Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

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LESSON 4450 Wed 1 June 2022 17. SEVENTEEN Daily Wisdom Salute 🫡 to you! शत् शत् नमन May all Women and Men practice NIBBĀNA to be happy 😃 well and secure and to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal 🥅.
Filed under: General, Theravada Tipitaka , Plant raw Vegan Broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Posted by: site admin @ 6:58 pm

LESSON 4450 Wed 1 June 2022


Daily Wisdom

Salute 🫡 to you!

शत् शत् नमन

May all Women and Men practice NIBBĀNA to be happy 😃 well and secure and to attain Eternal Bliss as Final Goal 🥅.

The pill to reverse aging would be available to the public within
five years and cost the same each day as a cup of coffee, says

For the price of a coffee a day, can humans soon live up to 150 years?

The pill to reverse aging would be available to the public within five years and cost the same each day as a cup of coffee, says researcher. (Supplied)

Can humans live up to 150 years? Medical researchers have been on
the lookout for techniques to extend human longevity for a long time.
At news report
says a new process has been found by Harvard Professor David Sinclair
and researchers from the University of New South Wales, involving cell
Dr. Sinclair, is a Professor at the School of
Medicine at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney.  He is
also a Professor in the Genetic Department at Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Co-Director of the Paul F. Glenn Laboratories for the Biological
Mechanisms of Aging.
According to Dr Sinclair, who is the co-founder and co-chief editor of the scientific journal Aging,
human organs could be regenerated using the technique. It could even
paralysis sufferers to move again, he says. Human trials are due within
two years.
The research team told The Herald Sun that they also found they could increase the lifespan of mice by 10 per cent by giving them a vitamin B derivative pill.
The pill also led to a reduction in age-related hair loss.
The pill would be available to the public within five years and cost the same each day as a cup of coffee, hoped Prof. Sinclair.
Harvard professor at the same time had a word of caution for people
want to not to try to reverse the aging process, as it has not yet been
“formally tested for safety.” The research and the science behind it has
to be published and peer reviewed.

‘We do not recommend people go out and take NAD precursors as they have not yet formally tested for safety,” he said.

The new technique that the research team found out involves the molecule
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), which plays a role in generating energy in the human body.

The chemical NAD is in use at present as a supplement for treating Parkinson’s disease and fighting jet lag.

Professor Sinclair, who claims to have tried it out using his own molecule, and
found that his biological age has dropped by 24 years after taking the

He said his father, 79, has been white water rafting and backpacking after starting using the molecule a year-and-a-half ago.

The professor also said his sister-in-law was now fertile again after
taking the treatment, despite having started to transition into
menopause in her 40s.

Very old age: Dustin Hoffman plays 121-year-old Jack Crabb in Little Big 👨

All Awakened Aboriginal Societies thunder:




Not going against the message of national integration,unwarranted interference by government bodies that are, strictly speaking, not meant to be dealing with education policy or implementation, in matters of syllabus creation, textbook content and socio-political “messaging” that targets young students,to use.

Dr. Ambedkar announced his decision to return back to his own home Buddhism, took a formal diksha from Buddhist monks and, in turn, led the back to own homes 🏠 🏡 of millions of people on October 14, 1956, in Nagpur.

In the last year of his life, he wrote a massive work titled The Buddha and His Dhamma, to make the teachings of the Buddha accessible to modern readers. As part of the public ceremony of returning back to own home religion, followers collectively took 22 vows, written by Babasaheb himself, millions of people, adopted and continuing to adopt this faith.

The purpose of Ambedkarite Buddhism is to liberate all aboriginal societies from untouchability and other forms of social exclusion and humiliation, all of which flow from the low status assigned to them in the orthodox hindutva varna caste system.
Believing and following

Chitpavan brahmins as 1st🥇 Kshatriyas, vysias, Shudras as 2nd🥈3rd 4th rate athmas/souls and the aboriginal societies SC/STs as having no souls at all so that all sorts of atrocities are committed on them. But the Buddha 👎 never believed in any soul. He said all are equal. So we are Buddhists.

Dr. Ambedkar’s vows are meant to both induct them into a genuinely egalitarian society and enable them to leave behind modes of living, thinking and believing that were hierarchical, violent and humiliating.

It is clear that the vows serve the dual purpose of discarding the old and adopting the new. They help Neo-Buddhists reject the Hindu way of life that had oppressed them for centuries, and, at the same time, assert their adherence to an emancipatory creed.

Dr. Ambedkar’s Buddhism was as much an indictment of Hindu varna dharma as it was a modern statement of equality, intended to deepen the vision of the Constitution while also recalling the original critique of the Buddha against Vedic orthodoxy. When the laws and promises contained in the liberal statute books proved inadequate, he tried to place vulnerable communities on an equal footing by endowing them with a positive identity and a separate programme of action.

Left to himself, Dr. Ambedkar might have preferred a “civic religion”. For him, Buddhism supplemented the new republic’s guarantees of equal citizenship, universal adult franchise, fundamental rights, reservations, freedom of religion and a secular state that he had struggled to establish. But the main difficulties of aboriginal SC/STs stemmed from the very structure of hindutva society, which did not change much despite Independence and the Constitution. As he said in a speech to the Constituent Assembly, the political revolution was not accompanied by a social revolution. He also recognised that ordinary people in India, across castes and communities, drew strength from traditional religious faiths of various kinds. Babasaheb hoped that the Navayana would have the two-pronged effect of addressing both the problem of inequality and the desire for a religion — one that generated self-respect and a distinct identity — among his followers.

Distinct purpose

In arranging the vows in a particular order, Dr. Ambedkar seems to have wanted to first clear the ground, ensuring that ample distance is created between the Hindu faith (and along with it, the outcaste status) that the seeker was born into and the new Dhamma that is going to be embraced. The condemnation of Hinduism is unequivocal, and takes precedence over the utterance of Buddhist vows.

The break amounts to a “rebirth”, as is stated in no uncertain terms in the penultimate vow (Vow 21: “I believe that I am having a re-birth”). The Gujarat government official’s words call this “going against the message of national integration”, but obviously, it’s the rather more forceful refusal of the Ambedkarite Buddhist to remain integrated within the Hindu fold that has caused the discomfort and led to a withdrawal of the textbook in question.

The government in Gujarat and the Centre want to appropriate the legacies of modern historical figures like Dr. Ambedkar even though this makes little ideological sense, given the values these stalwarts espoused and their lack of congruence with hindutva politics. The BJP also has cynical designs on Dr. Ambedkar with the aim of capturing a share of aboriginal Sc/ST votes. The government-sponsored celebration of his 125th anniversary — but the inability to actually stomach his critical views on the caste system or on Hindu deities, rituals and beliefs — is an excellent illustration of the hollowness of the Hindu Right’s claims to speak in favour of aboriginal Sc/ST rights, national integration or the public interest.

Mr. Parmar, the book’s author, went on to tell journalists that he would rather that the textbook have a few blank pages or contain more photographs of Dr. Ambedkar, than that the publisher, one Dharmesh Kothari, include the vows of his own accord, without consulting with him. Withdrawing the book seems like a defensive ploy on the part of an implicitly hindutva— and hindutva majoritarian — government to shield what is called “the impressionable mind” of the student reader just as it is about to encounter the radical force and fiercely anti-assimilationist tendency of the New doctrine.

This is unacceptable. Students in Gujarat and elsewhere must be allowed to learn how Babasaheb sought to make a better, more equitable Prabuddha Bharat. If to achieve this goal, he had to attack the worst aspects of society, religion and politics, whether “hindutva ” or anything , so be it. Our young, the future citizens of this country, have to be made aware of the courage it took Dr. Ambedkar to seek to annihilate caste.

Buddha passed peacefully into Paranibbana with no fear.

Aniccanibbānasappāya Sutta
— The [perception] of impermanence suitable for Nibbāna —…
Discovery of Awakened One with Awareness Universe (DAOAU)
DO GOOD PURIFY MIND said Buddha with chant, music and songs
Aniccanibbānasappāya Sutta
— The [perception] of impermanence suitable for Nibbāna —
I will show you, bhikkhus, the method which is suitable for Nibbāna. Listen to that and pay close attention, I will speak. And what, bhikkhus, is that method which is suitable for Nibbāna?
Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu understands: ‘the eye is impermanent’, he understands: ‘(visible) forms are impermanent’, he understands: ‘eye-consciousness is impermanent’, he understands: ‘eye-contact is
impermanent’,{1} he understands: ‘whatever arises on account ofeye-contact, whether it is felt as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, that also is impermanent’.
He understands: ‘the ear is impermanent’, he understands: ’sounds are impermanent’, he understands: ‘ear-consciousness is impermanent’, he understands: ‘ear-contact is impermanent’, he understands: ‘whatever arises on account of ear-contact, whether it is felt as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, that also is impermanent’.
He understands: ‘the nose is impermanent’, he understands: ’smells are impermanent’, he understands: ‘nose-consciousness is impermanent’, he understands: ‘nose-contact is impermanent’, he understands: ‘whatever arises on account of nose-contact, whether it is felt as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, that also is impermanent’.
He understands: ‘the tongue is impermanent’, he understands: ‘tastes are impermanent’, he understands: ‘tongue-consciousness is impermanent’, he understands: ‘tongue-contact is impermanent’, he understands: ‘whatever arises on account of tongue-contact, whether it is felt as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, that also is impermanent’.
He understands: ‘the body is impermanent’, he understands: ‘bodily phenomena are impermanent’, he understands: ‘body-consciousness is impermanent’, he understands: ‘body-contact is impermanent’, he
understands: ‘whatever arises on account of body-contact, whether it is felt as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, that also is impermanent’.
He understands: ‘the mind is impermanent’, he understands: ‘mental phenomena are impermanent’, he understands: ‘mind-consciousness is impermanent’, he understands: ‘mind-contact is impermanent’, he
understands: ‘whatever arises on account of mind-contact, whether it is felt as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, that also is impermanent’.
This, bhikkhus, is that method which is suitable for Nibbāna.
The Whole Secret of Existence is to Have No Fear - Buddha

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A sumptuous Buddha Raw Vegan 🌱 bowl 🍲 full of nourishing goodness

A sumptuous Buddha Raw Vegan 🌱 bowl 🍲 full of nourishing goodness

A sumptuous Buddha Raw Vegan 🌱 bowl 🍲 full of nourishing goodness

Grow vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 and fruit 🍌 🍎 🍉 plants 🌱 in pots 🪴to overcome hunger the worst kind of illness as said by the Awakened One ☝️. That will be people’s successful movement.let’s contact all online and offline movie makers to spend their TIME and TAlENT for this NOBLE CAUSE!

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