Gautama Buddha quotes
(showing 321)
Buddha’s first words after Awakenment
Published on Sep 7, 2017
Buddha’s first words after enlightenment in Pali ( English Translation)
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[Wisdom Teachings of the Buddha] The Dhammapada, Audiobook
Free Audio Books for Intellectual Exercise
Published on Feb 24, 2015
This is a collection of the teachings of the Buddha that are more short and poetic than his other teachings.
[Wisdom Teachings of the Buddha] The Dhammapada, Audiobook
Gautama Buddha quotes
(showing 1-30 of 321)
[Kalama Sutta, AN 3.65]”
Gautama Buddha
[Sutra of 42 Sections]”
Gautama Buddha
[Verse 223]”
Gautama Buddha,
The Dhammapada
Long life is welcome, agreeable, pleasant, & hard to obtain in the world.
Beauty is welcome, agreeable, pleasant, & hard to obtain in the world.
Happiness is welcome, agreeable, pleasant, & hard to obtain in the world.
Status is welcome, agreeable, pleasant, & hard to obtain in the world.
I tell you, these… things are not to be obtained by reason of prayers
or wishes. If they were to be obtained by reason of prayers or wishes,
who here would lack them? It’s not fitting for the disciple of the noble
ones who desires long life to pray for it or to delight in doing so.
Instead, the disciple of the noble ones who desires long life should
follow the path of practice leading to long life. In so doing, he will
attain long life…
[Ittha Sutta, AN 5.43]”
Gautama Buddha
98) Two
mice, one white and one black, little by little started to gnaw away the
vine. The man saw a luscious strawberry near him. Grasping the vine
with one hand, he plucked the strawberry with the other. How sweet it
tasted! ”
Gautama Buddha,
The Dhammapada: Verses on the Way
For the good of the many, for the happiness of the many, out of compassion for the world.”
Gautama Buddha
He watches.
He is clear.
How happy he is!
For he sees that wakefulness is life.
How happy he is,
Following the path of the awakened.
With Great perseverance
He meditates, seeking
Freedom and happiness. ”
Gautama Buddha
You shall not build a house again for me.
All your beams are broken,
the ridgepole is shattered.
The mind has become freed from conditioning:
the end of craving has been reached.”
Gautama Buddha
not overlook negative actions merely because they are small; however
small a spark may be, it can burn down a haystack as big as a mountain.”
Gautama Buddha
Thus shall you think of all this fleeting world:
A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream;
A flash of lightening in a summer cloud,
A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream.
Buddha finished this Discourse the venerable Subhuti, together with the
bhikshus, bhikshunis, lay-brothers and sisters, and the whole realms of
Gods, Men and Titans, were filled with joy by His teaching, and, taking
it sincerely to heart they went their ways.”
Gautama Buddha,
Diamond Sutra
Live in joy, in health,
even among the afflicted.
Live in joy, in peace,
even among the troubled.
Look within, be still.
Free from fear and attachment,
know the sweet joy of the way.”
Gautama Buddha
I. Suffering does exist.
II. Suffering arises from “attachment” to desires.
III. Suffering ceases when “attachment” to desire ceases.
IV. Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the eightfold path:
1. Right understanding (view).
2. Right intention (thought).
3. Right speach.
4. Right action.
5. Right livelihood.
6. Right effort.
7. Right mindfulness.
8. Rght meditation (concentration).
Buddha’s fourfold consolation:
a mind free from greed and unfriendliness, incorruptible, and purified,
the noble disciple is already during this lifetime assure of a fourfold
“If there is another world (heaven), and a cause
and effect (Karma) of good and bad actions, then it may be that, at the
dissolution of the body, after death, I shall be reborn in a happy
realm, a heavenly world.” Of this first consolation (s)he is assured.
if there is no other world, no reward and no punishment of good and bad
actions, then I live at least here, in this world, an untroubled and
happy life, free from hate and unfriendliness.” Of this second
consolation (s)he is assured.
“And if bad things happen to bad
people, but I do not do anything bad (or have unfriendliness against
anyone), how can I, who am doing no bad things, meet with bad things?”
Of this third consolation (s)he is assured.
“And if no bad things happen to bad people, then I know myself in both ways pure.” Of this fourth consolation (s)he is assured.”
Gautama Buddha
You are the lamp
To lighten the way.
Then hurry, hurry.
When your light shines
Without impurity or desire
You will come into the boundless country.
Your life is falling away.
Death is at hand.
Where will you rest on the way?
What have you taken with you?
You are the lamp
To lighten the way.
Then hurry, hurry.
When your light shines purely
You will not be born
And you will not die.”
Gautama Buddha,
The Dhammapada
eye is burning, visible forms are burning, eye-consciousness is
burning, eye-contact is burning; also whatever is felt as pleasant or
painful or neither-painful-nor-pleasant that arises with eye-contact as
its condition, that too is burning. Burning with what? Burning with the
fire of greed, with the fire of hate, with the fire of delusion, with
birth, ageing and death, with sorrow, with lamentation, with pain, grief
and despair it is burning.”
Gautama Buddha
Like a tiny drop of dew, or a bubble floating in a stream;
Like a flash of lightning in a summer cloud,
Or a flickering lamp, an illusion, a phantom, or a dream.
So is all conditioned existence to be seen.”
Gautama Buddha
Painful is birth again & again.
House-builder, you’re seen!
You will not build a house again.
All your rafters broken,
the ridge pole destroyed,
gone to the Unformed,
the mind has come to the end of craving.”
Gautama Buddha,
The Dhammapada
Uraim, a Magasztosnak hirdetnie kell a Tant! A Megvilágosultnak
hirdetnie kell a Tant! Vannak lények, akiknek lelki szemeit alig fedi
por, de ha nem hallják a Tant, akkor nem érik el a megváltást. Ezek meg
fogják érteni a Tant.
Így beszélt Brahmá, a Teremtő, majd így folytatta:
Magadha földjén ezelőtt a tiszta Tant
gyarló személyek tanították tévesen.
Halhatatlanság kapuját te tárd ki most!
Hallják világosan a tiszta, szent igét!
Ki hegytetőre, fel a sziklabércre jut,
fentről körülnéz az alanti tájakon.
Te mindent-látó, te is így tekints alá
az igazság várfokáról a szenvedő,
szakadatlanul születő-kiszenvedő
lényekre, mert te legyőzted a szenvedést.
Kelj fel, te nagy csata vitézi győztese!
Járd a világot, seregek vezére!
Tanítsd a Tant, magasztos Szent!
Lesznek, akik megértenek.”
Gautama Buddha,
Sayings Of Buddha
Melyek azok a fölösleges tanok,
szerzetesek, amelyekkel foglalkoznak? Ha egy tannal való foglalkozás
következtében feltámad a még fel nem támadt örömvágy indulata, a már
feltámadt örömvágy indulata pedig erősödik, feltámad a még fel nem
támadt létezni vágyás indulata, a már feltámadt létezni vágyás indulata
pedig erősödik, feltámad a még fel nem támadt balgaság indulata, a már
feltámadt balgaság indulata pedig erősödik, az ilyen tan fölösleges, és
ők ezzel foglalkoznak.”
Gautama Buddha,
Sayings Of Buddha
See yourself in others.
Then whom can you hurt?
What harm can you do?”
Gautama Buddha,
The Dhammapada
“And you also are new. I can see you
are not the same man who came yesterday because that man was angry and
he spit, whereas you are bowing at my feet, touching my feet. How can
you be the same man? You are not the same man, so let us forget about
it. Those two people, the man who spit and the man on whom he spit, both
are no more. Come closer. Let us talk of something else.”
Gautama Buddha
For behold your body—
A painted puppet, a toy,
Jointed and sick and full of false
A shadow that shifts and fades.
How frail it is!
Frail and pestilent,
It sickens, festers and dies.
Like every living thing
In the end it sickens and dies.
Behold these whitened bones,
The hollow shells and husks of a dying
And are you laughing?”
Gautama Buddha,
The Dhammapada
The wise person should go beyond the evil of greed and miserliness.
To have your mind set on calmness, you must take power over sleepiness, drowsiness and lethargy.
There is no place for laziness and no recourse to pride.
Do not be led into lying, do not be attached to forms.
You must see through all pride and fare along without violence.
Do not get excited by what is old, do not be contented with what is new.
Do not grieve for what is lost or be controlled by desire.”
Gautama Buddha
Gautama Buddha
(LS 16: 3.23)
Lotus Sutra, Chapter 16, Section 3, Paragraph 23”
Gautama Buddha
(LS 23:2.16)
Lotus Sutra, Chapter 23, Section 2, Paragraph 16”
Gautama Buddha
(LS 11: 3.35)
Lotus Sutra, Chapter 11, Section 3, Paragraph 35”
Gautama Buddha
Như vầy tôi nghe
Một thời Thế Tôn
Ngự tại Kỳ Viên tịnh xá
Của trưởng giả Cấp Cô Ðộc
Gần thành Xá Vệ
Khi đêm gần mãn
Có một vị trời
Dung sắc thù thắng
Hào quang chiếu diệu
Sáng tỏa Kỳ Viên
Ðến nơi Phật ngự
Ðảnh lễ Thế Tôn
Rồi đứng một bên
Cung kính bạch Phật
Bằng lời kệ rằng:
Chư thiên và nhân loại
Suy nghĩ điều hạnh phúc
Hằng tầm cầu mong đợi
Một đời sống an lành
Xin ngài vì bi mẫn
Hoan hỷ dạy chúng con
Về phúc lành cao thượng
Thế Tôn tùy lời hỏi
Rồi giảng giải như vầy:
Không gần gũi kẻ ác
Thân cận bậc trí hiền
Cúng dường bậc tôn đức
Là phúc lành cao thượng
Ở trú xứ thích hợp
Công đức trước đã làm
Chân chánh hướng tự tâm
Là phúc lành cao thượng
Ða văn nghề nghiệp giỏi
Khéo huấn luyện học tập
Nói những lời chơn chất
Là phúc lành cao thượng
Hiếu thuận bậc sanh thành
Chăm sóc vợ và con
Sống bằng nghề lương thiện
Là phúc lành cao thượng
Bố thí hành đúng Pháp
Giúp ích hàng quyến thuộc
Hành vi không lỗi lầm
Là phúc lành cao thượng
Xả ly tâm niệm ác
Tự chế không say sưa
Tinh cần trong thiện pháp
Là phúc lành cao thượng
Biết cung kính khiêm nhường
Tri túc và tri ân
Ðúng thời nghe chánh pháp
Là phúc lành cao thượng
Nhẫn nhục tánh thuần hoá
Thường yết kiến sa môn
Tùy thời đàm luận pháp
Là phúc lành cao thượng
Thiền định sống phạm hạnh
Thấy được lý thánh đế
Chứng ngộ quả niết bàn
Là phúc lành cao thượng
Khi xúc chạm việc đời
Tâm không động không sầu
Tự tại và vô nhiễm
Là phúc lành cao thượng
Những sở hành như vậy
Không chỗ nào thối thất
Khắp nơi được an toàn
Là phúc lành cao thượng .”
Gautama Buddha
Hiền nhân cầu an lạc
Nên huân tu pháp lành
Có nghị lực chơn chất
Ngay thẳng và nhu thuận
Hiền hoà không kiêu mạn
Sống dễ dàng tri túc
Thanh đạm không rộn ràng
Lục căn luôn trong sáng
Trí tuệ càng hiển minh
Tự trọng không quyến niệm
Không làm việc ác nhỏ
Mà bậc trí hiền chê
Nguyện thái bình an lạc
Nguyện tất cả sanh linh
Tràn đầy muôn hạnh phúc
Với muôn loài chúng sanh
Không phân phàm hay thánh
Lớn nhỏ hoặc trung bình
Thấp cao hay dài ngắn
Tế thô không đồng đẳng
Hữu hình hoặc vô hình
Ðã sanh hoặc chưa sanh
Gần xa không kể xiết
Nguyện tất cả sanh linh
Tràn đầy muôn hạnh phúc
Ðừng làm hại lẫn nhau
Chớ khinh rẻ người nào
Ở bất cứ nơi đâu
Ðừng vì niệm sân si
Hoặc hiềm hận trong lòng
Mà mong người đau khổ
Hãy mở rộng tình thương
Hy sinh như từ mẫu
Suốt đời lo che chở
Ðứa con một của mình
Hãy phát tâm vô lượng
Ðến tất cả sanh linh
Từ bi gieo cùng khắp
Cả thế gian khổ hải
Trên dưới và quanh mình
Không hẹp hòi oan trái
Không hờn giận căm thù
Khi đi đứng ngồi nằm
Bao giờ còn tỉnh thức
An trú chánh niệm nầy
Phạm hạnh chính là đây
Ai từ bỏ kiến chấp
Khéo nghiêm trì giới hạnh
Thành tựu được chánh trí
Không ái nhiễm dục trần
Không còn thai sanh nữa.”
Gautama Buddha
[Verse 221]
TR- Friedrich Max Müller”
Gautama Buddha,
The Dhammapada
a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man
speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow
that never leaves him.”
Gautama Buddha
Ez a tan mély, nehezen felfogható, nehezen érthető, nyugalmat adó,
magasrendű, ésszel fel nem érhető, titkos, csak bölcseknek szóló.
Számomra világos lett. Ám az emberek vágyaik rabjai, vágyaikon
csüggenek, vágyaikat élvezik. Ezért az emberek, akik vágyaik rabjai,
vágyaikon csüggenek, vágyaikat élvezik, nem fogják megérteni az okok és
okozatok láncolatának összefüggését, nem fogják megérteni a létcsírák
kioltását, az érzelmek elvetését, a létszomj elfojtását, a szenvedély
eltávoztatását, a nyugalmat, a nirvánát. Ha tehát hirdetni fogom a tant,
és a többi ember nem érti meg tanításomat, csak baj háramlik belőle
rám, fölösleges fáradság háramlik belőle rám.
És ekkor ez az addig nem hallott vers ötlött fel a Magasztos előtt:
Nehezen jöttem én is rá, másnak hiába mondanám.
A gonoszság, a gyűlölség elzárja más elől a Tant.
Ár ellen úszó, mély, titkos, alig látszó szikrányi fény;
a gonoszság sötétsége nem hagyja megpillantani.
Mikor a Magasztos mindezt végiggondolta, úgy döntött, hogy megmarad magányában, és nem fogja hirdetni a Tant.”
Gautama Buddha
A person of wisdom should be truthful, without arrogance, without deceit, not slanderous and
not hateful. The wise person should go beyond the evil of greed and miserliness.
To have your mind set on calmness, you must take power over sleepiness, drowsiness and
lethargy. There is no place for laziness and no recourse to pride.
Do not be led into lying, do not be attached to forms. You must see through all pride and fare
along without violence.
Do not get excited by what is old, do not be contented with what is new. Do not grieve for
what is lost or be controlled by desire.”
Gautama Buddha
[Wisdom Teachings of the Buddha] The Dhammapada, Audiobook
Free Audio Books for Intellectual Exercise
Published on Feb 24, 2015
This is a collection of the teachings of the Buddha that are more short and poetic than his other teachings.
[Wisdom Teachings of the Buddha] The Dhammapada, Audiobook
The Art Of Living Meditation
Published on Jul 30, 2014
Buddha quotes | The Fourteen Teachings Of The Buddha
Listen to buddhist meditation music for relaxing and read the fourteen buddha teachings - buddha quotes.
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