point at eye level in front of you. You may find this pose challenging to begin with

Now bring your arms up beside your knees, parallel to the floor,
opening the chest. Keep your focus on that point in front of you. This
will help your stability. Continue with the controlled breathing.

Feel the stimulation of the entire abdominal region, as you hold this pose for a few more breaths.

Advanced Variation of The Boat

Now bring your legs up to straight. Continue to keep your focus on that point in front of you.

Continue with the controlled breathing.

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comments (0)
2091 Wed 28 Dec 2016 LESSONS from Rector JCMesh J Alphabets Letter Animation ClipartMesh C Alphabets Letter Animation Clipart an expert who identifies experts influenced by Expert and Infulencer Sashikanth Chandrasekharan of Free Online Buddhism - World Religions for Kids One With Awareness Mind (A1wAM)+ ioT (insight-net of Things) - the art of Giving, taking and Living to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal through Electronic Visual Communication Course on Political Science -Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement (TPSTEEM). Struggle hard to see that all fraud EVMs are replaced by paper ballots by Start using Internet of things by creating Websites, blogs. Make the best use of facebook, twitter etc., to propagate TPSTEEM thru FOA1TRPUVF. Practice Insight Meditation in all postures of the body - Sitting, standing, lying, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, martial arts etc., for health mind in a healthy body. from INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University in Visual Format (FOA1TRPUVF) free online university research practice up a level through http://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level https://awakenmediaprabandhak. email-0565.gif from Download & Greeting Card is the most Positive Energy of informative and research oriented site propagating the teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha and on Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement followed by millions of people all over the world in 105 Classical languages. Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this University in one’s mother tongue to this Google Translation and propagation entitles to become a Stream Enterer (Sottapanna) and to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal BSP is the Number One Largest Party in the Country with all societies (sarvajan Samaj ) supporting it for Sarvajan Hitay sarvajan Sukhay.…/uttar-pradesh-assembly-election-… Uttar Pradesh Assembly Election 2017: Mayawati alleges BJP of SC/ST discrimination Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) -led BJP (Bajuth Jiyadha Psychopaths) is targetting her because of she is a Aboriginal Scheduled caste as well as the ‘master key’ to unlocking the upcoming Uttar Pradesh Assembly election.
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 6:26 pm

2091 Wed 28 Dec 2016



JCMesh J Alphabets Letter Animation ClipartMesh C Alphabets Letter Animation Clipart

an expert who identifies experts influenced by Expert and Infulencer Sashikanth Chandrasekharan

Free Online
Buddhism - World

Religions for Kids
Awaken One With Awareness Mind
+ ioT (insight-net of Things)  - the art of Giving, taking and Living   to attain Eternal Bliss
as Final Goal through Electronic Visual Communication Course on
Political Science -Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic
Emancipation Movement (TPSTEEM).

Struggle hard to see that all fraud EVMs are replaced by paper ballots by

using Internet of things by creating Websites, blogs. Make the best use
of facebook, twitter etc., to propagate TPSTEEM thru

Insight Meditation in all postures of the body - Sitting, standing,
lying, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, martial arts etc., for
health mind in a healthy body.


INSIGHT-NET-Hi Tech Radio Free Animation Clipart Online A1 (Awakened One) Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
in Visual Format (FOA1TRPUVF)

free online university research practice

up a level through http://sarvajan.ambedkar.orgup a level


email-0565.gif from Download & Greeting Card

is the most Positive Energy of informative and research oriented site propagating the teachings of the Awakened One with Awareness the Buddha and on Techno-Politico-Socio Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement followed by millions of people all over the world in 105 Classical languages.

Rendering exact translation as a lesson of this
University in one’s mother tongue to this Google Translation and
propagation entitles to become a Stream
Enterer (Sottapanna) and

to attain Eternal Bliss as a Final Goal

is the Number One Largest Party in the Country with all societies
(sarvajan Samaj ) supporting it for Sarvaj
an Hitay sarvajan Sukhay.…/uttar-pradesh-assembly-election-…

Uttar Pradesh Assembly Election 2017: Mayawati alleges BJP of SC/ST discrimination

Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi) -led BJP (Bajuth Jiyadha
Psychopaths) is targetting her because of she is a Aboriginal Scheduled
caste as well as the ‘master key’ to unlocking the upcoming Uttar
Pradesh Assembly election.

Alleging that the BJP has an anti-SC/ST mindset and is being casteist,
Mayawati said, “They don’t like that a Aboriginal Scheduled Caste
daughter working for the upliftment of all societies ,” Mayawati said in
a special press conference on Tuesday.

She said that the Modi is
afraid of Mayawati’s popularity: “Mayawati is the master key to UP
Assembly election and the BJP is shaken.”

The BSP chief
reiterated how the BSP was the first party to oppose demonetisation, and
that Modi is targetting her and the party because it blames her for
fuelling opposition parties to rise up against the move.

She also
clarified on the Rs 100 crore deposited in a BSP account stating that
the party has all the records of the deposits made into its accounts
after demonetisation, and the money was deposited as per the rules of
the BSP. “All the money has been collected after 21 August. We convert
all the donations into notes of higher denominations because it’s easier
to transport. All the donations are collected in Delhi for final
accounting. It’s deposited in banks only after final accounting in my
presence. We were unable to deposit earlier because I was unable to go
to Delhi,” she said.

On a sarcastic note, the BSP chief thanked
the Modi and party president Amit Shah, stating that the tactics of
Modi, Amit Shah of BJP will get her gain full majority in the upcoming
election, just like allegations towards her helped win the election in
2007. “Modi is targetting me and senior members of the party along with
my friends and relatives for political gains. Shah is maligning my
reputation by talking about the ghotalas, and the Taj Corridor. I want
to tell you that most parties in power do that. The BJP especially.
There’s not a single file on the project that went through me. I have
not signed on a single file. They maligned by name between 2003 and
2007, but I got an absolute majority. They are doing it again. And I am
sure the BSP will form a government again with an absolute majority. I
am grateful to them(!)”

Mayawati also challenged the Modi to
divulge records of all bank deposits and purchases made by the party
before and after 8 November.

Taking a jibe at the Modi on
demonetisation, the BSP chief said, “I pray to God that they take a
couple of more decisions like demonetisation and make it easier for us
to form government. I won’t even have to go to the 75 districts for poll
campaigning. I will win sitting at home.”

A day after reports emerged of deposits worth Rs 100 crore in old notes of Rs 1,000 made in Bahujan……/bsp-supremo…/comment-page-1/…

BSP supremo Mayawati: I thank BJP for helping us win through false smear campaigns and policies like demonetisation

Whenever a party like Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP) remotely
controlled by just 1% intolerant, violent, mentally retarded, shooting,
lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded cannibal psychopath chitpawan
brahmin finds fault with aboriginal Sarvajan Samaj Mayawati, that means
she is on the right path as said by Dr BR Ambedkar the chief Architect
of our modern constitution.

BSP is the only largest party with techno-politico-socio transformation and economic emancipation movement.
BJP is a greedy for power and money which has gobbled the Master Key by tampering the fraud EVMs.
Ex CJI Sathasivam had committed a grave error of judgement by ordering
that the EVMs to be replaced in a phased manner as suggested by ex CEC
Sampath because of the cost of Rs 1600 crores to replace the entire
The present CEC says that only in 2019 the entire EVMs will be
replaced. But none of them ever ordered that paper ballots would be
used till entire EVMs were replaced.

With paper ballots BSP won
majority of the seats in UP Panchayat elections while it lost in 2014
Lok Sabha elections because of these fraud EVMs. Only 8 out of 543 seats
were replaced to help BJP.

If elections are conducted with paper
ballots BJP will be washed out. They are aware that the entire sarvajan
samaj is with Mayawati and she is sure to be the PM of Prabuddha
Bharath. So they spread false smear campaigns and policies like

BSP supremo had attacked Murderer of democratic
institutions (Modi), Congress and SP for colluding against public
interest in the run up to assembly election in Uttar Pradesh, due in

She thanks Modi for helping us win through false smear campaigns and policies like demonetisation.

Modi’s attempt to tarnish her name only result in poll benefits to BSP.

BJP has tried to malign her and her families name before, but that will not deter BSP to regain power in UP in next elections.

BJP is responsible for any sanction or corruption in Taj corridor project, not Mayawati:

The Sarvajan Samaj is aware that Taj corridor always wrongfully gets dragged into political controversy.

Modi must give account of money deposited by its party 10 months before and since Nov 8: Mayawati

BSP have deposited the money collected as party funds honestly in the bank account, no wrongdoings: Mayawati

All democracy loving Sarvajan samaj, the CJI. CEC must see that the
Central and State governments selected by the fraud EVMs are dissolved
and go fro fresh elections with paper ballots to save the country from a
dictator and save democracy, liberty, equality and fraternity as
enshrined in our Modern Constitution for Sarvaja Hitay Sarvajan Sukhaya
i.e., for peace, welfare and happiness of all societies.
BSP supremo Mayawati: I thank BJP for helping us win through false smear campaigns and policies like demonetisation…/bsp-supremo…/comment-page-1/…

BSP supremo Mayawati: I thank BJP for helping us win through false smear campaigns and policies like demonetisation

Whenever a party like Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP) remotely
controlled by just 1% intolerant, violent, mentally retarded, shooting,
lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded cannibal psychopath chitpawan
brahmin finds fault with aboriginal Sarvajan Samaj Mayawati, that means
she is on the right path as said by Dr BR Ambedkar the chief Architect of our modern constitution.

BSP is the only largest party with techno-politico-socio transformation and economic emancipation movement.
BJP is a greedy for power and money which has gobbled the Master Key by tampering the fraud EVMs.
Ex CJI Sathasivam had committed a grave error of judgement by ordering
that the EVMs to be replaced in a phased manner as suggested by ex CEC
Sampath because of the cost of Rs 1600 crores to replace the entire
The present CEC says that only in 2019 the entire EVMs will be
replaced. But none of them ever ordered that paper ballots would be
used till entire EVMs were replaced.

With paper ballots BSP won
majority of the seats in UP Panchayat elections while it lost in 2014
Lok Sabha elections because of these fraud EVMs. Only 8 out of 543 seats
were replaced to help BJP.

If elections are conducted with paper
ballots BJP will be washed out. They are aware that the entire sarvajan
samaj is with Mayawati and she is sure to be the PM of Prabuddha
Bharath. So they spread false smear campaigns and policies like

BSP supremo had attacked Murderer of democratic
institutions (Modi), Congress and SP for colluding against public
interest in the run up to assembly election in Uttar Pradesh, due in

She thanks Modi for helping us win through false smear campaigns and policies like demonetisation.

Modi’s attempt to tarnish her name only result in poll benefits to BSP.

BJP has tried to malign her and her families name before, but that will not deter BSP to regain power in UP in next elections.

BJP is responsible for any sanction or corruption in Taj corridor project, not Mayawati:

The Sarvajan Samaj is aware that Taj corridor always wrongfully gets dragged into political controversy.

Modi must give account of money deposited by its party 10 months before and since Nov 8: Mayawati

BSP have deposited the money collected as party funds honestly in the bank account, no wrongdoings: Mayawati

All democracy loving Sarvajan samaj, the CJI. CEC must see that the
Central and State governments selected by the fraud EVMs are dissolved
and go fro fresh elections with paper ballots to save the country from a
dictator and save democracy, liberty, equality and fraternity as
enshrined in our Modern Constitution for Sarvaja Hitay Sarvajan Sukhaya
i.e., for peace, welfare and happiness of all societies.

Sutta Piμaka

(Five nik±yas, or collections)

1. D2gha-nik±ya [34 suttas; 3 vaggas, or chapters (each a book)]
(1) S2lakkhandavagga-p±1⁄4i (13 suttas)
(2) Mah±vagga-p±1⁄4i
(10 suttas)
(3) P±μikavagga-p±1⁄4i
(11 suttas)

2. Majjhima-nik±ya [152 suttas;15 vaggas; divided in 3 books,
vaggas each, known as paoo±sa (‘fifty’)]

(1) M3lapaoo±ssa-p±1⁄4i (the ‘root’ fifty)
1. M3lapariy±yavagga (10
2. S2han±davagga (10 suttas)
3. Tatiyavagga (10 suttas)

4. Mah±yamakavagga (10 suttas)

5. C31⁄4ayamakavagga (10 suttas)
(2) Majjhimapaoo±sa-p±1⁄4i
(the ‘middle’ fifty)

6. Gahapati-vagga (10 suttas)
7. Bhikkhu-vagga (10 suttas)
8. Paribb±jaka-vagga (10 suttas)
9. R±ja-vagga (10 suttas)

10. Br±hmana-vagga (10 suttas)
(3) Uparipaoo±sa-p±1⁄4i
(means ‘more than fifty’)

11. Devadaha-vagga (10 suttas)
12. Anupada-vagga (10 suttas)
13. Suññata-vagga (10 suttas)
14. Vibhaaga-vagga (12 suttas)
15. Sa1⁄4±yatana-vagga (10 suttas)

3. Sa1⁄2yutta-nik±ya [2,904 (7,762) suttas; 56 sa1⁄2yuttas; 5 vaggas; divided
into 6 books]

(1) Sag±thavagga-sa1⁄2yutta-p±1⁄4i (11 sa1⁄2yuttas)
(2) Nid±navagga-sa1⁄2yutta-p±1⁄4i
(10 sa1⁄2yuttas)
(3) Khandavagga-sa1⁄2yutta-p±1⁄4i
(13 sa1⁄2yuttas)
(4) Sa1⁄4±yatanavagga-sa1⁄2yutta-p±1⁄4i
(10 sa1⁄2yuttas)
(5) Mah±vagga-sa1⁄2yutta-p±1⁄4i
Vol I ( 6 sa1⁄2yuttas)
(6) Mah±vagga-sa1⁄2yutta-p±1⁄4i
Vol II ( 6 sa1⁄2yuttas)

4. Aaguttara-nik±ya [9,557 suttas; in11 nip±tas, or groups, arranged purely
numerically; each
nip±ta has several vaggas; 10 or more suttas in
vagga; 6 books]

(1) Eka-Duka-Tika-nipata-p±1⁄4i (ones, twos, threes)
(2) Catukka-nipata-p±1⁄4i (fours)
(3) Pañcaka-nipata-p±1⁄4i (fives)
(4) Chakka-Sattaka-nipata-p±1⁄4i (sixes, sevens)

(5) Aμμhaka-Navaka-nipata-p±1⁄4i (eights, nines)
(6) Dasaka-Ekadasaka-nipata-p±1⁄4i (tens, elevens)

5. Khuddaka-nik±ya [the collection of small books, a miscellaneous gather-
ing of works in 18 main sections; it includes
suttas, compilations of
doctrinal notes, histories, verses, and commentarial literature that has
been incorporated into the Tipiμaka itself.; 12 books]

(1) Kuddhakap±tha,Dhammapada & Ud±na-p±1⁄4i

1. Kuddhakap±tha (nine short formulae and suttas, used as a training manual for
novice bhikkhus)
2. Dhammapada (most famous of all the books of the Tipiμaka; a collection of 423
verses in 26

3. Ud±na (in 8 vaggas, 80 joyful utterances of the Buddha, mostly in verses, with

some prose accounts of the circumstances that elicited the utterance)

(2) Itivuttaka, Suttanip±ta-p±1⁄4i
4. Itivuttaka (4 nip±tas, 112 suttas, each beginning, “iti vutta1⁄2 bhagavata” [thus was
said by the Buddha])
5. Suttanip±ta (5 vaggas; 71 suttas, mostly in verse; contains many of the best
known, most popular
suttas of the Buddha

(3) Vim±navatthu, Petavatthu, Therag±th± & Therig±th±-p±1⁄4i
6. Vim±navatthu (Vim±na means mansion; 85 poems in 7 vaggas about acts of
merit and rebirth in heavenly realms)
7. Petavatthu (4 vaggas, 51 poems describing the miserable beings [petas] born in
unhappy states due to their demeritorious acts)
8. Therag±th± (verses of joy and delight after the attainment of arahatship from 264
elder bhikkhus; 107 poems, 1,279
9. Therig±th± (same as above, from 73 elder nuns; 73 poems, 522 g±thas)

(4) J±taka-p±1⁄4i, Vol. I
(5) J±taka-p±1⁄4i, Vol II

10. J±taka (birth stories of the Bodisatta prior to his birth as Gotama Buddha; 547
stories in verses, divided into
nip±ta according to the number of verses required to
tell the story. The full J±taka stories are actually in the J±taka commentaries that
explain the story behind the verses.

(6) Mah±nidessa-p±1⁄4i
(7) C31⁄4anidessa-p±1⁄4i

11. Nidessa (commentary on two sections of Suttanip±ta)
Mah±nidessa: commentary on the 4th
C31⁄4anidessa: commentary on the 5th vagga and

the Khaggavis±oa sutta of the 1st vagga
(8) Paμisambhid±magga-p±1⁄4i

12. Paμisambhid±magga (an abhidhamma-style detailed analysis of the Buddha’s
teaching, drawn from all portions of the Vin±ya and Sutta Piμakas; three
each containing ten topics [kath±])

(9) Apad±na-p±1⁄4i, Vol. I
13. Apad±na (tales in verses of the former lives of 550 bhikkhus and 40 bhikkhunis)

(10) Apad±na, Buddhava1⁄2sa & Cariy±piμaka-p±1⁄4i

14. Buddhava1⁄2sa (the history of the Buddhas in which the Buddha, in answer to a
question from Ven. Sariputta, tells the story of the ascetic Sumedha and D2paakara
Buddha and the succeeding 24 Buddhas, including Gotama Buddha.)
15. Cariy±piμaka (35 stories from the J±taka arranged to illustrate the ten p±ram2)

(11) Nettippakarana, Peμakopadesa-p±1⁄4i

16. Nettippakarana (small treatise setting out methods for interpreting and explain-
ing canonical texts)
17. Peμakopadesa (treatise setting out methods for explaining and expanding the
teaching of the Buddha)

(12) Milindapañha-p±1⁄4i

18. Milinda-pañha (a record of the questions posed by King Milinda and the
answers by Ven. Nagasena; this debate took place ca. 500 years after the
mah±parinibb±na of the Buddha)

Abhidhamma Piμaka

[Seven sections of systematic, abstract exposition of all dhammas; printed in
12 books]

1. Dhammasaagao2
(enumeration of the

(1) Dhammasaagao2-p±1⁄4i

2. Vibhaaga-p±1⁄42
(distinction or analysis of

(2) Vibhaaga-p±1⁄42

3. Dh±tukath±
(discussion of elements; these 1st three sections form a trilogy that
must be digested as a basis for understanding Abhidhamma)

4. Puggalapaññatti
(designation of individuals; ten chapters: the 1st dealing with single
individuals, the 2nd with pairs, the 3rd with groups of three, etc.

(3) Dh±tukath±-Puggalapaññatti-p±1⁄42

5. Kath±vatthu-p±1⁄42
(points of controversy or wrong view; discusses the points raised and
settled at the 3rd council, held at the time of Aœoka’s reign, at Patna)

(4) Kath±vatthu-p±1⁄42

6. Yamaka-p±1⁄42
(book of pairs; a use of paired, opposing questions to resolve ambi-
guities and define precise usage of technical terms)

(5) Yamaka-p±1⁄42, Vol I
(6) Yamaka-p±1⁄42, Vol II
(7) Yamaka-p±1⁄42, Vol III

7. Paμμh±na
(book of relations; the elaboration of a scheme of 24 conditional
relations [paccaya] that forms a complete system for understanding
the mechanics of the entire universe of Dhamma)

(8) Paμμh±na-p±1⁄4i, Vol I
(9) Paμμh±na-p±1⁄4i, Vol II
(10) Paμμh±na-p±1⁄4i, Vol III
(11) Paμμh±na-p±1⁄4i, Vol IV
(12) Paμμh±na-p±1⁄4i, Vol V

(1) P±r±jika-p±1⁄4i Bhikku
(expulsion) 4
saaghadises± (meetings of the Sangha) 13
aniyat± (indeterminate) 2
nissagiy± p±cittiy± (expiation with forfeiture) 30

(2) P±cittiya-p±1⁄4i
suddha p±cittiy±
(ordinary expiation) 92
p±tidesaniy± (confession re: alms food) 4
sekhiya (concerning etiquette & decorum) 75
adhikaraoasamath± (legal process) 7

(concludes with bhikkuni vinaya rules) ______




2. Khandaka [two books of rules and procedures]
(3) Mah±vagga-p±1⁄4i (10 sections [khandhakas]; begins with historical accounts of the

Buddha’s enlightenment, the first discourses and the early growth of the Sangha;
outlines the following rules governing the actions of the Sangha:
1. rules for admission to the order (upasampad±)
2. the
uposatha meeting and recital of the p±timokkha

3. residence during the rainy season (vassa)
4. ceremony concluding the
vassa, called pav±rao±
5. rules for articles of dress and furniture
6. medicine and food
7. annual distribution of robes (kaμhina)
8. rules for sick
bhikkhus, sleeping and robe material
9. mode of executing proceedings of the Sangha
10. proceedings in cases of schism

(4) C31⁄4avagga-p±1⁄4i (or Cullavagga) (12 khandakas dealing with further rules and proce-
dures for institutional acts or functions, known as
1. rules for dealing with offences that come before the Sangha

2. procedures for putting a bhikkhu on probation
3. procedures for dealing with accumulation of offences by a
4. rules for settling legal procedures in the Sangha
5. misc. rules for bathing, dress, etc.
6. dwellings, furniture, lodging, etc.
7. schisms
8. classes of
bhikkhus and duties of teachers & novices
9. exclusion from the
10. the ordination and instruction of bhikkhunis
11. account of the 1st council at R±jagaha
12. account of the 2nd council at Ves±li

3. Pariv±ra-p±1⁄4i [a summary of the vinaya, arranged as a
catechism for instruction and examination]

(5) Pariv±ra-p±1⁄4i The fifth book of vinaya serves as a kind of manual enabling the reader
to make an analytical survey of the whole of Vinaya Piμaka.

Sutta Piṭaka -Digha Nikāya

DN 9 -
Poṭṭhapāda Sutta
— The questions of Poṭṭhapāda —

Poṭṭhapāda asks various questions reagrding the nature of Saññā.

Note: plain texts

நு கொ பந்தெ பதமங் உப்பஜ்ஜதி, பச்சா ஞானங்? உதாஹு ஞானங் பதமங் உப்பஜ்ஜதி,
பச்சா ஸஞ்யா? உதாஹு ஸஞ்யா ச ஞானங்ச அபுபங் ஆசரிமங் உப்பஜ்ஜந்தி?’ தி.

Saññā nu kho bhante paṭhamaṃ uppajjati, pacchā ñāṇaṃ? Udāhu ñāṇaṃ
paṭhamaṃ uppajjati, pacchā saññā? Udāhu saññā ca ñāṇañca apubbaṃ
acarimaṃ uppajjantī?’ ti.

இப்பொழுது, பந்த்தே, எது முதலாவது எழும்புவது
புலனுணர்வா,ஞானங் அடுத்ததா? அல்லது ஞானங் முதலாவது மற்றும் புலனுணர்வு
அடுத்ததா? அல்லது ஒரே நேரத்தில் புலனுணர்வும் ஞானமும் எழும்புகிறதா?

Now, lord, does perception arise first, and knowledge after; or does
knowledge arise first, and perception after; or do perception &
knowledge arise simultaneously? 

ஸஞ்யா கொ பொத்தபாதப தமங் உப்பஜ்ஜதி பச்சா
ஞானங். ஸன்யுப்பாதா ச பன ஞானுப்பாதொ ஹோதி. ஸொ ஏவங் பஜானாதி: இதப்பச்சாயா
கிர மெ ஞானங் உதபாதிதி. இமினா கொ ஏதங் பொத்தபாத பரியாயென வேதிதப்பங், யதா
ஸஞ்யா பதமங் உப்பஜ்ஜதி பச்சா ஞானங், ஸன்யுப்பாதொ  ச பன ஞானுப்பாதொ

Saññā kho poṭṭhapāda paṭhamaṃ uppajjati pacchā ñāṇaṃ. Saññuppādā ca pana
ñāṇuppādo hoti. So evaṃ pajānāti: idappaccayā kira me ñāṇaṃ udapādīti.
Iminā kho etaṃ poṭṭhapāda pariyāyena veditabbaṃ, yathā saññā paṭhamaṃ
uppajjati pacchā ñāṇaṃ, saññuppādo ca pana ñāṇuppādo hotī’ ti. 

பொத்தபாத, முதலாவது
புலனுணர்வும் பின்னால் ஞானம் எழும்புகிறது.மற்றும் புலனுணர்வு
எழும்புகிறபோது ஞானம் எழும்புகிறது. ஒரு பிரித்தறியும் நிலை சார்ந்துள்ள
என்னுடைய இந்த ஞானம் எழும்பியது. இவ்வழியான வரம்பின் காரண ஆய்வால் ஒருவர்
எப்படி முதலாவது புலனுணர்வு எழும்புகிறது மற்றும் ஞானம் அடுத்து என்று உணர
முடியும் மற்றும் எவ்வாறு புலனுணர்வு எழும்பியதால், ஞானம் எழும்பிமயது

Potthapada, perception arises first, and
knowledge after. And the arising of knowledge comes from the arising of
perception. One discerns, ‘It’s in dependence on this that my knowledge
has arisen.’ Through this line of reasoning one can realize how
perception arises first, and knowledge after, and how the arising of
knowledge comes from the arising of perception.

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Verifying Security Properties in Electronic Voting Machines-
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Verifying Security Properties in Electronic Voting Machines



Page 1 of 157

Verifying Security Properties in Electronic Voting Machines


Naveen K. Sastry

B.S. (Cornell University) 2000

A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the

requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Computer Science

in the


of the


Committee in charge:

Professor David Wagner, Chair

Professor Eric Brewer

Professor Pamela Samuelson

Spring 2007

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The dissertation of Naveen K. Sastry is approved:

Chair Date



University of California, Berkeley

Spring 2007

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Verifying Security Properties in Electronic Voting Machines

Copyright 2007


Naveen K. Sastry

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Verifying Security Properties in Electronic Voting Machines


Naveen K. Sastry

Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

University of California, Berkeley

Professor David Wagner, Chair

Voting is the bridge between the governed and government. The last few years have brought a

renewed focus onto the technology used in the voting process and a hunt for voting machines that

engender confidence. Computerized voting systems bring improved usability and cost benefits but

also the baggage of buggy and vulnerable software. When scrutinized, current voting systems are

riddled with security holes, and it difficult to prove even simple security properties about them. A

voting system that can be proven correct would alleviate many concerns.

This dissertation argues that a property based approach is the best start towards a fully

verified voting system. First, we look at specific techniques to reduce privacy vulnerabilities in a

range of voting technologies. We implement our techniques in a prototype voting system. The com-
ponentised design of the voting system makes it amenable to easily validating security properties.

Finally, we describe software analysis techniques that guarantee that ballots will only be stored if

they can later be accurately reconstructed for counting. The analysis uses static analysis to enable

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dynamic checks in a fail-stop model.

These successes provide strong evidence that it is possible to design voting systems with

verifiable security properties, and the belief that in the future, voting technologies will be free of

security problems.

Professor David Wagner

Dissertation Committee Chair

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List of Figures iv

List of Tables v

1 Introduction 1

1.1 The voting problem: motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1.1 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2 Contributions and summary of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2.1 Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2.2 Cryptographic voting protocols and privacy implications . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2.3 Privacy through reboots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.2.4 An architecture to verify voting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.2.5 Dynamically verifying properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 Voting goals & properties 11

2.1 Voting overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.2 Voting goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.3 Specific properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3 Cryptographic voting protocols 22

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.2 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2.1 Threat models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.3 Two voting protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.3.1 Neff’s scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

3.3.2 Chaum’s visual crypto scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.4 Subliminal channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

3.4.1 Randomness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

3.4.2 Mitigating random subliminal channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.4.3 Multiple visual and semantic representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

3.4.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.5 Denial of service attacks and election recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

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3.5.1 Denial of service (DoS) attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.5.2 Mitigation strategies and election recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3.6 Implementing secure cryptographic voting protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.6.1 Underspecifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.6.2 Open research problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

3.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

4 Privacy 56

4.1 Voting sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

4.2 Avenues for information flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.2.1 DRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.2.2 Cryptographic voting protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.2.3 Ballot marking device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.2.4 Optical scan reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4.3 Reboots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.3.1 Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

5 Designing voting machines for verification 65

5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

5.2 Goals and assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

5.3 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

5.3.1 Architecture motivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

5.3.2 Detailed module descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

5.3.3 Hardware-enforced separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

5.3.4 Reducing the complexity of trusted components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

5.4 Prototype implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

5.4.1 Implementation primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

5.5 Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

5.5.1 Verifying the desired properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

5.5.2 Line counts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

5.6 Applications to VVPATs and cryptographic voting protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

5.7 Extensions and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

5.8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

6 Environment-freeness 98

6.1 Introduction and motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

6.2 Static analysis to enable dynamic checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

6.3 Environment-free and compile-time constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

6.3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

6.3.2 Environment-free functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

6.3.3 Compile-time constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

6.3.4 How these are verified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

6.4 Specifics and algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

6.4.1 Annotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

6.4.2 Finding methods and variables to check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

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6.4.3 Compile time constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

6.4.4 Environment-free methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

6.4.5 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

6.5 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

6.5.1 AES block cipher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

6.5.2 Serialization of voting data structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

6.5.3 Non-determinism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

6.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

7 Related work 125

7.1 Voting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

7.2 Information Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

7.3 Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

7.4 Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

7.5 State management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

8 Conclusion 138

Bibliography 140

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List of Figures

2.1 Overview of using a DRE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.1 Detailed receipt for Neff’s scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3.2 Verifiable choice in Neff’s scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.3 Opened verifiable choice in Neff’s scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.4 Receipt generation in Neff’s scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.5 Transparency representation in Chaum’s scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.6 Visual cryptography overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.7 Summary of Chaum’s protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

5.1 Diagram of voting architecture proposal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

5.2 Our architecture, showing the hardware communication elements. . . . . . . . . . 79

5.3 Gumstix picture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

5.4 Mounting board for voting component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

5.5 Photograph of implementation prototype. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

5.6 Screenshot of

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

5.7 Code extracts from

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ and

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ☛✄ modules. . . . . . . . . . . . 91

6.1 Screenshot of environment-free checker finding error in AES implementation. . . . 120

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List of Tables

3.1 Summary of weaknesses we found in Neff’s and Chaum’s voting schemes. . . . . . 23

4.1 Avenues for privacy flows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5.1 Non-comment, non-whitespace lines of code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

6.1 Immutable types whitelist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

6.2 Environment-free method whitelist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

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I am deeply grateful for David Wagner’s insightful input in crafting this dissertation. His influence

permeates each section and I am fortunate to have such a caring advisor. He patiently taught me

the basics and listened to my asinine and ill-informed ideas. He removed obstacles and served as

a great model to follow, always humble and kind. I learned not only research from him, but also

ethics, honesty, and character.

I have long joked that I would show up in my colleagues’ dis-acknowledgments for slow-
ing down their progress. Fortunately, I can safely say that my colleagues were kinder to me and

became my friends, and made work fun. They refined my ideas and improved my research quality.

Umesh Shankar taught me many of the paper-writing basics in one of my first papers and continued

to hone my ideas. Chris Karlof has been a frequent co-author, sounding board, and constant friend.

Along with Chris, Adrian Mettler and Yoshi Kohno each were crucial co-authors on papers that

formed the basis of this work. Manu Sridharan was not only a gym-buddy, but also a helpful re-
source for all my PL questions. Finally, I will fondly reminisce about my days in 567, as I discussed

Economics, women, and more with Rob Johnson and Karl Chen.

I want to thank my parents, sister, and family for their loving support. Their sacrifices

gave me the opportunity, tools, and especially the confidence to tackle graduate school.

And finally, my tremendous wife, Seshu, deserves my eternal gratitude. She endured

practice presentations and editing, while soothing my frustrations in completing the dissertation.

Her gentle encouragements and patient understanding were crucial to finishing on time.

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Chapter 1


1.1 The voting problem: motivation

The 2000 Presidential election brought attention to the importance of accurately recording

and tabulating ballots, and a hunt for new technologies to fix the unearthed problems. Election

officials faced considerable difficulty deciphering voters’ selections. Direct Recording Electronic

(DRE) voting machines were seen as one solution and are now deployed in many counties. These

computerized machines offer advantages over traditional lever, paper, or punch card voting systems.

They eliminate classes of ballot marking errors using software logic to rule out voting for multiple

candidates where only one is allowed, for example. Since voters interact with a computer screen,

the DRE machines can adopt the interface that best suits the needs of a voter. For example, they can

switch to large, high-contrast fonts for voters with reduced visual acuity. Additionally, tabulating

the results is quicker than with other systems since each machine effectively maintains a running


However, the advantages that current DRE systems offer do not come without risk. DREs

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are built upon general purpose computers, and are designed with standard software development

techniques. Standard software development techniques often lead to code that is buggy and suffers

from latent vulnerabilities. Voting software is no different: Kohno et al. recently performed a secu-
rity audit and showed the software on these machines is not well designed and riddled with severe

security bugs [42]. This study is not unique in its conclusions, as others have found innumerable

security problems in commercial voting code [18, 25, 72, 90, 94].

Currently deployed DREs use a single monolithic application written in an unsafe lan-
guage, such as C. Unless great care is taken, software written in C can suffer from buffer overruns,

improper type coercions, and programmer errors that lead to memory safety violations. In addition,

the software is just too complex to be sure all security bugs can be eliminated even with a careful

audit. This naturally begs the question: can we do better?

One option is for counties to deploy non-DRE based voting technology, of which there are

several options, such as optical scan readers. But given the prevalence and advantages of DREs, it

is necessary to address their shortcomings. In this dissertation, we focus on DREs. Thus far, voting

and security experts have come to two potentially viable remedies to sidestep the issue of buggy

voting software in DREs. Both approaches are designed to detect voting machine errors and still

yield the proper election tally.

In the first, DREs are augmented with printers to produce paper records of the voter’s

choices. Before leaving the voting booth, the voter checks the printed record accurately represents

their choices [50]. This voter verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) can serve as an official recourse in

case the electronic record is suspect.

Alternatively, C. Andrew Neff and David Chaum have each come up with innovative

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solutions that rely on cryptography [19, 60, 61]. After voting on a traditional DRE, their systems

engage in a cryptographic protocol with the voter. During the protocol, the DRE prints a specially

formated receipt. The receipt does not reveal any information about the voter’s choices, but it

does allow the voter to take the receipt home and verify their vote hasn’t been changed after they

voted and that their vote will be counted. This property, called universal verifiability, is unique to

cryptographic voting protocols.

Both solutions offer advantages over existing DREs, however in this dissertation we show

that those two solutions are not sufficient since there are classes of privacy violations left unad-
dressed. We also propose new techniques that begin to address their shortcomings in DRE based

voting machines.

1.1.1 Approach

The solutions we pursue are aimed at one central goal: simplifying an auditor’s task in

verifying the correctness of security properties in voting machines. This is distinct from another,

perhaps more obvious goal: eliminating security bugs from voting machines. While the latter goal

is more appropriate for many software applications, it is not sufficient for the voting context. As

Dan Wallach has said, “The purpose of an election is not to name the winner, it’s to convince the

loser they lost” [85]. Consequently, it is not enough to eliminate all security bugs: we must develop

ways for interested third parties to verify for themselves that the voting machine is free of security


Making it easier to verify the absence of security bugs is particularly relevant given that

voting machines currently receive little oversight. Counties rely on a handful of Independent Testing

Authorities (ITAs) to ensure that a vendor’s voting machine complies with voting standards and

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meets nominal security requirements. In one study, we found 16 critical security vulnerabilities in

Diebold voting code [90], while CIBER, an ITA given the same mandate to evaluate the same code,

produced a vastly different report and only found three security vulnerabilities [21]. This contrast

highlights the main motivation for this work: to help auditors and citizens verify that their voting

system is secure.

In verifying a voting system, an auditor or concerned citizen must analyze a voting system

against a set of measurable criteria. For example, one such criterion may be that a voting system

always gives the voter a chance to review their ballot and correct any mistakes they discover before

casting. We call these measurable criteria properties. The Voluntary Voting System Guidelines

produced by the United States Election Assistance Commission is one such list of these properties.

These properties are created to reflect societal goals, norms, and laws with respect to voting. Since

goals can often be vague, it is important to have a precise definition of what is being verified.

Properties are meant to embody this greater specificity and measurability. Hence, high-level societal

goals are translated into low-level technical requirements. Note the explicit difference between a

societal goal and a measurable and precise security property.

Typically, there are a number of established techniques to verify a system satisfies a set

of properties. One technique often used is manual inspection of the system’s code, design, and

procedures. This labor intensive process aims to either prove or disprove a specific property through

reasoning. Doing so adequately requires reading and understanding the relevant parts of the system

undergoing inspection. In a well designed system, it is possible to limit the scope of the system

under consideration and study a smaller portion of it.

Another technique, called static analysis, involves using computer programs to analyze

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source code to validate security properties and is built upon a wealth of prior work. Static analysis

tools attempt to automate the process of manual human inspection. Depending upon the sophistica-
tion of the static analysis tool used and the difficulty of the property being analyzed, static analysis

can require additional help from the programmer. For example, a particular analysis may require

the programmer to add annotations to the source code, or possibly to rewrite the code and thereby

make it easier for the static analysis tool.

Static analysis and manual inspection each offer the benefit of detecting security problems

while the system is being designed and are able to catch security errors before the voting system

is deployed in the field. Naturally, there is a tremendous advantage to finding problems before

any voter ever touches the voting machine; but for certain properties, it may be simpler to employ

a dynamic analysis, whereby behavior that contradicts the property is detected while the voting

machine is run, either during testing or in the course of an actual election. If the voting machine

exhibits behavior that contradicts a security requirement, the DRE software can flag an error and

prevent the voter from continuing. Dynamic analysis requires changes to the program code so it

actively checks its own behavior. The programmer can enact the changes directly , or possibly with

the assistance of a software tool.

This dissertation draws on all three techniques to prove a small set of properties, allowing

us to gain confidence in certain aspects of a voting machine’s behavior.

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1.2 Contributions and summary of results

1.2.1 Properties

In Chapter 2 we outline high-level security goals for voting systems. These security goals

are informed by convention, law, and social policy. As discussed, though, the security goals must

be translated into more testable, concrete properties for voting systems. This chapter discusses six

properties that we focus on during the course of this dissertation. We produce a voting system

implementation in which we successfully verify three of the six properties and refer to additional

work that details how to achieve similar success with the fourth property.

A fully verified voting machine would require verifying significantly more than a handful

of properties. However, building and verifying all those properties in a voting machine is currently

too daunting for us to consider. Recognizing that we should keep this as an end goal, we must start

by verifying a few key properties. Current voting machines are not designed with verification in

mind. Consequently, there is much value in a voting machine where it is possible to verify even a

few properties. This is a positive first step.

1.2.2 Cryptographic voting protocols and privacy implications

Cryptographic voting protocols provide voters with a novel mechanism to verify their

vote is properly recorded and counted. They are meant to augment DREs and provide voters with

an end-to-end guarantee of the proper tabulation of their vote. Proponents of cryptographic voting

protocols cite the end-to-end verifiability property as a reason for requiring less scrutiny of the

software on these DREs. They argue that a vigilant voter would detect the effects of tampering by

buggy software or malicious poll workers. This would lessen the necessity to trust the software

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since the voter provides an end-to-end check of their ballot’s integrity.

When using a cryptographic voting protocol, the voter typically takes home a receipt. For

privacy protection, the receipt is specially designed to not reveal any of the voter’s choices. These

protocols usually expect the users to check their receipt with an online version after voting; this

check ensures the proper recording and counting of their vote. They can detect tampering or buggy

voting machines via mathematical proofs of correctness.

Cryptographic voting protocols offer the promise of verifiable voting without the need to

trust the integrity of any software in the system. However, these cryptographic protocols are only

one part of a larger system composed of voting machines, software implementations, and election

procedures, and we must analyze their security by considering the system in its entirety. In Chap-
ter 3, we analyze the security properties of two different cryptographic protocols, one proposed by

Andrew Neff and another by David Chaum. We discovered several potential weaknesses in these

voting protocols which only became apparent when considered in the context of an entire voting

system. These weaknesses include: subliminal channels in the encrypted ballots and denial of ser-
vice attacks. These attacks could compromise election integrity, erode voter privacy, and enable vote

coercion. Whether the attacks succeed or not will depend on how these ambiguities are resolved in a

full implementation of a voting system, but we expect that a well designed implementation and de-
ployment may be able to mitigate or even eliminate the impact of these weaknesses. However, these

protocols must be analyzed in the context of a complete specification of the system and surrounding

procedures before they are deployed in any large scale public election.

So, while the protocols offer the promise of skipping verification, their current implemen-
tations do not offer the same guarantees that the theoretical results would indicate. This gap in the

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realized systems means that as currently conceived, it is still necessary to verify security properties

about the software implementation.

1.2.3 Privacy through reboots

The privacy problems present in cryptographic voting protocols are prevalent in other

voting technologies as well. In Chapter 4, we cover privacy problems for a range of voting tech-
nologies. We introduce a simple idea to cut down on privacy leaks: rebooting after each voter. We

outline the solution and then describe the conditions necessary to implement reboots to help allevi-
ate privacy concerns. This technique, when combined with restrictions on how a program accesses

its persistent storage, allows one to show that information from one voter’s session cannot leak to

another voter’s session.

Employing this reboot technique to guarantee privacy need not be limited to voting ap-
plications. It is also of independent interest, and is likely applicable in other computation domains

where users share the same hardware one after another in independent sessions. For example, users

may demand privacy guarantees from the ATM machines or transit kiosks they use since they pro-
vide each machine with their financial details in conducting their transactions.

1.2.4 An architecture to verify voting

Realizing that we need new techniques to prove that specific security properties hold in

voting machines, we explore a particular architecture specifically designed to make verification

easier. In Chapter 5, we use specific properties about voting, off the shelf hardware, isolation, and

architectural decisions to allow easy verification of two critical security properties.

We develop the architecture in a series of design exercises driven by two specific prop-

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erties that we introduce in Chapter 2. We expand upon the privacy-reboot idea from Chapter 4 in

a real system and implement it. The final design facilitates manual verification of these security

properties, which we also discuss. Finally, we present the voting system’s design and discuss our

experience building a prototype implementation in Java and C.

1.2.5 Dynamically verifying properties

Some properties are best verified using software analysis. In Chapter 6, we look at proving

the correctness of serialization—the process of storing the in-memory representation of a data struc-
ture, such as a ballot, to a permanent store such as a disk. Trusting computerized voting requires

that serialization, and its mate deserialization, work together reliably and predictably.

We propose to use a dynamic check to guarantee proper recovery of the ballot from stor-
age. Before the ballot is to be stored to disk, the DRE checks that the tallier (used to count the

votes) will be able to be reconstruct the serialized ballot for proper counting at the end of the day.

If an error is found, the voting machine alerts the voter and election officials of the error and re-
fuses to proceed. Since the tallier is to be run later under potentially different conditions, the check

must guarantee that deserialization will always yield the same results, even in a potentially different

execution environment. For a deserialize function to always yield the same result, its return value

must only depend on its arguments and any constants compiled into the code. It may not depend on

non-deterministic inputs. We call such functions environment-free. We develop a static analysis to

check the environment-free property in Java code. Proving the deserialize function is environment-
free allows enables the DRE to check at run-time that the serialized ballot will always be able to

properly to be deserialized. We describe the results of the environment free static checker and the

results of using it to prove the correctness of serialization.

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The environment-free checker is potentially useful to check other functions that follow

the serialization/deserialization pattern. More broadly, serialization is just one of a family of com-
mon data transformation routines that litter programs. Two others in the family include encryp-
tion/decryption and compression/decompression. In Chapter 6, we show the checker also can be

used to prove that decryption is the inverse of encryption for an AES implementation. We believe,

therefore, that the environment-free checker is useful outside the voting context.

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Chapter 2

Voting goals & properties

In this chapter, we start with an overview of the voting process. This will serve as useful

background for the remaining chapters.

We then present a number of different security goals for voting systems. Goals reflect so-
cietal desires based on laws and convention. They make statements about the entire voting process,

can often be subjective and stateable without many technical details. Goals guide system designers

when they are forced to make engineering tradeoffs. The list of goals should not be seen as a static

list; for example, the secret ballot, providing privacy and coercion resistance, was only adopted in

the 1880s in the United States. The list of voting goals evolves with the advent of new technology.

We consider six currently accepted goals, and one that may be on the horizon. Achieving these goals

requires not only impeccable technology, but also stringent procedures, including voter education,

machine maintenance, pollworker training, and dispute resolution. We concern ourselves with the

behavior of the entire system, not just the voting technology.

But goals are not sufficient; it is still difficult to measure a voting system against a goal: a

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✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✆ ✝ ✞ ✟ ✝ ✟ ✠ ✂ ✡ ✁ ☛ ☛ ✝ ✟ ✞

✆ ✂ ✠ ✂ ✝ ✁ ✟

☞ ✌ ✍ ✎ ✏ ✑ ✏ ✒ ✍ ✎ ✓ ✔

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✠ ✕ ✂ ✖ ✄ ✟ ✂ ✝ ✗ ✠ ✂ ✝ ✁ ✟

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✝ ✟ ✂ ✄ ☎✠ ✗ ✂ ✝ ✁ ✟

✁ ✂ ✄ ✆ ✂ ✁ ☎✠ ✞ ✄

✘ ✟ ✆ ✂ ✠ ☛ ☛ ✙ ✠ ☛ ☛ ✁ ✂

✚ ☎✝ ✟ ✂ ✛ ✄ ☎✁ ✜✂ ✠ ✡ ✄

✢ ✣ ✑ ✤✏ ✒ ✍ ✎ ✓ ✔ ✢ ✒ ✥ ✍ ✤✏ ✒ ✍ ✎ ✓ ✔

✦ ✝ ✟ ✠ ☛ ✝ ✛ ✄ ✙ ✠ ☛ ☛ ✁ ✂ ✆

✌ ☞ ✓ ✏ ☞ ✥ ✥ ✎ ✓ ✔

✧ ✄ ✆ ✝ ✞ ✟ ✙ ✠ ☛ ☛ ✁ ✂

★ ✕ ✩ ✕ ✡ ✪ ✁ ✂ ✄ ✆

Figure 2.1: Major steps in the voting process when using DREs.

goal is broad and encompasses many facets. We must be very clear about what specific properties we

aim to achieve in our system. A property is a more measurable requirement than a goal and is meant

to be specific and objective; determining whether a voting system satisfies a property should not be

ambiguous. An example property is that, when the voter is making their selection for a particular

race, the voting system must present all candidates in a format in accordance with election laws. A

voting machine that always exhibits the property could not conditionally omit certain candidates, or

present certain candidates in a smaller font. Upon reading the source code, it should be possible to

determine whether this property holds.

We focus on six properties that the rest of the dissertation addresses. The list is by no

means exhaustive, but is chosen to reflect important properties that are first and important building

blocks for any voting machine.

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2.1 Voting overview

Pre-election setup. The full election process incorporates many activities beyond what a voter

typically experiences in the voting booth. Although the exact processes differ depending on the

specific voting technology in question, Figure 2.1 overviews the common steps for DRE-based

voting. In the pre-election stage, election officials prepare ballot definition files describing the

parameters of the election. Ballot definition files can be very complex [52], containing not only a

list of races and information about how many selections a voter can make for each race, but also

containing copies of the ballots in multiple languages, audio tracks for visually impaired voters

(possibly also in multiple languages). Additionally, the ballot presented to the voter may vary based

on the precinct as well as the voter’s party affiliation. Election officials generally use external

software to help them generate the ballot definition files. After creating the ballot definition files,

an election worker will load those files onto the DRE voting machines. Before polls open, election

officials generally print a “zero tape,” which shows that no one cast a ballot prior to the start of the


Active voting. When voter Alice wishes to vote, she must first interact with election officials to

prove that she is eligible to vote. The election officials then give her some token or mechanism to

allow her to authenticate herself to the DRE as an authorized voter. Once the DRE verifies the token,

the DRE displays the ballot information appropriate for Alice, e.g., the ballot might be in Alice’s

native language or, for primaries, be tailored to Alice’s party affiliation. After Alice selects the

candidates she wishes to vote for, the DRE displays a “confirmation screen” summarizing Alice’s

selections. Alice can then either accept the list and cast her ballot, or reject it and return to editing

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her selections. Once she approves her ballot, the DRE stores the votes onto durable storage and

invalidates her token so that she cannot vote again.

Finalization & post-voting. When the polls are closed, the DRE ensures that no further votes can

be cast and then prints a “summary tape,” containing an unofficial tally of the number of votes for

each candidate. Poll workers then transport the removable storage medium containing cast ballot

images, along with the zero tape, summary tape, and other materials, to a central facility for tallying.

During the canvass, election officials accumulate vote totals and cross-check the consistency of all

these records.

Additional steps. In addition to the main steps above, election officials can employ various au-
diting and testing procedures to check for malicious behavior. For example, some jurisdictions use

parallel testing, which involves sequestering a few machines, entering a known set of votes, and

checking whether the final tally matches the expected tally. Also, one could envision repeating

the vote-tallying process with a third-party tallying application, although we are unaware of any

instance where this particular measure has been used in practice. While these additional steps can

help detect problems, they are by no means sufficient.

2.2 Voting goals

In this section, we enumerate a number of broad goals for voting systems.

Goal 1. One voter/one vote: The cast ballots should exactly represent the votes cast by legitimate

voters. Malicious parties should not be able to add, duplicate, or delete ballots.

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This goal emphasizes that each legitimate voter should have exactly one vote toward each race. It

should be impossible for the voters themselves, designers of the voting technology, election officials,

or other people to subvert this goal. Procedures and voting policy can greatly impact whether this

particular goal is successfully achieved. For example, it is imperative that the polling station be

staffed with adequate supplies of voting materials (whether it be voting machines or blank ballots).

Insufficient allocation or resources impinges on this goal; poor technology design can also adversely

affect the goal, either by increasing the amount of resources needed, or through errors that can

surreptitiously allow people to add or drop ballots at will. It also requires the poll workers to

determine who is a legitimate voter.

Goal 2. Cast-as-intended: A voter should be able to reliably and easily cast the ballot that they

intend to cast.

Cast-as-intended gets to the heart of voting – in essence, the voter must be able to reliably and

consistently express their desired opinion for a particular election. Meeting this goal requires over-
coming many challenges. Broadly, 1) the voting machine must present all choices for their particular

ballot in a non-biased manner. As subtle changes in layout, order, or presentation can influence the

voter to favor one choice over another, the voting machine must present all choices in as equitable

manner as possible; 2) the voter must be able to express their desires among the choices. The voting

machine should not make it more difficult to chose one candidate over another; 3) the completed

ballot must be stored without changes and kept for tallying under all conditions. It is also impera-
tive that the voter must be able to express their selections easily and efficiently and should strive to

reduce inadvertent errors.

There are a host of issues underlying each of the three above challenges. As just one

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example, a voter who is unfamiliar with computers must have the same opportunities to express

their votes as a computer-literate person. On electronic voting technology, this can be challenging.

Designing user interfaces and ballot layouts that are unambiguous to first-time users is challenging.

Goal 3. Counted-as-cast: The final tally should be an accurate count of the ballots that have been


The counted-as-cast goal assures the accuracy of the final tally. Achieving this goal requires that

ballots are not modified or lost, and will properly be reconstructed in a form that reflects the original

cast ballot form. The challenge is assuring this despite poor procedures, lost or broken voting

machines, and ambiguities in determining the voter’s intent.

Goal 4. Verifiability: It should be possible for participants in the voting process to prove that

the voting system obeys certain properties. For example, when referring to goals 2 and 3 (cast-as-
intended and counted-as-cast), the voter should be able to prove to themselves that their ballot own

ballot was cast-as-intended, and all voters should be able to prove to themselves (and others) that

all of the ballots are properly counted-as-cast.

Verifiability is a property that allows voting participants to easily prove the correct operation of

some portion of the voting process. When discussing verifiability, it is critical to consider who is

verifying the particular property under consideration. When the voter is performing the verification,

it is imperative to consider the usability of the verification process. A property cannot reasonably

called verifiable by the voter if it requires the voter to analyze source code. It would take the

average voter far too long to learn the required skills. However, it would be appropriate to call such

a property verifiable by software experts since they possess the required skills.

In this dissertation, we seek to enable software experts to verify a set of security properties.

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Chapter 3 analyzes two cryptographic voting protocols that provide verifiably cast-as-
intended and verifiably counted-as-cast to the voters. Verifiably cast-as-intended means each voter

should be able to verify her ballot accurately represents the vote she cast. Often, this includes

looking at a website after voting. Verifiably counted-as-cast means everyone should be able to

verify that the final tally is an accurate count of the ballots contained on the website, for example.

The difficult in achieving verifiability is doing so while also preserving a voter’s privacy. Typically,

solutions that strive for verifiability of cast-as-intended and counted-as-cast include at least some

cryptographic techniques.

Goal 5. Privacy: Ballots and all events during the voting process should be remain secret.

A voter should be able to trust that their ballot and all interactions with the voting machine will

remain hidden. In cases where the ballot is published, it should not be possible to link the ballot

with the voter. The first part of the goal would even preclude indirect privacy leaks, whereby the

voting machine changes its behavior in response to votes that have already been cast. Preserving

privacy requires effort from the voting machine designers as well as the poll workers, since lapses

by either can result in privacy leaks.

Goal 6. Coercion resistance: A voter should not be able to prove how she voted to a third party

not present in the voting booth.

Coercion resistance is related to privacy. A voter should not be able to collude with an outsider in

order to prove how they voted. Put another way, a voter should not be able to subvert their own

privacy. There is a typical caveat with this goal: coercion resistance is not offered when the voter

brings another person (or the electronic equivalent: a recording device) into the polling booth with

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them. In this case, the voter’s companion can directly observe all of the voter’s interactions with the

voting machine

2.3 Specific properties

As stated, properties are measurable aspects of a voting system goals. One must be careful

in which properties are required. It is possible that designing a voting system to exhibit one security

property may help one goal to the detriment of another. As one example, a property requiring

voting systems to provide voters with a printout of their onscreen selections to take home may help

guarantee cast-as-intended, but at the cost of coercion resistance.

Resolving these tradeoffs requires guidance from policy makers. They are in the best

position to guard and balance different stakeholders’ interests. It is the job of computer scientists to

point out the tradeoffs.

We now present specific properties that this dissertation work will address. These prop-
erties represent some aspect of one or more of the above goals, but aren’t sufficient on their own to

guarantee any of these goals are met.

Property 1. None of a voter’s interactions with the voting machine, including the final ballot, can

affect any subsequent voter’s sessions1


This property has implications for Goals 2 and 5. A DRE that achieves Property 1 will prevent

two large classes of attacks: one against election integrity and another against privacy. One way to

understand this property is to consider a particular voting system design that exhibits the property.

Note that some interactions may be unavoidable. For example, an electronic ballot box that becomes “full” on a

voting machine should not allow subsequent voters to vote. This interaction is a desired and unavoidable interaction. The

remedy here is to ensure that if the ballot box becomes full, there will be no subsequent voters.

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A DRE can be “memoryless,” so that after indelibly storing the ballot, it erases all traces of the

voter’s actions from its RAM. This way, a DRE cannot use the voter’s choices in making future


A DRE that is memoryless cannot decide to change its behavior in the afternoon on elec-
tion day if it sees the election trending unfavorably for one candidate. Similarly, successful verifi-

cation of this property guarantees that a voter, possibly with the help of the DRE or election insider,

cannot learn how a prior voter voted.

We discuss this property in Chapters 3 and 4.

Property 2. A ballot cannot be cast without the voter’s consent to cast it.

Property 2 ensures the voter’s ballot is only cast with their consent; a voting machine that always

exhibits this property will help achieve Goal 2 (Cast-as-intended). When a ballot is cast with the

voter’s consent and at the proper time, guarantees that the voter has had the chance to see all races

and has had the option of editing their selections before casting. Additionally, when combined with

other security measures, this property helps guarantee the ballot box cannot be stuffed by the DRE.

If each cast operation requires a human’s input, and the DRE cannot automatically cast additional


Property 3. The DRE cannot leak information through the on-disk format. Additionally, the ballot

box should be history-independent and tamper evident.

Part of Property 3 directly supports Goal 5 (Privacy). Requiring the on-disk format to be history-
independent means that it should not leak the order that voters voted on the DRE. A DRE exhibiting

this property would reduce the burden on procedures to safeguard the electronic ballot box. If the

ballot box were not history-independent, the ballot box would contain the order in which voters

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voted. It would then be easy for an adversary to correlate the order in which voters voted with

the order in which they entered the polling station and then link ballots to people. This ultimately

compromises voter privacy.

This property can also further Goal 3 (Counted-as-cast). If the on-disk format of the ballot

box does not reveal the vote order, it may be possible to publish an exact copy of the ballot box.

This allows anyone to collate the ballot boxes from all DREs in a precinct and recreate the final

tally to double check the tabulation process2

. The ballot box must be history-independent in order

to safely publish it.

We can use the techniques developed in conjunction with Molnar et al. in implementing

Property 3 [55].

Property 4. The DRE only stores ballots that have been approved by the voter.

Property 4 refers to a few conditions. The DRE must not change the ballot after the voter chooses

their candidates. Additionally, the voter must have a chance to see the contents of the ballot and

approve or reject it. The ballot structure may be passed through confirmation screens and to serial-
ization mechanisms before it is ultimately stored; through all this, it must remain unmodified. This

is another aspect of Goal 2 (Cast-as-intended).

Property 5. There should be a canonical format for the ballot so there is only one way to represent

the voter’s choices.

Violation of Property 5 could violate the voter’s privacy, even if the voter approves the ballot. Sup-
pose the voter’s choice, “James Polk” were stored with an extra space: “James Polk”. The voter

However, there are some subtleties to publishing the ballot boxes: if the votes are to be published, they must be done

in a manner that does not enable vote-selling. For example, a vote-buyer may offer cash if a voter makes a selection for a

high-profile race and then fills in a particular string for a write-in candidate in a different race. The vote-buyer will only

pay if one ballot among the published ballots contains the pre-arranged string and a vote for the candidate they ordered.

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would not likely notice anything were amiss, but this could convey privacy leaking-information in

a subliminal channel, described in Chapter 3.

Property 6. The ballot counted in the tally stage should be the same as the in-memory copy ap-
proved by the voter at the voting machine.

This property, an aspect of Goal 3 (Counted-as-cast), guarantees that the ballot recording software

can properly hand off the ballot to the tally machine. It requires that the serialized version of the in-
memory ballot the voter fills out must be properly deserialized into an equivalent in-memory copy

when needed by the tallying software.

We do not expect these to be an exhaustive list of the desirable security properties; rather,

they are properties that we believe are important and that we can easily achieve with the contribu-
tions of this work.

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Chapter 3

Cryptographic voting protocols

In this chapter, we look at two cryptographic voting protocols. They provide the voter the

opportunity to verify their own vote was cast-as-intended and that all votes were counted-as-cast.

This is a major step forward in the capabilities of voting systems.

However, in this chapter, we show it is imperative to view cryptographic protocols as a part

of a complete voting system and consider the security implications of all surrounding procedures and

the implementations of the protocols. Doing so for these protocols reveals privacy vulnerabilities

through subliminal channels (the ramifications of which will be mitigated through some strategies

suggested in Chapter 4), and opportunities for denial of service attacks.

Parts of this work are drawn with permission from previously published work [39].

3.1 Introduction

Trustworthy voting systems are crucial for the democratic process. Recently, direct record-
ing electronic voting machines (DREs) have come under fire for failing to meet this standard. The

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Weakness Protocols Threat Model Affects

Random subliminal channels Neff Malicious DRE colluding Voter privacy &

w/ outsider coercion resistance

Semantic subliminal channels Chaum Malicious DRE colluding Voter privacy &

w/ outsider coercion resistance

Denial of service attacks Neff & Malicious DRE or Voter confidence &

Chaum tallying software election integrity

Table 3.1: Summary of weaknesses we found in Neff’s and Chaum’s voting schemes.

problem with paperless DREs is that the voting public has no good way to tell whether votes were

recorded or counted correctly, and many experts have argued that, without other defenses, these

systems are not trustworthy [42, 57].

Andrew Neff and David Chaum have recently proposed revolutionary schemes for DRE-
based electronic voting [19, 60, 61]. The centerpiece of these schemes consists of novel and sophis-
ticated cryptographic protocols that allow voters to verify their votes are cast and counted correctly.

Voting companies Votegrity and VoteHere have implemented Chaum’s and Neff’s schemes, respec-
tively. These schemes represent a significant advance over previous DRE-based voting systems:

voters can verify that their votes have been accurately recorded, and everyone can verify that the

tallying procedure is correct, preserving privacy and coercion resistance in the process. The ability

for anyone to verify that votes are counted correctly is particularly exciting, as no prior system has

offered this feature.

This chapter presents a first step towards a security analysis of these schemes. Our goal

is to determine whether these new DRE-based cryptographic voting systems are trustworthy for use

in public elections. We approach this question from a systems perspective. Neff’s and Chaum’s

schemes consist of the composition of many different cryptographic and security subsystems. Com-
posing security mechanisms is not simple, since it can lead to subtle new vulnerabilities [28, 48, 64].

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Consequently, it is not enough to simply analyze a protocol or subsystem in isolation, as some at-
tacks only become apparent when looking at an entire system. Instead, we perform a whole-system

security analysis.

In our analysis of these cryptographic schemes, we found weaknesses in that subliminal

channels may be present in the encrypted ballots. These attacks could potentially compromise

election integrity, erode voter privacy, and enable vote coercion. In addition, we found several

detectable but unrecoverable denial of service attacks. We note that these weaknesses only became

apparent when examining the system as a whole, underlining the importance of a security analysis

that looks at cryptographic protocols in their larger systems context.

The true severity of the weaknesses depends on how these schemes are finally imple-
mented. During our security analysis, one challenge we had to deal with was the lack of a complete

system to analyze. Although Neff and Chaum present fully specified cryptographic protocols, many

implementation details—such as human interfaces, systems design, and election procedures—are

not available for analysis. Given the underspecification, it is impossible to predict with any confi-

dence what the practical impact of these weaknesses may be. Consequently, we are not yet ready

to endorse these systems for widespread use in public elections. Still, we expect that it may be

possible to mitigate some of these risks with procedural or technical defenses, and we present coun-
termeasures for some of the weaknesses we found and identify some areas where further research

is needed. Our results are summarized in Table 3.1.

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3.2 Preliminaries

David Chaum and Andrew Neff have each proposed a cryptographic voting protocol for

use in DRE machines [13, 19, 60, 61, 89]. Although these protocols differ in the details of their

operation, they are structurally similar. Both protocols fit within the DRE voting steps in Figure 2.1.

However, they introduce a few extra actions, which we outline here.

In the pre-voting stage, a set of election trustees with competing interests are chosen such

that it is unlikely that all trustees will collude. The trustees interact amongst themselves before the

election to choose parameters and produce key material used throughout the protocol. The trustees

should represent a broad set of interest groups and governmental agencies to guarantee sufficient

separation of privilege and discourage collusion among the trustees.

Active voting begins when a voter visits a polling station to cast her vote on election

day, and ends when that ballot is cast. To cast her vote, the voter interacts with a DRE machine

in a private voting booth to select her ballot choices. The DRE then produces an electronic ballot

representing the voter’s choices and posts this to a public bulletin board. This public bulletin board

serves as the ballot box. At the same time, the DRE interacts with the voter to provide a receipt.

Receipts are designed to resist vote buying and coercion, and do not allow the voter to prove to a

third party how she voted. Also, each voter’s ballot is assigned a unique ballot sequence number

(BSN). BSNs ease auditing and verification procedures, without compromising voter privacy.

After all ballots have been posted to the bulletin board, canvassing stage begins. The elec-
tion trustees execute a publicly verifiable multistage mix net, where each trustee privately executes

a particular stage of the mix net [33, 61]. To maintain anonymity, the trustees strip each ballot of

its BSN before it enters the mix net. Each stage of the mix net takes as input a set of encrypted

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ballots, partially decrypts or re-encrypts them (depending on the style of mix net), and randomly

permutes them. The final result of the mix net is a set of plaintext ballots which can be publicly

counted but which cannot be linked to the encrypted ballots or to voter identities. In cryptographic

voting protocols, the mix net is designed to be universally verifiable: the trustee provides a proof

which any observer can use to confirm that the protocol has been followed correctly. This means a

corrupt trustee cannot surreptitiously add, delete, or alter ballots.

At various points during this process, voters and observers may engage in election verifi-

cation. After her ballot has been recorded on the public bulletin board, the voter may use her receipt

to verify her vote was cast as intended and will be accurately represented in the election results.

Note that the receipt does not serve as an official record of the voter’s selections; it is only intended

for convincing the voter that her ballot was cast correctly. Election observers (e.g., the League of

Women Voters) can verify certain properties about ballots on the public bulletin board, such as, that

all ballots are well-formed or that the mix net procedure was performed correctly.

Both the Chaum and Neff protocols require DREs to contain special printing devices for

providing receipts. The security requirements for the printer are: 1) the voter can inspect its output,

and 2) neither the DRE nor the printer can erase, change, or overwrite anything already printed

without the voter immediately detecting it. There are some differences in the tasks these devices

perform and additional security requirements they must meet, which we will discuss later.

3.2.1 Threat models

We must consider a strong threat model for voting protocols. In national elections, bil-
lions of dollars are at stake, and even in local elections, controlling the appropriation of municipal

funding in a large city can be sufficient motivation to compromise significant portions of the election

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system [41]. We consider threats from three separate sources: DREs, talliers, and outside coercive

parties. To make matters worse, malicious parties might collude together. For example, malicious

DREs might collude with outside coercers to buy votes.

Malicious DREs can take many forms [5]. A programmer at the manufacturer could insert

Trojan code, or a night janitor at the polling station could install malicious code the night before the

election. We must assume malicious DREs behave arbitrarily. Verification of all the DRE software

in an election is hard, and one goal of Neff’s and Chaum’s schemes is to eliminate the need to verify

that the DRE software is free from Trojan horses.

We also must consider malicious parties in the tallying process, such as a malicious bul-
letin board or malicious trustees. These parties wield significant power, and can cause large prob-
lems if they are malicious. For example, if the bulletin board is malicious, it can erase all the ballots.

If all the software used by the trustees is malicious, it could erase the private portions of the trustees’

keys, making ballot decryption impossible.

To evaluate a voting system’s coercion resistance, we must consider outside coercive par-
ties colluding with malicious voters. We assume the coercer is not present in the voting booth.

Attacks where the coercer is physically present are outside the scope of voting protocols and can

only be countered with physical security mechanisms. Similarly, attacks where a voter records her

actions in the poll booth (e.g., with a video or cell phone camera) are also outside the scope of

voting protocols, and we do not consider them here.

Finally, we must consider honest but unreliable participants. For example, voters and poll

workers might not fully understand the voting technology or utilize its verification properties, and a

malicious party might be able to take advantage of this ignorance, apathy, or fallibility to affect the

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outcome of the election.

3.3 Two voting protocols

In this section, we describe Neff’s and Chaum’s voting protocols in detail.

3.3.1 Neff’s scheme

Andrew Neff has proposed a publicly verifiable cryptographic voting protocol for use in

DREs [60, 61]. During election initialization, the trustees perform a distributed key generation

protocol to compute a master public key; decryption will only be possible through the cooperation

of all trustees in a threshold decryption operation. Also, there is a security parameter

. A DRE can

surreptitiously cheat with a probability of ✁ ✂✄ . Neff suggests ☎✆ ✝

✝ ☎✞.

Neff’s scheme is easily extensible to elections with multiple races, but for the sake of

simplicity assume there is a single race with candidates ✟ ✠ ✡ ☛ ☛ ☛ ✡ ✟ ☞ . After a voter communicates

her choice ✟ ✌ to the DRE, the DRE constructs an encrypted electronic ballot representing her choice

and commits to it. Each ballot is assigned a unique BSN. The voter is then given the option of

interacting with the DRE further to obtain a receipt. In Figure 3.1, we show an example of a receipt

taken from the VoteHere website. This receipt enables the voter to verify with high probability that

her vote is accurately represented in the tallying process.

After the voter communicates her intended choice ✟✌ to the DRE, it constructs a verifiable

choice (VC) for ✟ ✌ . A VC is essentially an encrypted electronic ballot representing the voter’s

choice ✟ ✌ (see Figure 3.2). A VC is a ✍ ✎

matrix of ballot mark pairs (BMPs), one row per

candidate (recall that

is a security parameter). Each BMP is a pair of El Gamal ciphertexts. Each

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Figure 3.1: This is an example of a detailed receipt for Neff’s scheme, taken from the VoteHere


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0 1 0 0 1 0 1

1 1 0 0 1 1 1

1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

1 0 1 0 1 1 0




1 2 3

✁ ✂

✁ ✄

✁ ☎

✁ ✆

Figure 3.2: A verifiable choice (VC) in Neff’s scheme. ✝ represents an encryption of bit ✝. This

VC represents a choice of candidate ✟ ✞ . Note the second row contains encryptions of ✟✆ ✡ ✆ ✠ and

✟☎ ✡ ☎✠, and the unchosen rows contain encryptions of ✟✆ ✡ ☎✠ and ✟☎ ✡ ✆ ✠.

ciphertext is an encryption of 0 or 1 under the trustees’ joint public key, written ✆ or ☎ for short.

Thus, each BMP is a pair ✝ ✠ ✝ ✞ , an encryption of ✟✝ ✠ ✡ ✝ ✞ ✠.

The format of the plaintexts in the BMPs differs between the row corresponding to the

chosen candidate ✟ ✌ (i.e., row ✡) and the other (“unchosen”) rows. Every BMP in row ✡ should take

the form ✆ ✆ or ☎ ☎ . In contrast, the BMPs in the unchosen rows should be of the form ✆ ☎

or ☎ ✆ . Any other configuration is an indication of a cheating or malfunctioning DRE. More

precisely, there is a ✍ ✎

matrix ☛ so that the ☞ -th BMP in unchosen row ✌ is ☛ ✍ ✎✏ ✑ ☛ ✍ ✎✏ , and

the ☞ -th BMP in the choice row ✡ is ☛ ✌ ✎✏ ☛ ✌ ✎✏ .

Consider the idealized scenario where all DREs are honest. The trustees can tally the votes

by decrypting each ballot and looking for the one row consisting of ✟✆ ✡ ✆ ✠ and ✟☎ ✡ ☎✠ plaintexts. If

decrypted row ✡ consists of ✟✆ ✡ ✆ ✠ and ✟☎ ✡ ☎✠ pairs, then the trustees count the ballot as a vote for

candidate ✟ ✌ .


In the real world, we must consider cheating DREs. Up to this point in the protocol,

the DRE has constructed a VC supposedly representing the voter’s choice ✟ ✌ , but the voter has no

assurance this VC accurately represents her vote. How can we detect a dishonest DRE?

This is a simplified view of how the trustees tally votes in Neff’s scheme, but it captures the main idea.

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Neff’s scheme prints the pair ✟BSN ✡ hash ✟

✟ ✠ ✠ on the receipt and then splits verification

into two parts: 1) at the polling booth, the DRE will provide an interactive proof of correct con-
struction of the VC to the voter; 2) later, the voter can compare her receipt to what is posted on

the bulletin board to verify that her ballot will be properly counted. At a minimum, this interactive

protocol should convince the voter that row ✡ (corresponding to her intended selection) does indeed

contain a set of BMPs that will be interpreted during tallying as a vote for ✟✌ , or in other words,

each BMP in her chosen row is of the form ✝ ✝ . Neff introduces a simple protocol for this: for

each such BMP, the DRE provides a pledge bit ✁ ; then the voter randomly selects the left or right

position and asks the DRE to provide a proof that the ciphertext in that position indeed decrypts to

✁ ; and the DRE does so by revealing the randomness used in the encryption. Here we are viewing

the ciphertext ✝ as a commitment to ✝, and ✝ is opened by revealing ✝ along with the random-
ness used during encryption. If this BMP has been correctly formed as ✝ ✝ , the DRE can always

convince the voter by using the value ✝ as a pledge; however, if the BMP contains either ✆ ☎ or

☎ ✆ , the voter has a ✠

✞ probability of detecting this. By repeating the protocol for each of the

BMPs in row ✡, the probability that a malformed row escapes detection is reduced to ✟

✞ ✠✄ . The role

of the interactive protocol is to ensure that the receipt will be convincing for the person who was in

the voting booth but useless to anyone else.

In practice, it is unrealistic to assume the average voter will be able to parse the VC and

carry out this protocol unassisted within the polling station. Instead, Neff’s scheme enables the

voter to execute it later with the assistance of a trusted software program. The DRE first prints the

pledges on the receipt, and then receives and prints the voter’s challenge. The challenge ✂ ✌ for the

row ✡ is represented as a bit string where the ☞ -th bit equal to 0 means open the left element of the

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0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

0 1 0 1 1 0

1 0

1 0

1 0 0 1 0 1

1 2 3

✁ ✄

✁ ☎

✁ ✆

✁ ✂

Figure 3.3: An opened verifiable choice (OVC) in Neff’s scheme. ✝ represents an encryption of bit

✝, and ✝ represents an opened encryption of bit ✝. An opened encryption of ✝ contains both ✝ and

the randomness

used to encrypt ✝ in the VC.

☞ -th BMP and 1 means open the right element.

The DRE then constructs an opened verifiable choice (OVC) according to the voter’s

challenge and submits it to the bulletin board. In Figure 3.3, we show an example of an OVC

constructed from the VC in Figure 3.2. We represent an opened encryption of bit ✝ in an half-
opened BMP by ✝ . In the OVC, the opened BMPs in row ✡ are opened according to ✂ ✌ , so that

each half-opened BMP contains a pair of the form ✝ ✝

(if ✂✌ ✎✏ ✂ ✆) or ✝ ✝

(if ✂ ✌ ✎✏ ✂ ☎). To

ensure that the OVC does not reveal which candidate was selected, the BMPs in the unchosen rows

are also half-opened. In unchosen row ✌ , the DRE selects an

-bit challenge ✂✍ uniformly at random

and then opens this row according to ✂✍ . Thus, an OVC consists of an ✍ ✎

matrix of half-opened

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BMPs. Consequently, the usual invocation of the receipt formation protocol is as follows:

☎ ☛ Voter

DRE ✁ ✡

✁ ☛ DRE

Printer ✁ BSN ✡ hash ✟

✟ ✠


Printer ✁ commit ✟✁ ✠ ✡ ☛ ☛ ☛ ✡ ✁ ☞ ✠

☛ Voter

DRE ✁ ✂ ✌

✞ ☛ DRE

Printer ✁ ✂ ✠ ✡ ☛ ☛ ☛ ✡ ✂☞ ☎


B. Board ✁ ✆

Here we define ✁ ✌ ✎✏ ✂ ☛ ✌ ✎✏ and ✁ ✍ ✎✏ ✂ ☛ ✍ ✎✏ ✝ ✂✍ ✎✏ (✌ ✂✞ ✡). While at the voting booth, the voter only

has to check that the challenge ✂ ✌ she specified does indeed appear on the printed receipt in the ✡-th

position (i.e., next to the name of her selected candidate). Later, the voter can check that the OVC

printed in step 5 does appear on the bulletin board and matches the hash printed in step 2 (and that

the candidates’ names are printed in the correct order), and that the OVC contains valid openings of

all the values pledged to in step 3 in the locations indicated by the challenges printed in step 5. Note

that the VC can be reconstructed from the OVC, so there is no need to print the VC on the receipt

or to post it on the bulletin board.

To prevent vote buying and coercion, the voter is optionally allowed to specify challenges

for the unchosen rows between steps 2 and 3, overriding the DRE’s default random selection of ✂✍

(✌ ✂✞ ✡). If this were omitted, a vote buyer could tell the voter in advance to vote for candidate ✟ ✌

and to use some fixed value for the challenge ✂ ✌ , and the voter could later prove how she voted by

presenting a receipt with this prespecified value appearing as the ✡-th challenge.

After the election is closed, the trustees apply a universally verifiable mix net to the col-
lection of posted ballots. Neff has designed a mix net for El Gamal pairs [58, 61], and it is used


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☎ ☛ Voter

DRE ✁ ✡

✁ ☛ DRE

Printer ✁ BSN ✡ hash ✟

✟ ✠


Voter ✁ basic or detailed?

☛ Voter


✡ where

basic ✡ detailed ✄

✞☎ ☛ DRE

Printer ✁ commit ✟✁ ✠ ✡ ☛ ☛ ☛ ✡ ✁ ☞ ✠

✞ ✝ ☛ Voter

DRE ✁ ✂ ✌

✞ ✂ ☛ DRE

Printer ✁ ✂ ✠ ✡ ☛ ☛ ☛ ✡ ✂☞ ☎


B. Board ✁ ✆

Figure 3.4: Summary of receipt generation in Neff’s scheme with the option of basic or detailed

receipts. Steps ✞☎ ✡ ✞ ✝, and ✞ ✂ happen only if

✂ detailed.

In VoteHere’s implementation of Neff’s scheme, voters are given the option of taking

either a detailed or basic receipt. The detailed receipt contains all the information described in this

section (Figure 3.1), but a basic receipt contains only the pair (BSN, hash(

✟ )). This decision is

made separately for each race on a ballot, and for each race that a voter selects a detailed receipt she

must independently choose the choice and unchosen challenges for that race.

A basic receipt affords a voter only limited verification capabilities. Since a basic receipt

foregoes the pledge/challenge stage of Neff’s scheme, a voter cannot verify her ballot was recorded

accurately. However, a basic receipt does have some value. It enables the voter to verify that the

ballot the DRE committed to in the poll booth is the same one that appears on the bulletin board.

Since the DRE must commit to the VC before it knows whether the voter wants a detailed or basic

receipt, a DRE committing a VC that does not accurately represent the voter’s selection is risking

detection if the voter chooses a detailed receipt. The receipt protocol augmented with this additional

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Pres: Polk

Sen: Adams






☎ ✆ ✝ ✞

Top layer ☎ ✆ ✝ ✞

Bottom layer

Figure 3.5: Representation of the printed ballot and transparencies in Chaum’s scheme. The top two

images show the ballot as well as a zoomed in portion of the two overlayed transparencies portrayed


choice is summarized in Figure 3.4.

3.3.2 Chaum’s visual crypto scheme

David Chaum uses a two-layer receipt based on transparent sheets for his verifiable voting

scheme [13, 19, 89]. A voter interacts with a DRE machine to generate a ballot image ✟ that

represents the voter’s choices. The DRE then prints a special image on each transparency layer.

The ballot bitmaps are constructed so that overlaying the top and bottom transparencies (✠ and ✡ )

reveals the voter’s original ballot image. On its own, however, each layer is indistinguishable from

a random dot image and therefore reveals nothing about the voter’s choices (see Figure 3.5).

The DRE prints cryptographic material on each layer so that the trustees can recover the

original ballot image during the tabulation phase. The voter selects either the top or bottom layer,

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Encoding for Transparency 1: 0:

Encoding for Overlay ☎

: ✆

: or

✝✁ Truth Table ✆ ✝ ✁ ☎ ✂ ☎

✝✁ = ✆ ✝ ✁ ✆ ✂ ✆

✝✁ = ☎ ✝ ✁ ☎ ✂ ✆

✝✁ = ☎ ✝ ✁ ✆ ✂ ☎

✝✁ =

Figure 3.6: Visual cryptography overview. A printed pixel on a single transparency has a value in

✆ ✡ ☎✄, encoded as shown in the first row. We apply the visual xor operator ✝✁ by stacking two

transparencies so that light can shine through areas where the subpixels are clear. The pixels in the

overlay take values from ✂

✆ ✡

✄. The bottom table shows the truth table for the visual xor operator

and its parallels to the binary xor operator.

and keeps it as her receipt. A copy of the retained layer is posted on the bulletin board, and the other

layer is destroyed. The voter can later verify the integrity of their receipt by checking that it appears

on the bulletin board and that the cryptographic material is well formed.

Visual cryptography exploits the physical properties of transparencies to allow humans

to compute the xor of two quantities without relying on untrusted software. Each transparency is

composed of a uniform grid of pixels. Pixels are square and take values in ✂

✆ ✡ ☎✄. We print for

a 0-valued pixel and for a 1-valued pixel. We refer to each of the four smaller squares within

a pixel as subpixels. Overlaying two transparencies allows light to shine through only in locations

where both subpixels are clear, and the above encoding exploits this so that overlaying performs

a sort of xor operation. Pixels in the overlay take values in ✂

✆ ✡

✄. Pixels in the overlay have a

different appearance than those in the individual transparency layer: ✆

appears as or , while

appears as . Using ✝ ✁ to represent the visual overlay operation, we see that ✆ ✝✁ ✆ ✂ ✆

, ✆ ✝✁ ☎ ✂ ☎

, and in general if ☎ ✝ ✝ ✂ ✂ then ☎ ✝ ✁ ✝ ✂

✂ (see Figure 3.6).

Chaum’s protocol satisfies three properties:

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1. Visual Check: Given the desired ballot image ✟ , the DRE must produce two transparencies

✠ and ✡ so that ✠ ✝✁ ✡ ✂ ✟ . This property allows the voter to verify the correct formation

of the two transparencies.

2. Recovery: Given a single transparency ✠ or ✡ and the trustee keys, it must be possible to

recover the original ballot image ✟ .

3. Integrity: ✠ and ✡ contain a commitment. There is a way to open ✠ or ✡ and to verify the

opening so that for all other top and bottom pairs ✠

and ✡

such that ✠

✁ ✝✁ ✡

✟ and ✠

(or ✡

) does not decrypt to ✟ , then ✡

(or ✠

) is unopenable. In other words, for a pair of

transparencies that overlay to form ✟ (or a close enough approximation for the voter to accept

it as ✟ ), the DRE should only be able to generate a witness for a transparency if the other

transparency decrypts to ✟ .

We will consider each pixel to have a type ✁

✂ ✁

, ✂ ✄ in addition to its value ✁

✆ ✡ ☎✄.

The pixel’s type will determine how we compute the value. We label pixels on the transparency so

that no pixels of the same type are adjacent to each other, forming a repeating grid of alternating

pixel types. Additionally, when the two transparencies are stacked, we require that ✁

-pixels are

only atop ✂ -pixels and ✂ -pixels are only atop ✁

-pixels. The upper left corner of the top

transparency looks like: E P E



, and the upper left corner of the bottom transparency looks like: P E P




The ✁

-pixels in a layer come from a pseudorandom stream. The stream is composed of ✍ separate

streams, one from each trustee. Each of these trustee streams is based on the trustee number and

the voter’s BSN; the seed will be encrypted using each trustee’s public key requiring the trustee to

participate in the decryption process. The value of the ✂ -pixel is set so that overlaying it with

the corresponding ✁

-pixel in the other layer yields a ballot pixel. An ✂ -pixel alone reveals no

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information: it is the xor of a ✁

-pixel and the ballot image.

Details on transparency formation

The pseudorandom stream for a given transparency is composed of ✍ pseudorandom

streams, each of which is seeded by a different value. For each of the top and bottom transparencies,

there is one stream per trustee. The ✡

th trustee’s seed for the top is

✁ ✌ ✂ ✄

✟sign✏ ☎ ✟BSN✠ ✡ ✡ ✠ (3.1)

where BSNrepresents the unique ballot sequence number assigned to the voter and sign✏ ☎ ✟✆✠ is a

signature using ☞✝ , a key specific to the DRE, and ✄

✟✆✠ is a hash function. The ✡

th trustee’s seed for

the bottom is

✝✌ ✂ ✄

✟sign ✏ ✞ ✟BSN✠ ✡ ✡ ✠ (3.2)

The hash expansion function ✄✁ ✟✆✠ is used to generate the trustee stream. Trustee streams are xored

together to produce the pseudorandom stream for the top layer:

✠ ✂ ✟☞

✌✠ ✠

✄ ✁ ✟

✁ ✌ ✠ (3.3)

The corresponding bottom stream uses the bottom seeds:

✁ ✡ ✂ ✟☞

✌✠ ✠

✄✁ ✟

✝✌ ✠ (3.4)

We can now define each pixel’s value. We view the ballot as a stream of pixels ✟ , and

✟ ✡✡☛ denotes the ✡☞ ✌ pixel. A ✁

-pixel ✡ on the top transparency is assigned the value ✁

✠ ✡✡☛ . The

✂ -pixel ✡ on the bottom transparency is defined to have value ✁

✠ ✡✡☛ ✝ ✟ ✡✡☛ . When viewing the

two transparencies in alignment, then, the voter sees the original ballot stream ✟ because ✁

✠ ✡✡☛ ✝✁

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✠ ✡✡☛ ✝ ✟ ✡✡ ☛ ✠ ✂

✠ ✡✡ ☛ ✝ ✟✁

✠ ✡✡☛ ✝ ✟ ✡✡ ☛ ✠ ✂ ✟ ✡✡☛. When taken alone, neither transparency reveals

any information since each pixel is either pseudorandomly generated or the xor of a pseudorandom

quantity and the original ballot.

After constructing the two layers, the DRE appends an onion encryption of the seeds so

the trustees can jointly recover ✁

✠ or ✁ ✡ . The DRE adds

✡ ✂ ✁

✏ ✂ ✟

✝☞ ✄ ✄✁

✏ ✂ ☎

✟☛ ☛ ☛ ✄ ✄✁

✝ ✞ ✄ ✄✁

✝ ✠ ✠ ✠ ✠ ✠

✠ ✂ ✁

✏ ✂ ✟

✁☞ ✄ ✄✁

✏ ✂ ☎

✟☛ ☛ ☛ ✄ ✄✁

✁ ✞ ✄ ✄✁

✁ ✠ ✠ ✠ ✠ ✠ (3.5)

to each transparency.

✠ and

✡ are known as dolls. ✁

✏ ✆ ✟✆✠ is a public-key encryption function

that uses the ✡

th trustee’s public key, ☞✌ .

The voter is then presented a choice to either choose the top or bottom transparency as

a receipt. After the voter chooses a receipt layer, the DRE appends signatures committing to the

voter’s and its choices. Without loss of generality, assume the voter keeps the top transparency

as a receipt. The DRE then prints sign✏ ☎ ✟BSN✠ as an opening for the top layer (see the integrity

requirement of the previous section). This opening allows the voter to verify that the DRE properly


✁ ✌ and that the DRE printed the ✁

-pixels on the chosen layer as it should. By recreating

the onion encryption, the voter can verify that

✠ is properly formed. Finally, the DRE appends

a copy of the chosen layer to the bulletin board. We show a summary of Chaum’s protocol in

Figure 3.7.

When the voter performs these checks, a malicious DRE has only a ☎✝ ✁ chance of evad-
ing detection. By extension, its chance of changing a significant number of ballots without being

caught is exponentially small. For instance, a DRE can cheat by forming the ✁

-pixels incorrectly

so the voter will see what they expect in the overlay yet the ballot will decrypt to some other im-

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☎ ☛ Voter

DRE ✁ candidate choices

✁ ☛ DRE

Printer ✁ transparency images


Printer ✁ BSN ✡

✡ ✡

☛ Voter

Printer ✁ ✂ where ✂ ✁

top ✡ bottom ✄

✞ ☛ DRE

Printer ✁ sign✏

✟BSN✠ ✡



✠ ✡

✡ ✡ chosen transparency ✠

Figure 3.7: Summary of Chaum’s protocol.

age. However, the voter will detect cheating if her receipt transparency contains incorrectly formed

-pixels. Therefore, a malicious DRE must commit to cheating on either the top or bottom trans-
parency (not both, or else it will surely be caught) and hope the voter does not choose that layer as

a receipt.

Tabulation & verification

Chaum uses a Jakobsson et al. style mix net to decode the transparency chosen by the

voter and recover their choices from ✟ in the tallying phase [33]. The values of the pseudorandom

pixels do not contain any information, while the encrypted pixels contain the ballot image xor-ed

with the pseudorandom pixels from the other transparency. For each ballot that a trustee in the mix

net receives, trustee ✡ in the mix net recovers its portion of the pseudorandom stream. Let’s assume

the voter chose a top transparency. In the case, trustee ✡ will first decrypt the doll provided by the

DRE (Equation (3.5)) to obtain

✝✌ and then xor ✄✁ ✟

✝✌ ✠ into the ✂ -pixels in the encrypted ballot.

This trustee next permutes all of the modified ballots and passes the collection to the next trustee.

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When the ballots exit the mix net, the ✁

-pixels still contain pseudorandom data, but the encrypted

pixels will contain the voter’s ballot pixels from ✟ .

3.4 Subliminal channels

Subliminal channels, also known as covert communication channels, arise in electronic

ballots when there are multiple valid representations of a voter’s choices. If the DRE can choose

which representation to submit to the bulletin board, then the choice of the representation can serve

as a subliminal channel. Subliminal channels are particularly powerful because of the use of public

bulletin boards in voting protocols. A subliminal channel in ballots on the bulletin board could

be read by anyone (if the decoding algorithm is public) or only by a select few (if the decoding

algorithm is secret).

A subliminal channel in an encrypted ballot carrying the voter’s choices and identifying

information about the voter threatens voter privacy and enables vote coercion. For example, as

Keller et al. note, a DRE could embed in each encrypted ballot the time when the ballot was cast

and who the voter chose for president [40]. Then, a malicious observer present in the polling place

could record when each person voted and later correlate that with the data stored in the subliminal

channel to recover each person’s vote. Alternatively, if a malicious poll worker learns a voter’s

BSN, she can learn how a person voted since each encrypted ballot includes the BSN in plaintext.

Detecting such attacks can be quite difficult: without specific knowledge of how to decode the

subliminal channel, the encrypted ballots may look completely normal. The difficulty of detection,

combined with the enormous number of voters who could be affected by such an attack, makes the

subliminal channel threat troubling.

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The above scenarios illustrate how an adversary can authentically learn how someone

voted. Coercion then becomes simple: the coercer requires the voter to reveal their BSN or the time

at which they voted, then later verifies whether there exists a ballot with that identifying information

and the desired votes.

The threat model we consider for subliminal channel attacks is a malicious DRE colluding

with an external party. For example, a malicious programmer could introduce Trojan code into

DREs and then sell instructions on how to access the subliminal channel to a coercer.

Neither Neff’s nor Chaum’s protocol completely address subliminal channels in ballots.

In this section, we present subliminal channel vulnerabilities in these protocols and some possible

mitigation strategies.

One interesting observation is that subliminal channels are a new problem created by

these protocols. Subliminal channels only become a serious problem because the bulletin board’s

contents are published for all to see. Since all the ballots are public and anonymously accessible,

decoding the channel does not require any special access to the ballots. Subliminal channels are

not a significant problem with current non-cryptographic DREs because electronic ballots are not


3.4.1 Randomness

Several cryptographic primitives in Neff’s scheme require random values, and subliminal

channel vulnerabilities arise if a malicious DRE is free to choose these random values.2 These prim-

Chaum’s scheme, as originally published, does not specify which encryption primitives should be used to construct

the onion encryption in Equation 3.5 [19]. Subsequently, Chaum has related to us that he intended the encryption to use

a deterministic encryption scheme [20] precisely to avoid using random values and the associated subliminal channel

vulnerability. There is some risk in using this non-standard construction since the widely accepted minimum notion of

security for public key encryption is IND-CPA, which requires a source of randomness.

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itives use randomness to achieve semantic security [26], a strong notion of security for encryption

schemes which guarantees that it is infeasible for adversaries to infer even partial information about

the messages being encrypted (except maybe their length). Each choice for the random number

allows a different valid ballot, which creates opportunities for subliminal channels.

Subliminal channels are easy to build in protocols or encryption schemes that use random-
ness. If a cryptographic protocol requests the DRE to choose a random number

and then publish it,

the DRE can encode ✄

✄ bits through judicious selection of

. Alternatively, given any randomized

encryption scheme ✁

✏ ✟✆ ✡ ✆✠, the DRE can hide a bit ✝ in an encryption of a message

by computing

✂ ✂

✏ ✟

✠ repeatedly using a new random number

each time until the least significant bit of

✟✂ ✠ is ✝. More generally, a malicious DRE can use this technique to hide

bits in ✂ with expected

✆ ✟✁ ✄ ✠ work. Thus, all randomized encryption schemes contain subliminal channels.

Random subliminal channel attack. Neff’s scheme uses randomness extensively. Each BMP

consists of a pair of El Gamal ciphertexts, and the El Gamal encryptions are randomized. In forming

the OVC, the DRE reveals half of the random values

used in the encryptions (Figure 3.3).

For each BMP, one of the encryption pairs will be opened, revealing the random encryp-
tion parameter

. This presents a subliminal channel opportunity.3 Although the DRE must commit

to the ballot before the voter chooses which side of the BMP to open, a malicious DRE can still

embed ✄

✄ bits of data for each BMP by using the same

for both encryptions in the BMP. In this


is guaranteed to be revealed in the ballot.

This attack enables a high bandwidth subliminal channel in each voter’s encrypted ballot. ✁

Another way a malicious DRE could embed a subliminal channel in Neff’s scheme is if the voter doesn’t choose all

her unchoice challenges (i.e., the DRE is free to choose some of them). However, Neff outlines a variant of his proposal

that solves this using two printers [60].

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For example, in an election with 8 races and 5 candidates per race, there will be ✄

✆ ✆

ballot mark

pairs, where Neff suggests

☎✆. A reasonable value of ✄

✄ is 1024 bits. The total channel, then,

can carry 128 bytes in each of the 400 BMPs, for a total of 51200 bytes of information per ballot.

This is more than enough to leak the voter’s choices and identifying information about the voter.

3.4.2 Mitigating random subliminal channels

Eschew randomness. One approach to prevent subliminal channels is to design protocols that

don’t require randomness. Designing secure protocols that do not use randomness is tricky, since

so many proven cryptographic primitives rely on randomness for their security. Proposals relying

on innovative uses of deterministic primitives, including Chaum’s, deserve extra attention to ensure

that forgoing randomness does not introduce any security vulnerabilities. Ideally, they would be

accompanied by a proof of security.

Random tapes and their implementation. In a personal communication, Neff suggested that

DREs could be provided with pre-generated tapes containing the random bits to use for all of their

non-deterministic choices, instead of allowing them to choose their own randomness [59]. With a

random tape for each BSN, the ballot becomes a deterministic function of the voter’s choices and

the random tape for that BSN. As long as the BSN is assigned externally before the voter selects

her candidates, the ballots will be uniquely represented. This will eliminate the threat of random

subliminal channels in encrypted ballots.

It is not enough for the intended computation to be deterministic; it must be verifiably so.

Thus, we need a way to verify that the DRE has used the bits specified on the random tape, not some

other bits. We present one possible approach to this problem using zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs [27]

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which allows everyone to verify that each DRE constructed ballots using the random numbers from

its tape. We imagine that there are several optimizations to this approach which improve efficiency.

Suppose before the election, the trustees generate a series

✎✠ ✡

✎✞ ✡ ☛ ☛ ☛ of random values

for each BSN

, and post commitments ✟ ✟

✎✠ ✠ ✡ ✟ ✟

✎✞ ✠ ✡ ☛ ☛ ☛ on a public bulletin board. The election

officials then load the random values

✎✠ ✡

✎✞ ✡ ☛ ☛ ☛ on the DRE which will use BSN


During the election, for each randomized function evaluation ✁

✡ ✆✠, the DRE uses the

next random value in the series and furnishes a ZK proof proving it used the next random value in

the series. For example, in Neff’s scheme, along with each ✝ , which is an El Gamal encryption

✡ ✝ ✠, the DRE includes a non-interactive zero knowledge proof of knowledge proving that 1) it

knows a value

✎✌ which is a valid opening of the commitment ✟ ✟

✎✌ ✠ and 2) ✁

✎✌ ✡ ✝ ✠ ✂ ✝ .

Verifying that each

✎✌ is used sequentially within a ballot enables any observer to verify that the

encryption is deterministic, so there can be no random subliminal channels in ✝ or its opening ✝ .

However, there is a wrinkle to the above solution: under most schemes, constructing the

zero-knowledge proof itself requires randomness, which creates its own opportunities of subliminal

channels. It may be possible to determinize the ZK proof using research on unique zero-knowledge

proofs (uniZK) [45, 46].

This approach may require further analysis to determine whether it is able to satisfy the

necessary security properties.

Trusted hardware. Utilizing trusted hardware in DREs can also help eliminate subliminal chan-
nels. In this approach, the trusted hardware performs all computations that require random inputs

and signs the encrypted ballot it generates. The signature enables everyone to verify the ballot was

generated inside the trusted hardware. As long as trustees verify the DRE’s trusted hardware is

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running the correct software and the trusted hardware isn’t compromised, DREs will not be able to

embed a random subliminal channel.

3.4.3 Multiple visual and semantic representations

A tabulator that accepts multiple equivalent visual or semantic representations of the

voter’s choice creates another subliminal channel opportunity. For example, if the tabulator ac-
cepts both James Polk and James Polk (with an extra space) as the same person, then a DRE can

choose which version to print based on the subliminal channel bit it wants to embed.

Semantic subliminal channel attack. Chaum’s scheme is vulnerable to multiple visual represen-
tations. A malicious DRE can create alternate ballot images for the same candidate that a voter

will be unlikely to detect. Recall that Chaum’s scheme encrypts an image of the ballot, and not an

ASCII version of the voter’s choices. The voter examines two transparencies together to ensure that

the resulting image accurately represents their vote. A DRE could choose to use different fonts to

embed subliminal channel information; the choice of font is the subliminal channel. To embed a

higher bandwidth subliminal channel, the DRE could make minor modifications to the pixels of the

ballot image that do not affect its legibility. Unless the voter is exceptionally fastidious, these mi-
nor deviations would escape scrutiny as the voter verifies the receipt. After mixing, the subliminal

channel information would be present in the resulting plaintext ballots.

There is no computational cost for the DRE to embed a bit of information in the font. It

can use a simple policy, such as toggling a pixel at the top of a character to encode a one, and a pixel

at the bottom to encode a zero. On a 10 race ballot, using such a policy just once per word could

embed 30 bits of information.

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There is a qualitative difference between the semantic subliminal channels and the random

subliminal channels. The information in the semantic channels will only become apparent after the

mix net decrypts the ballot since the channel is embedded in the plaintext of the ballot. In contrast,

the random subliminal channels leak information when the ballots are made available on the bulletin


Mitigation. To prevent the semantic subliminal channel attack, election officials must establish of-

ficial unambiguous formats for ballots, and must check all ballots for conformance to this approved

format. Any deviation indicates a ballot produced by a malicious DRE. Such non-conforming bal-
lots should not be allowed to appear on the bulletin board, since posting even a single suspicious

ballot on the bulletin board could compromise the privacy of all voters who used that DRE. Un-
fortunately, the redaction of such deviant ballots means that such ballots in will not be able to be

verified by the voter through normal channels.

An even more serious problem is that this policy violates assumptions made by the mix

net. One would need to ensure the mix net security properties still hold when a subset of the

plaintexts are never released.

The order in which ballots appear will also need to be standardized. Otherwise, a DRE

can choose a specific ordering of ballots on the public bulletin board as a low bandwidth subliminal

channel [42]. Fortunately, it is easy to sort or otherwise canonicalize the order of ballots before

posting them publicly.

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3.4.4 Discussion

Subliminal channels pose troubling privacy and voter coercion risks. In the presence of

such attacks, we are barely better off than if we had simply posted the plaintext ballots on the bulletin

board in unencrypted form for all to see. The primary difference is that subliminal channel data may

be readable only by the malicious parties. This situation seems problematic, and we urge protocol

designers to design voting schemes that are provably and verifiably free of subliminal channels.

3.5 Denial of service attacks and election recovery

Although Neff’s and Chaum’s schemes can detect many attacks, recovering legitimate

election results in the face of these attacks may be difficult. In this section, we present several

detectable but irrecoverable denial of service (DoS) attacks launched at different stages of the voting

and tallying process. We consider attacks launched by malicious DREs and attacks launched by

malicious tallying software, and discuss different recovery mechanisms to resist these attacks.

3.5.1 Denial of service (DoS) attacks

Launched by malicious DREs. Malicious DREs can launch several DoS attacks which create

detectable, but unrecoverable situations. We present two classes of attacks: ballot deletion and

ballot stuffing.

In a ballot deletion attack, a malicious DRE erases voters’ ballots or submits random bits

in their place. Election officials and voters can detect this attack after the close of polls, but there is

little they can do at that point. Since the electronic copy serves as the only record of the election, it

is impossible to recover the legitimate ballots voted on that DRE.

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DREs can launch more subtle DoS attacks using ballot stuffing. Recall that both Neff’s

and Chaum’s schemes use ballot sequence numbers (BSNs) to uniquely identify ballots. BSNs

enable voters to find and verify their ballots on the public bulletin board, and by keeping track of

the set of valid BSNs, election officials can track and audit ballots.

In the BSN duplication attack, a DRE submits multiple ballots with the same BSN. Elec-
tion officials will be able to detect this attack after the ballots reach the bulletin board, but recovery

is difficult. It is not clear how to count ballots with the same BSN. Suppose a DRE submits 100

valid ballots (i.e., from actual voters) and 100 additional ballots, using the same BSN for all the

ballots. How do talliers distinguish the invalid ballots from the valid ones?

In the BSN stealing attack, a malicious DRE “steals” BSNs from the set of BSNs it would

normally assign to legitimate voters’ ballots. For a particular voter, the DRE might submit a vote

of its own choosing for the BSNit is supposed to use, and on the voter’s receipt print a different

(invalid) BSN. Since the voter will not find her ballot on the bulletin board, this attack can be

detected, but recovery is tricky: how do election officials identify the injected ballots and remove

them from the tally?

Neff’s and Chaum’s scheme enable voters and/or election officials to detect these attacks,

but recovery is non-trivial because 1) the voters’ legitimate ballots are missing and 2) it is hard to

identify the invalid ballots injected by the DRE.

Launched by malicious tallying software. DoS attacks in the tallying phase can completely ruin

an election. For example, malicious tallying softwares can delete the trustees’ keys, making decryp-
tion and tallying of the encrypted ballots forever impossible. Malicious bulletin board software can

erase, insert, or delete ballots.

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Selective DoS. An attacker could use DoS attacks to bias the outcome of the election. Rather than

ruining the election no matter its outcome, a more subtle adversary might decide whether to mount a

DoS attack or not based on who seems to be willing the race. If the adversary’s preferred candidate

is winning, the adversary need do nothing. Otherwise, the adversary might try to disrupt or ruin

the election, forcing a re-election and giving her preferred candidate a second chance to win the

election, or at least raising questions about the winner’s mandate and reducing voters’ confidence in

the process.

There are many ways that selective DoS attacks might be mounted:

If an outsider has a control channel to malicious DREs, the outsider could look at the polls

and communicate a DoS command to the DREs.

An autonomous DRE could look at the pattern of votes cast during the day, and fail (deleting

all votes cast so far at that DRE) if that pattern leans towards the undesired candidate. This

would disrupt votes cast only in precincts leaning against the attacker’s preferred candidate.

If trustees’ software is malicious, it could collude to see how the election will turn out, then

cause DoS if the result is undesirable. Note that if all trustees are running the same tallying

software, this attack would require only a single corrupted programmer.

Selective DoS attacks are perhaps the most troubling kind of DoS attack, because they threaten

election integrity and because attackers may have a real motive to launch them.

3.5.2 Mitigation strategies and election recovery

Note that in all these attacks, non-malicious hardware or software failures could cause the

same problems. This may make it hard to distinguish purposeful attacks from unintentional failures.

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The above attacks create irrecoverable situations because voters’ legitimate ballots are

lost or corrupted, the bulletin board contains unidentifiable illegitimate ballots submitted by mali-
cious DREs, or both. In this section, we evaluate two recovery mechanisms for these DoS attacks:

revoting and a voter verified paper audit trail.

Revoting. One recovery strategy is to allow cheated voters to revote. Depending on the scope of

the attack or failure, this could range from allowing only particular voters to revote to completely

scrapping the election and starting over. However, revoting is problematic. Redoing the entire elec-
tion is the most costly countermeasure. Alternatively, election officials could allow only those voters

who have detected cheating to revote. Unfortunately, this is insufficient. Less observant voters who

were cheated may not come forward, and it may be hard to identify and remove illegitimate ballots

added by a malicious DRE. Revoting does not help with selective DoS.

Voter verified paper audit trail. A voter verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) system produces a

paper record verified by the voter before her electronic ballot is cast [51]. This paper record is cast

into a ballot box. The paper trail is an official record of the voter’s vote but is primarily intended for

use in recounts and auditing.

It would not be hard to equip cryptographic voting systems with a VVPAT. This would

provide a viable mechanism for recovering from DoS attacks. In addition to providing an indepen-
dent record of all votes cast, VVPAT enables recovery at different granularities. If election officials

conclude the entire electronic record is questionable, then the entire VVPAT can be counted. Alter-
natively, if only a single precinct’s electronic record is suspect, then this precinct’s VVPAT record

can be counted in conjunction with the other precincts’ electronic records. This approach enables

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officials to keep the universal verifiability of the uncorrupted precincts while recovering the legiti-
mate record of the corrupted precinct.

A third benefit of VVPAT is that it provides an independent way to audit that the cryp-
tography is correctly functioning. This would be one way to help all voters, even those who do not

understand the mathematics of these cryptographic schemes, to be confident that their vote will be

counted correctly.

3.6 Implementing secure cryptographic voting protocols

A secure implementation of Neff and Chaum’s protocol will still need to resolve many

issues. In this section, we outline important areas that Neff and Chaum have not yet specified.

These parts of the system need to be fully designed, implemented, and specified before one can

perform a comprehensive security review. Also, we list three open research problems which we feel

are important to the viability of these schemes.

3.6.1 Underspecifications

Bulletin board. Both protocols rely on a public bulletin board to provide anonymous, read only

access to the data. The data must be stored robustly, overcoming software and mechanical failures

as well as malicious attacks. Further, only authenticated parties should be able to append messages

to the bulletin board. An additional requirement is to ensure that the system delivers the same copy

of the bulletin board contents to each reader. If the bulletin board were able to discern a voter’s

identity, say by IP address, it could make sure the voter always saw a mix transcript that included

a proof that their vote was counted. But, for the official transcript, the mix net and bulletin board

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Section 2.1, all voting sessions are encompassed within the active voting phase. A voting session

starts with the voter’s first use of a particular voting machine and ends when they leave the voting

machine. It is assumed that only one voter uses the machine during each session. After each voting

session, the machine returns to a start state and readies itself for the next voter’s session.

4.2 Avenues for information flows

In this section, we look at different voting technologies and highlight some of the ways

privacy violations might occur. Table 4.1 summarizes the ways that private information might leak

out of the machine as well as the relative severity of the potential leak.

4.2.1 DRE

A voting session with a DRE begins with the voter presenting their authentication token

and ends after they make their selections, confirm the choices, and leave the voting machine. A

DRE has many output devices: the voting screen, audio output, and the electronic ballot box. DREs

with VVPAT [51] contain also have a printer for the paper receipt. Each of these output devices

presents a different avenue for data to leak.

With corrupt software, a DRE could reveal previous voters’ selections to the screen. Just

as in Section 3.4, the malicious DRE could reveal the ballot casting times for all ballots for a

specific candidate. Correlating this information with when voters leave the polling booth easily

reveals voters’ choices. A party could activate malicious code to gain access to this confidential

data with a specific and unusual sequence of inputs. Assume that each vote can be represented with

a four or five bits, or alternatively one ASCII character; with a ballot of 100 races, a single voter’s

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Voting Technology Output Channel Flow capacity Notes

DRE Screen Large

VVPAT printed record Medium

Audio accessibility interface Small

Vote storage Large We can prevent leaks using [55]

Cryptographic voting protocols Receipt Medium

Screen Large

Audio accessibility interface Small

Bulletin board Large Can be read anonymously over the Internet

Vote storage Large We can prevent leaks using [55]

Ballot marking device Screen Large

Marked ballot Large

Optical scan reader Confirmation screen Small

Vote storage Large We can prevent leaks using [55]

Table 4.1: Ways that prior vote information might escape from a voting machine in different voting technologies.

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choices can fit in one line of text. This means that over 100 voters’ full ballots can fit onto two pages

of text. It would be inconceivable to copy two full pages of ASCII gibberish down by hand, but a

digital camera would be a convenient tool to download the data from the DRE.

The audio output device, used to improve accessibility for voters with visual impairments,

can also be used to surreptitiously leak prior voters’ data. A malicious DRE could simply read out

prior voter’s selections. However, this is a slow process, so it is infeasible to quickly leak all prior

voters’ data.

DREs store their ballots into an electronic ballot box. This is usually a removable memory

device that is used for summing the votes cast on the DRE. Depending upon the voting jurisdiction’s

procedures, the contents of the ballot box may be made public. This represents a large potential

vehicle for information leakage. The ballot box 1) may contain extraneous data that reveals voters’

selections in unused portions of the ballot box device; or 2) may encode hidden data using the order

the elements are on disk. These allow a malicious voting machine to leak casting time of all of the

votes. Using a standardized data format and the techniques developed in conjunction with Molnar

et al [55], it is possible to eliminate privacy leaks from a electronic ballot boxes.

Finally, some DREs are being equipped with VVPAT printers. Even though the voter

does not keep or even touch the paper record, it represents an output channel to convey private

information. The paper record displays the entire list of a voter’s selections. After reviewing the

printed voter record, the machine queries the voter and either prints an acceptance note on the record,

or a spoil note and allows the voter to edit their response and again review the printed ballot. Since

the printed record is retained by election officials and could undergo later scrutiny, a malicious DRE

must attempt to disguise private data it is conveying. One way for the DRE to leak a prior voter’s

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Chapter 5

Designing voting machines for


In this chapter, we provide techniques to help vendors, independent testing agencies, and

others verify critical security properties in direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machines. We

expand upon the privacy preserving techniques presented in Chapter 4 to address Property 1 and

also address Property 2 to guarantee a ballot is only cast with the voter’s consent. With a little

additional work, the other properties are amenable to our techniques. We rely on specific hardware

functionality, isolation, and architectural decisions to allow one to easily verify critical security

properties. We believe our techniques will help us verify other properties as well though we have

not demonstrated this. Verification of these security properties is one step towards a fully verified

voting machine.

Parts of this work are drawn with permission from previously published work [74].

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5.1 Introduction

In this chapter we seek to answer how can we reason about, or even prove, relevant se-
curity properties in voting machines. As we have seen, the flurry of reports criticizing the trust-
worthiness of direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machines, computer scientists have not been

able to allay voters’ concerns about this critical infrastructure [42, 18, 72, 90]. The problems are

manifold: poor use of cryptography, buffer overflows, and in at least one study, poorly commented


The ultimate security goal would be a system where any voter, without any special train-
ing, could easily convince themselves about the correctness of all relevant security properties. Our

goal is not so ambitious; we address convincing those with the ability to understand code the cor-
rectness of a few security properties. For clarity, we focus on two important security properties in

this chapter. These properties were originally described in Chapter 2. Briefly, recall that Property 1

states that a voter’s interactions should not affect any subsequent voter’s sessions. Property 2 states

that a ballot should not be cast without the voter’s consent. Verification of these properties, as well

as the others we described in Chapter 2, are a step towards the full verification of a voting machine.

Current DREs are not amenable to verification of these security properties; for instance,

version 4.3.1 of the Diebold AccuVote-TS electronic voting machine consists of 34 7121

lines of

vendor-written C++ source code, all of which must be analyzed to ensure Properties 1 and 2. One

problem with current DRE systems, in other words, is that the trusted computing base (TCB) is

simply too large. The larger problem, however, is the code simply is not structured to verify security

Kohno et al. count the total number of lines in their paper [42]; for a fair comparison with our work, we look at

source lines of code, which excludes comments and whitespace from the final number. Hence, the numbers cited in their

paper differ from the figure we list.

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In this chapter, we develop a new architecture that significantly reduces the size of the

TCB for verification of these properties. Our goal is to make voting systems more amenable to

efficient verification, meaning that implementations can be verified to be free of malicious logic.

By appropriate architecture design, we reduce the amount of code that would need to be verified

(e.g., using formal methods) or otherwise audited (e.g., in an informal line-by-line source code

review) before we can trust the software, thereby enhancing our ability to gain confidence in the

software. We stress that our architecture assumes voters will be diligent: we assume that each voter

will closely monitor their interaction with the voting machines and look for anomalous behavior,

checking (for example) that her chosen candidate appears in the confirmation page.

We present techniques that we believe are applicable to DREs. We develop a partial voting

system, but we emphasize that this work is not complete. As we discussed in Section 2.1, voting

systems comprise many different steps and procedures: pre-voting, ballot preparation, audit trail

management, post-election, recounts, and an associated set of safeguard procedures. Our system

only addresses the active voting phase. As such, we do not claim that our system is a replacement

for an existing DRE or a DRE system with a paper audit trail system. See Section 5.6 for a discussion

of using paper trails with our architecture.

Technical elements of our approach. We highlight two of the key ideas behind our approach.

First, we focus on creating a trustworthy vote confirmation process. Most machines today divide

the voting process into two phases: an initial vote selection process, where the voter indicates who

they wish to vote for; and a vote confirmation process, where the voter is shown a summary screen

listing their selections and given an opportunity to review and confirm these selections before casting

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We explicitly do not consider the following possible goals:

Protect against retail attacks by election insiders and vendors when the attacks do involve

compromising physical security.

Protect against attacks by outsiders, e.g., voters, when the attacks do involve compromising

physical security.

On the adversaries that we explicitly do not consider. We explicitly exclude the last two ad-
versaries above because we believe that adversaries who can violate the physical security of the

DRE will always be able to subvert the operation of that DRE, no matter how it is designed or

implemented. Also, we are less concerned about physical attacks by outsiders because they are

typically retail attacks: they require modifying each individual voting machine one-by-one, which

is not practical to do on a large scale. For example, to attack privacy, a poll worker could mount a

camera in the voting booth or, more challenging but still conceivable, an outsider could use Tem-
pest technologies to infer a voter’s vote from electromagnetic emissions [43, 88]. To attack the

integrity of the voting process, a poll worker with enough resources could replace an entire DRE

with a DRE of her own. Since this attack is possible, we also do not try to protect against a poll

worker that might selectively replace internal components in a DRE. We assume election officials

have deployed adequate physical security to defend against these attacks.

We assume that operating procedures are adequate to prevent unauthorized modifications

to the voting machine’s hardware or software. Consequently, the problem we consider is how to

ensure that the original design and implementation are secure. While patches and upgrades to the

voting system firmware and software may occasionally be necessary, we do not consider how to

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securely distribute software, firmware, and patches, nor do we consider version control between


Attentive voters. We assume that voters are attentive. We require voters to check that the votes

shown on the confirmation screen do indeed accurately reflect their intentions; otherwise, we will

not be able to make any guarantees about whether the voter’s ballot is cast as intended. Despite our

reliance on this assumption, we realize it may not hold for all people. Voters are fallible and not all

will properly verify their choices. To put it another way, our system offers voters the opportunity to

verify their vote. If voters do not take advantage of this opportunity, we cannot help them. We do

not assume that all voters will avail themselves of this opportunity, but we try to ensure that those

who do, are protected.

5.3 Architecture

We focus this chapter on our design and implementation of the “active voting” phase of

the election process (cf. Figure 2.1). We choose to focus on this step because we believe it to be one

of the most crucial and challenging part of the election, requiring interaction with voters and the

ability to ensure the integrity and privacy of their votes. We remark that we attempt to reduce the

trust in the canvassing phase by designing a DRE whose output record is both privacy-preserving

(anonymized) and integrity-protected.

5.3.1 Architecture motivations

To see how specific design changes to traditional voting architectures can help verify

properties, we will go through a series of design exercises starting from current DRE architectures

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✁ ✂✄ ☎ ✄ ✆ ✄ ✝ ✂ ✞ ✁ ✟

✠ ✡ ☛ ☞ ✆ ✂ ✞ ✌ ✆ ✄ ✍ ✁ ✎

✏ ✑ ✒ ✓ ✟ ✔

✕ ✁ ☞ ✝ ✖ ☎ ✝ ✎ ✄ ✄ ✟

✗ ✄ ✘ ✄ ✂ ☛ ✁ ✔ ☞ ✆ ✄

✕ ✁ ✙ ✄ ✟

✗ ✄ ✓ ✔ ✄ ✎

✁ ✂✄ ✑ ✁ ✟ ✚ ✞ ✎ ✛ ✓ ✂ ✞ ✁ ✟

✁ ✂✄ ✑ ✁ ✎ ✄

Figure 5.1: Our architecture, at an abstract level. For the properties we consider, the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟

module need not be trusted, so it is colored red.

and finishing at our design. The exercises will be motivated by trying to design a system that clearly

exhibits Properties 1 and 2.

Resetting for independence. Chapter 4 highlights our approach to achieving privacy in a DRE.

Recall, to satisfy the conditions of the approach, two conditions must be met:

1. Ensure that a reboot is always triggered after a voter ends their session.

2. Check every place a file can be opened to ensure that data files are write-only, and configura-
tion files are read-only.

For our architecture, we introduce a separate component whose sole job is to manage the

reset process. The ✜✌ ✆ ✆✁ ✂ ✜✁✢

triggers the ✣

✄ ✤ ✄ ✂ ✥✁ ✦ ✧ ✆✄

after a ballot is stored. The reset module then

reboots a large portion of the DRE and manages the startup process. We use a separate component

so that it is simple to audit the correctness of the ✣

✄ ✤ ✄ ✂ ✥✁ ✦ ✧ ✆✄.

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Isolation of confirmation process. In considering Property 2, which requires the voter’s consent

to cast in order for the ballot to be stored, we will again see how modifying the DRE’s architecture

in specific ways can help verify correctness of this property.

The consent property in consideration requires auditors to confidently reason about the

casting procedures. An auditor (perhaps using program analysis tools) may have an easier time

reasoning about the casting process if it is isolated from the rest of the voting process. In our archi-
tecture, we take this approach in combining the casting and confirmation process, while isolating it

from the vote selection functionality of the DRE. With a careful design, we only need to consider

this sub-portion to verify Property 2.

From our DRE design in the previous section, we introduce a new component, called


✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module. With this change, the voter first interacts with a

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟

module that presents the ballot choices. After making their selections, control flow passes to the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module that performs a limited role: presenting the voter’s prior selections and

then waiting for the voter to either 1) choose to modify their selections, or 2) choose to cast their

ballot. Since the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module has limited functionality, it only needs limited support

for GUI code; as we show in Section 5.5.1 we can more easily analyze its correctness since its scope

is limited. If the voter decides to modify the ballot, control returns to the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module.

Note the voter interacts with two separate components: first the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ component

and then

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟. There are two ways to mediate the voter’s interactions with the two

components: 1) endow each component with its own I/O system and screen; 2) use one I/O system

and a trusted I/O “multiplexor” to manage which component can access the screen at a time. The

latter approach has a number of favorable features. Perhaps the most important is that it preserves

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5.3.3 Hardware-enforced separation

Our architecture requires components to be protected from each other, so that a malicious

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ component cannot tamper with or observe the state or code of other components.

One possibility would be to use some form of software isolation, such as putting each component

in a separate process (relying on the OS for isolation), in a separate virtual machine (relying on the

VMM), or in a separate Java applet (relying on the JVM).

Instead, we use hardware isolation as a simple method for achieving strong isolation. We

execute each module on its own microprocessor (with its own CPU, RAM, and I/O interfaces).

This relies on physical isolation in an intuitive way: if two microprocessors are not connected

by any communication channel, then they cannot directly affect each other. Verification of the

interconnection topology of the components in our architecture consequently reduces to verifying

the physical separation of the hardware and verifying the interconnects between them. Historically,

the security community has focused primarily on software isolation because hardware isolation was

viewed as prohibitively expensive [71]. However, we argue that the price of a microprocessor has

fallen dramatically enough that today hardware isolation is easily affordable, and we believe the

reduction in complexity easily justifies the extra cost.

With this approach to isolation, the communication elements between modules acquire

special importance, because they determine the way that modules are able to interact. We carefully

structured our design to simplify the connection topology as much as possible. Figure 5.2 summa-
rizes the interconnectivity topology, and we describe several key aspects of our design below.

We remark that when multiple hardware components are used, one should ensure that the

same versions of code run on each component.

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✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✆ ✝

✞ ✟ ✠ ✠

✄ ✡ ☛ ✁✟ ✠ ☛✟ ☞ ✌ ✍

✄ ✎ ✁ ✡ ✄

✏ ✄ ✑

✍ ✒ ✓ ✁ ✂ ✄

✏ ✄ ✔ ☛✑ ✂ ☛ ✓ ✁ ✂ ✄ ✝

✄ ☛

✝ ✁ ✕ ✠

✑ ✖

☞ ✌ ✗

✆ ✖ ☛ ✁ ✘ ✖ ✄ ✙

✟ ✂

✞ ✛

✠ ✍

✡ ✢

✡ ✂ ✄ ✄

✝ ☛

☎ ✆ ☛☛✟ ✠

✑ ✠

✡ ✄ ✖

☎ ✆ ☛☛✟ ✠

✏ ✄

✄ ☛ ✗ ✟ ✍

✆ ✖ ✄

✣ ✟ ☛✄ ✔

✄ ✖ ✄ ✡ ☛ ✁✟ ✠

✜ ✟ ✤

✄ ✠

✏ ✄ ✑

✄ ✂

✟ ☛✄

✞ ✟ ✠ ✥ ✁ ✂ ✦ ✑ ☛ ✁✟ ✠

✣ ✟ ☛✄ ✞ ✟ ✂ ✄

Figure 5.2: Our architecture, showing the hardware communication elements.

Buses and wires. Our hardware-based architecture employs two types of communication chan-
nels: buses and wires. Buses provide high-speed unidirectional or bidirectional communication

between multiple components. Wires are a simple signaling element with one bit of state; they can

be either high or low, and typically are used to indicate the presence or absence of some event. Wires

are unidirectional: one component (the sender) will set the value of a wire but never read it, and the

other component (the receiver) will read the value of the wire but never set it. Wires are initially

low, and can be set, but not cleared; once a wire goes high, it remains high until its controlling

component is reset. We assume that wires are reliable but buses are potentially unreliable.

To deal with dropped or garbled messages without introducing too much complexity, we

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use an extremely simple communication protocol. Our protocol is connectionless and does not

contain any in-band signaling (e.g., SYN or ACK packets). When a component in our architecture

wishes to transmit a message, it will repeatedly send that message over the bus until it is reset or

it receives an out-of-band signal to stop transmitting. The sender appends a hash of the message

to the message. The receiver accepts the first message with a valid hash, and then acknowledges

receipt with an out-of-band signal. This acknowledgment might be conveyed by changing a wire’s

value from low to high, and the sender can poll this wire to identify when to stop transmitting.

Components that need replay protection can add a sequence number to their messages.

Using buses and wires. We now describe how to instantiate the communication paths in our

high-level design from Section 5.3.2 with buses and wires. Once the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ☛✄ module reads a valid

token, it repeatedly sends the data on the token to

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ until it receives a message from

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟. After storing the vote and canceling the authentication token, the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ☛✄

module triggers a reset by setting its wire to the ✣

✄ ✤ ✄ ✂ ✥✁ ✦ ✧ ✆✄


To communicate with the voter, the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ component creates a bitmap of an

image, packages that image into a message , and repeatedly sends that message to the

✁ ✥ ✧ ✆✂ ✞✂ ✆✄✢ ✁ ☛.

Since the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module may send many images, it includes in each message a sequence

number; this sequence number does not change if the image does not change. Also included in the

message is a list of virtual buttons, each described by a globally unique button name and the x- and

y-coordinates of the region. The

✁ ✥ ✧ ✆✂ ✞✂ ✆✄✢ ✁ ☛ will continuously read from its input source (initially


✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module) and draw to the LCD every bitmap that it receives with a new sequence

number. The

✁ ✥ ✧ ✆✂ ✞✂ ✆✄✢ ✁ ☛ also interprets inputs from the touch screen, determines whether the

inputs correspond to a virtual button and, if so, repeatedly writes the name of the region to the

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✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module until it has new voter input. Naming the regions prevents user input on one

screen from being interpreted as input on a different screen.

When the voter chooses to proceed from the vote selection phase to the vote confir-
mation phase, the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module will receive a ballot from the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ mod-
ule. The

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module will then set its wire to the

✁ ✥ ✧ ✆✂ ✞✂ ✆✄✢ ✁ ☛ high. When the

✁ ✥ ✧ ✆✂ ✞✂ ✆✄✢ ✁ ☛ detects this wire going high, it will empty all its input and output bus buffers, reset its

counter for messages from the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module, and then only handle input and output for the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module (ignoring any messages from

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟). If the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟

module determines that the user wishes to return to the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module and edit her votes, the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module will set its wire to the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module high. The

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟

module will then use its bus to

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ to repeatedly acknowledge that this wire is

high. After receiving this acknowledgment, the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module will reset itself, thereby

clearing all internal state and also lowering its wires to the

✁ ✥ ✧ ✆✂ ✞✂ ✆✄✢ ✁ ☛ and

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ mod-
ules. Upon detecting that this wire returns low, the

✁ ✥ ✧ ✆✂ ✞✂ ✆✄✢ ✁ ☛ will clear all its input and out-
put buffers and return to handling the input and output for

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟. The purpose for the

handshake between the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module and the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module is to prevent the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module from resetting and then immediately triggering on the receipt of the

voter’s previous selection (without this handshake, the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module would continuously

send the voter’s previous selections, regardless of whether

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ reset itself).

5.3.4 Reducing the complexity of trusted components

We now discuss further aspects of our design that facilitate the creation of implementa-
tions with minimal trusted code.

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Resets. Each module (except for the ✣

✄ ✤ ✄ ✂ ✥✁ ✦ ✧ ✆✄

) interacts with the ✣

✄ ✤ ✄ ✂ ✥✁ ✦ ✧ ✆✄ via three

wires, the initial values of which are all low: a ready wire controlled by the component and reset

and start wires controlled by the ✣

✄ ✤ ✄ ✂ ✥✁ ✦ ✧ ✆✄

. The purpose of these three wires is to coordinate

resets to avoid a situation where one component believes that it is handling the ✡-th voter while

another component believes that it is handling the ✟✡

☎✠-th voter.

The actual interaction between the wires is as follows. When a component first boots, it

waits to complete any internal initialization steps and then sets the ready wire high. The component

then blocks until its start wire goes high. After the ready wires for all components connected to the

✄ ✤ ✄ ✂ ✥✁ ✦ ✧ ✆✄ go high, the ✣

✄ ✤ ✄ ✂ ✥✁ ✦ ✧ ✆✄

sets each component’s start wire high, thereby allowing

all components to proceed with handling the first voting session.

Upon completion of a voting session, i.e., after receiving a signal from the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ☛✄ com-
ponent, the ✣

✄ ✤ ✄ ✂ ✥✁ ✦ ✧ ✆✄ sets each component’s reset wire high. This step triggers each component

to reset. The ✣

✄ ✤ ✄ ✂ ✥✁ ✦ ✧ ✆✄ keeps the reset wires high until all the component ready wires go low,

meaning that the components have stopped executing. The ✣

✄ ✤ ✄ ✂ ✥✁ ✦ ✧ ✆✄ subsequently sets the re-
set wire low, allowing the components to reboot. The above process with the ready and start wires

is then repeated.

Cast and cancel buttons. Our hardware architecture uses two physical buttons, a cast button and

a cancel button. These buttons directly connect the user to an individual component, simplifying the

task of establishing a trusted path for cast and cancel requests. Our use of a hardware button (rather

than a user interface element displayed on the LCD) is intended to give voters a way to know that

their vote will be cast. If we used a virtual cast button, a malicious

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module could

draw a spoofed cast button on the LCD and swallow the user’s vote, making the voter think that

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they have cast their vote when in fact nothing was recorded and leaving the voter with no way to

detect this attack. In contrast, a physical cast button allows attentive voters to detect these attacks

(an alternative might be to use a physical “vote recorded” light in the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ☛✄ ). Additionally, if we

used a virtual cast button, miscalibration of the touch screen could trigger accidental invocation of

the virtual cast button against the voter’s wishes. While calibration issues may still affect the ability

of a user to scroll through a multi-screen confirmation process, we anticipate that such a problem

will be easier to recover from than touch screen miscalibrations causing the DRE to incorrectly

store a vote. To ensure that a malicious

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module does not trick the user into pressing

the cast button prematurely, the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module will only enable the cast button after it

detects that the user paged through all the vote confirmation screens.

We want voters to be able to cancel the voting process at any time, regardless of whether

they are interacting with the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ or

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ modules. Since the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟

module is untrusted, one possibility would be to have the

✁ ✥ ✧ ✆✂ ✞✂ ✆✄✢ ✁ ☛ implement a virtual cancel

button or conditionally pass data to the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module even when the

✁ ✂ ✄ ☎ ✄ ✆✄ ✝ ✂ ✞✁ ✟

module is active. Rather than introduce these complexities, we chose to have the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ☛✄ module

handle cancellation via a physical cancel button. The cancel button is enabled (and physically lit

by an internal light) until the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ☛✄ begins the process of storing a ballot and canceling an

authentication token.

5.4 Prototype implementation

To evaluate the feasibility of the architecture presented in Section 5.3, we built a proto-
type implementation. Our prototype uses off-the-shelf “gumstix connex 400xm” computers. These

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Our prototype consists of five component boards wired together in accordance with Fig-
ure 5.2. We implement all of the functionality except for the cancel button. See Figure 5.5 for a

picture showing the five components and all of their interconnections. Communication uses physi-
cal buses and wires. The I/O multiplexer, after each update operation, sends an image over a virtual

bus connected (connected via the USB network) to the PC for I/O. It sends the compressed image it

would ordinarily blit to the framebuffer to the PC so that the PC can blit it to its display. The gum-
stix only recently supported LCD displays, and we view our PC display as an interim solution. The

additional software complexity for using the LCD is minimal as it only requires blitting an image

to memory.

Figure 5.6 shows our voting software running on the gumstix. We used ballot data from

the November 2005 election in Alameda County, California.

5.5 Evaluation

5.5.1 Verifying the desired properties

Property 1. Recall that to achieve “memorylessness” we must be able to show the DRE is always

reset after a voter has finished using the machine, and the DRE only opens a given file read-only or

write-only, but not both. To show that the DRE is reset after storing a vote, we examine a snippet of

the source code from, the source code for the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ☛✄ module in Figure 5.7. In

line 7, after storing the ballot into the ballot box, the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ☛✄ module continuously raises the reset

wire high. Looking at the connection diagram from Figure 5.2, we note the reset wire terminates at

the ✣

✄ ✤ ✄ ✂ ✥✁ ✦ ✧ ✆✄

and induces it to restart all components in the system. Further inspecting code not

reproduced in Figure 5.7 reveals the only reference to the ballotbox is in the constructor and in

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1 grabio.set();


3 castenable.set();

4 if (cast.isSet())

5 while (true)

6 toVoteCore.write(ballot);

7 ✁

8 ✁

1 byte [] ballot =


3 if (ballot != null)


5 ballotbox.write (ballot);

6 while (true)

7 resetWire.set();

8 ✁

9 ✁

Figure 5.7: Code extracts from the


✁✂✄✂✁☎✄ modules, respectively. Examining these code snippets with the con-
nection topology helps us gain assurance that the architecture achieves Properties 1 and 2.

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line 5, so writes to it are confined to line 5.

Finally, we need merely examine every file open call to make sure they are either read-
only or write only. In practice, we can guarantee this by ensuring writable files are append-only, or

for more sophisticated vote storage mechanisms as proposed by Molnar et al., that the storage layer

presents a write-only interface to the rest of the DRE.

Property 2. For the “consent-to-cast” property, we need to verify two things: 1) the ballot can only

enter the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ☛✄ through the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module, and 2) the voter’s consent is required

before the ballot can leave the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module.

Looking first at in Figure 5.7, the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module first en-
sures it has control of the touch screen as it signals the

✁ ✥ ✧ ✆✂ ✞✂ ✆✄✢ ✁ ☛ with the “grabio” wire. It then

displays the ballot over the bus, and subsequently enables the cast button. Examining the hardware

will show the only way the wire can be enabled is through a specific GPIO, in fact the one controlled

by the “castenable” wire. No other component in the system can enable the cast button, since it is

not connected to any other module. Similarly, no other component in the system can send a ballot

to the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ☛✄ module: on line 6 of, the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ sends the ballot on

a bus named “toVoteCore”, which is called the “fromVoteConf” bus in The

ballot is demarshalled on line 1. Physically examining the hardware configuration confirms these

connections, and shows the ballot data structure can only come from the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠✁ ✟✡ ☛☞ ✌ ✂ ✞✁ ✟ module.

Finally, in the

✁ ✂ ✄ ✠ ✁ ☛✄ module, we see the only use of the ballotbox is at line 5 where the ballot is

written to the box. There are only two references to the ✜✌ ✆ ✆✁ ✂ ✜✁✢

in the source

file (full file not shown here), one at the constructor site and the one shown here. Thus we can be

confident that the only way for a ballot to be passed to the ✜✌ ✆ ✆✁ ✂ ✜✁✢

is if a voter presses the cast

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Chapter 6


In this chapter, we seek to develop software analysis techniques that guarantee that the in-
memory copy of the ballot can be properly recovered after serialization for later tallying. To do so,

we introduce the notion of environment-free functions, where the function’s behavior depends only

and deterministically on the arguments to the function. Then, we show to use this concept to verify

the correct invertability of

✟✝ ✁ ✦ ✄

operations such as serialization, compression, and encryption

through a mixture of static analysis and runtime checks. The strategy is to first verify that the

✁✄ ✝ ✁ ✦ ✄

implementation is environment-free and then add a simple runtime check to ensure that

the encoded data can and will be correctly decoded in the future. We develop a static analysis

for verifying that Java code is environment-free. To demonstrate its feasibility, we implemented

our algorithm as an Eclipse plug-in and used it to analyze the serialization routines in our voting

architecture from Chapter 3 and also to verify that decryption is the inverse of encryption in a Java

cryptography implementation.

Parts of this work are drawn with permission from prior work [75].

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6.1 Introduction and motivation

Many computer programs perform serialization and deserialization, converting an in-
memory version of a data structure into a form suitable for storage or transmission and back again.

In this chapter, we develop novel methods for verifying the correctness of serialization and deserial-
ization code. In particular, we wish to verify that deserialization is the inverse of serialization, i.e.,

that serializing a data structure and then deserializing the result will give you back the same data

structure you started with.

Verifying the correctness of serialization and deserialization is a difficult task. Serial-
ization and deserialization typically involve walking a (potentially cyclic) object graph, and thus

inevitably implicate complex aliasing issues. Reasoning about aliasing is well known to be chal-
lenging. Also, the invariants needed to prove the correctness of serialization and deserialization

may not be immediately apparent from the code and may be messy and unilluminating when writ-
ten down explicitly. Therefore, standard formal methods appear to be ill-suited for this task.

More broadly, serialization is just one of a family of common data transformation routines

that litter voting software. Two others in the family include encryption/decryption and compres-

We seek to verify the following property about a pair of algorithms, ✟

✟✝ ✁ ✦ ✄

✡ ✁✄ ✝ ✁ ✦ ✄


namely, for all ☛, ✁✄ ✝ ✁ ✦ ✄

✟✝ ✁ ✦ ✄

✟☛ ✠ ✠ should yield some output ☛

that is functionally equivalent

to ☛. We want this property to hold even if ✁✄ ✝ ✁ ✦ ✄

is invoked at some later time on some other

machine, so we will also need to verify that ✁✄ ✝ ✁ ✦ ✄

does not implicitly depend on any data (other

than its input) that might be different on some other machine. We call this the Inverse Property,

since the goal is to verify that ✁✄ ✝ ✁ ✦ ✄

is a left inverse of

✟✝ ✁ ✦ ✄

. In many contexts, it is a serious

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