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𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4160 Tue 23 Nov 2021 Do Good Purify Mind - Path to Eternal Bliss
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𝓛𝓔𝓢𝓢𝓞𝓝 4160 Tue 23 Nov 2021

Do Good Purify Mind - Path to Eternal Bliss

ENERGETIC - Sekha-patipada Sutta (MN53) - Developing this accomplishment
Sutta Meditation Series
is one part of a study program that delves into the Sekha-pāṭipada
Sutta (MN53) – Venerable Ānanda’s Discourse on the Trainee’s Mode of
Progress, which has been broken into different episodes.
This study program began in October 2020 with a specific meditation group and is still ongoing.
episode looks at how we can develop the accomplishment of ENERGETIC
(āraddhavīriyo or ACTIVE EFFORT), as one of the 15 accomplishments in
conduct (caraṇasampanno).
We examine:
— the explanations provided by Venerable Ānanda in the Sekha-pāṭipada Sutta (MN53)
— the Nagaropama Sutta (AN7.67) to help us understand the next 7 good qualities to be developed
— other useful suttas to give us additional help to understand the teaching
— where the bar is set for the ‘adept’ and how to develop this quality as trainees towards the goal
— practical tips for progress, taking into account responsibilities and challenges of lay life
— useful meditations to help us further develop these accomplishments in conduct
**Additional talks that go with this Dhamma talk (as mentioned in the session):
— Venerable Soṇa Koḷivisa as a role model (…)
— The Story of Tissa Thera , the Idle One (…)
— The Story of Mahakala Thera (…)
Some of the suttas referenced directly or indirectly in this session:
— Nagaropama Sutta (AN 7.67)
— Padhāna Sutta (AN 4.13)
— Vibhaṅga Sutta (SN 45.😎
— Suddhika Sutta (SN 7.7)
— Sikkha Sutta (AN 9.73)
— Cara Sutta (AN 4.11), (Iti 110)
— Sīla Sutta (AN 4.12)
— Sampannasīla Sutta (Iti 111)
— Ghaṭa Sutta (SN 21.3)
— Kīṭāgiri Sutta (MN 70)
— Jiṇṇa Sutta (SN 16.5)
— Soṇa Sutta (AN 6.55)
— Mahākāḷattheravatthu (Dhp 7-8)
— Padhanakammika tissattheravatthu (Dhp 280)
— Mahācattārīsaka Sutta (MN 117)
— Vitthata Sutta (AN 5.2)
— Paṭhama-vibhaṅga Sutta (SN 48.9)
— Āhāra Sutta (SN 46.51)
— Chandasamādhi Sutta (SN 51.13)
— Tayodhamma Sutta (AN 10.76)
— Avijjā Sutta (AN 10.61)
— Saṅgīti Sutta (DN 33), Suttavebhaṅgiya (Pe 9)
— Sacitta Sutta (AN 10.51)
To read the whole Sekha-pāṭipada Sutta (MN53) –… and the Nagaropama Sutta (AN7.67) -
electronic copy of the diagram summarising the “Trainee’s Mode of
Progress” and the “Simile of the Fortress” have been posted (and pinned)
to the Sutta Meditation Series Telegram channel.
The AUDIO has been uploaded to the Sutta Meditation Series podcast channel hosted at
It can also be accessed on multiple podcast platforms including
Spotify, Podcast Addict, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music,
and more.
Blessings of the Triple Gem. Theruwan saranai
SN 46.51 (S v 102)
Āhāra Sutta
— Food —
Buddha describes how we can either “feed” or “starve” the hindrances
and the factors of enlightenment according to how we apply our


“pañcannañca, bhikkhave, nīvaraṇānaṃ sattannañca bojjhaṅgānaṃ āhārañca anāhārañca desessāmi; taṃ suṇātha.

Nīvaraṇānaṃ āhārā

ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā kāmacchandassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā kāmacchandassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya? atthi, bhikkhave,
subhanimittaṃ. tattha ayoniso-manasikāra-bahulīkāro: ayamāhāro
anuppannassa vā kāmacchandassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā kāmacchandassa
bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya.

ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā byāpādassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā
byāpādassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya? atthi, bhikkhave, paṭighanimittaṃ.
tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā byāpādassa
uppādāya, uppannassa vā byāpādassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya.

ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā thinamiddhassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā thinamiddhassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya? atthi, bhikkhave,
arati tandi vijambhitā bhattasammado cetaso ca līnattaṃ. tattha
ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā thinamiddhassa
uppādāya, uppannassa vā thinamiddhassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya.

ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya? atthi,
bhikkhave, cetaso avūpasamo. tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro:
ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā
uddhaccakukkuccassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya.

ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannāya vā vicikicchāya uppādāya, uppannāya vā
vicikicchāya bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya? atthi, bhikkhave,
vicikicchāṭṭhānīyā dhammā. tattha ayonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamāhāro
anuppannāya vā vicikicchāya uppādāya, uppannāya vā vicikicchāya
bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya.
what is the food for the arising of unarisen uncertainty, or for the
growth & increase of uncertainty once it has arisen? There are
phenomena that act as a foothold for uncertainty. To foster
inappropriate attention to them: This is the food for the arising of
unarisen uncertainty, or for the growth & increase of uncertainty
once it has arisen.
Sambojjhaṅgānaṃ āhārā
ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā satisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā satisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā? atthi,
bhikkhave, satisambojjhaṅgaṭṭhānīyā dhammā. tattha
yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā
satisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā satisambojjhaṅgassa
bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgassa
uppādāya, uppannassa vā dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya
pāripūriyā? atthi, bhikkhave, kusalākusalā dhammā sāvajjānavajjā dhammā
hīnapaṇītā dhammā kaṇhasukkasappaṭibhāgā dhammā. tattha
yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā
dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā
dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā vīriyasambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā vīriyasambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā? atthi,
bhikkhave, ārambhadhātu nikkamadhātu parakkamadhātu. tattha
yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā
vīriyasambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā vīriyasambojjhaṅgassa
bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā pītisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā pītisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā? atthi,
bhikkhave, pītisambojjhaṅgaṭṭhānīyā dhammā. tattha
yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā
pītisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā pītisambojjhaṅgassa
bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā passaddhisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā passaddhisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā? atthi,
bhikkhave, kāyappassaddhi cittappassaddhi. tattha
yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā
passaddhisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā
passaddhisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā samādhisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā samādhisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā? atthi,
bhikkhave, samathanimittaṃ abyagganimittaṃ. tattha
yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā
samādhisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā samādhisambojjhaṅgassa
bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
ca, bhikkhave, āhāro anuppannassa vā upekkhāsambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā upekkhāsambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā? atthi,
bhikkhave, upekkhāsambojjhaṅgaṭṭhānīyā dhammā. tattha
yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamāhāro anuppannassa vā
upekkhāsambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā upekkhāsambojjhaṅgassa
bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
what is the food for the arising of unarisen equanimity as a factor for
Awakening, or for the growth & increase of equanimity as a factor
for Awakening once it has arisen? There are mental qualities that act as
a foothold for equanimity as a factor for Awakening. To foster
appropriate attention to them: This is the food for the arising of
unarisen equanimity as a factor for Awakening, or for the growth &
increase of equanimity as a factor for Awakening once it has arisen
Nīvaraṇānaṃ anāhārā
ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannassa vā kāmacchandassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā kāmacchandassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya? atthi, bhikkhave,
asubhanimittaṃ. tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamanāhāro
anuppannassa vā kāmacchandassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā kāmacchandassa
bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya.
Starving the Hindrances
what is lack of food for the arising of unarisen sensual desire, or for
the growth & increase of sensual desire once it has arisen? There
is the theme of unattractiveness. To foster appropriate attention to it:
This is lack of food for the arising of unarisen sensual desire, or for
the growth & increase of sensual desire once it has arisen.
ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannassa vā byāpādassa uppādāya, uppannassa
vā byāpādassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya? atthi, bhikkhave,
mettācetovimutti. tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamanāhāro
anuppannassa vā byāpādassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā byāpādassa
bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya.
what is lack of food for the arising of unarisen ill will, or for the
growth & increase of ill will once it has arisen? There is
awareness-release.{1} To foster appropriate attention to that: This is
lack of food for the arising of unarisen ill will, or for the growth
& increase of ill will once it has arisen.
ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannassa vā thinamiddhassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā thinamiddhassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya? atthi, bhikkhave,
ārambhadhātu nikkamadhātu parakkamadhātu. tattha
yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamanāhāro anuppannassa vā thinamiddhassa
uppādāya, uppannassa vā thinamiddhassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya.
what is lack of food for the arising of unarisen sloth &
drowsiness, or for the growth & increase of sloth & drowsiness
once it has arisen? There is the potential for effort, the potential for
exertion, the potential for striving. To foster appropriate attention
to them: This is lack of food for the arising of unarisen sloth &
drowsiness, or for the growth & increase of sloth & drowsiness
once it has arisen.
ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya? atthi,
bhikkhave, cetaso vūpasamo. tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro:
ayamanāhāro anuppannassa vā uddhaccakukkuccassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā
uddhaccakukkuccassa bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya.
what is lack of food for the arising of unarisen restlessness &
anxiety, or for the growth & increase of restlessness & anxiety
once it has arisen? There is the stilling of awareness. To foster
appropriate attention to that: This is lack of food for the arising of
unarisen restlessness & anxiety, or for the growth & increase of
restlessness & anxiety once it has arisen.
ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannāya vā vicikicchāya uppādāya, uppannāya
vā vicikicchāya bhiyyobhāvāya vepullāya? atthi, bhikkhave, kusalākusalā
dhammā sāvajjānavajjā dhammā hīnapaṇītā dhammā kaṇhasukkasappaṭibhāgā
dhammā. tattha yonisomanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamanāhāro anuppannāya vā
vicikicchāya uppādāya, uppannāya vā vicikicchāya bhiyyobhāvāya
what is lack of food for the arising of unarisen uncertainty, or for
the growth & increase of uncertainty once it has arisen? There are
mental qualities that are skillful & unskillful, blameworthy &
blameless, gross & refined, siding with darkness & with light.
To foster appropriate attention to them: This is lack of food for the
arising of unarisen uncertainty, or for the growth & increase of
uncertainty once it has arisen.
Sambojjhaṅgānaṃ anāhārā
ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannassa vā satisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā satisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā? atthi,
bhikkhave, satisambojjhaṅgaṭṭhānīyā dhammā. tattha
amanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamanāhāro anuppannassa vā satisambojjhaṅgassa
uppādāya, uppannassa vā satisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannassa vā dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgassa
uppādāya, uppannassa vā dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya
pāripūriyā? atthi, bhikkhave, kusalākusalā dhammā sāvajjānavajjā dhammā
hīnapaṇītā dhammā kaṇhasukkasappaṭibhāgā dhammā. tattha
amanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamanāhāro anuppannassa vā
dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā
dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannassa vā vīriyasambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā vīriyasambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā? atthi,
bhikkhave, ārambhadhātu nikkamadhātu parakkamadhātu. tattha
amanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamanāhāro anuppannassa vā vīriyasambojjhaṅgassa
uppādāya, uppannassa vā vīriyasambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannassa vā samādhisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā samādhisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā? atthi,
bhikkhave, samathanimittaṃ abyagganimittaṃ. tattha
amanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamanāhāro anuppannassa vā
samādhisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā samādhisambojjhaṅgassa
bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannassa vā upekkhāsambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā upekkhāsambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā? atthi,
bhikkhave, upekkhāsambojjhaṅgaṭṭhānīyā dhammā. tattha
amanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamanāhāro anuppannassa vā
upekkhāsambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā upekkhāsambojjhaṅgassa
bhāvanāya pāripūriyā”ti.
At Sāvatthī.
I will teach you the feeding & starving of the five hindrances
& of the seven factors for Awakening. Listen & pay close
attention. I will speak…
Feeding the Hindrances
what is the food for the arising of unarisen sensual desire, or for the
growth & increase of sensual desire once it has arisen? There is
the theme of beauty. To foster inappropriate attention to it: This is
the food for the arising of unarisen sensual desire, or for the growth
& increase of sensual desire once it has arisen.
what is the food for the arising of unarisen ill will, or for the
growth & increase of ill will once it has arisen? There is the theme
of resistance. To foster inappropriate attention to it: This is the
food for the arising of unarisen ill will, or for the growth &
increase of ill will once it has arisen.
what is the food for the arising of unarisen sloth & drowsiness, or
for the growth & increase of sloth & drowsiness once it has
arisen? There are boredom, weariness, yawning, drowsiness after a meal,
& sluggishness of awareness. To foster inappropriate attention to
them: This is the food for the arising of unarisen sloth &
drowsiness, or for the growth & increase of sloth & drowsiness
once it has arisen.
what is the food for the arising of unarisen restlessness &
anxiety, or for the growth & increase of restlessness & anxiety
once it has arisen? There is non-stillness of awareness. To foster
inappropriate attention to that: This is the food for the arising of
unarisen restlessness & anxiety, or for the growth & increase of
restlessness & anxiety once it has arisen.
Feeding the Factors for Awakening
what is the food for the arising of unarisen mindfulness as a factor
for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of mindfulness as a
factor for Awakening once it has arisen? There are mental qualities that
act as a foothold for mindfulness as a factor for Awakening
[well-purified virtue & views made straight]. To foster appropriate
attention to them: This is the food for the arising of unarisen
mindfulness as a factor for Awakening, or for the growth & increase
of mindfulness as a factor for Awakening once it has arisen.
what is the food for the arising of unarisen analysis of qualities as a
factor for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of analysis of
qualities as a factor for Awakening once it has arisen? There are mental
qualities that are skillful & unskillful, blameworthy &
blameless, gross & refined, siding with darkness & with light.
To foster appropriate attention to them: This is the food for the
arising of unarisen analysis of qualities as a factor for Awakening, or
for the growth & increase of analysis of qualities as a factor for
Awakening once it has arisen.
what is the food for the arising of unarisen persistence as a factor
for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of persistence as a
factor for Awakening once it has arisen? There is the potential for
effort, the potential for exertion, the potential for striving. To
foster appropriate attention to them: This is the food for the arising
of unarisen persistence as a factor for Awakening, or for the growth
& increase of persistence as a factor for Awakening once it has
what is the food for the arising of unarisen rapture as a factor for
Awakening, or for the growth & increase of rapture as a factor for
Awakening once it has arisen? There are mental qualities that act as a
foothold for rapture as a factor for Awakening. To foster appropriate
attention to them: This is the food for the arising of unarisen rapture
as a factor for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of rapture
as a factor for Awakening once it has arisen.
what is the food for the arising of unarisen serenity as a factor for
Awakening, or for the growth & increase of serenity as a factor for
Awakening once it has arisen? There is physical serenity & there is
mental serenity. To foster appropriate attention to them: This is the
food for the arising of unarisen serenity as a factor for Awakening, or
for the growth & increase of serenity as a factor for Awakening once
it has arisen.
what is the food for the arising of unarisen concentration as a factor
for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of concentration as a
factor for Awakening once it has arisen? There are themes for calm,
themes for non-distraction [these are the four frames of reference]. To
foster appropriate attention to them: This is the food for the arising
of unarisen concentration as a factor for Awakening, or for the growth
& increase of concentration as a factor for Awakening once it has
Starving the Factors for Awakening
what is lack of food for the arising of unarisen mindfulness as a
factor for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of mindfulness as
a factor for Awakening once it has arisen? There are mental qualities
that act as a foothold for mindfulness as a factor for Awakening. Not
fostering attention to them: This is lack of food for the arising of
unarisen mindfulness as a factor for Awakening, or for the growth &
increase of mindfulness as a factor for Awakening once it has arisen.
what is lack of food for the arising of unarisen analysis of qualities
as a factor for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of analysis
of qualities as a factor for Awakening once it has arisen? There are
mental qualities that are skillful & unskillful, blameworthy &
blameless, gross & refined, siding with darkness & with light.
Not fostering attention to them: This is lack of food for the arising of
unarisen analysis of qualities as a factor for Awakening, or for the
growth & increase of analysis of qualities as a factor for Awakening
once it has arisen.
what is lack of food for the arising of unarisen persistence as a
factor for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of persistence as
a factor for Awakening once it has arisen? There is the potential for
effort, the potential for exertion, the potential for striving. Not
fostering attention to them: This is lack of food for the arising of
unarisen persistence as a factor for Awakening, or for the growth &
increase of persistence as a factor for Awakening once it has arisen.
ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannassa vā pītisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya,
uppannassa vā pītisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā? atthi,
bhikkhave, pītisambojjhaṅgaṭṭhānīyā dhammā. tattha
amanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamanāhāro anuppannassa vā pītisambojjhaṅgassa
uppādāya, uppannassa vā pītisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
what is lack of food for the arising of unarisen rapture as a factor
for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of rapture as a factor
for Awakening once it has arisen? There are mental qualities that act as
a foothold for rapture as a factor for Awakening. Not fostering
attention to them: This is lack of food for the arising of unarisen
rapture as a factor for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of
rapture as a factor for Awakening once it has arisen.
ca, bhikkhave, anāhāro anuppannassa vā passaddhisambojjhaṅgassa
uppādāya, uppannassa vā passaddhisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā?
atthi, bhikkhave, kāyappassaddhi cittappassaddhi. tattha
amanasikārabahulīkāro: ayamanāhāro anuppannassa vā
passaddhisambojjhaṅgassa uppādāya, uppannassa vā
passaddhisambojjhaṅgassa bhāvanāya pāripūriyā.
what is lack of food for the arising of unarisen serenity as a factor
for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of serenity as a factor
for Awakening once it has arisen? There is bodily serenity & there
is mental serenity. To foster inappropriate attention to them: This is
lack of food for the arising of unarisen serenity as a factor for
Awakening, or for the growth & increase of serenity as a factor for
Awakening once it has arisen.
what is lack of food for the arising of unarisen concentration as a
factor for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of concentration
as a factor for Awakening once it has arisen? There are the themes for
concentration, themes for non-confusion. Not fostering attention to
them: This is lack of food for the arising of unarisen concentration as a
factor for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of concentration
as a factor for Awakening once it has arisen.
what is lack of food for the arising of unarisen equanimity as a factor
for Awakening, or for the growth & increase of equanimity as a
factor for Awakening once it has arisen? There are mental qualities that
act as a foothold for equanimity as a factor for Awakening. Not
fostering attention to them: This is lack of food for the arising of
unarisen equanimity as a factor for Awakening, or for the growth &
increase of equanimity as a factor for Awakening once it has arisen.”
ENERGETIC - Sekha-patipada Sutta (MN53) - Developing this accomplishment

Verse 167. Do Not Cultivate The Worldly

Do not follow base desires,
nor live with heedlessness,
do not follow wrong beliefs
to grow in worldly ways.

Explanation: Stoop not to depraved ways, to practices that
promote lower urges. Do not live slothfully. Do not associate yourself
with those who hold false views.

Verse 168. The Righteous Are Happy - Here And Hereafter

Rouse yourself, be diligent,
in Dhamma faring well.
Who dwells in Dhamma’s happy
in this birth and the next.

Explanation: Wake up to reality; do not be delude. Live in
accordance with reality. The realistic person lives happily in this
world and in the next.

Verse 169. Behave According To The Teaching

Fare in Dhamma coursing well,
in evil courses do not fare.
Who dwells in Dhamma’s happy
in this birth and the next.

Explanation: Practice the dhamma to perfection. Do not practice
it in a faulty manner. He who follows the teaching in the proper manner
will live in peace and comfort both in this world and in the next.

Verse 170. Observe The Impermanence Of Life

Just as a bubble may be seen,
just as a faint mirage,
so should the world be viewed
that the Death-king sees one not.

Explanation: Look at a bubble. How impermanent is it? Look
at a mirage. What an illusion! If you look at the world in this way,
even the king of death will not see you.

Verse 171. The Disciplined Are Not Attached To The Body

Come, look upon this world
like to a rich , royal chariot
wherein fools lounge at ease
but alert ones linger not.

Explanation: The spiritually immature ones are fully engrossed
in this world the glamour of which is deceptively like a decorated
royal carriage. Those who are aware of reality do not cling to those
worldly things. See the world as it really is.

Verse 172. The Diligent Illumine The World

Whoso was heedless formerly
but later lives with heedfulness
illuminates the world

as moon when free of clouds.

Explanation: An individual may have been deluded in the past.
But later corrects his thinking and becomes a disillusioned person.
He, therefor, is like the moon that has come out from behind a dark
cloud; thus, he illuminates the world.

Verse 173. Evil Is Overcome By Good

Who by wholesome kamma
covers up the evil done
illumines the world

as moon when free from clouds.

Explanation: If the evil habits of behaviour of an individual
get replaced by his good behaviour, he will illuminate the world.

Verse 174. Without Eye of Wisdom, This World Is Blind

This world is blind-become
few are here who see within
as few the birds break free from net
so those who go to heavens.

Explanation: Most people in this world are unable to see.
They cannot see reality properly. Of those, only a handful are capable
of insight. Only they see well. A few, like a stray bird escaping
the net, can reach heaven.

Verse 175. The Wise Travel Beyond The Worldly

Swans upon the sun’s path fly,
the powerful through space,
conquering Mara and his host
away from the world the wise are led.

Explanation: The swans fly away in the sky - as the path of
the sun. Those possessing psychic power travel through the sky. Those
diligent, wise saint conquer death with his armies and leave the world
and reach Nibbana.

Verse 176. A Liar Can Commit Any Crime

For one who falsely speaks,
who disregards the Dhamma,
who other lives denies:
no evil this one will not do.

Explanation: The evil person who has given up the virtue of
truthfulness has abandoned all hope of the next world.

Verse 177. Happiness Through Partaking In Good Deeds

To heavenly realms the mean don’t fare,
fools magnanimity ne’er acclaim,
but the one of wisdom rejoices at giving
and happy will be in future lives.

Explanation: The extreme misers do not reach the heavenly
worlds. The evil ignorant ones do not approve acts of charity. But
those noble ones approve and partake of charity. In consequence, they
are happy in the next birth.

Verse 178. Being Stream-Winner Is Supreme

Than o’er the earth sole sovereignty,
than going to heaven,
than lordship over all the worlds:
better the Steam-winner’s fruit.

Explanation: The achievement of the stream-winner is the primary
stage in the attainment of spiritual success. The state is greater
than being a universal monarch, or reaching heaven.

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