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2439 Mon 13 Nov 2017 LESSON
in 23) Classical English,87) Classical Slovenian-Klasična slovenska,88) Classical Somali -Soomaali qowmiyadeed,89) Classical Spanish - Español clásico,90) Classical Sundanese -Sunda Klasik,91) Classical Swahili,92) Classical Sundanese,93) Classical Swedish-Klassisk svensk
Culture of Slovenia - history, people, clothing, women, beliefs, food, customs, family, social Sa-Th
We supply art hologram, display holography, holography art
you know that Slovenia is the only country with LOVE in its name? Love
is a powerful feeling that connects all shades of Slovenian green
beauties. This i…
10111 points and 214 comments so far on reddit
87) Classical Slovenian
87) Klasična slovenska
2438 ned 12 november 2017 LESSON
Tipitaka (Pali ti, “tri”, pitaka, “košare”),
ali Pali kanon, je zbirka primarnih pali jezikovnih besedil, ki jih
oblikujejo doktrinarno osnovo Theravadskega budizma. Tipitaka in
parakononična besedila Pali (komentarji, kronike itd.) skupaj predstavljajo celotno telo klasičnih besed Theravada.
Pali kanon je veliko literaturo: v angleškem prevodu
Besedila dodajajo na tisoče natisnjenih strani. Večina (vendar ne vseh)
Canon je že več let objavljen v angleščini. Čeprav
le majhen del teh besedil je na voljo na tej spletni strani
Zbiranje je lahko dober kraj za začetek.
Tri oddelke Tipitake so:
Vinaya Pitaka
Zbirka besedil o pravilih ravnanja, ki urejajo vsakodnevne zadeve
znotraj Sanghe - skupnost bhikkhusa (ordained monks) in bhikkhunis
nune). Še več kot samo seznam pravil, tudi Vinaya Pitaka
vključuje zgodbe za izvor vsakega pravila, ki zagotavljajo a
podroben prikaz Buddove rešitve glede vprašanja, kako
ohranjati komunalno harmonijo v velikem in raznolikem duhovnem življenju
Sutta Pitaka
zbirka sutatov ali diskurzov, pripisanih Budi in nekaj
njegovih najbližjih učencev, ki vsebujejo vsa osrednja učenja
Theravadski budizem. (Več kot tisoč prevodov sutte je
so na voljo na tej spletni strani.) Sutte so razdeljene med pet nikayas (zbirk):
Digha Nikaya - “dolga zbirka”
Majjhima Nikaya - “zbirka srednje dolžina”
Samyutta Nikaya - “združena zbirka”
Anguttara Nikaya - “nadaljnja faktorska zbirka”
Khuddaka Nikaya - “zbirka majhnih besedil”:
Sutta Nipata
Nettippakarana (vključena samo v burmansko izdajo Tipitake)
Petakopadesa (”")
Milindapañha (”")
Abhidhamma Pitaka
zbirka besedil, v katerih temeljna doktrina načela
predstavljene v Sutta Pitaki, so predelane in reorganizirane v
sistematičen okvir, ki se lahko uporabi za preiskavo v
narava uma in snovi.
This video is about Somali Culture Podcast
Scientists, Artists, and Smash Mouth Tell Us What Music They’d Send Into Deep Space
On August 20th, 1977, NASA launched its Voyager 2 spacecraft from Cape
Canaveral, Florida. It followed up with the launch of Voyager 1 just a
few weeks later on September 5th. Over the course of their careers, both
spacecraft have explored gas giants and their moons, the Kuiper Belt
and more, constantly pushing the boundaries o…
Continue reading
August 20th, 1977, NASA launched its Voyager 2 spacecraft from Cape
Canaveral, Florida. It followed up with the launch of Voyager 1 just a
few weeks later on…
88) Classical Somali
88) Soomaali qowmiyadeed
2438 Sun 12 Nov 2017 CUTUBKA
Tipitaka (Pali ti, saddexda, “+ pitaka,” dambiilaha “),
ama Pali canon, waa qoraallada qoraalka luqadda Pali ee aasaasiga ah kaas oo
samee aasaaska mabda’a ah ee budhcadda Theravada. Tipitaka iyo
qoraallada Pali ee qoraallada (faallooyinka, taariikhda, iwm.) waxay
ka kooban yihiin qoraalka dhammaystiran ee qoraallada fasalka ah ee
Pali canon waa jir wayn oo suugaaneed ah: turjumaad Ingiriis ah
qoraalada ku dar kumanaan bogag daabacan. Inta badan (laakiin dhammaantood)
Canon waxaa horey loogu soo daabacay Ingiriis sannadihii la soo dhaafay. In kastoo
kaliya qayb yar oo ka mid ah qoraallada ayaa laga heli karaa boggan, tan
ururinta waxay noqon kartaa meel fiican oo lagu bilaabi karo.
Saddexda qaybood ee Tipitaka waa:
Vinaya Pitaka
Ururinta qoraallada ku saabsan shuruucda dhaqanka ee ku saabsan
arrimaha maaliyadeed ee Sangha - bulshooyinka bhikkhus (rahman) iyo
nuns ah). In ka badan kaliya liiska xeerarka, sidoo kale Vinaya Pitaka sidoo kale
waxaa ka mid ah sheekooyinka ka dambeeya asalka xukun kasta, a
Warbixin faahfaahsan oo ku saabsan xalinta Budhta ee su’aasha sida loo sameeyo
ilaaliyaan wada-noolaanshaha wada-jirka ah ee kuyaala ruux weyn oo kala duwan
Sutta Pitakaaka
ururinta suttas, ama sheekooyinka, ee loo yaqaan ‘Buddha’ iyo dhowr
oo ka mid ah xertiisa ugu dhow, oo ay ku jiraan dhammaan barista bartamaha
Buddhism Theravada. (In ka badan hal kun oo turjumaan ah waa
waxaa laga helayaa boggaan.) Dhibbanayaasha waxaa loo qaybiyaa shan nikaas (ururinta):
Digha Nikaya - “ururinta dheer”
Majjhima Nikaya - “ururinta dhererka fog”
Samyutta Nikaya - “ururinta kooxeed”
Anguttara Nikaya - “Urur-dheeri-dheeri ah”
Khuddaka Nikaya - “Qoraallada yar yar”:
Sutta Nipata
Nettippakarana (waxaa ku jira oo kaliya qaybta Burmese ee Tipitaka)
Petakopadesa (”")
Milindapañha (”")
Abhidhamma Pitakaaka
ururinta qoraallada kuwaas oo mabaadii’da asalka ah ee asalka ah
Sutta Pitaka oo lagu soo bandhigay dib u habeyn iyo dib-u-habeyn ah a
nidaam nidaamsan oo lagu dabaqi karo baaritaanka
dabeecada maskaxda iyo arrinta.
The history of Spain. Overview of Spanish History from Romans to actual time, through the Inquistion and Spanish Flag and Art.
See more
The history of Spain. Overview of Spanish History from Romans to actual time, through the Inquistion and Spanish Flag and Art.
89) Classical Spanish
89) Español clásico
2438 dom 12 nov 2017 LECCIÓN
El Tipitaka (Pali ti, “tres”, “pitaka”, “canastas”),
o el canon Pali, es la colección de textos en lengua Pali primaria que
forman la base doctrinal del budismo Theravada. El Tipitaka y
los textos paracanónicos de Pali (comentarios, crónicas, etc.) juntos
constituyen el cuerpo completo de los textos Theravada clásicos.
El canon de Pali es una gran cantidad de literatura: en la traducción al inglés
los textos se suman a miles de páginas impresas. La mayoría (pero no todas) de
Canon ya se ha publicado en inglés a lo largo de los años. A pesar de que
solo una pequeña fracción de estos textos están disponibles en este sitio web, esto
la colección puede ser un buen lugar para comenzar.
Las tres divisiones del Tipitaka son:
Vinaya Pitaka
La colección de textos sobre las reglas de conducta que rigen los
asuntos cotidianos dentro del Sangha: la comunidad de bhikkhus (monjes
ordenados) y bhikkhunis (ordenado
monjas). Mucho más que simplemente una lista de reglas, el Vinaya Pitaka también
incluye las historias detrás del origen de cada regla, proporcionando un
cuenta detallada de la solución de Buda a la pregunta de cómo
mantener la armonía comunitaria dentro de un gran y diverso espiritual
Sutta Pitaka
colección de suttas, o discursos, atribuidos al Buda y algunos
de sus discípulos más cercanos, que contiene todas las enseñanzas centrales de
Budismo Theravada. (Más de mil traducciones de sutta son
disponible en este sitio web.) Los suttas se dividen en cinco nikayas (colecciones):
Digha Nikaya - la “colección larga”
Majjhima Nikaya - la “colección de longitud media”
Samyutta Nikaya - la “colección agrupada”
Anguttara Nikaya: la “colección ampliada”
Khuddaka Nikaya - la “colección de pequeños textos”:
Sutta Nipata
Nettippakarana (incluido solo en la edición birmana del Tipitaka)
Petakopadesa (”")
Milindapañha (”")
Abhidhamma Pitaka
colección de textos en los que los principios doctrinales subyacentes
presentado en el Sutta Pitaka son reelaborados y reorganizados en una
marco sistemático que se puede aplicar a una investigación sobre el
naturaleza de la mente y la materia
know how rich the business men are in Dubai? Well watch this video
because it is utterly amazing technology being displayed . . . at a mall.
It also shows you the capability of this technology if you are richer
than Tony Stark. Many people in the blogosphere were awaiting a certain
“Project Blue Beam” event that did not happen. They need only to travel
to this mall in Dubai and they can experience Blue Beam 2.0.
question is how portable is this technology? If this is also a space
based technology there are other variables to consider such as weather
and terrain. The mall is a stable canvas to project the interlacing
images on and the sound is from mounted speakers. There are many other
factors to consider projecting from space. The real downfall to
holographic technology is the images are not solid. Meaning you can pass
through them.
conspiracist expect a fake alien invasion using holographic technology
including the return of the Messiah. The problem is they will not be
solid images but we must remember Christ was solid upon his return. This
was evident when Thomas put his fingers into the wounds of Yeshua. So
at the end of the day, how effective is holographic technology when all
it really creates is a glorified spectre?
closing, this technology is amazing to experience. It shows us the
capabilities of commercial technology in the realm of holograms. We have
seen a working demonstration in closed rooms. I have seen similar
technology in Japan outdoors in the water but it is not as impressive.
We should keep this technology on our watchlist. I will recommend
against anyone watching these shows on magic mushrooms . . . it will not
end well.
7D Laser Hologram Cinema show on Tipitaka in various episodes is being planned
91) Classical Swahili
2438 Jumatatu 12 Novemba 2017 Somo
Tipitaka (Pali, “tatu,” + pitaka, “vikapu”),
au canon ya Pali, ni mkusanyiko wa maandiko ya lugha ya msingi ya Pali ambayo
fanya msingi wa mafundisho ya Buddha ya Theravada. Tipitaka na
maandishi ya Paracanonical Pali (maoni, historia, nk) pamoja ni mwili kamili wa maandiko ya Theravada.
Pali Canon ni mwili mkubwa wa vitabu: tafsiri ya Kiingereza the
maandiko huongeza hadi maelfu ya kurasa zilizochapishwa. Wengi (lakini si wote) wa
Canon tayari imechapishwa kwa Kiingereza zaidi ya miaka. Ingawa
sehemu ndogo ndogo ya maandiko haya inapatikana kwenye tovuti hii, hii
ukusanyaji unaweza kuwa mahali pazuri kuanza.
Migawanyiko matatu ya Tipitaka ni:
Vinaya Pitaka
Mkusanyiko wa maandiko kuhusu sheria za maadili zinazosimamia
mambo ya kila siku ndani ya Sangha - jumuiya ya bhikkhus (watawala
waliowekwa rasmi) na bhikkhunis (waliowekwa
wasomi). Mbali zaidi ya orodha tu ya sheria, Vinaya Pitaka pia
inajumuisha hadithi nyuma ya asili ya kila utawala, kutoa
maelezo ya kina ya ufumbuzi wa Buddha kwa swali la jinsi ya
kudumisha umoja wa jumuiya ndani ya kiroho kubwa na tofauti
Sutta Pitaka
ukusanyaji wa sutta, au mazungumzo, yaliyotokana na Buddha na wachache
wa wanafunzi wake wa karibu, yaliyo na mafundisho yote ya kati ya
Buddha ya Theravada. (Tafsiri zaidi ya elfu moja ya sutta ni
inapatikana kwenye tovuti hii.) Suttas imegawanywa kati ya nikayas tano (makusanyo):
Digha Nikaya - “mkusanyiko mrefu”
Majjhima Nikaya - “ukusanyaji wa urefu wa katikati”
Samyutta Nikaya - “ukusanyaji wa makundi”
Anguttara Nikaya - “mkusanyiko wa zaidi”
Khuddaka Nikaya - “ukusanyaji wa maandiko madogo”:
Sutta Nipata
Nettippakarana (ni pamoja na tu katika toleo la Kiburma la Tipitaka)
Petakopadesa (”")
Milindapañha (”")
Abhidhamma Pitaka
ukusanyaji wa maandiko ambayo misingi ya mafundisho ya msingi
iliyotolewa katika Pitta ya Sutta inafanywa upya na kuandaliwa upya katika
mfumo wa utaratibu ambao unaweza kutumika kwa uchunguzi katika
asili ya akili na suala.
Posted by Calon Sultan
Posted on Sunday, December 14, 2014
with No comments
Angklung is a musical instrument played by means of bamboo which vibrated. The sound produced is the effect of the collision bamboo tubes that make up the instrument. These instruments are classified into types idiofon or instrument sound source music that comes from the base ingredients. Angklung is generally known from the area of West Java. Since November 2010, UNESCO named him as one of the world cultural heritage, with the category of Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
The word comes from the angklung supposedly Sundanese (angkleung-angkleungan), which describes the motion of the body of the players Angklung swaying with the rhythm of the sound. However, there are also who believe the word is derived from Klung angklung, an imitation of the sound of the bamboo instrument. While one other theory states, the word “angklung” comes from the Balinese language, which is a number and lung. Figures mean tone, while the mean lung broken, or in other words, angklung meaningful tone incomplete.
According to Dr. Groneman, Angklung has been there in the land of the archipelago, even before the era of Hinduism. According to Jaap Kunst in his book Music in Java, other than in West Java, Angklung can also be found in South Sumatra and Kalimantan. Beyond that, the people of Lampung, East Java and Central Java are also familiar with the instrument.
In the Hindu era, the era of the Kingdom of Sunda, Angklung become an important instrument in various celebrations, especially with regard to the rites of planting, especially rice. In the neighborhood of the Kingdom of Sunda, recorded since the 7th century, Angklung played as a form of worship to Dewi Sri (the goddess of rice / goddess of fertility), that He bestows his blessing on plants and people’s lives. Not only as a medium of worship of the gods, in the days of the Kingdom of Sunda, Angklung is also a musical instrument played as morale boosters in the war, including the Bubat War, as told in the Song of Sunda.
Today, an instrument Angklung Angklung gubrag oldest preserved. Angklung is made in the 17th century in Jasinga, Bogor. Other ancient angklung can still track down there in Sri Baduga Museum, London. Meanwhile, the old tradition of Angklung that can be found in communities Baduy (Baduy), precisely in Lebak, Banten. To this day, they are still functioning as the angklung which inherited his ancestors, which accompany the rite planting.
1938, Daeng Soetigna, citizens of Bandung, create angklung with diatonic scales. Angklung Daeng Sutigna innovation is different from the angklung in general are based on scales trradisional pelog or salendro. Innovation is then made freely angklung can be played in harmony with Western musical instruments, and even can be presented in the form of an orchestra. Since then, more and reap Angklung popularity, until finally the United Nations, through UNESCO, on 18 November 2012, recognizing it as a world heritage that must be preserved. After Daeng Soetigna, one of his students, Udjo Ngalagena, continuing efforts to popularize Angklung Master findings, with the established “Saung Angklung“ in Bandung. To this day, the place came to be known as the “Saung Angklung Udjo“ is still a center of creativity with regard to Angklung
Types of Angklung
angklung Kanekes
Angklung Kanekes is played by the public Baduy (Baduy), in Banten. As mentioned earlier, Angklung traditions that exist in Baduy community is fairly ancient, and still preserved as exemplified function of their ancestors, which accompany the rite planting (rice). In Kanekes community, which is divided into two groups, ie groups Outer Baduy (Kajeroan) and group Baduy (Kaluaran Affairs), which is entitled to make Angklung just Jero Bedouin citizens, it was not everyone, but only those who become children of Angklung maker. Meanwhile, residents of Outer Baduy not make Angklung, but just bought it from Bedouin citizens Jero. The names of Angklung in Kanekes of the largest are: ovaries, ringkung, Dongdong, gossip, engklok, ovary leutik, torolok, and roel.
Angklung Dogdog Lojor
Dogdog Lojor contained in Kasepuhan Pancer Pangawinan communities, which inhabit about Mountain Mist, which borders the region of Jakarta, Bogor and Lebak. Lojor Dogdog term itself actually taken from the name of one of the instruments in this tradition, namely Dogdog Lojor. However, Angklung also get a portion that is no less important here, especially in the function of tradition, ie, as a companion planting rites. Having people there to Islam, in its development, the arts are also used to accompany circumcision and marriage. In Dogdog Lojor art, there are two instruments Dogdog Lojor and 4 large angklung instruments.
angklung Badeng
Badeng an Angklung art that uses as its main instrument. There Badeng Art Sanding Village, District Malangbong, Garut. Along with the development of Islam, Art Badeng also used for the purposes of propaganda and entertainment. However, it is believed in the art Badeng Angklung also have the same roots, namely as a companion planting rites. In Badeng arts, played 9 pieces Angklung, namely 2 roel angklung, angklung kecer 1, 4 Angklung Angklung ovary and father, 2 children angklung; 2 pieces dogdog, 2 fruit fly or Gembyung, and 1 manacle.
In addition to the three above Angklung arts tradition, many other areas in West Java which also inherited the tradition of Angklung, call it Angklung Beans (Priangan / Bandung), Angklung Badud (East Priangan / Kudat), and Angklung Bungko (Indramayu).
Angklung Padaeng is now widely known, namely Angklung Daeng Soetigna results innovation, which uses diatonic scales. In line with the theory of music, specifically the Angklung Padaeng grouped into two, namely: Angklung Angklung melody and accompaniment. Angklung melody is specifically consists of two tubes with different voice tones one octave. In one unit of angklung, generally there are 31 small and 11 Angklung Angklung melody great melody. Meanwhile, Angklung Angklung accompaniment is used as a companion to play tones harmony. Voice tube consists of 3 to 4, according to the diatonic chord. After Daeng Soetigna innovation, other reforms to the angklung continues to grow. Some of them are: Angklung Sarinande, Arumba, Angklung Toel, and Angklung Sri Murni.
Angklung Playing Techniques
Plays an angklung is basically very simple, ie, one hand holding the frame angklung, and the other hand swing to produce sound. There are three basic techniques wiggle angklung, namely:
Kurulung (shakes), is the most common technique used, where one hand holding the frame angklung, and the other shaking the angklung for the desired tone, until the tubes one after clashing bamboo and produce sound.
Trowel (jerky), which is a technique in which the base tube is pulled quickly by the fingers into the palm of the right hand, so angklung will beep once (stacato).
Tengkep, ie similar techniques as kurulung, but one of the tubes being held not vibrating.
92) Classical Sundanese
2438 Jumatatu 12 Novemba 2017 Somo
Tipitaka (Pali, “tatu,” + pitaka, “vikapu”),
au canon ya Pali, ni mkusanyiko wa maandiko ya lugha ya msingi ya Pali ambayo
fanya msingi wa mafundisho ya Buddha ya Theravada. Tipitaka na
maandishi ya Paracanonical Pali (maoni, historia, nk) pamoja ni mwili kamili wa maandiko ya Theravada.
Pali Canon ni mwili mkubwa wa vitabu: tafsiri ya Kiingereza the
maandiko huongeza hadi maelfu ya kurasa zilizochapishwa. Wengi (lakini si wote) wa
Canon tayari imechapishwa kwa Kiingereza zaidi ya miaka. Ingawa
sehemu ndogo ndogo ya maandiko haya inapatikana kwenye tovuti hii, hii
ukusanyaji unaweza kuwa mahali pazuri kuanza.
Migawanyiko matatu ya Tipitaka ni:
Vinaya Pitaka
Mkusanyiko wa maandiko kuhusu sheria za maadili zinazosimamia
mambo ya kila siku ndani ya Sangha - jumuiya ya bhikkhus (watawala
waliowekwa rasmi) na bhikkhunis (waliowekwa
wasomi). Mbali zaidi ya orodha tu ya sheria, Vinaya Pitaka pia
inajumuisha hadithi nyuma ya asili ya kila utawala, kutoa
maelezo ya kina ya ufumbuzi wa Buddha kwa swali la jinsi ya
kudumisha umoja wa jumuiya ndani ya kiroho kubwa na tofauti
Sutta Pitaka
ukusanyaji wa sutta, au mazungumzo, yaliyotokana na Buddha na wachache
wa wanafunzi wake wa karibu, yaliyo na mafundisho yote ya kati ya
Buddha ya Theravada. (Tafsiri zaidi ya elfu moja ya sutta ni
inapatikana kwenye tovuti hii.) Suttas imegawanywa kati ya nikayas tano (makusanyo):
Digha Nikaya - “mkusanyiko mrefu”
Majjhima Nikaya - “ukusanyaji wa urefu wa katikati”
Samyutta Nikaya - “ukusanyaji wa makundi”
Anguttara Nikaya - “mkusanyiko wa zaidi”
Khuddaka Nikaya - “ukusanyaji wa maandiko madogo”:
Sutta Nipata
Nettippakarana (ni pamoja na tu katika toleo la Kiburma la Tipitaka)
Petakopadesa (”")
Milindapañha (”")
Abhidhamma Pitaka
ukusanyaji wa maandiko ambayo misingi ya mafundisho ya msingi
iliyotolewa katika Pitta ya Sutta inafanywa upya na kuandaliwa upya katika
mfumo wa utaratibu ambao unaweza kutumika kwa uchunguzi katika
asili ya akili na suala.
Sets of the Pāli Canon in English Translation and in Pāli (Tipiṭaka)
Pāli Canon in English Translation, Set…
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Chanting the Tipitaka – A Revival of an Ancient Tradition
Home/Bodhgaya/Chanting the Tipitaka – A Revival of an Ancient Tradition
Project Description
Light Of Buddhadharma Foundation International
Chanting the Tipitaka – A Revival of an Ancient Tradition
The Light of Buddhadharma Foundation announces the date for the
eleventh International Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony in Bodhgaya, India.
This major gathering of ten countries will take place from December 2nd –
13th, 2015.
For over one thousand years, the teachings of the Buddha were chanted
daily at the Mahabodhi Mahavihara; the great temple that marks the
place where the Buddha achieved enlightenment in the 5th century BCE.
The temple was abandoned in the fourteenth century and only rebuilt five
hundred years later. Now, as part of a revival of interest in Buddhist
culture both in India and across the world, the tradition of chanting
from the Pali Tipitaka at the place of enlightenment has been restarted,
and a series of great gatherings are held over the winter months every
the eleventh ceremony, over 4000 monks and their followers from
Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos PDR, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka,
Thailand and Vietnam will join monks from India in chanting from the
Pali Canon in a great assembly under the Bodhi Tree, the central focus
of the temple. The opening ceremony on December 2nd is particularly
colorful, with lay people in the national dress of the countries present
escorting their monks in a procession to the main temple, where the
whole assembly receives offerings and chants the first sermon of the
Buddha in unison. The Sangharajas (Chief of National Sangha) of
Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh and India will be in attendance, along
with four Tripirakadharas, monks who have learnt the 45 volumes of the
Pali Canon by heart. This is the first time in 700 years that the
Theravada Sangha have returned to chant the precious teaching and
perhaps the first time where the International Sangha have chanted
together since the Buddha’s time.
talks are given every night of the event under the Bodhi Tree,
translated into English and Hindi, and screened live on the Internet. On
the final day, the assembly will be inaugurating the first of a set of
Dharma walks that are planned to directly link Bodhgaya with the ancient
capital of Magadha at Rajgir. The ancient pathway skirts a line of
hills that join the two sites, and 1000 monks and their followers will
walk from the Jethian Valley, the valley where the Buddha met King
Bimbisara and walked to his ancient capital, to Javika Mango Grove. This
14km walk will happen on December 13th, and will also be attended by
thousands of villagers from the surrounding area.
This resurgence in activity has lead to a remarkable increase in
visitors to the Buddhist sites of India. Indeed it is now estimated that
one in six visitors to India visit Bodhgaya (source: Indian Ministry of
Tourism), and many of these visitors go on to visit the other great
sites that formed the ancient pilgrimage circuit. The state of Bihar
alone has over 1,600 accredited Buddhist sites, many in a very good
state of preservation, and substantial Buddhist remains are spread
across every state in Northern India. These large visitor numbers have
important economic and social consequences, and initiatives have been
launched at both state and federal level to further promote the
pilgrimage circuit within the ancient landscape of northern India.
The Light of Buddhadharma Foundation, a California based charity, is
dedicated to rebuilding the Buddhist culture of India, and has been the
primary sponsor of the International Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony since
its inception in 2006 working to promote the chanting ceremony in Nagpur
and in Sri Lanka, the beautification of the ancient sites and the
training of monks.
As Director Wangmo Dixey explains:
“In Bringing the international sanghas of monks and lay followers
together in this way, the Foundation has been active in supporting the
Buddhist culture of India, and in demonstrating the vitality and
relevance of this ancient religion in the modern world. We feel very
inspired by the growing interest in the role of India as the homeland of
the teachings of the Buddha, and the positive economic, social and
political consequences that will follow a full-scale revival of Buddhism
in the land of its origin. Buddhism is the third largest world
religion, and a unifying force in South East Asia and the Far East. To
see the great country of India playing a role in its development will be
a great benefit, both for the region and the entire world.”
know how rich the business men are in Dubai? Well watch this video
because it is utterly amazing technology being displayed . . . at a mall.
It also shows you the capability of this technology if you are richer
than Tony Stark. Many people in the blogosphere were awaiting a certain
“Project Blue Beam” event that did not happen. They need only to travel
to this mall in Dubai and they can experience Blue Beam 2.0.
question is how portable is this technology? If this is also a space
based technology there are other variables to consider such as weather
and terrain. The mall is a stable canvas to project the interlacing
images on and the sound is from mounted speakers. There are many other
factors to consider projecting from space. The real downfall to
holographic technology is the images are not solid. Meaning you can pass
through them.
conspiracist expect a fake alien invasion using holographic technology
including the return of the Messiah. The problem is they will not be
solid images but we must remember Christ was solid upon his return. This
was evident when Thomas put his fingers into the wounds of Yeshua. So
at the end of the day, how effective is holographic technology when all
it really creates is a glorified spectre?
closing, this technology is amazing to experience. It shows us the
capabilities of commercial technology in the realm of holograms. We have
seen a working demonstration in closed rooms. I have seen similar
technology in Japan outdoors in the water but it is not as impressive.
We should keep this technology on our watchlist. I will recommend
against anyone watching these shows on magic mushrooms . . . it will not
end well.
7D Laser Hologram Cinema show on Tipitaka in various episodes is being planned
91) Classical Swahili
2438 Jumatatu 12 Novemba 2017 Somo
Tipitaka (Pali, “tatu,” + pitaka, “vikapu”),
au canon ya Pali, ni mkusanyiko wa maandiko ya lugha ya msingi ya Pali ambayo
fanya msingi wa mafundisho ya Buddha ya Theravada. Tipitaka na
maandishi ya Paracanonical Pali (maoni, historia, nk) pamoja ni mwili kamili wa maandiko ya Theravada.
Pali Canon ni mwili mkubwa wa vitabu: tafsiri ya Kiingereza the
maandiko huongeza hadi maelfu ya kurasa zilizochapishwa. Wengi (lakini si wote) wa
Canon tayari imechapishwa kwa Kiingereza zaidi ya miaka. Ingawa
sehemu ndogo ndogo ya maandiko haya inapatikana kwenye tovuti hii, hii
ukusanyaji unaweza kuwa mahali pazuri kuanza.
Migawanyiko matatu ya Tipitaka ni:
Vinaya Pitaka
Mkusanyiko wa maandiko kuhusu sheria za maadili zinazosimamia
mambo ya kila siku ndani ya Sangha - jumuiya ya bhikkhus (watawala
waliowekwa rasmi) na bhikkhunis (waliowekwa
wasomi). Mbali zaidi ya orodha tu ya sheria, Vinaya Pitaka pia
inajumuisha hadithi nyuma ya asili ya kila utawala, kutoa
maelezo ya kina ya ufumbuzi wa Buddha kwa swali la jinsi ya
kudumisha umoja wa jumuiya ndani ya kiroho kubwa na tofauti
Sutta Pitaka
ukusanyaji wa sutta, au mazungumzo, yaliyotokana na Buddha na wachache
wa wanafunzi wake wa karibu, yaliyo na mafundisho yote ya kati ya
Buddha ya Theravada. (Tafsiri zaidi ya elfu moja ya sutta ni
inapatikana kwenye tovuti hii.) Suttas imegawanywa kati ya nikayas tano (makusanyo):
Digha Nikaya - “mkusanyiko mrefu”
Majjhima Nikaya - “ukusanyaji wa urefu wa katikati”
Samyutta Nikaya - “ukusanyaji wa makundi”
Anguttara Nikaya - “mkusanyiko wa zaidi”
Khuddaka Nikaya - “ukusanyaji wa maandiko madogo”:
Sutta Nipata
Nettippakarana (ni pamoja na tu katika toleo la Kiburma la Tipitaka)
Petakopadesa (”")
Milindapañha (”")
Abhidhamma Pitaka
ukusanyaji wa maandiko ambayo misingi ya mafundisho ya msingi
iliyotolewa katika Pitta ya Sutta inafanywa upya na kuandaliwa upya katika
mfumo wa utaratibu ambao unaweza kutumika kwa uchunguzi katika
asili ya akili na suala.
Cultural and Historical Sites
Cultural and Historical Sites
Sweden : Cultural Heritage, Ancient & Historical Sites
…Continue reading
: Cultural Heritage, Ancient & Historical Sites : Royal Domain of
Drottningholm - Birka and Hovgården - Engelsberg Ironworks - Rock
Carvings in Tanum - Skogskyrkogården - Hanseatic Town of Visby -…
93) Classical Swedish
93) Klassisk svensk
2438 sön 12 nov 2017 LESSON
Den Tipitaka (Pali ti, “tre” + pitaka, “korgar”),
eller Pali canon, är samlingen av primära Pali-språktexter som
bilda den lärande grunden för Theravada Buddhism. Den Tipitaka och
Paracanonical Pali-texterna (kommentarer, krönikor, etc.) utgör
tillsammans den fullständiga kroppen av klassiska Theravada-texter.
Pali canon är en stor litteraturlitteratur: på engelska översättning
texter lägger till tusentals utskrivna sidor. De flesta (men inte alla) av
Canon har redan publicerats på engelska under åren. Fastän
endast en liten del av dessa texter finns på denna webbplats, detta
samling kan vara ett bra ställe att börja.
De tre divisionerna i Tipitaka är:
Vinaya Pitaka
Samlingen av texter om de uppföranderegler som styr dagliga
angelägenheter inom Sangha - samhället av bhikkhus (ordinerade munkar)
och bhikkhunis (ordinerade
nunnor). Mycket mer än bara en lista med regler, Vinaya Pitaka också
innehåller berättelserna bakom varje regels ursprung och ger en
detaljerad redogörelse för Buddhas lösning på frågan om hur man ska
upprätthålla gemensam harmoni inom en stor och mångsidig andlig
Sutta Pitaka
samling av suttor, eller diskurser, tillskrivna Buddha och några
av hans närmaste lärjungar, som innehåller alla centrala lärdomar av
Theravada Buddhism. (Mer än ett tusen sutta översättningar är
tillgänglig på denna webbplats.) Suttorna är uppdelade på fem nikayaer (samlingar):
Digha Nikaya - den “långa samlingen”
Majjhima Nikaya - “längdsamlingen”
Samyutta Nikaya - den “grupperade samlingen”
Anguttara Nikaya - den “fördjupade samlingen”
Khuddaka Nikaya - “samling av små texter”:
Sutta Nipata
Nettippakarana (ingår endast i den burmesiska upplagan av Tipitaka)
Petakopadesa (”")
Milindapañha (”")
Abhidhamma Pitaka
samling av texter där de underliggande principiella principerna
presenteras i Sutta Pitaka omarbetas och omorganiseras till a
systematisk ram som kan tillämpas vid en undersökning av
sinnets natur och materia.
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