Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓 🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 along with Meditative Mindful Swimming 🏊‍♂️ to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

September 2022
« Aug   Oct »
LESSON 4568 Tue 27 Sep 2022 To All Religious Teachers of the world 🌎 Do what is good; purify the mind—this is the teaching of the Benevolently Awakened Ones of All Religions Free Online Organizer Daily (FOOD) For Benevolently Awakened United Universe (BAUU) which is turning to be VEGAN Grow your own food 🍲 🍱 🥘 like 👍 vegan 🌱 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 & fruits 🍌🍎🍏🍊🍋🍒🍇🍉🍓🍑🍈🍐 in pots to live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 for Welfare,Happiness, Peace,Liberty,Freedom,Equality of All Sentient and Non Sentient Beings. Benevolently Awakened One Buddha Universe Birthday Celebration of Benevolently Awakened Venerable Ananda Bhanteji 🙏🙏🙏 Dearest Guruji Benevolently Awakened Ananda bhanteji Wish you a very happiest 56th birthday
Filed under: General, Theravada Tipitaka , Plant raw Vegan Broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Posted by: site admin @ 6:38 am

LESSON 4568 Tue 27 Sep 2022
All Religious Teachers of the world 🌎
Do what is good; purify the mind—this is the teaching of the Benevolently Awakened Ones of All Religions
Free Online Organizer Daily (FOOD)
Benevolently Awakened United Universe (BAUU) which is turning to be VEGAN
Grow your own food 🍲 🍱 🥘 like 👍 vegan 🌱 vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 & fruits
in pots to live like free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 for Welfare,Happiness, Peace,Liberty,Freedom,Equality of All Sentient and Non Sentient Beings.
Benevolently Awakened One Buddha Universe

Birthday Celebration of Benevolently Awakened Venerable Ananda Bhanteji 🙏🙏🙏

Dearest Guruji Benevolently Awakened Ananda bhanteji

Wish you a very happiest 56th birthday

Awakened Venerable Ananda Bhante of the Maha Bodhi Society, with guided
meditation in Benevolent Awakened One’s Own Words from Theravada
Tipitaka where websites and blogs are created like
With his blessings
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda
White Home
Benevolent Mindful Meditative Lab
668, 5A main road,
HAL III Stage,
Punya Bhumi Bengaluru
Magadhi Karnataka
was inaugurated by Monks from Maha Bodhi Society
WhatsApp  9449260443

Subject for Consideration

Do what is good; purify the mind—this is the teaching of the Benevolently Awakened One ☝️

Hunger is the worst kind of illness said by Him

live like free Birds 🦅 🦅 🦅Grow vegetables 🥗 fruits 🍎 plants 🌱 in
pots 🪴along with Patanjali Yogic Mindful Meditative Swimming 🏊‍♂️.
May all religious institutions be requested to propagate this.

We learnt from him


All 84,000
Khandas As Found in the Pali Suttas

there are 84,000 Dhamma Doors - 84,000 ways to get Awakened. May be so;
certainly the Buddha taught a large number of practices that lead to get
Awakened. This web page attempts to catalogue those found in the Pali Suttas
(DN, MN, SN, AN, Ud & Sn
 1). There are 3 sections:

The discourses of Buddha are divided into 84,000, as to separate
addresses. The division includes all that was spoken by Buddha.”I received from
Buddha,” said Ananda, “82,000 Khandas, and
from the priests 2000; these are 84,000 Khandas maintained by me.” They
are divided into 275,250, as to the stanzas of the original text, and into
361,550, as to the stanzas of the commentary. All the discourses including both
those of Buddha and those of the commentator, are divided  into 2,547 banawanas, containing 737,000
stanzas, and 29,368,000 separate letters.




One Shows the Path to Attain Ultimate Bliss


Using such an instrument

The Free ONLINE e-Nālandā Research and
Practice University has been re-organized to function through the following
Schools of Learning :


Buddha’s Sangha Practiced His Dhamma Free of cost, hence the
Free- e-Nālandā Research and Practice University follows suit


As the Original Nālandā University did not offer any Degree, so
also the Free  e-Nālandā Research and Practice University.


The teachings of Buddha are
eternal, but even then Buddha did not proclaim them to be infallible. The
religion of Buddha has the capacity to change according to times, a quality
which no other religion can claim to have…Now what is the basis of Buddhism? If
you study carefully, you will see that Buddhism is based on reason. There is an
element of flexibility inherent in it, which is not found in any other

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar , Indian scholar,
philosopher and architect of Constitution of India, in his writing and speeches

7,117 languages are spoken today.

That number is constantly in flux, because we’re learning more about theworld’s languages every day. And beyond that, the languages themselves
are in flux.
They’re living and dynamic, spoken by communities whose lives are shaped by our rapidly changing world. This is a fragile time: Roughly 0% of languages are now endangered, often with less than 1,000 speakers remaining. Meanwhile, just 23 languages account for more than half the world’s population.according to…/census-more-than-19500-languages…When a just born baby is kept isolated without anyone communicating with the baby, after a few days it will speak and human natural (Prakrit) language known as Classical Magahi Magadhi/Classical Chandaso language/Magadhi Prakrit,Classical Hela Basa (Hela Language),Classical Pāḷi which are the same. Buddha spoke in Magadhi. All the 7,139 languages and dialects are off shoot of Classical Magahi Magadhi. Hence all of them are Classical in nature (Prakrit) of HumanBeings, just like all other living speices have their own natural
languages for communication. 142 languages are translated by
Peace India GIFbuddhist GIFmeditation equilibrium GIFPeace Follow GIFmeditation GIFmeditation GIF
Birthday Celebration of Benevolently Awakened Venerable Ananda Bhanteji 🙏🙏🙏

Dearest Guruji Benevolently Awakened Ananda bhanteji

Wish you a very happiest 56th birthday

the monks and staff of the Mahabodhi are genuinely so glad and
overwhelmed having you by our side as a Guruji leading us towards the
greatest possible achievement that a humankind can dream for which is,

prayers and wishes go out for your happy and prosperous life as well as
spreading the joy of Buddha’s teaching everywhere around the world.
Maha Bodhi Society Bengaluru

5.68K subscribers
Namo Buddhaya.
At Maha Bodhi Society, Bengaluru we conduct every Sunday morning Puja, Meditation, and Dhamma Discourses.
We are on social media to get the latest update on Maha Bodhi Society please do connect with us on social media platforms.
May all beings be happy and have peace of mind.

Sadhu sadhu sadhu

Benevolent Awakened One Buddha Quotes

“Control your mind or it will control you.”

“Never in the world does hate stop with hate. Hate ends with love.”

“The way is not in heaven. The path lies in the heart.”

“Take time each day to sit still and listen to things. Pay attention to the melody of life that vibrates within you.”

“Blessed is the man who lives at peace with himself. There is no greater happiness on earth.”

“You are what you think. You radiate what you are. What you radiate, you attract.”

“No fire is so fierce as passion, no chain so tense as hate, no net
can be compared to folly, and no tide so raging as desire.”

“There is no way to luckyness. Happiness is the way.”

“Every life has a level of suffering. Sometimes this is what causes our awakening.”

“Don’t dwell on the past, don’t dream of the future, keep your mind on the present moment.”

“Cease from doing evil, cultivate goodness, purify the heart: this is the teaching of the Buddhas.”

“Speak or act with a pure mind, and happiness will follow you, like your shadow, unshakable.”

“Everything we are now is the result of our thoughts.”

“The problem is, you think you have time.”

“If you want to know who you were, look who you are. If you want to know who you’re going to be, look what you’re doing.”

“Everything created is impermanent. Keep striving, strive to be constantly mindful.”

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to the family, to
bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s mind.”

“One should not seek peace outside, only within oneself. Those who
have found inner stillness do not grasp at anything, nor do they reject

“It’s no use being a good person if you don’t do anything.”

“Keeping the body in good health is a duty…otherwise we cannot keep our minds strong and clear.”

“The whole secret of existence is not to be afraid.”

“Carrying around grudges is like grabbing a hot ember with the
intention of throwing it at someone. You only burn yourself doing it.”

“It is better to travel well than to arrive.”

“The spirit is everything. What you think you will become.”

“Man suffers because he desires to possess and to keep things which by their nature are impermanent.”

“Yourself, like everyone else in the universe, deserves your love and affection.”

“A man is not called wise because he talks and talks again; but if
he is peaceful, loving, and fearless, then he is truly called wise.”

“Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own uncontrolled thoughts.”

“We are what we think. Everything we are arises from our thoughts. We form the world with our thoughts.”

“Anyone who wants to increase their prosperity should follow the
example of the bees. They collect the honey without destroying the
flowers. They are even useful for the flowers. Gather your wealth
without destroying its sources, then it will keep increasing.”

“Don’t believe the scriptures, don’t believe the teachers, don’t
believe me either. Believe only what you yourself have carefully
examined and acknowledged as serving you and for your good.”

“Thousands of candles can be lit from the light of one candle and
its light will not dim. Joy does not diminish when shared.”

“No one saves us but ourselves. We must walk the path ourselves.”

“The best prayer is patience.”

“A man who learns little trudges through life like an ox; he grows in flesh, but not in spirit.”

“One is not called noble who harms living beings. By not harming living beings, one is called noble.”

“Radiate boundless love to the whole world.”

“The carpenter works the wood. The archer bends the bow. The sage forms himself.”

“It is better to defeat yourself than to win a thousand battles.”

“The only real failure in life is not being true to yourself.”

Are you looking for problems in the world that you can solve? Then take
a look at the biggest environmental problems of our time.

“Learn this from the water: the brook murmurs loudly, but the depths
of the ocean are calm. What is not full makes noise. What is full is

“How can I smile when I’m filled with so much sorrow? It is natural –
you must smile to your sorrow, for you are more than your sorrow.”

“You will be tomorrow what you think today.”

“The mind, through its activity, is the chief architect of one’s happiness and suffering.”

“Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance.”

“If something is worth doing, do it with all your heart.”

“A moment can change a day, a day can change a life, and a life can change the world.”

“Every morning we are born again. What we do today counts the most.”

“A disciplined mind brings happiness.”

“If you have a problem, try to solve it. If you can’t solve it, don’t make a problem out of it.”

Harvard Health Publishing Logo

Exercise & Fitness

Backyard gardening: grow your own food, improve your health


June 29, 2012

Growing your own food has many health benefits:

  • It helps you eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • You decide what kinds of fertilizers and pesticides come in contact with your food.
  • It lets you control when to harvest your food. Vegetables that ripen
    in the garden have more nutrients than some store-bought vegetables
    that must be picked early.

Growing your own food isn’t rocket science. “Growing food is very
simple,” says Kathleen Frith, managing director of the Center for Health
and the Global Environment (CHGE) at Harvard Medical School. “It takes a
little time, but things like tomatoes, lettuce, peppers — basic kitchen
crops — are very forgiving. Really, anyone can learn to grow food
pretty easily.”

Frith proved that when she spearheaded the Harvard Community Garden,
a large collaborative project in Harvard Square. Students tend the
garden and grow a variety of fruits and vegetables. The garden’s bounty
is donated to food shelters or featured on the menu at the Harvard
Faculty Club. You can see photos of the garden here.

If you’re interested in growing food in your backyard, Frith offers these tips:

  • Start small and plant things you’d really like to eat.
  • Pick a spot with at least 6 hours of good daytime light and access to water.
  • Use contaminant-free soil.
  • Consider using a raised garden bed, which allows you to control the soil and nutrient blend.
  • Talk to farmers or other backyard gardeners in your area to get a sense of what grows well in your region and when.

If you don’t have space for a garden at home, a community garden is
another option. You can find one in your community through the American Community Gardening Association.

About the Author

photo of Heidi Godman

Heidi Godman,
Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter

Heidi Godman is the executive editor of the
Harvard Health Letter. Before coming to the Health Letter, she was an
award-winning television news anchor and medical reporter for 25 years.
Heidi was named a journalism fellow …
See Full Bio

View all posts by Heidi Godman

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As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides
access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of last
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No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used
as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other
qualified clinician.


August 24, 2012

Growing your own food isn’t rocket science. “Growing
food is very simple,” says Kathleen Frith, managing director of the
Center for Health and the Global Environment (CHGE) at Harvard Medical
School. “It takes a little time, but things like tomatoes, lettuce,
peppers — basic kitchen crops — are very forgiving. Really, anyone can
learn to grow food pretty easily.” i agree with tihs.

August 22, 2012

backyard gardening is my hobby, it’s healthy activity and healthy food, good article.

August 21, 2012

I have a little garden at my home’s backyard and i
have grown so many veg. this is awesome when we pluck veg from our own
garden and cook them…

Bill Worley
August 19, 2012

Good post!! Thanks Heidi.
Gardening offers many opportunities to improve one’s life by providing
outdoor exercise, and excellent nutrition with home-grown fruits and
By the way, I am seeking monthly list of gardening tips and “to dos”
that are appropriate for that time of year including what to plan,
plant, prune, maintain, plus weed and pest control and fun projects. Any
help will be highly appreciated!
Bill Worley

Paul F Davis
August 13, 2012

Thank you for your commitment to improve public health and help us become more knowledgeable.

August 10, 2012

Polyunsaturated fats are the good guys; these fats
help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Yes, you will lose weight
after a while, but the body starts to slow down in order to conserve
calories. Start your lunch or dinner with a salad or vegetable soup and
then protein followed by carbohydrate. To prevent stress and what it can
do to your diet, try exercising every day. The question is not whether
it is realizable because I know it is quite achievable but, how safe and
healthy is the program? You can loose all that weight in a glance today
but the danger is that you can gain it back and even more weight later.

August 7, 2012

i have a raised bed garden and this year was the
first in many years now for an amazing tomato harvest. One thing to
consider if you have to use pots though….I tried for a couple of years
to grow the tomato’s in 15 gallon plastic containers that I’d saved from
some trees i purchased. No matter the soil or water provided the plants
always wound up very anemic. Turns out the black containers were
raising the temperature too much for the tomato’s sensitive root
system….so something to think about.
One more thing i find in growing my own is that I find the hand watering a very calming therapuetic time in my morning!

August 3, 2012

This is an important consideration for those of us who love to read about a variety of topics! Thank you for the information.
August 3, 2012

Growing your own vegetables at your backyard definitely is a practical thing to do but also healthy.

August 1, 2012

Kratom comes from the Kratom tree. It’s leaves have
been used by indigenous cultures around the world for thousands of
years. It has been used for medicinal, recreational, and spiritual
purposes. Kratom is found native to Southeast Asia in the floristic
regions of Indochina and Malaysia. Kratom, also known as Mitragyna
Speciosa, is a leaf harvested from the Rubiaceae tree family.

July 28, 2012

I always like the idea of backyard gardening:) Not
only you got a chance to grow your own foods, but also spending quality
time with your children right at the backard!

Dr Chloe Lenon

July 23, 2012

Grow your own food without adding chemical agents, is more healthy.Thanks for the information.

Nutrition Principles
July 20, 2012

We’ve been growing a garden for years, but recently
we haven’t had the space and we’ve seen a huge different in the taste of
our food. There’s nothing like home grown food from your own garden!

July 13, 2012

I love it, I also started mine in January 2012, it
was small but its growing Spinach, peppers, tomatooes,kale. I yet to try
pumpkin and potatoes

July 10, 2012

Growing your own vegetables at your backyard
definitely is a practical thing to do but also healthy. There have been a
lot of buzz going on about organic foods because it has no fertilizer
in it. This is the same way the First Lady is doing. I think everybody
should emulate her for doing this. 🙂


T. Renault
July 9, 2012

My father was always the gardener in my family.
Myself personally have always had a hard time getting things to grow .
With that said I, will consider some of the tips in this post and try

Thanks for the information.

July 7, 2012

This is an important consideration for those of us who love to read about a variety of topics! Thank you for the information.

July 6, 2012

its a grt infomration and vegetables which grown in
backyard are 100% orgain and no chemicals are use to grown and it very
heatly than other types of grown vegetable

Commenting has been closed for this post.

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan, [26.09.22 23:27]

› blog ›

gardening: grow your own food, improve your health

Growing your own food isn’t rocket science. “Growing food is very
simple,” says Kathleen Frith, managing director of the Center for Health
and the Global Environment (CHGE) at Harvard Medical School. “It takes a
little time, but things like tomatoes, lettuce, peppers — basic kitchen
crops — are very forgiving.
› 7137 › food ›

35 Easiest Container and Pot Friendly Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs …

Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and other cole crops will grow very
well in containers. These are actually among the easiest of all
vegetables to grow in post although you should try to avoid planting a
lot of different types in one container. Choose a container for each
cole crop so that they will thrive.
( ›

Grow My Own Vegetables At Home Using This Set-Up - The Spruce

18, 2022The pieces of the hydroponic garden slide easily together and
then all you need to do is plug it in and add some water to the basin.
Then you take your little pods and stick them into the containers. The
grow lights go on for about 16 hours a day (but don’t worry, they won’t
make your electric bill skyrocket—I’ve barely seen a change).

› growing-vegetables › how-to-grow-vegetables-at-home-beginners-guide

to grow vegetables at home: A beginner’s guide

said, there are a handful of vegetables that you can start in
containers and transplant if necessary. This list includes potatoes,
chard, lettuce, cherry and bush tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, summer
squash, Asian greens, pole beans, and herbs. 4-5″: chives, lettuce,
radishes, other salad greens, basil, coriander.
( › growing-your-own-food

Growing Your Own Food: Resources and Tools - FoodPrint (

Make a Map. Next you’ll need to map out your garden. Seed packets often
include spacing in terms of traditional, farm-based row cropping, so
using a plant spacing chart can help determine how much space you need
to leave between your seeds for ideal garden growing. Creating a
calendar and to-do list for your garden — with tasks such as …

› growing-great-food-in-your-own-backyard-4118358

to Grow Veggies, Fruits, and Herbs in Your Backyard - The Spruce
17, 2020Many fruits and vegetables can be frozen while some should be
canned. Pickling is another option, as is making your own jams and
jellies. Many herbs can be dried and stored in spice jars. Freezing is
another option and you might have better luck with that method.
( ›
plants › vegetable-crops-for-beginners

Easy-to-Grow Vegetables for Beginners - BBC Gardeners World Magazine

lettuce/winter purslane. Miners’ lettuce ( Claytonia perfoliata) is so
easy to grow it has naturalised in some areas of the UK. It provides a
steady salad crop from October until March, and tastes similar to
spinach. Find out how to grow winter salad. 8.

› environment › how-growing-your-own-food-can-benefit-the-planet


Growing Your Own Food Can Benefit the Planet and Why You Should …
growing your own food, even if you just start with a few crops, you are
contributing to a healthier you and a healthier planet. To learn about
10 vegetables that you can grow all year round …

› save-money › food-drink › grow-your-own-food.html

foods you can grow in your house or garden - Save the Student

7, 2022Gardening might sound like a hobby that comes with a whole host
of expensive kit, but you really don’t need much to start growing some
food. If you’re growing indoors, you’ll really just need some
appropriate pots, seeds and good quality soil, but that really is about
it. If you’re growing outside then you might want to invest in a
watering can …

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan, [26.09.22 23:27]
( ›

How To Start a Homestead: Step By Step Beginners Guide (

3: Decide Where You Want To Live. Your goals in Step 2 will help decide
what size of a property you’ll need. If you plan to have a full-time or
part-time job still and just do homesteading as a hobby, then you can
probably get by in an urban or semi-rural environment.

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan, [26.09.22 23:27]

› blog ›

gardening: grow your own food, improve your health

Growing your own food isn’t rocket science. “Growing food is very
simple,” says Kathleen Frith, managing director of the Center for Health
and the Global Environment (CHGE) at Harvard Medical School. “It takes a
little time, but things like tomatoes, lettuce, peppers — basic kitchen
crops — are very forgiving.
› 7137 › food ›

35 Easiest Container and Pot Friendly Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs …

Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and other cole crops will grow very
well in containers. These are actually among the easiest of all
vegetables to grow in post although you should try to avoid planting a
lot of different types in one container. Choose a container for each
cole crop so that they will thrive.
( ›

Grow My Own Vegetables At Home Using This Set-Up - The Spruce

18, 2022The pieces of the hydroponic garden slide easily together and
then all you need to do is plug it in and add some water to the basin.
Then you take your little pods and stick them into the containers. The
grow lights go on for about 16 hours a day (but don’t worry, they won’t
make your electric bill skyrocket—I’ve barely seen a change).

› growing-vegetables › how-to-grow-vegetables-at-home-beginners-guide

to grow vegetables at home: A beginner’s guide

said, there are a handful of vegetables that you can start in
containers and transplant if necessary. This list includes potatoes,
chard, lettuce, cherry and bush tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, summer
squash, Asian greens, pole beans, and herbs. 4-5″: chives, lettuce,
radishes, other salad greens, basil, coriander.
( › growing-your-own-food

Growing Your Own Food: Resources and Tools - FoodPrint (

Make a Map. Next you’ll need to map out your garden. Seed packets often
include spacing in terms of traditional, farm-based row cropping, so
using a plant spacing chart can help determine how much space you need
to leave between your seeds for ideal garden growing. Creating a
calendar and to-do list for your garden — with tasks such as …

› growing-great-food-in-your-own-backyard-4118358

to Grow Veggies, Fruits, and Herbs in Your Backyard - The Spruce

17, 2020Many fruits and vegetables can be frozen while some should be
canned. Pickling is another option, as is making your own jams and
jellies. Many herbs can be dried and stored in spice jars. Freezing is
another option and you might have better luck with that method.
( ›
plants › vegetable-crops-for-beginners

Easy-to-Grow Vegetables for Beginners - BBC Gardeners World Magazine

lettuce/winter purslane. Miners’ lettuce ( Claytonia perfoliata) is so
easy to grow it has naturalised in some areas of the UK. It provides a
steady salad crop from October until March, and tastes similar to
spinach. Find out how to grow winter salad. 8.

› environment › how-growing-your-own-food-can-benefit-the-planet

Growing Your Own Food Can Benefit the Planet and Why You Should …

growing your own food, even if you just start with a few crops, you are
contributing to a healthier you and a healthier planet. To learn about
10 vegetables that you can grow all year round …

› save-money › food-drink › grow-your-own-food.html

foods you can grow in your house or garden - Save the Student

7, 2022Gardening might sound like a hobby that comes with a whole host
of expensive kit, but you really don’t need much to start growing some
food. If you’re growing indoors, you’ll really just need some
appropriate pots, seeds and good quality soil, but that really is about
it. If you’re growing outside then you might want to invest in a
watering can …

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan, [26.09.22 23:43] (

( › …


to try the raw vegan diet? Here’s a simple raw vegan meal plan to help
you get started. Remember: A true raw diet involves no heating or
cooking your meals …
( › …
Online Benevloent Awakened One JC PURE …

be VEGAN Grow your own food 🍲 🍱 🥘 like 👍 vegan 🌱 vegetables 🥦 🥕
🥗 & fruits 🍌🍎🍏🍊🍋🍒🍇🍉🍓🍑🍈🍐 in pots to live like free birds
🐦 🦢 🦅 for …

results from





› articles

Diet Influence the Onset of Early Puberty? -


— Children with higher intakes of vegetable proteins start puberty 7
months later than average, and children eating more animal protein start

 ( (

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steamed carrot | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgir


Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #f: steamed carrot with no
restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumgir.

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan, [26.09.22 23:55]

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan, [26.09.22 23:27]

› blog ›

gardening: grow your own food, improve your health

Growing your own food isn’t rocket science. “Growing food is very
simple,” says Kathleen Frith, managing director of the Center for Health
and the Global Environment (CHGE) at Harvard Medical School. “It takes a
little time, but things like tomatoes, lettuce, peppers — basic kitchen
crops — are very forgiving.
› 7137 › food ›

35 Easiest Container and Pot Friendly Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs …

Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and other cole crops will grow very
well in containers. These are actually among the easiest of all
vegetables to grow in post although you should try to avoid planting a
lot of different types in one container. Choose a container for each
cole crop so that they will thrive.
( ›

Grow My Own Vegetables At Home Using This Set-Up - The Spruce

18, 2022The pieces of the hydroponic garden slide easily together and
then all you need to do is plug it in and add some water to the basin.
Then you take your little pods and stick them into the containers. The
grow lights go on for about 16 hours a day (but don’t worry, they won’t
make your electric bill skyrocket—I’ve barely seen a change).

› growing-vegetables › how-to-grow-vegetables-at-home-beginners-guide

to grow vegetables at home: A beginner’s guide

said, there are a handful of vegetables that you can start in
containers and transplant if necessary. This list includes potatoes,
chard, lettuce, cherry and bush tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, summer
squash, Asian greens, pole beans, and herbs. 4-5″: chives, lettuce,
radishes, other salad greens, basil, coriander.
( › growing-your-own-food

Growing Your Own Food: Resources and Tools - FoodPrint (

Make a Map. Next you’ll need to map out your garden. Seed packets often
include spacing in terms of traditional, farm-based row cropping, so
using a plant spacing chart can help determine how much space you need
to leave between your seeds for ideal garden growing. Creating a
calendar and to-do list for your garden — with tasks such as …

› growing-great-food-in-your-own-backyard-4118358

to Grow Veggies, Fruits, and Herbs in Your Backyard - The Spruce
17, 2020Many fruits and vegetables can be frozen while some should be
canned. Pickling is another option, as is making your own jams and
jellies. Many herbs can be dried and stored in spice jars. Freezing is
another option and you might have better luck with that method.
( ›
plants › vegetable-crops-for-beginners

Easy-to-Grow Vegetables for Beginners - BBC Gardeners World Magazine

lettuce/winter purslane. Miners’ lettuce ( Claytonia perfoliata) is so
easy to grow it has naturalised in some areas of the UK. It provides a
steady salad crop from October until March, and tastes similar to
spinach. Find out how to grow winter salad. 8.

› environment › how-growing-your-own-food-can-benefit-the-planet

Growing Your Own Food Can Benefit the Planet and Why You Should …

growing your own food, even if you just start with a few crops, you are
contributing to a healthier you and a healthier planet. To learn about
10 vegetables that you can grow all year round …

› save-money › food-drink › grow-your-own-food.html

foods you can grow in your house or garden - Save the Student

7, 2022Gardening might sound like a hobby that comes with a whole host
of expensive kit, but you really don’t need much to start growing some
food. If you’re growing indoors, you’ll really just need some
appropriate pots, seeds and good quality soil, but that really is about
it. If you’re growing outside then you might want to invest in a
watering can …

Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan, [26.09.22 23:43] (
( › …



to try the raw vegan diet? Here’s a simple raw vegan meal plan to help
you get started. Remember: A true raw diet involves no heating or
cooking your meals .
( › …

Online Benevloent Awakened One JC PURE …


be VEGAN Grow your own food 🍲 🍱 🥘 like 👍 vegan 🌱 vegetables 🥦 🥕
🥗 & fruits 🍌🍎🍏🍊🍋🍒🍇🍉🍓🍑🍈🍐 in pots to live like free birds
🐦 🦢 🦅 for …

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› articles

Diet Influence the Onset of Early Puberty? -


— Children with higher intakes of vegetable proteins start puberty 7
months later than average, and children eating more animal protein start

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Jagatheesan Chandrasekharan, [27.09.22 00:24]
Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD 😊 PURIFY MIND.To live like
free birds 🐦 🦢 🦅 grow fruits 🍍 🍊 🥑 🥭 🍇 🍌 🍎 🍉 🍒 🍑 🥝
vegetables 🥦 🥕 🥗 🥬 🥔 🍆 🥜 🎃 🫑 🍅🍜 🧅 🍄 🍝 🥗 🥒 🌽 🍏 🫑 🌳 🍓
🍊 🥥 🌵 🍈 🌰 🇧🇧 🫐 🍅 🍐 🫒Plants 🌱in pots 🪴 & Attain NIBBĀNA
the Eternal Bliss.

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