Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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 105 CLASSICAL LANGUAGES Pl use and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal in 1) Classical pali, 23) Classical English,8) Classical Basque- Euskal klasikoa,9) Classical Belarusian- Класічная беларуская,10) Classical Bengali-ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,11) Classical Bosnian-Klasični bosanski,12) Classical Bulgarian- Класически български,13) Classical Catalan-Català clàssic,14) Classical Cebuano
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2277 Tue 04 Jul 2017 LESSON

INSIGHT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University
and related NEWS through 

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and render correct translation in your mother tongue for this google translation to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal

in 1) Classical pali, 23) Classical English,8) Classical Basque- Euskal klasikoa,9) Classical Belarusian- Класічная беларуская,10) Classical Bengali-ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা,11) Classical Bosnian-Klasični bosanski,12) Classical Bulgarian- Класически български,13) Classical Catalan-Català clàssic,14) Classical Cebuano,

 C. Section on sampajañña
To interact with a permanent decisive sensation

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, while approaching and while departing, acts with
sampajañña, while looking ahead and while looking around, he acts with
sampajañña, while bending and while stretching, he acts with sampajañña,
while wearing the robes and the upper robe and while carrying the bowl,
he acts with sampajañña, while eating, while drinking, while chewing,
while tasting, he acts with sampajañña, while attending to the business
of defecating and urinating, he acts with sampajañña, while walking,
while standing, while sitting, while sleeping, while being awake, while
talking and while being silent, he acts with sampajañña. 

Thus he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally, or he
dwells observing kāya in kāya externally, or he dwells observing kāya
in kāya internally and externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of
phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the passing away of phenomena
in kāya, or he dwells observing the samudaya and passing away of
phenomena in kāya; or else, [realizing:] “this is kāya!” sati is present
in him, just to the extent of mere ñāṇa and mere paṭissati, he dwells
detached, and does not cling to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a
bhikkhu dwells observing kāya in kāya.
Shreds of Wisdom - Buddha’s Silence (Milczenie Buddhy)

8) Classical Basque
8) Euskal klasikoa

2277 Martxoak 4, uztaila 2017

INSIGHT-NET - FREE Tipiṭaka Online Ikerketa eta Unibertsitateko Praktikak eta BERRIAK BERRIAK bidez: 105 hizkuntzen KLASIKOA
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Eta itzulpen automatikoa zure ama hizkuntza honetan google itzulpena lortzeko Eternal Bliss gisa Final helburua

C. Sampajañako atala

Sentsazio erabakior iraunkorrarekin elkarreragiteko

Bhikkhus, bhikkhu bat, hurbiltzen ari den bitartean eta irteten denean, jarduten du
Sampajañña, aurrera begira eta inguruan begira, jarduten du
Sampajañña, tolestuta eta luzatzen ari den bitartean, sampajañña,
Jantziak eta goiko jantziak jantzita eta ontzi bat egitean,
Sampajañarekin egiten du lan, jaten eta edaten bitartean,
Dastatzeaz gain, sampajañakoarekin egiten du lan, negozioari begira
Mina eta urinating, sampajañña jarduten du, berriz, oinez,
Zutik, bitartean eserita, lo bitartean, esna egon bitartean
Hitz egiten eta isilik egon arren, sampajañarekin egiten du lan.

Horrela, kāya behatu zuen Kaxan barrutik, edo berak
Kāya behatzea kanpoko kāya behatzen du, edo Kāya behatzea behartzen du
Kāya barrutik eta kanpotik; Samudaya behatzen jarraitzen du
Fenomeno kāya edo fenomenoen iraungitzea behatzen du
Kāya-n, edo samudaya behatuz eta hiltzea merezi du
Fenomeno kāya; Edo bestela, [konturatu:] “hau da kāya!” Sati dago
Haren baitan, ñāṇa hutsaren eta hutsuneen neurrian, bizi da
Bereizita, eta ez du munduan ezer atxikitzen. Horrela, bhikkhus, a
Bhikkhu kāya in kāya behaketa egiten du.

Dhammavuddho Mindfulness (sampajanna) - świadome obserwowanie
poruszania się umysłu z jednej rzeczy na drugą. Sampajanna means
mindfulness: ‘Again, mo…

Beyond the Edge (2013) Full HD - First Ascent of Mount Everest by Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary

Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary’s monumental and historical ascent of Mt. Everest in 1953 - an event that…
Inline image 1
Singing Monastics

9) Classical Belarusian
9) Класічная беларуская

2277 Вт 04 Ліпеня 2017 УРОК

INSIGHT-NET - бясплатна Інтэрнэт Tipitaka Research & Practice універсітэт і звязаныя навіны праз ў 105 класічных моў
Pl выкарыстоўваць

і зрабіць правільны пераклад на роднай мове для гэтага перакладу Google, каб дасягнуць Вечнага Асалоды як канчатковай мэты

C. Секцыя па сампаджання

Для таго, каб ўзаемадзейнічаць з пастаянным адчуваннем вырашальнага

Акрамя таго,
Манахі, бхиккх, пры набліжэнні і пры выездзе, дзейнічае з
сампаджання, гледзячы наперад і, гледзячы вакол, ён дзейнічае з
сампаджання, пры выгібе і пры расцяжэнні, ён дзейнічае з сампаджання,
пры нашэнні адзення і верхнюю вопратку і, несучы чару,
ён дзейнічае з сампаджання, падчас ежы, у той час як піць, у той час як жаванне,
падчас дэгустацыі, ён дзейнічае з сампаджання, падчас удзелу ў бізнэсе
у дэфекацыі і мачавыпусканні, ён дзейнічае з сампаджання, пры хадзе,
стоячы, седзячы, падчас сну, у той жа час няспання, у той час як
казаць і ў той жа час маўчыць, ён дзейнічае з сампаджання.

Такім чынам, ён знаходзіцца назіраючы Кай ў Kaya ўнутрана, альбо ён
насяляе назірання Кая ў Kaya вонкава, альбо ён жыве назірання Kaya
у KAYA ўнутры і звонку; ён знаходзіцца, назіраючы samudaya з
з’явы ў Кая, ці ён знаходзіцца, назіраючы за скон з’яў
у Кая, ці ён знаходзіцца, назіраючы samudaya і скон
з’явы ў Кая; ці ж, [разумеючы:] «гэта Кай!» Саці прысутнічае
у ім, толькі ў той ступені, проста Нана і проста paṭissati, ён жыве
отдельностоящий, і ня чапляецца за што-небудзь у свеце. Такім чынам, бхикшу,
бхикку насяляе назірання Кая ў Кая.

Monastics sing for New Year’s Eve at Blue Cliff Monastery
How to Match the Frequency of the Reality you Desire (Part 2)

in this video I’ll be sharing with you how to match the frequency of
the reality that you prefer. This is part two, because I did part one a
couple weeks…

philosophy of Epicurus (341–270 B.C.E.) was a complete and
interdependent system, involving a view of the goal of human life
(happiness, resulting from absence of physical pain and mental
disturbance), an…

10) Classical Bengali
10) ক্লাসিক্যাল বাংলা

2277 মঙ্গল 04 জুলাই 2017 পাঠ

ইনসাইট-নেট - 105 টি ক্লাসিক্যাল ল্যাংগুয়েজে এর মাধ্যমে বিনামূল্যে অনলাইন টিপিকা
রিসার্চ অ্যান্ড প্র্যাকটিস ইউনিভার্সিটি এবং সম্পর্কিত সংবাদ।
Pl ব্যবহার করুন

এবং আপনার মাতৃভাষায় সঠিক অনুবাদ প্রদান করে এই গুগল অনুবাদটি যা চূড়ান্ত লক্ষ্য হিসাবে আক্ষরিক আনন্দ লাভের জন্য

 সিম্পজেনা নেভিগেশন সি বিভাগ

একটি স্থায়ী সিদ্ধান্তমূলক সংবেদন সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করতে

ভিক্ষুক, একটি ভিক্ষু, যখন সমীপবর্তী এবং প্রস্থানকালে, সঙ্গে কাজ করে
সাম্পাঞ্জা, এগিয়ে তাকিয়ে যখন চারপাশে তাকিয়ে, তিনি সঙ্গে কাজ করে
সাম্পাঞ্জনা, নড়াচড়া করিয়া যখন প্রসারিত করিয়া,
কাপড় পরা ও উপরের পোশাক পরে এবং বাটি বহন সময়,
তিনি স্যাম্পাজানার সঙ্গে কাজ করেন, খাওয়ার সময়, পান করার সময়, চুইংগামের সময়,
ব্যবসা করার সময় তিনি চাকচিক্য নিয়ে কাজ করেন, তখন তিনি সমাজের সঙ্গে কাজ করেন
ঘুমানোর এবং প্রস্রাবের, তিনি স্যাম্পাঞ্জনার সাথে কাজ করেন, হাঁটছেন,
যখন দাঁড়িয়ে থাকা, বসে বসে, ঘুমানোর সময়, জেগে থাকার সময়, যখন
কথা বলা এবং নীরব থাকার সময় তিনি স্যাম্পাজানার সাথে কাজ করেন।

এভাবে তিনি অভ্যন্তরে অভ্যন্তরীণভাবে কাইয়্য়ায় কাজ করিতে থাকেন, অথবা তিনি
বাহ্যিকভাবে কায্যে কাইয়া পালন করিতে থাকে, বা তিনি কাইয়া পালন করেন
অভ্যন্তরীণভাবে এবং বাহ্যিকভাবে কাইয়্যে; সে সমুদয়কে পর্যবেক্ষণ করছে
ঘটনাক্রমে ঘটনাটি ঘটতে থাকে
কিয়ায়, বা তিনি সমুদায় নিরীক্ষণ করেন এবং বিছানায় পড়ে থাকেন
কায়া মধ্যে ঘটনা; অথবা অন্য, [উপলব্ধি] “এই কাই!” সটি বর্তমান
শুধু নিছক নিনা ও নিছক পসিসতি পর্যন্ত তাঁর মধ্যেই তিনি বাস করেন
আলাদা, এবং বিশ্বের কোন কিছু আটকে না। এইভাবে, ভিক্ষুক, একটি
কাহিনীতে কৈ দেখিতে ভিক্ষু বাস করে।
Bengali Ragpradhan by Kumkum Sanyal - Ei Praane Joto Batha Baaje Haashite

Kumkum Sanyal sings a Bengali light classical song with exquisite melody and depth of feeling. This song is a…

The Animated Tales (also known as The Animated Shakespeare) is a series
of twelve half-hour animated television adaptations of the plays of
William Shakespeare, originally broadcast on BBC 2 between 1992 and
Theodoric the Goth: Barbarian Champion of Civilisation by Thomas Hodgkin

11) Classical Bosnian

11) Klasični bosanski

2277 Tue 04 Jul 2017 LEKCIJA

INSIGHT-NET - BESPLATNO Online Tipiṭaka Research & Practice University i srodne vesti preko u 105 KLASIČNIH JEZIKA
Pl koristi

I učinite ispravan prevod na vašem maternjem jeziku za ovaj google prevod kako biste ostvarili Večnu Blisu kao završni cilj

C. Odjeljak o sampajañña

Za interakciju sa trajnim odlučnim senzacijom

Bhikkhus, bhikkhu, dok se prilazuje i dok odlazi, deluje s njima
Sampajañña, dok gleda napred i dok gleda okolo, on djeluje
Sampajañña, dok se savijanjem i istezanjem, on sarađuje sampajañña,
Dok nosite haljine i gornji ogrtač i dok nosite posudu,
On deluje sampajañña, dok jede, dok pije, dok žvakuje,
Dok degustira, on djeluje sampajañña, dok posećuje posao
Kretanja i mokrenja, on djeluje sa sampajañña, dok hodaju,
Dok stoje, dok sedite, dok spava, dok budete budni, dok
Govori i dok je ćutao, on djeluje sampajañña.

Stoga živi posmatrajući kāya u kāya interno, ili on
Stanuje posmatrajući kāya in kāya spolja, ili stanuje posmatrajući kāya
U kāya interno i spolja; On živi posmatrajući samudayu
Fenomena u kāya, ili on živi posmatrajući prolazak fenomena
U kāya, ili stanuje posmatrajući samudaju i prolazak
Fenomeni u kāya; Ili drugačije, [shvatajući:] “ovo je kāya!” Sat je prisutan
U njemu, u onoj meri u kojoj su pune i pune paṭissati, stanuje
Odvojen, i ne drži se ništa na svetu. Tako, bhikkhus, a
Bhikkhu zadržava posmatranje kāya u kāya.

Theodoric the Great (~454-526) was king of the Ostrogoths during the time of the terminal decline of…

always looking to expand our suite of recommended websites. If you
would like to submit a website, please review our website nomination
guidelines first.…

Madre Ayahuasca ~Diego Palma 2007Pisaq Peru

12) Classical Bulgarian
12) Класически български

2277 ср 04 юли 2017 УРОК

INSIGHT-NET - Безплатен онлайн университет Типитака за научни изследвания и практики и свързаните НОВИНИ чрез в 105 КЛАСИЧЕСКИ ЕЗИЦИ
Pl използвайте

И превеждайте коректно на вашия майчин език за този превод на Google, за да постигнете вечно блаженство като крайна цел

В. Раздел на sampajañña

Да си взаимодействат с постоянно решително усещане

Освен това,
Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, докато се приближава и докато заминава, действа с
Sampajañña, докато гледа напред и докато се оглежда, той действа
Sampajañña, докато се огъва и докато се простира, той действа със sampajañña,
Докато носеше халатите и горната роба и докато носеше купата,
Той действа със sampajañña, докато яде, пие, докато дъвче,
Докато дегустира, той действа със sampajañña, докато посещава бизнеса
На дефекация и уриниране, той действа със sampajañña, докато ходене,
Докато стоите, докато седите, докато спите, докато сте будни, докато
Говорейки и докато мълчи, той действа със sampajañña.

По този начин той пребивава вътрешно да наблюдава kaya в kaya, или той
Пребивава в наблюдение на kaya в kaya външно или пребивава в наблюдение на kaya
В kaya вътрешно и външно; Той живее при спазване на самудаите
Явления в кая, или той пребивава в наблюдение на изчезването на явления
В кая, или той пребивава в наблюдението на самудаите и на смъртта им
Явления в кая; Или друго, [осъзнавайки:] “това е kaya!” Сати присъства
В него, само до степента на просто ñāna и обикновени paṭissati, той живее
Отделен и не се придържа към нищо в света. Така, bhikkhus, a
Bhikkhu живее при спазване на kaya в kaya. Vision Art by Pablo Amaringo Watch in full screen to appreciate the detailed paintings
Alex Collier JUST THINK how YOU can Change the World (1994 FULL LENGTH VERSION)

Keep up-to-date on Alex Collier’s latest news at Special thanks to Denis…
Buddhist Meditation Music - Bells and Chimes

13) Classical Catalan
13) Català clàssic

2277 Tue 04 Jul 2017 TÈCNICA

INSIGHT-NET - GRATUÏTA Recerca i pràctica en línia de Tipiṭaka Universitat i notícies relacionades a través de a 105 LLENGÜES CLÀSSIQUES

I realitzeu la traducció correcta a la vostra llengua materna per
aquesta traducció de Google per aconseguir la felicitat eterna com a
objectiu final

C. Secció sobre sampajañña

Interaccionar amb una sensació permanent decisiva

A més,
Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, mentre s’apropa i mentre surt, actua amb ell
Sampajañña, mentre mira cap endavant i mentre mira al seu voltant, actua amb ell
Sampajañña, mentre es dobla i s’estira, actua amb sampajañña,
Mentre vestia les robes i la bata superior i mentre duia el bol,
Actua amb sampajañña, mentre menja, mentre beu mentre mastega,
Mentre es degusta, actua amb sampajañña, mentre assisteix al negoci
De defecar i orinar, actua amb sampajañña, mentre camina,
Mentre estava de peu, mentre estava assegut, dormint mentre estava despert mentre estava
Parlant i en silenci, actua amb sampajañña.

Així mora observant kāya a kāya internament, o ell
Habita observant kāya a kāya externament, o mire observant kāya
A kāya internament i externament; Mora observant la samudaya de
Fenòmens a Kāya, o mora observant el fracàs dels fenòmens
A kāya, o mora observant la samudaya i la mort de
Fenòmens en kāya; O bé, [realitzant:] “això és kāya!” Sati està present
En ell, només en la mesura de mera ñāṇa i mer paṭissati, mora
Deslligat i no s’adhereix a res del món. Així, bhikkhus, a
Bhikkhu habita observant kāya a kāya.

is some awesome Buddhist Meditation Music that has bells and chimes
that make some awesome sounds. I really love this Buddhist Meditation
Music and I th…
2017 Maps of Meaning 1: Context and Background

this lecture, I discuss the context within which the theory I am
delineating through this course emerge: that of the cold war. What is
belief? Why is it s…

or psyche (Greek: “psychē”, of “psychein”, “to breathe”) are the mental
abilities of a living being: reason, character, feeling, consciousness,
memory, perception, thinking, etc.
en.wikipedia.org14) Classical Cebuano

2277 Lunes 04 Jul 2017 LEKSYON

PAGSABOT-NET - FREE Online Tipiṭaka Research & Pagbansay
University ug sa may kalabutan BALITA pinaagi sa sa 105 Classical PINULONGAN
Gamit ang paggamit sa

Ug paghatag sa husto nga paghubad sa imong lumad nga pinulongan alang
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Final Goal

 C. Seksyon sa sampajañña

Aron makig-uban sa usa ka permanente nga mahukmanon nga pagbati

Dugang pa,
Bhikkhus, usa ka bhikkhu, samtang nagkaduol ug samtang nagbiya, naglihok
Sampajañña, samtang nagtan-aw sa unahan ug samtang nagtan-aw sa palibot, siya naglihok
Sampajañña, samtang nag-untol-untol ug samtang nagbuklad, siya nagbuhat sa sampajañña,
Samtang nagsul-ob sa mga kupo ug sa taas nga kupo ug samtang nagdala sa panaksan,
Siya molihok uban sa sampajañña, samtang mokaon, samtang nag-inom, samtang nagapangusap,
Samtang nagtilaw, siya naglihok uban sa sampajañña, samtang nagtambong sa negosyo
Sa pagkalibang ug pag-ihi, siya naglihok uban sa sampajañña, samtang naglakaw,
Samtang nagatindog, samtang naglingkod, samtang natulog, samtang nagtukaw, samtang
Nag-istoryahanay ug samtang naghilom, siya nagbuhat sa sampajañña.

Busa siya nagpuyo sa pag-obserba sa kāya sa kāya sa sulod, o siya
nagapuyo sa pagpaniid Kaya sa Kaya externally, o siya nagapuyo obserbar Kaya
Sa kāya sa sulod ug sa gawas; Siya nagpuyo sa pag-obserbar sa samudaya ni
Ang mga katingalahan sa kāya, o siya nagpuyo sa pag-obserbar sa pagkahanaw sa mga katingad-an
Sa kāya, o siya nagpuyo sa pag-obserbar sa samudaya ug milabay
Panghitabo sa kāya; O kaha, [nakaamgo:] “kini mao ang kāya!” Anaa ang sati
diha kaniya, lang sa gidak-on sa lamang Nana ug lamang paṭissati, siya nagapuyo
Nahilayo, ug wala magkupot sa bisan unsang butang sa kalibutan. Busa, ang bhikkus, usa ka
Ang bhikkhu nagpuyo nga nagbantay sa kāya sa kāya.…
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Final Goal

C. Seksyon sa sampajañña

Aron makig-uban sa usa ka permanente nga mahukmanon nga pagbati

Dugang pa,
Bhikkhus, usa ka bhikkhu, samtang nagkaduol ug samtang nagbiya, naglihok
Sampajañña, samtang nagtan-aw sa unahan ug samtang nagtan-aw sa palibot, siya naglihok
Sampajañña, samtang nag-untol-untol ug samtang nagbuklad, siya nagbuhat sa sampajañña,
Samtang nagsul-ob sa mga kupo ug sa taas nga kupo ug samtang nagdala sa panaksan,
Siya molihok uban sa sampajañña, samtang mokaon, samtang nag-inom, samtang nagapangusap,
Samtang nagtilaw, siya naglihok uban sa sampajañña, samtang nagtambong sa negosyo
Sa pagkalibang ug pag-ihi, siya naglihok uban sa sampajañña, samtang naglakaw,
Samtang nagatindog, samtang naglingkod, samtang natulog, samtang nagtukaw, samtang
Nag-istoryahanay ug samtang naghilom, siya nagbuhat sa sampajañña.

Busa siya nagpuyo sa pag-obserba sa kāya sa kāya sa sulod, o siya
nagapuyo sa pagpaniid Kaya sa Kaya externally, o siya nagapuyo obserbar Kaya
Sa kāya sa sulod ug sa gawas; Siya nagpuyo sa pag-obserbar sa samudaya ni
Ang mga katingalahan sa kāya, o siya nagpuyo sa pag-obserbar sa pagkahanaw sa mga katingad-an
Sa kāya, o siya nagpuyo sa pag-obserbar sa samudaya ug milabay
Panghitabo sa kāya; O kaha, [nakaamgo:] “kini mao ang kāya!” Anaa ang sati
diha kaniya, lang sa gidak-on sa lamang Nana ug lamang paṭissati, siya nagapuyo
Nahilayo, ug wala magkupot sa bisan unsang butang sa kalibutan. Busa, ang bhikkus, usa ka
Ang bhikkhu nagpuyo nga nagbantay sa kāya sa kāya.

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Nastassja Kinski in Tess of of the d’Urbervilles, strawberry scene

Opposition must and should ‘TRY PM-2019’
in Prez Elections

Opposition alliance must and should try ‘Prime Minister 2019’ in current Presidential Elections.

ideal choice will be Ms Mayawati a Scheduled Caste the ex Chief
Minister of Uttar pradesh for 4 times who with her best governance
distributed the wealth of the state equally among the 99% sarvajan samaj
including SC/STs/OBCs/Religious Minorities and the poor upper castes
with her policy of “Sarvajan Hithay Sarvajan Sukhaya” by upholding the
Modern Constitution of our country whose chief Archtect was Dr. BR

Ms Mayawati became eligible for the Prime Minister’s
Post. This is not liked by the 1% intolerant, militant, ever shooting,
lynching, lunatic, mentally retarded number one terrorist horrorist
cannibal chitpavan brahmin RSS (Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks) psychopaths. So
the fraud EVMs (Evil Voting Machines) were distorted, rigges and
tampered to win elections for Murderer of democratic institutions (Modi)
for the BJP (Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths).

Now Launch
Campaign for dissolving the Central and state governments selected  by
these fraud EVMs and go for fresh polls with paper ballots that will
help General Election 2019

– including campaign for state elections. Sole Opposition candidate Ms
Mayawati will
Attracted Media, facebook, WhattsApp, twitter, SMSes, Emails, Public
& World attention. Till such time Modi must not be recognised by all
those are for Universal Adult Franchise which has been negated by the
fraud EVMs.

there is a Techno-Socio-Politico Transformation and Economic
Emancipation Movement Toward Sarvajan Samaj including
SC/STs/OBCs/Religious Minorities/poor upper castes in Jambudvipa and the
future Prabuddha Barath which Can’t Be Halted.

issue of stealth, shadowy, discriminatory hindutva cult caste system of
hatred, anger, jealousy, delusion that are defilement of the mind where
hundreds of
millions of people are oppressed second-class citizens is now
“occupying center space” in the country’s national politics as two
from  the aboriginal inhabitants the Schedules Castes have been
nominated to be the nation’s

Earlier this month, Modi and Amit Shah, the head of the BJP, nominated Bihar governor and SC leader Ram Nath Kovind to
be the National Democratic Alliance’s presidential candidate only to
cover up the fact that EVMs were used to win elections by them.

It doesn’t matter which party it is who nominates a SC,
the fact that a SC has been nominated to be president means that
is major development going on and the SC/ST issue is becoming more
national and it is occupying center space in national politics.

response to the nomination of Kovind, 17 opposition parties have backed
Meira Kumar, the daughter of a prominent SC leader and first woman
speaker of India’s lower legislative house.

is a storm that two SCs are pitted against each other for the
President’s post and the truth of our society is coming out,” Kumar
said, according to New Delhi Television.
“Whenever similar elections have happened in the past, there were
candidates who fought but their religion or caste was never discussed.
But today it has been highlighted.”

There are over 200 million Hindu, Sikh and
Buddhist SC/STs in Jambdivpa. However, the total number of SC/STs is
actually much higher because Christian and Muslim SC/STs are not
included in those statistics.

“According to some estimates, there
are 15-20 million Christian SC/STs in Jambudviap, while the number of
Muslim SC/STs may be as high as 100 million or more,”. “Were these
figures to be confirmed, the number of SC/STs in the Country could
exceed 1.1 billion –of the country’s
population of 1.2 billion people.” As the 99% aboriginal inhabitants of
Jabudvipa by race are one while only 1% chitpavan brahmins are

SC/STs/Religious Minorities often face violence and
discrimination because of the caste they were born into. There have
been a number of instances in the past few years that have pushed the
issue into a national spotlight and led to massive protests and

One such incident that forced national discussion on the issue was the  Shanapur and 2016 suicide of Rohith Vemula,
a SC advocate and Ph.D student at the University of Hyderabad who
committed suicide. His death sparked protests across the country.

Last year, four SC/STs were publicly stripped and beaten with sticks for simply skinning a dead cow, an animal that some Hindus believe to be sacred.

the country is in the struggle of imposing a food culture across
the board as the chitpavan brahmins of RSS/BJP keep poking their dirty
noses into others dishes. So there has been severe reaction to that.
Basically, it has become a very divisive issue. On one side,
you have the SC/STs/OBCs/MBCs/Religious Minorities and the 1% chitpavan
brahmins and their stooges, slaves, chelas, chamchas, boot lickers and
own mothers flesh eaters on the other side.

Chitpavans were not esteemed in social ranking, and were indeed
considered by other older brahmin castes as being an inferior caste of
Brahmins.They came in Country’s social mainstream in time somewhere
around Peshwas.

The community chitpavan brahmins remains
concentrated in Maharashtra but also has populations all over the
country and the rest of the world including the USA , UK and Canada.

After the fall of the Maratha Empire in 1818, the Chitpavans lost their
political dominance to the British. The British would not subsidize the
Chitpavans on the same scale that their caste-fellow, the Peshwas had
done in the past. Pay and power was now significantly reduced. Poorer
Chitpavan students adapted and started learning English because of
better opportunities in the British administration.

Some of the
prominent figures in the hindutva reform movements of the 19th and 20th
centuries came from the chitpavan brahmin community. These included
Dhondo Keshav Karve, Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade, Vinayak Damodar
Savarkar, Gopal Ganesh Agarkar, Vinoba Bhave, and Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
These reforms preached against the Hindu caste system establishment.
Yet, some of the strongest resistance to change also came from the very
same community. Jealously guarding their brahmin stature, the orthodox
among the chitpavans were not eager to see the Shastras challenged, nor
the conduct of the brahmins becoming indistinguishable from that of the
Sudras. The vanguard and the old guard clashed many times. Ranade and
other reformers were forced to offer penance for breaking purity rules.
D. K. Karve was ostracised. Even Tilak made a visit to Varanasi so that
he may not be excommunicated.

The Chitpavan community includes
two major politicians in the Gandhian tradition: Gopal Krishna Gokhale
whom Gandhi acknowledged as a preceptor, and Vinoba Bhave, one of his
outstanding disciples. Gandhi describes Bhave as the Jewel of his
disciples, and recognized Gokhale as his political guru. However, strong
opposition to Gandhi also came from within the chitpavan community. V D
Savarkar, the founder of the hindutva rashtra political ideology
hindutva, was a chitpavan brahmin. Several members of the chitpavan
community were among the first to embrace the hindutva ideology, which
they thought was a logical extension of the legacy of the Peshwas and
caste-fellow Tilak. These Chitpavans felt out of place with the Nation’s
social reform movement of Mahatama Phule . Large numbers of the
community looked to Savarkar, the Hindu Mahasabha and finally the RSS.
Gandhi’s assassins Narayan Apte and Nathuram Godse, drew their
inspiration from fringe groups in this reactionary trend.

America enlisted RSS in one of the Biggest Terrorist Organisation in the World

A US-based risk management and consulting company has put the
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in its category of ‘Threat Group’ and
called it “a stealth, shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to
establish a hindutva rashtra, a Hindu Nation.”

Terrorism Watch
& Warning provides intelligence, research, analysis, watch and
warning on international terrorism and domestic terrorism related
issues; and is operated by OODA Group LLC that helps clients identify,
manage, and respond to global risks and uncertainties while exploring
emerging opportunities and developing robust and adaptive strategies for
the future.

The websites describes: “The RSS is a stealth,
shadowy, discriminatory group that seeks to establish a hindutva
rashtra, a . The group is considered the radical ideological parent
group of Bahuth Jiyadha Psychopaths (BJP).”

“The RSS is a non
entity unregistered movement, a group that was founded in 1925. Their
philosophy, called hindutva and their main demand of Murderer of
democratic institutions (Modi) was that it stop appeasing Muslims,” the
description continues, adding, “hindutva has been translated to mean
variously: hindutva pride, patriotism, fundamentalism, revivalism,
chauvinism, or fascism. The group self-justifies by ‘asserting the
natural rights’.”

In its ‘Intel analysis,’ it further adds, “The
RSS was banned in 1948 following the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi by
an ex-RSS member, Nathuram Godse. ”


Describing violence as ‘Group Activities’ for the RSS, the site further
says, “Violence has been a strategy for the Sangh movement. It is often
couched as a method of self-defense against minority groups. hindutva
has been clear about the need for violence, particularly communal riots.
The Sangh has incited rioting to cause further chasms between
religions, and thus a further separation of religions, and to rally the
hindutva community around the philosophy of hindutva.”

Terrorism Watch & Warning database contains over 1,00,000 Open
source intelligence (OSINT) excerpts from 1999 to present on terrorism
and security related issues, attack database of over 10,000 attacks,
original terrorism analysis, terrorism document repository, Homeland
Security Fact Sheets and profiles over 500 Terrorist/Threat Groups.

enlisted RSS in one of the Biggest Terrorist Organisation in the World
in National 12 Comments A US-based risk management and consulting

two SCs have been nominated to be president, minority upper caste hinduiva population has to face the ideological
or spiritual issue — what is the value of the life of a human being
versus the value of a cow.

are different now and the nation is hopeful that
SC/STs/OBCs/MBCs/Religious Minorities/poor Upper Castes of Sarvajan
Samaj will have an even greater impact.

in the past has attacked caste politics. But this time, Modi and Shah
seem totally upfront and they are not even giving an apology for why
caste has been brought into the presidential elections.

Although there is
upper caste hostility toward caste reform and a denial that a problem
exists, the forward Techno-Socio-Politico Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement of caste
reform cannot be halted at this point.

problem  is any steps like this will be met by straightforward
upper-caste hostility. The regression is really because
there is Techno-Socio-Politico Transformation and Economic Emancipation Movement forward. When there is movement forward, those who
are insecure and worried about where this is all heading may attempt to
strike back and that’s what has happened. So there has been a
regression. Whatever happens, the
forward movement of the Techno-Socio-Politico Transformation and Economic Emancipation  now cannot be halted.

Modi remotely controlled by the RSS had completely
NEGLECTED Industry & Agriculture in three years, Taken Up projects to benefit
SUPER RICH that too mainly Ambani & Adani kind who had in past Funded it,
Moneylenders & Traders Solely promoted.
Modi promotes Highways to
Run Cars at 150 kmph, Railways to
Run TEJAS at 200 kmph, Bullet Trains at 350
, Airports & Airlines fly at 800
but Trains of Common Indian run
10 hour behind schedule at 30-40 kmph in two days.
Tur Dal retailed for Rs.250 per kg earlier or Procured from
Farmers at Rs.25 per kg this years is
all exploitation of consumers and farmers by TRADERS is Not a Concern of Modi.
Farmers denied Right to Store, Process & Sell foods
– Food Processing policy designed to promote MEGA Units when Small Units are
Economical & Produce NUTRITIOUS
produce – Rice, Dal, Flour, Oil Mills, Processed foods are Hot
& Fresh don’t need high cost Packaging, Transport – Economic Gains to
Farmers, Consumers & Cook Units.
Gross neglect of ‘Canal Irrigates only 9% Cultivated Area’
makes even MOST PRODUCTIVE AGRICULTURE STATES UNVIABLE. Live Dam storage of all large dams is decreasing due to silting. Tube-wells consume 300 BU/Yr* of electricity worth Rs.1,50,000 Cr/yr, Repair of 22m Wells
and Pump-sets Exceed Rs.1,00,000 Cr/Yr.
*This includes T&D Losses in Rural Feeders which exceed 50% in Gujarat, 75%
in MP.
Economy is in DEEP CRISIS
– Credit Growth reduced to 2% per capita
from 20%
around 2010-2011. REAL Credit to Industry is (-) 25% - To cover for Inflation, Population Growth and inherent sickness
– normally 10% industries reporting sickness every year.

Insight Meditation in all postures of the body - Sitting, standing,
lying, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, martial arts etc., for
health mind in a healthy body.



Moving J Alphabets Letter Green Animation ClipartMoving C Alphabets Letter Green Animation Clipart

Open Letter J Alphabets Blue Animation ClipartOpen Letter C Alphabets Blue Animation Clipart

CHoops Ring Rotate J Alphabets Letter Golden AnimatHoops Ring Rotate C Alphabets Letter Golden Animat

Puzzle J Alphabets Letter Black Animation ClipartPuzzle C Alphabets Letter Black Animation Clipart

Flaming Fire Letter J Alphabets Yellow Animation CFlaming Fire Letter C Alphabets Yellow Animation C

Balloon Alphabet J Fly Letter Red Animation CliparBalloon Alphabet C Fly Letter Red Animation Clipar

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