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Course Program 1. Kamma-Samiddhi Sutta in Classical Macedonian,Malagasy,Malay,Malyalam,Maltese,Maori,Marathi,Mongolian,Myanmar(burmese)
54) Classical Macedonian
54) Класична македонски
54) Класична македонски
54) Класична македонски
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САМО ЕДЕН разбуди со СВЕСТ ПРАКСА во орев школка
Да не се зло!
Секогаш прави добро !!
Да се сетат !!!
ДР. Диета!
ДР. Среќен разбуди еден со свеста на јавноста може да !!!
Курс програма 1. Kamma-Samiddhi Sutta во
altWriting во текстот Пали и EnglishImagecanonical
Samiddhi Sutta
за Samiddhi
Превод од Пали од Thanissaro Bhikkhu
За слободна дистрибуција само
Забелешка на преведувачот: На Пали Канон е единствен во својот пристап кон духовниот свет. Додека се потврдува постоењето на духови и други повеќе рафинирано нивоа на суштества, инсистира дека тие не се достојни за обожување. Буда, и после сè, е наставникот не само на луѓето, но исто така и на небесните суштества; и многу небесните суштества не се особено напредни познавања или духовно, и покрај нивниот префинет држава. На Канон илустрира оваа точка во голем број на нежна сатира. Најпознат е Kevatta Sutta (DN 14), каде се сатиризира незнаењето и помпезноста на наводно сезнаење Создател. Овој дискурс е уште еден забавен пример на истиот жанр, со укажување на тешкотиите на наставата понапредни Dhamma на било суштество - човечки или божествен - кој е опседнат со сензуални задоволства. На сослушувањето стихови во врска со разбуди една состојба на умот - што не е предмет на време и е видлива овде-и-сега - на devata не може да ги разбере, и е во состојба да ја сфати само неколку многу основните принципи на Dhamma пракса. Тоа е невообичаено за Буда да се стремите неговите зборови досега над главите на своите слушатели. Можеби во овој случај, како и во С.Н. I.1, тој сака да ги потчини гордоста на devata е. Во секој случај, има надеж за неа: како Коментар посочува, нејзиното разбирање покрива во рудиментирана модни сите елементи на Нобеловата осумкратен Пат. Ако таа се следи преку со нејзиното разбирање, таа е на патот кон повисоки дострели.
Овој дискурс, исто така, содржи некои зборот игра на зборови “времето” (кала) и “предмет на време” (kalika). “Време” може да значи не само време, во општа смисла, но, исто така, еден време на смртта (лице кое починало се вели дека се “направи неговата / нејзината време”). Овие две значења на зборот придонесуваат за прв размена меѓу ven. Samiddhi и devata. “Предмет на времето” може да значи “да се добијат само по одредено време” или “добри само за одреден временски период“: овие значења придонесуваат за нивниот втор размена.
Имам слушнато дека во една прилика Благословениот престојуваше во близина Rajagaha на Tapoda манастирот. Потоа ven. Samiddhi, како ноќта беше крај, стана и тргна кон Tapoda Хот Спрингс да се искапат своите нозе и раце. Ја избањаа неговите екстремитети и тргнете од изворите, стоеше облечена само долната облека, допуштајќи своите нозе и раце суви.
Потоа одредена devata, во далечната крајност на ноќта, нејзината екстремна блесок ја осветлува целата Tapoda Хот Спрингс, пријде ven. Samiddhi. По пристигнувањето, додека стои во воздухот, таа му се обратил со овој стих:
Без да ужива
сензуални задоволства,
да одите за милостиња, монах.
Вие не одат за милостина
откако ќе ужива.
Откако уживаше, монах,
потоа оди за милост.
Не дозволувајте време ви минуваат.
Ven. Samiddhi одговорил:
Не знам од моето време.
Моето време
е скриен.
Тоа не може да се гледа.
Затоа, не ја ужива,
Јас ќе одам за милостина:
Не дозволувајте моето време да помине покрај мене.
Тогаш devata, како слегува на земјата, рече ven. Samiddhi “минавте натаму додека младиот монах - црна коса, обдарени со благословот на младите во првата фаза од животот - без да игра со сензуални задоволства Уживајте човечки сензуалност, монах Не испуштајте го она што е.. видлив овде-и-сега е во потрага по она што е предмет на време. “
“Мојот пријател, јас не сум намалувањето она што е видливо овде-и-сега е во потрага по она што е предмет на време. Јас сум намалувањето она што е предмет на време во извршување на она што е видливо овде-и-сега. На Благословениот изјави дека сензуални задоволства се предмет на време, на многу стрес, многу очај, како и поголема недостатоци, со оглед на тоа Dhamma е видлива овде-и-сега, не е предмет на времето, ги поканува сите да дојдат и да видат, релевантни, да биде познат од страна на мудар за самите себе. “
“Но, монах, на кој начин има Благословениот рече дека сетилните задоволства се предмет на време, на многу стрес, многу очај, како и поголема недостатоци? И како е тоа Dhamma видливи-и-сега, не се предмет на време, поканувајќи сите да дојдат и да видат, релевантни, да биде познат од страна на мудар за себе? “
“Јас сум нов, пријателе, нема долго се рашири, неодамна дојде до овој Dhamma и дисциплина. Не можам да го објаснам во детали. Но, Благословениот, достојни и право самостојно разбудените, останува овде во Rajagaha на Tapoda манастирот. ја качил на него, го прашам ова прашање. како што тој објаснува, тоа е начинот на кој можете да се сеќава на него. “
“Монк, тоа не е лесно за нас да одиме на Благословениот, како што е опкружена со други Devas на големо влијание. Но, ако одите на Благословениот и го прашам ова прашање, јас ќе дојде заедно да се слушне Dhamma“.
Одговарајќи на devata “, како што велат, мојот пријател,” ven. Samiddhi отиде на Благословениот. По пристигнувањето, тој му се поклонија на Благословениот и седна на една страна. Како што седел таму тој изјави Благословениот целиот свој разговор со devata. “Сега, Господи, ако тоа devata ја кажува вистината, таа не е далеку од тука.”
Кога ова се рече, devata рече ven. Samiddhi “! Прашајте монах Прашајте го! Сум добил преку.”
Потоа Благословениот рецитираа овој стих на devata:
Согледувањето во однос на знаци, суштества
заземе став за знаци.
Не целосно разбирање знаци, тие
доаѓаат во обврзници
на смртта.
Но, целосно разбирање знаци, односно еден
не се толкува
на означителот.
Сепак, ништо не постои за него
од кои една би рекол,
“За него не мислеше случува.“
Ако ја познавате оваа, дух, тогаш се каже така.
“Јас не разбирам, Господи, на детални значењето на Благословениот кусата изјава. Би било добро ако Благословениот ќе зборува во таков начин што би се разбере детални значењето на Благословениот кусата изјава.”
Благословениот рече:
Кој толкува
“супериорни“, или
со тоа тој ќе си спор.
Со оглед на една непроменета од овие три,
не се појавуваат.
Ако ја познавате оваа, дух, тогаш се каже така.
“Јас не разбирам, Господи, на детални значењето на Благословениот кусата изјава. Би било добро ако Благословениот ќе зборува во таков начин што би се разбере детални значењето на Благословениот кусата изјава.”
Благословениот рече:
Ја фрли класификации,
помина надвор од суета,
тој има тука
намалување на
преку желба
за името
и форма:
Оваа една -
неговите обврзници се намали преку,
слободен од проблеми,
од копнеж -
иако тие бараат тие не може да го најде,
човечки и небесните суштества,
тука и надвор од неа,
на небото
или било место на живеење.
Ако ја познавате оваа, дух, тогаш се каже така.
Господи, еве како јас ги разбирам детални значењето на Благословениот кусата изјава:
Во целиот свет,
секој свет,
треба да се направи никакво зло
со говор,
или умот.
Ја напушти сензуални задоволства
- Свесен, алармирање -
не придружничка со страдање и стрес,
со тоа што не се однесуваат
до целта.
24. Samiddhi Sutta (සමිද්ධිසූ ත්රය) ven Doloswela Udithadheera Thero 26 Feb12 - 55:03 мин
свеќа Поврзани страници содржини:
Пали пеење
Пали Канон изданија
Пали буквари
англиски превод
Пали-да-англиски речници
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n16o2TYpKyQ -15: 27 мин
Погреб пеење - Theravada будизмот - Пали - Abhayagiri Монасите (+ извикувајќи текст)
Објавено на 27 јуни 2014
Пали пеењето на theravada (јужна) будистички училиште како извикуваа од Bhikkhus (монаси) на Abhayagiri будистички манастир. . 1. Namo tassa2 Dhammasangani Matika3 Patthana-Matika-Patho4 Випасана-Bhumi-Patho5 Karaniya Metta Sutta6 Anicca Вата sankharaRessources за понатамошни студии:.... Http: //www.dhammatalks.net/Articles/B … http: //issuu.com/erycamel/docs/wat_la…Audio и преземената слика од http: //www.abhayagiri.orgMay сите суштества биде ослободен од сите страдања.
55) Classical Malagasy
55) Classical Malagasy
1369.Ny LESONA 291214 Alatsinainy
FREE ONLINE E-Nālanda fikarohana sy ny fampiharana University
mihazakazaka amin’ny
http: sarvajan.ambedkar.org
Mba valio fandikan-teny marina ny reninao sy ny rehetra tounge fiteny hafa fantatrao fa io fomba fandikan-teny Google ka namelatra ka ho tonga ny Sota Panna (Stream Enterer) hanatratra Bliss Mandrakizay ho Final Tanjona.
Self hamoha ONE NY AMIN’NY fanentanana ARAHO NY AMIN’NY A bazana SHELL
Hahatsiaro !!!
BEST dokotera
DR. Diet!
DR. Mangina !!
DR. Mifaly hamoha ONE AMIN’NY fanentanana ny hery !!!
Course Program 1. Kamma-Samiddhi Sutta amin’ny
altWriting ao amin’ny andinin-teny ao amin’ny Pali sy EnglishImagecanonical
Samiddhi Sutta
About Samiddhi
Nadika avy amin’ny Pali amin’ny Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Fizarana maimaim-poana ihany
Fanamarihan’ny mpandika: The Pali Canon dia miavaka amin’ny manatona ny tontolon’ny fanahy. Raha manamafy ny fisian’ny fanahy sy ny ambaratonga voadio kokoa ny zavaboary, dia manamafy fa tsy mendrika ny fanompoam-pivavahana. Ny Bouddha, rehefa rehetra, dia ny mpampianatra tsy ny olombelona, fa any an-danitra koa ny olombelona; ary maro belona any an-danitra dia tsy tena mahay na ara-panahy be, na dia eo aza ny fanjakana voadio. Izay maneho izany ny Canon hevitra amin’ny maro ny malemy fanahy Satires. Ny malaza indrindra dia ny Kevatta Sutta (DN 14), izay ny tsy fahalalana sy ny pomposity ny heverina fa mahalala ny zava-drehetra no lampooned mpamorona. Ity lahateny voly iray hafa ohatra ny mitovy karazana, nanondro ny olana ny fampianarana be kokoa Dhamma ho misy maha - olombelona, na avy amin’Andriamanitra - iza no vahana eo amin’ny nofo fahafinaretana. Ao amin’ny andininy sasany nandre ny amin’ny nifoha indray ny toe-panahy - izay tsy manaiky ny fotoana sy ny tsy hita maso eto-ary-ankehitriny - ny devata tsy hahatakatra azy, ka mahay mahatakatra tena vitsy monja Dhamma fitsipika fototry ny fomba fanao. Tsy mahazatra izany ho an’ny Buddha ny tanjona ny teniny hatramin’izao ny lohan’ny ny mpihaino azy. Angamba amin’ity tranga ity, toy ny ao amin’ny Sn I.1, dia te handresy ny devata ny avonavona. Na ahoana na ahoana, dia misy fanantenana ho azy, araka ny Commentary manondro, fahalalana mandrakotra amin’ny endriny fanazavan- kevitra tsotra ny singa rehetra ao amin’ny Noble Eightfold Path. Raha manaraka ny alalan ‘amin’ny fahalalana, izy no teny an-dalana ho any amin’ny ambony attainments.
Izany dia ahitana ihany koa ny lahateny teny sasany milalao ny teny “andro“ (Kala) sy ny “foto-kevitra ny fotoana“ (kalika). “Fotoana“ dia midika koa hoe tsy fotoana heviny amin’ny ankapobeny, fa koa ny fotoana iray ny fahafatesana (olona iray izay efa maty Voalaza fa “nanao ny / ny fotoana“). Ireo dikany roa ny teny hoe underlie ny fifanakalozana eo Ven voalohany. Samiddhi sy ny devata. “Subject ny fotoana“ mety hidika hoe “alaina iray raha tsy aorian’ny fotoana” na “tsara iray ihany no ho lava andro“: Ireo dikany underlie ny fifanakalozana faharoa.
Efa reko fa indray mandeha Ankalazaina nipetrahany akaikin’ny Tapoda Rajagaha amin’ny monasitera. Ary Ven. Samiddhi, toy ny alina dia mifarana, nitsangana ka lasa nankany amin’ny Tapoda Hot Springs mba handro ny rantsambatany. Rehefa avy nandro ny rantsany sy ny harena avy amin’ny loharano, dia nijanona teo manao afa-tsy ny akanjo ambany, mamela ny tongotra maina.
Avy eo dia nisy devata, tany amin’ny farany tafahoatra ny alina, ny famirapiratany tafahoatra Manazava ny Tapoda manontolo Hot Springs, nanatona Ven. Samiddhi. Nony tonga, raha nijanona teo an-rivotra, dia niteny azy io andininy io:
Raha tsy dia tia
fahafinaretana araka ny nofo ihany,
ianao ho fiantrana, moanina.
Tsy mandeha ny fiantrana
rehefa tia.
Rehefa tia, moanina,
dia mandeha ny fiantrana.
Aza avela handalo anareo amin’ny fotoana.
Ven. Samiddhi namaly hoe:
Tsy fantatro ny fotoanako.
ny fotoanako
dia miafina.
Dia tsy hita maso.
Izany no antony, kanefa tsy mbola nahazo,
Aho ny fiantrana;
Aza avela handalo ny fotoana ahy.
Ary ny devata, nidina tetỳ an-tany, hoy Ven. Samiddhi, “Efa nivoaka raha mbola tanora, moanina - mainty volo, nomena ny fitahiana ny tanora ao amin’ny dingana voalohany ny fiainana - tsy dia nitendry lokanga tamin’ny nofo fahafinaretana. Ankafizo sensuality olombelona, moanina. Aza tsy hijanona izay hita eto ankehitriny-ary-hikatsahana hoe ahoana no tena foto-kevitra ny fotoana. “
“Ry namako, dia tsy nandatsaka inona no hita eto, ary, ankehitriny, sy hikatsahana inona no foto-kevitra ny fotoana. Aho nandatsaka izay ny momba ny fotoana, sy hikatsahana inona no hita eto, ary-ankehitriny. Fa ny Ankalazaina dia nilaza fa araka ny nofo ihany dia iharan’ny fahafinaretana fotoana, ny be saina, kivy be, ary lehibe kokoa drawbacks, nefa izany no hita eto Dhamma-sy-ankehitriny, tsy manaiky ny fotoana, fanasana ny rehetra hanatona ka hahita, mahakasika, mba ho fantatry ny ho amin’ny ny tenany. “
“Nefa, moanina, amin’ny fomba ahoana no ilay Sambatra Nilaza ny iray fa nofo fahafinaretana dia manaiky ny fotoana, ny be saina, kivy be, ary lehibe kokoa drawbacks? Ary ahoana no hita eto Dhamma-sy-ankehitriny, tsy manaiky ny fotoana, manasa rehetra ho avy ka jereo, mahakasika, mba ho fantatry ny hendry ho an’ny tenany? “
“Vaovao aho, ry namako, fa tsy ela nivoaka, vao haingana ihany no tonga eto amin’ity Dhamma sy ny fifehezana. Tsy afaka manazava azy io amin’ny an-tsipiriany. Sambatra anefa ny iray, mendrika sy tena ara-drariny raha fohazina, dia mitoetra eto amin’ny Rajagaha amin’ny Tapoda monasitera. Rehefa avy nanao ezaka izy, dia anontanio azy izany zavatra izany. Rehefa manazava izany, izany no tokony hahatsiaro izany. “
“Monk, fa tsy mora ho antsika ny mandeha any amin’ny Ankalazaina, araka ny dia voahodidina hafa devas ny fitaomana lehibe. Fa raha mandeha any amin’ny Sambatra iray ary nanontany Azy izany zavatra izany, dia ho tonga eny mba hihaino ny Dhamma.“
Mamaly ny devata, “Raha hoy ianareo: namako,“ Ven. Samiddhi nandeha Ankalazaina. Nony tonga izy, dia niankohoka tamin’ny Sambatra iray ka nipetraka tamin’ny lafiny iray. Rehefa nipetraka tao no nilaza tamin’ny Ankalazaina ny resaka iray manontolo tamin’ny devata. “Ary ankehitriny, tompoko, raha izany devata no marina, dia tsy lavitra eto.“
Rehefa izany hoe: ny devata hoy Ven. Samiddhi: “Mangataha, moanina! Angataho! Aho nahazo ny alalan ‘.“
Dia ny Ankalazaina mitanisa andininy io ho ny devata:
Fantatr’i teny ny famantarana, olombelona
Miandany amin’ny famantarana.
Tsy ny hevitra feno famantarana, dia
tonga tao an-fatorana
ny fahafatesana.
Fa ny hevitra feno famantarana, iray
tsy construe
ny signifier.
Na izany aza misy na inona na inona ho azy
izay misy hoe:
‘Ho azy tsy nanana eritreritra mitranga.‘
Raha fantatrareo izany, fanahy, dia milaza izany.
“Tsy azoko, tompoko, ny tsipiriany hevitry ny Ankalazaina ny fanambarana fohy. Mety ho tsara raha Ankalazaina dia miteny amin’ny fomba izay aho hahatakatra ny tsipiriany hevitry ny Ankalazaina ny fanambarana fohy.“
Ankalazaina hoe:
Na iza na iza construes
‘ambony,‘ na
ny fifandirana dia nihazona izany andraikitra izany.
Ny iray kosa tsy iharan’ny telo ireo,
izany intsony.
Raha fantatrareo izany, fanahy, dia milaza izany.
“Tsy azoko, tompoko, ny tsipiriany hevitry ny Ankalazaina ny fanambarana fohy. Mety ho tsara raha Ankalazaina dia miteny amin’ny fomba izay aho hahatakatra ny tsipiriany hevitry ny Ankalazaina ny fanambarana fohy.“
Ankalazaina hoe:
Ny fananana nandatsaka sokajy,
lasa ho hendry mihoatra,
izy eto
amin’ny alalan’ny no hianteheran’ny fanirianao
ny anarany
sy ny endrika:
Ity iray ity -
Manapaka ny fatorana,
afaka amin’ny fahoriana,
amin’ny faniriana -
izy ireo na dia mitady tsy mahita Azy,
olombelona sy ny any an-danitra olombelona,
eto sy ny manodidina,
any an-danitra
na nitoetra.
Raha fantatrareo izany, fanahy, dia milaza izany.
Tompo, eto ny fomba hahatakatra ny tsipiriany hevitry ny Sambatra ny fohy iray hoe:
Amin’izao tontolo izao,
izao tontolo izao rehetra,
tokony tsy hanao ratsy
tamin’ny teny,
na ny saina.
Manana nofo intsony fahafinaretana
- Hahatsiaro, mailo -
tsy hikambana amin’ny fijaliana sy ny adin-tsaina,
amin’ny zavatra tsy dia mahakasika
ny tanjona.
24. Samiddhi Sutta (සමිද්ධිසූ ත්රය) Ven Doloswela Udithadheera Thero 26 Feb12 - 55:03 minitra
labozia toerana Related anatiny:
Pali mihiaka
Pali Canon fanontana
Pali primers
fandikan-teny anglisy
Pali-ny-English rakibolana
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n16o2TYpKyQ -15: 27 minitra
Fandevenana mihiaka - Theravada Bodisma - Pali - Abhayagiri Monastics (+ mihiaka soratra)
Navoaka tao amin’ny Jun 27, 2014
Pali mihiaka ny theravada (atsimo) Bodista sekoly toy ny hira ny Bhikkhus (moanina) ao amin’ny Abhayagiri Bodista monasitera. 1. Namo tassa2. Dhammasangani Matika3. Patthana-Matika-Patho4. Vipassana-Bhumi-Patho5. Karaniya Sutta6 Metta. Anicca vata sankharaRessources Ho an’ny fandalinana fanampiny: http: //www.dhammatalks.net/Articles/B … http: //issuu.com/erycamel/docs/wat_la…Audio sy ny sary nalaina tao amin’ny http: //www.abhayagiri.orgMay ny olona rehetra ho afaka amin’ny fijaliana rehetra.
56) Classical Malay
56) Melayu Klasik
56) Klasik Melayu
56) Melayu Klasik
1369 PENGAJARAN 291214 Isnin
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doktor TERBAIK
Program Kursus 1. kamma-Samiddhi Sutta dalam
altWriting dalam teks dalam Pali dan EnglishImagecanonical
Samiddhi Sutta
Mengenai Samiddhi
Terjemahan dari Pali oleh Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Untuk edaran percuma sahaja
Nota penterjemah: The Pali Canon adalah unik dalam pendekatan kepada dunia roh. Walaupun mengesahkan kewujudan roh dan peringkat lebih halus lain makhluk, ia menegaskan bahawa mereka tidak berhak disembah. Buddha, selepas semua, adalah guru tidak sahaja manusia tetapi juga makhluk-makhluk sorgawi; dan banyak makhluk-makhluk surgawi tidak sangat berpengetahuan atau rohani maju, walaupun keadaan halus mereka. Canon menggambarkan perkara ini dalam beberapa satires lembut. Yang paling terkenal adalah Kevatta Sutta (DN 14), di mana kejahilan dan kesombongan seorang pencipta kononnya maha mengetahui adalah lampooned. Wacana ini adalah satu lagi contoh menghiburkan genre yang sama, menunjukkan kesukaran mengajar lebih maju Dhamma kepada mana-mana makhluk - manusia atau ilahi - yang taksub dengan keseronokan sensual. Apabila mendengar beberapa ayat mengenai negeri yang dikejutkan ini fikiran - yang tidak tertakluk kepada masa dan boleh dilihat di sini-dan-kini - devata yang tidak dapat memahami mereka, dan mampu untuk memahami hanya beberapa prinsip-prinsip asas amalan Dhamma. Ia adalah luar biasa bagi Buddha untuk mengarahkan kata-katanya setakat ini di atas kepala pendengar beliau. Mungkin dalam hal ini, seperti dalam SN I.1, dia mahu menundukkan kebanggaan devata ini. Macam mana pun, ada harapan untuk dia: sebagai Commentary menunjukkan, pemahaman beliau meliputi dalam fesyen asas semua unsur-unsur Jalan Mulia Lapan Lapis. Jika dia berikut melalui dengan pemahaman beliau, dia di jalan raya kepada pencapaian yang lebih tinggi.
Wacana ini juga mengandungi beberapa mainan kata pada perkataan “masa“ (kala) dan “tertakluk kepada masa“ (Kalika). “Masa“ boleh bermaksud bukan sahaja masa dalam erti kata yang umum, tetapi juga masa seseorang kematian (seseorang yang telah meninggal dunia dikatakan telah “dilakukan masa / beliau“). Kedua-dua maksud perkataan tersebut menjadi asas pertukaran pertama antara Ven. Samiddhi dan devata itu. “Tertakluk kepada masa“ boleh bermaksud “diperolehi hanya selepas masa yang tertentu“ atau “baik hanya untuk satu tempoh masa yang tertentu“: makna ini mendasari pertukaran kedua mereka.
Saya pernah mendengar bahawa pada satu ketika Satu Blessed tinggal berhampiran di Rajagaha Tapoda biara. Kemudian Ven. Samiddhi, kerana malam telah berakhir, bangun dan pergi ke Tapoda Air Panas untuk mandi tangan dan kakinya. Setelah dimandikan tangan dan kakinya dan mendapat daripada mata air, dia berdiri hanya memakai jubah yang lebih murah, membiarkan tangan dan kakinya kering.
Kemudian devata tertentu, dalam melampau jauh malam, cahaya yang amat sangat kepada menerangi keseluruhan Tapoda Hot Springs, mendekati Ven. Samiddhi. Setibanya, sambil berdiri di udara, dia menggelarkannya dengan ayat ini:
Tanpa dinikmati
keseronokan sensual,
anda pergi sedekah, sami.
Anda tidak pergi sedekah
setelah dinikmati.
Setelah dinikmati, sami,
kemudian pergi untuk sedekah.
Jangan biarkan masa berlalu begitu sahaja.
Ven. Samiddhi menjawab:
Saya tidak tahu masa saya.
masa saya
Ia tidak boleh dilihat.
Sebab itulah, dengan tidak dinikmati,
Saya pergi untuk sedekah:
Jangan biarkan masa saya lulus saya oleh.
Kemudian devata itu, turun ke bumi, dikatakan Ven. Samiddhi, “Anda telah pergi sementara muda, sami - hitam berambut, dikurniakan dengan berkat belia di peringkat pertama kehidupan - tanpa bermain dengan keseronokan sensual Nikmati hawa nafsu manusia, sami Jangan jatuhkan apa yang.. kelihatan di sini-dan-kini dalam usaha mencapai apa yang tertakluk kepada masa. “
“Kawan saya, saya tidak menjatuhkan apa yang boleh dilihat di sini-dan-kini dalam usaha mencapai apa yang tertakluk kepada masa. Saya menjatuhkan apa yang tertakluk kepada masa dalam mengejar apa yang boleh dilihat di sini-dan-kini. Untuk Satu Blessed telah berkata bahawa keseronokan sensual adalah tertakluk kepada masa, daripada banyak tekanan, banyak putus asa, dan keburukan yang lebih besar; manakala Dhamma ini boleh dilihat di sini-dan-kini, tidak tertakluk kepada masa, menjemput semua untuk datang dan melihat, penting, yang dikenali oleh bijak untuk diri mereka sendiri. “
“Tetapi, sami, dalam apa cara mempunyai Buddha berkata bahawa keseronokan sensual adalah tertakluk kepada masa, daripada banyak tekanan, banyak putus asa, dan keburukan yang lebih besar? Dan bagaimanakah ini boleh dilihat di sini Dhamma-dan-kini, tidak tertakluk kepada masa, menjemput semua untuk datang dan melihat, penting, yang dikenali oleh bijak untuk diri mereka sendiri? “
“Saya baru, kawan saya, tidak lama dahulu ditetapkan, hanya baru-baru ini datang kepada Dhamma ini dan disiplin. Saya tidak boleh menerangkannya secara terperinci. Tetapi Allah Yang Maha Suci, lagi dan memang mempunyai kesedaran diri, tinggal di sini di Rajagaha di Tapoda biara. Setelah pergi kepadanya, dia bertanya perkara ini. Seperti yang jelas beliau, itu, bagaimana kamu harus ingat. “
“Monk, ia bukan mudah untuk kita pergi kepada Allah Yang Maha Suci, kerana beliau dikelilingi oleh dewa lain pengaruh yang besar. Tetapi jika anda pergi ke Buddha dan bertanya kepadanya perkara ini, saya akan datang bersama-sama untuk mendengar Dhamma.“
Menjawab devata itu, “Seperti yang anda kata, kawan saya,“ Ven. Samiddhi pergi kepada Buddha. Setibanya, dia tunduk kepada Allah Yang Maha Suci dan duduk ke tepi. Ketika Yesus duduk di sana katanya kepada Buddha seluruh perbualan dengan devata itu. “Sekarang, tuan, jika devata yang bercakap benar, dia tidak jauh dari sini.“
Apabila ini telah berkata, devata itu berkata kepada Ven. Samiddhi, “Mintalah, sami! Tanya! Saya telah mendapat melalui.“
Kemudian Sang Bhagava membaca ayat ini untuk devata yang:
Tanggapan dari segi tanda-tanda, makhluk
mengambil pendirian dalam papan tanda.
Tidak memahami sepenuhnya tanda-tanda, mereka
datang ke dalam bon
Tetapi sepenuhnya memahami tanda-tanda, satu
tidak bermaksud
Namun tidak ada yang wujud untuk dia
oleh yang satu akan berkata,
‘Bagi beliau tiada pemikiran berlaku.‘
Jika anda tahu ini, semangat, maka katakanlah demikian.
“Saya tidak faham, tuan, erti yang terperinci kenyataan ringkas yang Satu Berbahagialah ini. Ia akan menjadi baik jika Allah Yang Maha Suci akan bercakap dalam apa-apa cara yang saya akan memahami erti yang terperinci kenyataan ringkas yang Satu berbahagia ini.“
Buddha berkata:
sesiapa construes
‘unggul‘ atau
‘rendah diri,‘
oleh itu dia akan pertikaian.
Manakala untuk satu tidak terjejas oleh ketiga-tiga,
tidak berlaku.
Jika anda tahu ini, semangat, maka katakanlah demikian.
“Saya tidak faham, tuan, erti yang terperinci kenyataan ringkas yang Satu Berbahagialah ini. Ia akan menjadi baik jika Allah Yang Maha Suci akan bercakap dalam apa-apa cara yang saya akan memahami erti yang terperinci kenyataan ringkas yang Satu berbahagia ini.“
Buddha berkata:
Mempunyai klasifikasi susut,
melampaui keangkuhan,
dia di sini
melalui keinginan
untuk nama
dan bentuk:
Yang ini -
bon beliau memotong,
bebas daripada masalah,
dari kerinduan -
walaupun mereka mencari mereka tidak dapat bertemu dengan Dia,
manusia dan syurga,
di sini dan di luar,
di syurga
atau mana-mana tempat.
Jika anda tahu ini, semangat, maka katakanlah demikian.
Tuhan, di sini adalah cara saya memahami erti yang terperinci kenyataan ringkas yang Satu Berbahagialah ini:
Dalam semua dunia,
setiap dunia,
yang perlu anda lakukan tidak jahat
dengan ucapan,
atau fikiran.
Mempunyai meninggalkan keseronokan sensual
- Ingat, amaran -
tidak mendampingi dengan penderitaan dan tekanan,
dengan apa yang tidak berkaitan
kepada matlamat.
24. Samiddhi Sutta (සමිද්ධිසූ ත්රය) Ven Doloswela Udithadheera Thero 26 Feb12 - 55:03 mins
lilin berkaitan laman kandungan:
Pali berbaur
Pali Canon edisi
primers Pali
terjemahan bahasa Inggeris
Pali-ke-Inggeris kamus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n16o2TYpKyQ -15: 27 minit
Melaungkan Pengebumian - Theravada Buddha - Pali - Abhayagiri Monastik (teks + melaungkan)
Published on Jun 27, 2014
Pali berbaur Theravada (selatan) sekolah Buddha sebagai melaungkan oleh bhikkhu (Sami) dari Biara Buddha Abhayagiri. . 1. Namo tassa2 Dhammasangani Matika3 Patthana-Matika-Patho4 Vipassana-Bhumi-Patho5 Karaniya Metta Sutta6 Anicca sankharaRessources Vata untuk kajian lebih lanjut:.... Http: //www.dhammatalks.net/Articles/B … http: //issuu.com/erycamel/docs/wat_la…Audio dan gambar diambil dari http: //www.abhayagiri.orgMay semua makhluk dibebaskan dari segala penderitaan.
57) Classical Malyalam
57) ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മരക്കലം
57) ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മരക്കലം
57) ക്ലാസിക്കൽ മരക്കലം
1369 പാഠം 291214 തിങ്കൾ
സൗജന്യ ഓൺലൈൻ ഇ-നളന്ദ റിസർച്ച് ആൻഡ് പ്രാക്റ്റീസ് യൂണിവേഴ്സിറ്റി
HTTP: sarvajan.ambedkar.org
ഈ Google പരിഭാഷയെ പ്രാക്ടീസ് പ്രചാരത്തിനും നിങ്ങളുടെ അമ്മ tounge നിങ്ങൾ അറിയുന്നു മറ്റെല്ലാ ഭാഷകളിൽ കൃത്യമായ പരിഭാഷയെ റെൻഡർ അന്ത്യദിനത്തെയും ലക്ഷ്യമാക്കി നിത്യത എത്താൻ ഒരു മുഖമുയര്ത്തി പന്ന (സ്ട്രീം Enterer) തീർന്നിരിക്കുന്നു ദയവായി.
സ്വയംഭരണം ഒരു നട് ഷെൽ ബോധവൽക്കരണ രീതികൾക്ക് ഉണർത്താൻ ഒരുവൻ
ദോഷവും ചെയ്യാതിരിക്കേണ്ടതിന്നു!
എല്ലായ്പോഴും ചെയ്യും !!
ആലോചിച്ചു !!!
നല്ലതെന്തോ വൈദ്യന്മാർ
ഡി.ആർ.. DIET എന്നിവയ്ക്ക്!
ഡി.ആർ.. നിശബ്ദ !!
ഡി.ആർ.. മഞ്ഞേ ബോധവൽക്കരണ ഒരു ബലവും ഉണർത്താൻ !!!
കോഴ്സ് പ്രോഗ്രാം 1. ദൈവമല്ലേ-Samiddhi മതീലോ ലെ
പാലി EnglishImagecanonical ലെ വാചകത്തിൽ altWriting
Samiddhi മതീലോ
Samiddhi കുറിച്ച്
Thanissaro Bhikkhu വഴി പാലി വിവർത്തനം
മാത്രം വിതരണം
പരിഭാഷകൻ ന്റെ കുറിപ്പ്: പാലി ആത്മാവു ലോകം അതിന്റെ സമീപനം അനന്യമാണ്. ആത്മാക്കളെയും വിരൂപി മറ്റു കൂടുതൽ ഊതിക്കഴിച്ച അളവ് അസ്തിത്വം സ്ഥിരീകരിക്കുന്ന സമയത്ത്, അവർ നമസ്കാരം യോഗ്യനല്ല എന്നു വാദിക്കുന്നു. ബുദ്ധൻ, എല്ലാ മനുഷ്യ മാത്രമല്ല ദേവപുത്രന്മാരിൽ മാത്രമല്ല ഗുരു; പലരും ദേവപുത്രന്മാരിൽ അവരുടെ ഊതിക്കഴിച്ച സംസ്ഥാനത്തെ മാറ്റിവച്ചാൽ, പ്രത്യേകിച്ച് വിവരമുള്ള അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ആത്മീയമായി വിപുലമായ അല്ല. കാനൺ സൌമ്യമായ ആക്ഷേപഹാസ്യവും ഒരു ഈ ചൂണ്ടി കാണിക്കുന്നത്. ഏറ്റവും പ്രശസ്തമായ വിചാരിയ്ക്കുന്ന സർവ്വജ്ഞനും സ്രഷ്ടാവ് അജ്ഞതയും പകിട്ടിന്റെയും lampooned അവിടെ Kevatta മതീലോ (ഡിഎൻ 14), ആണ്. മാനുഷിക അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ദൈവിക - - പ്രാകൃതവും ആനന്ദത്തിലും താന്നിപ്പറമ്പില് ഈ വ്യവഹാരത്തിന്റെ വല്ല കൂടുതൽ വിപുലമായ പഞ്ചേന്ദ്രിയങ്ങളുടെ ഉപദേശിച്ചു പ്രയസങ്ങളുടെയും ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടിയ അതേ ഗണത്തിന്റെ മറ്റൊരു നർമ്മ ഉദാഹരണമാണ്. ഇപ്പോൾ ഇവിടെ-ഉം-സമയം വിധേയമായി ആണ് ദൃശ്യമാകുന്ന - - മനസ്സിനെ ഉണർന്നവൻ സംസ്ഥാന ചില വചനങ്ങൾ കേട്ടപ്പോൾ devata അവ ഗ്രഹിച്ച്, ദ്വൈതങ്ങളൊക്കെ കുറച്ചു വളരെ അടിസ്ഥാന തത്ത്വങ്ങൾ ഗ്രഹിക്കാൻ കഴിയും കഴിയില്ല. ബുദ്ധൻ ശ്രോതാക്കളുടെ തലെക്കു മീതെ ഇതുവരെ അവന്റെ വാക്കു കൂടുമ്പോള് അത് അസാധാരണമായ ആകുന്നു. ഒരുപക്ഷേ ഈ കേസിൽ, എസ്.എൻ. I.1 എന്നപോലെ അവൻ devata അഹംഭാവം കീഴടക്കേണ്ടതുണ്ടായിരുന്നു ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നു. ചേതോഹരമായ അവളുടെ പ്രത്യാശയുണ്ടു: കമന്ററി പുറത്തു പോലെ അവളുടെ ധാരണ കളികൾക്കായി രീതിയിലായിരുന്നു വിശുദ്ധ Eightfold പാത എല്ലാ ഘടകങ്ങളും മൂടുന്നു. അവൾ വിവേകം കൂടി വന്നിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കിൽ, അവൾ കൂടുതൽ attainments റോഡ് പോലുണ്ട്.
ഈ പ്രസംഗം വാക്കുകൾ “സമയം” (കാലാ) “എന്നും സമയം വിധേയമായി” (KALIKA) ചില വചനം പ്ലേ അടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്നു. “സമയം“ ജനറൽ അർത്ഥത്തിൽ സമയം മാത്രമല്ല, മറിച്ചു പുറമേ മരണത്തിന്റെ സമയം കഴിയും (മരിച്ചുപോയ ഒരു വ്യക്തി “അവന്റെ / അവളുടെ സമയം ചെയ്തു“ എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു). വചനം ഈ രണ്ട് അർത്ഥങ്ങളുണ്ട് ആണത് തമ്മിലുള്ള ആദ്യ എക്സ്ചേഞ്ച് സവിശേഷതകൾ. Samiddhi ആൻഡ് devata. “സമയം വിധേയമായി” “മാത്രം ഒരു സമയം ശേഷം സംന്വാദിക്കാവുന്ന അർഥം” അല്ലെങ്കിൽ “സമയം ഒരു നീളം നല്ല“ കഴിയും: ഈ അർത്ഥം രണ്ടാം എക്സ്ചേഞ്ച് സവിശേഷതകൾ.
ഞാൻ ഒരു സന്ദർഭത്തിൽ അനുഗൃഹീതനായ Tapoda ആശ്രമത്തിലെ Rajagaha സമീപം പൊലീസ് കേട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു. പിന്നെയും വിവരക്കേട്. Samiddhi, രാത്രി അവസാനിക്കുന്ന പോലെ, എഴുന്നേറ്റു കൈകാലുകൾ കഴുകുകയും ലേക്കുള്ള Tapoda ഹാട് സ്പ്രിംഗ്സ് ലേക്കുള്ള പോയി. നീരുറവകളിൽനിന്നും അവന്റെ കൈകാലുകൾ കുളിക്കയും സമ്പാദിച്ച, അവൻ തന്റെ കൈകാലുകൾ ഉണങ്ങിയ അനുവദിക്കുന്നു അവന്റെ താഴത്തെ അങ്കിയും ധരിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു നിന്നു.
അപ്പോൾ ഒരു devata, രാത്രിയിൽ ബഹുദൂരം മോശമായിത്തീർന്നു, മുഴുവൻ Tapoda ഹോട്ട് സ്പ്രിംഗ്സ് പ്രകാശിതമായിരിക്കും അവളുടെ എക്സ്ട്രീം പ്രഭയും, വിവരക്കേട് സമീപിച്ചു. Samiddhi. ആഗമന എയർ നില്ക്കുമ്പോൾ, അവൾ ഈ വാക്യത്തിന്റെ അവനെ അഭിസംബോധന:
ആസ്വദിച്ചു ഇല്ലാതെ
പ്രാകൃതവും സന്തോഷങ്ങളും,
നിങ്ങൾ ഭിക്ഷ സന്യാസികൾ പോയി.
നിങ്ങൾ ഭിക്ഷ പാടില്ല
ആസ്വദിച്ചു ശേഷം.
സന്യാസികൾ ആസ്വദിച്ചു കരുതിയിരുന്നു,
പിന്നെ ഭിക്ഷ പോയി.
സമയം ഇത് നിനക്ക് എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
എസ്. Samiddhi പറഞ്ഞു:
എന്റെ സമയം അറിയുന്നില്ല.
എന്റെ സമയം
അതു കാണാൻ കഴിയില്ല.
അനുഭവിച്ചു കണ്ടിട്ടില്ലെന്ന് എന്തുകൊണ്ട്, ഇവടെ,
ഞാൻ ദാനം പോയി:
എന്റെ സമയം എന്നെ കടന്നു പോകരുത്.
പിന്നെ നിലത്തു ഇറങ്ങുന്നതു devata, വിവരക്കേട് പറഞ്ഞു. Samiddhi, ‘നിനക്ക് സന്യാസികൾ സമയത്ത് പുറത്തു പോയിരിക്കുന്നു - കറുത്ത-അകത്ത്, ജീവിതത്തിന്റെ ആദ്യ ഘട്ടത്തിൽ യൌവനത്തിലെ അനുഗ്രഹങ്ങൾ നേടാനും -.. പ്രാകൃതവും പ്രമോദങ്ങളും കളിച്ച ഇല്ലാതെ ബന്ധപെടുത്തി സന്യാസികൾ സുഖിച്ച് എന്തു ഡ്രോപ്പ് ചെയ്യരുത് കാണാൻ ഇവിടെ-ഉം-ഇപ്പോൾ സമയം വിധേയമായി എന്താണ് സക്കേവൂസിന്റെ. “
“എന്റെ സുഹൃത്ത്, ഞാൻ സമയം വിധേയമായി എന്താണ് പരിശ്രമത്തിൽ ഇപ്പോൾ ഇവിടെ-ആൻഡ്-ദൃശ്യമാകും എന്താണ് ഇറ്റിറ്റു എഴുതാൻ. അനുഗൃഹീതനായ പറഞ്ഞു ഞാൻ. ഇവിടെ-ആൻഡ്-ഇപ്പോൾ കാണാൻ എന്തു പരിശ്രമത്തിൽ സമയം വിധേയമാണ് എന്താണ് ഇറ്റിറ്റു പിരിയുകയാണ് പ്രാകൃതവും ഉല്ലാസങ്ങൾക്ക് സമയം വളരെ സമ്മർദ്ദം, വളരെ നിരാശ, വലിയവൻ ദോഷങ്ങളുമുണ്ട് വിഷയം; ഈ പഞ്ചേന്ദ്രിയങ്ങളുടെ ഇപ്പോൾ ഇവിടെ-ആൻഡ്-ദൃശ്യമാകും അതേസമയം, സമയം വിധേയമായി എന്നു, ജ്ഞാനികളുടെ വഴി അറിയപ്പെട്ടു, വന്നു കാൺക പ്രസക്തമായ എല്ലാ ക്ഷണിച്ച് തങ്ങളെ. “
“എന്നാൽ, സന്യാസിയായിരുന്നു ഏതു വിധത്തിൽ അനുഗൃഹീതനായ വളരെ സമ്മർദ്ദം, വളരെ നിരാശ, വലിയവൻ ചിരിയായി പ്രാകൃതവും ആനന്ദത്തിലും സമയം വിധേയമായിരിക്കും പറഞ്ഞു? പിന്നെ എങ്ങനെ പഞ്ചേന്ദ്രിയങ്ങളുടെ സമയം ഇവിടെ-ആൻഡ്-ഇപ്പോൾ കീഴടങ്ങി ദൃശ്യമാണ്, ക്ഷണിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് എല്ലാവരും ജ്ഞാനികളുടെ വഴി അറിയപ്പെട്ടു, വന്നു കാൺക പ്രസക്തമായ ലേക്കുള്ള? “
“ഞാൻ നീണ്ട യോഗ്യൻ കാണുകയും സ്വയം ഉണർത്തി ഞാൻ വിശദമായി അതു വിശദീകരിക്കാൻ കഴിയില്ല. മാത്രമല്ല അടുത്തിടെ ഈ പഞ്ചേന്ദ്രിയങ്ങളുടെ അച്ചടക്കവും വന്നു പുറപ്പെട്ടു. എന്നാൽ അനുഗൃഹീതനായ അല്ല, ന് Rajagaha ഇവിടെ തസ്ലീമ, എന്റെ സ്നേഹിതനായ പുതിയ സുഖമാണ് Tapoda ആശ്രമം. അവനോടു പോയി ഈ കാര്യം ചോദിക്കുന്നു. അവൻ അതു വിശദീകരിക്കുന്നു, നിങ്ങൾ അത് ഓർക്കണം എങ്ങനെ. “
“ഞങ്ങളെ അനുഗൃഹീതനായ പോകാൻ അവൻ വലിയ സ്വാധീനം മറ്റ് ബഹുധാ ചുറ്റപ്പെട്ട പോലെ മങ്ക്, അതു, പ്രയാസകരമാണ്. എന്നാൽ നിങ്ങൾ അനുഗൃഹീതനായ പോയി ഈ കാര്യം ചോദിച്ചാൽ ഞാൻ പഞ്ചേന്ദ്രിയങ്ങളുടെ കേട്ടു വളരുന്നു വരും.”
“നിങ്ങൾ പറയുന്നതു പോലെ എന്റെ സുഹൃത്ത്,“ ആണത്, devata പ്രതികരിക്കുന്ന. Samiddhi അനുഗൃഹീതനായ പോയി. ആഗമന അവൻ അനുഗൃഹീതനായ നമസ്കരിച്ചു ഒരു വശത്ത് ഇരുന്നു. അവൻ അവിടെ ഇരിക്കുമ്പോൾ അവൻ devata വാഴ്ത്തപ്പെട്ട തന്റെ മുഴുവൻ അറിയിച്ചു. “ആ devata സത്യവാൻമാരുടെ കൂട്ടത്തിലാണെങ്കിൽ ഇപ്പോഴോ കർത്താവേ, അവൾ ഇവിടെ നിന്ന് ഇല്ല.“
ഇതു പറഞ്ഞിട്ടു വന്നപ്പോൾ devata ആണത് പറഞ്ഞു. Samiddhi, “മങ്ക്, ചോദിക്കുക! ഞാൻ കത്തനാർ ചെയ്തു! ചോദിക്കുക.“
അപ്പോൾ അനുഗൃഹീതനായ devata ഈ യില്ല:
അടയാളങ്ങൾ നിബന്ധനകൾ അറിഞ്ഞിട്ടു ജീവികളാണ്
അടയാളങ്ങൾ നിലപാട് എടുത്തു.
പൂർണ്ണമായി അവർ ദൃഷ്ടാന്തങ്ങൾ ഉൾക്കൊള്ളുന്നതിൽ അല്ല
ബോണ്ടുകൾ വന്നു
എന്നാൽ പൂർണ്ണമായും അടയാളങ്ങളും ഒരു ഉൾക്കൊള്ളുന്നതിൽ
construe ഇല്ല
ഒരു signifier.
എങ്കിലും ഒന്നും അവനെ നിലവിലുണ്ട്
ഒറ്റ പറയും ഏത്,
‘അവനെ മറന്നു സംഭവിക്കുന്നത്.‘
നിങ്ങൾ ഈ ആത്മാവു അറിയുന്നു എങ്കിൽ അങ്ങനെ പറയുന്നു.
“കർത്താവേ, ഞാൻ, അനുഗൃഹീതനായ ന്റെ ഹ്രസ്വമായ പ്രസ്താവന വിശദമായ അർഥം മനസ്സിലാക്കുന്നില്ല. അനുഗൃഹീതനായ ഞാൻ അനുഗൃഹീതനായ ന്റെ ഹ്രസ്വമായ പ്രസ്താവന വിശദമായ അർത്ഥം ഗ്രഹിക്കും എന്നു വിധത്തിൽ സംസാരിച്ചു എങ്കിൽ നല്ലതാണ്.“
അനുഗൃഹീതനായ പറഞ്ഞു:
ആരെങ്കിലും construes
‘, തുല്യമായ‘
‘മെച്ചപ്പെട്ട’ അല്ലെങ്കിൽ
അത് അവൻ തർക്കം തരൂ.
ഈ മൂന്നു പതറാതെ ഒരു അതേസമയം,
സംഭവിക്കാം ചെയ്യരുത്.
നിങ്ങൾ ഈ ആത്മാവു അറിയുന്നു എങ്കിൽ അങ്ങനെ പറയുന്നു.
“കർത്താവേ, ഞാൻ, അനുഗൃഹീതനായ ന്റെ ഹ്രസ്വമായ പ്രസ്താവന വിശദമായ അർഥം മനസ്സിലാക്കുന്നില്ല. അനുഗൃഹീതനായ ഞാൻ അനുഗൃഹീതനായ ന്റെ ഹ്രസ്വമായ പ്രസ്താവന വിശദമായ അർത്ഥം ഗ്രഹിക്കും എന്നു വിധത്തിൽ സംസാരിച്ചു എങ്കിൽ നല്ലതാണ്.“
അനുഗൃഹീതനായ പറഞ്ഞു:
ചൊരിഞ്ഞ തിരിക്കുന്നു ഇല്ലാത്തവർ
ഊഹത്തെ വിട്ടു,
അവൻ ഇവിടെ ഉണ്ട്
ആസക്തി വഴി
ഇത് -
അവന്റെ ബന്ധനങ്ങൾ, വഴി വെട്ടി
കഷ്ടകാലത്തു സ്വതന്ത്രരായി
വിൽ നിന്ന് -
അവർ അവനെ കണ്ടെത്തുകയില്ല തിരച്ചില് എങ്കിലും,
മാനുഷിക ദേവപുത്രന്മാരിൽ,
ഇവിടെ അതിനപ്പുറവും,
അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ഏതെങ്കിലും സങ്കേതം.
നിങ്ങൾ ഈ ആത്മാവു അറിയുന്നു എങ്കിൽ അങ്ങനെ പറയുന്നു.
കർത്താവേ, ഇവിടെ ഞാൻ അനുഗൃഹീതനായ ൻറെ ഹ്രസ്വമായ പ്രസ്താവന വിശദമായ അർത്ഥം മനസ്സിലാക്കാൻ എങ്ങനെ:
എല്ലാ ലോകത്തിൽ,
ഓരോ ലോകം,
നിങ്ങൾ ഒരു ദോഷവും ചെയ്യണം
അല്ലെങ്കിൽ മനസ്സ്.
പ്രാകൃതവും ആനന്ദത്തിലും ഉപേക്ഷിക്കപ്പെട്ട കരുതിയിരുന്നു
- ആലോചിച്ചു, മുന്നറിയിപ്പ് -
കഷ്ടപ്പാടും സമ്മർദ്ദം കൊണ്ട് സഹവർത്തിക്കേണ്ടതുമുണ്ട് ചെയ്യരുത്,
പറയും ഇല്ല എന്തു കൊണ്ട്
24. Samiddhi മതീലോ (සමිද්ධිසූ ත්රය) ആണത് Doloswela Udithadheera Thero 26 Feb12 - 55:03 മിനിറ്റ്
മെഴുകുതിരി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട സൈറ്റുകൾ ഉള്ളടക്കം:
ഉരുക്കഴിച്ച് പാലി
പാലി പതിപ്പുകൾ
പാലി primers
ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് പരിഭാഷകൾ
പാലി-ലേക്കുള്ള-ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് നിഘണ്ടുകൾ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n16o2TYpKyQ -15: 27 മിനിറ്റ്
ശവസംസ്കാരം അതിനിടക്ക് - തേരവാദ ബുദ്ധമതം - പാലി - Abhayagiri Monastics (+ ഉരുക്കഴിച്ച് ടെക്സ്റ്റ്)
ജൂൺ 27, 2014 പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചു
Abhayagiri ബുദ്ധ ആശ്രമം എന്ന പ്രജ്ഞ (സന്യാസികളെ) വഴി രാജവാഴ്ചയുടെ പോലെ തേരവാദ (തെക്കൻ) ബുദ്ധമത സ്കൂൾ കഴിയ്ക്കുമായിരുന്നു പാലി. . 1. നമോ tassa2 Dhammasangani Matika3 Patthana-Matika-Patho4 വിമുക്ത-ഭൂമി-Patho5 Karaniya, Rangreejpet Sutta6 കൂടുതൽ പഠനത്തിനായി Anicca Vaţa sankharaRessources:....: Http: //www.dhammatalks.net/Articles/B …: http: //issuu.com/erycamel/docs/wat_la…Audio ചിത്രമെടുക്കുക HTTP നിന്ന് എടുത്ത: //www.abhayagiri.orgMay എല്ലാ ജീവജാലങ്ങളിലും എല്ലാ കഷ്ടതകളിൽ നിന്ന് റിലീസ്.
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58) Maltese Klassiku
58) Malti Klassiku
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Jekk jogħġbok tirrendi traduzzjoni eżatta ilsien omm tiegħek u kollha lingwi oħra li taf għal din il-prattika traduzzjoni Google u t-tixrid u jsir panna Sota (Stream Enterer) biex jilħqu Dejjiema Bliss bħala Goal Finali.
DO NO ħażen!
tobba BEST
DR. Kwieta !!
DR. MERRY Raqda ONE MAL KUXJENZA l-jista !!!
Program Kors 1. Kamma-Samiddhi Sutta fil
altWriting fit-test fil Pali u EnglishImagecanonical
Samiddhi Sutta
dwar Samiddhi
Tradotti mill-Pali mill Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Għad-distribuzzjoni ħielsa biss
Nota tat-traduttur: Il Canon Pali huwa uniku fl-approċċ tagħha lejn id-dinja ispirtu. Filwaqt li tikkonferma l-eżistenza ta ‘spirti u livelli aktar raffinati oħra ta’ ħlejjaq, huwa jinsisti li dawn mhumiex denja ta ‘qima. Il Buddha, wara kollox, huwa l-għalliem mhux biss ta ‘esseri umani, iżda wkoll ta’ ħlejjaq heavenly; u bnedmin heavenly ħafna mhumiex partikolarment infurmati jew spiritwalment avvanzati, minkejja l-istat raffinati tagħhom. Il Canon juri dan il-punt f’numru kotba ta ‘Satiri ġentili. L-aktar famuża hija l-Sutta Kevatta (DN 14), fejn il-injoranza u pomposity ta ‘kreatur allegatament kollha jafu hu Lampooned. Dan diskors huwa eżempju ieħor divertenti ta ‘l-istess ġeneru, fakkret id-diffikultajiet ta‘ tagħlim aktar avvanzati Dhamma għal kwalunkwe benessri - bniedem jew divina - li huwa ossessjonat bl pjaċiri sensual. Fuq xi versi li jikkonċernaw l-istat tal-wieħed tkebbset tal-moħħ - li mhijiex soġġetta għal żmien u hija viżibbli hawn u l-issa - l-devata ma tistax tifhem lilhom, u huwa kapaċi li jaħtfu biss ftit prinċipji bażiċi ħafna ta ‘prattika Dhamma. Huwa mhux tas-soltu għall-Buddha biex jimmiraw kliem tiegħu s’issa fuq il-kapijiet ta ‘semmiegħa tiegħu. Forsi f’dan il-każ, bħal fil SN I.1, jixtieq li subdue kburija tal-devata tal. Fi kwalunkwe rata, hemm tama għall tagħha: kif tindika l-Kummentarju, fehim tagħha tkopri b’mod rudimentali l-elementi kollha ta ‘l-Path Nobbli tmien darbiet. Jekk hi ssegwi permezz ta ‘mal-fehim tagħha, hi tal fit-triq lejn l-kisbiet ogħla.
Dan diskors Fih ukoll xi play kelma fuq il-kliem “ħin“ (Kala) u “suġġett għal żmien“ (Kalika). “Time” tista ‘tfisser iż-żmien, mhux biss fis-sens ġenerali, iżda wkoll wieħed mument tal-mewt (a persuna li mietet huwa qal li “jsir ħin tiegħu / tagħha“). Dawn iż-żewġ tifsiriet tal-kelma sottostanti l-ewwel skambju bejn Ven. Samiddhi u l devata. “Bla ħsara għall-ħin“ tista ‘tfisser “li tista’ tinkiseb biss wara ċertu żmien” jew “tajba biss għal ċertu tul ta ‘żmien”: dawn tifsiriet sottostanti tieni skambju tagħhom.
I smajt li f’okkażjoni waħda il-One Beatu kien joqogħdu ħdejn Rajagaha fil-monasteru Tapoda. Imbagħad Ven. Samiddhi, kif bil-lejl kien jispiċċa, ltqajna u marru għall-Tapoda Hot Molol li jmorru sabiex jgħumu riġlejn tiegħu. Wara li għamet riġlejn tiegħu u gotten barra ta ‘l-molol, hu kien liebes biss Robe aktar baxx tiegħu, kiri riġlejn tiegħu xott.
Imbagħad devata ċerta, fid-estrem l bogħod tal-lejl, radjanza estremi tagħha tixgħel il intiera Tapoda Hot Molol, avviċinat Ven. Samiddhi. Mal-wasla, waqt li wieqaf fl-arja, hi indirizzata lilu ma dan il-poeżiji:
Mingħajr ma jkunu jgawdu
pjaċiri sensual,
inti tmur għall Alms, monk.
Inti ma tmur għall Alms
wara li gawdew.
Wara li gawdew, monk,
imbagħad mur għall Alms.
Tħallix ħin jgħaddi għalik mill.
Ven. Samiddhi wieġeb:
I do not know ħin tiegħi.
ħin tiegħi
huma moħbija.
Hija ma tistax titqies.
C’est pourquoi, li ma jgawdu,
I tmur għall Alms:
Tħallix ħin tiegħi jgħaddu lili mill.
Imbagħad il-devata, jinżlu lejn id-dinja, qal li Ven. Samiddhi, “Inti marru lura filwaqt żgħażagħ, monk - iswed häired, mogħnija bil-tberik ta ‘żgħażagħ fl-ewwel stadju tal-ħajja - mingħajr ma lagħbu pjaċiri sensual Igawdu sensuality bniedem, monk Ma qatra dak li huwa.. viżibbli hawn u l-issa fl-insegwiment ta x’hemm soġġett għal żmien. “
“My friend, jien ma twaqqa x’hemm viżibbli hawn u l-issa fl-insegwiment ta x’hemm soġġett għal żmien. Jien twaqqa x’hemm soġġetta għal żmien fl-insegwiment ta x’hemm viżibbli hawn u l-issa. Għall-One Beatu qal li pjaciri sensual huma soġġetti għal żmien, ta ‘stress ħafna, ħafna disperazzjoni, u l-iżvantaġġi akbar; billi din Dhamma hija viżibbli hawn u l-issa, mhumiex soġġetti għal żmien, tistieden kollha li ġejjin u tara, pertinenti, li għandu jkun magħruf mill-għaqli għal infushom. “
“Iżda, monk, b’liema mod għandha l-Beatu One qal li pjaciri sensual huma soġġetti għal żmien, ta ‘stress ħafna, ħafna disperazzjoni, u l-iżvantaġġi akbar? U kif huwa dan Dhamma viżibbli hawn u l-issa, mhumiex soġġetti għal żmien, tistieden kollha li ġejjin u tara, pertinenti, li għandu jkun magħruf mill-għaqli għalihom infushom? “
“Jien ġodda, ħabib tiegħi, mhux twil marret lura, biss reċentement jaslu għal dan Dhamma u d-dixxiplina. I ma tistax tispjega fid-dettall. Imma l-Beatu One, denja u bir-raġun awto tkebbset, qed joqgħod hawn fil Rajagaha fi monasteru Tapoda. Wara li marret lilu, jitolbuh din il-kwistjoni. kif huwa jispjega li, li kif għandek tiftakar dan. “
“Monk, mhuwiex faċli għalina biex tmur fil-Beatu One, kif hu hija mdawra minn Devas oħra ta ‘influwenza kbira. Imma jekk inti tmur għall-Beatu One u jitolbuh din il-kwistjoni, jiena ser jiġu flimkien biex tisma’ l Dhamma.“
Jirrispondu għall-devata, “Kif inti tgħidli, ħabib tiegħi,“ Ven. Samiddhi marru għall-Beatu One. Mal-wasla, huwa bowed isfel għall-Beatu One u sib lejn naħa waħda. Kif kien hemm seduta huwa qal lill-Beatu One konverżazzjoni kollu tiegħu mal-devata. “Issa, Lord, jekk dan devata kien javżak il-verità, hija mhijiex bogħod minn hawn.“
Meta dan kien qal, il-devata qal li Ven. Samiddhi, “Staqsi, Monk! Staqsi! Stajt gotten permezz.“
Imbagħad il-Beatu One Akbah dan il-poeżiji għall-devata:
Jipperċepixxi f’termini ta ‘sinjali, bnedmin
jieħdu pożizzjoni fuq sinjali.
Mhux comprehending kompletament sinjali, huma
jidħlu fis-bonds
Iżda comprehending kompletament sinjali, wieħed
ma tinterpretaha
a signifier.
Madankollu teżisti xejn għalih
li permezz tiegħu wieħed ngħid,
“Lilu ebda ħsieb iseħħ.“
Jekk inti taf dan, l-ispirtu, imbagħad tgħid hekk.
“Ma nifhimx, Lord, it-tifsira dettaljata ta ‘dikjarazzjoni fil-qosor tal-One Beatu tal. Ikun tajjeb jekk il-Beatu One se jitkellem b’tali mod li nixtieq jifhmu t-tifsira dettaljata ta’ dikjarazzjoni fil-qosor tal-One Beatu tal.“
Il Beatu One qal:
Kulmin tinterpreta
“superjuri,” jew
billi dak huwa d-tilwima.
Billi sabiex wieħed affettwata mill dawn it-tlieta,
ma jseħħux.
Jekk inti taf dan, l-ispirtu, imbagħad tgħid hekk.
“Ma nifhimx, Lord, it-tifsira dettaljata ta ‘dikjarazzjoni fil-qosor tal-One Beatu tal. Ikun tajjeb jekk il-Beatu One se jitkellem b’tali mod li nixtieq jifhmu t-tifsira dettaljata ta’ dikjarazzjoni fil-qosor tal-One Beatu tal.“
Il Beatu One qal:
Wara klassifikazzjonijiet barrakka,
marret lil hinn conceit,
huwa għandu here
permezz tax-xenqa
u l-forma:
Dan wieħed -
bonds tiegħu maqtugħa permezz,
ħielsa minn inkwiet,
minn longing -
għalkemm dawn tfittxija li ma jistgħux isibu lilu,
bnedmin u heavenly,
hawn u lil hinn,
jew kwalunkwe jabitaw.
Jekk inti taf dan, l-ispirtu, imbagħad tgħid hekk.
Mulej, hawnhekk kif I jifhmu t-tifsira dettaljata ta ‘dikjarazzjoni fil-qosor tal-One Beatu tal-:
Fid-dinja kollha,
kull dinja,
inti għandek tagħmel l-ebda ħażen
ma diskors,
jew mentali.
Wara pjaċiri sensual abbandunati
- Konxja, twissija -
ma consort ma tbatija u tensjoni,
ma ‘dak li ma tirrigwardax
24. Samiddhi Sutta (සමිද්ධිසූ ත්රය) Ven Doloswela Udithadheera Thero 26 Feb12 - 55:03 mins
xemgħa relatati siti kontenut:
chanting pali
Edizzjonijiet Pali Canon
primers Pali
traduzzjonijiet bl-Ingliż
Pali-to-Ingliż dizzjunarji
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n16o2TYpKyQ -15: 27 mins
Chanting Funeral - Theravada Buddhism - Pali - Monastics Abhayagiri (test + chanting)
Ippubblikat fuq 27 Ġunju, 2014
Chanting Pali ta ‘l-iskola Buddhist Theravada (Nofsinhar) kif chanted mill-Bhikkhus (Monks) tal-Abhayagiri Buddisti Monasteru. . 1. Namo tassa2 Dhammasangani Matika3 Patthana-MATIKA-Patho4 Vipassana-Bhumi-Patho5 Karaniya Metta Sutta6 Anicca sankharaRessources vata għal aktar studju:.... Http: //www.dhammatalks.net/Articles/B … http: //issuu.com/erycamel/docs/wat_la…Audio u stampa meħuda minn http: //www.abhayagiri.orgMay bnedmin kollha jiġu rilaxxati mill-tbatija kollha.
59) Classical Maori
59) Classical Maori
59) Classical Maori
59) Classical Maori
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Hoatu koa translation tangohia i roto i tou tounge whaea, me nga mea katoa atu reo e mohio ana koe mo tenei mahi translation Google, a wherahia ana, ka riro i te panna Sota (awa Enterer) ki te tae Bliss Mure rite Whāinga Final.
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DO kore te kino!
NOA mahi i te pai !!
Kia mahara !!!
Tuhinga rata
DR. Diet!
DR. Koa te faaara i tetahi ki te mōhio te kaha !!!
Program Course 1. Kamma-Samiddhi Sutta i roto i
altWriting i roto i te kuputuhi i roto i te Pali a EnglishImagecanonical
Samiddhi Sutta
Mō Samiddhi
Iritihia mai i te Pali e Thanissaro Bhikkhu
No te tuari free anake
Tuhipoka o te Translator: he ahurei i roto i tona huarahi ki te ao varua te Pali Tumau. I te whakatau i te oraraa o te wairua, me te tahi atu taumata ake parakore o taata, vili reira e kore ratou e tika ai te koropiko. Ko te Puta, i muri i te katoa, ko te kaiako e kore e anake o te tangata, engari ano hoki o te mau taata i te rangi; a kahore e mātau rawa ranei fakalaumālie matatau maha taata no te ra’i, i roto i te noa’tu o ratou ahua, he mea parakore. Ko te Canon faahoho’ai teie nei parau i roto i te maha o pūhohe ngawari. Ko te rongonui tino te Kevatta Sutta (DN 14), i reira lampooned te kuware o me te pomposity o te kaihanga mahara katoa-i mohio te. Ko tetahi tauira whakangahau o te momo kotahi tenei korero, tuhu i te mau fifi o te haapiiraa i atu matatau Dhamma ki tetahi oranga - tangata hanahana ranei - ko wai te mea e hawata ana ki nga ahuareka titorehanga. I te rongonga o etahi mau irava mo kāwanatanga te tetahi faaara o te o te ngakau - e kore e he nei kaupapa ki te wa, me te he kitea i konei-me-inaianei - e kore e taea e te devata mahino ia ratou, a ka e taea ki te mahino’i he torutoru noa te mau parau tumu rawa tumu o Dhamma mahi. E mea rerekē hoki ki te Buddha whai ana kupu na tawhiti i runga i te upoko o ona fanongó. Pea i roto i tenei take, kia rite i roto i te SN I.1, e hiahia ana ia ki te pehi nga o te devata whakapehapeha. I tetahi auau, i reira he tumanako hoki ia: ka rite ki te Commentary tohu i roto i, e hipokina tona mohio i roto i te ahua fare nga mea timatanga katoa o te Ara Noble Eightfold. Ki te whai ake ia i roto i ki tona matauranga, te ia i runga i te ara ki te mau titauraa teitei.
Kei hoki tēnei korero etahi tākaro kupu i runga i nga kupu “wā“ (kala) me “raro ki te wa“ (kalika). “Time“ e nehenehe te tikanga o te wā e kore e anake i roto i te tikanga whānui, engari ano te wa i tetahi o o te mate (mea he tangata i mate nei, kua ki te i “mahi ana / tona wa“). Ko enei tikanga e rua o te kupu à te utu tuatahi i waenganui i Ven. Samiddhi me te devata. “Subject ki te wa“ e nehenehe te tikanga “tiki noa i muri i te tetahi wa“ pe “pai anake mo te roa etahi o te wā“: enei tikanga à ratou utu tuarua.
Kua rongo au e i te hoê taime i noho tata Rajagaha te Mea hari i Tapoda ohu. Na ka Ven. Samiddhi, ka rite ki te po i mutu, ka whakatika, ka haere ki te Tapoda Hot Springs ki te horoi i ona wahi. Ka horoia e ia tona wahi, ka whiwhi i roto i nga puna, tu ia mau tona kakahu raro anake, tuku maroke ona wahi.
Na tetahi devata, i roto i te tino tawhiti o te po, tona marama tino te tahu i te katoa Tapoda Hot Springs, whakatata Ven. Samiddhi. I te taenga, i te tu i roto i te rangi, whakatutuki ia ia ki tenei irava:
Te kore ka koa
ahuareka titorehanga,
koe haere hoki te hunga rawakore, moke.
E kore e hoki te hunga rawakore koe haere
i muri i ka fiefia.
Ka koa, moke,
ka haere hoki te hunga rawakore.
Kaua e kia te wa e haere ki a koe.
Ven. Ka mea Samiddhi:
E kore ahau e mohio ki toku wa.
toku wā
Ko te huna.
E kore e taea te kite i te reira.
Ko te aha, e kore e ka koa,
No te mea mana i haere ahau:
Kaua e tukua toku wa i haere ahau.
Na te devata, haere mai ki raro ki te whenua, ka mea ki a Ven. Samiddhi, “Kua haere koe puta i te taitamariki, moke - mangu-hina, e hua ana ki te mau haamaitairaa o te taitamarikitanga i roto i te wāhanga tuatahi o te ora - i waho ka te takaro ki te ahuareka titorehanga Enjoy hiahia taikaha tangata, moke Kaua e maturuturu aha te mea.. konei-a-inaianei kitea i roto i te whai o te mea te kaupapa ki te wā. “
“E hoa, e kore au iho ana ahau i te mea te kitea i konei-me-i teie nei i roto i te whai o te mea te kaupapa ki te wā. Au iho ana ahau he aha te kaupapa ki te wā i roto i te whai o te mea te kitea i konei-me-i teie nei. Ka mea hoki kua te Mea koa koutou e e ngohengohe ana ki te wa, o nui te ahotea, nui hepohepo, me drawbacks nui ahuareka titorehanga: notemea ko tenei Dhamma kitea konei-ka-inaianei, e kore e raro ki te wa, fakaafe’i katoa ki te haere mai, ka kite, hāngai, kia mohiotia e te whakaaro nui mo te ratou. “
“Ko, moke, i roto i te mea ara kua mea te e whakapaingia nei e ahuareka titorehanga e ngohengohe ki te wa, o nui te ahotea, nui hepohepo, me drawbacks nui? A me pehea ko tenei Dhamma kitea konei-ka-inaianei, e kore e raro ki te wa, fakaafe’i katoa kia haere mai, ka kite, hāngai, kia mohiotia e te whakaaro nui mo ratou? “
“Ahau ahau hou, e kore roa haere toku hoa, puta, tata anake haere mai ki tenei Dhamma me te ako. E kore e taea e au te whakamārama i te reira i roto i te taipitopito. Ko e whakapaingia nei, e tika, me te tika whaiaro-oho, kei te noho i konei i roto i te Rajagaha i Tapoda ohu. ka haere ki a ia, ui ki a ia i tenei mea. i whakamārama e ia, e te e founga totonu ke mahara koe i te reira. “
“Monk, e kore te mea ohie no tatou ia haere ki te e whakapaingia nei, kia rite ki te karapotia ia e te tahi atu devas o te mana nui. Engari, ki te haere koe ki te e whakapaingia nei, ka ui ki a ia i tenei mea, ka haere mai ahau haere ki te whakarongo ki te Dhamma.“
Te aro ki te devata, “E mea koe, e toku hoa,“ Ven. Ka haere Samiddhi ki te e whakapaingia nei. I te taenga, piko iho ia ki te e whakapaingia nei, ka noho ki tetahi taha. I a ia i reira e noho ana ka korerotia e ia te e whakapaingia nei tona whakahaere katoa ki te devata. “Na, ariki, ki te i taua devata korero i te pono, e kore e matara ia i konei.“
I te mea tenei, ka mea te devata ki Ven. Samiddhi, “A ani, moke, A ani, kua whiwhi ahau i roto i.“
Na ka takina e whakapaingia nei teie irava ki te devata:
He kite i roto i ngā o nga tohu, taata
tango i te tu i runga i nga tohu.
E kore tino mārama tohu, ratou
haere mai ki te here
o te mate.
Otiia ke mahino’i kakato ‘tohu, tetahi
e kore e construe
he tohu.
Heoi kahore te tīariari hoki ia
e ai e mea tetahi,
‘Ki a ia puta tetahi whakaaro.‘
Ki te matau koutou ki tenei, te wairua, ka mea pena.
“E kore ahau e matau, ariki, te auraa taipitopito o te faahitiraa poto nga o te whakapaingia nei. E mea pai ki te te e whakapaingia nei e te korero i roto i te ara taua e e mahino e ahau te tikanga taipitopito o te faahitiraa poto nga o te whakapaingia nei.“
Na ka mea te e whakapaingia nei:
Ko te tangata e construes
‘pai,‘ e aore
‘iti iho,‘
e e hiahia ia tautohetohe.
Notemea ki te kotahi watea i enei e toru,
e kore e tupu.
Ki te matau koutou ki tenei, te wairua, ka mea pena.
“E kore ahau e matau, ariki, te auraa taipitopito o te faahitiraa poto nga o te whakapaingia nei. E mea pai ki te te e whakapaingia nei e te korero i roto i te ara taua e e mahino e ahau te tikanga taipitopito o te faahitiraa poto nga o te whakapaingia nei.“
Na ka mea te e whakapaingia nei:
He whakarōpūtanga te whakaheke,
haere ki tua atu whakaaro,
He konei ia
na roto i te minamina
no te ingoa
me te puka:
Tenei tetahi -
tapahia ana here i roto i,
free i te raruraru,
i te hiahia -
ahakoa rapu ratou ia e kore e taea e kitea e ratou,
te tangata, me te te rangi taata,
konei, i tua atu,
i roto i te rangi
tetahi i noho ranei.
Ki te matau koutou ki tenei, te wairua, ka mea pena.
E te Ariki, i konei te pehea matau ahau te tikanga taipitopito o te faahitiraa poto nga o te whakapaingia nei:
I roto i te ao katoa,
nga ao,
kia meatia e koe kahore kino
ki te kupu,
ranei te whakaaro.
He whakarerea ahuareka titorehanga
- Mahara, mataara -
e kore e moepuku ki te mamae, me te ahotea,
ki e kore e aha mo
ki te whāinga.
24. Samiddhi Sutta (සමිද්ධිසූ ත්රය) Ven Doloswela Udithadheera Thero 26 Feb12 - 55:03 mins
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Funeral io - Theravada Buddhism - Pali - Abhayagiri Monastics (+ io kuputuhi)
Whakaputaina i runga i Jun 27, 2014
Pali karakia o te theravada (tonga) te kura Putihi rite karakia e nga Bhikkhus (Monks) o te Abhayagiri Buddhist ohu. . 1. Namo tassa2 Dhammasangani Matika3 Patthana-Matika-Patho4 Vipassana-Bhumi-Patho5 Karaniya Metta Sutta6 Anicca sankharaRessources vata mō te ako atu:.... Http: //www.dhammatalks.net/Articles/B … http: kia tukua //www.abhayagiri.orgMay taata katoa i te mamae katoa; //issuu.com/erycamel/docs/wat_la…Audio me te pikitia i tangohia i te http.
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60) शास्त्रीय मराठी
60) शास्त्रीय मराठी
इ.स. 1369 पाठ 291214 सोमवार
मोफत ई-नालंदा संशोधन आणि सराव विद्यापीठ
HTTP: sarvajan.ambedkar.org
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एक कोळशाचे गोळे शेल जागरूकता सराव स्वतःला जागृत एक
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बेस्ट फिजिशियन
डॉ. डायट!
डॉ. शांत !!
डॉ. जागरूकता आनंद जागृत एक शकते !!!
कोर्स कार्यक्रम 1. Kamma-Samiddhi Sutta मध्ये
पाली आणि EnglishImagecanonical मजकूर मध्ये altWriting
Samiddhi Sutta
Samiddhi बद्दल
Thanissaro Bhikkhu करून पाली पासून अनुवादित
मोफत वितरण फक्त
अनुवादक टीप: पाली कॅनन आत्मा जगात त्याच्या दृष्टिकोन अद्वितीय आहे. माणूस विचारांना आणि इतर अधिक शुद्ध पातळी अस्तित्व खात्री असताना, ते उपासना योग्य नाही आहेत धरते. बुद्ध, सर्व केल्यानंतर, माणूस पण स्वर्गीय माणूस नाही फक्त शिक्षक आहे; आणि अनेक स्वर्गीय माणसं त्यांच्या शुद्ध राज्य असूनही, नाही, विशेषत: हुषार किंवा आध्यात्मिक प्रगत आहे. कॅनन सभ्य satires संख्या हे सिद्ध. सर्वात प्रसिद्ध एक, supposedly सर्व जाणून निर्माता अज्ञान आणि pomposity lampooned आहे जेथे Kevatta Sutta (DN देखील 14) आहे. मानवी किंवा दैवी - - विषयासक्त सुखे जानी आहे हा प्रवचन कोणत्याही जात अधिक प्रगत धम्मा शिक्षण अडचणी बाहेर दिशेला, त्याच शैली दुसर्या मनोरंजक उदाहरण आहे. वेळ अधीन नाही आणि येथे आणि आता दृश्यमान आहे - - देवता त्यांना समजू शकत नाही, आणि धम्मा सराव फक्त काही अतिशय मूलभूत तत्त्वे अनिश्चित सक्षम आहे मन जागे एक राज्य यासंबंधी काही अध्याय ऐकले. बुद्ध आपल्या श्रोत्यांना च्या डोक्यावर आतापर्यंत त्याचे शब्द आमचे ध्येय हे असामान्य आहे. कदाचित या प्रकरणात, एस.एन. I.1 म्हणून, तो देवता गर्व स्वाधीन करू इच्छित आहे. काय वाट्टेल ते झाले तरी, तिला आशा आहे: निवेदन बाहेर पॉइंट्स म्हणून, तिला समजून थोर Eightfold पथ सर्व घटक एक प्राथमिक फॅशन मध्ये समाविष्टीत आहे. तिने समजून माध्यमातून खालील तर, ती जास्त attainments रस्त्यावर आहे.
या प्रवचन शब्द “वेळ” (कला) आणि “वेळ अधीन“ (kalika) काही शब्द नाटक समाविष्टीत आहे. “वेळ“ सामान्य अर्थाने नाही फक्त वेळ याचा अर्थ असा, पण मृत्यू एक वेळ करू शकता (मृत्यू झाला आहे अशी व्यक्ती “त्याच्या / तिच्या वेळी पूर्ण“ आहे असे म्हटले जाते). शब्द हे दोन अर्थ काँग्रेसमध्ये दरम्यान प्रथम विनिमय चा पाया. Samiddhi आणि देवता. “वेळ विषय” “फक्त वेळ विशिष्ट लांबी चांगले“ “फक्त एक ठराविक वेळ झाल्यावर obtainable“ किंवा अर्थ शकता: या अर्थ दुसऱ्या विनिमय चा पाया.
मी एक प्रसंगी धन्य एक Tapoda मठ येथे Rajagaha जवळ राहणा तुम्ही ऐकले आहे. मग काँग्रेसमध्ये. Samiddhi, रात्री बोजा होता म्हणून, उठला आणि आपल्या पायांच्या स्नान करण्यास Tapoda हॉट स्प्रिंग्स गेला. झरे व त्यातून त्याचे हातपाय मोकळे स्नान करावे व मिळविलेला त्याने त्याच्या हातपाय मोकळे कोरड्या देऊन केवळ कमी झगा परिधान उभा राहिला.
मग एक विशिष्ट देवता, रात्री आतापर्यंत अत्यंत मध्ये, संपूर्ण Tapoda हॉट स्प्रिंग्स उजळून तिच्या अत्यंत तेज, काँग्रेसमध्ये आले. Samiddhi. हवेत उभे असताना आगमन रोजी, ती या वचनात त्याला संबोधित:
आनंद न करता
विषयासक्त सुख,
आपण दान, साधू जा.
आपण दान जा नाही
नंतर आनंद आहे.
आनंद येत, साधू,
नंतर भीक जा.
वेळ आपण जाऊ दे नका.
काँग्रेसमध्ये. Samiddhi उत्तर दिले:
मी माझ्या वेळ माहीत नाही.
माझे वेळ
लपवलेले आहे.
हे पाहिले जाऊ शकत नाही.
त्या आनंद येत नाही का, आहे,
मी भीक जा:
माझे वेळ मला जाऊ दे नका.
मग देवता, पृथ्वीवर खाली येत आहे, काँग्रेसमध्ये म्हणाला. काळा केस पांढरे झालेले, आयुष्याच्या पहिल्या टप्प्यात तरुण आशीर्वाद समृद्ध - - विषयासक्त सुखे नाही न करता मानवी विषयलोलुप्त, साधू आनंद घ्या काय आहे ड्रॉप करू नका Samiddhi, “आपण तर तरुण, साधू निघाले आहेत.. दृश्यमान येथे आणि आता वेळ अधीन आहे काय प्रयत्न आहे. “
“माझे मित्र, मी अधीन आहे काय प्रयत्न येथे आणि आता दृश्यमान आहे काय ड्रॉप नाही आहे. मी धन्य एक, असे ते म्हणाले आहे. येथे आणि आता दृश्यमान आहे काय प्रयत्न वेळ अधीन आहे काय ड्रॉप आहे विषयासक्त सुख जास्त ताण, किती निराशा, आणि जास्त धोरणातील, वेळ अधीन आहेत; या धम्मा शहाणे ओळखले जाईल, समर्पक, या आणि पाहा सर्व आमंत्रण, येथे आणि आता वेळ अधीन दिसत नाही आहे, तर स्वत:. “
“पण, साधू, काय प्रकारे धन्य एक विषयासक्त सुख जास्त ताण, किती निराशा, आणि जास्त धोरणातील, वेळ अधीन आहेत, असे ते म्हणाले आहे? आणि कसे आमंत्रण, येथे आणि आता वेळ हा विषय धम्मा दिसत नाही सर्व येऊन स्वत: साठी शहाणा तुमची ओळख करुन, समर्पक पाहण्यासाठी? “
“मी, माझे मित्र, लांब नवीन अलीकडेच निघाले हे धम्मा आणि शिस्त येतात. मी तपशील स्पष्ट करू शकत नाही. पण धन्य एक, योग्य आणि यथायोग्य स्वत: ची जागा झाला येथे Rajagaha येथे राहत नाही आहे Tapoda मठ. त्याला जाऊन, त्याला या प्रकरणाचा विचारा. तो स्पष्ट म्हणून, आपण लक्षात ठेवले पाहिजे की, कसे आहे. “
“तो चांगला प्रभाव इतर devas वेढला आहे म्हणून आम्हाला धन्य एक जायची संस्थेची सभासद, हे सोपे नाही आहे. पण तुम्ही धन्य एक जा आणि त्याला या प्रकरणाचा मागाल तर ते मी धम्मा ऐकून बाजूने येतील.“
“तुम्ही म्हणता त्याप्रमाणे माझे मित्र,“ काँग्रेसमध्ये, देवता प्रतिसाद. Samiddhi धन्य एक गेला. आगमन, तो धन्य एक खाली वाकून नमन केले आणि एका बाजूला बसला. तो तेथे बसला होता तो देवता आशीर्वाद त्याच्या संपूर्ण संभाषण सांगितले. “त्या देवता सत्य सांगत होते तर आता, प्रभु, ती येथे दूर नाही आहे.“
असे म्हटले होते, तेव्हा देवता काँग्रेसमध्ये म्हणाला. Samiddhi, “भिख्खू, विचारा! मी माध्यमातून मिळविलेला केले! विचारा.“
मग धन्य एक देवता या काव्य म्हटले:
चिन्हे, प्राण्यांच्या दृष्टीने समजले
चिन्हे एक बाजू घेणे.
पूर्णपणे चिन्हे अनुभवताना, ते
बंध मध्ये आला
पण पूर्णपणे, एक चमत्कार अनुभवताना
अर्थ लावणे नाही
एक signifier.
पण काहीही त्याला विद्यमान
जे एक म्हणणार नाही की,
‘त्याला विचार उद्भवते.‘
आपण या, आत्मा, तर म्हणता येईल.
“मी, परमेश्वर, धन्य एक संक्षिप्त निवेदन सविस्तर अर्थ समजत नाही. धन्य धन्य एक मी एक संक्षिप्त निवेदन सविस्तर अर्थ समजून होईल अशा प्रकारे बोलू तर ते चांगले होईल.“
धन्य म्हणाला:
जो कोणी construes
‘वरिष्ठ‘ किंवा
की तो वाद इच्छित.
या तीन नैसर्गिक एक तर,
येऊ नाही.
आपण या, आत्मा, तर म्हणता येईल.
“मी, परमेश्वर, धन्य एक संक्षिप्त निवेदन सविस्तर अर्थ समजत नाही. धन्य धन्य एक मी एक संक्षिप्त निवेदन सविस्तर अर्थ समजून होईल अशा प्रकारे बोलू तर ते चांगले होईल.“
धन्य म्हणाला:
शेड वर्गवार्या येत,
गर्व पलीकडे गेलेले,
तो येथे आहे
वेध लागणे माध्यमातून
आणि फॉर्म:
हा एक -
त्याच्या बंध माध्यमातून कट
संकटांपासून मुक्त,
उत्कट इच्छा पासून -
ते त्याला शोधू शकत नाही शोध तरी,
मानवी आणि स्वर्गीय माणूस,
येथे आणि पलीकडे,
किंवा कोणत्याही राहिला.
आपण या, आत्मा, तर म्हणता येईल.
प्रभु, पहा, येथे मी धन्य एक संक्षिप्त निवेदन सविस्तर अर्थ कळत आहे:
सर्व जगात,
प्रत्येक जग
तुम्ही काहीही चुकीचे करणार पाहिजे
किंवा मन.
बेबंद विषयासक्त सुख येत
- आठवण, इशारा -
दु: ख आणि ताण नवरा किंवा बायको नाही,
संबंधित नाही काय
ध्येय आहे.
24. Samiddhi Sutta (සමිද්ධිසූ ත්රය) काँग्रेसमध्ये Doloswela Udithadheera Thero 26 Feb12 - 55:03 मि
मेणबत्ती संबंधित साइट सामग्री:
पाली पठाण
पाली कॅनन आवृत्तीतही
पाली primers
इंग्रजी अनुवाद
पाली-टू-इंग्रजी शब्दकोश
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n16o2TYpKyQ -15: 27 मि
दफन पवित्र - थेरवडा बौद्ध - पाली - Abhayagiri Monastics (+ जप मजकूर)
जून 27, 2014 रोजी प्रकाशित
Abhayagiri बौद्ध मठ Bhikkhus (Monks) यांनी कोरले म्हणून थेरवडा (दक्षिण) बौद्ध शाळा पाली पठाण. . 1. नमो tassa2 Dhammasangani Matika3 Patthana-Matika-Patho4 विपश्यना-भूमी-Patho5 Karaniya Metta Sutta6 Anicca वात sankharaRessources पुढील अभ्यासासाठी:.... Http: //www.dhammatalks.net/Articles/B … HTTP, http: घेतले //issuu.com/erycamel/docs/wat_la…Audio आणि चित्र: //www.abhayagiri.orgMay सर्व प्राणीमात्रांना सर्व दु सुटका करण्यात.
61) Classical Mongolian
61) уйгаржин монгол
61) Сонгодог монгол
61) уйгаржин монгол
Үнэ төлбөргүй онлайн E-Наланда судалгаа, практик ИХ СУРГУУЛИЙН
HTTP: sarvajan.ambedkar.org
Таны эх tounge бөгөөд энэ нь Google-ийн орчуулга практикт та мэдэх бусад бүх хэл дээр нарийн орчуулгыг үзүүлж, түгээх болон Sota Panna (урсгал Enterer) эцсийн зорилго болох Мөнхийн аз жаргал хүрч болох уу.
A Nut бүрхүүл ухамсар практикийн өөрийгөө сэрээж, нэг юм
Ямар ч муу муухай байна!
Үргэлж сайн DO !!
Анхаарах хэрэгтэй !!!
DR. Чимээгүй !!
DR. Ойлголт Merry сэрээж НЭГ болох юм !!!
Хичээлийн хөтөлбөр 1. Kamma-Samiddhi сударт нь
Пали болон EnglishImagecanonical-д текст altWriting
Samiddhi сударт
Samiddhi тухай
Thanissaro хувраг гэхэд пали хэлнээс орчуулагдсан
Үнэгүй тараах нь зөвхөн
Орчуулагч тэмдэглэл: Пали Canon сүнсний дэлхийд өөрийн арга барилын онцлог юм. Төрөлхтөний сүнс, бусад илүү боловсронгуй түвшинд байгааг баталгаажуулах боловч энэ нь тэдний шүтэн зохистой биш гэдгийг үзэж байна. Будда бүхнээ хийсний дараа, хүний төдийгүй тэнгэрлэг хүмүүн нь зөвхөн багш юм; олон тэнгэрлэг амьтан нь боловсруулсан улсын хэдий ч биш, ялангуяа, мэдлэг болон сүнслэг байдлын хувьд дэвшилттэй байна. Canon зөөлөн satires хэд хэдэн Энэ санааг харуулж байна. Хамгийн алдартай нь гэж боддог бүхнийг мэдэгч зохиогч нь мунхагийн харанхуй болон pomposity lampooned байна Kevatta сударт (DN 14) юм. Хүний юмуу бурханлаг - - тачаангуй таашаалыг нь хамаг цагаа байгаа энэ дискурсийг ямар нэг сайхан нь илүү дэвшилтэт Dhamma заах нь бэрхшээлтэй зааж, мөн төрөл зүйл өөр нэг сонирхолтой жишээ юм. Цаг зүйл биш бөгөөд энд-ба-одоо харагдаж байгаа - - devata тэднийг ойлгож чадахгүй, практикт Dhamma хэдхэн маш үндсэн зарчмуудыг ойлгох чадвартай оюун ухааны сэрээсэн хэн нэгний байдлын талаар зарим нэг шүлгийг сонсоод. Бурхан багш өөрийн сонсогчдын толгой дээр Одоогоор түүний үгсийг зорилго нь ер бусын зүйл юм. Магадгүй энэ тохиолдолд, БМ I.1 шиг, тэр devata бардам занг зөв замд нь оруулах гэж хүсдэг. Ямартай ч, түүнд итгэл найдвар байдаг: Тайлбар цохон тэмдэглэснээр, түүний ойлголт Найман гишуут хутагт мер бүх элементүүд нь анхан шатны загвараар хамардаг. Тэр ойлголт нь дамжуулан дараах тохиолдолд тэр их хурэхийн тулд зам дээр байна.
Энэ ярианы хандлага нь мөн үгс “цаг хугацаа” (Кала) болон “цаг хугацааны асуудал” (Калика) дээр зарим нэг үгийг тоглох агуулсан байдаг. “Time“ ерөнхий утгаар нь зөвхөн цаг хугацаа гэсэн үг, бас нас бараад нэг цаг болно (үхсэн хүн “гэж / өөрийн цаг хийсэн“ гэж хэлж байна). Үгийн Энэ хоёр утгыг Драм хооронд анхны солилцох үндэс. Samiddhi болон devata. “Тэр харгалзан” “зөвхөн тодорхой цаг хугацаанд нь сайн“, “зөвхөн тодорхой хугацааны дараа олж“, эсвэл гэсэн утгатай байж болно: эдгээр утгыг хоёр дахь солилцоог нөлөөлж байна.
Би нэг удаа Ялж Тегс Негцсен Tapoda хийдэд ойролцоо байрлаж Rajagaha байсан гэж би сонссон. Дараа нь лам Б.. Samiddhi, шөнө дуусч байсан юм шиг босож, түүний мөчүүдийг угаал Tapoda халуун рашаан руу явсан. Булаг гарч түүний мөчүүдийг угаагдан болон хүрэхгүй дараа, тэр үе мөчүүд хуурай тохируулж орхих нь зөвхөн түүний доод дээл өмссөн зогсож байв.
Дараа нь тодорхой devata, шөнийн хол Эцэст нь, нийт Tapoda халуун рашааныг хүртэл гэрэлтүүлэг нь түүний туйлын туяа, лам Б. ханджээ. Samiddhi. Агаарт зогсож байхад очих, тэр энэ шүлэг нь түүнд хандаж:
Таалагдсан учир бол
тачаангуй таашаал,
Хэрэв та нар өглөг өгөхдөө, лам төлөө явна.
Та хишгийн явж болохгүй
дараа нь таалагдсан учир.
Таалагдсан дараа, лам,
Дараа нь хишгийн явна.
Цаг хугацаа өнгөрөх та бүү олго.
Лам Б.. Samiddhi хариулсан нь:
Би цагийг мэдэхгүй байна.
Миний цаг
нуугдмал байдаг.
Энэ нь харж болохгүй.
Энэ нь таалагдсан учир яагаад үгүй гэж, юм,
Би гуйлга явна:
Миний цаг минь өнгөрөх бүү олго.
Дараа нь devata, дэлхий рүү ирж, Драм гэв. Хар үстэй, амьдралын эхний үе шатанд залуучуудын адислалуудаар хишиг хүртсэн - - тачаангуй таашаалыг нь тоглож байсан учир ямар ч хүний тачаангуй байдал, лам сайхан өнгөрүүлээрэй юу унах байхгүй бол Samiddhi, “Та бол залуу, лам гарч явсан билээ.. харагдаж энд-ба-одоо цагт хамаарах юу хөөж. “
“Миний найз, миний үед хамаарах юу хөөж энд-ба-одоо харагдаж юу буурч байгаа юм биш шүү. Би Ялж Тегс Негцсен гэж байна уу. Энд-ба-одоо харагдаж юу зүйлсийн араас хөөцөлдөхөө үед хамаарах юу унаж байна тачаангуй зугаа цэнгэлд их стресс, их цөхрөл, мөн их дутагдалтай талууд байгаа, цаг хугацаа хамаарна, энэ нь мэргэн Dhamma мэдэгдэж байх, холбогдох ирж, харахыг бүх хүмүүсийг урьж байна, энд-ба-одоо үед хамаарах харагдахгүй байх юм бол өөрсдөө. “
“Гэхдээ, лам, ямар арга зам нь Ялж Тегс Негцсен тачаангуй зугаа цэнгэлд их стресс, их цөхрөл, мөн их дутагдалтай талууд байгаа, цаг хугацаа хамаарна гэж байна вэ, хэрхэн урьж, энд-ба-одоо үед хамаарах энэ Dhamma харагдахгүй байх юм бүх ирж, өөрсдөө мэргэн мэдэгдэж байх, холбогдох үзнэ үү? “
“Би, миний найз, урт удаан шинэ саяхан, явж энэ Dhamma болон сахилга ирдэг билээ. Би нарийвчлан тайлбарлаж чадахгүй. Гэхдээ Ялж Тегс Негцсен, зохистой, зөв өөрийгөө сэрээсэн, дээр Rajagaha энд оршин сууж байгаа юм биш шүү Tapoda хийд. түүний дараа явсан түүнд энэ асуудлыг гуйж байна. тэр нь тайлбарласнаар, та санаж байх ёстой шүү. “
“Тэр маш их нөлөө нь бусад хагас бурхад хүрээлэгдсэн тул АНУ, Ялж Тегс Нэгэн руу явах нь лам, энэ нь тийм ч амар биш шүү. Харин та нар адислагдсан Нэгэнд очоод түүнд энэ асуудлыг асуух аваас, би Dhamma сонсох хамт ирнэ.“
“Хэрэв та хэлж байхдаа миний найз,” лам Б., devata хариулах нь. Samiddhi Ялж Тегс Нэгэн явсан. Ирээд, тэр Ялж Тегс Нэгэн бөхийжээ, нэг талд нь суулаа. Тэр тэнд сууж байхад тэр devata нь Ялж Тегс Негцсен түүний бүх яриа хэлжээ. “Гэж devata үнэнийг хэлж байсан бол одоо эзэн, тэр эндээс хол биш юм.”
Энэ хэлсэн үед devata Драм гэв. Samiddhi, “лам гэж асуу! Би дамжуулан хүрэхгүй шүү дээ! Асуу.“
Дараа нь Ялж Тегс Негцсен devata энэ шүлгийг уншиж:
Шинж тэмдэг, амьтны хувьд мэдээд
тэмдэг дээр байр авна.
Бүрэн ойлгож шинж тэмдэг биш, тэдгээр нь
бонд орж ирж
нас барсан.
Харин бүрэн, нэг шинж тэмдэг ойлгож
construe биш юм
нь signifier.
Гэсэн хэдий ч түүний хувьд юу ч байхгүй
ямар нэг хэлж болох юм
“Түүнд ямар ч бодол бий болдог.“
Хэрэв та энэ, сүнсийг мэдэж байгаа бол, дараа нь түүнийгээ бич.
“Их Эзэн бибээр, Ялж Тегс Негцсен товч тайлан нарийвчилсан утга учрыг ойлгохгүй байна. Ялж Тегс Негцсен би Ялж Тегс Негцсен товч тайлан нарийвчилсан утга учрыг ойлгох болно ийм байдлаар ярих юм бол энэ нь сайн байх болно.“
Ялж Тегс Негцсен хэлсэн нь:
хэн ч construes
“дээд зэргийн“, эсвэл
тэр Тэрээр маргааныг Исүс.
Энэ гурвын нөлөөлдөггүй нэг бол,
‘дээд зэргийн‘
гарч байна.
Хэрэв та энэ, сүнсийг мэдэж байгаа бол, дараа нь түүнийгээ бич.
“Их Эзэн бибээр, Ялж Тегс Негцсен товч тайлан нарийвчилсан утга учрыг ойлгохгүй байна. Ялж Тегс Негцсен би Ялж Тегс Негцсен товч тайлан нарийвчилсан утга учрыг ойлгох болно ийм байдлаар ярих юм бол энэ нь сайн байх болно.“
Ялж Тегс Негцсен хэлсэн нь:
Урсгасан ангилалтай байх,
нүдэнд барсан,
Тэр энд байна
шунал дамжуулан
, хэлбэр:
Энэ нь нэг -
Түүний бонд, замаар бууруулах
гай ангид,
тэмүүлэн нь -
тэд түүнийг олж чадахгүй хайх боловч,
хүн, тэнгэрлэг төрөлхтөн,
Энд мөн гадна,
эсвэл ямар нэгэн илхэн харагдана.
Хэрэв та энэ, сүнсийг мэдэж байгаа бол, дараа нь түүнийгээ бич.
Эзэн минь, би энд Ялж Тегс Негцсен товч тайлан нарийвчилсан утга учрыг ойлгох юм даа:
Бүх дэлхийд,
бүх ертөнц
Хэрэв та ямар ч бузар мууг хийх хэрэгтэй
үг хэлэх нь
эсвэл оюун ухаан.
Хаягдсан дур булаам жаргалыг байх
- Анхаарал халамж тавьдаг, бөгөөд дохио авах байрлуулах -
зовлон, стресс нь гэргийг байна,
хамаарах биш юм юу
24. Samiddhi сударт (සමිද්ධිසූ ත්රය) лам Б. Doloswela Udithadheera Thero 26 Feb12 - 55:03 мин
лаа Холбоотой сайтууд агуулга:
Пали тарнийн уншлага
Пали Canon хэвлэл
Пали праймер
Англи хэл дээрх орчуулгууд
Пали-тулд-Англи хэлний толь бичиг
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n16o2TYpKyQ -15: 27 минут
Оршуулга мантра - Теравада Буддын шашин - Пали - Abhayagiri лам (+ мантра текст)
Jun 27, 2014 Нийтэлсэн
Abhayagiri Буддын хийдийн Хуврагууд аа (лам нар) нь дуулж болох Теравада (өмнөд) Бурханы шашны сургуулийн Пали тарнийн уншлага. . 1. намо tassa2 Dhammasangani Matika3 Patthana-Matika-Patho4 Випашяна бясалгалын-Bhumi-Patho5 Karaniya Metta Sutta6 Anicca vata sankharaRessources цаашид суралцах нь:.... HTTP: //www.dhammatalks.net/Articles/B … HTTP: HTTP авсан //issuu.com/erycamel/docs/wat_la…Audio болон зураг: //www.abhayagiri.orgMay бүх хүмүүн бүх зовлонгоос чөлөөлөгдөнө.
62) Classical Myanmar(burmese)
62) Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ)
62) Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ)
62) Classical မြန်မာ (ဗမာ)
1369 သင်ခန်းစာ 291214 တနင်္လာနေ့
အခမဲ့အွန်လိုင်း E-နာလန်ဒါသုတေသနနှင့်လေ့ကျင့် UNIVERSITY
ကို http: sarvajan.ambedkar.org
ဒီ Google ကဘာသာပြန်အလေ့အကျင့်များနှင့်ပြန့်ပွားဘို့အသင့်အမိ tounge နှင့်သင်သိရှိသမျှသည်အခြားသောဘာသာစကားအတွက်အတိအကျကိုဘာသာပြန်ချက် render နှင့်နောက်ဆုံးနှစ်ဂိုးအဖြစ်ထာဝရ Bliss ရောက်ရှိဖို့ရန် Sota panna (Stream ကတော့ Enter) ဖြစ်လာပါတော့။
ကိုယ့်ကိုယ်ကိုယ်တစ်ဦး Nut Shell ကိုသတိထားကျင့်တို့နှင့်နိုးထ ONE ၏‘S
NO ဒုစရိုက်ကိုပြု!
အမြဲကျေးဇူးပြု !!
စိတ်ကို BE !!!
DR ။ Diet!
DR ။ တိတ်ဆိတ်သော !!
DR ။ ရွှင်မြူးသတိ ONE ၏တန်ခိုးနိုးထ !!!
သင်တန်းအစီအစဉ်ကိုအစီအစဉ် 1. ကမ္မ-Samiddhi သုတ်အတွက်
ပါဠိနှင့် EnglishImagecanonical အတွက်စာသားထဲမှာ altWriting
Samiddhi သုတ်
Samiddhi အကြောင်း
Thanissaro ရဟန်းအားဖြင့်ပါဠိကနေဘာသာပြန်ထားသော
ဘာသာပြန်တဲ့သူရဲ့မှတ်စု: ပါဠိကို Canon ဝိညာဉ်တော်သည်လောကီသားတို့အား၎င်း၏ချဉ်းကပ်မှုအတွက်ထူးခြားသည်။ စိတ်ဝိညာဉ်နှင့်သတ္တဝါများ၏အခြားသောပိုမိုသန့်စင်ပြီးအဆင့်ဆင့်၏တည်ရှိမှုကိုမြဲမြံနေချိန်တွင်သူတို့ကဝတ်ပြုကိုးကွယ်ခြင်း၏မထိုက်မတန်ဖြစ်ကြောင်းအခိုင်အမာဆိုသည်။ ဗုဒ္ဓနောက်သို့အားလုံး, လူ့သတ္တဝါ၏အတွက်သာမကကောင်းကင်ဘုံ၌ရှိတော်မူကုန်သောသတ္တဝါ၏မသာဆရာသည် ဖြစ်. , ကောင်းကင်ဘုံ၌ရှိတော်မူနှင့်များစွာသောသတ္တဝါတို့သည်မိမိတို့သန့်စင်ပြီးပြည်နယ်၏ကြားမှ, အထူးသဖြင့်တတ်ကျွမ်းနားလည်တဲ့သို့မဟုတ်ဝိညာဉ်ရေးတွင်အဆင့်မြင့်မဟုတ်ပါ။ အဆိုပါကို Canon နူးညံ့သိမ်မွေ့သရော်စာများစွာတွင်ဤအချက်ကိုဖော်ပြထားတယ်။ အကျော်ကြားဆုံးတစ်မည်ထင်အားလုံးသိရှိတော်ဖန်ဆင်းရှင်၏မသိမိုက်မဲမှုနှင့် pomposity lampooned သည်အဘယ်မှာရှိ Kevatta သုတ် (ဒန 14) ဖြစ်ပါတယ်။ လူ့သို့မဟုတ်မြတ်သော - - ကာမဂုဏ်အပျော်အပါးလိုက်စားနှင့်အတူစွဲလမ်းသူသည်ဒီဟောပြောချက်ကိုမဆိုဖြစ်လျက်ရှိမှပိုမိုအဆင့်မြင့်တဲ့နိဗ္ဗာန်ဆုံးမဩဝါဒ ပေး. ၏အခက်အခဲများကိုထောက်ပြအတူတူမွေးဖွားလာခဲ့တာဖြစ်သလိုအဲဒီအချိန်က၏အခြားဖျော်ဖြေရေးဥပမာဖြစ်တယ်။ ယခုဤနေရာတွင်-and အချိန်ကိုဘာသာရပ်မဟုတ်ပါဘူးနှင့်မြင်နိုင်သော - - စိတ်နိုးတစ်ဦး၏ပြည်နယ်ကို အကြောင်းပြု. အချို့သောကျမ်းပိုဒ်ကိုကြားတွင် devata သူတို့ကိုနားလည်သဘောပေါက်ပြီးဓမ္မအလေ့အကျင့်များသာအနည်းငယ်အလွန်အခြေခံစည်းမျဉ်းများနားလည်သဘောပေါက်ရန်တတ်နိုင်သည်မဟုတ်နိုင်ပါ။ ဗုဒ္ဓမိမိစကားကိုနားထောင်၏ဦးခေါင်းကျော်ယခုအချိန်အထိသူ၏စကားကိုရွယ်များအတွက်ဒါဟာအထူးအဆန်းပါပဲ။ ဖြစ်ကောင်းဖြစ်နိုင်ဤကိစ္စတွင်အတွက် SN I.1 ၌ရှိသကဲ့သို့, သူ devata ရဲ့မာနကိုနှိမ့်ချချင်ပါဘူး။ မည်သည့်နှုန်းထားဖြင့်, မိန်းမအဘို့အမြော်လင့်စရာရှိ၏ဟူဋီကာထွက်ထောက်ပြခဲ့သည်အတိုင်းသူနားလည်သဘောပေါက်တဲ့အခြေခံဖက်ရှင်အတွက် Noble Eightfold Path ကိုသားအပေါင်းတို့သည်ဒြပ်စင်များဖုံးလွှမ်း။ သူမရဲ့ဥာဏ်နှင့်တကွမှတဆင့်အောက်ပါအတိုင်းလျှင်, သူပိုမြင့်မှီဖို့လမ်းမကြီးပေါ်တွင်ဖြစ်ပါတယ်။
ဒီဟောပြောချက်ကိုစစကားများ “အချိန်” (Kala) နှင့် “အချိန်ကိုဘာသာရပ်” (kalika) တွင်အချို့သောနှုတ်ကပတ်တရားတော်ကိုကစားပါရှိသည်။ “အချိန်” လို့ယေဘုယျအားဖြင့်အဓိပ္ပာယ်ထဲတွင်အချိန်သာဆိုလိုပေမယ့်လည်းသေမင်း၏တဦးတည်း၏အချိန်နိုင် (သေဆုံးခဲ့သူပုဂ္ဂိုလ်တစ်ဦး “သူ / သူမ၏အချိန်ပြု” ကြလော့ဟုမိန့်သည်။ ) နှုတ်ကပတ်တရားတော်ကိုရဲ့ဒီနှစ်ခုအဓိပ္ပါယ်တွေ Ven အကြားပထမဦးဆုံးလဲလှယ် underlie ။ Samiddhi နှင့် devata ။ “အချိန်ကို Subject နဲ့” “တစ်ခုသာအချို့သောအချိန်ပြီးနောက်ရရှိ“ ကိုဆိုလိုတာသို့မဟုတ် “သာအချိန်အတိုင်းအတာတစ်ခုအချို့အလျားအဘို့အကောင်း“ နိုင်သည်အဲဒီအဓိပ္ပါယ်တွေသူတို့ရဲ့ဒုတိယလဲလှယ် underlie ။
ကျနော်တစ်ခါကမြတ်စွာဘုရား Tapoda ဘုန်းတော်ကြီးကျောင်းမှာ Rajagaha အနီးတည်းခိုခဲ့ကြားရကြပြီ။ ထိုအခါ Ven ။ Samiddhi, ညဉ့်ကိုအဆုံးသတ်ခဲ့သည်အတိုင်း, တက်ထနှင့်သူ၏ခြေလက်အင်္ဂါရေချိုးဖို့ Tapoda ရေပူစမ်းငှါသွားလေ၏။ စမ်းရေပေါက်ထဲကမိမိခြေလက်အင်္ဂါမချိုးနဲ့ဆည်းပူးတော်မူပြီးလျှင်, မိမိအခြေလက်အင်္ဂါခြောက်သွေ့တဲ့တစ်ဆင့်ပြီးတစ်ဆင့်သာမိမိအနိမ့်သောဝတ်လုံကိုဝတ်ဆင်လျက်ရပ်နေကြ၏။
ထိုအခါအချို့သော devata, ညဉ့်ဝေးလံအစွန်းရောက်အတွက်တစ်ခုလုံးကို Tapoda ရေပူစမ်းတက်မီးထွန်းသူမ၏အစွန်းရောက်အရောင်, Ven ချဉ်းကပ်ခဲ့သည်။ Samiddhi ။ ဆိုက်ရောက်တွင်လေထုထဲရှိကရပ်နေသည်ကိုစဉ်တွင်, သူသည်ဤဂါထာဖြင့်သူ့ကိုကိုင်တွယ်ဖြေရှင်း:
, ဘုန်းတော်ကြီးတစ်ပါး၌ပျော်မွေ့တော်မူပြီးမှ,
Ven ။ Samiddhi replied:
ကျွန်မဆွမ်းများအတွက် go:
ထိုအခါမြေကြီးပေါ်မှာမှဆင်းလာ devata, Ven အားမိန့်တော်မူ၏။ Samiddhi, “သင်ငယ်ရွယ်စဉ်ကဘုန်းကြီးတစ်ပါးထွက်ကြပြီ - အနက်ရောင်-hair, အသက်ရှင်ခြင်း၏ပထမအဆင့်မှာလူငယ်၏ကောင်းကြီးမင်္ဂလာနှင့်ပြည့်စုံ - ။ ။ အာရုံငါးပါးကာမဂုဏ်နှင့်အတူကစားဘဲလူ့ကာမဂုဏ်, ဘုန်းတော်ကြီးတစ်ပါးပျော်ရွှင်ခံစားသည်အဘယ်သို့ drop မထားပါနဲ့ မြင်နိုင်ဒီနေရာမှာ-and ယခုအချိန်ကိုဘာသာရပ်ဘာ၏လိုက်စားခြင်း၌တည်၏။ “
“ကျနော့်ရဲ့မိတ်ဆွေ, ငါသည်အချိန်ကိုဘာသာရပ်ဘာ၏လိုက်စားခြင်းအတွက်ယခုဤနေရာတွင်-and မြင်နိုင်ဘာကျဆင်းနေမဟုတ်ပါဘူး။ မြတ်စွာဘုရားသည်ကြောင်းပြောပါတယ်အကြောင်းမူကား, ငါသည်။ ဒီနေရာမှာ-and ယခုမြင်နိုင်င်ဘယ်အရာ၏လိုက်စားခြင်းအတွက်အချိန်ကိုဘာသာရပ်ဘာကျဆင်းနေတယ် ကာမဂုဏ်အပျော်အပါးလိုက်စားသောအချိန်များစွာစိတ်ဖိစီးမှုများစွာစိတ်ပျက်အားငယ်, နှင့်ပိုမိုအားနည်းချက်များ၏ဘာသာရပ် ဖြစ်. , ဒီဓမ္မယခုဤနေရာတွင်-and မြင်နိုင်သည်သော်လည်း, အချိန်အားဘာသာရပ်, မသည်ပညာရှိအားဖြင့်ထင်ရှားစေခြင်းငှာ, လာကြည့်, ဆိုင်တဲ့အားလုံးကို ဖိတ်ခေါ်. ကိုယ့်ကိုယ်။ “
“ဒါပေမဲ့ဘုန်းကြီးတစ်ပါး, အဘယ်သို့သောလမ်းအတွက်မြတ်စွာဘုရားသည်အလွန်စိတ်ဖိစီးမှုများစွာစိတ်ပျက်အားငယ်, နှင့်ပိုမိုအားနည်းချက်များ၏, ကာမဂုဏ်အပျော်အပါးလိုက်စားသောအချိန်ဘာသာရပ်ဖြစ်ကြောင်းပြောပါတယ်နည်းဘယ်လိုဒီနိဗ္ဗာန်အချိန်ရန်ဒီမှာ-and ယခုလည်းဘာသာရပ်မမြင်နိုင်သည်, ဖိတ်ခေါ်ခြင်း အားလုံးကိုယ့်ကိုယ်သည်ပညာရှိအားဖြင့်ထင်ရှားစေခြင်းငှာ, လာကြည့်, ဆိုင်တဲ့ဖို့? “
“ကျွန်မကြာမြင့်စွာကိုခံထိုက်သောသူနှင့်လျော်ကန်စွာ Self-နိုး, ငါသည်အသေးစိတ်အတွက်ကြောင့်မရှင်းပြနိုင်ပါ။ သာမကြာသေးမီကဒီနိဗ္ဗာန်နှင့်စည်းကမ်းငှါလာကြ, ထွက်သွားပြီ။ ဒါပေမဲ့မြတ်စွာဘုရားသည်မမှာ Rajagaha ဒီမှာတည်းခိုဖြစ်ပါတယ်, ငါ့မိတ်ဆွေသစ်များဖွင့် Tapoda ဘုန်းတော်ကြီးကျောင်း။ သူ့ကိုသွားပြီ ဖြစ်. သူ့ကိုဤအမှုအမေးပါ။ သူကရှင်းပြထားသည်အတိုင်း, သောသင်မှတ်မိရမယ်ဆိုတာကိုပါပဲ။ “
“ကျွန်တော်တို့မြတ်စွာဘုရားသည်သွားဖို့သူသည်ကြီးသောအသြဇာလွှမ်းမိုးမှုအခြားနတ်များကဝန်းရံထားသည်အဖြစ်ရဟန်းတော်ကလွယ်ကူတာမဟုတ်ပါဘူး။ သင်တို့မူကားမြတ်စွာဘုရားသည်ထံသို့ သွား. သူ့ကိုဤအမှုကိုမေးလျှင်, ငါသည်နိဗ္ဗာန်ကိုနားထောင်ခြင်းငှါတလျှောက်ကြလိမ့်မည်။ “
“သင်ပြောသည့်အတိုင်းငါ့သူငယ်ချင်း,“ Ven ခြင်း, devata တုံ့ပြန်ရန်။ Samiddhi မြတ်စွာဘုရားသည်ငှါသွားလေ၏။ ဆိုက်ရောက်တွင်သူသည်မြတ်စွာဘုရား၏မှနှိမ့် ချ. တစ်ခုသောနေရာ၌ထိုင်၏။ ထိုအရပ်၌ထိုင်နေ၏အဖြစ်တော်မူသည် devata နှင့်အတူမြတ်စွာဘုရားသည်မိမိအတစ်ခုလုံးကိုစကားပြောဆိုမှုကပြောသည်။ “ကြောင်း devata သမ္မာတရားကိုပြောပြခဲ့လျှင်ယခုအရှင်, သူဝေးဒီကနေမဖြစ်သည်။ “
ဒီပြောဆိုတဲ့အခါ, devata Ven အားမိန့်တော်မူ၏။ Samiddhi “ဘုန်းတော်ကြီးများ, Ask! ငါမှတဆင့်ဆည်းပူးင်! မေးပါ။ “
ထိုအခါမြတ်စွာဘုရားသည် devata ရန်ဤဂါထာကိုရွတ်ဆိုဖတ်ကြား:
နိမိတ်လက္ခဏာကိုအသုံးအနှုန်းများအတွက်သိမြင်လျှင်, သတ္တဝါ
ဒါပေမယ့်အပြည့်အဝလက္ခဏာများ, တစုံ
‘’ သူ့ကိုရန်မဆင်ခြင်တွေ့ရှိနိုင်ပါသည်။ ‘’
သင်သည်ဤသည်ဝိညာဉ်သိလျှင်, ဒါကြောင့်ဟုဆိုသည်။
“ငါသည်သခင်သည်မင်္ဂလာရှိ၏ One ရဲ့အကျဉ်းချုပ်ဖော်ပြချက်၏အသေးစိတ်အဓိပ္ပါယ်ကိုနားမလည်ကြဘူး။ မြတ်စွာဘုရားသည်ငါမင်္ဂလာရှိသော One ရဲ့အကျဉ်းချုပ်ဖော်ပြချက်၏အသေးစိတ်အဓိပ္ပါယ်ကိုနားလည်သဘောပေါက်လိမ့်မယ်လို့ထိုကဲ့သို့သောလမ်းတော်၌ဟောပြောမယ်ဆိုရင်ဒါဟာကောင်းတဲ့လိမ့်မည်။ “
မြတ်စွာဘုရားသည် said:
သူမည်သည်ကား construes
‘’ တန်းတူညီမျှ ‘’
‘’ ထက်သာလွန် ‘သို့မဟုတ်
‘’ ယုတ်ညံ့ ‘’
‘’ တန်းတူညီမျှ ‘’
‘’ ထက်သာလွန် ‘’
သင်သည်ဤသည်ဝိညာဉ်သိလျှင်, ဒါကြောင့်ဟုဆိုသည်။
“ငါသည်သခင်သည်မင်္ဂလာရှိ၏ One ရဲ့အကျဉ်းချုပ်ဖော်ပြချက်၏အသေးစိတ်အဓိပ္ပါယ်ကိုနားမလည်ကြဘူး။ မြတ်စွာဘုရားသည်ငါမင်္ဂလာရှိသော One ရဲ့အကျဉ်းချုပ်ဖော်ပြချက်၏အသေးစိတ်အဓိပ္ပါယ်ကိုနားလည်သဘောပေါက်လိမ့်မယ်လို့ထိုကဲ့သို့သောလမ်းတော်၌ဟောပြောမယ်ဆိုရင်ဒါဟာကောင်းတဲ့လိမ့်မည်။ “
မြတ်စွာဘုရားသည် said:
ဒီတစ်ခု -
တမ်းတမှ -
သင်သည်ဤသည်ဝိညာဉ်သိလျှင်, ဒါကြောင့်ဟုဆိုသည်။
သခင်ဘုရားက, ဤအရပ်၌ငါမင်္ဂလာရှိသော One ရဲ့အကျဉ်းချုပ်ဖော်ပြချက်၏အသေးစိတ်အဓိပ္ပါယ်ကိုနားလည်သဘောပေါက်ဘယ်လိုင်:
- အောက်မေ့, တပ်လှန့် -
24. Samiddhi သုတ် (සමිද්ධිසූත්රය) Ven Doloswela Udithadheera Thero 26 Feb12 - 55:03 မိနစ်
ဖယောင်းတိုင်ဆက်စပ်သောအဆိုဒ်များ contents တွေကို:
ပါဠိကို Canon edition မှာ
ပါဠိ-To-English အဘိဓါန်
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n16o2TYpKyQ -15: 27 မိနစ်
အသုဘအခမ်းအနားမေတ္တာပို့ - ထေရဝါဒဗုဒ္ဓဘာသာ - ပါဠိ - Abhayagiri ဘုန်းတော်ကြီးသင် (+ မေတ္တာပို့စာသား)
Jun 27, 2014 တွင်ထုတ်ဝေသည်
ထို Abhayagiri ဗုဒ္ဓဘာသာကျောင်းတိုက်၏ရဟန်းတို့ (ဘုန်းကြီးများ) ကအော်ဟစ်ခဲ့ကြတဲ့အဖြစ်ထေရဝါဒ (တောင်ပိုင်း) ဗုဒ္ဓဘာသာ buddhist ကျောင်း၏မေတ္တာပို့ပါဠိ။ ။ 1. Namo tassa2 Dhammasangani Matika3 Patthana-Matika-Patho4 ဝိပဿနာ-Bhumi-Patho5 Karaniya မေတ္တာသုတ် Sutta6 နောက်ထပ်လေ့လာမှုအတွက် Anicca vata sankharaRessources: ။ ။ ။ ။ ကို http: //www.dhammatalks.net/Articles/B … ကို http: //issuu.com/erycamel/docs/wat_la…Audio နှင့်ရုပ်ပုံလွှာကို http ထဲက ယူ. : //www.abhayagiri.orgMay အားလုံးသတ္တဝါတွေအားလုံးဒုက္ခဆင်းရဲမှလွတ်မြောက်ကြလိမ့်မည်။
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EVM hacked! (We told you it’s easy to do)
‘It took EC 4 years to admit that EVMs could be hacked’
Respected Dr. Satish Babu
Kindly go through this Guest lecture prepared for
try to translate it in Telugu.On 29-12-2014 I will confirm my
participation and also send Telugu translation (Google). You may also
make corrections if necessary.
with kind regards and lots of Metta.
J Chandrasekharan
EVMs have been under a cloud of suspicion over their alleged tamparability and security problems[1][2] during elections (especially after the 2009 general elections).[3][4] After rulings of Delhi High Court,[5] Supreme Court[6] and demands from various political parties,[7] Election Commission decided to introduce EVMs with Voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) system.[8] The Voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) system is introduced in 8 of 543 parliamentary constituencies as a pilot project in Indian general election, 2014.[9]
Court cases
On 25 July 2011, responding to a PIL (Writ Petition (Civil) No. 312 of 2011), Supreme Court of India asked EC to consider request to modify EVMs and respond within 3 months. The petitioner Rajendra Satyanarayan Gilda had alleged that EC
has failed to take any decision despite his repeated representation.
The petitioner suggested that the EVMs should be modified to give a slip
printed with the symbol of the party in whose favour the voter cast his
On 17 January 2012, Delhi High Court in its ruling on Dr. Subramanian Swamy’s Writ Petition (Writ Petition (Civil) No. 11879 of 2009) challenging the use of EVMs in the present form said that EVMs are not “tamper-proof”. Further, it said that it is “difficult” to issue any directions to the EC in this regard. However, the court added that the EC should itself hold wider consultations with the executive, political parties and other stake holders on the matter.[5][5]
Dr Swamy appealed against Delhi High Court’s refusal to order a VVPAT
system in Supreme Court. On 27 September 2012, Election Commission’s
advocate Ashok Desai submitted to a Supreme Court bench of Justice P Sathasivam and Justice Ranjan Gogoi
that field trial for VVPAT system is in progress and that a status
report will be submitted by early January 2013. Desai said that on
pressing of each vote, a paper receipt will be printed, which will be
visible to the voters inside a glass but cannot be taken out of the
machine. To this, Dr Swamy replied that the new system was acceptable to
him. The Supreme Court posted the matter for further hearing to 22
January 2013.[24][25]
Another similar writ petition filed by the Asom Gana Parishad is still pending before the Gauhati High Court.[26]
Introduction of voter verified paper audit trail (VVPAT)
On 8 October 2010 Election Commission
appointed an expert technical committee headed by Prof PV Indiresan
(former Director of IIT-M) when at an all-party meeting majority of
political parties backed the proposal to have a VVPAT in EVMs to counter the charges of tampering. The committee was tasked to examine the possibility of introduction of paper trail so that voters can get a printout that will show symbol of the party to which the vote was cast.[7] After studying the issue, the committee recommended introduction of VVPAT system.[27]
On 21 June 2011, Election Commission accepted Indiresan committee’s recommendations and decided to conduct field trials of the system.[28] On 26 July 2011, field trial of VVPAT system was conducted at Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir, Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala, Cherrapunjee in Meghalaya, East Delhi in Delhi and Jaisalmer in Rajasthan.[29][30]
Just 2 days after Delhi High Court judgement saying EVMs are not “tamper-proof”,[5] Election Commission on 19 January 2012 ordered Electronics Corporation of India Limited and Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) to make EVMs that will generate a “paper trail” of the vote cast. BEL CMD Anil Kumar said: “The new EVMs’ paper trail should make the poll process safer and tamper-proof.
EC has given us its requirement for EVMs and work is on to incorporate
new features. The EVM software will be modified and a printer attached
to it. When you cast a vote, the serial number and “some data” will be
generated as a printout. It is to ensure that there is no malpractice in
the voting system. “ It appears that, when the voter presses the
button for the candidate of his choice in the EVM, a paper ballot with
the serial number, name and symbol of the candidate will be printed.[31]
The printouts will be used later to cross check the voting data stored
in the EVMs. Talking about other features in new EVMs, he said the
machines will be more rugged and smaller in size but with more computing
The Voter-verified paper audit trail
(VVPAT) system which enables EVM to record each vote cast by generating
the EVM slip,is introduced in 8 of 543 parliamentary constituencies as a
pilot project.[9][33][34][35] VVPAT is implemented in Lucknow, Gandhinagar, Bangalore South, Chennai Central, Jadavpur, Raipur, Patna Sahib and Mizoram constituencies.[36][37][38][39]
Tampering with electronic voting machines
All voting systems face threats of some form of electoral fraud. The types of threats that affect voting machines can vary from other forms of voting systems, some threats may be prevented and others introduced.“Threat Analyses & Papers”. National Institute of Standards and Technology. October 7, 2005. Retrieved 5 March 2011.
Some forms of electoral fraud specific to electronic voting machines
are listed below. Recent research at Argonne National Laboratories
demonstrates that if a malicious actor is able to gain physical access
to a voting machine, it can be a simple process to manipulate certain
electronic voting machines, such as the Diebold Accuvote TS, by
inserting inexpensive, readily available electronic components inside
the machine.[28][29]
- Tampering with the software of a voting machine to add malicious code altering vote totals or favor any candidate.
- Multiple groups have demonstrated this possibility.[30][31][32]
- Private companies manufacture these machines. Many companies will not allow public access or review of the machines source code, claiming fear of exposing trade secrets.[33]
- Tampering with the hardware of the voting machine to alter vote totals or favor any candidate.[34]
- Some of these machines require a smartcard to activate the machine
and vote. However, a fraudulent smart card could attempt to gain access
to vote multiple times.[35]
- Abusing the administrative access to the machine by election officials might also allow individuals to vote multiple times.
- Election results that are sent directly over the internet from a
county count center to the state count center can be vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack,
where they are diverted to an intermediate web site where the man in
the middle flips the votes in favor of a certain candidate and then
immediately forwards them on to the state count center. All votes sent
over the internet violate chain of custody and hence should be avoided
by driving or flying memory cards in locked metal containers from county
count centers to the state count center. For purposes of getting quick
preliminary state wide results on election night, encrypted votes can be
sent over the internet, but final official results should be tabulated
the next day only after the actual memory cards arrive in secure metal
containers and are counted.[36]
‘It took EC 4 years to admit that EVMs could be hacked’
March 14, 2014 15:16 IST
October 2013, the Supreme Court, in a landmark verdict, directed the
Election Commission to equip its Electronic Voting Machines with Vote
Verifiable Paper Audit Trial systems, which allows voters to verify that
their votes are cast as intended and serves as an additional barrier to
changing or destroying votes.
Subsequently, the EC introduced VVPAT in 10 assembly constituencies
in Mizoram and one constituency each in Delhi, Madhya Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan during the elections in these states.
Now, as the nation gears up for Lok Sabha election, the ECI has created
a flutter by announcing that it may not be ready to roll out VVPAT
before 2019.
The poll body says that it will need about 14 lakh
VVPAT machines to introduce the system in all 543 Lok Sabha
constituencies. However, it believes that so many machines cannot be
produced and tested in such a short duration of time.
Under VVPAT, a printer-like apparatus is linked to EVM.
When a vote is cast, a receipt is generated showing the serial number, name and symbol of the candidate.
It confirms the vote and the voter can verify the details.
The receipt, once viewed, goes inside a container linked to the EVM and
can only be accessed by the election officers in rarest of rare cases.
The system allows a voter to challenge his or her vote on basis of the paper receipt for the first time.
As per a new rule, the booth presiding officer will have to record the
dissent of the voter, which would have to be taken into account at time
of counting.
G V L Rao, part of Save India Democracy which exposed the frauds being committed through EVMs, told rediff.com that
the bigger issue was that the government dragged its feet on
sanctioning funds for the introduction of VVPAT despite the Supreme
Court passing its order a year ago.
Rao said, “To begin with
every EVM needs to be kept in a secure environment so that it is cannot
be tampered with. However, what we had found is that these machines were
dumped in an open yard which made it vulnerable to tampering.”
“As a result of dumping these machines in the open, many had gone
missing and the ECI has not yet revealed these details to us.”
Rao added, “The most important part of this machine is the chip, which
contains the source code. We suggested was that since these machines
were kept in the open, it would be advisable to at least change the
chip. These chips cost not more than Rs 100 each.”
“The other
suggestion that we made and was not taken was regarding the maintenance
of the machines. These machines are manufactured by Bharat Electronics
Limited and Electronics Corporation of India. These companies send
engineers to carry out a maintenance check or a first level check.
Shockingly, these are not employees of the above mentioned two
companies. They are agents hired on a contract basis and they conduct
the inspection of these machines before the elections.”
suggested that that the job of the first level check be given to the
National Informatics Centre so that the person doing the job has
accountability. We had pointed out that some of these persons who were
hired to conduct this check belonged to software companies that were
being run by politicians.”
“The chances of tampering are
higher in such cases. However, the ECI did not agree with us. The
problem is that there is a leap of blind faith in technology and the ECI
blindly trusts everything that the manufacturer does. We have always
pointed out that elections cannot be based on trust.”
“It is
necessary to ensure safeguards and more importantly the ECI should have
implemented VVPAT by now. It took them almost four years to acknowledge
that EVMs could be hacked.”
“When a person votes there ought
to be a valid receipt of the same, just the way one would get a
statement when cash is drawn out of an ATM. Without a valid record one
cannot go back and check in case there is a problem.”
Re: Save Indian democracy
by Vishvaksenah E (View MyPage) on Mar 15, 2014 04:23 PM
EVMs can be easily hacked, those r not completely indigenous, the
chips and ECs inside EVMs r imported from unknown country. (may be from
_Italy). EVMs can be pre-programmed b4 elections and can be manipulated
after polling is over. |
Re: Re: Save Indian democracy
by Vishvaksenah E (View MyPage) on Mar 15, 2014 04:23 PM
They take care of these things:
1) they never hack state assembly
elections. who cares state assemblies, supreme court, vigilance, CBI,
ED everything is at central hand. those r enough to secure their looting
Re: Re: Re: Save Indian democracy
by Vishvaksenah E (View MyPage) on Mar 15, 2014 04:24 PM
2) they dont hack the constituencies of eminent opposition leaders who can win undoubtedly.
they dont do rampant hacking, c0ngress only needs seats between 160 to
210 on its own to rule the nation. the remaining seats wud come from its
slave tentacles (parties).
Re: Re: Re: Re: Save Indian democracy
by Vishvaksenah E (View MyPage) on Mar 15, 2014 04:25 PM
In 2009 , Hariprasad- a techie from AP stole the EVMs from a
polling booth and demonstrated the hacking procedure of EVMs before
media. But no channel aired that news, Some papers published in inside
pages. After that the c0ngress started humiliating him by imposing
numerous non-bailable cases for stealing EVMs and even fake sexual
harassment case too. |
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Save Indian democracy
by Vishvaksenah E (View MyPage) on Mar 15, 2014 04:26 PM
Thanks to EVMs, UPA 1 and 2 happened.
The real force who manipulates the_CONgress_ party are happy. They care a hoot for the assembly results
Immediate solution
by v dev (View MyPage) on Mar 15, 2014 09:05 AM
is to go back to paper ballot where VVPAT is not available. Cost is no
consideration when the nation’s is future is at stake. Hope a
respectable person approaches SC NOW to compel EC to use VVPAT machine
or paper ballots… |
Then why EVM to be used
by sujit choudhury (View MyPage) on Mar 15, 2014 09:03 AM
If evms can be hacked why it is used,no other country is using evms our
ex cm pk mahanta had proved that evms can be hacked yet EC has not taken
any action,this india,a loughing country
Hacking EVMs is easy…
by Dhananjay Kumar (View MyPage) on Mar 15, 2014 06:58 AM | Hide replies
It is just a toy with an interface which shows all the party symbols,
and produces a sound when you press a button (cast a vote). The
microcontroller, in an ideal case, runs a program which identifies the
input from user and take action accordingly. In a hacked EVM, the
interface, producing sound and all works fine, except for the action
part which is essentially hidden from public.
The best case to
prove the hacking is how P Chidambram won by 1000 votes after losing by
big margin. There simply cannot be a counting mistake by an electronic
voting machine. In an ideal scenario, it will produce the same count
whether you do it 100 or 1000 times. But the second time, the
manipulated EMVs were used to count, to win him the MP seat.
Today, at wee hours Maharashtra police landed up at the residence
of Hari Prasad in Hyderabad, a technologist and Technical coordinator
of VeTA to arrest him. The arrest was made on the flimsy charge of
‘theft of EVM’ used for vulnerability demonstration by Hari Prasad and a
team of security researchers that included Alex Halderman, professor of
computer science, University of Michigan and Rop Gonggrijp, a security
researcher from Netherlands along with a team of their colleagues.
Earlier, police came to Hyderabad in the first week of August and
recorded a statement on the EVM they had used for exposing the
vulnerability of EVMs. They summoned him to Mumbai for further
questioning. Hari Prasad could not go as he was busy with his
professional work. Then, the sudden arrest happened this morning.
Over the past one year, the Election Commission of India (ECI) has
been lying blatantly and willfully to ensure continued use of EVMs at all costs. It attributed all kinds of qualities to its EVMs: “totally tamper proof, perfect, fail safe and requiring no improvement”
etc. etc. When Hari Prasad agreed to meet the ECI’s challenge to
demonstrate tamperability of EVMs, the ECI backed out imposing silly,
unscientific restrictions.
To call the ECI’s bluff, Hari Prasad and team have demonstrated the
tamperability of EVMs on an EVM made available to them. This is like a
sting operation carried out by media organizations. If the stings done by media are a legitimate method of information gathering, so is this sting demonstration.
There cannot be separate standards for separate groups. In both cases,
public interest is paramount. Moreover, the world over this is the
practice followed by security researchers to expose vulnerabilities of
absurd claims of “perfect” and “tamper proof” electronic voting systems.
The details of this sting demonstration are available at www.indiaEVM.org
For the ECI, the following developments threatening EVM exit seem to have caused unbearable stress.
- 13 political parties had written to the ECI in April
expressing concerns about the reliability of EVMs and urging the ECI to
organize an All-party meeting. The ECI has not responded to this request
so far.
- In Telangana bypoll held last month to 12 assembly
constituencies, the TRS had fielded a large number of dummy candidates
to avoid use of EVMs. The ECI was thus forced to use ballot papers in 5
of the 12 constituencies where byolls were held.
- Last week, international
experts in computer security have concluded in a workshop held in
Washington D.C on August 9 and 10 that the Indian EVMs do not provide
the security, verifiability, or transparency adequate for confidence in
election results, the Election Commission of India. (Read the letter here:
This workshop was attended by ECI’s expert committee chairman P.V.
Indiresan and election commissioner Dr. Alok Shukla. Along with these
ECI’s representatives, I had also participated in a panel discussion
with these ECI representatives. ECI’s arguments were completely trashed by an independent team of security researchers. The audio of the panel discussion can be heard at this link:
All the above developments have clearly unnerved the Election Commission.
On August 10, the ECI had invited V.V.Rao, National Coordinator of
VeTA along with Hari Prasad to discuss about the vulnerabilities of
Indian EVMs. The chief election commissioner S.Y. Quraishi and
commissioner V.S. Sampath have sought suggestions from Hari Prasad on
how the EVMs could be strengthened. They said that they were willing to
make improvements and are keen to understand what all improvements were
Reliable sources tell us that the Election Commission of India had
pressurized the Maharashtra police to press for Hari Prasad’s arrest on
charges of stealing the EVM used for exposing the vulnerability of EVMs.
The ECI’s intent becomes evident from the fact that they had instructed
the police not to share a copy of the FIR with Hari Prasad to deny him
an opportunity to move an anticipatory bail application. Hari Prasad did
mange to get a copy of the FIR later but decided to court arrest if
necessary rather than seek anticipatory bail.
What is the Election Commission
of India trying to do? Does it think that it can intimidate critics of
EVMs? What interests is the ECI trying to protect by resorting to such
repressive actions? Has the Election Commission of India got skeletons
in its cupboards that it is seeking to protect any damaging disclosures?
Worldwide, vulnerabilities of electronic voting systems are exposed
in exactly the same manner as was done by researchers in India. Nowhere
have the election bodies used such repressive steps to intimidate
With its desperate actions, the
ECI stands totally exposed and is betraying signs of losing the “EVM
battle”. While earlier the ECI seemed only guilty of being ignorant
about the vulnerabilities of EVMs, the latest actions raise question
marks about the integrity and intent of the ECI.
In the ongoing battle for reforming the ballot (voting) system, fast
paced developments are expected in the coming weeks. In the face of this
adversity, as we double our efforts on all fronts, there is unstinted
support forthcoming from all quarters.
Finally, the stage is now set for a renewed legal battle in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. With
all the evidence now available and the statements from experts in
computer security, defending the EVMs is becoming as difficult for the
ECI as the unbridled bungling in Common Wealth Games (CWG).
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Indian EVMs, video of an international conf. held in Chennai, on 13 Feb. 2010 organised by the Centre for National Renaissance
Source : Dr. Subramanian Swamy
Conference on Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs)
Savera Hotel, Chennai, February 13, 2010
Resolution adopted by the participants at the above mentioned Conference on February 13, 2010
the International Conference on EVMs, the participants consider in
detail the current international practice and law relating to the
deployment of EVMs, the evidence on and the scope for their tamper
ability and the safeguards that are necessary to ensure that the
deployment of EVMs, does not, in any manner, compromise the central
requirements of transparency and accountability to the voter, at each
and every stage of the election process.
the interest of the electoral process remaining free and fair,
transparent and accountable to the voter, the participants unanimously
resolved that the EVMs should provide for an voter verifiable paper
trail, and if not feasible then we should return to the paper ballot
participants further resolved that, without such an auditable paper
trail, the two essential requirements, namely transparency and
accountability to the voter and the related requirement of verifiability
of the validity of the votes cast by the voters envisaged under
sections 100 and 101 of the Representation of People Act, 1951 will
stand and seriously compromised as well as infringing Sections 11 to 14
of the Information Technology Act (2000) and the Indian Evidence Act
Review of Indian EVMs
The study of printout option is a welcome, but inadequate step to enhance the reliability of Indian EVMs.
retain the members of the Committee which recommended the earliest
design of Indian EVM? Why not include members who are conversant with
the current state-of-the-art in IT technologies? The IT has undergone a
veritable revolution in the last few years with Wi-Fi
(Wireless-Fidelity) with ability to intercept interface devices of any
computing system (e.g. printer interfaces, visual display interfaces,
memory storage interfaces).
doesn’t the committee include other technology-savvy members and also
Constitutional experts? The committee should certainly include members
with expertise in Cyberlaw.
The terms of reference of the Committee should also include
a study of ALL the types of Voting Machines in use [types such as those
1)with or without date-time stamp, 2) with or without machine
identification by software; 3) with dynamic code hopping with
encryption; 4) with digital signatures in the control unit]. And
recommend one design type for consistent use in ALL constituencies in
ALL elections.
a study of the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and
related cyberlaws of the land including amended Indian Evidence Act and
other laws which impact on the use of computing systems
3. recommend procedures consistent with the provisions of IT Act, 2000 for systems audit and requirements of ISO standards.
constitutionality of the use of non-transparent systems like EVMs
should also be subject to a detailed study in the wake of the German
Supreme Court Judgement which defines the universal application of the
definition of suffrage which enjoins voter control over every process of
balloting and vote counting.
the Committee should also examine the infirmities of the system of
manufacturing EVMs using foreign agencies or device/service components
procured from foreign companies.
Indian EVM should be an entirely indigenous system with NO foreign
involvement which can seriously jeopardise the integrity of the most
sacred process in a democracy, the election process. The committee
should recommend 100% indigenisation of the entire manufacturing process
including the making of microcontrollers, burning in Hexacode in the
microcontrollers or embedded systems or masking such programs since once
burnt-in and masked, the programs ARE UNREADABLE even by the EC. This
is the most serious lacuna of the Indian EVM system which compromises
the integrity and security of the system and opens up possibilities of
Committee should recommend a return to the paper ballot (which is an
option used when there are more than 16 candidates) until complete
indigenisation of the Indian EVM is achieved and subject to ongoing,
rigorous systems audit in all stages of the life-cycle of manufacturing,
distribution and deloyment of the EVMs during the elections.
The option of paper ballot should also be seriously considered by any
committee set up by EC since the addition of a printer interface may
only introduce another trojan, another possible leak in the bucket.
Lessons have been learnt by using a variety of such devices including
scanners, but ultimately, the reliable piece of evidence is the BALLOT
entered by the voter (not any intervening computing artefact).
Is efficiency a constitutional criterion justifying the use of
machines? The last Lok Sabha polls was spread over more than 30 days;
what is the loss of efficiency if the vote counting is done mannually
over 12 hours, of all the paper ballot printouts with the clear
understanding of the process by the voters and their agents?
The committee should also review all system vulnerabilities being
discussed on such machines in the international IT community with the
clear understanding that any man-made computing system is tamperable. If
there is booth-capturing of ballot boxes using paper ballots, there can
be wholesale election capturing using electronic machines and wi-fi
EC studies paper trail option as EVM backup
New Delhi, Oct 8, DHNS:
Election Commission of India has set up an expert committee to explore
the possibility of incorporating ‘voter verifiable paper trail’ in
Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs).
up on the suggestions made by political parties at a meeting convened
on October 4, the EC has set up a committee which includes P V
Indiresan, former director of IIT-Madras, and D T Shahani and A K
Agrawala, professors at IIT-Delhi.
selected members are noted specialists of instrumentation engineering
and the same committee had done the technical evaluation of the upgraded
EVM in 2006.
to the all-party meeting, the EC said in its communication to the
committee members, “There was a consensus among political parties that
the EVMs should continue to be used in our elections to the Lok Sabha
and State Legislative Assemblies. Several political parties, however,
suggested that the possibility of incorporating a “voter verifiable
paper trail” in EVMs should be explored.”
the all-party meeting, most parties, barring the Congress, had demanded
the printer trail for EVMs. Telgu Desam Party leader N Chandrababu
Naidu made a power-point presentation on this issue and demanded a voter
verifiable trail in EVMs to ensure that the vote was correctly
Bharatiya Janta Party too strongly argued for a “paper trail” as a back
up to the EVMs. The party also demanded that voters should get the
acknowledgment of their votes cast.
the EC has asked the experts to initiate the process with wider
consultations with political parties. It has also requested the
political parties to interact with the committee with their suggestions
in this matter. The expert committee will now decide the dates and venue
of their meetings with them.
October 9, 2010
Electronic Voting Machines: Tamperable?
Saeed Naqvi, 26 June 2010
On July 31, S. Yaqoob Quraishi will take over as the Chief Election Commissioner.
in diplomacy and governorships are already being identified as the
retiring chief election commissioner Navin Chawla’s parking lots. But at
the Election Commission Chawla has set for himself a busy agenda almost
until the end of his term.
example, on July 27 elections will be held in the 12 assembly seats
which had fallen vacant after the Telangana Rashtra Samithi members
resigned from the House agitating for a separate Telangana.
apparently simple election is not without its complications. For
instance, elections in two constituencies cannot be held because of a
Supreme Court stay. Reason? Two of the candidates claimed they had won
the elections. According to a SC judgment if a petitioner challenges
election results, a re-election is possible only after the High Court
clears the issue.
to form, TRS leader K. Chandrasekhar Rao claims the elections to these
two seats are being held up because of pressure from the Congress.
first challenge will be elections to the Bihar Assembly due in
October-November. Who knows, Tamil Nadu too may call for early elections
if K. Karunanidhi is persuaded that, in addition to other calculations,
the International Tamil Jamboree has moved Tamil voters in his favour.
simmering controversy Quraishi will have to contend with is a
sustained, low level, campaign by interested parties on the reliability
(or otherwise) of the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs).
of booth capturing and poll rigging, particularly in states like Bihar
had brought into disrepute the old paper ballot.
allegations made is essential for the Election Commission to explore
new technologies. As always in modern Indian political history, Kerala
first showed the way when EVMs were tried in 50 polling elections in a
constituency in Kerala in 1982.
Representation of People Act of 1951 was amended, permitting EVMs since
1989 but not before an Expert Committee, under Prof. P. V. Indiresan
was constituted to evaluate these machines.
General Elections of 2004 and 2009 were conducted entirely on EVMs.
Following some critical observations, the Expert Committee suggested
some improvements in the machines. These improvements were introduced in
controversy has acquired some momentum because many European countries
have turned their backs on EVMs i.e. they employed EVMs and then
discontinued the practice in favour of good old paper ballots.
electronic voting has been banned in Ireland, Holland and Germany.
Italy and France are not using them either. In the US, systems change
from state to state.
Germany the Supreme Court found EVMs violative of the election law
which demands absolute transparency – The objection being that what
happens inside a “chip” or a “machine” is not visible to the naked eye.
lobby placing a question mark on EVMs is citing the European
experience. Also, since Bharat Electronics (Ministry of Defence) and the
Electronic Corporation of India Ltd. (Dept. of Atomic Energy) are the
only manufacturers of EVMs, a case is being made out that official
agencies can be persuaded to favour the government in power.
is being argued that if the machines could leave “paper trail” to be
handed to the voter, the system will become beyond reproach. After all,
millions of credit card transactions around the world would not be
possible without both, electronic registration of the transaction and a
paper receipt for the customer.
counter argument is that in a country where votes are bought and sold, a
receipt for having cast a vote will be that much easier to encash.
is fine, but remember paper also gets jammed obstructing rotation of
the paper roll. One such obstruction will hold up the election in a
given constituency. Many such hold ups can disrupt the election
leadership to those opposing EVMs are politicians like Chandrababu
Naidu and Subramanyam Swamy. Also, individuals like former Chief
secretary of Delhi, Omesh Sehgal have approached the Election Commission
with complaints against EVMs on the grounds that they were
G.V. Narasimha Rao, having gone woefully wrong in his recent electoral
predictions, has joined the anti EVM bandwagon.
Another lobby opposing EVMs are undiluted commercial interests.
1980, one Mohammad Haneefa of Tamil Nadu approached the Election
Commission with an Electronic Voting Machine he had invented. He filed a
writ petition before the Madras High Court when the Election Commission
seemed to favour Public sector companies. Even though the High Court
dismissed the petition, he persisted with this communications with the
EC challenging the efficacy of the Public sector manufactured EVMs.
in 2007 the EC invited him to make a presentation before the Chief
election Officer in Bangalore to establish flaws in the EVMs in use.
According to the Election Commission sources “he failed to demonstrate
any tamperability”.
the 2009 elections, Subramaniyam Swami, G.V.L. Narsimha Rao, and one
Hari Prasad of Net India (a would be electronic machine manufacturer)
asked the Election Commission to let them open an EVM. They were given
the permission. When they started taking measurements and noting details
of EVM components, the Election Commission stopped them. Why? They may
use the data for “reverse engineering”. Strange reason! Quraishi will
have to handle the controversy.
Tamperable Indian EVMs
22 June 2010
to the media in Itanagar last 5 June 2010 Navin Chawla said, “…a
private manufacturer, who failed to sell their machines for use in
polls, were behind the propaganda that EVMs were vulnerable.”
This has been refuted effectively http://www.indianevm.com/news_detail.php?id=88
is shocking is that CEC is talking of private manufacturers. This lets
the cat out of the bag. Manufacture of Indian EVMS is NOT fully under
the control of the two public sector units (BEL/ECIL). There is a
considerable outsourcing ongoing and ECI should come clean on the
manufacturing and distribution processes of the Indian EVMs and the
components/services embedded in them. One example of a service rendered
by foreign manufacturers through their private manufacturer agents in
India is the burning of the controller chip with the program used to
record and count poll data. This clearly compromises the integrity of
the Indian EVMs since even ECI or BEL or ECIL can NOT read the burnt-in
programs. What is the guarantee that dubious programs had NOT been burnt
in some of the Indian EVMs, including the new design Indian EVMs with
date-time stamp features? It is also clear that since ECIL/BEL use parts
procured from private manufacturers (including foreign manufacturers)
to assemble the Indian EVMs, ECI’s claim indicating use of Private
manufacturers should be fully exposed and made transparent to the voters
and parties alike.
In this situation, Election Commission’s claim in the BBC report of 18 May 2010 is of questionable validity. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/south_asia/10123478.stm The report noted: “However,
for their system to have any impact they would need to install their
microchips on many voting machines, no easy task when 1,368,430 were
used in the last general election in 2009.”
is an easy task, to get the desired results on a large number of Indian
EVMs, if the components of the EVMs and the programs burnt-in to the
EVM electronic chips are under the control of private manufacturers.
What is the guarantee that such tampered machines have NOT been put into
use in the elections conducted by ECI? ECI has a lot of explaining to
are clear-cut evidences to show such desired results were IN FACT
obtained in selected polling booths in select constituencies during the
2009 Lok Sabha poll conducted with 100% use of Indian EVMs. Some agency
like CBI has to investigate this. More
at http://government.wikia.com/wiki/Review_the_2009_Lok_Sabha_Election_Process:_Promises_and_Reality
appears ECI has lost control over the sacred election process, blinded
by a faith in infallibility of Indian EVMs. No man-made computing system
is tamper-proof. This is a fundamental security axiom in computing
technology. Murphy’s law says: If things can go wrong, they always will.
Additional comments: Senthil Raja, 22 June 2010:
need not hack all the EVMs.. It’s enough, if they hack few hundred
EVM’s in a constituency enough to add few thousand votes..
And they need to chose only 50-100 constituencies where their winning possibility is more and winning margin is less.
In this advanced world, its not difficult to arrive at a precise calculation on how many, and which are the booths to be hacked to alter the margins etc.
So if we consider this aspect, it’s enough if one hacks few thousand EVMs on a national scale.
US scientists ‘hack’ Indian electronic voting machines
Julian Siddle
Scientists at a US university say they have developed a technique to hack into Indian electronic voting machines.
After connecting a home-made device to a machine,
University of Michigan researchers were able to change results by
sending text messages from a mobile.
Indian election officials say their machines are
foolproof, and that it would be very difficult even to get hold of a
machine to tamper with it.
India uses about 1.4m electronic voting machines in each general election.
‘Dishonest totals’
A video posted on the internet by the researchers at
the University of Michigan purportedly shows them connecting a home-made
electronic device to one of the voting machines used in India.
Professor J Alex Halderman, who led the project, said
the device allowed them to change the results on the machine by sending
it messages from a mobile phone.
“We made an imitation display board that looks almost
exactly like the real display in the machines,” he told the BBC. “But
underneath some of the components of the board, we hide a microprocessor
and a Bluetooth radio.”
“Our lookalike display board intercepts the vote
totals that the machine is trying to display and replaces them with
dishonest totals - basically whatever the bad guy wants to show up at
the end of the election.”
In addition, they added a small microprocessor which
they say can change the votes stored in the machine between the election
and the vote-counting session.
India’s electronic voting machines are considered to be among the most tamperproof in the world.
There is no software to manipulate - records of candidates and votes cast are stored on purpose-built computer chips.
Paper and wax seals
India’s Deputy Election Commissioner, Alok Shukla, said even getting hold of machines to tamper with would be very difficult.
“It is not just the machine, but the overall
administrative safeguards which we use that make it absolutely
impossible for anybody to open the machine,” he told the BBC.
“Before the elections take place, the machine is set
in the presence of the candidates and their representatives. These
people are allowed to put their seal on the machine, and nobody can open
the machine without breaking the seals.”
The researchers said the paper and wax seals could be easily faked.
However, for their system to have any impact they
would need to install their microchips on many voting machines, no easy
task when 1,368,430 were used in the last general election in 2009.
(Courtesy: BBC; May 18, 2010)
(URL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/south_asia/10123478.stm )
Source: http://www.socialcause.org/getarticlefromdb.php?id=2622
GVL Narasimha Rao, 27 May 2010
Skeptics who are now convinced that
EVM tampering is possible have a question to ask: is tampering of
electronic voting machines merely a theoretical proposition (as Prof
Indiresan, ECI’s expert committee chairman would have you believe) or is
there any ground level evidence of tampering?
The answer to this question lies in
personal experiences and encounters of a number of senior political
leaders with “EVM fixers”. From these personal accounts, it is evident
that there is more to the EVM story than what meets the eye.
Take a look at some such shocking
incidents narrated to me ever since I began to explore electronic voting
machines in the wake of surprising election outcomes. The first such
incident relates to fixing by insider-technicians having easy access to
the voting machines.
Insider ‘Fixing’
(Want EVMs fixed? Pay Rs. 5 Crore)
Weeks after elections to the
Maharashtra state assembly in October last year, Omesh Saigal, a retired
IAS officer and a whistle blower on the poor security of electronic
voting machines narrated an incident to me about EVM tampering.
“I was in Maharastra in October
last year. I met an ex-MP from the Congress party there. He confirmed my
worst fears about EVMs”, Saigal said.
“What did you hear from him”, I queried.
“The ex-MP’s son stood for the
Maharastra assembly elections recently. The ex-MP told me that they were
approached by some “authorized” engineers (apparently representing one
of the EVM manufacturers) who offered to manipulate election results in
50% of the polling stations of his assembly constituency for the
princely sum of Rs. 5 Crore. The engineers said that the candidate could
choose whichever polling stations he wanted manipulated.”
“Scandalous. What happened then?” I asked Saigal.
“The ex-MP refused to believe them.
He said that this couldn’t be true. The engineers gave some (client)
references to him and asked him to verify for himself, if he so
desired”, Saigal added.
The son of the ex-MP lost his
elections. He thinks that his election may have been stolen by his
rivals employing unethical means. He and his father have joined the
ever growing list of people who have no trust in EVMs.
I promptly incorporated this incident
in my book on EVMs released in February this year. Later, speaking at
the function to launch www.indianEVM.com website on April 12 this year,
Saigal narrated this incident publicly before the entire media.
Unlike most of us who do not belong
to the clan of election commissioners, Omesh Saigal has been a fellow
IAS officer who has served in several key positions in the government as
chief secretary, Delhi and Secretary to the government of India.
Present chief election commissioner Navin Chawla was a contemporary of
Omesh Saigal from the union territories cadre in the IAS. They know each
other quite well.
Election Commission of India,
brimming with a false sense of pride that nothing can o wrong with its
checks and balances, has not taken even such specific accounts
seriously. Should the Commission want to get details in this regard,
Omesh Saigal was only too willing to reveal all the information in his
Would the Commission care to initiate an enquiry into similar incidents?
Debate with Prof. Indiresan on his ‘Case for electronic
voting machines’
Date:17/05/2010 URL: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2010/05/17/stories/2010051750350800.htm
Case for electronic voting machines
Suspicions about EVMs are ill-founded. First, the Indian
EVM, unlike the machines used in Europe, is not programmable. Besides, a large
number would have to be manipulated to impact a result, and this cannot escape
detection, says P. V. INDIRESAN.
From: S. Kalyanaraman <kalyan97@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, May 21, 2010 at 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: Indian EVMs tamper-proof? Scientists demonstrate how to hack the
To: PV Indiresan <indiresan@gmail.com>
Dhanyavaadah, Prof. Indiresan ji. With your guidance and the guidance of
other concerned citizens, elders, and technology experts, we shall succeed in
prevailing upon EC and the justice system to ban the use of EVMs which 1)
take control of the election process — balloting and counting — away from the
people who are sovereign; 2) cloud the transparency of the process; and 3)
impose additional technological security, systems audit risks unintelligible to
and beyond the control of the voter.
Thanking you for your consideration and with
the best regards,
Scrap EVMs & introduce paper ballots: Save Democracy Org. writes to ECI.
Electronic Voting Machines
Satya Dosapati
Save Indian Democracy Organization
New Jersey, USA
Date: May 5, 2010
Ph: +1 732 939 2060 (US)
Websites: http://saveindiandemocracy.org , http://indianevm.com ,
Mr. Navin Chawla, Chief Election Commissioner
Mr. S.Q Quraishi, Election Commissioner
Mr. V.S. Sampath, Election Commissioner
Election Commission of India
Nirvachan Sadan
Ashoka Road, New Delhi 110001
Dear Mr. Navin Chawla, Mr. S.Q. Quraishi, Mr. V.S. Sampath,
Our Organization Save Indian Democracy, consisting of active volunteers
from India and the Indian Diaspora all over the world , was in earlier
communication with you regarding our concerns on the usage of stand
alone EVMs and their rejection across several countries in the world.
We had presented you the statement regarding Indian EVMs by Stanford Dr.
David Dill who is considered a pioneer in election reform in United
States along with a personal letter of invitation to Mr. Chawla to visit
Stanford to learn more about the EVM issues. We have brought in the
best world wide known international experts to India to attend various
conferences and Press Meet and had extended invitation to you and the
Expert Committee to meet with the experts. Our organization have even
extended invitation to you to come to US at our expense. This is in
addition to various Indian Organizations and activists who have been
working hard to bring your attention to the issue for several months.
However, none of this elicited any response from you. You have not
engaged in any meaningful and honest debate other than bland assertions
that Indian EVMs are not proven tamperable without subjecting them to
any honest scrutiny in India or internationally. You have kept from
public that the patent submitted on the Indian EVMs to World
Intellectual property Organization was withdrawn because they found all
the 21 claims for patent are worthless (ref 1). The recent exposure of
the real Indian EVMs with the help of international and national experts
(ref 2) show that what we had feared all along is true and the many
reports of issues both by individuals and the political parties during
last few elections are on strong foot hold.
We know that ECI is serious about protecting Indian democracy and are
hopeful that ECI will engage into an honest debate on the issues of
electronic voting. Unfortunately all the efforts made so far to bring
to your attention the serious threat to democracy of India was met not
only with disregard but continuation of campaign of misleading the
country. As Dr. Dill and several others have asserted tamperability
and insider tampering of stand alone EVMs are biggest threat to any
country’s democracy. With Corruption Perception index of India by
Transparency International same as that of war torn African country
Rwanda, the recent expose’ of ease of tamperability of real Indian EVMs
in combination with high risk of insider tampering puts a great urgency
in addressing the issue.
Save Indian Democracy will continue to take further actions through
various international and national Organizations to protect our
democracy. Note that a paper on real Indian EVMs is already scheduled
to be presented at one international conference by well known expert Rop
Gongrijjp from Netherlands (ref 3).
1) Expose the tamperability of real Indian EVMs in several international conferences..
2) Expose the ease of tamperability of real Indian EVMs to
countries India is selling the EVMs, particularly Nigeria, Malaysia,
Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Namibia, Mauritius, Nepal, Bhutan,
Bangla Desh. We are already in touch with Nigeria where the Election
Commissioner was recently sacked for corruption.
3) Explore and pursue bringing awareness to the Indian EVM issues
to various international human rights and election watch bodies.
4) Work closely with other Indian counterparts to bring awareness
to Indians about the rejection of stand along EVMs around the world,
the vulnerability of Indian EVMs etc
We sincerely hope the ECI would take further immediate actions. We look
forward to cooperate and assist in any sincere efforts. Some of the
actions ECI may pursue are:
1) Engaging in an honest debate with an open mind on tamperability
of Indian EVMs and the risk of insider tampering and explore ways to
make Indian elections accountable and verifiable.
2) Learn and understand the status of stand alone EVMs across the
world and why even the most advanced countries rejected them due to
reasons of transparency, tamperability and insider tampering. (Note
that, notwithstanding IT boom in India, the research on EVMs in India is
Recognize that even the countries with far less corruption than
India and have reputable Electoral bodies are extremely concerned of
insider tampering and have effectively done away with stand alone EVMs.
4) Bold enough to reintroduce the paper ballots unless a well proven method could be found to make elections more secure.
With best regards,
Satya Dosapati
Save Indian Democracy
1) Technical paper on how to tamper a real Indian EVM at http://indiaevm.org/paper.html (being submitted at Chicago and other international conferences)
2) Video on how to tamper a real Indian EVM by Rop Gongrijjp, Hari Prasad, Alex Halderman. Visit: http://indiaevm.org/media.html (scroll down)
3) Withdrawal of patent application of EVM made at World Intellectual Property Organization, www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?WO=2002093503 , look under claims for 21 claims for patent and under National Phase showing withdrawn.
EVM hacked! (We told you it’s easy to do)
Inside the EVM is a main circuit board with t
Inside the EVM is a main circuit board with the CPU and vote memory. It also has a smaller display board
This clip-on device ‘steals’ votes from EVMs.
display in the EVM can be replaced with a look-alike (above). Parts
were hidden under the LEDs, that substitute dishonest vote totals when
showing election results
A demonstration attack device was also developed. It clips on to the memory chips inside the EVM and steals votes
There’s no doubt about it. Electronic Voting
Machines can be tampered with, and a team of experts have demonstrated exactly
how it’s done, using an EVM from Maharashtra
By Alka Shukla & Jaison Lewis
Pune Mirror, Posted On Thursday, May 06,
On March 29, 2010, Pune Mirror carried a
report on how Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) are easy to hack into.
Now, there is proof. Setting of alarm bells well in time for the next election
in 2012, a team of researchers used a machine from the state to demonstrate two
ways in which the results could have been rigged.
The researchers, in a report posted on their website, showed precisely how a
display component could be replaced with a fake substitute programmed to steal
a percentage of the votes in favour of a chosen candidate.
They also exposed how stored votes could be changed between the election and
the public counting session, which in India can be weeks later, with a pocket-sized
The team, comprising Hyderabad-based NetIndia, Dr J Alex Halderman, a
professor and noted expert on electronic voting security from the University of
Michigan and Holland-based security expert Rop Gonggrijp, was instrumental in
the ban on EVMs in the Netherlands.
Last year, NetIndia Managing Director Hari Prasad had demonstrated how the
instrument could have been tampered with, but he could prove this only
theoretically as the election commission didn’t provide him with a real EVM.
“This time, a bureaucrat provided us with a real EVM,” said Prasad. He was
vocal about the vulnerability of EVMs even as the chief election commission
vouched for their ‘infallibility’ last year.
Indian EVMs record votes only onto the internal memory of the system. There are
no paper records that allow for inspection or recount.
In fact, the vote-counting software in the EVMs is programmed to not allow the
software to be read out and verified.
“Since these chips are made in the US and Japan, this has led to a situation
where nobody in India knows for sure what software is in these machines or
whether it counts votes accurately,” reads the report.
Attack One
A small display component of the machine can
be replaced with an identical component. This component can be programmed to
steal a percentage of the votes in favour of a chosen candidate.
The signals to activate the program can be transmitted from by using a mere
mobile phone. Explains Hari Prasad, “The result of voting is displayed on LED
segments. There’s a 3-mm gap between segments.
That’s where a chip can be loaded. This chip can be connected wireless to
mobile phone.” If a miscreant manages to place a chip, a signal from a
micro-controller will control what is displayed on the screen.
Attack Two
The votes stored in the EVM between the election and the public counting
session can be changed by using a specially made pocket-sized device.
When you open the machine, you find micro-controllers, under which are
electrically enabled programs, with ‘read-only’ memory. It is used only for
However, Prasad warns, “You can read and write memory from an external
interface. We have developed a small clip with a chip on the top to read votes
inside the memory and manipulate the data by swapping the vote from one
candidate to another.”
Reasoning the need to demonstrate he says, “We are not questioning the system
of checks and balances. Our intention is only to highlight that EVMs are
vulnerable and have even been banned in countries like the Netherlands.”
When contacted, Maharashtra’s Chief Electoral Officer Debashish Chakravarty
said he was aware of the issue. “We know that such claims are being made. It is
a matter of inspection.
We will decide what is to be done after investigations. I can’t comment beyond
this about the issue.”
Insecure Indian electronic voting machines. Scrap them. Declare them unconstitutional
Democracy is too much of a treasure for the people to be risked with use of experiments such as the Indian EVMs.
What does it take for the policy
brass, in this state of Hindusthan, to see reason and act for the
abhyudayam of the people, and to listen to the true voice of the people,
who are sovereign in a democratic republic of Hindusthan?
ECI is a constitutional body
entrusted with conducting elections, an expression of the sovereign will
of the people. This means that ECI has to ensure that EVMs do NOT
undermine the will of the people
This is the precise serious,
intolerable situation that has arisen by the proof by experts that EVMs
CAN undermine the will of the people. EVMs are tamperable, replaceable
by fraudulent duplicates and are hence, unreliable as balloting and vote
counting systems. Why should ECI insist on persisting with unsafe
systems of Indian EVMs?
Subhash Kak one of the author’s of the following article is Professor of Computer Science, Oklahoma State University.
David Dill who wrote to Navin Chawla, CEC, is Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University.
Computer experts including Alex
Halderman, Professor of Computer Science, Univ. of Michigan, have
demonstrated how the Indian EVM can be hacked.http://indiaevm.org (video, images).
In the face of such overwhelming
advice of computer experts, why is Election Commission of India doggedly
defending the indefensible, tamperable Indian EVMs ?
Is it because the Courts are
likely to annul the Lok Sabha elections of 2009? So what, let us save
democracy in India. It is the duty of Caesar’s wife (ECI) to be above
susupicion and bound by their oath of office to uphold the traditions of
democracy started over 1000 years ago by secret ballots used in
Uttaramerur (Parakesari Varman Chola) discussed in Constituent Assembly
debates (1948) by T. Prakasam, late CM of Madras Presidency.
Will ECI see reason and scrap
EVMs? Will Supreme Court of India save democracy declaring EVMs
unconstitutional as German Supreme Court has done, since EVMs violate
the public nature of elections in a democratic republic?
Who will save the field when the fence eats away the crop?
Creatures created by the sovereign
people of Hindusthan cannot arrogate to themselves the power to
denigrate the basic feature of Indian Constitution: democratic republic
which calls for votes to be cast under the control of the voters and
votes to be counted under the gaze of the voters.
ECI are NOT sarvaprajna that they
can declare that Indian EVMs are untamperable. No system invented by a
human being is untamperable. Every system humanly engineered can be
reverse engineered by people who have an axe to grind, an evil intent to
realise to get elected, by hook or by crook. Given the high stakes
involved in elections, it is easy (and cost-effective) to capture a few
booths and introduce duplicate, look-alike EVMs which will elect the
candidate chosen by a fraudster, say, comparable to a criminal who
manipulates an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) to withdraw cash which
does not belong to him or her.
ECI, you owe it to the people of
Hindusthan to scrap the EVMs and SC, you owe it to the people of
Hindusthan to declare EVMs unconstitutional.
Dharmo rakshati rakshitah. Eternal
vigilance is the price of liberty. Let not prestige of a few
individuals stand in the way of the imperative of saving democracy in
Hindusthan. It is a treasured legacy, a thousand-year old legacy from
the Chola days, Bharat is a beacon of democracy for the entire world.
Let us not extinguish this deepam.
Former Sr. Exec., Asian
Development Bank (A computer expert involved with computers on Indian
Railways and in Asian Development Bank).
Challenges facing electronic voting
Abhishek Parakh and Subhash Kak, May 2010, Seminar Monthly, New Delhi
LIKE Caesar’s wife, an election should not only be fair but also
above suspicion. After the contested 2000 presidential elections, the
United States government attempted to develop electronic systems to
overcome many shortcomings of paper ballots. But electronic machines
have presented several problems of their own, and their use is coming
under increasing legal challenge. Electronic voting systems that do
not leave a paper trail have been banned in Netherlands, Ireland, and
some counties in the United States.
The German Federal Constitutional Court decided on 3 March 2009
that electronic voting is unconstitutional and therefore not to be used
in future elections. Consequently, the 2009 German national
elections were conducted with hand counted paper ballots. The reasoning
used by the German court was that electronic voting is not verifiable
because the votes are counted in secret. It uses a technology accessible
only to the initiates. The court stressed that electronic voting
machines (EVMs) don’t allow citizens to reliably examine, when the vote
is cast, whether the vote has been recorded fairly. The German
court defines conditions for acceptability of voting systems that go
beyond paper trails for touch screen voting that are popular in the
United States.
In India the use by the Election Commission of EVMs has been challenged
in the Supreme Court, and the court’s decision is awaited. The argument
used by the government appointed Chief Election Commissioner is that the
EVMs ought to be trusted as they are manufactured by two government
owned companies, ECIL and BEL, that they are sent in a random order to
the election booths, and that their chips cannot be removed. At present
many political parties outside of the ruling coalition are uneasy about
the use of EVMs.
Electronic elections are conducted either using Direct
Recording Electronic (DRE) machines or over the Internet. Although DREs
have benefits such as speedy results, accuracy, reduction in manpower
and paperwork,1 they are vulnerable to sabotage and equipment
malfunction. Further, if a malfunction is detected, there seems no way
to conduct a recount and the only remedy is a recast of ballots.
Internet voting too provides ease of access and eliminates absentee
ballots, but is surrounded by many more security concerns than the DRE
Electronics has been a part of the election process for several decades
in the form of punch card machines and optical scan systems that rely on
software for the tally process and can carry a bug as easily as the DRE
machines.2 But punch card and optical scan systems leave a paper trail
that can be used for verification and recounts in case of disputes. This
is the rationale behind the argument that DREs should have voter
verified paper trails wherein the voting machine prints a paper receipt
of the cast ballot for the voter. The receipt can then be verified by
the voter and deposited in a ballot box, bringing the DRE systems at par
with punch card and optical scan systems. However, it requires
additional resources and the burden of handling of paper receipts which
were sought to be avoided in the first place.
A solution would be to allow voters to take receipts home in
which voters can verify their votes by accessing the results posted
on bulletin boards against receipt numbers. Chaum3 has proposed
schemes that combine visual cryptography and mixnets to achieve this.
However, a receipt that is taken home may be used to prove the way a
voter cast his ballot and thus invite vote selling and give rise to
irresolvable false claims. Rivest and Smith4 suggest a variant of this
scheme in which the voters deposit their receipts and take home with
them the receipt of a random voter who cast a ballot before them. Now
when the results are posted on the bulletin board, a voter will be able
to verify one cast ballot, although not his. This scheme eliminates
false claims and vote selling, but the receipts that are taken home must
be tamper resistant, which would add to the cost of the system.
But there is no guarantee that a voter will not raise a false alarm
at the polling station and claim that the receipt printed by the
machine is different from the vote he just cast. There would be no way
to verify his claim because we have assumed the machines to
be fundamentally distrustful. One such claim can disrupt the
election process and an unscrupulous party can easily put in place
people to make such claims in a wide geographic area. Another solution
may include random permutation of votes during the voting process and
then un-permuting the results after the vote count. This permutation
order may be randomly chosen by the presiding officer at the polling
station before the beginning of the polls and recorded appropriately.
This would require a separation between the input device and the
vote recording machine with a physical permutation device joining
them. Once the tally is made, the results can then be permuted back.
It might be simpler to employ two machines endorsed by opposing
major parties in the elections recording the same vote and then their
counts could be tallied after the elections are closed.
Although it is widely believed that open source software can help
in improving system security and confidence, some argue that this
makes the job of hackers easier who might find a bug and instead
of reporting it, exploit it. Also, there is no guarantee that
companies would be using the same software in the same form, which is
made public, in every machine that is deployed and there is no way to
prove this, for certain, one way or the other.5 This also does not
eliminate the possibility of bugs inserted by an unscrupulous employee
into the machines during their manufacture and software installation.
In general, the requirements for an ideal voting system include receipt
freeness, un-forge-ability, privacy, fairness, verifiability, coercion
resistance and ballot secrecy. Receipt freeness prevents a voter from
proving to anyone how he voted, un-forge-ability prevents a voter from
casting double ballots, privacy protects the voter from eavesdroppers,
fairness protects the intermediate election results that could sway the
outcome, verifiability allows voter to ensure that his ballot is
recorded as intended, and so on. The election system and procedures are
particularly challenging because one needs to treat every party involved
as an adversary.
The imperative of technology demands that future elections take place on
the Internet since it finesses the problem of verifiability.
But Internet based systems cannot satisfy the requirement of
coercion resistance, if the vote is to be cast by voters from their
homes or elsewhere, at their convenience. Also, the requirement of
receipt freeness does not apply to an Internet based system since
anybody who is coercing a voter to cast a ballot a certain way can
easily watch him do so over his shoulder. Further, the problem of vote
selling is one of the central issues when talking about Internet voting.
Conversely, the above shortcomings are not unique to online
voting systems. They exist in paper based systems as well when one uses
the provision of absentee ballot and yet everyone accepts them as a
part of the system. In fact, about 16.8 per cent of votes in the 2008
US presidential elections were cast as domestic absentee ballots,6
which is more than enough to change an election outcome if any fraud
was intended.
Internet based voting systems require strong safeguards against hacking
attacks, viruses and Trojans. Software continues to get complex and can
never be bug free. A virus or network attack can also be mounted during
the verification process and result in false positive verifications.
Network attacks may be met by cryptographic key exchange and distributed
backend databases. Information dispersal algorithms and verifiable
secret sharing schemes may be used to maintain system fairness such that
no single server stores all the
cast ballots and the partitions are distributed over
independent servers.7 As long as a majority of these servers remain
honest, the possibility of sabotage remains low.
Although the Germans have returned to the paper ballot system,
the fidelity of this system requires that the officials managing
the election process are honest. For example, the 2004
presidential election held in Taiwan using paper ballots was won by the
incumbent, Chen Shui-Bian, where the central election commission
declared 337,297 ballots invalid, which was more than 11 times the
margin of victory.8 In countries without a strong tradition of honest
bureaucracy, it is common for ballot boxes to disappear or be replaced
with already filled ones before counting takes place. The most recent
example of this was the 2009 national election in Afghanistan.
The strengths and weaknesses of electronic and paper based
election systems are different. It is of course true that given an
honest bureaucracy, paper based systems are demonstrably trustworthy
whereas the trustworthiness of EVMs cannot be so established.
Designing a perfect electronic voting system is impossible due to
the opposite requirements of secrecy and verifiability, and
no implementations that are demonstrably secure are available.
Germany and other countries have already chosen to go back to the
paper ballot, and it appears that in spite of the ease and flexibility
of electronic voting other countries will eventually do the same.
1. B.J. Williams and M.S. King, ‘Implementing Voting Systems:
The Georgia Method’, Communications of the ACM 47(10), October 2004.
2. L. Norden et al., The Machinery of Democracy: Protecting Elections in
an Electronic World, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law,
October 2006.
3. D. Chaum, ‘Secret-ballot Receipts: True Voter-verifiable Elections’,
Security and Privacy, IEEE 2(1), Jannuary-February 2004, pp.38-47.
4. R. Rivest, Three Voting Protocols: ThreeBallot, VAV, Twin.
http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/RivestSmith-ThreeVoting ProtocolsThreeBallotVAVAndTwin.pdf
5. N. Paul and A.S. Tanenbaum, ‘Trustworthy Voting: From Machine to System’, Computer 42(5), May 2009, pp. 23-29.
http://www.eac.gov/News/press/eac-releases-data-from-2008-presidential-election/base_view retrieved on 7 March 2010.
7. A. Parakh and S. Kak, ‘Internet Voting Protocol Based on Improved Implicit Security’, Cryptologia 34(3), 2010.
8. Keith Bradsher and Joseph Kahn, Taiwan’s President Appears to Win Elections. New York Times, 20 March 2004.
– retrieved on 2 March 2010.
Indian EVMs insecure. Scrap them. Order fresh Lok Sabha elections
The Lok Sabha elections of 2009 are suspect. SC should declare the
elections null and void, since use of EVMs is unconstitutionaL Caesar’s
wife should be above suspicion and Indian EVM are of suspected
There are serious reports that ECI had access to results of
elections for over 100 constituencies at least 13 days before the
official declaration of results on May 19, 2009. Someone has to
investigate these reports to save democracy in India and make the ECI
accountable to the people, who have given to themselves a democratic,
republis of India, that is Bharat.
Even giving a paper printout from EVM is an unsatisfactory,
unreliable solution. Best option is to revert to paper ballot for which
India holds the patent. cf. the invention by Parakesarivarman about 1000
years ago as documented in Uttaremerur inscription which was also
discussed in Constituent Assembly debates by the late CM of Madras
Presidency, Shri Tanguturi Prakasam.
India’s Electronic Voting Machines Are Insecure, Study Finds
A group of researchers say Indian voting machines are vulnerable to fraud.
John Ribeiro, IDG News Service
Friday, April 30, 2010 06:50 AM PDT
Indian electronic voting machines (EVMs) are vulnerable to fraud,
researchers said this week, and advocated that a paper trail should be
maintained to verify the results of balloting.
The researchers have also released a video where they have
demonstrated attacks on an EVM after tinkering with its internal
They got access to a working EVM, that was already used in an
election, through an anonymous source, Hari Prasad, one of the
researchers said on Friday. Prasad is managing director of Netindia, a
Hyderabad-based technology firm
One attack involved replacing the display board of the machine with
a look-alike component that can be instructed to steal a percentage of
the votes in favor of a chosen candidate.
The new display board adds a microcontroller that replaces the
election results with fraudulent ones as they are displayed, and a
Bluetooth radio module that allows the attacker to wirelessly signal
through his mobile phone which candidate should receive the stolen
votes, the researchers said.
Though the use of mobile phones is prohibited within 100 meters of
polling stations, this rule is infrequently enforced, the researchers
In another attack on the test EVM, the researchers used a
pocket-sized device, attached to the memory chips, to change the votes
stored in the EVM between the election and the public vote counting,
which in India can be weeks later.
Storage rooms where EVMs are kept between elections are insecure,
and criminals can bribe an official and get access to the machines,
Prasad said.
Officials at the Election Commission of India were not immediately
available for comment. Prasad said the researchers have offered to
demonstrate the attacks to the Election Commission.
India uses EVMs of the Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) variety,
which record votes only to internal memory and do not provide paper
records for later inspection or recount.
The researchers have also raised concerns that criminals and people
intending to rig elections can tamper with components. The EVMs are
designed so that the firmware is stored in masked read-only memory in
the microcontroller, and there is no provision for reading it out or
verifying its integrity.
If the software was modified before it was burned into the CPUs,
the changes will be very difficult to detect, the researchers said.
The chips are made in the U.S. and Japan, and nobody in India knows
for sure what software is in the machines, or whether they count votes
accurately, they added.
The researchers have recommended a voter-verified paper audit trail
(VVPAT), which combines an electronic record, stored in a DRE machine,
with a paper vote record that can be audited by hand. Existing EVMs do
not have upgradeable software, but a VVPAT can be added on the cable
between the control unit and the ballot unit, they said.
The researchers recommend precinct-count optical scan (PCOS) voting
as an alternative. In this model, voters fill out paper ballots that
are scanned by a voting machine at the polling station before being
placed in a ballot box. Attacking either of these systems would require
tampering with both the paper records and the electronic records,
according to the researchers.
Security Analysis of India’s Electronic Voting Machines
Abstract: Elections in India are conducted almost exclusively using
electronic voting machines developed over the past two decades by a
pair of government-owned companies. These devices, known in India as
EVMs, have been praised for their simple design, ease of use, and
reliability, but recently they have also been criticized because of
widespread reports of election irregularities. Despite this criticism,
many details of the machines’ design have never been publicly disclosed,
and they have not been subjected to a rigorous, independent security
evaluation. In this paper, we present a security analysis of a real
Indian EVM obtained from an anonymous source. We describe the machine’s
design and operation in detail, and we evaluate its security, in light
of relevant election procedures. We conclude that in spite of the
machine’s simplicity and minimal trusted computing base, it is
vulnerable to serious attacks that can alter election results and
violate the secrecy of the ballot. We demonstrate two attacks,
implemented using custom hardware, which could be carried out by
dishonest election insiders or other criminals with only brief physical
access to the machines. This case study contains important lessons for
Indian elections and for electronic voting security more generally.
Full technical paper at http://indiaevm.org/evm_tr2010.pdf
Despite elaborate safeguards, India’s EVMs are vulnerable to
serious attacks. Dishonest insiders or other criminals with physical
access to the machines at any time before ballots are counted can insert
malicious hardware that can steal votes for the lifetime of the
machines. Attackers with physical access between voting and counting can
arbitrarily change vote totals and can learn which candidate each voter
selected. These problems are deep-rooted. The design of India’s EVMs
relies entirely on the physical security of the machines and the
integrity of election insiders. This seems to negate many of the
security benefits of using electronic voting in the first place. The
technology’s promise was that attacks on the ballot box and dishonesty
in the counting process would be more difficult. Yet we find that such
attacks remain possible, while being more difficult to detect.
It is highly doubtful that these problems could be remedied by
simple upgrades to the existing EVMs or election procedures. Merely
making the attacks we have demonstrated more difficult will not fix the
fundamental problem: India’s EVMs do not provide transparency, so voters
and election officials have no reason for confidence that the machines
are behaving honestly.
India should carefully reconsider how to achieve a secure and
transparent voting system that is suitable to its national values and
requirements. One option that has been adopted in other countries is to
use a voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT), which combines an
electronic record stored in a DRE with a paper vote record that can be
audited by hand [43]. Existing EVMs do not have updatable software, but
it would be possible to add a VVPAT by interposing on the cable between
the control unit and the ballot unit. Another
option is precinct-count optical scan (PCOS) voting, where voters
fill out paper ballots that are scanned by a voting machine at the
polling station before being placed in a ballot box. Attacking either of
these systems would require tampering with both the paper records and
the electronic records, provided that routine audits are performed to
make sure these redundant sets of records agree [14]. A third option is
to return to simple paper ballots. Despite all of their known
weaknesses, simple paper ballots provide a high degree of transparency,
so fraud that does occur will be more likely to be detected.
Using EVMs in India may have seemed like a good idea when the
machines were introduced in the 1980s, but science’s understanding of
electronic voting security—and of attacks against it—has progressed
dramatically since then, and other technologically advanced countries
have adopted and then abandoned EVM-style voting. Now that we understand
what technology can and cannot do, any new solutions to the very real
problems election officials face must address the problems, not merely
hide them from sight.
EVMs are not
foolproof, says computer scientist
April 23rd, 2010
Correspondent, Kumar Chellappan
Picking holes. A low-budget adversary armed
with a small instrument can read out votes cast, suppress the votes of one or
several voters, and even delete all the votes.
April 22: Electronic voting machines are not as tamper-proof as
the Election Commission of India would like us to believe, going by the
research of an Israeli comuter scientist who has found flaws in the most
advanced EVMs in the world.
“The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) EVMs
developed in Israel are rated as the most advanced machines in the world. But
we have proved that they are vulnerable to all kinds of tampering,” Avishai
Wool, of the School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, told DC on
“We can show how a low-budget adversary armed with
a small instrument can read out all votes already cast into the ballot box,
suppress the votes of one or several voters, rewrite votes at will and even
completely disqualify all votes in a single booth,” Prof. Wool says in the
paper. “These attacks are easy to mount and very difficult to detect.”
While Prof. Wool refused to comment on Indian
EVMs, several experts have noted that most electronic polling devices are
susceptible to tampering. Prof. Wools’ comments follow a letter qritten by
David Dill, professor of computer science at Stanford University, to Chief
Election Commissioner Navin Chawla on Indian EVMs lacking credibility.
Subramanian Swamy, former Union minister for law,
said Bharat Electronics Ltd and ECIL, who developed the Indian EVM , have
withdrawn their application for a patent for the device from the World
Intellectual Property Organisation.
Don’t stand on prestige, dump EVMs, save democracy
http://www.indianevm.com/videos.php?id=12 Computer Science Prof. of Stanford Univ., Dr. David Dill’s statement on Indian EVMs
http://www.indianevm.com/videos.php?id=14 (Videos, expert panel)
Election Commission concedes manipulation of EVMs
The Election Commission of India has made an amazing confession:
that the security and integrity of the entire election system will be
compromised if the EVM software and the hardware design becomes known.
This is what technologists, activists and political leaders have
been saying for many months now and the Commission had steadfastly
refuted such claims with a bizarre “our EVMs are fully tamper proof”
The above revelation was made by the Election Commission in a
letter dated March 30, 2010 to V.V. Rao, petitioner in the Supreme Court
on the EVMs. I quote below:
”…The Commission is concerned that commercial interests could use
the route of reverse engineering (a process by which the original
software and hardware configuration can be accessed) which may
compromise the security and sanctity of the entire election system.”
“…It is once again made clear that any demonstration of alleged
tamperability cannot include reverse-engineering as it compromises
security and sanctity of the entire […]
Don’t stand on prestige, dump EVMs: Naidu
J. Balaji, The Hindu
Published: April 13, 2010 00:53 IST | Updated: April 13, 2010 02:54 IST
He seeks national debate to clear “doubts in the minds of voters”
Telugu Desam Party president N. Chandrababu Naidu doubts that
electronic voting machines (EVMs) are non-tamperable, and has sought a
national debate to “clear all the doubts in the minds of voters.”
“I am convinced that there is scope for tampering with the EVMs,”
he said here on Monday after launching a website, www.indianevm.com,
hosted by election analyst G.V.L. Narasimha Rao and information
technologist Hariprasad.
Though he would not blame the Election Commission, with the
existing EVMs people were not sure whether the votes they cast went to
the candidates of their choice, Mr. Naidu said. When Germany, Singapore
and some European countries had gone back to the paper ballot, as the
EVMs could be tampered with and hacked, why should India alone use such
machines? “The EC should not stand on false prestige and gracefully go
in for a debate as the issue involved the fundamental rights of the
Mr. Naidu said he would take up the issue with other parties. There
would be nothing wrong in the country going back to the old system of
ballot votes if the machines were not safe and susceptible to tampering.
The former Chief Secretary of Delhi and IIT alumnus, Omesh Saigal,
asked why the chip used in EVMs was allowed to be written in the United
States. “A Trojan horse is sitting inside the machine.”
During August last, the EC said it gave opportunities to political
parties and individuals who claimed that EVMs could be manipulated to
prove their case. But “they either failed or chose not to demonstrate,”
it said.
“The EC would like to underline that it always had a firm
conviction and complete satisfaction that EVMs could not be tampered
with. Its faith in the machine has never wavered through the conduct of
elections in the last many years.”
None was able to actually demonstrate that the EVMs used by the
Commission could be tampered with. “What has been demonstrated or
claimed to have been demonstrated is on a privately assembled lookalike
of ECI-EVMs and not the actual EVM, produced by the Electronics
Corporation of India Limited,” the Commission said.
EVM debate rages on, lets get rid of it.
EVM debate rages. Jump in and cast your vote on the spot poll on this blog.
My personal take is that advanced countries with a longer history
of democracy like the US, UK, Australia, France, Netherlands, Norway,
Sweden and many other European countries don’t use a EVM but the good
old paper and ballot. Why should we move to a EVM.
1) The EVM does not provide a physical evidence of a vote. Whereby a
re count can be demanded. In earlier elections it has been seen that
after a re count a loosing candidate has won. A recount in EVM will just
mean adding up of all votes which will always add up to the earlier
number. How do we know this is correct.
2) This machine does not allow for any audit just because it has no
physical evidence. So tomorrow we shall all do corporate accounting on a
calculator (no need for bills, invoice, chalan etc) and show the
auditors the final figure on the screen of the calculator. This is what
EVM amounts to.
3) This goes against the basic Right to Information Act. Where is the evidence.
4) A 10 std Physics student can rig up such a device. I wonder why you need a micro processor even.
Please, please jump in and tell the govt that we don’t need the
EVM. Why are they scared of going back to the old system when there is a
section of the population that does not believe in the authenticity of
this device. Don’t believe in the impartiality of the EC, its fully
corrupted by congress ideologues.
भारत मैं सभ कुछ बिकता हैं हम कैसे मान ले की EC नहीं बीके, EVM यंत्र बनाने वाले नहीं बीके होवे हैं |
PS: UPA won a surprise victory in 2004 and left many stunned about
NDA’s loss. Many never expected this but it happened. Incidentally EVM
were first used in 2004.
http://www.indianevm.com/ : EVMs are prone to tampering by both
external hackers and insiders. The danger of insider fixing of elections
is recognized the world over. Hence mere faith in companies and a host
of private players handling EVMs cannot be the basis for election
results. Elections can be trusted only if the results are verifiable and
auditable. Most developed countries have rejected or reformed
direct-recording EVMs. Election Commission of India is persisting with
the voting machines ignoring the serious concerns. Hence this effort to
mobilize public opinion.
the Philippines ballot papers are used. Counting is done through voting
machines by optically scanning the ballots into the machine. Still, a
manual audit is mandated. In computing, if things can go wrong, they
always will; this is Murphy’s law of computing. I hope you have read
Stanford Univ. Prof. Dill’s letter to ECI. http://www.scribd.com/doc/26954805/Dr-Dill-Letter-to-ECI
kalyan 25 Feb. 2010
EVMs and cyberlaw of the Philippines: mandated manual audit
Article posted February 24, 2010 - 09:48 PM
Commission on Elections (Comelec) chairman Jose Melo on Wednesday
rejected the idea of conducting the random manual audit before the
declaration of the winners in the May polls, saying that it will only
cause unnecessary delays.
“(We don’t want) a simple audit (to) deter proclamation,” Melo said in a press briefing.
The poll body chief issued the statement after some groups asserted
that the random manual audit be done right after the election results
are transmitted and before the winners are proclaimed. (See: More voting
machines should be audited to ensure polls’ credibility)
Section 24 of Republic Act 9369 requires a random manual audit to
be conducted in one precinct per congressional district in each province
and city.
“Any difference between the automated and manual count will result
in the determination of root cause and initiate a manual count for those
precincts affected by the computer or procedural error,” it further
But Melo said that conducting the audit before the proclamation
would cause a great delay because the auditors would still have to
“reconcile” the marks on a ballot that were recognized and not
recognized by the Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machine.
“Magkakaroon ng variation yan, magdedebate, madedelay yan. Ang mark
na ganyan, bibilangin ng manual, pero hindi binilang ng makina, sino
paniniwalaan mo (There will definitely be a variation, triggering
debate, which would delay everything. Marks like those that are counted
manually, but not counted by the machine—which would you believe),” he
He further said that it would be fine if only the proclamation of
the winners of the local elections would be delayed, but he said that
even the national positions would have to await proclamation.
“If we are going to delay the proclamation because of a simple
concern of one machine, bakit pa tayo nag-automate (why did we automate
at all)?” he said.
Earlier, the National Citizens’ Movement for Free Elections
(Namfrel) and the Consortium of Electoral Reforms (CER) also asked the
poll body to increase the number of voting machines that will undergo
The groups said that at least 2.5 to 3 percent of the 82,200 PCOS
units or five poll machines per congressional district should be
manually audited to give enough assurance that the results of the
elections are credible. —Kimberly Jane T. Tan/JV, GMANews.TV
‘EVMs illegally being used for a decade’
Sanjay Sharma, TNN, Feb 22, 2010, 03.44am IST
CHANDIGARH: The electronic voting machines (EVMs) are being used in
violation of the Information Technology Act 2000, a research paper has
Author of the research paper, advocate Ajay Jagga, told The Times
of India, on Sunday that as per IT Act, 2000, a verifiable audit trail
has to be provided in case of any electronic record, which is now
admissible as evidence as per Evidence Act but in case of electronic
voting, the voter does not get any receipt with regard to his voting.
The research paper recently attracted the attention of experts when
a conference on “EVMs: How trustworthy?” in Chennai passed a unanimous
resolution on February 13 asking Jagga to approach the Election
Commission of India (ECI) for bringing the electronic voting procedure
in tune with IT Act, 2000.
Jagga said he would soon approach ECI seeking formation of legal
committee to remove the illegality or will knock the doors of court.
The lawyer said, “Unless the voter gets a receipt like the one we
get in ATM or after the use of debit or credit cards, all electronic
transactions including a vote, are illegal.” What is the evidence that
the vote cast has really been recorded and that it has been recorded in
the manner the voter intended, he asked.
For the purpose and to protect the secrecy of ballot, all such
receipts, after the voter has checked his transaction, should be put in a
box which should remain with ECI to be produced as evidence in case of a
dispute, he said. The government amended the relevant laws in 1989 to
equate EVM with ballot and ballot box to facilitate transition from
ballot paper to EVM but the IT Act 2000 created a new complication that
has to be immediately resolved in the interest of fairness of things,
Jagga pointed out.
The lawyer also proved that the machine can be tampered with which
has been accepted by the government itself in its letter to withdraw
patent applications filed by Electronics Corporation of India and Bharat
Electronics Ltd, makers of the machine. The PSUs withdrew their patent
applications on the ground that the machine may not be tamper-proof, he
said, adding that America and Germany had to return to ballot paper
after their machines were found wanting.
Linked on USA Today 23 Feb. 2010 http://content.usatoday.com/topics/article/Places,+Geography/Countries/India/05zF4kBeFJ47y/1
Hackers can ’steal’ ballots from electronic voting machines- 2009 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop
Indo-Asian News Service
Washington, August 11, 2009
First Published: 16:48 IST(11/8/2009)
Last Updated: 17:06 IST(11/8/2009)
Computer scientists have demonstrated how criminals could hack an
electronic voting machine (EVM) and ’steal’ votes using a malicious
programming approach that had not been invented when the voting machine
was designed.
The team of scientists from the Universites of California, San
Diego, Michigan and Princeton employed “return-oriented programming” to
force an electronic voting machine to turn against itself.
“Voting machines must remain secure throughout their entire service
lifetime, and this study demonstrates how a relatively new programming
technique can be used to take control of a voting machine that was
designed to resist takeover, but that did not anticipate this new kind
of malicious programming,” said Hovav Shacham.
Shacham is professor of computer science at UC San Diego’s (UC-SD
)Jacobs School of Engineering and study co-author. His study
demonstrates that return-oriented programming can be used to execute
vote-stealing computations by taking control of an EVM designed to
prevent code injection.
The computer scientists had no access to the machine’s source code -
or any other proprietary information - when designing the demonstration
By using just the information that would be available to anyone who
bought or stole a voting machine, the researchers addressed a common
criticism made against voting security researchers: that they enjoy
unrealistic access to the systems they study.
“Based on our understanding of security and computer technology, it
looks like paper-based elections are the way to go. Probably the best
approach would involve fast optical scanners reading paper ballots.
These kinds of paper-based systems are amenable to statistical audits,
which is something the election security research community is shifting
to,” said Shacham.
“You can actually run a modern and efficient election on paper,” he said.
“If you are using electronic voting machines, you need to have a separate paper record at the very least,” he added.
There findings were presented at the 2009 Electronic Voting Technology Workshop.
has to answer for the holes in the bucket identified in the book edited
by Subramanian Swamy and Kalyanaraman, Electronic Voting Machines —
Unconstitutional and Tamperable (2010)
A private co. had a project to EVMs. Are look-alike EVMs available in the market?
are EVMs being manufactured abroad (with control units burnt-in with
programs in foreign countries using Indian agents)? How can BEL/ECIL
claim IP rights for such foreign-makes? How much money has been spent
for this foreign outsourcing?
should scrap EVMs which are unconstitutional in any case and revert to
paper ballots.Save democracy which has flourished in India for over 1000
years since Uttaramerur Inscription of Parakesari Varman of Parantaka
Chola days. This was mentioned in Constituent Assembly debates by the
late T. Prakasham, CM of composite Madras Presidency.
4000 EVMs missing from Collector’s office. Stolen, some sold as scrap.
ECI, Scrap EVMs. Revert to Paper ballot.
EVMs stolen from Sub-Collector’s office
Staff Reporter
The Suryaraopet police on Friday night registered a case under Section
379 (punishment for theft) on the basis of a complaint lodged by
Sub-Collector K. Dharma Reddy that some Electronic Voting Machines were
missing from the Sub-Collector’s office complex.
Inspector R.J. Jayaraj said that some unidentified persons had stolen
the EVMs by breaking open the window grill of the room, where the
machines were stored.
were not informed of the number of machines, as the Revenue officials
are yet to estimate the number. We are investigating to nab the
culprits,” he said.
was learnt that the Revenue authorities failed to notice the theft as
the complex building is being renovated these days. It was only after
the police alerted them that the Revenue authorities realised that the
theft had occurred.
police came to know about the theft after questioning some rag pickers.
Though the intention behind the theft was not known yet, the police
suspect that the rag pickers might have stolen these just to sell as
iron scrap.
4000 EVMs “missing” in Andhra Pradesh; some stolen EVMs recovered from “scrap” stores
Sunday, December 5, 2010 , Andhra Jyothy, Telugu Newspaper
4000 EVMs have gone “missing” in Andhra Pradesh;
some stolen EVMs recovered from “scrap” stores
4000 EVMs missing
Dispatched as additional quota in 2004
Not clear if they reached districts at all!!
District collectors evasive on ‘missing’ EVMs
Have they been misused?
6 EVMs traced in ‘scrap’ stores in Vijayawada
December 4: There are already many controversies concerning EVMs. There
are many doubts about their working. It has also been proved that it is
not impossible to alter election results on EVMs. In this backdrop,
doubts whether as many as 4000 EVMs exist or not has led to a furore in
political circles. This has led to serious doubts whether these EVMs
have been used to “favour” some parties or candidates owing to local
pressures and other conditions prevailing there.
have been used nationwide for the first time in 2004 general elections.
In Andhra Pradesh, elections to the state assembly were also held
simultaneously with Lok Sabha polls in 2004. Then, the
Election Commission had allotted two EVMs for each polling station.
But..when some district collectors sought some more additional EVMs, the
Election Commission complied with the request. Rangareddy,
Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Khammam, Srikakulam, East Godavari, Prakasam,
Cuudapah and Kurnool districts were
given 100 to 300 additional EVMs as
per their requirements. This way, an additional quantity of 4,000 EVMs
was dispatched to these districts. After 2004, again in 2009, another
round of general elections have been conducted to the Parliament and the
state assembly.
This news item appeared on the front page of leading Telugu daily newspaper, Andhra Jyothy in its edition dated December 5, 2010. The article in Telugu is available at the following web link: https://www.andhrajyothy.com/mainnewsshow.asp?qry=2010/dec/5/main/5main3&more=2010/dec/5/main/main&date=12/5/2010
This article is a verbatim English translation of the article published in Andhra Jyothy.
It has been 20 months since general elections have been held. The office of the Chief Electoral Officer
(CEO) of Andhra Pradesh has now developed doubts about the additional
EVMs sent to districts in 2004. It began to ask questions: “what happened to those EVMs? Have they been used in elections? If unused, why were they not returned? etc. etc.”
In October this year, the state CEO
sent letters to the concerned district collectors asking if the
additional EVMs sent to them in 2004 have reached them or not? It has
been two months since but there has been no response from district
collectors so far. Later, additional CEO sent two more letters to
collectors. But, there has been no response from district collectors so
Where are they? What happened to them?
they are unable to account for the additional EVMs procured six years
ago, officials are a seriously worried lot. Has the EC been given
account of additional 4000 EVMs procured by the state?
Have the ‘missing’ EVMs been misused anywhere in 2009 elections under
pressure from some quarters? These are doubts being expressed in
political quarters.
are stored in constituencies amid tight security. They are moved to the
polling tations just one day before polling. They are handed over to
the presiding officers under the supervision of assistant returning officers. Details of EVMs dispatched to different
polling stations are recorded.
Some political sources aver that all this happens securely in towns
and cities but in rural and remote areas, these are not paid enough
So, the officials fear that the missing “additional EVMs’ could be
misused by the ruling party leaders by pressurizing polling officials.
Stolen EVMs, from where?
Seven balloting units and 15 control units have been stolen from the store room in the office of the sub-collector, Vijayawada, Krishnadistrict. Police have recovered six of the ballot units while they were being sold as “scrap.”
is no trace of 15 control units stolen so far. Local officials are
shocked by this incident. When the EVMs supposed to be in safe custody
have reached scrap stores, they are left wondering what would be the
fate of the missing 4000 additional EVMs supplied in 2004!!
officials are consoling themselves saying that they could not have been
misused and collectors may have sent them somewhere. If that be so,
questions are being raised as to why the collectors are not furnishing
information sought by the state CEO. It is learnt that the
Election Commission of India (ECI) has also expressed its dismay over
the disappearance of the additional EVMs.
Notices to Collector, Krishna district
Commission of India has expressed its anger over the stolen EVMs in
Krishna district. State chief Electoral Officer Bhanwar Lal has issued
notices to the Piyush Kumar, district collector asking him how the EVMs
meant to be in safe custody in strong rooms have surfaced in the market.
He was instructed to file a complaint and investigate the matter.
Joint Collector Gourav Uppal has stated that the case of stolen EVMs was noticed on 28
last month. He further states that the EVMs used in 2009 general
elections have been securely stored in warehouse godowns in
Machilipatnam and additional EVMs which came from other districts have
been stored in Vijayawada. How many EVMs have vanished from Vijayawada
is still being assessed and a detailed investigation is being carried
out in this regard, he added. Revenue Divisional Officer (RDO),
Vijayawada Dharma Reddy has lodged a complaint last Friday regarding the
stolen EVMs in the Suryaraopet police station.
Rigging stink over ‘missing’ EVMs in Andhra Pradesh
Monday, December 6, 2010 , A. Sreenivasa Rao, Mail Today, Hyderabad
Rigging stink over ‘ missing’ EVMs in Andhra
By A Srinivasa Rao in New Delhi
credence to the allegations of rigging through tampering of electronic
voting machines ( EVMs), as many as 4,000 units are believed to have
gone missing in Andhra Pradesh in the past six years.
“ missing” EVMs came to light after a circular issued by Election
Commission ( EC) authorities in the state to the district collectors in
October this year, asking them to submit the number of units not
unaccounted for in the last six years.
the 2004 general elections, when the EVMs were used for the first time
all over India, the EC provided two EVMs for each polling station – one
for the Lok Sabha elections and another for the assembly elections.
some district collectors ( returning officers) requested the EC to
provide additional EVMs as stand- by to meet any exigency.
EC had supplied 100- 300 additional units to Ranga Reddy, Mahbubnagar,
Nalgonda, Khammam, Srikakulam, East Godavari, Prakasam, Kadapa and
Kurnool districts. In all, about 4,000 additional EVMs were used during
the 2004 elections.
The EC had been under the impression that these additional EVMs were in “ safe custody” of collectors.
2009 general elections, too, were held smoothly without any problems.
After the political parties started complaining about tampering of EVMs
and some NGOs demonstrated the vulnerability of EVMs, the state EC began
verifying the stock registers of the EVMs.
found the additional 4,000 EVMs were missing. They wrote to the
collectors seeking information about these EVMs supplied in 2004
asking them to verify and submit the inventory. So far, there is no
reply from the collectors, sources said.
We have asked the collectors to submit the data about the availability
of EVMs in their custody. The Election Commission of India has provided a
new software to keep track of the EVMs, their usage and availability.
We need the data for uploading it in the system using the new software.
Once we complete the task, we will be able to ascertain how many EVMs
are missing,” chief electoral officer Bhanwar Lal said.
Vijayawada police received a complaint from Krishna district
subcollector K. Dharma Reddy last week stating some EVMs were missing
from the sub- collector office complex.
police inspector R. J. Jayaraj said some unidentified persons stole the
EVMs by breaking open the window grill of the room, where the
machines were stored.
police registered a case under Section 379 ( theft) and are
interrogating some rag- pickers who had allegedly resorted to the theft
and sold them to local iron scrap dealers.
According to our information, 10 EVMs and 15 control units were stolen.
The police recovered six EVM units from the scrap dealers and the
remaining might have been melted and used as scrap,” Lal said.
Election Watch convener V. V. Rao said the missing EVMs had vindicated
their argument that there was no security and hence they could be easily
tampered with.
It needs five to 10 minutes to tamper with EVMs if they are taken out
of safe custody. Imagine the fate of 4,000 EVMs, if they are missing for
such a long time. It confirms the apprehensions about rigging of
elections with such EVMs,” Rao said.
engineer and EVM technical expert Hariprasad Vemuru, who was arrested
by the Mumbai police on charges of stealing an EVM unit, wondered what
punishment the government would give to the officials responsible for
the missing of so many EVMs.
I was harassed by the police even after returning the EVM unit. Now, we
come across EVMs being available in the market as scrap,” he said.
Union energy secretary EAS Sarma, who has also been fighting for
electoral reforms, said there was every possibility of rigging the
elections by tampering with the EVMs.
“ We have been complaining to the ECI that the EVMs are not tamperproof and one can rig the elections.
It was proved in Germany and the government there had banned the EVMs in the elections,” he said.
6 EVMs recovered from scrap dealers
TNN, Dec 6, 2010, 03.54am IST
Even as speculations over the missing of some electronic voting
machines (EVMs) continued, the city police recovered at least six EVMs from scrap dealers in
the city. Police detained the dealers from Singhnagar area and grilled
them to find out as to who had sold them the equipment.
However, there was no official confirmation from the police on the seizure of the equipment.
to sources, the EVMs were recovered in a completely broken shape from
the iron scrap dealers. The scrap dealers told the cops that they bought
them at Rs 150 each.
However, the police were investigating the
case keeping in view the sensitivities involved in the issue. Police
reportedly were trying to find out as to who were the sellers and how
did the sellers manage to get hold of the machines in the first place.
Editorial: E-voting needs a paper trail
Dec. 6, 2010
years after the “hanging chads” fiasco in Florida, and two months
before one of the most important presidential elections in U.S. history,
Congress still refuses to listen to the nation’s top computer
scientists and require a secure, auditable paper trail for all federal
elections. This despite the latest revelation of a serious problem with
the electronic voting machines used in 34 states — including Virginia
and Maryland — in addition to their well-publicized vulnerability to
In March, Ohio officials found a programming error that
dropped votes when the data on memory cards from multiple electronic
machines are electronically transferred to a central tabulator, as they
would be on Election Day. Dozens of lawyers are ready to file legal
challenges everywhere e-voting machines are used, even those declared
“qualified” by the National Association of State Election Directors.
Such litigation could tie up final election results far longer than it
would take to count paper ballots.
State and local government
officials have spent $1.5 billion on e-voting machines in recent years,
most of it federal funds under the 2002 Help America Vote Act. But
instead of ensuring a fast, secure way to count millions of votes, they
got a technological nightmare. Studies in Ohio and California confirmed
that e-voting machines currently in use can allow individuals to cast
multiple votes, load viruses that crash the system, produce fake tallies
and even change previously cast votes.
As recently as May, a
spokesman for Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold Election
Systems) blamed the Ohio glitch on state-installed anti-virus software,
but eventually admitted to a decade-old “logic error” programmed on all
19 of its touch screen and optical scan models. Computer experts say
every e-voting machine now in use has serious security vulnerabilities.
Even a piece of white tape on a scanner can block votes from being
“We don’t know how to make secure paperless voting,”
says Stanford computer science professor David Dill, founder of the
Verified Voting Foundation and author of Attackdog, a computer model
that simulates more than 9,000 ways to attack e-voting systems. Dr. Dill
and others like him have warned again and again that an auditable paper
trail is the only way to guarantee a secure election, the very bedrock
of democracy. Congress has less than two months to pass emergency
legislation requiring state election officials to add verifiable paper
trails to all voting in the November election. There is no more time to
Source: http://www.indianevm.com/
stands on the spirit of tolerance and allows people to have
diverse views, ideas and ideologies. Not allowing a person to
cast vote negatively defeats the very freedom of expression
and the right ensured in Article 21 i.e., the right to liberty.
Eventually, voters’ participation explains the strength of
the democracy. Lesser voter participation is the rejection of
commitment to democracy slowly but definitely whereas
larger participation is better for the democracy. But, there is
no yardstick to determine what the correct and right voter
participation is. If introducing a NOTA button can increase
the participation of democracy then, in our cogent view,
nothing should stop the same. The voters’ participation in the
election is indeed the participation in the democracy itself.
Non-participation causes frustration and disinterest, which is
not a healthy sign of a growing democracy like India.
Democracy being the basic feature of our constitutional
set up, there can be no two opinions that free and fair
elections would alone guarantee the growth of a healthy
democracy in the country.
The ‘Fair’ denotes equal
opportunity to all people. Universal adult suffrage conferred
on the citizens of India by the Constitution has made it
possible for these millions of individual voters to go to the
polls and thus participate in the governance of our country.
For democracy to survive, it is essential that the best
available men should be chosen as people’s representatives
for proper governance of the country. This can be best
achieved through men of high moral and ethical values, who
win the elections on a positive vote. Thus in a vibrant
democracy, the voter must be given an opportunity to
choose none of the above (NOTA) button, which will indeed
compel the political parties to nominate a sound candidate.
This situation palpably tells us the dire need of negative
No doubt, the right to vote is a statutory right but it is
equally vital to recollect that this statutory right is the
essence of democracy. Without this, democracy will fail to
thrive. Therefore, even if the right to vote is statutory, the
significance attached with the right is massive. Thus, it is
necessary to keep in mind these facets while deciding the
issue at hand.
Democracy is all about choice. This choice can be better
expressed by giving the voters an opportunity to verbalize
themselves unreservedly and by imposing least restrictions
on their ability to make such a choice.
By providing NOTA
button in the EVMs, it will accelerate the effective political
participation in the present state of democratic system and
voters in fact will be empowered. We are of the
considered view that in bringing out this right to cast
negative vote at a time when electioneering is in full swing, it
will foster the purity of the electoral process and also fulfill
one of its objective, namely, wide participation of people.
Free and fair election is a basic structure of the
Constitution and necessarily includes within its ambit the
right of an elector to cast his vote without fear of reprisal,
duress or coercion. Protection of elector’s identity and
affording secrecy is therefore integral to free and fair
elections and an arbitrary distinction between the voter who
casts his vote and the voter who does not cast his vote is
violative of Article 14. Thus, secrecy is required to be
maintained for both categories of persons.
Giving right to a voter not to vote for any candidate
while protecting his right of secrecy is extremely important in
a democracy. Such an option gives the voter the right to
express his disapproval with the kind of candidates that are
being put up by the political parties. When the political
parties will realize that a large number of people are
expressing their disapproval with the candidates being put
up by them, gradually there will be a systemic change and
the political parties will be forced to accept the will of the
people and field candidates who are known for their integrity.
The direction can also be supported by the fact that in
the existing system a dissatisfied voter ordinarily does not
turn up for voting which in turn provides a chance to
unscrupulous elements to impersonate the dissatisfied voter
and cast a vote, be it a negative one. Furthermore, a
provision of negative voting would be in the interest of
promoting democracy as it would send clear signals to
political parties and their candidates as to what the
electorate think about them.
As mentioned above, the voting machines in the
Parliament have three buttons, namely, AYES, NOES, and
ABSTAIN. Therefore, it can be seen that an option has been
given to the members to press the ABSTAIN button.
Similarly, the NOTA button being sought for by the
petitioners is exactly similar to the ABSTAIN button since by
pressing the NOTA button the voter is in effect saying that he
is abstaining from voting since he does not find any of the
candidates to be worthy of his vote.
The mechanism of negative voting, thus, serves a very
fundamental and essential part of a vibrant democracy.
following countries have provided for
neutral/protest/negative voting in their electoral systems:
Name of the Country
Method of Voting
Form of
Negative Vote
Ballot Paper
Ballot Paper
Ballot Paper
Ballot Paper
Ballot Paper
State of Nevada, USA
Ballot Paper
Ballot Paper
Blank Vote
and/or ‘write in*’
Ballot Paper
Blank Vote
and/or ‘write in*’
United States of
(Depending on
Blank Vote
and/or ‘write in*’
Ballot Paper
Blank Vote
Ballot Paper
Blank Vote
* Write-in’ – The ‘write-in’ form of negative voting allows a
voter to cast a vote in favour of any fictional
The Election Commission also brought to the notice of
this Court that the present electronic voting machines can be
used in a constituency where the number of contesting
candidates is up to 64. However, in the event of there being
more than 64 candidates in the poll fray, the conventional
system of ballot paper is resorted to. Learned counsel
appearing for the Election Commission also asserted through
supplementary written submission that the Election
Commission of India is presently exploring the possibility of
developing balloting unit with 200 panels. Therefore, it was
submitted that if in case this Court decides to uphold the
prayers of the petitioners herein, the additional panel on the
balloting unit after the last panel containing the name and
election symbol of the last contesting candidate can be
utilized as the NOTA button. Further, it was explicitly
asserted in the written submission that the provision for the
above facility for a negative or neutral vote can be provided
in the existing electronic voting machines without any
additional cost or administrative effort or change in design or
technology of the existing machines. For illustration, if there
are 12 candidates contesting an election, the 13
panel on
the balloting unit will contain the words like “None of the
above” and the ballot button against this panel will be kept
open and the elector who does not wish to vote for any of the
abovementioned 12 contesting candidates, can press the
button against the 13
panel and his vote will be accordingly
recorded by the control unit. At the time of the counting, the
votes recorded against serial number 13 will indicate as to
how many electors have decided not to vote for any
Taking note of the submissions of Election Commission,
we are of the view that the implementation of the NOTA
button will not require much effort except for allotting the
last panel in the EVM for the same.
In the light of the above discussion, we hold that Rules
41(2) & (3) and 49-O of the Rules are
ultra vires
Section 128
of the RP Act and Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution to the
extent they violate secrecy of voting. In view of our
conclusion, we direct the Election Commission to provide
necessary provision in the ballot papers/EVMs and another
button called “None of the Above” (NOTA) may be provided
in EVMs so that the voters, who come to the polling booth
and decide not to vote for any of the candidates in the fray,
are able to exercise their right not to vote while maintaining
their right of secrecy. Inasmuch as the Election Commission
itself is in favour of the provision for NOTA in EVMs, we direct
the Election Commission to implement the same either in a
phased manner or at a time with the assistance of the
Government of India. We also direct the Government of India
to provide necessary help for implementation of the above
direction. Besides, we also direct the Election Commission to
undertake awareness programmes to educate the masses.
The writ petition is disposed of with the aforesaid
SEPTEMBER 27, 2013.
Supreme Court asks Election Commission to implement paper trail in EVMs
New Delhi:
The Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the Election
Commission to introduce in a phased manner the paper trail in Electronic
Voting Machines (EVMs) for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, saying “it is
an indispensable requirement of free, fair and transparent” polls which
will restore confidence of the voters.
The Supreme Court, which
directed the Centre to provide financial assistance to the poll panel
for introduction Vote Verifier Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT) system with the
EVMs, said it will “ensure the accuracy of the voting system” and also
help in “manual counting of votes in case of dispute.”
‘paper trail’ is an indispensable requirement of free and fair
elections. The confidence of voters in the EVMs can be achieved only
with introduction of the paper trail,” it said.
“EVMs with VVPAT
system ensure the accuracy of the voting system. With an intent to have
fullest transparency in the system and to restore the confidence of the
voters, it is necessary to set up EVMs with VVPAT system because vote is
nothing but an act of expression which has immense importance in
democratic system,” the bench said.
“VVPAT is a system of
printing paper trail when the voter casts his vote, in addition to the
electronic record of the ballot, for the purpose of verification of his
choice of candidate and also for manual counting of votes in case of
dispute,” a bench comprising Chief Justice P Sathasivam and Ranjan Gogoi
The bench asked the Election Commission to introduce VVPAT
in EVMs in gradual stages or geographical-wise in the 2014 general
While asking the Centre to provide financial
assistance, the bench noted the submissions made by the Election
Commission in its affidavit that it has decided to increase the use of
VVPAT units in a phased manner and has already written to the Ministry
of Law and Justice to issue administrative and financial sanction for
procurement of 20,000 units of VVPAT (10,000 each from M/s BEL and M/s
ECIL) costing Rs. 38.01 crore.
bench said, “Taking notice of the pragmatic and reasonable approach of
the Election Commission and considering the fact that in general
elections all over India, the Election Commission has to handle one
million (ten lakh) polling booths, we permit EC to introduce the same in
gradual stages or geographical-wise in the ensuing general elections.”
area, state or actual booth(s) are to be decided by the EC and the EC
is free to implement the same in a phased manner,” it said.
The bench passed the order on two similar petitions; one of those petitions was filed by BJP leader Subramanian Swamy.
that EVMs were open to hacking, Mr Swamy had sought directions to the
poll watchdog to introduce paper trail to easily and cheaply meet the
requirements of proof that the EVM has rightly registered the vote cast
by a voter.
Mr Swamy had moved the Supreme Court against January
2012 order of the Delhi High Court disallowing his prayer to direct
Election Commission to incorporate the system of paper trail in EVMs.
bench noted that though initially the poll panel was little reluctant
in introducing paper trail by use of VVPAT, pursuant to its directions,
the Election Commission contacted several expert bodies and technical
advisers and held meetings with national and state level political
parties and carried out demonstrations.
It noted that after a
thorough examination, VVPAT was successfully used in 21 polling stations
of 51-Noksen (ST) Assembly Constituency of Nagaland.
information furnished by the ECI, through the affidavit dated October 1,
2013 clearly shows that VVPAT system is a successful one,” the bench
RSS’s BJP Murderers of democratic institutions (Modi) snatched the MASTER KEY with Tampered Fradulent EVMs
(Murderer of democratic institutions) has risen high to only fall
harder. The law of kamma i.e., cause and condition will bite him hard.
A violation of the third precept of Pancasila. In deed all the silas
have been violated - Killing, taking which is not given ( snatched power
through fradulent EVMs that were tampered murdering of democratic
institution which was proved in the Supreme Court and was to be replaced
which the ex CJI Sadasivam allowed to be replaced in phases as
suggested by the CEC Sampath because of Rs. 1600 crore involved to
replace them with fool proof voting system as practiced by 80
democracies of the world again (murdering of democratic institution
(EC)).Telling lies as he suppressed the fact that he was not married to
the EC to become CM because of the intoxication for the greed of power.
Murderer of democratic
institutions (Modi)’s
family belonged to the Ghanch community, which M.K.Gandhi also belonged
to and came into contact with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and
began attending its local shakhas, or training sessions which trains
hatred towards all non-chitpawan brahmins including SC/STs/OBCs/in
general and minorities in particular. The training includes cracking the
heads with one shot to death with the latis (sticks) the always carry
and killing with daggers. Haughty
behavior by the upstart chitpvan brahmins caused conflicts with other
communities which manifested itself as late as in 1948 in the form of
anti-brahminism after the killing of M.K. Gandhi by Nathuram Godse, a
chitpavan brahmin.
After the fall of the Maratha Empire in 1818, the
chitpavan brahmins lost their political dominance to the British. The British
would not subsidize the chitpavan brahmins on the same scale that their
caste-fellow, the Peshwas had done in the past. Pay and power was now
significantly reduced. Poorer chitpavan brahmin students adapted and started
learning English because of better opportunities in the British
administration. Some of the strongest resistance to change also came
from the very same community.
Jealously guarding their brahmin
stature, the orthodox among the chitpavans were not eager to see the
shastras challenged, nor the conduct of the brahmins becoming
indistinguishable from that of the sudras. The vanguard and the old
guard clashed many times.
The chitpavan community includes two
major politicians in the Gandhian tradition: Gopal Krishna Gokhale whom
he acknowledged as a preceptor, & Vinoba Bhave, one of his
outstanding disciples. Gandhi describes Bhave as the Jewel of his
disciples, and recognized Gokhale as his political guru.
strong opposition to Gandhi also came from within the chitpavan
brahmin community. V D Savarkar, the founder of the Hindu nationalist political
ideology hindutva is castiest and communal duba kor militant and violent stealth
political cult greed of power hating all the non-chitpavan brahimins
with anger that is madness requiring treatment in mental asylums, was a
chitpavan brahmin. Several members of the chitpavan brahmin community were among
the first to embrace d hindutva ideology, which they thought was a
logical extension of the legacy of the Peshwas and caste-fellow Tilak.
chitpavan brahmins felt out of place with the Jambudipan social reform
of Mahatama Phule and the mass politics of Mr.M.K. Gandhi. Large
numbers of the community looked to Savarkar, the Hindu Mahasabha and
finally the RSS. Gandhi’s assassins narayan apte and nathuram godse,
drew their inspiration from fringe groups in this reactionary trend.
Nathuram godse, a deadly terroist and a known murderer was sentenced to
death by the Court and hanged. His abettors who must also have to be
hanged are constructing temple for this terrorist nathuram god which is
nothing but contempt of court. Instead mental asylums must be
constructed for the abettors of the terrorist murderer nathuram who they
consider as their god.
the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat is saying ‘the cultural identity of all
Indians is hindutva’ covering the above facts. On kobras (the
konkanastha chitpavan brahmin Community) of West of the Country. The
chitpavan or chitpawan, are brahmins native to the Konkan with a
sizeable Christian Protestant. When the Britishers left they knocked of
all the churches, hospitals and other properties and practice the very
caste discrimination that they carried along with them as inequality is
the athma (soul) of ahitpawan brahmins. Let ghar vapsi be done to these
converts. That will never happen because they poluted Christianity with
their traditional dominance over other non-chitpawan Christians.
Until the 18th century, the
chitpavans were not esteemed in social ranking, and were indeed
considered by other brahmin tribes as being an inferior caste of
brahmins. It remains concentrated in Maharashtra but also has
populations all over the Country and rest of the world, (USA & UK.)
to Bene Israeli legend, the Chitpavan and Bene Israel are descendants
from a group of 14 people shipwrecked off the Konkan coast. several
immigrant groups including the Parsis, the Bene Israelis,the
kudaldeshkar gaud brahmins, and the Konkani saraswat brahmins, and the
chitpavan brahmins were the last of these immigrant arrivals.
satavahanas were sanskritisers. It is possibly at their time that the
new group of chitpavan brahmins were formed. Also, a reference to the
chitpavan surname ghaisas, written in Prakrut Marathi can be seen on a
tamra-pat (bronze plaque) of the Year 1060 A.D.belonging to the King
Mamruni of Shilahara Kingdom, found at Diveagar in Konkan. With the
accession of balaji bhat and his family to the supreme authority of the
Maratha Confederacy, chitpavan immigrants began arriving en masse from
the Konkan to Pune where the Peshwa offered all important offices his
fellow-castemen. The chitpavan kin were rewarded with tax relief &
grants of land. Historians cite nepotism & corruption as causes of
the fall of the Maratha Empire in 1818.
Richard Maxwell Eaton
states that this rise of the chitpavans is a classic example of social
rank rising with political fortune. Traditionally, the chitpavan
brahmins were a community of astrologers and priests who offer religious
services to other communities.
The 20th century descriptions of
the chitpavans list inordinate frugality, untrustworthiness,
conspiratorialism, phlegmatism. Agriculture was the second major
occupation in the community, practiced by the those who possess arable
land. Later, chitpavans became prominent in various white collar jobs
and business. Most of the chitpavan brahmins in Maharashtra have adopted
Marathi as their language.
Till the 1940s, most of the
chitpavans in Konkan spoke a dialect called chitpavani Konkani in their
homes. Even at that time, reports recorded chitpavani as a fast
disappearing language. But in Dakshina Kannada District and Udupi
Districts of Karnataka, this language is being spoken in places like
Durga and Maala of Karkala taluk and also in places like Shishila and
Mundaje of Belthangady Taluk. There are no inherently nasalized vowels
in standard Marathi whereas the chitpavani dialect of Marathi does have
nasalized vowels. Earlier, deshastha brahmins believed that they were
the highest of all brahmins, & looked down upon the chitpavans as
parvenus (a relative newcomer to a socioeconomic class),barely equal to
the noblest of dvijas. Even the Peshwa was denied the rights to use the
ghats reserved for Deshasth priests at Nashik on the Godavari. This
usurping of power by chitpavans from the deshastha Brahmins resulted in
intense rivalry between the two brahmin communities which continued in
late Colonial British India times. The 19th century records also mention
Gramanyas or village-level debates between the Chitpavans, & two
other communities, namely the Daivajnas, and the Chandraseniya Kayastha
Prabhus. This lasted for about ten years.
Half a century ago,
Dr.Ambedkar surveyed the existing data on the physical anthropology of
the different castes in his book The Untouchables. He found that the
received wisdom of a racial basis of caste was not supported by the
data,e.g.: The table for Bengal shows that the chandal who stands sixth
in the scheme of social precedence and whose touch pollutes, is not much
differentiated from the brahmin. In Bombay the deshastha brahmin bears a
closer affinity to the Son-Koli, a fisherman caste, than to his own
compeer, the chitpavan brahmin. The Mahar, the Untouchable of the
Maratha region, comes next together with the Kunbi, the peasant. They
follow in order the shenvi brahmin, the nagar brahmin and the high-caste
Maratha. These results mean that there is no correspondence between
social gradation and physical differentiation in Bombay.
remarkable case of differentiation in skull and nose indexes, noted by
Dr. Ambedkar, was found to exist between the brahmin and the
(untouchable) Chamar of Uttar Pradesh. But this does not prove that
brahmins are foreigners, because the data for the U.P. brahmin were
found to be very close to those for the Khattri and the untouchable
Chuhra of Punjab. If the U.P. brahmin is indeed foreign to U.P., he is
by no means foreign to India, at least not more than the Punjab
untouchables. This confirms the scenario which we can derive from the
Vedic and ItihAsa-PurANa literature:the Vedic tradition was brought east
from d Vedic heartland by brahmins who were physically
indistinguishable from the lower castes there, when the heartland in
Punjab-Haryana at its apogee exported its culture to the whole Aryavarta
(comparable to the planned importation of brahmins into Bengal and the
South around the turn of the Christian era). These were just two of the
numerous intra-Indian migrations of caste groups. Recent research has
not refuted Ambedkar’s views.
A press report on a recent
anthropological survey led by Kumar Suresh Singh explains: English
anthropologists contended that the upper castes of India belonged to the
Caucasian race and the rest drew their origin from Australoid types.The
survey has revealed this to be a myth.Biologically &linguistically,
we are very mixed, says Suresh Singh. The report says that the people
of this country have more genes in common, and also share a large number
of morphological traits.
There is much greater homogenization
in terms of morphological and genetic traits at the regional level, says
the report. For example, the brahmins of Tamil Nadu (esp.Iyengars)
share more traits with non-brahmins in d state than with fellow brahmins
in western or northern India.
The sons-of-the-soil theory also
stands demolished. The Anthropological Survey of India has found no
community in India that cant remember having migrated from some other
part of the country. Internal migration accounts for much of this
country’s complex ethnic landscape, while there is no evidence of a
separate or foreign origin for the upper castes.
Among other
scientists who reject the identification of caste (varNa) with race on
physical-anthropological grounds, we may cite Kailash C.
Malhotra:Detailed anthropometric surveys carried out among the people of
Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Bengal and Tamil Nadu revealed
significant regional differences within a caste and a closer resemblance
between castes of different varnas within a region than between
sub-populations of the caste from different regions.
On the
basis of analysis of stature, cephalic and nasal index, H.K. Rakshit
(1966) concludes that the brahmins of this country are heterogeneous
& suggest incorporation of more than one physical type involving
more than one migration of people. A more detailed study among 8 Brahmin
castes in Maharashtra on whom 18 metric,16 scopic and 8 genetic markers
were studied, revealed not only a great heterogeneity in both
morphological and genetic characteristics but also showed that 3 brahmin
castes were closer to non-brahmin castes than [to the] other brahmin
P.P. Majumdar and K.C. Malhotra (1974) observed a great
deal of heterogeneity with respect to OAB blood group system among 50
brahmin samples spread over 11 states of this country. The evidence
thus suggests that varna is a sociological and not a homogeneous
biological entity.
RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat is saying ‘the
cultural identity of all Indians is hindutva’ The 20th century
descriptions of the chitpavans list inordinate frugality,
untrustworthiness (Duba Kors), conspiratorialism, phlegmatismNow it is
the Fraud Duba Kor EVMs that has to be exposed because the Duba Kor EVM
CJI Sadhasivam, a brahmin allowed the Lok Sabha with majority fraud
tamperable Duba Kor EVMs at the request of Duba Kor EVM CEC Sampath
another brahmin to replace the Duba Kor EVMs in phased manner that
helped RSS’s BJP to acquire the MASTER KEY. Till all the Duba Kor EVMs
are replaced with fool proof Voting system the present CJI must order to
scrap the present Lok Sabha & have a collegium system of picking
judges from SC/ST/OBC/Minorities for having a fool proof voting system
to safeguard Liberty, Fraternity and Equality as enshrined in the
Constitution. And also a collegium system in the Chief Election
Commission consisting SC/ST/OBC/Minorities for having a fool proof
voting system to safeguard Liberty, Fraternity and Equality as enshrined
in the Constitution to prevent Murder of Democracy.. After the Duba
Kor EVMs are replaced with fool proof voting system Lok Sabha elections
must be held. If chitpawan brahmins have to be sidelined totally
because of their politics of hatred towards all non Ariyo brahmins, all
the non-ariyo brahmins have to unite under BSP for Sarvajan Hitay,
Sarvajan Sukhay i.e., for the welfare and happiness of all societies
including, SC/STs, OBCs, Minorities and the poor upper castes by sharing
the wealth of the country equally among all sections of the society as
enshrined in the Constitution.
Hindu chitpavan brahmins celebrate several festivals according to the Hindu Calendar.
SAMAPATH, EVM GOVERNMENT- NEED OF THE HOUR IS Electronic Virtual Movement 4 Replacing all EVMs (EVM4RAEVMs) to save Democracy.
CJI EVM SADHASIVAM, shirked its duty & committed a grave error of
judgment by allowing in phased manner Fraud Tamperable EVMs on the
request of CEC EVM SAMPATH because of the 1600 crore cost to replace
them and dealt a fatal blow to the Country’s democracy.
did not order for ballot paper system would be brought in. No such
precautionary measure was decreed by the apex court. Ex CJI did not
order that till the time this newer set of about 1300000 voting machines
is manufactured in full & deployed totally. All the people in 80
democracies in the world who simply done away with fradulent EVMs should
not recognise EVM Modi & his Government.
EVM Narendra Modi
full of hatred for non-brahmins & non baniyas intoxicated for power
violated all good Silas of not killing, lying, stealing. EVM Militant
Violent Stealth Cult RSS saying no reservation on the basis of castes
means it is against Constitution providing reservation for SC/STs. RSS’s
Mr. Mohan Bagawath, a brahmin & a dropout is not a Constitutional
expert to say that there should not be any caste based reservation.
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Supreme Court initiatives for citizens via e -Filing - e-Filing in
Supreme Court of IndiaSupreme Court of India is also on the e-governance
track and providing its services at doorstep of the Indian citizens.
this regard, on October 2, 2006 Supreme Court started e-filing
facility. It is a simple way of filing any case via internet from his
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service can be utilized by any common man as well as registered
advocate. Anybody desiring to avail this service may log on to
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sign up procedure please follow up these steps: First time users of
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Registry.For further assistance, ‘Help’ option is available.Click here
to file case online in Supreme Court of India
http://kohram.in/ten-reasons-for-banning-indian-evms/ - Reasons For
Banning Fradulent Tamperable EVMs Electronic voting machines (EVMs) were
introduced in a limited way in Indian elections in 1982, and they have
been in universal use since the general elections of 2004, when paper
ballots were phased out completely.
It is about time this
country reformed its voting system to ensure that the electoral verdicts
reflect the true will of the people of the country.
1. The Whole World has Discarded Similar EVMs
2. Use of EVMs is Unconstitutional and Illegal Too!
3. EVM Software Isn’t Safe
4. Nor is The Hardware
5. EVMs are Sitting Ducks
6. “Insider” Fraud a Concern
7. Storage and Counting are Concerns
8. Vote of No Confidence
9. EC is Clueless on Technology
10. Trust Deficit1.
The Whole World has Discarded Similar EVMs.
electronic voting machines used in this country’s elections are
internationally known as Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting
machines which record votes directly in electronic memory.
voting machines have been banned in many countries such as Germany, the
Netherlands, Irelands etc. and such machines are allowed in most states
of the US only with a paper back up. Potential dangers of “vote fraud”
and more importantly, lack of transparency and verifiability associated
with them prompted ban or restrictions of their use. Developed nations
like the United Kingdom and France and advanced countries in our region
like Japan and Singapore have so far stuck to voting on paper ballots,
owing to their simplicity, verifiability and voter confidence in the
system. This country is an exception to this international trend and we
continue to use these voting machines long discarded by the world due
to lack of awareness and appreciation of the lay public of the concerns.
2. Use of EVMs is Unconstitutional and Illegal Too! This
country’s EVMs may also be held unconstitutional because they infringe
upon the fundamental rights of the voters. In this country, Right to
vote is a legal right but how that vote should be exercised by a voter
is his/ her individual expression covered by Article 19 (1) (a) of the
Constitution, which guarantees fundamental rights to the citizens. In
the 2002 case pertaining to disclosure of assets and the criminal
background of candidates, the Supreme Court ruled that voters have a
right to know the antecedents of the contesting candidates and this is
fundamental and basic for survival of democracy. Accordingly, a voter
has the right to know that his vote which he exercised as a part of
freedom of expression has really gone in favour of the candidate whom
he/she has chosen. This right, fundamental in nature, is absent in the
electronic voting system.
In the traditional paper ballot
system, that fundamental right was preserve because a voter knew exactly
how his/ her vote was recorded and Universal use of EVMs in Indian
elections is illegal too! In 1984, the Supreme Court of India held that
the use of electronic voting machines in elections was “illegal” as the
Representation of People (RP) Act, 1951 did not permit use of voting
machines in elections. Later, the R.P. Act was amended in 1989
incorporating Section 61A. However, the amendment says voting machines
“may be adopted in such constituency or constituencies as the Election
Commission may, having regard to the circumstances of each case,
specify.” Violating the provisions of the R.P Act, the Election
Commission has conducted 2004 and 2009 nationwide general elections only
using electronic voting machines. Going by the 1984 judgment of the
Supreme Court, parliamentary elections of 2004 and 2009 may be held
3. EVM Software Isn’t Safe.
The electronic voting machines are safe and secure only if the source code used in the EVMs is genuine.
the EVM manufacturers, the BEL and ECIL, have shared the ‘top secret’
EVM software program with two foreign companies, Microchip (USA) and
Renesas (Japan) to copy it onto microcontrollers used in EVMs. This
process could have been done securely in-house by the Indian Worse, when
the foreign companies deliver microcontrollers fused with software code
to the EVM manufacturers, the EVM manufacturers cannot “read back”
their contents as they are either OTP-ROM or masked chips.
the software given to foreign companies is not even made available with
the Election Commission, ostensibly for security reasons. With such
ridiculous decisions, the Election Commission and the public sector
manufacturers have rendered security of the EVMs a mockery. Adopting an
open standards policy by making the software public and allowing
parties to test the software installed in the EVMs would have offered
4. Nor is The Hardware. The danger for EVM manipulations is not just from its software.
the hardware isn’t safe. Dr. Alex Halderman, professor of computer
science in the University of Michigan says, “EVMs used in the West
require software attacks as they are sophisticated voting machines and
their hardware cannot be replaced cheaply.In contrast, the Indian EVMs
can easily be replaced either in part or as wholesale units.” One
crucial part that can be faked is microcontrollers used in the EVMs in
which the software is copied. EVM manufacturers have greatly facilitated
fraud by using generic microcontrollers rather than more secure ASIC or
FPGA microcontrollers. Not just only microcontrollers, mother boards
(cards which contain microcontrollers) and entire EVMs can be replaced.
Neither the Election Commission nor the manufacturers have undertaken
any hardware or software audit till date. As a result, such manipulation
attempts would go undetected. To detect such fraud, the upgraded EVMs
have a provision to interface with an Authentication Unit that would
allow the manufacturers to verify whether the EVM being used in the
election is the same that they have supplied to the Election Commission.
The EVM manufacturers developed an “Authentication Unit” engaging the
services of SecureSpin, a Bangalore based software services firm.
Unit was developed and tested in 2006 but when the project was ready
for implementation, the project was mysteriously shelved at the instance
of the Election Commission. Several questions posed to the Election
Commission for taking this decision went unanswered. 5. EVMs are Sitting
Ducks. Thic country’s EVMs can be hacked both before and after
elections to alter election results. Apart from manipulating the EVM
software and replacing many hardware parts discussed above, discussions
with knowledgeable sources revealed that our country’s EVMs can be
hacked in many ways. I mention just two of them below. Each EVM contains
two EEPROMs inside the Control Unit in which the voting data is
They are completely unsecured and the data inside
EEPROMs can be manipulated from an external source. It is very easy to
read (data from) the EEPROMs and manipulate them. The second and the
most deadly way to hack our country’s EVMs is by inserting a chip with
Trojan inside the display section of the Control unit. This requires
access to the EVM for just two minutes and these replacement units can
be made for a few hundred rupees. Bypassing completely all inbuilt
securities, this chip would manipulate the results and give out “fixed”
results on the EVM screen. The Election Commission is completely
oblivious to such possibilities. A demonstration of these
vulnerabilities is on the cards.
6. “Insider” Fraud a Concern.
Personal accounts from some well placed political sources and experts
say that there are some “insiders” demanding vast sums (Rs. 5 Crore for
each assembly constituency) to fix election results. Who are these
insiders? Unlike in the traditional ballot system where only the
election officials were the “insiders”, electronic voting machine regime
has spawned a long chain of insiders, all of whom are outside the ambit
and control of the Election Commission of this country. There is every
possibility that some of these “insiders” are involved in murky
activities in fixing elections. The whole world—except us in this
country–is alive to the dangers of insider fraud in elections. The
“insiders” include the public sector manufacturers of this country’s
electronic voting machines namely, the Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)
and Electronics Corporation of India (ECIL), the foreign companies
supplying micro controllers, private players (some of which are
allegedly owned by some political leaders) for carrying out checking and
maintenance of electronic voting machines during.
7. Storage
and Counting are Concerns. The EVMs are stored at the district
headquarters or in a decentralized manner in different locations.
Election Commission’s concern for EVM safety becomes apparent only
during elections, where as security experts say that voting machines
must remain in a secure environment throughout their life cycle. There
could be many malpractices associated with electronic counting.
“Everybody watches polling closely. Nobody watches counting as
closely),” says Bev Harris, an American activist. Our Election
Commission takes three months to conduct parliamentary elections but
wants counting to be over in just three hours! In the rush to declare
results and the winners, several serious lapses go unnoticed in the
counting process. As a result, parties cannot give it the kind of
attention that this activity deserves.
Massive discrepancies
between votes polled and counted in a large number of polling stations
across the country raise serious concerns in this regard.
8. Vote
of No Confidence.The political class cutting across all sides of the
divide has just one verdict: “we don’t trust the EVMs”. This vote of “no
confidence” stems from the personal experiences of parties and leaders
as well as the nature of results thrown up by the EVMs. Parties are
looking at EVMs with great suspicion and dread the prospect of EVMs
“defeating” them.This mistrust in EVMs is not confined to any single
party and is all pervasive. Almost all mainstream political parties,
including the BJP, Congress, left parties, regional parties like the
Telugu Desam party (TDP), AIADMK, Samajwadi party, Rastriya Lok Dal
(RLD), Janata Dal (United) etc. have all expressed reservation about
EVMs in the aftermath of 2009 Lok Sabha polls. Even the Congress party
that decisively won the 2009 general elections alleged that the EVMs
have been manipulated in Orissa. Today, it is difficult to find parties
that vouch for the continued use of EVMs in Indian elections. On the
contrary, there is a flood of opposition to the EVMs from the political
9. EC is Clueless on Technology.The Election Commission
has adopted the EVM technology about which it has practically no
As a result, it has little control over many aspects
of the election process. None of the election commissioners, neither
the present commissioners nor their predecessors, have proper
understanding of the EVM technology. The only source of technical
understanding for the Election Commission is a Committee of experts led
by its chairman, Prof. P.V.Indiresan. Even the Expert Committee seems
very weak in its capacities and understanding. Alex Halderman, professor
of computer science at the University of Michigan and an expert on the
security of voting systems who was present in New Delhi for the launch
of the book, Democracy at Risk, Can We Trust our EVMS? commented, “When I
read the 2006 technical report prepared by the Expert Committee of the
Election Commission. I scribbled on it that there was a cause for alarm
and quickly decided to agree to come here.” That speaks volumes for the
quality and rigor of security testing done on the Country’s EVMs.
Trust Deficit. Election Commission’s conduct in the wake of the serious
reservations expressed by people has been unbecoming of a
constitutional body. It has uttered many lies – our EVMs are “tamper
proof”, they are “different” etc. etc. It has refused to provide any
clarifications sought to the petitioners in the Supreme Court, despite a
reference from the Supreme Court of India. It has taken several
questionable decisions for which it has refused to offer any
explanations. For instance, it does not explain why old EVMs were used
in Lok Sabha elections despite the recommendations of its own Expert
It does not explain why as many as 4.48 Lakh new EVMs
(which are more secure as per the Expert Committee) were not used in
any Congress party or UPA ruled states? Why and where it had allowed use
of state government owned EVMs? The non-transparent conduct of Election
Commission in the use of EVMs and the farce of an “enquiry” it has
conducted following serious reservations on EVMs does not inspire
confidence in its unbiased functioning.
How EVM Works and how can changed it’s functionality Watch this video [youtube id=”ZlCOj1dElDY” width=”620″ height=”360″]
See more at:
youtube id=”ZlCOj1dElDY” width=”620″ height=”360″ -
This country’s EVMs
are Vulnerable to Fraud-Contrary to claims by our country,s election
authorities, the paperless electronic voting systems used in India
suffer from significant vulnerabilities. Even brief access to the
machines could allow criminals to alter election results.
this video, we demonstrate two kinds of attacks against a real Indian
EVM. One attack involves replacing a small part of the machine with a
look-alike component that can be silently instructed to steal a
percentage of the votes in favor of a chosen candidate. These
instructions can be sent wirelessly from a mobile phone. Another attack
uses a pocket-sized device to change the votes stored in the EVM between
the election and the public counting session, which in India can be
weeks later.
These attacks are neither complicated nor difficult to
perform, but they would be hard to detect or defend against. The best
way to prevent them is to count votes using paper ballots that voters
can see. indiaEVM.org
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br2Mjt1BecI -
EVMs Can Be Tampered - Says Net India - Net India company says that the
Electronic Voting Machines EVMs which are used in polling stations can
be tampered in favor of the candidates. Watch this to find out
more…..To watch live news, videos subscribe to CVR News @
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1xov8mrLZc -
REALITY EXPOSED by Dr Subramanian
Swamyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3THfIvvxPY - EVMs can be tampered,
experts say - Electronic voting machines could be easily tampered to
manipulate elections results, a group of foreign experts said at a
seminar in Dhaka on Tuesday. A standing committee member of the main
opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party, Abdul Moyeen Khan, in the
seminar said that the party would make some prototypes of the EVMs the
Election Commission made to show the people how the device could be
Non-governmental organisation Centre for Sustainable
Development organised the seminar, ‘Electronic voting machines: use and
abuse,’ at the Lake Shore hotel in the city. The organisation’s
secretary general Mahfuzullah conducted the seminar and its president
Anwar Hashim, also a former ambassador, presided over the programme.
Computer science professor in the University of California Mathew Allen
Bishop, senior software architect of Yahoo in India Shashank Shekhar and
research and development director of Hewlett Packard of the United
States Shawn Islam made presentation in the seminar highlighting how
EVMs could be tampered. All the three experts said the EVMs could be
tampered in several ways in a short span of time to manipulate the
elections results in favour of a certain candidate if the manipulators
would get physical access to EVMs. Citing an example of the flaws of the
EVM used in the United States and in other parts of the world, Bishop
said the EVMs, electronic devices which need software to function, could
be easily tampered. Bishop, however, asked the authorities concerned to
look into certain issues before using EVMs. ‘When votes are counted,
how do you know that the button pushed to vote for scales on the ballot
unit is in fact counted as a vote for scales?’ he said. Bishop also
said, ‘How do you know that the software is correct? There are no bugs
that affect the vote counting?
How do you know that the software on the EPROM chip is the version that is supposed to be used? There was no malware?’
said the security of the software running the EVM must be part of the
inbuilt design of the device. Earlier, Shawn Islam,m a
Bangladeshi-American, demonstrated how a vote cast for a candidate could
be stored for the candidate the voter did not vote for through software
manipulation effected beforehand. Both of the experts said that there
be a system of paper trail of the votes cast so that the voters could
see that their votes were stored for the candidate they voted for.’But,’
Shawn Islam added, ‘the EVMs developed by Bangladesh do not have any
option to add the paper trail system.’ He claimed that the EVM developed
in Bangladesh have plenty of problems. Shashank said that there was no
electronic device in the world which could not be tampered. All of the
experts said that the device must be tested by a third party before its
In reply to a question whether the EVM can be manipulated
with remote control devise without physical intervention once EVMs are
tested and certified by the experts of the political parties just before
the elections, Shawn said, ‘You must have physical interventions to
manipulate it if the EVM does not belong to any wireless network.’
a reporter asked Abdul Moyeen Khan whether the BNP would accept it if
EVMs were tested by their experts, the BNP leader parried the answer
saying that the party would develop some EVM prototypes to show how they
could be tampered.
Representatives from the Bangladesh
Nationalist Party, including its acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul
Islam Alamgir, the chairperson’s advisers Iqbal Hasan Mahmud, Sabiuddin
Ahmed, Ruhal Alam and opposition chief whip Zainul Abdin Farroque,
attended. Speaking on the occasion, former Dhaka University
vice-chancellor Moniruzzaman Mia, BRAC University professor Piash Karim
and Sushaner Janya Nagarik secretary Badiul Alam Majumder stressed the
need for building trust among political parties before introducing any
new device in the elections process.The country’s two major political
camps are now at loggerheads over the introduction of EVMs in the next
polls. The ruling Awami League-led alliance said that it would extend
all cooperation to the E C in using EVMs in the next general elections
while the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party-led alliance vowed to
resist the move.Attachments area- Preview YouTube video India’s EVMs are
Vulnerable to Fraud
-Preview YouTube video EVMs Can Be Tampered -
Says Net India Preview YouTube video EVM in INDIA REALITY EXPOSED by Dr
Subramanian Swamy.
fradulent EVMs are the part of the conspiracy along with all the
opposition parties. Though the Supreme Court was convince that these
fardulent EVMs could be tampered and passed orders to replace all the
fradulent EVMs with tamper proof voting system while the ex CJI
Sadasivam agreed with the CEC Sampath to replace them in phases because
of the cost of Rs.1600 crore as a conspiracy that helped Murder of
democratic institutions (Modi).
BSP is not only a political
party but also a movement of societal change. Hence this technological
game of 1% Chitpawan RSS plan has to be defeated by strengthening the
99% intellectuals by exposing the fradulent EVMs as done by 80
democracies of the world in the larger interest of Sarvajan Hitaye
Sarvajan Sukhaye i.e., for the peace, happiness and welfare of all
societies including SC/STs/ OBCs/ Minorities and the poor brahmins and
baniyas for distributing the wealth of this country among all sections
of the society as enshrined in the Constitution by making the Supreme
Court to pass orders to replace all fradulent EVMs and till such time to
scrap all elections conducted by these fradulent EVMs and then to
conduct elections with tamper proof voting system to save democracy,
equality, fraternity and liberty.
Outcome of the May 2014 General Elections in India.
Hackers made hay in May!
Scheduled caste
668 5A Main Road,
8th Cross, HAL 3rd Stage,
Karnataka State
To ,
Honourable Chief Justice
Supreme Court of India
Tilak Marg,
New Delhi-110 001 (India)
PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-44,
FAX NOS.23381508,23381584,23384336/23384533/23384447
Sub: Grievance of a Scheduled Caste
It has been conclusively proved to the satisfaction of the Hon’ble
Supreme Court that Indian EVMs ARE tamperable.The process of elections
is the most sacrosanct duty in a Republic which ECI should carry out
with utmost diligence. Caesar’s wife should be above suspicion. Free and
fair polls should not only be ensured but APPEAR to be ensured to the
satisfaction of the voters.
India first tested EVMs in a by-election in 1982, but the machines
were first deployed on a large scale of over 1 million in a general
election in 2004.
In 2010, security researcher Hari Prasad and his
associates released a video that they said demonstrated vulnerabilities
in the EVMs, after hacking an EVM that had already been used in an
Prasad and his team replaced the display board of the
machine with a look-alike component that could be instructed through a
Bluetooth connection on a mobile phone to steal a percentage of the
votes in favor of a chosen candidate. The researchers also used a
pocket-size device that could be attached to the memory of the EVM to
change the votes stored in the machine during the period between the
election and the public counting session.
The Supreme Court has in
its ruling this week asked the government to provide the financial
assistance required by the Election Commission to roll out the EVMs. It
has not set out a schedule for the full deployment of EVMs with the
paper trail.
American scientists ‘hack’ into Indian voting machines
India’s voting machines - considered to be among the world’s most
tamperproof - can be hacked, American scientists claim.
at the University of Michigan connected a home-made device to a voting
machine and successfully changed results by sending text messages from a
“We made an imitation display board that looks almost
exactly like the real display in the machines. But underneath some of
the components of the board, we hide a microprocessor and a Bluetooth
radio,” the BBC quoted Prof J Alex Halderman, who led the project, as
He added: “Our lookalike display board intercepts the vote
totals that the machine is trying to display and replaces them with
dishonest totals - basically whatever the bad guy wants to show up at
the end of the election.”
Moreover, they added a small
microprocessor, which they say can change the votes stored in the
machine between the election and the vote-counting session.
No one’s
right mind would yet allow the use of absolutely antiquated, completely
out-dated, easily hack-able and highly tamper-able “high school
technology” based, obsolete EVMs (electronic voting machines) in
national elections, but it was used now — in 2014
More than 80
democracies in the world have simply done away with them, dumping them
in the trash, or simply declared the usage of this simplistic voting
system susceptible to fraud, and hence declaring the same as
illegal — as the Supreme Courts of Germany and Holland indeed have done.
Even Japan, from where EVMs originated, has long abandoned its rogue
babies, and is using paper ballot system since then. All the advanced
democracies in the West, except the most dull-headed ones, have reverted
to a voter verifiable system or the ballot paper. In Canada, even at
the ,most basic school level, ballot paper voting is in use.
year, the Supreme Court of India, having been convinced of an
undeniable, edible possibility of EVMs getting tampered with and that
easily hacked — even from afar — had ordered the imbecilic Election
Commission and the indolent Government of India to provide about 1600
crore (1600, 0000000) rupees — convert this into your respective
currency! — for manufacturing these VVPAT (Voter Verifiable Paper Audit
Trail) voting machines; which show a verifiable paper receipt to the
This is the Fundamental Right of a citizen of India, as per
the laws laid down by the Constitution. However, recent newspaper
reports tell us that only 20, 000 such voting machines have been
provided for the entire country in this, 2014 election! India has 29
states now — with Telagana being the latest. In most of them, depending
upon their size etc., either about 400 VVPAT machines are being
deployed, or some such similar ridiculous number — more or less — has
been made available in the length and breadth of the country. It’s an
asinine, bland, cruel, demeaning joke we 1.25 billion voters have been
“blessed” with by the powers that be.
All “patriotic” hackers of our motherland made hay in May!
to how EVMs can be hacked into, tampered with, and results favorably
manipulated via software interference and other means — from near and
from far, far away — this can easily be found by anybody by just going
to Google etc. and filling “EVM HACKING, TAMPERING” or something to this
effect in the Search. And lo, behold! a plethora of information will
just overwhelm your overly chilled-out, lesser employed, un-billed
However, the only solace for us naive fools is that quite a
few unscrupulous politicians and every other most “honorable” political
party worthy of its “salt”, would surely be playing this comic-tragic
game of hacking into and hijacking the votes of a billion people! Thus,
one who outsmarts the other such fine folks, armed with their hacking
forks in this merry-go-around, will win.
The rest — this or that
“tsunami” or wave in favor of one or the other, poll forecasts and the
“newbie”, the over enthused, seeming game changers in the making — well,
they may well fall flat on their dumb faces, if not on their smart
That the Supreme Court of India too, while passing the order
of putting new VVAT voting machines in use in a “phased manner”, has
unwittingly shirked its duty. In fact, it committed a grave error of
judgment. Perhaps dealt a fatal blow to Indian democracy. It should have
ordered, as a caution, that till the time this newer set of about
1300ooo voting machines is manufactured in full and so deployed
throughout India, ballot paper system would be brought in. No such
precautionary measure was decreed by the apex court.
Well, crib all
you want. But don’t cry, my dear countrymen. After all, the same model
of EVMs is yet very much in use in South Africa, Bangla Desh, Bhutan,
Nepal, Nigeria, Venezuela etc. These poor folks of the said “non-techy”
countries — millions of them — too cannot figure out as to what the hell
had, yet is happening, in their dear short-circuited “developed”
democracies. Nor will you.
Don’t worry, be happy! You are not alone “out there”.
by the way, the somewhat notorious lawyer who had brought in this
case — of the present lot of EVMs being tamper-able and hack-able — and,
who, had successfully fought it so, forcing the Supreme Court to order
the installation of a fail-safe voting mechanism (of Voter Verifiable
Paper Audit machines replacing the susceptible earlier Electronic Voting
Machines) to ensure a free and fair electoral process in India — well,
this oh-so-very honorable fellow too has fallen silent, like a demure
maiden. This most vociferous gentleman had openly declared on social
websites, especially Twitter, that in case VVPAT machines do not get
installed in time for 2014 elections, then, there would be a
“constitutional crisis” — putting it out there like an Indian
“pehalwan”, a la WWW wrestler, that he would challenge the same in the
apex court. He had most emphatically underlined he would ensure that
either the new fail-safe voting machines or the old time-tested paper
ballot system will be put in use during this general election in India.
However, recently, when asked specifically on Twitter about this
matter — as to what this lovely man is doing or is going to do about
this impending doomsday electoral scenario — there was a deafening
silence from his side. May be owing to the fact that since the Supreme
Court judgement late last year, this self-righteous rightist has joined
the ultra-rightist political bandwagon.
The latter has been projected
by pollsters to overwhelmingly sweep these elections — as a direct
result of the doings of the monstrous public relations firm hired from
the land of the let-it-be, oops! free. This US firm is the same that was
used fruitfully by President Bush and Hillary Clinton for their
respective political campaigns. It has — let there be no doubt about
it — successfully projected its client as the potential winner and the
next numero uno in Indian politics.
What the majority of the Indians
have missed in fine print is that the outgoing Chief Minister of the
state of Rajasthan, in the last year elections, had officially filed a
complaint with the election commission that the EVMs used in his state
were pre-programmed and tampered with — and that the same had come from
the state of which this presently hyped-up future Prime Minister of
India, is the current Chief Minister. Now, the lawyer who had gone to
the dogs to awaken India and the rest of the world about the mischief
and malfeasance possible with the old model of EVMs — and had in fact
written a book on this subject — is in a wink-wink deep-throat “smadhi”.
A silence that speaks truths we dumb billion idiots on this part of
slippery earth cannot fathom. Perhaps it’s a precursor of the things to
Let us hope the jolly good hackers of this-that party screw-up
each other’s devilish, outright evil plans. In a dog eat dog political
crap pit we hapless billion creatures have to walk through every
election, maybe this time the ape sitting by the side — the wide-eyed
hopeful citizen of India — at least gets a tiny part of the apple pie
this messy hacking cat fight will leave behind, on the side lanes.
Perhaps these little crumbs will be enough for us to stay afloat. though
not gloat.
In a nutshell, simply put, whosoever “out-hacks” the other, will win.
again, we are an ancient civilization of more than 33, 0000000 gods and
goddesses — some civilized, others not so civil. Let’s hope one of
these fancied deities has a soft corner for us dumbos. Otherwise, we are
going to get screwed. A billion times over.
Therefore, I made doubly
sure I did not vote. I sat on my ass on voting day — not that I don’t
do so everyday. This voting day, I absolutely did. Not only figuratively
and metaphorically, but literally. I may have many buts in life, but at
least today I have a little sore, yet not so sorry a butt.
We are a fool’s paradise.
Long live the banana republic of India!
‘FIXING’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search
results influenced elections” headline for its version of the story, the
Guardian reported.”……Google changed its course, it undermined people’s
trust in its results and company.”
A press release put out on 13 May
by the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, an
independent research organisation based in California created a furore
around the topic when it released a report headlined “Could Google have
fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A landmark new study in India shows it’s
possible,” the report added. (ANI)
Google Search threatens democracy: Study
Published: 9:31 am, May 15, 2014 Story By: mattersindia.com
A threat to democracy
Washington: As India eagerly awaits the outcome of the just
concluded general elections, a study by an American institute says the
real threat to democracy comes from an unexpected corner: Google Search.
search results can pose a real threat to democracy as it could swing a
close election by influencing the voting preferences of undecided
voters, wars the American Institute for Behavioral Research and
Technology in California that studied more than 2,000 undecided voters
throughout India.
The study conducted in recent weeks suggests that
Google has the power to fix elections “without anyone being the wiser.”
This is possible because of the power that search rankings have on
people’s opinions, the researchers said.
Studies show that the higher
the rank, the more people trust the result, which is why companies are
spending billions now to push their products higher.
“So could
highly-ranked search results that make Arvind Kejriwal look better than
Narendra Modi drive votes to Kejriwal?” the researchers set out to
determine, The Times of India reported.
In research conducted last
year in the US, researchers found that search rankings biased in favor
of a candidate could push the preferences of undecided voters towards
that candidate by 15 percent or more.
The researchers have shown that
votes can easily be pushed toward one candidate or another by about 12
percent — double that amount in some demographic groups — enough to
determine the outcomes of many close races.
“This is a very serious
matter — a real threat to democracy,” said Dr Robert Epstein, lead
researcher in the study and Senior Research Psychologist at the American
“If two candidates were both trying to push their
rankings higher, they would be competing, and that’s fine. But if
Google, which has a monopoly on search in India, were to favor one
candidate, it could easily put that candidate in office by manipulating
search rankings, and no one could counter what they were doing.
if without human intervention the company’s search algorithm favored
one candidate, thousands of votes would still be driven to that
candidate,” said Epstein.
In the new study, participants were
randomly assigned to groups in which search rankings favored either
Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, or Modi.
Real search rankings and web pages
were used, and people were asked to research all the candidates just as
they would on Google. The only difference between the groups was the
order in which the search results were displayed.
The new study
suggests that biased search rankings can be used to fix the outcome of
races in India in which the winner is projected to win by a margin up to
2.9 percent.
This can be done just by influencing undecided voters
who use the internet — a small but important group of voters that is
sure to grow in coming years, researchers said.
Worldwide, the researchers said, upwards of 25 percent of national elections are won by margins under 3 percent.
The study also shows that certain demographic groups are especially vulnerable.
voting preferences of 19 percent of women over 35 were shifted in the
study, as were the voting preferences of 18 percent of voters who were
“Of particular concern is the fact that 99 percent of the
people in our study seemed to be unaware that the search rankings they
saw were biased. That means Google has the power to manipulate elections
without anyone suspecting they’re doing so,” said Epstein.
prevent undue influence, election-related search rankings need to be
regulated and monitored, as well as subjected to equal-time rules,”
Epstein said.
Over a billion cuckoos cackle, cry and crap in India.
is a nation where intelligence rules in closed quarters, idiocy in the
open. Just like the open toilets under the benign gaze of Mother
Nature — there are more cell phones than toilets in India, a survey
reports. Oh! the average Indian retorts — and, then, goes on to do
“business” as usual, sitting on the haunches, as sorry-assed as
before — or sorts.
We are an indifferent,
intelligently inclined idiocy — oops! democracy, We make gods out of
mud, then, prostrating before them, we remain, as before, a dud. And,
some times, in the name of our fancied little god and his glory, my
motherland’s favorite sons also kill each other, with the deep ingrained
vigor of all our bestial ancestry, and like a whiff of wind are
gone — dead.
Lest it becomes confusing, let’s say it
as it is — we Indians, like every other human being, are truly one
really, really queer kin of apes. In some fields, ahead of others and
beyond compare; in other areas, we are as silly and supercilious as a
bull-hounded mare. In a nutshell, Indians, at least in the loftier
mystical and evolved spiritual circles “get” some things well — like
higher metaphysics — while failing miserably, simplistically, in simple,
elementary physics.
After all,
who in one’s right mind would yet allow the use of absolutely
antiquated, completely out-dated, easily hack-able and highly
tamper-able “high school technology” based, obsolete EVMs (electronic
voting machines) in national elections, even now — in 2014?
than 80 democracies in the world have simply done away with them,
dumping them in the trash, or simply declared the usage of this
simplistic voting system susceptible to fraud, and hence declaring the
same as illegal — as the Supreme Courts of Germany and Holland indeed
have done. Even Japan, from where EVMs originated, has long abandoned
its rogue babies, and is using paper ballot system since then. All the
advanced democracies in the West, except the most dull-headed ones, have
reverted to a voter verifiable system or the ballot paper. In Canada,
even at the ,most basic school level, ballot paper voting is in use.
year, the Supreme Court of India, having been convinced of an
undeniable, edible possibility of EVMs getting tampered with and that
easily hacked — even from afar — had ordered the imbecilic Election
Commission and the indolent Government of India to provide about 1600
crore (1600, 0000000) rupees — convert this into your respective
currency! — for manufacturing these VVPAT (Voter Verifiable Paper Audit
Trail) voting machines; which show a verifiable paper receipt to the
This is the Fundamental Right of a citizen of
India, as per the laws laid down by the Constitution. However, recent
newspaper reports tell us that only 20, 000 such voting machines have
been provided for the entire country in this, 2014 election! India has
29 states now — with Telagana being the latest. In most of them,
depending upon their size etc., either about 400 VVPAT machines are
being deployed, or some such similar ridiculous number — more or
less — has been made available in the length and breadth of the country.
It’s an asinine, bland, cruel, demeaning joke we 1.25 billion jokers
have been “blessed” with by the powers that be.
All “patriotic” hackers of our motherland are going to make hay in May!
to how EVMs can be hacked into, tampered with, and results favorably
manipulated via software interference and other means — from near and
from far, far away — this can easily be found by anybody by just going
to Google etc. and filling “EVM HACKING, TAMPERING” or
something to this effect in the Search. And lo, behold! a plethora of
information will just overwhelm your overly chilled-out, lesser
employed, un-billed brains.
the only solace for us naive fools is that quite a few unscrupulous
politicians and every other most “honorable” political party worthy of
its “salt”, would surely be playing this comic-tragic game of hacking
into and hijacking the votes of a billion people! Thus, one who
outsmarts the other such fine folks, armed with their hacking forks in
this merry-go-around, will win.
rest — this or that “tsunami” or wave in favor of one or the other, poll
forecasts and the “newbie”, the over enthused, seeming game changers in
the making — well, they may well fall flat on their dumb faces, if not
on their smart asses.
That the Supreme Court of India
too, while passing the order of putting new VVAT voting machines in use
in a “phased manner”, has unwittingly shirked its duty. In fact, it
committed a grave error of judgment. Perhaps dealt a fatal blow to
Indian democracy. It should have ordered, as a caution, that till the
time this newer set of about 1300ooo voting machines is manufactured in
full and so deployed throughout India, ballot paper system would be
brought in. No such precautionary measure was decreed by the apex court.
crib all you want. But don’t cry, my dear countrymen. After all, the
same model of EVMs is yet very much in use in South Africa, Bangla Desh,
Bhutan, Nepal, Nigeria, Venezuela etc. These poor folks of the said
“non-techy” countries — millions of them — too cannot figure out as to
what the hell had, yet is happening, in their dear short-circuited
“developed” democracies. Nor will you.
Don’t worry, be happy! You are not alone “out there”.
by the way, the somewhat notorious lawyer who had brought in this
case — of the present lot of EVMs being tamper-able and hack-able — and,
who, had successfully fought it so, forcing the Supreme Court to order
the installation of a fail-safe voting mechanism (of Voter Verifiable
Paper Audit machines replacing the susceptible earlier Electronic Voting
Machines) to ensure a free and fair electoral process in India — well,
this oh-so-very honorable fellow too has fallen silent, like a demure
maiden. This most vociferous gentleman had openly declared on social
websites, especially Twitter, that in case VVPAT machines do not get
installed in time for 2014 elections, then, there would be a
“constitutional crisis” — putting it out there like an Indian
“pehalwan”, a la WWW wrestler, that he would challenge the same in the
apex court. He had most emphatically underlined he would ensure that
either the new fail-safe voting machines or the old time-tested paper
ballot system will be put in use during this general election in India.
However, recently, when asked specifically on Twitter about this
matter — as to what this lovely man is doing or is going to do about
this impending doomsday electoral scenario — there was a deafening
silence from his side. May be owing to the fact that since the Supreme
Court judgement late last year, this self-righteous rightist has joined
the ultra-rightist political bandwagon.
The latter has
been projected by pollsters to overwhelmingly sweep these
elections — as a direct result of the doings of the monstrous public
relations firm hired from the land of the let-it-be, oops! free. This
US firm is the same that was used fruitfully by President Bush and
Hillary Clinton for their respective political campaigns. It has — let
there be no doubt about it — successfully projected its client as the
potential winner and the next numero uno in Indian politics.
the majority of the Indians have missed in fine print is that the
outgoing Chief Minister of the state of Rajasthan, in the last year
elections, had officially filed a complaint with the election commission
that the EVMs used in his state were pre-programmed and tampered
with — and that the same had come from the state of which this presently
hyped-up future Prime Minister of India, is the current Chief Minister.
Now, the lawyer who had gone to the dogs to awaken India and the rest
of the world about the mischief and malfeasance possible with the old
model of EVMs — and had in fact written a book on this subject — is in a
wink-wink deep-throat “smadhi”. A silence that speaks truths we dumb
billion idiots on this part of slippery earth cannot fathom. Perhaps
it’s a precursor of the things to come.
Let us hope
the jolly good hackers of this-that party screw-up each other’s
devilish, outright evil plans. In a dog eat dog political crap pit we
hapless billion creatures have to walk through every election, maybe
this time the ape sitting by the side — the wide-eyed hopeful citizen of
India — at least gets a tiny part of the apple pie this messy hacking
cat fight will leave behind, on the side lanes. Perhaps these little
crumbs will be enough for us to stay afloat. though not gloat.
In a nutshell, simply put, whosoever “out-hacks” the other, will win.
again, we are an ancient civilization of more than 33, 0000000 gods and
goddesses — some civilized, others not so civil. Let’s hope one of
these fancied deities has a soft corner for us dumbos. Otherwise, we are
going to get screwed. A billion times over.
I made doubly sure I did not vote. I sat on my ass on voting day — not
that I don’t do so everyday. This voting day, I absolutely did. Not only
figuratively and metaphorically, but literally. I may have many buts in
life, but at least today I have a little sore, yet not so sorry a butt.
We are a fool’s paradise.
Long live the banana republic of India!
E-Filing is Electronic filing of matters in the
Registry of Supreme Court of India. Yes, E-Filing is a user friendly
programme prepared by National Informatics Centre.
The Registrar,
Supreme Court of India,
Tilak Marg,
New Delhi-110 001 (India)
PABX NOS.23388922-24,23388942-44,
FAX NOS.23381508,23381584,23384336/23384533/23384447
Through E-Filing facilitates any Advocate-on-record
(in the Supreme Court of India) or Petitioner-in-person can file his/her
matter through internet facility, sitting anywhere in the world. It
does not require any person to come at the filing Counter in the
Registry of the Supreme Court of India for just filing his/her matter.
Prequalification - you must have prepared the Petition offline. The steps required for E-Filing process are:
1. Login: For login you need User ID and Password. (Advocate on record
are provided ID and password from the Registry. Petitioner-in-person has
to create his ID and Password by submitting his/her Identity proof.
E-FILING by Supreme Court of India
The Supreme Court of India has introduced E-FILING. Now you can file a case in the Supreme Court through the internet and also avail of the following services:
‘FIXING’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google
search results are influencing elections” headline for its version of
the story, the Guardian reported.”…. if Google changed its course, it
would undermine people’s trust in its results and company.”
A press release put out on 13 May by the American Institute for
Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation
based in California created a furore around the topic when it released a
report headlined “Could Google have fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A
landmark new study in India shows it’s possible,” the report added.
Let us appeal to the Computer Business Review and the American Institute for
Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation
based in California to review and research on the following technology:
Napolean had once said that “I can face two
battalions but not two scribes”. Scribes are aware that the Supreme
Court had directed that all the EVMs must be replaced with TAMPER PROOF
machines. But the CEC had not bothered tto replace all the EVMs and went
for Lok Sabha elections. Napoleans suggested scribes have to do some
investigative journalism and expose the CEC to save this MURDER of
‘fixing’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
SUB:An Appeal to do research on all Electronic
Voting Machines those were to be replaced with Tamper proof machines as
per the directives of Supreme court of India
to the Computer Business Review and the American Institute for
Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent research organisation
based in California to review and research on the following technology:
had once said that “I can face two battalions but not two scribes”.
Scribes are aware that the Supreme Court had directed that all the EVMs
must be replaced with TAMPER PROOF machines. But the CEC had not
bothered tto replace all the EVMs and went for Lok Sabha elections.
Napoleans suggested scribes have to do some investigative journalism and
expose the CEC to save this MURDER of DEMOCRACY and STOP
‘fixing’ Indian Lok Sabha elections.
With reference to
‘FIXING’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search
results are influencing elections” headline for its version of the
story, the Guardian reported.”…. if Google changed its course, it
would undermine people’s trust in its results and company.”
press release put out on 13 May by the American Institute for Behavioral
Research and Technology, an independent research organisation based in
California created a furore around the topic when it released a report
headlined “Could Google have fixed the Lok Sabha elections? A landmark
new study in India shows it’s possible,” the report added. (ANI)
The American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology
is a nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization based in Vista,
California, USA, which promotes and conducts research that has the
potential to increase the well-being and functioning of people
worldwide. It currently has ongoing research projects in eleven
different topic areas.
mission of the American Institute for Behavioral Research and
Technology is to conduct, promote, and advance research on behavior that
has the potential to improve the human condition, to develop possible
applications of such research, and to educate the public about both this
research and its applications. It pursues this mission by conducting
relevant research, presenting such research at scientific conferences,
publishing reports of such research in both scientific and popular
publications, developing possible applications of such research and
presenting and publishing reports of such applications, and keeping the
public informed about relevant research and applications through
classes, workshops, Internet activities, videos, and a variety of other
publishing and media activities.
Google Search threatens democracy: Study
Published: 9:31 am, May 15, 2014 Story By: mattersindia.com
A threat to democracy
Washington: As India eagerly awaits the outcome of the just concluded
general elections, a study by an American institute says the real
threat to democracy comes from an unexpected corner: Google Search.
Google search results can pose a real threat to democracy as it could
swing a close election by influencing the voting preferences of
undecided voters, wars the American Institute for Behavioral Research
and Technology in California that studied more than 2,000 undecided
voters throughout India.
The study conducted in recent weeks suggests that Google has the
power to fix elections “without anyone being the wiser.” This is
possible because of the power that search rankings have on people’s
opinions, the researchers said.
Studies show that the higher the rank, the more people trust the
result, which is why companies are spending billions now to push their
products higher.
“So could highly-ranked search results that make Arvind Kejriwal look
better than Narendra Modi drive votes to Kejriwal?” the researchers set
out to determine, The Times of India reported.
In research conducted last year in the US, researchers found that
search rankings biased in favor of a candidate could push the
preferences of undecided voters towards that candidate by 15 percent or
The researchers have shown that votes can easily be pushed toward one
candidate or another by about 12 percent — double that amount in some
demographic groups — enough to determine the outcomes of many close
“This is a very serious matter — a real threat to democracy,” said Dr
Robert Epstein, lead researcher in the study and Senior Research
Psychologist at the American institute.
“If two candidates were both trying to push their rankings higher,
they would be competing, and that’s fine. But if Google, which has a
monopoly on search in India, were to favor one candidate, it could
easily put that candidate in office by manipulating search rankings, and
no one could counter what they were doing.
“Even if without human intervention the company’s search algorithm
favored one candidate, thousands of votes would still be driven to that
candidate,” said Epstein.
In the new study, participants were randomly assigned to groups in
which search rankings favored either Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, or Modi.
Real search rankings and web pages were used, and people were asked
to research all the candidates just as they would on Google. The only
difference between the groups was the order in which the search results
were displayed.
The new study suggests that biased search rankings can be used to fix
the outcome of races in India in which the winner is projected to win
by a margin up to 2.9 percent.
This can be done just by influencing undecided voters who use the
internet — a small but important group of voters that is sure to grow in
coming years, researchers said.
Worldwide, the researchers said, upwards of 25 percent of national elections are won by margins under 3 percent.
The study also shows that certain demographic groups are especially vulnerable.
The voting preferences of 19 percent of women over 35 were shifted in
the study, as were the voting preferences of 18 percent of voters who
were unemployed.
“Of particular concern is the fact that 99 percent of the people in
our study seemed to be unaware that the search rankings they saw were
biased. That means Google has the power to manipulate elections without
anyone suspecting they’re doing so,” said Epstein.
“To prevent undue influence, election-related search rankings need to
be regulated and monitored, as well as subjected to equal-time rules,”
Epstein said.
https://in.news.yahoo.com/google-denies-fixing-indian-lok-sabha-elections-105557389.html ‘FIXING’ Indian Lok Sabha elections
Computer Business Review appeared more certain with the “How Google search results are influencing elections” headline
for its version of the story, the Guardian reported.”…. if Google
changed its course, it would undermine people’s trust in its results and
A press release put out on 13 May by the American
Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, an independent
research organisation based in California created a furore around the
topic when it released a report headlined “Could Google have fixed the
Lok Sabha elections? A landmark new study in India shows it’s possible,”
the report added. (ANI)
Let us appeal to the Computer Business
Review and the American Institute for Behavioral Research and
Technology, an independent research organisation based in California to
review and research on the following technology:
had once said that “I can face two battalions but not two scribes”.
Scribes are aware that the Supreme Court had directed that all the EVMs
must be replaced with TAMPER PROOF machines. But the CEC had not
bothered tto replace all the EVMs and went for Lok Sabha elections.
Napoleans suggested scribes have to do some investigative journalism and
expose the CEC to save this MURDER of DEMOCRACY and STOP
‘fixing’ Indian Lok Sabha elections.
மின்னணு ஓட்டுப்பதிவு இயந்திரம் (EVMs) தேர்தல் சீர்திருத்தங்கள் - யோகி வீமனா பல்கலைக்கழகம் கடப்பா வளாகத்தில் விருந்தினர் விரிவுரை.
ஆர்.எஸ்.எஸ் பாஜக, ஜனநாயக நிறுவனங்களின் கொலைகாரர்கள் (Murderers of democratic institutions (Modi) திருத்தியமைக்கப்பட்ட தில்லு முல்லு மின்னணு ஓட்டுப்பதிவு இயந்திரங்கள் கொண்டு மாஸ்டர் சாவியை MASTER KEY யை பறித்தது.
Modi (Murderer of democratic institutions) (ஜனநாயக நிறுவனங்கள் கொலை) உயர்ந்தது கடினமாக விழதான். காரணம் மற்றும் நிபந்தனை சட்டம் அதாவது கம்மா, அவரை கடுமையாக கடிக்கும்.
Course Program 1. Kamma-Samiddhi Sutta in
Dear Friends in Dhamma,
are entering into another year. Look back your life and see what were
rewarding things you have done and what were left undone and what were
causes of misery. Every day is new one and you can take new steps with
smile forgiving others and forgiving yourself, admiring the wonders of
life. It is such a wonderful opportunity for sharing, smiling, letting
go and for liberation. Human life is indeed a gift!
With gratitude I express a big thank you for your friendship on the path of progress.
wish, you turn every moment into peace and happiness. We wish you a
very very pleasant New Year 2015. May you all be happy and well! May the
blessings of Supreme Buddha surround your lives with good health and
peace, prosperity and contentment, wisdom and compassion!
With lot of metta,
Ananda Bhante
General Secretary,
Maha Bodhi Society,
14, Kalidasa Raod,
Bengaluru 560009 India
Email: info@mahabodhi.info
August 21st, 2010 at 3:49 PM
The ECI ugly action itself shows the that EvMs haveen manipulated
and it is in fear of being exposed.Fair and honest elections are lifine
to demcracy.the elections should be conducted in transparent and
verifiable manner.Black box voting is unconstittuinal and is dangerous
to democracy.Black box model DRE voting is unconstitutional as this
voting process is secret to voter himself!!!!Unless papaer trails are
used these are cheating machines.I want to know whether my vote really
casted to my candiadate.Even if those machines are honest they have
technical failures due to lot of other factors effect on electronic
divices.Many polling stations showed the failure of EVMs in middle.Votes
polled upto then were reset and deleted !!!.ECI actions shows its fear
of being exposed.Truth can not be suppressed for ever.There are millions
of people to in support of Hariprasad.What more can ECI do in democracy
where people active and protest.I will be ready to be the next person
to continue fight against black voting.Elcetions are for the people and
democracy not for the employment of public sector EVM assembling
companies like ECIL , BEL and not for those american back end chip
making companies which get billion doller contracts.I support Hari
prasad.ECI ahs used older EVMs in andhra which does not have time
stamp!!then this EVM data can be erased in seconds and freshly voted in
two hours using a multi meter like divice as ballot unit!!!
August 21st, 2010 at 5:21 PM
ECI has once again proved beyond doubts that we are living in a
camouflaged Aristocracy rather than Democracy; it’s pathetic to see the
most supreme body of India to resort to such a heinous act. Now is the
time for all those Technically qualified Indians to come forward to
support the cause Mr. Hari Prasad has started. This act of unwarranted
arrest is an axe to the so called democracy. Please join hands to save
August 21st, 2010 at 6:22 PM
The story is very disturbing. I urge the RTI Activists to file RTI
Applications with all those matters in this case to expose their
designs. This is a another blow to the “Whistle-Blower”.
August 21st, 2010 at 9:37 PM
ECI has to answer the question of vulnerability of the electronic
balloting system. Staging this kind of arrest of a person who is only
trying to strengthen the system is foolish and illegal. Any weakness in
the election system can easily be exploited by the political party in
power. This will not serve the democratic system.
August 22nd, 2010 at 6:29 AM
This is totally shocking! And expected!
Shame on the ECI, which has become part of the sycophant brigade!!
August 22nd, 2010 at 6:52 AM
Shame. Govt. officers are ambassadors between people and
government. But, once they entered into public service in all level and
all departments,they are acting as a masters. The government servants
should be separated from the politicians a law.
August 22nd, 2010 at 6:55 AM
Hariprasad is arrested… This proves now very clearly that EVM’s
were truely tampered and the election commission of india is now
misusing their powers by arresting the common indian citizens.
I have a doubt? Has Indian Citizens got independence where such
misuse of powers and position are being done? I think that pre-1947, we
were ruled by Britishers and post-1947 Congress is ruling us? And we
Indian Fools are celebrating 15th August with great hapiness. This
question is for every Indian Citizen: Are you truely and honestly
speaking living in a democratic and Independant Country? Ask your
children this question? You will get the answer for yourself.
Congress has come upto this level of doing the crime and misusing
their powers on general public. I never assumed this. Now it seems like
this message should be sent to every citizen across the nation. And who
the hell is this ECI Chief Election Commissioner?
August 22nd, 2010 at 6:59 AM
# B. Rajendran Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
August 22nd, 2010 at 6:52 AM
Shame. Govt. officers are ambassadors between people and government.
But, once they entered into public service in all level and all
departments,they are acting as a masters. The government servants should
be separated from the politicians by law.
August 22nd, 2010 at 10:03 AM
EVMs are not tamper-proof anywhere..from India to the US. We need
to make them better. Improved them as best as we can and that depends on
who all may help us by understanding its vulnerabilities. As a CEC, I
would have asked Hari Prasad and others to be part of an inclusive ECI
team instead of harassing t=him and others. Unless one has something to
hide, such actions discredit national institutions. Its likely that they
may have a “WMD” like case against Hari Prasad. But haven’t we learnt
that the abuse of power can put the whole world at risk? Hari Prasad has
done well to take the stance he has taken and it may help expose ECI
August 22nd, 2010 at 10:30 AM
The pillars of Democracy are its Institutions. If this institution
(ECI) does not come clean on this episode… people will loose faith in
the democratic system. Why ECI doesn’t want to accept shortcomings in
its EVMs and come clean?
Many countries have abolished EVMs due to the possibilities of
manipulation. Why don’t we revert back to Paper Balloting till EVM are
probed by by a committee of members from all National and Regional
August 22nd, 2010 at 1:23 PM
EVMs are better than paper ballots.
That’s all that matters.
How many people in India have the technical expertise to hack an EVM in the manner disclosed in your “sting” ? 5 ? 10 ?
Do you really want us to go back to the dirty old days of booth capturing and ballot stuffing ?
You Sir, are a fear-monger.
August 22nd, 2010 at 1:31 PM
The instruction would have come from both Home Ministry and the
ECI to arrest Hariprasad. The government should ban these EVMs
August 22nd, 2010 at 1:44 PM
[…] any good has come from this, it’s that there has been an
outpouring of support for Hari. He has received positive messages from
people all over […]
August 22nd, 2010 at 2:52 PM
Dear Mr. Sanjay,
Like you, until some months ago, we all thoughts
that EVMs were a good thing that happened. But the facts that have
surfaced and the international developments show that we were unwise and
uninformed. There is plenty of evidence now which shows that EVMs pose a
threat. All over the world EVMs like the one we are using have been
rejected..Germany, Netherlands, Ireland and most states in the U.S. to
name a few. Come on, should we not be alert to such dangers to
democracy? Should we merely trust them because they are machines? With
paper ballots, you know booth capturing has happened because ordinary
voters can see. How would you know if electronic booth capturing happens
in an invisible manner. Paperless voting has been rejected all over the
world and India has to follow suit. Is in’t better to safeguard
yourself (even if it earns the epithet of fear mongering) rather than be
shocked to find yet another scam in a country where they happen
routinely. Wake up to the hard realities, my friend. Look up at our
website to get more details.
August 22nd, 2010 at 2:55 PM
Mr. Sanjay, you said
“EVMs are better than paper ballots.
That’s all that matters.
How many people in India have the technical expertise to hack an EVM in the manner disclosed in your “sting” ? 5 ? 10 ?
Do you really want us to go back to the dirty old days of booth capturing and ballot stuffing ?
You Sir, are a fear-monger.”
But why arrest the person who is trying to get the
authorities’ attention to perfect the machine? That looks like bullying
by the powerful. Who is really spreading fear here? The powerful. You
must be one of them Mr. Sanjay.
August 22nd, 2010 at 4:34 PM
We agree with the above findings. It was very evident that scam
has existing for last 5 years. The first misuse is seen in 2004
I am also victim of one Scam in which I have lost my life savings due to congress.
August 22nd, 2010 at 6:17 PM
Looks like we are heading for the days of emergency of 1975.
Congress party consists of mainly Nehruvian Stalinists who want to keep
thier hold on power no matter what the cost.
One Hari Prasad may be arrested and silenced, but there are many more
Hari Prasads in our country who will keep the flag of Indian democracy
God bless India
August 22nd, 2010 at 8:14 PM
Stupid cops, go arrest the REAL crooks, the politicians themselves!
August 22nd, 2010 at 10:21 PM
GVL boss,
You guys have done a great job, now I guess it is upto the political
setup in India to continue on the great work and get rid of evm’s. I
have one question though it might seem out of context. You have a 13
party memorandum on EVM’s. Did you have any success in getting more
parties to sign it. I am surprised that TRS, BSP and many others have
still not signed it. But irrespective of that, roping in more parties
for this cause will do it good, wont it??
August 23rd, 2010 at 12:04 AM
I request this website to start a petition demanding the release of Mr. Hari Prasad ASAP.
August 23rd, 2010 at 12:26 AM
There is no coverage of this news by any media channel …
we owe the responsibility to spread this news ….
August 23rd, 2010 at 2:23 AM
[…] Welcome to India, a country whose democracy has been bought
and paid for. Anyone trying to rock that boat will not be tolerated.
August 23rd, 2010 at 2:46 AM
Sounds like free and fair elections do not and cannot happen in India. Too bad the world’s largest democracy isn’t!
August 23rd, 2010 at 2:53 AM
Im from Florida in the US, remember what happened in Florida. The
EVM’s in florida had results where certain races there were undervotes
where no vote was recorded in certain races in some races up to 5%
undervote other people complained that touched one candidate button only
to have the other show up. Florida is a fairly honest state but in the
year 2000 , the margin that elected Bush was only 535 votes in Florida.
This was such an issue(with the lack of a paper receipt) that Florida
in 2006 switched from touchscreen EVM to optical scan balloting where
people would mark on paper ballots which would be scanned into the
August 23rd, 2010 at 4:24 AM
The very fact that the EVMs can be compromised brings into question all the election results.
@Pawan…it’s not a question of how many people can do it. The question
is are politicians “capable” of doing. Why not? Election Commission
of India should use the wisdom of the researchers in making these EVMs
better and not shoot the messenger!
August 23rd, 2010 at 6:04 AM
this is how congi won in andhra last time, no way they cld have got 33
of 42 seats in lok sabha. it is ok to use EVM, but what is the proof
that the button i press registers the vote for the party i actually am
voting for, we need a print receipt like ATM or some other proof to show
that the vote went for the correct party
August 23rd, 2010 at 7:26 AM
This is India. Are you surprised? The bureaucrats and politicians
supposed to be running the show have no clue about technology, free
speech, or human rights. Money runs the show.
Don’t rock the boat, pay your friendly politicians and policemen
their monthly bribes, shut up and get to work. And we dare dream of
challenging China.
August 23rd, 2010 at 7:40 AM
where do i donate?
August 23rd, 2010 at 8:30 AM
Follow the money. Find out how who stands to benefit from EMV implementations, and see how it’s tied to the EC.
August 23rd, 2010 at 9:42 AM
Any type of Black Box electronic voting system can and will always be manipulated.
The Indian EVM’s can be easily made more reliable by adding a simple ticket printer that prints a small ballot with:
1. Election symbol of the candidate
2. Name of the candidate
Then the voter can verify the vote and drop it in the vote box.
Tabulation can be made both electronically and by counting the vote
tickets. This will create a fool proof voting system.
Conditions for Real Democracy
For real democracy to exist the following conditions are required:
1. Real currency system, means the currency issuer has obligation to
supply the quantity of commodity “that will sustain life” eg. food,
mentioned on the currency on resumption of the currency.
2. Largest 3 media companies in the country should be owned by public
membership. ie. Any adult citizen can buy a single membership and vote
in electing the management of the media company.
3. All political parties should be membership based and the
membership fee should be sufficient for the functioning of the political
party without accepting donations.
4. Teaching staff in the Universities of the country should reflect
the same approximate demographic proportion as the general population.
If we allow any ethic group to exceed their numeric strength as
university teachers – through nepotism they will put their kin in key
bureaucratic positions and eventually take control of the government and
subvert democracy.
5. 90% literacy rate among the population of the country.
August 23rd, 2010 at 10:13 AM
Namaste Shri Rao,
I show my support to Shri Hari Prasad and will try my level best to bring this to the wider public.
Can I use your article for republishing it on blog?
Jai Bharat!
August 23rd, 2010 at 10:45 AM
Can someone please provide a link to the ECI feedback page (or
similar) so that readers can post comments to them protesting against
this ?
August 23rd, 2010 at 10:55 AM
this is government subverting democracy at its best
August 23rd, 2010 at 11:07 AM
As unacceptable as the arrest is, I agree with Sanjay …. Anyone
who has lived through the days of booth-capturing, rigging, false voting
etc. can vouch for the comparitive improvement today.
Yes, EVMs can be tampered with (and thanks to you guys to bringing it
out in the public eye – real proof beyond the mere unsupported claims
till then) – but it requires technology that has not yet made it
mainstream in India – and for now it largely works. Margins of victory
are closing in, we observe manifestations of incumbency (and voter
apathy) in almost every election – and in general we hear much less of
guns during elections than we used to!
Unsurprisingly, the major parties you see opposing the EVMs today are
the exact same ones that were most prolific in the booth-capturing days
(not that any party was above it – each had their own areas where they
were strong).
Having said all that — I hope the EC takes their heads out of their
*rses, accept the flaws and works with the acaedemic community &
manufacturers to close the issues as far as possible instead of such
wasteful strong-arm tactics to supress people / information.
Here’s hoping and wishing …..
August 23rd, 2010 at 11:18 AM
This send out all the wrong signals to responsible people wanting
to contribute to the government machinery. If we so boisterously claim
to be the world’s largest democracy (sic) then Hari Prasad’s arrest
shouldn’t be tolerated.
August 23rd, 2010 at 11:46 AM
India is a democratic country, It is not that he will go into a blackhole without a trail.
In the word of Bhagat Singh who launched the smoke bomb in the british
india parliament “if we are caught, there will be a case, if there is a
case then there will be a trail, it takes a loud voice to make the deaf
I am not too worried. Even if he is charged with stealing the EVM,
Under IPC Sections 381, It has a small amount to pay as bail. I guess he
can afford this amount.
None the less he has broke the codes and ethics of research,that is if he has indeed stolen the EVM.
Don’t get me wrong I appreciate the work done by him, But please
understand, You just cannot break the law and hope to get away with it
even if you are doing it for good.
This would have been the same case for him if he had stolen a EVM in the US or anyother country.
I hope that this case brings out the flaw in the voting machine and it will be rectified.
Ironically BJP has been crying “foul” on the voting machine since they have been incepted.
August 23rd, 2010 at 11:49 AM
I might have got the sections of IPC wrong.
A website tells me it is Sec 379 of IPC, the punishment goes from 6 months to 7 years.
You get the point don’t you?
August 23rd, 2010 at 12:27 PM
The new sepoy is proving his loyalty to the Queen.
I humbly repeat, the only way to tackle the stolen mandate of the LS
May 2009 elections is to file more number of candidates, way higher than
the limit of 64.
The BEL and ECIL may improve this to 128 . Even then, the major
political parties could easily out maneuver this rigged system. A
deposit of Rs 10,000 * 128 works out tu less than thirteen lakhs rupees.
Are we so naive that we spend lakhs of ruppees to campaign in the
assembly and the LS and crores to obtain that elusive “Form A” or the
seat and then can’t spend a tiny sum of thirteen lakhs? The friends of
the UPA, when they start losing out in the state, will also join the
bandwagon. Such manipulation would not be possible in this years Bihar
polls, but could surely occur in WB next year, leaving Mamata Banerjee
holding a lantern.
With this action of arresting Shri Hari Prasad, the state of mind of
the EC can be clearly seen. Time and era for “Emergency” type measures
is up, but the sepoys that be, seem to be stuck in a time warp.
The opposition must come to the aid of Shri Hari Prasad and rid the nation of this menace of rigged EVMs.
August 23rd, 2010 at 1:48 PM
Many people who expose insecurity in deployed systems are
initially treated like criminals by the people who fielded those
systems. However, they usually realize pretty early in the process that
they are unlikely to win in front of a jury, and meanwhile the public
decides that the authority is merely bullying its critics, possibly to
hide its mistakes or to avoid responsibility.
For example, the Boston MBTA (subway system) sued MIT students who
wrote a paper provocatively titled to ride free forever – and even got a
judge to suppress their paper. But the security researchers got good
lawyers, got the unconstitutional gag order rescinded, and in the end,
the MBTA and the students settled the case by agreeing that the students
would help the MBTA improve the security of the system. Which was the
goal of both sides in the first place.
See: https://www.eff.org/press/archives/2008/12/22
August 23rd, 2010 at 2:35 PM
“To call the ECI’s bluff, Hari Prasad and team have demonstrated the tamperability of EVMs on an EVM made available to them.”
Who provided the EVM?
When was it done?
How was it carried out?
“If the stings done by media are a legitimate method of information gathering, so is this sting demonstration.”
THEFT cannot be treated in the same category!
“security researchers to expose vulnerabilities of absurd claims of
“perfect” and “tamper proof” electronic voting systems.” – If changes
are made to a design – to prove a point; this one is an example.
August 23rd, 2010 at 3:45 PM
There is another blog, which is equally interesting. link is provided for your perusal. Better sense should prevail.
August 23rd, 2010 at 4:12 PM
The following link is another one for your study. A wake up call.
August 23rd, 2010 at 5:58 PM
Indian establishment is no different from the British
establishment before independence… I was reading about the british rule
some days back during Independence day and thought.. our present govt is
no less.
These politicians are sucking the blood out of the people and the only
farce of democracy the elections are being hacked away by the corrupt
Hope the voice of people if heard by our sold out media dn pressure put
on police to release Mr Hari Prasad and hope the end of EVMs comes soon,
I also hope the stupid Quereshi is sacked.
August 23rd, 2010 at 7:11 PM
The research involved had a very fundamental premise that was
flawed i.e. that physical access to the EVM is very easy to have, and
that tampered EVMs can be taken in and out of government warehouses very
easily, and that corrupt officials or criminals with inside access
could easily influence the result. Makes for a great academic paper, but
in the real world absolutely no system is invulnerable to corrupt
insiders, including paper ballots. What the EC has done is to build in
multiple checks and balances at various stages to make the system
redundant as much as possible. To claim that all of them will fail is a
smear job.
In the western world it will draw a lot of eyeballs, and the
narrative of a 3rd world government trying to hide something will
immediately catch on. But what has the EC exactly done? Physical
protection of the EVM is a cornerstone of the system. And it has filed
an FIR against a person who has illegally acquired one. Can IndiaEVM
point to any instance of research done to expose the vulnerabilities of
EVMs abroad based on illegally acquired hardware?
If it were so sure that EVMs were vulnerable, then why did it have to
resort to illegally breaking the exact system the EC has put in place.
India has a functioning judicial system independent of the EC, then why
didnt IndiaEVM follow the legal route to get the access it wanted.
Demanding improvements to the EVM based process, and illegally acquiring
one to make physical hardware alterations are entirely different
August 23rd, 2010 at 7:28 PM
I agree that vulnerability in EVM is not good for the country. But
I don’t agree returning to paper ballot is a fool proof/Efficient way
as well. We need to fix the vulnerabilities and continue. We need to
quit complaining about corrupt politicians and bureaucracy. EVM’s
security standards must be open and available for public scrutiny. An
open standard democratic way to resolve the problem. India is a young
August 23rd, 2010 at 8:44 PM
Please take support of some politicians who are critical of EVMs.
For instance Mamata Banerjee is a vocal critic of the EVMs. Hopefully
media pressure and support of some politicians will result in Mr Hari
Prasad being freed. It is a shameful day for Indian democracy and
research mileu.
August 24th, 2010 at 12:21 PM
[…] The “Ugly face” of the ECI: Arrest of Hari Prasad for “sting
demonstration” Reliable sources tell us that the Election Commission of
India had pressurized the Maharashtra police to press for Hari Prasad’s
arrest on charges of stealing the EVM used for exposing the
vulnerability of EVMs. The ECI’s intent becomes evident from the fact
that they had instructed the police not to share a copy of the FIR with
Hari Prasad to deny him an opportunity to move an anticipatory bail
application. Hari Prasad did mange to get a copy of the FIR later but
decided to court arrest if necessary rather than seek anticipatory bail.
August 24th, 2010 at 1:08 PM
Do not talk like a loser.. If things like stealing for good is bad..
then why did we fight for freedom it was against the laws of that time
.. be logical don’t try to be Mahatma and preach bullshit here..
I feel HARI did the right thing.. why dint the government/ ECI itself
gave away the machines to hackers and security researchers for
researching the loopholes if they were so sure it was tamper proof..coz
they wan to keep the tampering secret to themselves so that they can
drink and be merry..
August 24th, 2010 at 2:15 PM
I have read the paper that has been released by the researchers
and they have clearly described the EVM architecture and its
The indian government should strive to rectify these shortcomings rather than defending them.
The arrest of Hari is a pure political action. We all should commend it.
August 24th, 2010 at 2:43 PM
I think the method ramkumar has said will be the useful moderation
for EVM. Printing the tickets and dropping it in vote box would be a
good suggestion.
August 24th, 2010 at 2:48 PM
Whoever thought the EVMs cannot be tampered. If you have physical
access to the machine, obviously you can tamper it. Ask any network
security guy and he would tell you if you have the physical access to
your computer not even GOD can save you even you have the best of
security mechanisms.
What guarantee that if you have paper ballots cannot be replaced? The EVMs are as safe or unsafe as paper ballots.
What you guys should be proving is, during the whole election process
how anybody can fiddle with EVMs and get the result in someone’s favor.
What Hariprasad has done is a mini-project in an engineering course. No great shakes.
But I am all for any improvement in the system which will help in conducting free and fair elections.
August 24th, 2010 at 7:13 PM
Thanks to the upcoming World Basketball Festival, we now get a
“USA” Air Jordan 2010 Team. It seems as if more people like the Air
Jordan 2010 Team than the original Air Jordan 2010 because of the
windowless side panels. I’m not one of those people who likes the team
better; I think the original
Nike Shoes 2010 Shoes looks much better.Since this jordan Shoes
Team is made for the USA team, the colorway should be clear. White can
be seen on the side panels, toe, shoe laces, tongue, part of the midsole
and the entire outsole. Navy blue covers the toe, heel, inner lining
and above the midsole. Red accents appear on the tongue, toe, heel, lace
panels and the midsole. The sneaker is constructed of perforated white
leather with larger perforations placed on the side panels.
August 24th, 2010 at 7:42 PM
the correct argument is not “how many people have expertise to
hack the EVM” that is an incorrect argument. Indian EVM doesn’t have any
good footprint to detect fraud. The thing is it should make it
uneconomical to hack into EVM. And should have good foot print to detect
any possible fraud. people should be able to verify thier votes.
August 24th, 2010 at 9:04 PM
The press report from Times Of India:
paints the computer scientist as a thief.
I don’t think media like Times of India will come to Mr Hari Prasad’s
rescue. Who will sponsor ? This is the decade of “Paid News” invented
by Times of India themselves.
August 25th, 2010 at 10:06 AM
story is heard and famous all over. Government should release Hari
Immediately and a public apology for these stupid action. Government
want to take his advice or not its upto them. He did his job as an
Indian citizen and a professional. Screw other things..
August 25th, 2010 at 2:50 PM
While I do believe that the machines should be made available to
researchers to improve the robustness of their design and rectify any
flaws, I also believe that all tools have flaws and I do regards EVMs as
a step forward. There has to be an authority u got to trust and we have
to trust EC in case of elections. Even if the machine is tamper proof
in the hands of a corrupt official its useless. The chain is as weak as
the weakest link. As far as physical tampering at voting booths is
concerned, the sophistication of methods involved almost completly
eliminates that option.
August 25th, 2010 at 4:57 PM
end of democracy in india…………areest all politicians and kick their butts
August 25th, 2010 at 5:16 PM
[…] Narasimha Rao пишет: Last week, international experts in
computer security have concluded in a workshop held in Washington D.C on
August 9 and 10 that the Indian EVMs do not provide the security,
verifiability, or transparency adequate for confidence in election …..
Unsurprisingly, the major parties you see opposing the EVMs today are
the exact same ones that were most prolific in the booth-capturing days
(not that any party was above it – each had their own areas where they
were strong) . … […]
August 25th, 2010 at 8:53 PM
What surprises me is that electronic media which exposes small
time frauds like Common Wealth Games has royally ignored this shocking
fruad on the entire Citizenry and perhaps we are being ruled by those
who did not win elections by fair means at all. This also shows that
these Reasearchers have not given proper publicity to their selfless
work. Whatever may be the reason, it is time to go to Supreme Court and
expose these Voting Machine Fraud and do everything to make the voting
public know about this fraud.
August 25th, 2010 at 9:05 PM
This is a sad thing, I have come across. As an responsible citizen
of INDIA have always felt that my vote counts.Insisted of arresting
and making fool, I think it would be better to take inhouse (within
country) experts help and make thing better the best!!! Stop wasting
everybody’s time, its now the time to work for the betterment.
August 26th, 2010 at 9:27 AM
Why is congress and election commission scared?: Look, to generate
faith, EC can invite people like Halderman and Hari Prasad and ensure
that machines are tamper proof. But strangely, they seem scared.
The case should be taken to Supreme Court and this whole business of fraud should be exposed.
I strongly suspect there is EC fraud. We do not want to find this in
10 years are so, when most of these leaders are in their graves.
Whatever the truth should come out.
August 26th, 2010 at 4:45 PM
The Blackberries,the Ipads etc are not tamper proof .Then why
should the EVM developed in India almost 10 years back, be expected top
be tamper proof.
The EC and the Govt must agree that these machines are not 100% tamper
proof. The paper trail is the best .Regarding booth capturing etc , it
is prevalent even with the EVMs. Nobody can stop a powerful candidate
from capturing the machines and pressing the right buttons any number of
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty and it is true in any system.
August 28th, 2010 at 1:07 PM
I have read the report by the three member team on the risks of
EVM. one thing i found was that it is not possible to tamper with it
without acces to the machine. it is obvious that the moment a fraudster
gets access to a machine it is possible to tamper with it. changing the
CHIP or the memory devise is possible even in remote circumstances. what
you can probably have is an auto delete / auto destroy option if there
is any kind of tampering. i am sure there are solutions to it. so the so
called VETA / researchers etc can do is not to create panic and aim for
cheap publicity.
August 29th, 2010 at 8:43 PM
The arrest of Hari Prasad had once again proved that ECI has been
shook hard and it no more could face the ample evidence shown by experts
like hariprasad.. So they have gone to the extent of arresting him..
Such kind of arrest will not intimidate determined persons..
Some one said, booth capture is not possible in EVM.. they did not
understand that in the case of booth capture, the parties need to print
so many ballot papers, for the rigging, which costs them enormous, in
terms of printing, handling, transporting secretly, capturing the booth
and replacing its own rigged votes..
But in case of EVMs, all one needs is just to change the memory data,
which in any way is NOT a difficult task in present world.
In the case of ballot papers, we can physically verify the ballot
papers in case of rigging.. In case of error in counting, each and every
vote can be retraced back..
In case of EVM, this is not possible.. individual vote is NOT
physically existing and cannot be verified.. when some one changes
memory data before counting, no one can find it or trace back..
So technically, there is no need for booth capturing in EVMs.. what
one needs are access to the place where EVMs are stored, where they can
change the memory data, in all the EVMs over night..
And common sense tells, that it is NOT difficult to get this access, if
the ruling party wishes.. Just a small hole in a storehouse, or just
few minutes of opening the door to allow conspirators in, who would
silently do all the data manipulation and then get back..
Such a rigging does not need any physical data to handle.. a small
piece of electronic device for changing the data is enough, and it can
be done by one or two persons..
The possibility of rigging in EVMs are very largescale and highly sophisticated to be detected by ordinary persons..
I need not tell about other possibilities, where the data can be rigged even by counting machines..
But the point is that EVM’s are more potentially riggable..
September 9th, 2010 at 8:06 AM
EVM is not fools proof is evident from the words of”Last week,
international experts in computer security have concluded in a workshop
held in Washington D.C on August 9 and 10 that the Indian EVMs do not
provide the security, verifiability, or transparency adequate for
confidence in election results, the Election Commission of India. (Read
the letter
ECI must be fair and it should appear like that. Otherwise the
whole system will collapse. The perfection always rests at hard disks.
So let us go back to the Ballots. No EVM is necessary if there is a 1%
error possibility.
Like Rama the ECI must be fair to Nation. Let your honest, trust
worthy, loving Seetha shaped EVM to seperate. That is Indian model of
honesty and public interest. Don’t show over enthousiastic trappies,
which is not expected from an independent fair and impartial system like
September 10th, 2010 at 5:12 PM
Above information is only half truth.police wants only a name of
people who had given machine to him. but he is not ready to dispose
name. lator on he said he got machine from shobha Bachhav and her
husband from nashik who is working as social activist. police are doing
enquiry of these people.
During election collector has oppointed a retired tahsildar to
see all activities related to EVM and 10 outsider temporary people were
working under him. they didn’t keep the record.worst thing is all
machines were on open ground below one tree whitout any security,infront
of collector office mumbai.any one can steal it. collector knew
this.Every day she was passing by, she saw it. At that time no one got
importance of this machine. and now they are making issue. main thing is
while loging complaint she has written, machine was stollen from
godown.it may be stollen from open ground.collector transfered to
mantralaya as a joint secretory.
Now present people working in collector office are not taking
resposbility. bcoz they were not appointed for EVM. now let me tell who
is responsible for this from collector office?
Present collector has suspended 4 people from collector office
just bcoz currently they are working on EVM. how stupid action this
is.just to show the ECI that he has taken action. but one of these four
one is filed case in court against illegal suspension aganist
court.present collector realy did unjustice with these people.
hari prasad is right in his place. according to police he know the name of person and not telling to police.