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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

November 2017
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2440 Tue 14 Nov 2017 LESSON Tripitaka in 23) Classical English,94) Classical Tajik-Шветсия классикӣ,95) Classical Tamil-செம்மொழி தமிழ்,96) Classical Telugu- క్లాసికల్ తెలుగు,97) Classical Thai-ภาษาไทยคลาสสิก,98) Classical Turkish-Klasik Türk,99) Classical Ukrainian -Класична українська,100) Classical Urdu- کلاسیکی اردو 101) Classical Uzbek- klassik o’zbek,102) Classical Vietnamese-Tiếng Việt cổ điển,103) Classical Welsh-Cymraeg Clasurol,104) Classical Xhosa- IsiXhosa isiXhosa,105) Classical Yiddish- קלאסישע ייִדיש 106) Classical Yoruba-Yoruba Yoruba,107) Classical Zulu- I-Classical Zulu
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Zulu Culture

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The Resource

bulk of both the text and the graphics in these pages has been
extracted from the book ‘Zulu - People of Heaven’ (ISBN 0 620 20663 2)
by kind permission of Uli von Kapff PO Box 3777, Cape Town 8000, Tel/Fax: (+27) 21 534 2092. This website design by Warthog Web Design.

Recommended Accommodation in Zululand

Go to the Pelican CollectionWe recommend The Pelican Collection
- twelve eminently affordable 3/4/5 star graded guest houses and bed
and breakfasts in St. Lucia and Mtubatuba - very convenient for all
Zululand cultural attractions and the Greater St. Lucia Wetland
Park/Marine Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The Zulu People

Of all the sub-Saharan Bantu people, the Zulus are the most well
known. They arose in the late 18th century from the hundreds of small
clans occupying the northern regions of kwaZulu-Natal on the eastern
seaboard of South Africa. There was always a struggle between the clans
for grazing rights and conflict was commonplace but took the form of
shouted insults and some assegai throwing.

Zululand - home of Warthog Web Design

Zulu culture by Warthog Website DesignThis
changed with Shaka, an illegitimate son of a local chief, evicted, with
his mother from his own clan. Shaka was born in 1787 and grew to be
strong and fearless. He changed tactics and developed the short
stabbing spear. Conflicts now assumed a deadly nature and Shaka swept
all before him. He was contemporaneous with Napoleon and finally
conquered a far greater area.

The Zulus then came in to contact with the white man and suffered
reverses at his hands, firstly with the Voortrekkers and some thrty
years later, against the British. At each engagement, their warriors
proved to be brave soldiers.

The nation was then broken up and some Zulus assisted both the
Boers and the English during the Boer War of 1899 - 1902. Promises of
emancipation made to them by the British were not honoured and a growing
resentment grew during the years between union (1910) and the advent of
the Afrikaner Nationalists in 1948.

After secession from the Commonwealth in 1960, the Zulus joined with
other black groups in the struggle against apartheid until the first
democratic elections in 1994.

This short treatise is designed as a short introduction to these exciting people.

107) Classical Zulu

107) I-Classical Zulu

2440 TUE 14 Nov 2017 ISIFUNDO


I-Tipitaka (Pali ti, “emithathu,” + pitaka, “amabhasikidi”),
noma i-canon ye-Pali, iqoqo lamathekisthi elimi lokuqala lwe-Pali okuyinto
yakha isisekelo semfundiso seTheravada Buddhism. I-Tipitaka futhi
imibhalo yamaPaacanonical kaPain (amazwana, imibhalo, njll) ndawonye yakha umzimba ophelele wezincwadi zakudala zeTheravada.

I-canon ye-Pali iyinhlangano enkulu yezincwadi: ngesiNgisi translation the
imibhalo ingeza ezinkulungwaneni zamakhasi aphrintiwe. Iningi (kodwa hhayi yonke) ye-
I-Canon ishicilelwe kakade ngesiNgisi ngaphezu kweminyaka. Noma kunjalo
ingxenyana encane yale mibhalo iyatholakala kulewebhusayithi, lokhu
ukuqoqwa kungaba indawo enhle yokuqala.

Izigaba ezintathu zeTipitaka ziyizi:

Vinaya Pitaka
Ukuqoqwa kwamatheksthi ngokuphathelene nemithetho yokuziphatha
elawula izindaba zansuku zonke ngaphakathi kwe-Sangha - umphakathi
we-bhikkhus (amakhokithi amisiwe) ne-bhikkhunis (amisiwe
izinduna). Okungaphezu nje kohlu lwemithetho, iVinaya Pitaka nayo
kufaka izindaba ngemuva kwemvelaphi yombuso ngamunye, ukunikeza a
akhawunti eningiliziwe yesisombululo sikaBuddha kumbuzo wokuthi ungayithola kanjani
silondoloze ukuvumelana komphakathi ngaphakathi kwezinto ezinkulu ezingokomoya
Sutta Pitaka
iqoqo le-suttas, noma izinkulumo, ezibhekiswe kuBuddha nabambalwa
wabafundi bakhe abasondelene nabo, equkethe zonke izimfundiso eziphakathi
I-Theravada Buddhism. (Izinguquko ezingaphezu kwenkulungwane sutta ziyi
itholakale kule website.) Ama-suttas ahlukaniswe phakathi kwama-nikayas amahlanu (amaqoqo):

        Digha Nikaya - “iqoqo elide”
I-Majjhima Nikaya - “iqoqo elide eliphakathi”
I-Samyutta Nikaya - “iqoqo eliqoqiwe”
I-Anguttara Nikaya - “ukuqoqwa okuqhubekayo”
Khuddaka Nikaya - “ukuqoqwa kwamatheksthi amancane”:
I-Sutta Nipata
I-Nettippakarana (ifakwe kuphela kuyi-Burmese edition ye-Tipitaka)
I-Petakopadesa (”")
I-Milindapañha (”")

Abhidhamma Pitaka
ukuqoqwa kwamatheksthi lapho izimiso ezisemqoka ezifundiswa khona
okwethulwa eSutta Pitaka kusetshenziselwa kabusha futhi kulungiswe kabusha a
uhlaka oluhlelekile olungasetshenziswa ekuphenyweni ku
isimo sengqondo nendaba.

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