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Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

September 2014
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1265 LESSON 15914 MONDAY The Buddha’s Teachings of Loving Kindness Panchasila Sangha Ambassadors of Karanya Metta Bhavana filled the Secretariat Club, Cubbon Park, Bengaluru, Karnataka State, India Karanya Metta Bhavana from 9:30am to 6:30pm-Dear Friends, Please attend the special program in the name of Bada Bhante Acharya Buddharakkhita. Thank you. Yours Ananda Bhante
Filed under: General
Posted by: site admin @ 7:18 pm

1265 LESSON 15914 MONDAY The Buddha’s Teachings of Loving Kindness

Panchasila Sangha Ambassadors of Karanya Metta Bhavana 

filled Secretariat Club, Cubbon Park< Bengaluru, Karnataka State, India  Karanya Metta Bhavana from 9:30am to 6:30pm

along with Monitoring Institutions:

Mahabodhi Society, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Dhamma Papulla Vipassana Centre, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Choe Khor Sum Ling (CKSL), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Triratna Bauddha Maha Sangha, Maharashtra, India

Nagasena Vihara, sadashiva Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Sera Je Monastic Universsity, Bylakuppe,  Karnataka, India

Lokaratna Buddha Vihara, Spoortidhama, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Siddhartha Education Association, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Samayak Prabodhan Pratishthan, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

with an objective the 

Conference: Loving Kindness created awareness about teachings of Buddha
to help everyone seeking peace & happiness to promote brotherhood. 

the current generation was more privilaged due to educational
advancement, economic upliftment, modernisation, globalisation and
access to new technologies and many people have reached senior positions
in various fields like academies, bussiness, corporate, government etc.
Hence it was the right time for Dhamma revolution in this country,
where they wanted to spend time to understand, practice, experience
& share Dhamma that will help to build moral society.

 The idea behind this conference was to connect “Like Minded People” across nation
that could help in organise similar events in Major Cities, Districts,
Talukas and even small towns thereby to encourage new generation to
and participate in this movement. They encourage people to put down
their thoughts and ideas by writing papers for this conference. The
eminent personalities who have worked extensively for society were part
of this conference. Various groups which have shown interest for this
conference were also included. Thus the focus was long term in nature.

of the internationally known eminent personalities, scholars and
authors were invited to facilitate the conference encouraged the
exchange of thoughts & artifacts about teaching of Buddha on Loving

Panel discussion session arranged in the conference definitely infused
the concrete exchange of thoughts between Upasakas (audience) and the
experts working for spreading Buddhism.

national conference was conducted under the guidance of Venerable
Monks, eminent scholars following Buddha’s teaching and

Messages for National Conference 2014 by Venerable Sugatananda Bhante, Mahbodhi Society, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Dr.Bhikkhu Bodhipala, M.Phil, Ph.D, Ven. Kalden Thubten B.Tech., PGDM
[IIM, Calcutta] Sera Jey Monastic University, Karnataka, India, were sent

Ven. Tenzin Namdak, Netherlands, Senior Monk, Sera Jey Monastic University, Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India made presentation on 

“The Emotional Intelligence of Loving Kindness Achieving Temperoary and Ultimate Happiness for Self and Others”

Dr.H.D.Khobragade on “Metta towards Plants”

Venerable Vinayarakkhita There on “Metta-Loving Kindness an Experiment for Universal Friendship”

Mr.Pravin & Mrs Reena Katangale on “Loving Kindness”

Rohan Wase on “Metta(Loving Kindness) & Inner Transformation”

Uapsika Smt. Kshama Shirole on “Metta(Loving Kindness) & Inner Transformation”

Mr. Ramesh W.Patil on “Buddhism and Personal development”

Ms. Supriya Bhandare on ” Only Loving Kindness & Right Mindfulness can free us”

Ms. Brigitte Pichot on Loving - Kindness, a Practical & Personal Approach”

Mr.  Ritesh Manwatkar on Loving Kindness wave in 21 st Centuray: Importance

Ms. Pragya Chavan on ” Metta & Different ways to Practice and Spread metta”

Dr. Bhikkhu Bodhipala on “Metta, Karuna and Mudita”

Mr. Vasuprasadh on “Love & Kindness for current world scenario!”

Miss Megha Tayade on ” METTA AND DANA”

Miss Nutan Pol on “Metta as seen in the Inscriptions of Emperor Asoka”

The Conference ended with Music by Rajesh Dhabre & his set

Dear Friends,
Please attend the special program in the name of Bada Bhante Acharya Buddharakkhita. Thank you.
Yours Ananda Bhante
14, Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar, Bangalore – 560009
Tel: 080-22250684, Fax: 080-41148440

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