begins the moment
you choose not
to allow another
person or event
to control your emotions
LESSON 3220 Mon 23 Dec 2019
Let us Do good. Purify mind -
Good News
Hithaya Sarvajan Sukhaya i.e for the welfare, happiness and Peace for
all societies and to attain Eternal Peace as Final Goal
Capturing the Master Key
Dr B.R Ambedkar has said that “political power is the master key using
which you can open all the doors of your progress and self respect”.
If Foreigners from Bene Israel chitpavan brahmins of Rowdy/Rakshasa Swayam
Sevaks (RSS) can call this as manusmriti manuvad hindutva land why can
not we declare this land as PRABUDDHA BHARAT for the benefit of All
Aboriginal Societies ?
As we were Buddhists, are Buddhists and continue to be Buddhists.
All Aboriginal Awakened Societies will force the chitpavan brahmins to
quit PRABUDDHA BHARAT with Ballot Papers to save Universal Adult
Franchise, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity for the welfare, happiness,
Peace as enshrined in our Marvelous Modern Constitution and for them to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal.
in 29) Classical English,Roman,86) Classical Serbian-Класични српски,87) Classical Sesotho-Seserbia ea boholo-holo,
29) Classical English,Roman
Pain is a Gift
Instead of avoiding it,
Learn to embrace it.
Without pain,
there is no growth
Maturity is learning
to walk away from
people and situation that threatens your peace
of mind, self respect,
values, morals and self worth.-Buddha
begins the moment
you choose not
to allow another
person or event
to control your emotions
We can never
obtain Peace
in the outer world
until we make Peace with
86) Classical Serbian-Класични српски,
86) Класични српски-Класични српски
Добре ВЕСТИ од
Бесплатно онлине обука НИББАНА
Аналитички увид Нет - БЕСПЛАТНО онлине универзитет за право истраживања
и праксе Типитака на 111 КЛАСИЧНИ ЈЕЗИЦИ у сопственим речима БУДДХА
Бол је дар
Уместо да га избегавате,
Научите да је пригрлите.
Без бола,
нема раста
започиње тренутак
ви не одлучите
да дозволи другу
особа или догађај
да контролишете своје емоције
Никада не можемо
добити мир
у спољном свету
док ми не склопимо мир
ми сами
150 Будиних навода који ће вас учинити бржим (брзо)
Не постоји страх за оне чији ум није испуњен жељама.
Набавите сопствено спасење. Не зависите од других.
Ако било шта вреди учинити, учини то свим срцем. Буда
Човек се не назива мудрим јер опет говори и говори; али ако је мирољубив, драг и неустрашив, онда се у истини назива мудрим.
Не тражите уточиште ни у коме осим у себи.
Нико нас не спашава осим нас самих. Нико не може и нико не сме. Ми сами морамо кренути стазом.
Да би живео чист несебичан живот, не треба ништа сматрати сопственим усред обиља.
Све што јесмо резултат смо онога што смо мислили.
Ако не будемо пазили на друге када им је потребна помоћ, ко ће се бринути за нас?
Онај ко делује на истину срећан је у свету и шире.
Најбоље Буду цитати
Дајте, чак и ако имате само мало.
Чак се и смрти не треба бојати онога ко је мудро живео.
Воде за наводњавање канала; метци исправљају стрелице; столари савијају дрво; сами мудри господари.
Кап по кап испуњен је лонац са водом. Исто тако, мудар човек, сакупљајући га мало по мало, испуњава се добрим.
Највећи дар је да људима пробудите будност са свешћу, да их поделите. То мора бити највећи.
Да сте знали шта ја знам о моћи давања, не бисте допустили ни једном оброку да га не делите на неки начин.
Корен патње је везаност.
Уљути љутог човека с љубављу. Ућутите злобног човека љубазношћу. Ућутите врага великодушношћу. Ћути лажљивца истином.
Људи са мишљењима се само муче около сметајући једни друге.
Као што чврсту стену ветар не разбије, тако су и мудри непотврђени похвалом или кривицом.
И сами морате тежити. Буду само усмеравају пут.
Ништа вам не може наштетити колико и ваше властите мисли без заштите.
Медитирајте … не одлажите, да не бисте касније пожалили.
Боље од хиљаду шупљих речи, једна је реч која доноси мир.
Разумевање је срце добро изговорених речи.
Престанак чињења зла, неговање добра, прочишћавање ума: ово је учење Буда.
Радост медитације и самоће. Саставите се, будите срећни. Ви сте трагач.
Данас вероватно урадите оно што се мора учинити. Ко зна? Сутра долази смрт.
Оно што јесте јесте оно што јесте. Оно што ћете бити, је оно што сада радите.
Ако предлажете да разговарате, увек се запитајте, да ли је тачно, да ли је то потребно, да ли је љубазно.
Ако нађете никога који би вас подржао на духовном путу, ходајте сами.
Део 2. Буда наводи који су …
Инспиративни цитати о Буди
Стани, стани. Немој причати. Крајња истина није чак ни за размишљање.
Ми смо оно што мислимо. Све оно што јесмо настаје нашим мислима. Својим мислима стварамо свет.
Као што велики океан има један укус, укус соли, тако и ова настава и дисциплина има један укус, укус ослобођења.
Онај у коме више не постоје жудња и жеђ који вјечно постају; како
сте могли да пратите Пробуђеног једног, без трага и безграничног домета.
Издржљивост је једна од најтежих дисциплина, али на ономе ко издржи дође до коначне победе.
Дуга је ноћ ономе ко је будан; дуг је километар до уморног; дуг је живот безумним који не познају прави закон.
Ма који драгоцени драгуљ био на небеским светима, не постоји ништа упоредиво са оним који је Пробуђен.
Наш живот је обликован нашим умом; постајемо оно што мислимо. Радост прати чисту мисао попут сенке која никад не напушта.
Попут финог цвета, лепог за гледање, али без мириса, фине речи су бесплодне у човеку који се не понаша у складу с њима.
Наше теорије о вечном вредне су колико и оне које пилић који није пробио свој пут кроз шкољку може да формира спољни свет.
Идеја која се развија и спроводи у дело важнија је од идеје која постоји само као идеја.
Колико год светих речи које прочитате, колико год вас изговорили, какво ће вам добро доћи ако на њих не поступите?
Хаос је својствен свим сложеним стварима. Крените с марљивошћу.
Кратке будистичке цитате
Приврженост води патњи.
Нека сва бића имају срећне умове.
Ја сам чудо.
Врч пуни кап по кап.
Свако људско биће аутор је свог здравственог стања или болести.
Језик попут оштрог ножа … Убија, а да не извуче крв.
Пут није на небу. Пут је у срцу.
Део 3.
Буду цитати о животу, породици и пријатељству
Живи сваки чин у потпуности, као да ти је последњи.
Врлина је прогоњена више од злих него што их добро воли.
Ништа никада не постоји потпуно само; све је у односу на све остало.
Чистоћа или нечистоћа зависе од нас самих. Нико не може прочистити другог.
Подржавати мајку и оца, његовати жену и дете и имати једноставан живот; ово је добра срећа.
Један тренутак може да промени дан, један дан може да промени живот и један живот може да промени свет.
Она која познаје животне токове, не троши се и не хара, не треба је поправљати или поправљати.
Неискреног и злог пријатеља више се треба бојати него дивље звери;
дивља звер може да вам рани тело, али зли пријатељ ће вам ранити ум.
Ма које речи да изговоримо са пажњом би требало да их људи чују и на њих утичу добра или болесна.
Неправда је кратак пут до смрти, а марљив је начин живота; глупи људи беспослени, мудри људи марљиви.
Ако трагалац не нађе пратиоца који је бољи или једнак, нека одлучно настави самотни курс.
Када бисмо јасно видели цудо једног цвета, цео наш живот би се променио.
Буда цитира о љубави и захвалности
Права љубав рођена је из разумевања.
Зрачите безграничну љубав према целом свету.
Ви, сами, као и било ко у целом универзуму, заслужујете своју љубав и љубав.
Амбиција је попут љубави, нестрпљива и кашњења и супарника.
Љубав је дар најдубље душе једне друге, тако да обе могу бити целине.
Нека свеобухватне мисли за сва бића буду ваше.
Ослобађање ума ћемо развијати и његовати из љубави, учинити га
нашим возилом, учинити га нашим основама, стабилизовати га, вежбати у
њему и потпуно га усавршити.
Мржња ни у једном тренутку не престаје мржњом. Мржња престаје због љубави. Ово је непроменљив закон.
Онај ко воли 50 људи има 50 невоља; онај ко воли никога нема невоља.
Љубазност би требало да постане природни начин живота, а не изузетак.
Говорите само допадљив говор, говор који је добродошао. Говор, када другима не доноси зло, је пријатна ствар.
Не зове се племенита особа која штети живим бићима. Ако не наштети живим бићима, једно се назива племенитим.
Бити дубоко научен и вешт, добро обучен и користити добро изговорене речи: ово је срећа.
Баш као што би мајка животом заштитила своје једино дете, чак и тако нека негује безграничну љубав према свим бићима.
У кога нема симпатије живих бића: познајте га као одметника.
Устајмо и будимо захвални, јер ако данас нисмо пуно научили, бар
смо мало научили, а ако и мало нисмо научили, бар се нисмо разболели и
ако смо се разболели , бар нисмо умрли; па, нека нам сви буду захвални.
Буда цитира ум и овладава собом
Он је у стању ко мисли да је у стању. Кликни за твеет
Човјеков властити ум, а не непријатељ или непријатељ, га је намамио на зле начине.
Уживајте у пажљивости! Добро чувајте своје мисли!
Све се заснива на уму, води га ум, обликује их ум. Ако говорите и
понашате се загађеним умом, патња ће вас пратити, као што точкови волова
прате кораке вола.
Нема ничега тако непослушног као недисциплиновани ум и нема тако послушног као дисциплинован ум.
Ум неоптерећен ужицима среће, ослобођеном туге, очишћеним онечишћења, страхом ослобођеним - ово је највећи благослов.
Знајте из река у пукотинама и у пукотинама: они на малим каналима
бучно теку, велики ток нијеми. Све што није пуно ствара буку. Што год је
пун, тихо је.
Ви сте трагач. Уживајте у мајсторству ваших руку и ногу, својих речи и мисли.
Видите их како лепршају у свом осећају, попут рибе у локвама
пресушеног потока - и, видевши то, живе без мине, не формирајући
везаност за стања која постају.
„Као што сам и ја. Као и ови, тако сам и ја. “Повлачим паралелу према себи, ни убијајте ни убијајте друге.
Свим искуствима претходи ум, имајући ум као свог господара, створеног умом.
Да бисте уживали у добром здрављу, да бисте пружили истинску срећу
нечијој породици, да бисте свима донели мир, прво морате да
дисциплиновате и контролишете сопствени ум. Ако човек може да контролише
свој ум, са свешћу може да нађе пут до Буђења и сва мудрост и врлина ће
му природно доћи.
Сва погрешна дела настају због ума. Ако се ум трансформише, може ли остати неправде?
Оно што смо данас потиче из наших јучерашњих мисли, а наше данашње
мисли граде наш живот сутрашњице: Наш живот је стварање нашег ума.
Онај ко је себе освојио је далеко већи херој од оног који је победио хиљаду пута хиљаду људи.
Трансцендентална интелигенција расте када интелектуални ум достигне
своју границу и ако се ствари остваре у њиховој истинској и суштинској
природи, њени процеси размишљања морају се превазићи жалбом на неки виши
факултет спознаје.
Нећу гледати у туђу намјеру да пронађем грешку: тренинг који се треба придржавати.
Спољни свет је само манифестација активности самог ума, а ум схвата
као спољни свет једноставно због своје навике дискриминације и лажног
резоновања. Ученик мора ући у навику да ствари гледа истинито.
Ум претходи свим менталним стањима. Ум је њихов поглавар; сви су умни.
Ако чистим умом особа говори или глуми срећу, слиједи га попут његове сјене која никад не одлази.
Буда цитира ум и овладава собом
Он је у стању ко мисли да је у стању.
Човјеков властити ум, а не непријатељ или непријатељ, га је намамио на зле начине.
Уживајте у пажљивости! Добро чувајте своје мисли!
Све се заснива на уму, води га ум, обликује их ум. Ако говорите и
понашате се загађеним умом, патња ће вас пратити, као што точкови волова
прате кораке вола.
Нема ничега тако непослушног као недисциплиновани ум и нема тако послушног као дисциплинован ум.
Ум неоптерећен ужицима среће, ослобођеном туге, очишћеним онечишћења, страхом ослобођеним - ово је највећи благослов.
Знајте из река у пукотинама и у пукотинама: они на малим каналима
бучно теку, велики ток нијеми. Све што није пуно ствара буку. Што год је
пун, тихо је.
Ви сте трагач. Уживајте у мајсторству ваших руку и ногу, својих речи и мисли.
Видите их како лепршају у свом осећају, попут рибе у локвама
пресушеног потока - и, видевши то, живе без мине, не формирајући
везаност за стања која постају.
„Као што сам и ја. Као и ови, тако сам и ја. “Повлачим паралелу према себи, ни убијајте ни убијајте друге.
Свим искуствима претходи ум, имајући ум као свог господара, створеног умом.
Да бисте уживали у добром здрављу, да бисте пружили истинску срећу
нечијој породици, да бисте свима донели мир, прво морате да
дисциплиновате и контролишете сопствени ум. Ако човек може да контролише
свој ум, може пронаћи пут до просветљења и сва мудрост и врлина ће му
природно доћи.
Сва погрешна дела настају због ума. Ако се ум трансформише, може ли остати неправде?
Оно што смо данас потиче из наших јучерашњих мисли, а наше данашње
мисли граде наш живот сутрашњице: Наш живот је стварање нашег ума.
Онај ко је себе освојио је далеко већи херој од оног који је победио хиљаду пута хиљаду људи.
Трансцендентална интелигенција расте када интелектуални ум достигне
своју границу и ако се ствари остваре у њиховој истинској и суштинској
природи, њени процеси размишљања морају се превазићи жалбом на неки виши
факултет спознаје.
Нећу гледати у туђу намјеру да пронађем грешку: тренинг који се треба придржавати.
Спољни свет је само манифестација активности самог ума, а ум схвата
као спољни свет једноставно због своје навике дискриминације и лажног
резоновања. Ученик мора ући у навику да ствари гледа истинито.
Ум претходи свим менталним стањима. Ум је њихов поглавар; сви су умни.
Ако чистим умом особа говори или глуми срећу, слиједи га попут његове сјене која никад не одлази.
Наводи Буддха о срећи и радости
Нема среће до пута: срећа је пут.
Срећа долази када ваш рад и речи буду од користи вама и другима.
Пробуђени који је био свестан једне, с намером о Јхани, требало би
да ужива у шуми, треба да вежба џану у подножју дрвета, достигавши своје
Хиљаде свећа се могу запалити са једне свеће и животни век се неће скратити. Срећа се никада не смањује дељењем.
У природи ствари радост настаје код особе ослобођене кајања.
Подесите своје срце за добро. Радите то изнова и изнова, и бићете испуњени радошћу.
Не боравите у прошлости, не сањајте о будућности, концентришите ум
на садашњи тренутак. Погледајте такође: 10 савета за почетак живота у
Ако особа треба да учини добро, нека то чини
поново и поново. Нека у њему налази задовољство, јер блаженство је
гомилање добра.
Наше мисли су обликоване и обликоване нашим
мислима. Они чији су умови обликовани несебичним мислима, дају радост
када говоре или делују. Радост их прати као сенка која их никад не
Наводи Буддха о медитацији и духовности
Као што свећа не може да гори без ватре, тако и људи не могу живети без духовног живота.
Гледајући дубоко у живот какав је у овом тренутку, медитатор живи у стабилности и слободи.
Медитација доноси мудрост; недостатак посредовања оставља незнање.
Знајте добро шта вас води напред и шта вас задржава и изаберите пут који
води ка мудрости.
Шта год да монах настави са својим размишљањем и размишљањем, то постаје склоност његове свести.
Наводи Буддха о миру, опроштају и одласку
Увјерите се у постизање мира.
Заиста, мудрац који се потпуно угасио одмара се на сваки начин;
нема осећајне жеље за њим чији су се пожари охладили, лишили горива. Све
везаности су раздељене, срце је одведено од бола; спокојан, почива с
највећом лакоћом. Ум је пронашао свој пут ка миру.
Онај који сједи сам, спава сам и хода сам, који је напоран и покоран сам, наћи ће ужитак у самоћи шуме.
Не одвраћајте од онога што вам је дано и не посежите за оним што је дато другима, да не пореметите своју тишину.
Они који су ослобођени огорчених мисли сигурно проналазе мир.
Наводи Буддха о мудрости и врлинама
Будала која зна да је будала толико је мудрија.
Оно што има природу настајања има и природу престајања.
Јединство се може манифестирати само Бинарним. Само јединство и идеја Јединства већ су две.
Које је одговарајуће понашање мушкарца или жене усред овог света,
где се свака особа држи свог комада крхотина? Шта је прави поздрав међу
људима док пролазе једни друге у овој поплави?
Када пазите на себе, пазите и на друге. Када пазите на друге, пазите на себе.
Нека нико не криви друге; нека нико не види пропусте и провизије
других. Али нека виде сопствена дела, извршена и поништена.
Прави мајстор живи у истини, у доброти и суздржаности, ненасиљу, умерености и чистоћи.
Прекријте ни речју ни делом. Једите умјерено. Живите у свом срцу.
Тражите највишу свест. Савладајте се у складу са законом. Ово је
једноставно учење пробуђених.
Живот је попут гудачке харфе,
ако је натегнут прејако не би се играо, ако је превише лабав виси,
напетост која производи предиван звук лежи у средини.
Не верујте
ни у шта само зато што сте чули. Не верујте ни у шта само зато што многи
то говоре и шушкају. Не верујте ни у шта само зато што је то записано у
вашим верским књигама. Не верујте ни у шта само у ауторитет својих
учитеља и стараца. Не верујте у традиције, јер се преносе већ много
генерација. Али након посматрања и анализе, кад утврдите да се било шта
слаже са разумом и погодује добру и добробити једних и других,
прихватите то и живите према њему
Баш као што су благо откривено
са земље, тако се и врлина појављује из добрих дела, а мудрост се јавља
из чистог и мирног ума. Да би се сигурно кретало кроз лавиринт људског
живота, потребна је светлост мудрости и вођство врлине.
Мудри су својим размишљањем изделовали говор, просијавајући га док се зрно просијава кроз сито.
Врлине, попут муза, увек се виде у групама. Добар принцип никада није пронађен само у било којој дојци.
Куотес Би Будха О Камми и Ниббани, пјевање и видео снимци
Неко ко се пошао у возилу Бодхисаттве требао би одлучити да “морам
сва бића водити у нирвану, у то царство нирване која ништа не оставља
иза себе”. Шта је то царство нирване која ништа не оставља иза себе?
Наводи Буддха о промени, неуспеху и патњи
Ништа није заувек осим промене.
Нема ватре попут страсти, нема ајкуле попут мржње, нема замке попут лудости, нема бујице као похлепе.
И раније и сада, само патња описујем и престанак патње.
Онај ко може сузбити свој гнев чим се појави, као правовремени
протуотров ће проверити змијски отров који се тако брзо шири - такав
монах одустаје овде и даље, као што змија баца своју истрошену кожу.
Нека сви који имају живот буду избављени из патње.
Лако је видјети мане других, али тешко видјети властите грешке.
Једни приказују мане других као што су млаке познате на ветру, али оне
прикривају сопствене мане док лукави коцкар крије своје коцкице.
Буда цитира страх
Они везани за појам “ја сам” и за ставове лутају светом који вређа људе.
Нема ништа страшније од навике сумње. Сумња раздваја људе. То је
отров који распада пријатељства и прекида угодне односе. Трн је који
иритира и боли; то је мач који убија.
Capturing the Master Key
Dr B.R Ambedkar has said that “political power is the master key using
which you can open all the doors of your progress and self respect”.
Foreigners from Bene Israel chitpavan brahmins of Rowdy/Rakshasa Swayam
Sevaks (RSS) can call this as manusmriti manuvad hindutva land why can
not we declare this land as PRABUDDHA BHARAT for the benefit of All
Aboriginal Awakened Societies ?
As we were Buddhists, are Buddhists and continue to be Buddhists.
All Aboriginal Awakened Societies will force the chitpavan brahmins to
quit PRABUDDHA BHARAT with Ballot Papers to save Universal Adult
Franchise, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity for the welfare, happiness,
Peace as enshrined in our Marvelous Modern Constitution and for them to
attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal.
Just 0.1% intolerant,
violent,militant, number one terrorists, ever shooting, mob lynching,
cunning, crooked,lunatic, mentally retarded, foreigners from Bene Israel
chitpavan brahmins of Rowdy/Rakshasa Swayam Sevaks(RSS) are remotely
controlling Murderer of democratic institutionsand Master of diluting
institutions (Modi) of Bevakoof Jhoothe Psychopaths (BJP) who gobbled
the Master Key by tampering the filthy fraud EVMs to win elections.
Chief Minister of UP, Mayawati addressed the media on Friday and said
that they don’t support violent protest and arson while agitating
against CAA & NRC
Log In and Access Blocked Websites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter & YouTube) from Work, School or Your Home Computer
BY JUSTIN MEYERS 01/28/2011 12:42 AM 02/13/2011 10:55 AM
know it’s crazy out there when governments start blocking social
websites like Facebook, Twitter and even YouTube. But that’s what
happened in Egypt, when tens of thousands of anti-government protesters
took to the streets on Tuesday (January 25th) in hopes of ending
President Hosni Mubarak’s 30 years of authoritarian power.
Egyptian government blocked Twitter Tuesday, which protesters used to
coordinate movements. And reports all say they shut down mobile phone
and complete Internet networks.
Recent reports also claim they
have blocked Facebook in the country, along with YouTube, due to
demonstrators disseminating videos and photographs.
Facebook said
Wednesday following reports it had been blocked in Egypt that it had
not seen any major changes in traffic from the country rocked by
anti-government unrest.
“We are aware of reports of disruption to
service but have not seen any major changes in traffic from Egypt,” a
Facebook spokesman said in an email. [via Yahoo! News]
But that doesn’t mean they hadn’t done it.
Egyptian government appears to be engaging in censorship methods that
are either half-hearted or oblivious to the specifics of social media.
[via Fast Company]
If you happen to be experiencing blockage of
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other social media site, whether
you’re residing in Egypt, Pakistan or abroad, then it’s still possible
to access those websites via VPNs or proxy servers. If you’re getting
the “You are not authorized to access this page” error on your web
browser, read on…
10 Ways to Access Blocked Sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
Techies posted a great article on accessing blocked websites in
countries like Egypt and Pakistan. But this also applies if your
country, college, office or school is blocking websites and you want
access to them. All you need is a proxy server.
Here’s in Internet Techies’ Top 10 list of proxy websites:
ProxEasy (free service)
Proxify (paid service)
Evade Filters
Self Hide
use these proxy sites, you just need to paste the URL of the blocked
site in the input box and then you will be redirected to a page where
you can see the data from blocked site. Some of these services are free
to use but some of them are paid as well.
Also, check out the below video for accessing blocked websites and bypassing proxy servers:
11 Free VPN Services
Techies also has an alternative solution to hacking into those blocked
websites, and it’s VPNs, or Virtual Private Networks.
(Virtual Private Network) is a way of secure and reliable communication
between some restricted sites and remote users. This is applicable for
companies operating in different geographical locations with loads of
employees working from home, different offices etc. In that case,
employees may use VPN tunnel to access their company’s website or portal
to access the data. Now this secure and reliable service or way of
communication can be used to access some blocked sites as well.
Click through for the list of free VPN services.
Who owns the Internet?
The Internet’s Owners
So who actually owns the Internet? There are two answers to this question:
Lots of people
you think of the Internet as a unified, single entity, then no one owns
it. There are organizations that determine the Internet’s structure and
how it works, but they don’t have any ownership over the Internet
itself. No government can lay claim to owning the Internet, nor can any
company. The Internet is like the telephone system — no one owns the
whole thing.
From another point of view, thousands of people and
organizations own the Internet. The Internet consists of lots of
different bits and pieces, each of which has an owner. Some of these
owners can control the quality and level of access you have to the
Internet. They might not own the entire system, but they can impact your
Internet experience.
The physical network that carries Internet
traffic between different computer systems is the Internet backbone. In
the early days of the Internet, ARPANET served as the system’s backbone.
Today, several large corporations provide the routers and cable that
make up the Internet backbone. These companies are upstream Internet
Service Providers (ISPs). That means that anyone who wants to access the
Internet must ultimately work with these companies, which include:
Level 3
you have all the smaller ISPs. Many individual consumers and businesses
subscribe to ISPs that aren’t part of the Internet backbone. These ISPs
negotiate with the upstream ISPs for Internet access. Cable and DSL
companies are examples of smaller ISPs. Such companies are concerned
with what the industry calls the last mile — the distance between the
end consumer and Internet connectivity.
Within the backbone are
Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), which are physical connections between
networks that allow data exchanges. For example, while Sprint, Verizon
and AT&T provide part of the Internet backbone’s infrastructure, the
three networks aren’t intertwined. They connect together at an IXP.
Several companies and non-profit organizations administer IXPs.
individual computer networks that make up the Internet can have owners.
Every ISP has its own network. Several nations’ governments oversee
computer networks. Many companies have local area networks (LANs) that
link to the Internet. Each of these networks is both a part of the
Internet and its own separate entity. Depending on local laws, the
owners of these networks can control the level of access users have to
the Internet.
You might consider yourself to be an owner of the
Internet. Do you own a device that you use to connect to the Internet?
If so, that means the device you own becomes part of the enormous
inter-networked system. You are the proud owner of part of the Internet
– it’s just a very small part.
If no one owns the Internet, who is responsible for making sure everything works? Find out in the next section.
was a network of computers housed in various universities, government
agencies and research facilities. The people who built ARPANET designed
many of the protocols that the Internet uses today. ARPANET connected to
several other computer networks and the Internet was born. The agency
responsible for ARPANET was the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA), a branch of the United States Department of Defense
(DoD). Since ARPANET began as a U.S. government-sponsored project, you
could argue that at one time, the U.S. government owned the Internet.
The Internet’s Caretakers
mentioned earlier, the Internet works because of a system of rules
called protocols. By following these protocols, computers can send
information across the network to other computers. If there were no
protocols, then there’d be no guarantee that the information sent from
one computer could be understood by another, or that it’d even reach the
right destination.
As the Internet evolves, these protocols must
also change. That means someone has to be in charge of the rules. There
are several organizations that oversee the Internet’s infrastructure
and protocols. They are:
The Internet Society: A nonprofit organization that develops Internet standards, policies and education.
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF): An international organization
with an open membership policy that has several working groups. Each
working group concentrates on a specific topic, such as Internet
security. Collectively, these working groups try to maintain the
Internet’s architecture and stability.
The Internet Architecture
Board (IAB): An IETF committee, the IAB’s mission is to oversee the
design of Internet protocols and standards.
The Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN): A private nonprofit corporation,
ICANN manages the Internet’s Domain Name System (DNS). ICANN is
responsible for making sure that every domain name links to the correct
IP address.
The Internet Society and IETF are open membership
organizations. Both welcome the participation and input of Internet
experts. They shape the way the Internet works and evolves.
on the other hand, is a private organization. The exclusive nature of
ICANN concerns some people. They argue that ICANN holds a lot of power
over anyone who wants to register a domain name. ICANN makes money by
accrediting vendors called registrars. These registrars then sell domain
names to consumers and businesses. If you want to register a specific
domain name, ultimately ICANN decides if you can have it.
none of these organizations own the Internet, they each influence how
the Internet works. The Internet has no central owner. While its
structure remains carefully designed and maintained, the actual content
on the Internet continues to be the untamed cyberspace we all know and
To learn more about the Internet and other topics, follow the links below.
of the Internet as a massive map. Every computer connected to the
Internet is a location with a physical address on that map. On the
Internet, this address is a series of numbers called an IP address. It’s
not easy to remember a list of seemingly random numbers. Fortunately,
the people who created Internet protocols recognized this problem and
came up with a solution: Domain names. A domain name uses words instead
of numbers for Internet addresses.
It was announced that 3rd July 2017 onwards, E Filing
would be started in the Supreme Court as a part of the Phase II
Digitization process of the Courts. Paper books would be done away with,
no requirement for filing those bulky lower court records and High
Court records running into hundreds and thousands of pages. There was no
need to file the same documents again and again as they would be
directly sourced from the lower court. This would save time, energy,
money, effort, hardwork and most importantly would conserve the
environment. This was perceived to be a big change in the Indian
Judicial System, which was pending for quite a long time. A presentation
was given to the advocates present in the bar room by the Supreme Court
Judges and queries of the advocates present were directly answered by
them. This project was the brainchild of Justice A.M. Khanwilkar who
explained the new system, the new website, the filing procedure and
everything important to the advocates present there. The advocates were
even invited for the formal inauguration of the E Filing System and the
new website of the Supreme Court which was inaugurated by the Hon’ble
Prime Minister of India at Vigyan Bhawan on 10th May 2017.
was going as planned and all seemed good. The advocates appreciated the
said change and welcomed it with open arms, the judges and the registry
were proud and the Prime Minister of India Modi ji appreciated the
initiative of E Filing which came from within the Judiciary itself and
further said that this is in furtherance of the Digital India. I myself
was very excited as I was personally pained to see millions of pages
being wasted in litigation in the courts every year. But, unfortunately,
the System did not work as planned and till date, people continue with
filing the paper books before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. Very
few people have actually done the said E Filing and after that, they
have again resorted back to the paper book filing. Is this because the
system has failed or because we are not welcome to change? Let us try to
decode the reason…
First of all it may be pertinent to discuss in detail what and how the system has actually changed / proposed to be changed.
‘reform’ begun with a new website of the Supreme Court of India. This
website was the base on which the said change was to be brought about.
It was stated to be more user friendly, more responsive and a next
generation website which would ease the way the work is done. It was
supposed to be better than the previous website of the Supreme Court and
was to make the work easier. The most important thing that the new
website was made for apart from the reasons discussed above was
E-Filing. The advocates were supposed to log in to the Supreme Court
website using their login ID and password and were to fill in all the
relevant details of the cases that they were filing and then had to
upload the soft copy of the paper book online. This would drastically
reduce the work of the advocates and was supposed to benefit them, as
those long queues and the efforts in getting the paper books prepared et
al was done away with just by a click of a button.
With the
filing being done online, there was no requirement to make several sets
of copies for the paper books, there was no requirement to go and serve
the opposite party the copy of the paper book, there was no requirement
to go and stand in the queue of the filing and the re-filing counters of
the Supreme Court Registry. One could simply sit in his/her chamber and
the Registry was just a click away. The best part about this system
was that it was not only restricted to advocates but also to the
Party-in-Person. Even the Party-in-person, other than the AOR could make
an account online on the website and could file his/her case in the
most transparent way possible. All the compliances of filing all the
relevant documents of the writ petition / SLP, by the Supreme Court
Registry was done away with. Now, only the grounds of the appeal were
required to be filed and all other facts and documents were directly
taken from the Court against whose order an appeal is being preferred.
This was a big striking ‘reform’ which would reduce the work of the
advocates, as they were supposed to just make the grounds of the appeal
and upload the PDF file of the same. That is all what was required by
the Registry. As soon as the case number of the High Court or the Lower
Court against which the new filing is being done in the Supreme Court is
entered in the system, the process of digitization and scanning of the
records of that case will begin and within 24 hours, the scanning,
digitization of the records will be uploaded on the Supreme Court
Website, from where they can be easily accessed by the
petitioner/appellant and the respondent along with the registry and the
judges of the Supreme Court. This process would reduce the work of all
the responsible people i.e. the registry, clerks and the advocates
involved in the previous old tedious method of filing.
There is a
small brief procedure of E-Filing in which first the
AOR/Party-in-person is supposed to make a Log-in ID and Register on the
website. After registration is complete, the Dashboard of the AOR would
open where he could find all his cases that have been filed by him
before and which would be filed by him in the future in just one place.
If the AOR wishes to do a fresh filing, then just by clicking on the New
e-filing option and filing the relevant details of the parties, the
advocate and the Court from which the appeal/SLP is being preferred, and
the relevant details of the judgments that have been cited and the case
which is being challenged in the present new filing and with this the
process of E-filing begins. Then, simply fill in the details of the
index and submit after which the details of any additional party and the
instructing advocate (if any) could also be filled in so that they are
also informed of all the updates in the case (Presently, SMS/emails go
to AORs who then inform the instructing advocate of any notification
from the Supreme Court regarding a particular case). The soft copy being
uploaded with all other relevant details of the case, the e-filing is
complete. This whole process of E-filing does not take more than 5
minutes and as soon as the above process is completed, the AOR gets a
Provisional Application Number which can be used for future reference.
Quoting the then Hon’ble CJI (in his address to the Supreme Court advocates on 8th May 2017),
what I want to tell you today when I have come to you is this that in
this change we ask you for nothing. You have to do nothing more than you
are already doing. We have come to tell you that we will give you a lot
of what you are doing. So, this technology which we are introducing is
not for you to do something more or to change what you are already doing
but to involve you in doing less than what you have already been doing.
We know E filing. When you E file, you do exactly what you do
physically but you do it on the internet. You prepare the whole paper
book, and then you E file it from your office and it comes to the
registry of this court. We are moving from e filing to a process of
digital filing.”
It was said that this E Filing would be
beneficial for the advocates as it would reduce the work to one tenth.
CJI Khehar said that, “For us to tell you today is only this much that
everything which you used to do earlier is going to be reduced to one
tenth. And with no effort. What more?”
Suppose an advocate has to
file a Special Leave Petition in the Supreme Court against an order of a
Writ Petition that was filed in a High Court say Bombay High Court. So
that advocate simply needs to open a word document file, write the
grounds for the SLP that he is preferring in the Supreme Court, convert
it into a PDF File, log into his account on the Supreme Court website,
fill in the particulars and write the WP number of the Bombay High Court
against which the SLP is being preferred and then upload the PDF file
and submit it. There is no requirement for any facts, list of documents,
affidavit, etc. in the SLP and it would simply be the grounds of the
SLP, as the file of the High Court / Lower Court would be called for as
soon as the WP (Writ Petition) number is mentioned and that’s all that
an advocate is supposed to do and all the paper work to be done in the
Supreme Court is finished. As soon as the grounds are uploaded,
automatically all the parties concerned (which were a party in the High
Court) are informed and they can download the grounds of appeal which
have been uploaded on the Supreme Court website. So, in this scenario,
the file right from the District Court (or the High Court) will go up to
the Supreme Court and all the records of that particular case would be
Moreover, if there is any delay in filing the said
SLP, then the system would automatically calculate the delay and will
even inform the delay if any. So, there is no work to be done with
respect to the delay as well, and simply an application for condonation
of delay can be moved without much of the work. What is even more
interesting is that the Supreme Court website even now informs the
advocate how much is the court fee which is to be paid. One just has to
enter the particulars of the case and the amount of court fees to be
paid is displayed.
Moreover, this system of the calculation of
the court fee and the limitation period would bring in transparency in
the filing of the case as the litigant would be aware at each and every
step as to what is going on and what is going to happen next.
Chief Justice of India had in his speech (in the Vigyan Bhawan during
the inaugration) made a remark with respect to the court fee calculation
“I was a new lawyer, I had just started working. I used to
go to the registry to file my cases and I knew how Process Fee was
filed. So, we were standing in a group and this clerk comes to this
lawyer and tells him how much money he should charge for Process Fee and
he says where are the respondents, he says Abohar, he says what’s the
distance from Chandigarh to Abohar. He says about 300 kms. He says
charge him 1 Re per km and whatever number of respondents there are. So,
every respondent service was for 300 Rs. as a matter of fact, its Rs.
2.65 paise at that point in time per person to serve a respondent. So
here is the system which will tell every litigant how much money is
spent, when is spent, what the date is, what is going to be done on the
next date …”.
What is more to this system is that it is being
linked to all Governments i.e. the Central Government and the various
State Governments meaning thereby that all the relevant departments
within the Central Government and the State Government would be having
access to this system. Suppose, today a case is filed against one
particular department. As soon as the department is mentioned as a
Respondent in the case, a notification would be sent to the said
department and it can download the grounds of appeal that have been
filed along with the court record immediately. Previously, these
departments had to get the paper book collected, then get it delivered
to the advocate and then instructions were given in the case. All this
travelling and work has been reduced and now the advocate of the
concerned department can directly download the grounds of appeal. So,
now if the department wishes to appear on the very first day of the
institution of the case, it can do so and take a stand from the very
first day. It is pertinent to mention here that the Union of India is
the biggest litigator in the Supreme Court.
As has already been
discussed above, this is not only restricted to Government Department
but the private litigants also. As soon as grounds of appeal are
uploaded online, the private litigants will also get an intimation of
the same. What is more interesting is that the system would even inform
the advocate if there is any caveat which has already been filed in the
said case.
Let us presume that a Bail application has been filed
for an accused. A bail application of another accused in the same FIR
Number or case number has already been rejected will also be
automatically informed to the judges and the parties, as the FIR Number
or the case number would have to be mentioned and so it can be seen from
the database.
Introducing this system may even help with
reducing the delay that is caused in filing compliances and replies in a
case. Once the case is in the court, there are certain timelines under
which have to be adhered to by the officers to whom a particular task
has been assigned- timelines are not being adhered to, then the
intimation would move up to the superior authority, and would go up to
even the highest authority if the timeline is not being adhered to. The
then Chief Justice of India J.S. Khehar and Justice Khanwilkar had even
assured of the confidentiality and the security of the website and the
files that are being uploaded on the system and it cannot be breached.
advantage of this system is that the documents will be digitized and
all the evidence, documents and grounds and facts that have been relied
in the Trial Court would be available even when the case reaches upto
the Supreme Court. This would promote transparency and the documents
cannot be manipulated. This is a system where if once the record is
there, it’s always there, and that’s the record which is going to be
relied on.
The Chief Justice had even assured that for making a
system like this, no rules have to be changed. The present and current
practice will continue and nothing with that regard would change.
Supposedly, a particular document is not legible in the records or a
document is in a vernacular language, then simply an IA can be filed to
file the true typed copy or translated copy respectively. It was said
very clearly that nothing is being asked from the advocates, rather a
lot is being given to them.
For the sake of convenience, the
then CJI said, the lawyers may initially download the PDF from the
website, print it and argue in the court. Alternatively, the advocates
may simply bring a laptop to the Court and argue having the laptop with
Apart from conserving the environment, it would even save
out on the money that is spent by the litigants as they have to pay a
considerable amount for getting the photocopies done, paper books made,
typing done, etc. All this expenditure may be reduced manifold, as once
the E-Filing pf a case is done, one does not incur all this expenditure.
What is even more beneficial for the advocates and the party in person
is that the labour that went into getting all of this done is almost
done away with. If the E-Filing is done, then one needn’t go and get
paper books made, get the service done, go and stand in long queues in
the Supreme Court Registry for removing the defects in the files.
aspect and the benefits of E-filing – There are approximately 80,000
cases filed in the Supreme Court every year. If we take an average of
200 pages (usually cases are more bulky in the Supreme Court and this
may be the lower limit) in every paper book then this translates to
roughly 1,60,00,000 (One Crore Sixty Lakh) of printed pages. But this
1,60,00,000 pages are only if we consider one paper book being printed,
which is actually not the case. In a normal Supreme Court filing, if we
consider there to be only two parties as respondents (another reasonable
guess; in many cases there are even 30 respondents), then approximately
8 copies of paper books are printed. If we take another reasonable and
conservative guess of 8 copies being printed per case, then a total of
12,80,00,000 (Twelve Crore Eighty Lakh) pages are printed every year
only for the filings that are done in the Supreme Court of India. It is
pertinent here to even keep in mind that for every paper book that is
printed, there must be even a few number of pages which must be getting
wasted due to either typographical / printing errors. Also, many pages
are reprinted at the time of removal of the defects that have cropped up
in the files. For the sake of convenience and for not complicating the
things, I will not be counting these additional pages that are printed.
Furthermore, I am not considering the pages involved in the
counter-affidavits/replies and rejoinders, etc.
If we look at the
monetary aspect, then for printing 12,80,00,000 pages, we spend
12,80,00,000 (Rupees Twelve Crore Eighty Lakh) [number of pages *1; 1
Rupee is the prevalent rate of photocopy in the Supreme Court].
chopping one tree down, we get 8,333.3 pages. This means that
approximately 15,361 trees (this is not an actual estimate but rather
the bare minimum estimate as all the figures used to reach to the said
figure are the most reasonable guesses) are cut each year only so that
we can provide justice in the Supreme Court of India. Is this much paper
wastage and deforestation required? Moreover, approximately 90% of the
cases are dismissed on the very first day in the Supreme Court and all
these paper books are rendered useless. Considering the abovementioned
issues, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India had brought out this ‘reform’
so that we can save money, time and environment. [Please note:
recently, around 16,500-17,000 trees were being chopped in Lutyens Delhi
for building new government houses, which was stayed by the Delhi High
Court; we already cut a minimum of the abovementioned trees per year to
get justice in the Supreme Court]
So far, I am sure everything
must be seeming like a cakewalk and that everything is going on
according to what has been planned. But, the actual and harsh reality is
that this system has failed and it is not working as it was supposed to
be. The onus of the failure of this system goes to firstly the Supreme
Court Registry / NIC Team and secondly (majorly), WE the advocates.
spoke to a number of advocates and a few people in the Supreme Court
Registry and the NIC Team (who developed the said system) as to why this
system did not work as it was supposed to, which I would be discussing
in detail in the following paragraphs.
Every Court room of the
Supreme Court has touch screen high-tech computer systems for the
judges. On my visit to almost all the courts of the Supreme Court, I was
pained to see that these touch screen high tech computer systems are
just lying on the table of the judges with no one using them. None of
the judges are using them, because unfortunately most of the filing in
the Supreme Court is being done by the traditional method of physical
paper books. I was even told that if I am doing the E-Filing or
paperless filing in the Supreme Court, still the paper books would be
prepared for judges for which Rs. 6 per page of the file uploaded would
be charged extra from the litigant. When I was told this particular
fact, I was shocked as to why then was this system of E-filing even
started. I was even advised by one official who did not wish to be named
that E-filing system works only for those people who are not from Delhi
and wish to do the filing sitting from their residence which is outside
Delhi. She further advised me that, if you file it online, instead of
reducing your work, it will increase it furthermore, as the system is
not perfect and there are many issues around it. [this article was
originally written in October 2017, and this was last checked in the
same month].
Just like the newton’s third law “for every action,
there is equal and opposite reaction”, with each and every filing, there
always comes a refiling in the Supreme Court. It is very rare, rather
impossible, that a filing is done in the Supreme Court and there are no
defects. I was further informed and advised by another official that
there is no option for doing the re-filing on the Supreme Court website
and they are still in the process of developing it and it would be
updated within a couple of days (I was told this in the second week of
September 2017). I have checked my E-Filing Dashboard on the Supreme
Court website till 12.10.2017, but I have not found any option for
re-filing the matter. For doing the re-filing, one has to email the said
document(s) to NIC/Supreme Court Registry and it is a very cumbersome
process. [this article was originally written in October 2017, and this
was last checked in the same month, however I presume that the system
has not been improved as no one has pursued to improve it.]
one AOR (who has done the E-filing once and had a bad experience) told
me that once the matter has been filed, the registry also does not give
preference in checking the defects of the files whose filing is done
online as it is pre-occupied with the physical filing.
it was said that the records of the lower courts would be digitized
within 24 hours and would be uploaded online as against the e-filing
that has been done in the Supreme Court. On speaking with another
Advocate on record practicing in the Supreme Court, I was told that the
records would be digitized only if there is a setup to do so. How is it
possible that all the courts would be brought under this system so soon
without any training or anything of that sort. He further told me that,
this system is not working in the Supreme Court itself and people are
taking time to adapt to it, how do you expect the advocates and court
staff from lower courts from different states to adapt to it?
going through the news, help files and the videos (of the inauguration)
of the said E-filing system, it had given me immense happiness. But once
I started visiting the Supreme Court regularly and did a few filings
(as an advocate), I got to know the reality regarding the extent of the
application and reach of the system. The website, which was also updated
and reformed, is also said to be full of bugs and it is unpredictable.
The main page of the Supreme Court website which has the tabs of
circular, notices, judgments, etc. is not updated (like it used to be
done on the previous version of the website) [Note: as of today
17.08.2018, this issue does not exist]. It is a hard time finding a
particular thing through the new website.
Being a technocrat, I
was elated looking at the system. But unfortunately, it doesn’t work the
way it was supposed to be. Maybe, there must be some change from the
advocates’ side. Some change is even required from the Registry and the
NIC Team. They should give priority to the E-filing and should check the
traditional filing later on. This may incentivise the advocates to do
the E-Filing. Furthermore, the Supreme Court may initially, to
incentivise the litigants and advocates, can give some rebate or
discount on the court fees (there is a huge budget for E Filing and a
small rebate for a few months wouldn’t make a huge loss as compared to
the benefit that would be achieved by E-Filing).
One day while I
had gone to remove some defects in a particular filing, I was told by
the Officer at the Registry that after the filing is done, they are sent
for scanning. So, when they are sent for scanning once the Paper book
has been filed, I would pray before the Hon’ble Judges to motivate the
advocates and the litigants by viewing the files on their computers
only. At least 3 copies of paperbook which are provided to the judges
can be saved, plus, they can lead by example and set a standard and
motivate the lawyers to do the E-Filing. If the judges start reading the
files online, this itself would save approximately 4,60,00,000 (Four
Crore Sixty Lakh) pages, if we adhere to the same estimate that was
taken above. [Note: as of 17.08.2018, the Touch Screen computers which
were found lying on the corner of the table of the judges have even been
removed from some courts, including Court No. 1).
What more can
be done is that the E-Filing can be started in phases. For example, in
the Delhi High Court, if there is any Company Petition to be filed then,
since 2014, the matters are filed only through the electronic medium
and no paper books are made and submitted to the court. So, in the
Supreme Court also this type of approach can be taken and E-Filing can
be started in phases.
We complain and ban crackers on Diwali so
that the environment is saved and there is less air pollution. If
E-Filing is started, lakhs and crores of pages would be saved, less
trees would be cut, there would be less global warming and as a
consequence there will be less pollution. Thousands of crores are spent
on curbing the environmental pollution and a huge impact can be made if
this change is brought about. Saving thousands and lakhs of trees per
year would create a chain of events in improving the environment.
Another big financial benefit would be that the amount that is spent on
the printing of all the pages, would also be saved. So, it would be like
killing two birds with one stone! (in hindi: एक् तीर से दो निशाने
Furthermore, there is a huge budget which is granted by
the Central Government to the judiciary to digitize the judiciary. A
part of this money should be spent on training the advocates and the
litigants who wish to do E-filing. There is only one small FAQ file
available online, with no video demonstration, no live chat feature,
nothing. In today’s date, there should be a channel dedicated on Youtube
helping the interested parties, and this won’t require a single penny.
There is no support whatsoever from the authority so as to ease the
E-filing. What even can be done is that a dozen of people should be
hired / deputed specially in the Supreme Court to help the advocates
with the E-Filing. If there is some dedicated staff to look for the
E-Filing, then I am sure it would ease the process and make it simpler.
What should even be done is that some tutorial videos / demos should be
made covering each and every aspect of how the E-Filing is to be done
and what would be the procedure of the same. This wont even take much
effort / time and won’t even consume funds.
Another issue which
comes up to my mind is that when the E-Filing is being done, still the
advocate / litigant has to buy the ecourt fee and scan it and attach it.
I didn’t see a system anywhere where one could make payment using the
online banking / E-Wallets / Debit Card / Credit Card. When the purpose
is to do E-Filing, then I don’t understand as to why cant there be a
mode of payment of the court fee online itself. It would save so much
time and energy. Unfortunately, even with the E-Filing in the Delhi High
Court, the court fee is to be bought, then scanned and then uploaded
online (in Delhi High Court, first the paper book is usually printed by
advocates and prepared and then scanned, which absolutely makes no sense
to me). In today’s date, when the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India is
pressing for a digital economy, why can’t the courts accept the online
mode of payment. Rather, most of the Ecourt fees is purchased using
cash. I have till date not seen a single person who purchases e court
fee using debit/credit card / Demand Draft / cheque / mobile banking,
etc. Rather using an online mode of payment would help digitizing the
economy as well.
The system is still vague and confusing and
needs explanation from the side of the Registry and the NIC Team. It is
definitely a big change and a very big move from the Supreme Court of
India specially the then Hon’ble Chief Justice of India Justice J.S.
Khehar and his brother judges including the present Hon’ble Chief
Justice of India Justice Deepak Misra and Hon’ble Justice A.M.
Khanwilkar. There should be a full revamp of the system, should be
improved and should be brought out in phases such that within six months
of the launch of the new system, all the filing in the courts is done
via the electronic medium. It is definitely the need of the hour. I even
humbly request the Hon’ble Judges to use their computer systems to go
through the files and should lead by example and motivate the advocates
to follow them.
Today or tomorrow, E-Filing will have to be
started in full swing. Hundreds of crores of pages are wasted every year
just so that justice can be dispensed in India. There is no other
alternative to this paper wastage and major cause of environmental
pollution but to begin with E-Filing. The question is, when do we start
taking this seriously and when do we actually start the E-filing and
help this nation save its depleting resources.
[This article was originally written in October 2017 and some facts and figures may pertain to October 2017].
About Alabhya Dhamija
is an Advocate practicing at Delhi High Court and other courts in
Delhi. Contact:, +91 8373932931, +91 9599902627
View all articles by Alabhya Dhamija
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