Free Online FOOD for MIND & HUNGER - DO GOOD šŸ˜Š PURIFY MIND.To live like free birds šŸ¦ šŸ¦¢ šŸ¦… grow fruits šŸ šŸŠ šŸ„‘ šŸ„­ šŸ‡ šŸŒ šŸŽ šŸ‰ šŸ’ šŸ‘ šŸ„ vegetables šŸ„¦ šŸ„• šŸ„— šŸ„¬ šŸ„” šŸ† šŸ„œ šŸŽƒ šŸ«‘ šŸ…šŸœ šŸ§… šŸ„ šŸ šŸ„— šŸ„’ šŸŒ½ šŸ šŸ«‘ šŸŒ³ šŸ“ šŸŠ šŸ„„ šŸŒµ šŸˆ šŸŒ° šŸ‡§šŸ‡§ šŸ« šŸ… šŸ šŸ«’Plants šŸŒ±in pots šŸŖ“ along with Meditative Mindful Swimming šŸŠā€ā™‚ļø to Attain NIBBĀNA the Eternal Bliss.
Kushinara NIBBĀNA Bhumi Pagoda White Home, Puniya Bhumi Bengaluru, Prabuddha Bharat International.

March 2020
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LESSON 3308 Thu 19 Mar 2020 Free Online NIBBANA TRAINING from KUSHINARA NIBBANA BHUMI PAGODA -PATH TO ATTAIN PEACE and ETERNAL BLISS AS FINAL GOAL DO GOOD! PURIFY MIND AND ENVIRONMENT! Even a seven year old can Understand. A seventy year old must practice. Say YES to Paper Ballots NO to EVMs/VVPATs to save Democracy, Liberty, Equality and Fraternityfor the welfare, happiness and peace for all Awakened aboriginal societies. is the HONEST VOICE of ALL ABORIGINAL AWAKENED SOCIETIES (VoAAAS) Dr B.R.Ambedkar thundered ā€œMain Bharat Baudhmay karunga.ā€ (I will make India Buddhist) All Aboriginal Awakened Societies Thunder ā€ Hum Prapanch Prabuddha Bharatmay karunge.ā€ (We will make world Prabuddha Prapanch) Mahāsatipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta ā€” Attendance on awareness ā€”64) Classical Lithuanian-Klasikinė lietuvių kalba,
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Posted by: site admin @ 2:03 pm

LESSON 3308 Thu 19 Mar 2020



Even a seven year old can Understand. A seventy year old must practice.

Say YES to Paper Ballots
NO to EVMs/VVPATs to save Democracy, Liberty, Equality and Fraternityfor
the welfare, happiness and peace for all Awakened aboriginal societies.

is the



Dr B.R.Ambedkar thundered ā€œMain Bharat Baudhmay karunga.ā€ (I will make India Buddhist)

All Aboriginal Awakened Societies Thunder ā€ Hum Prapanch Prabuddha Bharatmay karunge.ā€ (We will make world Prabuddha Prapanch)

Mahāsatipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta ā€” Attendance on awareness ā€”64) Classical Lithuanian-Klasikinė lietuvių kalba,

Suttaā€œ (MN 10). Sąmoningumo nustatymo diskursas) ir Mahāsatipaį¹­į¹­hāna
Sutta (DN 22) (Didysis sąmoningumo nustatymo diskursas) yra du
svarbiausi ir plačiausiai tirti Theravada budizmo Pali kanono diskursai.
Buvęsis taip pat yra kitų ankstyvųjų mokyklų ā€žAgamasā€œ ir jÄÆ apėmė
Ŕiuolaikiniai mahajanos praktikai, tokie kaip Thich Nhat Hanh.

Å ie diskursai (ā€žPāli: suttaā€œ) suteikia galimybę praktikuoti sąmoningumą
ÄÆvairiuose kontekstuose ir potencialiai nuolat. Garsiai, Buda Å”io
diskurso pradžioje skelbia: ā€žTai yra tiesioginis bÅ«das (Pāli: ekāyano
… maggo), vienuoliams, bÅ«tybėms apsivalyti, liÅ«desiui ir apmaudui
ÄÆveikti, kančioms ir sielvartas, už ėjimą tiesos keliu, už nibbanos
suvokimą … ā€œ

Pavadinimo vertimas

Pavadinimo ā€žSatipaį¹­į¹­hāna Suttaā€œ vertimai ÄÆ anglų kalbą apima:

ā€žÄ®domumo suvokimo diskursasā€œ tipitaka / mn / mn.010.soma.html (Soma, 1999)
ā€žSąmoningumo suvokimo diskurso pagrindaiā€œ tipitaka / mn / mn.010.nysa.html (ā€žNyanasattaā€œ, 1994)
ā€žPagrindinio diskurso rėmaiā€œ tipitaka / mn / mn.010.than.html (Thanissaro, 1995)

Anot Anālayo (2006, p. 29ā€“30), Thanissaro (2000) ir Nyanaponika (1996,
p. 9ā€“10), dalis Å”io pavadinimo vertimo ÄÆvairovės priežasčių yra susijusi
su tuo, kaip junginys Pali žodis ā€œ satipaį¹­į¹­hāna ā€œanalizuojama. Tai gali
bÅ«ti aiÅ”kinama kaip ā€žsati-paį¹­į¹­hānaā€œ (ā€žsąmoningumo pagrindasā€œ) arba
ā€žsati-upaį¹­į¹­hānaā€œ (ā€žsąmoningumo buvimasā€œ).

Kalbant apie prieÅ”dėlÄÆ
ā€žMaha-ā€œ DN 22 ā€žPāliā€œ pavadinime, tai paprasčiausiai reiÅ”kia ā€žpuikuā€œ arba
ā€ždidesnisā€œ ir greičiausiai reiÅ”kia iÅ”plėstą DN 22 skyrių apie
Ketvirtųjų didžiųjų tiesų sąmoningumą.

Įvairios atrakcijos ir kanoninė vieta

Kinijos kanone Nian Chu Jing (åæµ č™• ē¶“, Smį¹›tyupasthāna SÅ«tra), paremtas
Sarvastivadin Ŕaltiniu, randamas Taisho Tripitaka t. 582 psl. 1,
Madhyama Āgama. Nr. 26. Antroji ā€žSmį¹›tyupasthāna SÅ«traā€œ versija nebuvo
iÅ”versta ÄÆ tibetiečių kalbą, iÅ”skyrus dalÄÆ ilgosios ā€žPrajƱapāramita
SÅ«traā€œ, ÄÆ kurią ji buvo ÄÆtraukta. Tibeto vertime egzistuoja ā€žSaddharma
Smį¹›tyupasthāna SÅ«traā€œ (dam pa’i chos dran pa nye bar bzhag pa’i mdo //
dampĆ© chƶdren panyĆ© barzhak pĆ© do), tačiau tai yra labai didelis
ankstyvasis mahajanų sutra ir yra visiŔkai kitoks tekstas. Ven. Ajahn
Sujato baigė iÅ”samų ÄÆvairių Sutta iÅ”gyvenimų palyginamąjÄÆ tyrimą
pavadinimu ā€žMindfulness istorijaā€œ. Å ios ÄÆvairios versijos yra gana

Theravadin Pali kanone ā€žSatipaį¹­į¹­hāna Suttaā€œ yra
deÅ”imtasis diskursas Majjhima Nikaya (MN), todėl jis dažnai žymimas ā€žMN
10ā€œ; ā€žCanonā€œ leidinyje ā€žPali Text Societyā€œ (PTS) Å”is tekstas prasideda
jo trijų tomų Majjhima Nikaya (M) pirmojo tomo 55-ame puslapyje ir todėl
pakaitomis vaizduojamas kaip ā€žM i 55ā€œ.

Kalbant apie
Mahāsatipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta, tai yra 22-asis diskursas Digha Nikaya (DN) ir
todėl dažnai žymimas ā€žDN 22ā€œ; kanono PTS leidime ā€žMahāsatipaį¹­į¹­hāna
Suttaā€œ prasideda PTS trijų tomų ā€žDigha Nikayaā€œ (D) antrojo tomo 289-ame
puslapyje, taigi pakaitomis pavaizduotas kaip ā€žD ii 289.ā€œ

Postkanoninėje Pali literatÅ«roje klasikinis Satipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta (kaip ir
visos Majjhima Nikaya) komentaras yra Buddhaghosa PapaƱcasudani
(Bullitt, 2002; Soma, 2003).


Å ioje svatoje Buda iÅ”skiria keturias sąmoningumo (satipatthana)
nustatymo nuorodas: kūną, pojūčius (ar jausmus), protą (arba sąmonę) ir
psichinÄÆ turinÄÆ. Tada jie dar suskirstomi ÄÆ Å”iuos skyrius ir

Kūnas (Kāya)
Kvėpavimas (taip pat žr. Anapanasati Sutta)
Pozicijos (vaikŔčiojimas, stovėjimas, sėdėjimas, gulėjimas)
AiŔkus supratimas
Kūno atgailavimo atspindžiai
Materialiųjų elementų atspindžiai
Kapinių pamąstymai
Pojūčiai / jausmai (Vedanā)
malonūs ar nemalonūs arba nei malonūs, nei nemalonūs (neutralūs) jausmai
žemiŔki ar dvasiniai jausmai
Protas / Sąmonė (Cittā)
geismas (sarāgaį¹ƒ) arba be geismo (vÄ«tarāgaį¹ƒ)
neapykanta (sadosaį¹ƒ) arba be neapykantos (vÄ«tadosaį¹ƒ)
kliedesys (samohaį¹ƒ) arba be kliedesių (vÄ«tamohaį¹ƒ)
pagal sutartis (saį¹…khittaį¹ƒ) arba iÅ”sibarstę (vikkhittaį¹ƒ)
kilnus (mahaggataį¹ƒ) arba ne aukÅ”tas (amahaggataį¹ƒ)
pralenkiamas (sa-uttaraį¹ƒ) arba nepralenkiamas (anuttaraį¹ƒ)
tylus (samāhitaį¹ƒ) arba netylus (asamāhitaį¹ƒ)
paleistas (vimuttaį¹ƒ) arba neiÅ”leistas (avimuttaį¹ƒ)
Psichikos turinys (Dhamma)
Susikaupimo agregatai
Jausmų bazės ir jų pančiai
Sąmoningumo žadinimo veiksniai
Keturios kilnios tiesos

Asmenybės pagrÄÆsta tipografija

Anot Analāyo (2006, p. 24ā€“25) ir Somos (2003, p. Xxii ā€“ xxiv),
papaƱcasudani rekomenduoja kitokią satipaį¹­į¹­hānu priklausomai nuo to, ar

labiau linkęs ÄÆ emocinÄÆ potraukÄÆ ar intelektualias spekuliacijas; ir,
labiau iŔmatuojama jų reakcijose ar greitai reaguojant.

Remiantis Å”iomis dviem dimensijomis, komentare rekomenduojama asmenybė
pagrÄÆsta satipaį¹­į¹­hāna atsispindi žemiau esančiame tinklelyje.
patirtinė orientacija
(ekstravertas) pažintinis
reaktyvumas /
temperamentas lėtas kūno protas
greiti pojūčiai protinis turinys

Soma (2003, p. Xxiv) priduria, kad visi praktikuojantys asmenys
(nepaisant jų charakterio ir temperamento) taip pat turėtų manyti apie
laikysenas (juda, stovi, sėdi, gulėti) ir aiÅ”kų supratimą, apie kurÄÆ
raÅ”o: ā€žVisa praktika dėmesingumas priklauso nuo to, ar teisingai
supranti pratimus, ÄÆtrauktus ÄÆ dvi čia nurodytas dalis ā€œ.
Vienas dėmesys, viena po kitos einanti ir tuo pat metu vykdoma praktika

Satipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta apraÅ”ytus metodus galima naudoti ÄÆvairiais bÅ«dais, ÄÆskaitant:

Susitelkite ÄÆ vieną metodą. Metodas, apie kurÄÆ dažniausiai raÅ”oma anglų kalba, yra kvėpavimo maniera.
Praktikuoji ÄÆvairius metodus atskirai iÅ” eilės.
Palaikykite budrumą kaip pagrindinÄÆ objektą, naudodamiesi kitais metodais, kad paÅ”alintumėte kvėpavimo takų dirgiklius.
Treniruokitės keliais metodais, kartu arba atsižvelgiant ÄÆ kontekstą

Taip pat žiūrėkite

Sąmoningumas (budizmas)
Budistinė meditacija
Mahasati meditacija

Susiję diskursai:

Anapanasati Sutta
Kayagata-sati Sutta
Maha-satipatthana Sutta

Susijusi praktika:


Susijusios sąvokos:

Sadayatana / Ayatana
Septyni nuŔvitimo veiksniai
Keturios kilnios tiesos

Å altinis

Vikipedija: Satipatthana Sutta

Mahāsatipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta - Sąmoningumo lankomumas - su geriausiu
animaciniu Buda vaizdu, daina, Å”okiu klasikinėje latvių klasikoje
latvieŔu valodaā€¦
Satipatthana Sutta (sąmoningumo pamatų diskursas)

Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu
77,9K abonentai
Rytinis pokalbis privačioje gyvenamojoje vietoje Kolombyje, 2014 m. Gruodžio 21 d
ā€žCreative Commonsā€œ priskyrimo licencija (leidžiama pakartotinai naudoti)
Å altinio vaizdo ÄÆraÅ”ai
Peržiūrėti priskyrimus
Rytinis pokalbis privačioje gyvenamojoje vietoje Kolombyje, 2014 m. Gruodžio 21 d
Apie Å”ią svetainę
Satipatthana Sutta (sąmoningumo pamatų diskursas)
Rytinis pokalbis privačioje gyvenamojoje vietoje Kolombyje, 2014 m. Gruodžio 21 d
Mahāsatipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta - Sąmoningumo lankomumas - 29) Klasikinė anglų, romėnų,

Ši sutta plačiai laikoma pagrindine meditacijos praktikos nuoroda.

I. Kājos stebėjimas
A. Skyrius apie ānāpāna
B. Skyrius apie pozas
C. Skyrius apie sampajaną
D. Skyrius apie atstumiamumą
E. Skyrius apie elementus
F. Skyrius devyniose Ŕarnelių vietose

II. Stebėjimas Vedanā

III. Citta stebėjimas

IV. Dhammų stebėjimas
A. Skirsnis apie Nīvarą
B. Skyrius apie Khandhas
C. Skyrius apie juslių sferas
D. Skyrius apie Bojjhaį¹…gas
E. Skyrius apie tiesas
E1. Dukkhasacca ekspozicija
E2. Samudayasacca ekspozicija
E3. ā€žNirodhasaccaā€œ ekspozicija
E4. Maggasakos ekspozicija


Taigi aÅ” girdėjau:
Vieną kartą Bhagavā buvo apsistoję tarp Kurusų Kammāsadhamma mieste - Kuruso turgavietėje. Ten jis kreipėsi ÄÆ bhikkhus:
- Bhikkhus.ā€“ Bhaddante atsakė bhikkhus. Bhagavā sakė:
- Tai, bhikkhus, kelias, vedantis ÄÆ ne ką kita, kaip ÄÆ bÅ«tybių
apsivalymą, liÅ«desio ir apkalbų ÄÆveikimą, dukkha-domanassa iÅ”nykimą,
teisingo kelio pasiekimą, Nibbanos, tai yra keturių, suvokimą

Kurios keturios? Čia, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena
stebėdamas kāya kājā, ātāpī sampajāno, satimā, atsisakęs
abhijjhā-domanassa pasaulio link. Jis gyvena stebėdamas vedaną vedanā,
ātāpī sampajāno, satimā, atsisakydamas pasaulio abhijjhā-domanassa. Jis
gyvena stebėdamas citatą cittoje, ātāpī sampajāno, satimā, atsisakęs
abhijjhā-domanassa pasaulio. Jis gyvena stebėdamas dhammas Ā· s, ātāpÄ«
sampajāno, satimā, atsisakęs abhijjhā-domanassa pasaulio.

I. Kāyānupassanā

A. Skyrius apie ānāpāna

Ir kaip, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas kāya in kāya? Čia
bhikkhus, bhikkhu, nuėjęs ÄÆ miÅ”ką, nuėjęs prie medžio Å”aknies ar nuėjęs ÄÆ
tuŔčią kambarÄÆ, atsisėda, sulenkdamas kojas kryžminiu bÅ«du,
nustatydamas kāya vertikaliai ir nustatydamas sati geriausiąukhaį¹ƒ.
Būdamas tokiu sato jis kvėpuoja, būdamas sato jis kvėpuoja. Kvėpuodamas
ilgai supranta: ā€žAÅ” ilgai kvėpuojuā€œ; ilgai kvėpuodamas supranta: ā€žaÅ”
ilgai kvėpuojuā€œ; trumpai kvėpuodamas supranta: ā€žkvėpuoju trumpaiā€œ;
trumpai kvėpuodamas supranta: ā€žAÅ” trumpai kvėpuojuā€œ; jis treniruojasi:
‘jausdamas visą kaipya, aÅ” ÄÆkvėpsiu’; jis treniruojasi: ā€žpajutęs visą
kāją, aÅ” iÅ”kvėpsiuā€œ; jis treniruojasi: ā€žnuramindamas kāya-saį¹…kharas, aÅ”
ÄÆkvėpsiuā€œ; jis treniruojasi: ā€žnuramindamas kāya-saį¹…kharas, aÅ”

Lygiai taip pat, bhikkhus, sumanus tekintojas arba
pasukėjas, padaręs ilgą posÅ«kÄÆ, supranta: ā€žAÅ” darau ilgą posÅ«kÄÆā€œ;
Apsisukęs trumpai supranta: ā€žAÅ” darau trumpą posÅ«kÄÆā€œ; tuo pačiu bÅ«du
bhikkhus, bhikkhu, ilgai kvėpuojantis, supranta: ā€žaÅ” ilgai kvėpuojuā€œ;
ilgai kvėpuodamas supranta: ā€žaÅ” ilgai kvėpuojuā€œ; trumpai kvėpuodamas
supranta: ā€žkvėpuoju trumpaiā€œ; trumpai kvėpuodamas supranta: ā€žAÅ” trumpai
kvėpuojuā€œ; jis treniruojasi: ā€žpajutęs visą kaipya, aÅ” ÄÆkvėpsiuā€œ; jis
treniruojasi: ā€žpajutęs visą kāją, aÅ” iÅ”kvėpsiuā€œ; jis treniruojasi:
ā€žnuramindamas kāya-saį¹…kharas, aÅ” ÄÆkvėpsiuā€œ; jis treniruojasi:
ā€žnuramindamas kāya-saį¹…kharas, aÅ” iÅ”kvėpsiuā€œ.

Taigi jis gyvena
stebėdamas ā€žkāya in kāyaā€œ viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya in kāya
ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena
stebėdamas kaip sajadaya reiÅ”kinius kaip kasoje, arba jis stebi, kaip
reiÅ”kiniai praeina kaip kasy, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas samudaya ir
perkeldamas reiÅ”kinius kaip paroje; ar dar: [suprasdamas:] “tai yra
kāya!” sati yra jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati
apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi,
bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas kāya in kāya.

B. Skyrius apie pozas

Be to, bhikkhus, bhikkhu, eidamas supranta: ā€žAÅ” einuā€œ, arba stovėdamas
supranta: ā€žAÅ” stoviuā€œ, o sėdėdamas supranta: ā€žAÅ” sėdžiuā€œ, arba gulėdamas
supranta: AÅ” guliu ā€œ. Arba, nesvarbu, kurioje pozicijoje yra jo kaipja,
jis atitinkamai tai supranta.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas ā€žkāya
in kāyaā€œ viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž
kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena stebėdamas kaip sajadaya
reiŔkinius kaip kasoje, arba jis stebi, kaip reiŔkiniai praeina kaip
kasy, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas samudaya ir perkeldamas reiÅ”kinius
kaip paroje; ar dar: [suprasdamas:] “tai yra kāya!” sati yra jame, vien
tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs
ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas
kāya in kāya.

C. Skyrius apie sampajaną

Be to, bhikkhus,
bhikkhu, artėdamas ir iÅ”važiuodamas, veikia kartu su sampajaƱƱa,
žvelgdamas ÄÆ priekÄÆ ir apžiÅ«rėdamas jis veikia su sampajaƱƱa,
lenkdamasis ir tempdamasis jis veikia su sampajaƱƱa, dėvėdamas chalatą
ir virÅ”utinę chalatą bei. neÅ”damas dubenÄÆ, jis veikia su sampajaƱa,
valgydamas, gerdamas, kramtydamas, ragaudamas jis elgiasi su sampajaƱa, o
užsiimdamas iÅ”matų ir Å”lapinimosi verslu, elgiasi su sampajaƱƱa,
eidamas, stovėdamas, sėdėdamas. , miegodamas, pabudęs, kalbėdamas ir
tylėdamas jis elgiasi su sampajaƱa.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas
ā€žkāya in kāyaā€œ viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis
stebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena stebėdamas kaip
sajadaya reiŔkinius kaip kasoje, arba jis stebi, kaip reiŔkiniai praeina
kaip kasy, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas samudaya ir perkeldamas
reiÅ”kinius kaip paroje; ar dar: [suprasdamas:] “tai yra kāya!” sati yra
jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena
atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena
stebėdamas kāya in kāya.

D. Neatitikimo skyrius

Be to,
bhikkhus, bhikkhu, mano, kad tai yra pats kūnas, nuo kojų padų aukŔtyn
ir nuo plaukų ant galvos žemyn, kurÄÆ riboja jos oda ir kupinas ÄÆvairių
rÅ«Å”ių priemaiŔų: ā€žÅ ioje kājoje yra plaukai galvos, kÅ«no plaukai, nagai,
dantys, oda, minkÅ”timas, sausgyslės, kaulai, kaulų čiulpai, inkstai,
Ŕirdis, kepenys, pleura, blužnis, plaučiai, žarnos, raumenys, skrandis
su jo turiniu, iŔmatos, tulžis, skrepliai , pūliai, kraujas, prakaitas,
riebalai, aÅ”aros, riebalai, seilės, nosies gleivės, sinovinis skystis ir
Å”lapimas ā€œ.

Lygiai taip, tarsi, ten buvo maiŔas, turintis dvi
angas ir pripildytas ÄÆvairių rÅ«Å”ių grÅ«dų, tokių kaip plikytas,
žaliavinis, mung pupelių, karvių žirnių, sezamo sėklų ir lukÅ”tentų
ryžių. Žmogus su geru regėjimu, jÄÆ atplėŔęs, pagalvotų apie jo turinÄÆ:
“Tai yra kalnuota žaliava, tai yra žaliava. Tai yra mung pupos, tai yra
karvės žirniai, tai yra sezamo sėklos ir tai yra lukÅ”tenti ryžiai”. tuo
pačiu bÅ«du, bhikkhus, bhikkhu laiko Å”ÄÆ patÄÆ kÅ«ną, nuo kojų padų aukÅ”tyn
ir plaukus ant galvos žemyn, kurÄÆ riboja jos oda ir kupinas ÄÆvairių
rÅ«Å”ių priemaiŔų: ā€žÅ ioje kājoje yra galvos plaukai, kÅ«no plaukai, nagai,
dantys, oda, minkÅ”timas, sausgyslės, kaulai, kaulų čiulpai, inkstai,
Ŕirdis, kepenys, pleura, blužnis, plaučiai, žarnos, akys, skrandis, jo
turinys, iŔmatos, tulžis, skrepliai, pūliai, kraujas, prakaitas,
riebalai, aÅ”aros, riebalai, seilės, nosies gleivės, sinovinis skystis ir
Å”lapimas ā€œ.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas ā€žkāya in kāyaā€œ viduje,
arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ”
vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena stebėdamas kaip sajadaya reiÅ”kinius kaip
kasoje, arba jis stebi, kaip reiŔkiniai praeina kaip kasy, arba jis
gyvena, stebėdamas samudaya ir perkeldamas reiÅ”kinius kaip paroje; ar
dar: [suprasdamas:] “tai yra kāya!” sati yra jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir
paprasčiausio paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo
pasaulyje. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas kāya in kāya.

E. Skyrius apie elementus

Be to, bhikkhus, bhikkhu, atspindi Å”ią labai kāya, tačiau yra
iÅ”dėstytas, tačiau yra iÅ”dėstytas kaip sudarytas iÅ” elementų: “Å ioje
kāya yra žemės elementas, vandens elementas, ugnies ir oro elementas”.

Lygiai taip pat, bhikkhus, sumanus mėsininkas arba mėsininko mokinys,
nužudęs karvę, sėdėtų kryžkelėje, pjaustydamas ją ÄÆ gabalus; tuo pačiu
bÅ«du, bhikkhus, bhikkhu atspindi Å”ią labai kāya, tačiau jis yra
iÅ”dėstytas, tačiau yra iÅ”dėstytas: “Å ioje kāya yra žemės elementas,
vandens elementas, ugnies ir oro elementas”.

Taigi jis gyvena
stebėdamas ā€žkāya in kāyaā€œ viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya in kāya
ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena
stebėdamas kaip sajadaya reiÅ”kinius kaip kasoje, arba jis stebi, kaip
reiÅ”kiniai praeina kaip kasy, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas samudaya ir
perkeldamas reiÅ”kinius kaip paroje; ar dar: [suprasdamas:] “tai yra
kāya!” sati yra jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati
apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi,
bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas kāya in kāya.

Be to,
bhikkhus, bhikkhu, tarsi matydamas negyvą kÅ«ną, iÅ”meta ÄÆ ramunėlių žemę,
čia ir ten iÅ”sibarstę atskirti kaulai, čia rankos kaulas, ten pėdos
kaulas, čia kulkŔnies kaulas, blauzdos kaulas , čia Ŕlaunies kaulas, ten
klubo kaulas, čia Ŕonkaulis, ten nugaros kaulas, čia stuburo kaulas,
ten kaklo kaulas, čia žandikaulio kaulas, danties kaulas arba kaukolė,
jis tai laiko labai kaip : “Å i kāya taip pat yra tokio pobÅ«džio, ji taps
tokia ir nėra laisva nuo tokios bÅ«klės”.

Taigi jis gyvena
stebėdamas ā€žkāya in kāyaā€œ viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya in kāya
ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena
stebėdamas kaip sajadaya reiÅ”kinius kaip kasoje, arba jis stebi, kaip
reiÅ”kiniai praeina kaip kasy, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas samudaya ir
perkeldamas reiÅ”kinius kaip paroje; ar dar: [suprasdamas:] “tai yra
kāya!” sati yra jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati
apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi,
bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas kāya in kāya.

Be to,
bhikkhus, bhikkhu, lyg pamatęs negyvą kÅ«ną, iÅ”mestą ant rauginto grunto,
kaulus balina kaip jÅ«ros kriauklę, mano, kad tai labai kāya: ā€žÅ i kāya
taip pat yra tokio pobūdžio, ji eina tapti tokiu ir nėra laisvas nuo
tokios bÅ«klės ā€œ.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas ā€žkāya in kāyaā€œ
viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž kāya in
kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena stebėdamas kaip sajadaya
reiŔkinius kaip kasoje, arba jis stebi, kaip reiŔkiniai praeina kaip
kasy, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas samudaya ir perkeldamas reiÅ”kinius
kaip paroje; ar dar: [suprasdamas:] “tai yra kāya!” sati yra jame, vien
tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs
ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas
kāya in kāya.

Be to, ā€žbhikkhusā€œ, ā€žbhikkhuā€œ, tarsi
matydamas negyvą kÅ«ną, iÅ”mestą ant raguolių žemės, per metus sukauptus
kaulus, mano, kad tai labai kaipya: ā€žÅ i kāya taip pat yra tokio
pobÅ«džio, ji yra taps tokia ir nėra laisva nuo tokios bÅ«klės ā€œ.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas ā€žkāya in kāyaā€œ viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya
in kāya ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės;
jis gyvena stebėdamas kaip sajadaya reiÅ”kinius kaip kasoje, arba jis
stebi, kaip reiÅ”kiniai praeina kaip kasy, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas
samudaya ir perkeldamas reiŔkinius kaip paroje; ar dar: [suprasdamas:]
“tai yra kāya!” sati yra jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio
paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje.
Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas kāya in kāya.


Be to, bhikkhus, bhikkhu, tarsi matydamas negyvą kÅ«ną, iÅ”mestą ÄÆ
ramunėlių žemę, supuvusius kaulus, susmulkintus ÄÆ miltelius, mano, kad
tai labai kāya: ā€žÅ i kāya taip pat yra tokio pobÅ«džio, ji ketina tapti
tokiu ir nėra laisvas nuo tokios bÅ«klės ā€œ.

Taigi jis gyvena
stebėdamas ā€žkāya in kāyaā€œ viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya in kāya
ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena
stebėdamas kaip sajadaya reiÅ”kinius kaip kasoje, arba jis stebi, kaip
reiÅ”kiniai praeina kaip kasy, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas samudaya ir
perkeldamas reiÅ”kinius kaip paroje; ar dar: [suprasdamas:] “tai yra
kāya!” sati yra jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati
apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi,
bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas kāya in kāya.

Taigi jis
gyvena stebėdamas ā€žkāya in kāyaā€œ viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya in kāya
ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena
stebėdamas kaip sajadaya reiÅ”kinius kaip kasoje, arba jis stebi, kaip
reiÅ”kiniai praeina kaip kasy, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas samudaya ir
perkeldamas reiÅ”kinius kaip paroje; ar dar: [suprasdamas:] “tai yra
kāya!” sati yra jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati
apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi,
bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas kāya in kāya.

F. Skyrius devyniose Ŕarnelių vietose

Be to, ā€žbhikkhusā€œ, ā€žbhikkhuā€œ, tarsi matydamas negyvą kÅ«ną, iÅ”mestą ant
žvynelio žemės, vieną dieną negyvą arba dvi dienas ar tris dienas
negyvą, patinusią, melsvą ir žaižaruojantÄÆ, jis laiko tai labai
ā€žkaipyaā€œ: ” Å i ā€žkāyaā€œ taip pat yra tokio pobÅ«džio, ji taps tokia ir nėra
laisva nuo tokios bÅ«klės ā€œ.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas ā€žkāya in
kāyaā€œ viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž
kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena stebėdamas kaip sajadaya
reiŔkinius kaip kasoje, arba jis stebi, kaip reiŔkiniai praeina kaip
kasy, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas samudaya ir perkeldamas reiÅ”kinius
kaip paroje; ar dar: [suprasdamas:] “tai yra kāya!” sati yra jame, vien
tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs
ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas
kāya in kāya.

Be to, bhikkhus, bhikkhu, tarsi matydamas
negyvą kÅ«ną, iÅ”meta ÄÆ ramunėlių žemę, buvo varnų suvalgytas, vanagų
ā€‹ā€‹valomas, grifų, garnių, Å”unų, Å”unų valgydamas tigrų, valgydamas
panterų, valgydamas ÄÆvairių bÅ«tybių, jis mano, kad tai labai kāya: ā€žÅ i
kāja taip pat yra tokio pobūdžio, ji taps tokia ir nėra laisva nuo
tokios bÅ«klės. “

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas ā€žkāya in kāyaā€œ
viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž kāya in
kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena stebėdamas kaip sajadaya
reiŔkinius kaip kasoje, arba jis stebi, kaip reiŔkiniai praeina kaip
kasy, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas samudaya ir perkeldamas reiÅ”kinius
kaip paroje; ar dar: [suprasdamas:] “tai yra kāya!” sati yra jame, vien
tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs
ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas
kāya in kāya.

Be to, ā€žbhikkhusā€œ, ā€žbhikkhuā€œ, tarsi
matydamas negyvą kÅ«ną, iÅ”mestą ÄÆ ramunėlių žemę, sausgyslę su kÅ«nu ir
krauju, laikomą sausgyslėse, jis laiko tai labai kaipya: ā€žÅ i kāya taip
pat yra tokia gamta, ji taps tokia ir nėra laisva nuo tokios bÅ«klės ā€œ.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas ā€žkāya in kāyaā€œ viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž
kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir
iÅ”orės; jis gyvena stebėdamas kaip sajadaya reiÅ”kinius kaip kasoje, arba
jis stebi, kaip reiŔkiniai praeina kaip kasy, arba jis gyvena,
stebėdamas samudaya ir perkeldamas reiÅ”kinius kaip paroje; ar dar:
[suprasdamas:] “tai yra kāya!” sati yra jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir
paprasčiausio paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo
pasaulyje. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas kāya in kāya.

Be to, ā€žbhikkhusā€œ, ā€žbhikkhuā€œ, tarsi matydamas negyvą kÅ«ną, iÅ”mestą ant
žvynelinės žemės, skruostą be kÅ«no ir suteptą krauju, kurÄÆ laiko
sausgyslės, jis laiko Å”ią labai kaipya: ā€žÅ i kāya taip pat yra tokios
prigimties, ji taps tokia ir nėra laisva nuo tokios bÅ«klės ā€œ.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas ā€žkāya in kāyaā€œ viduje, arba jis ā€žstebiā€ž kāya
in kāya ā€œiÅ”orėje, arba jis stebiā€ž kāya in kāya ā€œiÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės;
jis gyvena stebėdamas kaip sajadaya reiÅ”kinius kaip kasoje, arba jis
stebi, kaip reiÅ”kiniai praeina kaip kasy, arba jis gyvena, stebėdamas
samudaya ir perkeldamas reiŔkinius kaip paroje; ar dar: [suprasdamas:]
“tai yra kāya!” sati yra jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio
paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje.
Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas kāya in kāya.


Be to, ā€žbhikkhusā€œ, ā€žbhikkhuā€œ, tarsi matydamas negyvą kÅ«ną, iÅ”mestą ÄÆ
ramunėlių žemę, sausgyslę, neturinčią nei kūno, nei kraują, laikomą
sausgyslėse, jis laiko tai labai kaipya: ā€žÅ i kāya taip pat yra tokia
gamta, ji taps tokia ir nėra laisva nuo tokios bÅ«klės ā€œ.

supranta mana, supranta dhammas, supranta saį¹ƒyojaną, atsirandantÄÆ dėl
Å”ių dviejų, supranta, kaip kyla neprikėlusioji saį¹ƒyojana, supranta, kaip
apleista iÅ”kilusi saį¹ƒyojana, ir supranta, kaip apleista saį¹ƒyojana
neatsiranda. ateityje.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas dhammas
dhammose iÅ” vidaus, arba gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose iÅ”orėje,
arba gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose iÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena
stebėdamas dhammų reiÅ”kinių samudaya, arba gyvena stebėdamas dhammų
reiÅ”kinių praeitÄÆ, arba gyvena stebėdamas samudaya ir paÅ”alindamas
reiÅ”kinius dhamomis; ar dar, [suprasdamas:] “tai yra dhammos!” sati yra
jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena
atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena
stebėdamas dhammas dhammose, remdamasis Å”eÅ”iais vidiniais ir iÅ”oriniais

D. Skyrius apie Bojjhaį¹…gas

Be to, bhikkhus,
bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose su nuoroda ÄÆ septynias
bojjhaį¹…gas. Be to, bhikkhus, kaip bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas dhammas
dhammose, remdamasis septyniais bojjhaį¹…gais?

Čia bhikkhus,
bhikkhu, bÅ«damas sati sambojjhaį¹…ga viduje, supranta: ā€žmanyje yra sati
sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ; Jei nėra sati sambojjhaį¹…gos, jis supranta: ā€žmanyje nėra
sati sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ; jis supranta, kaip atsiranda neprisikėlęs sati
sambojjhaį¹…ga; jis supranta, kaip iÅ”kilęs sati sambojjhaį¹…ga yra

BÅ«damas dhammavicaya sambojjhaį¹…ga viduje, jis
supranta: ā€žmanyje yra dhammavicaya sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ; Kadangi nėra
dhammavicaya sambojjhaį¹…ga viduje, jis supranta: ā€žmanyje nėra
dhammavicaya sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ; jis supranta, kaip kyla neprikėlęs
dhammavicaya sambojjhaį¹…ga; jis supranta, kaip iÅ”kilusi dhammavicaya
sambojjhaį¹…ga yra tobulinama.

BÅ«damas vyriya sambojjhaį¹…ga viduje,
jis supranta: ā€žmanyje yra vÄ«riya sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ; Kadangi viduje nėra
vyriya sambojjhaį¹…ga, jis supranta: ā€žmanyje nėra vÄ«riya sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ;
jis supranta, kaip atsiranda neprikeltas vÄ«riya sambojjhaį¹…ga; jis
supranta, kaip iÅ”kilusi vÄ«riya sambojjhaį¹…ga yra tobulinama iki tobulumo.

BÅ«damas pÄ«ti sambojjhaį¹…ga viduje, jis supranta: ā€žmanyje yra pitu
sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ; Jei viduje nėra piti sambojjhaį¹…ga, jis supranta: ā€žmanyje
nėra pitu sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ; jis supranta, kaip atsiranda nepakilęs pÄ«ti
sambojjhaį¹…ga; jis supranta, kaip iÅ”kilęs pÄ«ti sambojjhaį¹…ga yra
tobulinamas iki tobulumo.

Kai viduje yra passaddhi sambojjhaį¹…ga,
jis supranta: ā€žmanyje yra passaddhi sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ; Ten, kur nėra
passaddhi sambojjhaį¹…ga, jis supranta: ā€žmanyje nėra passaddhi
sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ; jis supranta, kaip kyla neprisikėlęs passaddhi
sambojjhaį¹…ga; jis supranta, kaip iÅ”kilęs passaddhi sambojjhaį¹…ga yra

Kai viduje yra samādhi sambojjhaį¹…ga, jis supranta:
ā€žmanyje yra samādhi sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ; Kadangi viduje nėra Samādhi
sambojjhaį¹…gos, jis supranta: ā€žmanyje nėra Samādhi sambojjhaį¹…gosā€œ; jis
supranta, kaip kyla neprikėlęs samādhi sambojjhaį¹…ga; jis supranta, kaip
iÅ”kilęs samādhi sambojjhaį¹…ga yra tobulinamas.

Kadangi viduje yra
upekkhā sambojjhaį¹…ga, jis supranta: ā€žmanyje yra upekkhā sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ;
Kadangi viduje nėra upekkhā sambojjhaį¹…ga, jis supranta: ā€žmanyje nėra
upekkhā sambojjhaį¹…gaā€œ; jis supranta, kaip kyla neprikėlęs upekkhā
sambojjhaį¹…ga; jis supranta, kaip iÅ”kilusi upekkhā sambojjhaį¹…ga yra
tobulinama iki tobulumo.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas dhammas
dhammose iÅ” vidaus, arba gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose iÅ”orėje,
arba gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose iÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena
stebėdamas dhammų reiÅ”kinių samudaya, arba gyvena stebėdamas dhammų
reiÅ”kinių praeitÄÆ, arba gyvena stebėdamas samudaya ir paÅ”alindamas
reiÅ”kinius dhamomis; ar dar, [suprasdamas:] “tai yra dhammos!” sati yra
jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena
atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena
stebėdamas dhammas dhammose, remdamasis septyniais bojjhaį¹…gais.

Čia bhikkhus, bhikkhu, kuriame yra uddhacca-kukkucca, supranta: ā€žmanyje
yra uddhacca-kukkuccaā€œ; ten, kur nėra uddhacca-kukkucca, jis supranta:
ā€žmanyje nėra uddhacca-kukkuccaā€œ; jis supranta, kaip atsiranda neprikėlęs
uddhacca-kukkucca; jis supranta, kaip apleista iŔkilusi
uddhacca-kukkucca; ir jis supranta, kaip apleista uddhacca-kukkucca
neatsiranda ateityje.

Čia bhikkhus, bhikkhu, būdamas vicikicchā
viduje, supranta: ā€žmanyje yra vicikicchāā€œ; ten, kur nėra vicikicchā, jis
supranta: ā€žmanyje vicikicchā nėraā€œ; jis supranta, kaip atsiranda
neprisikėlęs vikikachas; jis supranta, kaip atsisakoma iÅ”kilusios
vicikicchos; ir jis supranta, kaip ateityje neatsiras apleista

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose iÅ”
vidaus, arba gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose iÅ”orėje, arba gyvena
stebėdamas dhammas dhammose iÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena stebėdamas
dhammų reiÅ”kinių samudaya, arba gyvena stebėdamas dhammų reiÅ”kinių
praeitÄÆ, arba gyvena stebėdamas samudaya ir paÅ”alindamas reiÅ”kinius
dhamomis; ar dar, [suprasdamas:] “tai yra dhammos!” sati yra jame, vien
tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs
ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas
dhammas dhammose, remdamasis penkiomis nÄ«varaį¹‡omis.

B. Skyrius apie Khandhas

Be to, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose, remdamasis
penkiomis khandhas. Be to, bhikkhus, kaip bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas
dhammas dhammose, kalbėdamas apie penkias khandhas?

bhikkhus, bhikkhu [iÅ”skiria]: ā€žtokia yra rÅ«pa, tokia yra rÅ«pos samudaya,
tokia yra rūpos iŔnykimas; tokia yra vedanā, tokia yra vedanos
samudaya, tokia yra vedanos iÅ”nykimas; tokia yra yra saƱƱa, tokia yra
saƱƱa samudaya, tokia yra saƱƱā iÅ”nykimas, toks yra saį¹…kāra, toks yra
saį¹…khāra samudaya, toks yra saį¹…khāra iÅ”nykimas; toks yra viƱƱāį¹‡a, toks
yra viƱƱāį¹‡a samudaya, toks yra ViƱƱāį¹‡a iÅ”nykimas ā€œ.

Taigi jis
gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose iÅ” vidaus, arba gyvena stebėdamas
dhammas dhammose iÅ”orėje, arba gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose iÅ”
vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena stebėdamas dhammų reiÅ”kinių samudaya, arba
gyvena stebėdamas dhammų reiÅ”kinių praeitÄÆ, arba gyvena stebėdamas
samudaya ir paŔalindamas reiŔkinius dhamomis; ar dar, [suprasdamas:]
“tai yra dhammos!” sati yra jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio
paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje.
Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose, remdamasis
penkiomis khandhas.

C. Skyrius apie juslių sferas

Be to,
bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose, remdamasis Å”eÅ”iais
vidiniais ir iŔoriniais āyatanais. Be to, bhikkhus, kaip bhikkhu gyvena
stebėdamas dhammas dhammose, remdamasis Å”eÅ”iais vidiniais ir iÅ”oriniais

Čia, bhikkhus, bhikkhu supranta cakkhu, jis supranta
rÅ«pa, supranta saį¹ƒyojana, kuri atsiranda dėl Å”ių dviejų, jis supranta,
kaip kyla neprikėlusioji saį¹ƒyojana, jis supranta, kaip apleista iÅ”kilusi
saį¹ƒyojana, ir supranta, kaip apleista saį¹ƒyojana. neatsiranda ateityje.

Jis supranta sota, supranta sadda, supranta saį¹ƒyojana, kuri kyla dėl
Å”ių dviejų, supranta, kaip kyla neprikėlusioji saį¹ƒyojana, jis supranta,
kaip apleista iÅ”kilusi saį¹ƒyojana, ir supranta, kaip apleista saį¹ƒyojana
neatsiranda. ateityje.

Jis supranta ghana, supranta gandą,
supranta saį¹ƒyojaną, atsirandantÄÆ dėl Å”ių dviejų, supranta, kaip kyla
neprikėlusioji saį¹ƒyojana, supranta, kaip apleista iÅ”kilusi saį¹ƒyojana, ir
supranta, kaip apleista saį¹ƒyojana neatsiranda. ateityje.

supranta dzivą, supranta razą, supranta saį¹ƒyojaną, atsirandantÄÆ dėl Å”ių
dviejų, supranta, kaip kyla neprikėlusioji saį¹ƒyojana, supranta, kaip
apleista iÅ”kilusi saį¹ƒyojana, ir supranta, kaip apleista saį¹ƒyojana
neatsiranda. ateityje.

Jis supranta kāya, supranta fobababą,
supranta saį¹ƒyojana, kylančią dėl Å”ių dviejų, supranta, kaip kyla
neprikėlusioji saį¹ƒyojana, supranta, kaip apleista iÅ”kilusi saį¹ƒyojana, ir
supranta, kaip apleista saį¹ƒyojana neatsiranda. ateityje.

E. Skyrius apie tiesas

Be to, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose, remdamasis
keturiomis ariya Ā· saccomis. Be to, bhikkhus, kaip bhikkhu gyvena
stebėdamas dhammas dhammose, remdamasis keturiomis ariya Ā· saccomis?

E1. Dukkhasacca ekspozicija

O kas, bhikkhus, yra dukkha ariyasacca? Jāti yra dukkha, senėjimas -
dukkha (liga yra dukkha) maraį¹‡a yra dukkha, liÅ«desys, liÅ«desys, dukkha,
domanassa ir kančia yra dukkha, asociacija su tuo, kas nepatinka,
dukkha, atsiribojimas nuo to, kas mėgstama, yra dukkha, o ne tam, ko
nori. yra dukkha; trumpai tariant, penki upādāna Ā· k Ā· khandhas yra

O kas, bhikkhus, yra jāti? Įvairioms būtybėms,
priklausančioms skirtingoms būtybių klasėms, taip, gimimas, nusileidimas
[ÄÆsčiose], atsirandantis [pasaulyje], pasirodymas, khandhų apreiÅ”kimas,
ājatanų ÄÆgijimas. Tai, bhikkhus, vadinama jāti.

O kas, bhikkhus,
yra jarā? Įvairioms būtybėms, priklausančioms skirtingoms būtybių
klasėms, jarā, nualinta būsena, lūžę dantys, turintys žilus plaukus,
susiraukÅ”lėję, gyvybingumo sumažėjimas, indrijų irimas: Å”itas, bhikkhus,
yra vadinamas jarā.

O kas, bhikkhus, yra maraį¹‡a? Ä®vairioms
būtybėms, priklausančioms skirtingoms būtybėms, mirimas, pasikeitimo
būsena [iŔ buvimo], iŔirimas, iŔnykimas, mirtis, marana, mirimas,
khandhų suskaidymas, paguldymas lavono: tai, bhikkhus, vadinama maraį¹‡a.

O kas, bhikkhus, yra liÅ«desys? Viename bhikkhus, susijęs su ÄÆvairių
rÅ«Å”ių nelaimėmis, paliestas ÄÆvairių rÅ«Å”ių dukkha dhammų, liÅ«desio,
liūdesio, sielvarto būsenos, vidinio liūdesio, vidinio didelio liūdesio:
tai, bhikkhus, vadinami liūdesiu.

O kas, bhikkhus, yra liūdesys?
Viename bhikkhus, susijęs su ÄÆvairių rÅ«Å”ių nelaimėmis, paliestas
ÄÆvairių rÅ«Å”ių dukkha dhammų, verkimų, raudų, verkimo, verkimo, verkimo
būsenos, raudojimo būsenos: tai, bhikkhus, vadinama raudojimu.

kas, bhikkhus, yra dukkha? Kad ir kas būtų, bhikkhus, kūniŔka dukkha,
kÅ«niÅ”kas nemalonumas, dukkha, sąlygotas kÅ«no kontakto, nemalonus
vedayitas: tai, bhikkhus, vadinama dukkha.

O kas, bhikkhus, yra
domanassa? Kad ir kas būtų, bhikkhus, psichinis dukkha, psichinis
nemalonumas, dukkha, kurÄÆ sukelia protinis kontaktas, nemalonus
vedayitas: tai, bhikkhus, vadinama domanassa.

O kas, bhikkhus,
yra neviltis? Viename bhikkhus, susijęs su ÄÆvairių rÅ«Å”ių nelaimėmis,
paliestas ÄÆvairių rÅ«Å”ių dukkha dhammų, bėdų, nevilties, bėdos bÅ«senos,
nevilties būsenos: tai, bhikkhus, vadinama neviltimi.

O kas,
bhikkhus, yra dukra, susijusi su tuo, kas nesutinka? Kalbant apie
formas, garsus, skonÄÆ, kvapus, kÅ«niÅ”kus reiÅ”kinius ir psichinius
reiŔkinius, kurie yra nemaloni, nepatikimi, nemalonūs, ar dar tie, kurie
trokŔta savo nepalankumo, tie, kurie nori prarasti, tie, kurie nori
savo diskomforto, tie, kurie kurie nori neiŔlaisvinti iŔ prisiriŔimo,
susitikti, būti susieti, būti kartu, susidurti su jais: tai, bhikkhus,
vadinama dukkha, susijusi su tuo, kas nesutariama.

O kas,
bhikkhus, yra atsiribojimas nuo to, kas yra priimtina? Kalbant apie
formas, garsus, skonÄÆ, kvapus, kÅ«no reiÅ”kinius ir psichinius reiÅ”kinius,
kurie yra malonūs, malonūs, malonūs, ar dar tie, kurie nori savo
pranaŔumo, tie, kurie nori naudos, tie, kurie nori savo komforto, tie,
kurie nori norisi iŔsilaisvinti iŔ prisiriŔimo, nesimatyti, nesisieiti,
nebūti kartu, nesusidurti su jais: tai, bhikkhus, vadinama atsiribojimu
nuo to, kas yra malonu.

O kas, bhikkhus, yra dukkha negauti to,
ko nori? Esant bÅ«tybėms, bhikkhus, turintiems gimimo požymÄÆ, kyla toks
noras: ā€žO, tikrai, mums gali bÅ«ti ne jāti, o jei ne ateisime ÄÆ jatiā€œ.
Bet to negalima pasiekti norint. Tai dukra, negavusi to, ko nori.

BÅ«tybėse bhikkhus, turėdamas bruožą sensti, iÅ”kyla toks noras: ā€žO,
tikrai, mums negali bÅ«ti jarā, ir tikrai, jei mes neateisime ÄÆ jarāā€œ.
Bet to negalima pasiekti norint. Tai dukra, negavusi to, ko nori.

Esant būtybėms, bhikkhus, turintiems savybę susirgti, kyla toks noras:
ā€žO, tikrai, mums nesirgs liga, ir tikrai negalime susirgtiā€œ. Bet to
negalima pasiekti norint. Tai dukra, negavusi to, ko nori.

BÅ«tybėse bhikkhusas, turėdamas bruožą sensti, iÅ”kyla toks noras: ā€žO,
tikrai, ne mums gali būti marana, ir tikrai mes negalime ateiti pas mara
maąā€œ. Bet to negalima pasiekti norint. Tai dukra, negavusi to, ko nori.

II. Stebėjimas Vedanā

Be to, bhikkhus, kaip bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas vedaną vedanā?

Čia bhikkhus, bhikkhu, patiriantis sukha vedaną, pabrėžia: ā€žAÅ” patiriu
sukha vedanāā€œ; patirdamas dukkha vedaną, supranta: ā€žAÅ” patiriu dukkha
vedanąā€œ; patirdamas adukkham-asukhā vedanā, supranta: ā€žAÅ” patiriu
adukkham-asukhā vedanāā€œ; patiriu sukha vedanā sāmisa, supranta: ā€žAÅ”
patiriu sukha vedanā sāmisaā€œ; patiriu sukha vedanā nirāmisa, supranta:
ā€žAÅ” patiriu sukha vedanā nirāmisaā€œ; patiriu dukkha vedanā sāmisa,
supranta: ā€žAÅ” patiriu dukkha vedanā sāmisaā€œ; patiriu dukkha vedanā
nirāmisa, supranta: ā€žAÅ” patiriu dukkha vedanā nirāmisaā€œ; patirdamas
adukkham-asukhā vedanā sāmisa, pabrėžia: ā€žAÅ” patiriu adukkham-asukhā
vedanā sāmisaā€œ; patirdamas adukkham-asukhā vedanā nirāmisa, pabrėžia:
ā€žAÅ” patiriu adukkham-asukhā vedanā nirāmisaā€œ.

Taigi jis gyvena
stebėdamas vedaną vedanoje iÅ” vidaus, arba jis stebi vedaną vedanā
iÅ”orėje, arba jis gyvena stebėdamas vedaną vedanoje iÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės;
jis gyvena stebėdamas vedanos reiÅ”kinių samudaya, arba gyvena
stebėdamas vedanos reiÅ”kinių praeitÄÆ, arba jis gyvena stebėdamas
samudaya ir perkeldamas reiÅ”kinius vedanoje; ar dar, [suprasdamas:] “tai
vedanā!” sati yra jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati
apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi,
bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas vedaną vedanoje.

III. Citta stebėjimas

Be to, bhikkhus, kaip bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas citatą citroje?

Čia, bhikkhus, bhikkhu citatą su raga supranta kaip ā€žcitta su ragaā€œ,
arba citta be raga supranta kaip ā€žcitta be ragaā€œ, arba jis supranta
citta su dosa kaip ā€žcitta su dosaā€œ, arba jis supranta citta be dosa kaip
ā€žcitta be dosaā€œ, arba jis supranta citta su moha kaip ā€žcitta su mohaā€œ,
arba jis supranta citta be moha kaip ā€žcitta be mohaā€œ, arba jis supranta
surinktą cittą kaip ā€žsurinktą cittąā€œ, arba jis supranta iÅ”sklaidytą
citta kaip ā€žiÅ”sklaidyta cittaā€œ, arba jis supranta iÅ”plėstinę cittą kaip
ā€žiÅ”plėsta cittaā€œ, arba jis supranta neiÅ”siplėtusią cittą kaip
ā€žneiÅ”plėsta cittaā€œ, arba jis supranta pralenkiamą cittą kaip
ā€žpralenkiamą cittąā€œ, arba jis supranta nepralenkiama citta kaip
ā€žneprilygstama cittaā€œ, arba jis supranta nusistovėjusią cittą kaip
ā€žnusistovėjusią cittąā€œ, arba jis supranta nenustatytą cittą kaip
ā€žnenustatytą cittąā€œ, arba jis supranta iÅ”silaisvinusią cittą kaip
ā€žiÅ”silaisvinusią cittąā€œ, arba jis supranta neabsorbuotą citatą kaip
ā€žnegyvenamą citatąā€œ.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas citatą cittoje
iÅ” vidaus, arba jis stebi citatą citroje iÅ”orėje, arba jis gyvena
stebėdamas cittą citroje vidiniu ir iÅ”oriniu aspektu; jis gyvena
stebėdamas citatoje reiÅ”kinių samudaya, arba jis stebi reiÅ”kinių praeitÄÆ
cittoje, arba jis gyvena stebėdamas samudaya ir Å”alindamas reiÅ”kinius
cittoje; ar dar, [suprasdamas:] “tai yra citta!” sati yra jame, vien tik
Å”naanos ir paprasčiausio paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir
nieko nelipdo pasaulyje. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas
citatą citroje.

IV. Dhammų stebėjimas

A. Skirsnis apie Nīvarą

Be to, bhikkhus, kaip bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose? Čia,
bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose, remdamasis
penkiomis nÄ«varaį¹‡omis. Be to, bhikkhus, kaip bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas
dhammas dhammose, kalbėdamas apie penkias nÄ«varaÅ”as?

bhikkhus, bhikkhu, bÅ«damas kāmacchanda viduje, supranta: ā€žmanyje yra
kāmacchandaā€œ; ten, kur nėra kāmacchanda, jis supranta: ā€žmanyje nėra
kāmacchandaā€œ; jis supranta, kaip kyla neprikėlusÄ« kāmacchanda; jis
supranta, kaip atsisakoma iŔkilusios kāmacchanda; ir jis supranta, kaip
apleista kāmacchanda neatsiranda ateityje.

Čia bhikkhus, bhikkhu,
esantis byāpāda viduje, supranta: ā€žmanyje yra byāpādaā€œ; ten, kur nėra
byāpāda, jis supranta: ā€žmanyje nėra byāpādaā€œ; jis supranta, kaip
atsiranda nepakilęs byāpāda; jis supranta, kaip apleista iÅ”kilusi
byāpāda; ir jis supranta, kaip apleista byāpāda neatsiranda ateityje.

Čia bhikkhus, bhikkhu, bÅ«damas thÄ«namiddhā viduje, supranta: ā€žmanyje
yra thÄ«namiddhāā€œ; Jei viduje nėra thÄ«namiddhā, jis supranta: ā€žmanyje
nėra thÄ«namiddhāā€œ; jis supranta, kaip kyla neprisikėlęs thÄ«namiddha; jis
supranta, kaip atsisakoma iŔkilusios thīnamiddha; ir jis supranta, kaip
apleista thīnamiddha ateityje neatsiranda.

Būtybėse bhikkhus,
turintys liūdesio, liūdesio, dukkha, domanasos ir kančios bruožų, kyla
toks noras: ā€žO, ar tikrai nėra mÅ«sų liÅ«desio, liÅ«desio, dukkha,
domanassa ir kančios? Ir tikrai, jei ne ateiti ÄÆ liÅ«desÄÆ, liÅ«desÄÆ,
dukkha, domanasą ir kančią ā€œ. Bet to negalima pasiekti norint. Tai
dukra, negavusi to, ko nori.

O kas, bhikkhus, yra penki
upādānakkhandhas? Jie yra: rūpa upādānakkhandha, vedanā upādānakkhandha,
saƱƱā upādānakkhandha, saį¹…khāra upādānakkhandha, viƱƱāį¹‡a
upādānakkhandha. Jie trumpai vadinami bhikkhus, penki upādānakkhandhas.

Tai vadinama bhikkhus, dukkha ariyasacca

E2. Samudayasacca ekspozicija

O kas, bhikkhus, yra dukkha-samudaya ariyasacca? BÅ«tent Å”is taį¹‡ha veda ÄÆ
atgimimą, susijęs su noru ir malonumu, ieÅ”kant malonumo čia ar ten, tai
yra: kāma-taį¹‡ha, bhava-taį¹‡ha ir vibhava-taį¹‡ha. Bet Å”is taį¹‡hā, bhikkhus,
kai atsiranda, kur jis atsiranda, ir kai ÄÆsikuria pats, kur jis
ÄÆsikuria? Tame pasaulyje, kuris atrodo malonus ir malonus, bÅ«tent tada
atsiranda ta arisingha, kai jis atsiranda, kur ÄÆsikuria.

O kas
pasaulyje yra malonu ir malonu? Akis pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni,
ten, kur ji atsiranda, kyla, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Ausys
pasaulyje yra malonios ir malonios, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha,
kai ji ÄÆsikuria - ÄÆsikuria. Nosis pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten,
kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, kai ji ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulio
liežuvis yra malonus ir malonus, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, o
ÄÆsikurdamas jis ÄÆsitaiso. Kija pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten, kur
ji atsiranda, atsiranda, ji ÄÆsikuria, tada ÄÆsikuria. Mana pasaulyje yra
maloni ir maloni, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, ten ÄÆsikurdama ji

Matomos formos pasaulyje yra malonios ir malonios, ten
tahha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulio
garsai yra malonÅ«s ir malonÅ«s, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, kai
jis ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Kvapai pasaulyje yra malonÅ«s ir malonÅ«s, ten,
kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, kai jis ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulio
skoniai yra malonÅ«s ir malonÅ«s, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, tai
atsistato. Kūno reiŔkiniai pasaulyje yra malonūs ir malonūs, ten, kur
atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, kai jis ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Dhammos
pasaulyje yra malonios ir malonios, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha,
ten ÄÆsikuriant - ÄÆsikuria.

ā€žEye-viƱƱāį¹‡aā€œ pasaulyje yra malonus
ir malonus, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡hā, ten ÄÆsikuriant jis
ÄÆsikuria. Ausų-viÅ”najų pasaulyje yra malonu ir malonu, ten, kur
atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡hā, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, tai ÄÆsikuria.
Nosis-viƱƱāį¹‡a pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai
atsiranda, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulio
liežuvis-viŔnaŔa yra malonus ir malonus, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda
taÅ”ha, kai jis ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Kāya-viƱƱāį¹‡a pasaulyje yra malonus ir
malonus, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡hā, ten, kur jis ÄÆsikuria,
jis ÄÆsikuria. Mana-viƱƱāį¹‡a pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha,
kai atsiranda, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria.

samphassa pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten ta thereha, kai
atsiranda, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Ausų samphassa
pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai kyla, atsiranda, ten,
kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Nosis-samphassa pasaulyje yra malonus ir
malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria,
ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulio liežuvio samphassa yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha,
kai kyla, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. ā€žKāya-samphassaā€œ
pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha,
ten, kur jis ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Mana-samphassa pasaulyje yra malonus ir
malonus, ten tahha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria,

Akių samphassa pasaulyje gimusi vedana yra maloni ir
maloni, ten tahha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, ten ÄÆsikuriant ji ÄÆsikuria.
IÅ” ausies samphosos gimusi vedana yra maloni ir maloni, ten tahha, kai
atsiranda, atsiranda, ten ÄÆsikuriant ji ÄÆsikuria. IÅ” nosies-samphosos
gimusi vedana pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten tahha, kai atsiranda,
atsiranda, ten ÄÆsikuriant ji ÄÆsikuria. IÅ” liežuvio samphosos gimusi
vedana pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten tahha, kai atsiranda,
atsiranda, ten ÄÆsikuriant ji ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulyje gimusi
ā€žkaipya-samphassaā€œ vedana yra maloni ir maloni, ten, kur ji atsiranda,
atsiranda, o ÄÆsikuriant ji ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulyje gimusi mana-samphassa
vedana yra maloni ir maloni, ten tahha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, ten
ÄÆsikuriant ji ÄÆsikuria.

Matomų pasaulio formų saƱƱa yra malonus
ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria,
ÄÆsikuria. Garsų saƱƱā pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten tahha, kai
kyla, kyla, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Kvapų pasaulyje saƱƱa yra
malonus ir malonus, ten tahha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, ten ÄÆsikuriant
jis nusistovi. Pasaulio skonių saƱƱa yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha,
kai atsiranda, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. KÅ«niÅ”kų reiÅ”kinių
saƱƱā pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten tahha, kai iÅ”kyla,
atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Dhammų saƱƱā pasaulyje yra
malonus ir malonus, ten tahha, kai kyla, atsiranda, ten ÄÆsikuriant jis

Ketinimas (susijęs) su matomomis formomis pasaulyje yra
malonus ir malonus, tada taį¹‡ha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, tada, kai
ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Ketinimas (susijęs) su garsais pasaulyje yra malonus
ir malonus, tada taį¹‡ha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, tada, kai ÄÆsikuria,
ÄÆsikuria. Ketinimas (susijęs) su kvapais pasaulyje yra malonus ir
malonus, tada taį¹‡ha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, tada, kai ÄÆsikuria,
ÄÆsikuria. Ketinimas (susijęs) su skoniais pasaulyje yra malonus ir
malonus, tada taį¹‡ha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, tada, kai ÄÆsikuria,
ÄÆsikuria. Ketinimas (susijęs) su kÅ«no reiÅ”kiniais pasaulyje yra malonus
ir malonus, tada taį¹‡ha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, tada, kai ÄÆsikuria,
ÄÆsikuria. Ketinimas (susijęs) su dhammomis pasaulyje yra malonus ir
malonus, ten tahha, kai kyla, atsiranda, tada, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria.

Matomų formų taį¹‡ha pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten tahha, kai
atsiranda, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulis garsams
ā€žtaį¹‡haā€œ yra malonus ir malonus, ten, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, pasirodo,
ÄÆsikuria. Tahha kvapų pasaulyje yra malonÅ«s ir malonÅ«s, ten tahha, kai
atsiranda, atsiranda, ten ÄÆsikuriant jis nusistovi. Pasaulio skonių
taį¹‡ha yra malonus ir malonus, ten tahha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, tada,
kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulio kÅ«no reiÅ”kinių taį¹‡ha yra malonus ir
malonus, ten tahha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria,
ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulio dhammų taį¹‡ha yra malonus ir malonus, ten tahha, kai
kyla, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria.

Matomų pavidalų
vitaka pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsiranda,
atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Garsų vitaka pasaulyje yra
maloni ir maloni, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, kai ji ÄÆsikuria,
ÄÆsikuria. Kvapų vitaka pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten, kur
atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, kai ji ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Skonio vitaka
pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda,
ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. KÅ«niÅ”kų reiÅ”kinių vitaka pasaulyje yra
maloni ir maloni, ten tahha, kai atsiranda, atsiranda, ten, kai
ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Dhammų vitaka pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten,
kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, ten, kai ji ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria.

Matomų pasaulio formų vikara yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai
atsiranda, atsiranda, ten, kai ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulio garsų vikara
yra maloni ir maloni, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, kai ji
ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Kvapų kvartala pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten,
kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, kai ji ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulio
skonių vikara yra maloni ir maloni, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha,
kai ji ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. KÅ«niÅ”kų reiÅ”kinių vikara pasaulyje yra
maloni ir maloni, ten, kur atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, kai ji ÄÆsikuria,
ÄÆsikuria. Pasaulio dhammų vikara yra maloni ir maloni, ten, kur
atsiranda, atsiranda taį¹‡ha, kai ji ÄÆsikuria, ÄÆsikuria. Tai vadinama
bhikkhus, dukkha Ā· samudaya ariyasacca.

E3. ā€žNirodhasaccaā€œ ekspozicija

O kas, bhikkhus, yra dukkha-samudaya ariyasacca? BÅ«tent Å”is taį¹‡ha veda ÄÆ
atgimimą, susijęs su noru ir malonumu, ieÅ”kant malonumo čia ar ten, tai
yra: kāma-taį¹‡ha, bhava-taį¹‡ha ir vibhava-taį¹‡ha. Bet Å”is taį¹‡hā, bhikkhus,
kai apleistas, kur jis apleistas, o kai baigiasi, kur jis baigiasi?
Tame pasaulyje, kuris atrodo malonus ir malonus, tai yra, kur atsisakoma
taį¹‡ha, kur jis nutrÅ«ksta.

O kas pasaulyje yra malonu ir malonu?
Akis pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiama,
apleidžiama, ten, kai nustojama, nustojama. Ausis pasaulyje yra maloni
ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiama, yra apleista, ten, kai liaujasi,
ji nutrÅ«ksta. Nosis pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai
apleidžiama, apleidžiama, ten, kai nustojama, ji nutrūksta. Pasaulio
liežuvis yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiamas, yra
apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, nustoja. ā€žKāyaā€œ pasaulyje yra maloni ir
maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiama, yra apleista, ten, kai nustoja, ji
nutrÅ«ksta. Mana pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai
apleidžiama, yra apleista, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja.

formos pasaulyje yra malonios ir malonios, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiamas,
apleidžiamas, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja. Pasaulyje garsai yra
malonÅ«s ir malonÅ«s, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiama, yra apleista, ten, kai
nustoja galioti, nustoja galioti. Kvapai pasaulyje yra malonūs ir
malonÅ«s, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsisako, yra apleisti, ten, kai nustoja, tai
nustoja. Pasaulyje skonis yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai jo
atsisakoma, yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, nustoja galioti. KÅ«no
reiŔkiniai pasaulyje yra malonūs ir malonūs, ten ta thereha, kai
apleidžiamas, apleidžiamas, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja. Dhammos
pasaulyje yra malonios ir malonios, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiamas, yra
apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja.

ā€žEye-viƱƱāį¹‡aā€œ pasaulyje
yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiamas, yra apleistas,
ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja. Ausų-viƱƱāƱa pasaulyje yra maloni ir
maloni, ten taį¹‡hā, kai apleidžiama, apleidžiama, ten, kai nustojama, ji
nutrÅ«ksta. Nosis-viƱƱāį¹‡a pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha,
kai yra apleistas, yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja.
Pasaulio liežuvis-viƱƱaį¹‡a yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai
apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja. Kāya-viƱƱāį¹‡a
pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten ta thereha, kai apleidžiamas, yra
apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja. Mana-viƱƱāį¹‡a pasaulyje yra
malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai
nustoja, tai nustoja.

Akių samphassa pasaulyje yra malonus ir
malonus, ten ta thereha, kai apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai
nustoja, tai nustoja. Ausų samphassa pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus,
ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, tai
nustoja. Nosis-samphassa pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha,
kai apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja. Pasaulio
liežuvis-samphassa yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiamas,
yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja. ā€žKāya-samphassaā€œ
pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai yra apleista, yra
apleista, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja. Mana-samphassa pasaulyje yra
malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai yra apleistas, yra apleistas, ten,
kai nustoja, tai nustoja.

Akių samphassa pasaulyje gimusi vedana
yra maloni ir maloni, ten tahha, kai apleidžiama, apleidžiama, ten, kai
nustoja, ji nutrūksta. IŔ ausų samphosos gimusi vedana pasaulyje yra
maloni ir maloni, ten tahha, kai apleidžiama, apleidžiama, ten, kai
nustoja, ji nutrūksta. IŔ nosies-samphosos gimusi vedana pasaulyje yra
maloni ir maloni, ten tahha, kai apleidžiama, apleidžiama, ten, kai
nustoja, ji nutrūksta. IŔ liežuvio samphosos gimusi vedana pasaulyje yra
maloni ir maloni, ten tahha, kai apleidžiama, apleidžiama, ten, kai
nustoja, ji nutrūksta. Pasaulyje gimusi kaipya-samphassa vedanos yra
maloni ir maloni, ten tahha, kai apleidžiama, apleidžiama, ten, kai
nustoja, ji nutrūksta. Pasaulyje mana-samphassa gimusi vedana yra maloni
ir maloni, ten tahha, kai apleidžiama, apleidžiama, ten, kai nustoja,
ji nutrūksta.

Matomų pasaulio formų saƱƱa yra malonus ir malonus,
ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, tai
nustoja. Garsų saƱƱā pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai
apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja. Pasaulyje
kvapų saƱƱā yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsisako, atsisako,
ten, kai nustoja galioti, nustoja galioti. Pasaulio skonių saƱƱa yra
malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsisako, atsisako, ten, kai nustoja,
nustoja galioti. Pasaulinis kÅ«no reiÅ”kinių saƱƱa yra malonus ir
malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja,
tai nustoja. Dhammų saƱƱā pasaulyje yra malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha,
kai apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja.

Ketinimas (susijęs) su matomomis formomis pasaulyje yra malonus ir
malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiamas, atsisako, ten, kai nustoja, tai
nustoja. Ketinimas (susijęs) su garsais pasaulyje yra malonus ir
malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsisako, yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, tai
nustoja. Ketinimas (susijęs) su kvapais pasaulyje yra malonus ir
malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsisako, atsisako, ten, kai nustoja, tai
nustoja. Ketinimas (susijęs) su skoniais pasaulyje yra malonus ir
malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsisako, atsisako, ten, kai nustoja, tai
nustoja. Ketinimas (susijęs) su kÅ«no reiÅ”kiniais pasaulyje yra malonus
ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai
nustoja, tai nustoja. Ketinimas (susijęs) su dhamomis pasaulyje yra
malonus ir malonus, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai
nustoja, tai nutrūksta.

Matomų formų taį¹‡ha pasaulyje yra malonus
ir malonus, ten tahha, kai apleidžiamas, yra apleidžiamas, ten, kai
nustoja galioti, pasibaigia. Pasaulis garsams ā€žtaį¹‡haā€œ yra malonus ir
malonus, ten, kai jis atsisakomas, jo atsisakoma, ten, kai nustojama,
jis nutrÅ«ksta. Taį¹‡ha pasaulyje dėl kvapų yra maloni ir maloni, ten
tahha, kai jos atsisakoma, yra atsisakoma, ten, kai nustoja galioti,
nustoja galioti. Pasaulis skoniams ā€žtaį¹‡haā€œ yra malonus ir malonus, ten,
kai jo atsisakoma, jo atsisakoma, ten, kai nustojama, jis nustoja
galioti. Pasaulio kÅ«no reiÅ”kinių taį¹‡ha yra malonus ir malonus, ten
tahha, kai apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja, nustoja
galioti. Pasaulio dhammų taį¹‡ha yra malonus ir malonus, ten tahha, kai
apleidžiamas, yra apleistas, ten, kai nustoja galioti, pasibaigia.

Matomų pavidalų vitaka pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai
apleidžiama, yra apleista, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja. Garsų vitaka
pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsisako, yra apleista,
ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja. Kvapų vitaka pasaulyje yra maloni ir
maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsisako, atsisako, ten, kai nustoja galioti,
nustoja. Skonio vitaka pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai
atsisako, atsisako, ten, kai nustoja, nustoja galioti. KūniŔkų reiŔkinių
vitaka pasaulyje yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiama, yra
apleista, ten, kai nustoja, tai nustoja. Dhammų vitaka pasaulyje yra
maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiama, yra apleista, ten, kai
nustoja, tai nustoja.

Matomų pasaulio formų vikara yra maloni ir
maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiama, yra apleista, ten, kai nustoja,
nustoja. Pasaulio garsų vikara yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai
apleidžiama, yra apleista, ten, kai nustoja galioti, nustoja. Pasaulyje
kvapų vikara yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsisako, yra
apleista, ten, kai nustoja galioti, nustoja. Pasaulio skonių vikara yra
maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai atsisako, yra apleista, ten, kai
nustoja, nustoja galioti. KūniŔkų reiŔkinių vikara pasaulyje yra maloni
ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai apleidžiama, yra apleista, ten, kai nustoja,
tai nustoja. Pasaulio dhammų vikara yra maloni ir maloni, ten taį¹‡ha, kai
apleidžiama, yra apleista, ten, kai nustoja, ji nutrūksta. Tai
vadinama, bhikkhus, dukkha Ā· nirodha ariyasacca.

E4. Maggasakos ekspozicija

O kas, bhikkhus, yra dukkha Ā· nirodha Ā· gāminÄ« paį¹­ipadā ariyasacca? Tai
yra bÅ«tent Å”i ariya aį¹­į¹­haį¹…gika magga, tai yra sammādiį¹­į¹­hi,
sammāsaį¹…kappo, sammāvācā, sammākammanto, sammā-ājÄ«vo, sammāvāyāmo,
sammāsati ir sammāsamādhi.

O kas, bhikkhus, yra sammādiį¹­į¹­hi? Tai,
bhikkhus, kuris yra dukkha Ʊāį¹‡a, dukkha-samudaya Ʊāį¹‡a, dukkha-nirodha
Ʊāį¹‡a ir dukkha-nirodha-gāmini paį¹­ipada, vadinamų bhikkhus, sammādiį¹­į¹­hi.

O kas, bhikkhus, yra sammāsaį¹…kappas? Tie, bhikkhus, kurie yra nekkhamma
saį¹…kappas, abyāpāda saį¹…kappas, avihiį¹ƒsā saį¹…kappas, vadinami bhikkhus,

O kas, bhikkhus, yra sammāvācā? Tai, bhikkhus,
susilaikantis nuo musāvādā, susilaikymas nuo pisuį¹‡a vācā, susilaikymas
nuo pharusa vācā, ir susilaikymas nuo samphappalāpa, kuris vadinamas
bhikkhus, sammāvācā.

O kas, bhikkhus, yra sammā-kammanta? Tai,
bhikkhus, kuris susilaiko nuo pāį¹‡Ätipāta, susilaiko nuo adinnādāna,
susilaiko nuo abrahmacariya, kuris yra vadinamas bhikkhus,

O kas, bhikkhus, yra sammā-ājīva? Čia bhikkhus,
kilnus mokinys, atsisakęs netinkamo pragyvenimo Å”altinio, palaiko savo
gyvenimą teisingais pragyvenimo būdais, vadinamais bhikkhus,

O kas, bhikkhus, yra sammāvāyāma? Čia, bhikkhus,
bhikkhu sukuria savo chanadą, kad neatsirastų neprikeltų pāpakų ir
akusala dhammų, jis daro save, žadina savo viriją, energingai taiko
citatą ir stengiasi; jis sukuria savo chaną, kad apleistų kylančią
pāpaką ir akusala dhammas, jis patiria jėgas, žadina savo viriją,
energingai taiko citatą ir stengiasi; jis generuoja savo chanda dėl
nepakeliamų kusala dhammų atsiradimo, jis daro save, žadina savo viriją,
energingai taiko citatą ir stengiasi; jis sukuria savo Å”anadą dėl
nekilmingų kusala dhammų nenuoseklumo, už jų nesusipratimą, jų
gausėjimą, vystymąsi, auginimą ir užbaigimą, jis daro save, žadina savo
viriją, energingai taiko savo citatą ir stengiasi. Tai vadinama
bhikkhus, sammāvāyāma.

O kas, bhikkhus, yra sammāsati? Čia,
bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas kāya kājā, ātāpī sampajāno, satimā,
atsisakęs abhijjhā-domanassa pasaulio link. Jis gyvena stebėdamas vedaną
vedanā, ātāpī sampajāno, satimā, atsisakydamas pasaulio
abhijjhā-domanassa. Jis gyvena stebėdamas citatą cittoje, ātāpī
sampajāno, satimā, atsisakęs abhijjhā-domanassa pasaulio. Jis gyvena
stebėdamas dhammas Ā· s, ātāpÄ« sampajāno, satimā, atsisakęs
abhijjhā-domanassa pasaulio. Tai vadinama bhikkhus, sammāsati.

kas, bhikkhus, yra sammāsamādhi? Čia bhikkhus, bhikkhu, atsiribojęs nuo
kāmos, atskirtas nuo akusala dhammų, ÄÆėjęs ÄÆ pirmąją jhaną, pasilieka
joje su vitakka ir vicāra, su pīti ir sukha, atsirandančiais atsiskyrus.
Prisiminęs vitakka-vicarą, ÄÆžengęs ÄÆ antrąją jhaną, jis joje pasilieka
vidiniu tankinimu, citatos suvienijimu, be vitakka ir vicāra, su pīti ir
sukha, gimusiais iŔ samādhi. Ir neabejingas pitam, jis pasilieka
upekkha, sato ir sampajāno, ir patiria kājā tą sukha, kurÄÆ apibÅ«dina
ariyas: ā€žTas, kuris yra lygus ir nuovokus, gyvena [Å”ioje] sukhaā€œ, ÄÆėjęs ÄÆ
trečiąją jhaną, jis pasilieka. jame. Atsisakydamas sukha ir
atsisakydamas dukkha, somanassa ir domanassa, anksčiau iÅ”nykęs, be sukha
ar dukkha, kai upekkha ir sati grynumas, ÄÆėjęs ÄÆ ketvirtąją jhaną,
pasilieka joje. Tai vadinama bhikkhus, sammāsamādhi.

Tai vadinama, bhikkhus, dukkha Ā· nirodha Ā· gāminÄ« paį¹­ipadā ariyasacca.

Taigi jis gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose iÅ” vidaus, arba gyvena
stebėdamas dhammas dhammose iÅ”orėje, arba gyvena stebėdamas dhammas
dhammose iÅ” vidaus ir iÅ”orės; jis gyvena stebėdamas dhammų reiÅ”kinių
samudaya, arba gyvena stebėdamas dhammų reiÅ”kinių praeitÄÆ, arba gyvena
stebėdamas samudaya ir paÅ”alindamas reiÅ”kinius dhamomis; ar dar,
[suprasdamas:] “tai yra dhammos!” sati yra jame, vien tik Å”naanos ir
paprasčiausio paį¹­issati apimties, jis gyvena atsiskyręs ir nieko nelipdo
pasaulyje. Taigi, bhikkhus, bhikkhu gyvena stebėdamas dhammas dhammose,
remdamasis keturiomis ariya Ā· saccomis.

Satipaį¹­į¹­hāno praktikos pranaÅ”umai

Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus, septynerius metus praktikuotų Ŕiuos keturis
satipaį¹­į¹­hānus, galima tikėtis vieno iÅ” dviejų rezultatų: arba [tobulos]
žinios apie matomus reiŔkinius, arba, jei yra kokių nors prikibimų,

Jau nekalbant apie septynerius metus, bhikkhus.
Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus, ŔeŔerius metus praktikuos Ŕiuos keturis
satipaį¹­į¹­hānus, galima tikėtis vieno iÅ” dviejų rezultatų: arba [tobulos]
žinios apie matomus reiŔkinius, arba, jei yra kokių nors prikibimų,

Jau nekalbant apie ŔeŔerius metus, bhikkhus. Nesvarbu,
kas, bhikkhus, penkerius metus praktikuotų Å”iuos keturis satipaį¹­į¹­hānus,
galima tikėtis vieno iÅ” dviejų rezultatų: arba [tobulos] žinios apie
matomus reiŔkinius, arba, jei yra kokių nors prikibimų, anāgāmita.

Jau nekalbant apie penkerius metus, bhikkhus. Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus,
praktikuos Å”iuos keturis satipaį¹­į¹­hānus tokiu bÅ«du ketverius metus,
galima tikėtis vieno iÅ” dviejų rezultatų: arba [tobulos] žinios apie
matomus reiÅ”kinius, arba, jei yra kokių nors kabinėjimo priemonių,

Jau nekalbant apie ketverius metus, bhikkhus.
Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus, trejus metus praktikuos Ŕiuos keturis
satipaį¹­į¹­hānus, galima tikėtis vieno iÅ” dviejų rezultatų: arba [tobulos]
žinios apie matomus reiŔkinius, arba, jei yra kokių nors prikibimų,

Jau nekalbant apie trejus metus, bhikkhus. Nesvarbu,
kas, bhikkhus, dvejus metus praktikuotų Å”iuos keturis satipaį¹­į¹­hānus,
galima tikėtis vieno iÅ” dviejų rezultatų: arba [tobulos] žinios apie
matomus reiŔkinius, arba, jei yra kokių nors prikibimų, anāgāmita.

Jau nekalbant apie dvejus metus, bhikkhus. Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus,
tokiu bÅ«du vienerius metus praktikuotų Å”iuos keturis satipaį¹­į¹­hānus,
galima tikėtis vieno iÅ” dviejų rezultatų: arba [tobulos] žinios apie
matomus reiŔkinius, arba, jei yra kokių nors prikibimų, anāgāmita.

Jau nekalbant apie vienerius metus, bhikkhus. Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus,
septynis mėnesius praktikuotų Å”iuos keturis satipaį¹­į¹­hānus, galima
tikėtis vieno iÅ” dviejų rezultatų: arba [tobulos] žinios apie matomus
reiŔkinius, arba, jei yra kokių nors prikibimų, anāgāmita.

nekalbant apie septynis mėnesius, bhikkhus. Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus,
Å”eÅ”is mėnesius praktikuos Å”iuos keturis satipaį¹­į¹­hānus, galima tikėtis
vieno iŔ dviejų rezultatų: arba [tobulos] žinios apie matomus
reiŔkinius, arba, jei yra kokių nors prikibimų, anāgāmita.

nekalbant apie Å”eÅ”is mėnesius, bhikkhus. Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus, penkis
mėnesius praktikuotų Å”iuos keturis satipaį¹­į¹­hānus, galima tikėtis vieno
iŔ dviejų rezultatų: arba [tobulos] žinios apie matomus reiŔkinius,
arba, jei yra kokių nors prikibimų, anāgāmita.

Jau nekalbant apie
penkis mėnesius, bhikkhus. Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus, Å”iais keturiais
mėnesiais praktikuotų Å”iuos keturis satipaį¹­į¹­hānus, galima tikėtis vieno
iŔ dviejų rezultatų: arba [tobulos] žinios apie matomus reiŔkinius,
arba, jei yra kokių nors prikibimų, anāgāmita.

Jau nekalbant apie
keturis mėnesius, bhikkhus. Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus, tris mėnesius
praktikuotų Å”iuos keturis satipaį¹­į¹­hānus, gali bÅ«ti tikimasi vieno iÅ”
dviejų rezultatų: arba [tobulos] žinios apie matomus reiŔkinius, arba,
jei yra kokių nors prikibimų, anāgāmita.

Jau nekalbant apie tris
mėnesius, bhikkhus. Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus, tokiu būdu du mėnesius
praktikuos Å”iuos keturis satipaį¹­į¹­hānus, galima tikėtis vieno iÅ” dviejų
rezultatų: arba [tobulos] žinios apie matomus reiŔkinius, arba, jei yra
kokių nors prikibimų, anāgāmita.

Jau nekalbant apie du mėnesius,
bhikkhus. Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus, tokiu bÅ«du vieną mėnesÄÆ praktikuotų
Å”iuos keturis satipaį¹­į¹­hānus, galima tikėtis vieno iÅ” dviejų rezultatų:
arba [tobulos] žinios apie matomus reiŔkinius, arba, jei yra kokių nors
prikibimų, anāgāmita.

Jau nekalbant apie vieną mėnesÄÆ, bhikkhus.
Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus, tokiu būdu praktikuotų Ŕiuos keturis
satipaį¹­į¹­hānus pusę mėnesio, galima tikėtis vieno iÅ” dviejų rezultatų:
arba [tobulos] žinios apie matomus reiŔkinius, arba, jei yra kokių nors
prikibimų, anāgāmita.

Jau nekalbant apie pusę mėnesio, bhikkhus.
Nesvarbu, kas, bhikkhus, tokiu bÅ«du per savaitę praktikuotų Å”iuos
keturis satipaį¹­į¹­hānus, galima tikėtis vieno iÅ” dviejų rezultatų: arba
[tobulos] žinios apie matomus reiŔkinius, arba, jei yra kokių nors
prikibimų, anāgāmita.

ā€žTai, bhikkhus, kelias, vedantis ÄÆ ne ką
kita, kaip ÄÆ bÅ«tybių apsivalymą, liÅ«desio ir liÅ«desio ÄÆveikimą,
dukkha-domanassa iÅ”nykimą, teisingo kelio pasiekimą, Nibbanos, tai yra
keturių, suvokimą satipaį¹­į¹­hānas ā€œ. Taip buvo pasakyta, ir remiantis tuo
buvo pasakyta.

Taip kalbėjo Bhagavā. Džiaugdamiesi, bhikkhus pasveikino Bhagavos žodžius.


Australijos tyrėjai tvirtina, kad du esami vaistai gali ā€žiÅ”gydytiā€œ
COVID-19 po to, kai jų iÅ”tirti pacientai ā€žlabai geraiā€œ reagavo ÄÆ gydymą

Tyrėjai mano, kad rado vaistus nuo naujausio koronaviruso padermės

Ši liga nuo sausio nužudė daugiau nei 6500 žmonių visame pasaulyje

Kvinslando tyrinėtojas teigia, kad ŽIV ir vaistai nuo maliarijos gali būti gydymo priemonė

Šiuo metu pacientai negali būti iŔgydomi ir palaikomi tik jiems pasveikus

Koronaviruso simptomai: kokie jie yra ir ar reikia kreiptis ÄÆ gydytoją?

Pasak Australijos mokslininkų, koronavirusui naikinti gali būti naudojami vaistai, naudojami ŽIV ir maliarijai gydyti.

Infekcinių ligų ekspertų komanda iŔ Kvinslando universiteto Brisbene
teigia, kad jie matė, kaip du esami vaistai padeda sunaikinti COVID-19

PraneŔama, kad chlorokvinas, vaistas nuo maliarijos,
ir ŽIV slopinantis lopinaviro / ritonaviro derinys davė daug vilčių
teikiančių testų su žmonėmis rezultatus ir privertė virusą ā€žiÅ”nyktiā€œ
infekuotiems pacientams.

Vaistai yra iÅ”bandomi, kai viso pasaulio tyrinėtojai ir gydytojai bando surasti vakciną, iÅ”gydyti ar gydyti mirtiną virusą.

Šiuo metu koronavirusu užsikrėtė apie 170 000 žmonių visame pasaulyje, o daugiau kaip 6500 mirė.

Po to, kai Kinijai pavyko suvaldyti staigų ligos protrÅ«kÄÆ, kitos Å”alys
buvo užriÅ”tos dėl didžiulės epidemijos - Italijoje ją pagavo beveik 25
000 žmonių, Irane - apie 14 000, Ispanijoje - 8 000, Vokietijoje ir
Prancūzijoje - daugiau nei 5000 vienetų.

Kvinslando tyrėjas,
profesorius Davidas Patersonas teigė, kad tikisi iki mėnesio pabaigos
ÄÆtraukti žmones ÄÆ didesnio masto farmacijos tyrimus.

Vienas iŔ vaistų, svarstomų tyrimui, yra gydymas nuo maliarijos, žinomas kaip chlorokinas (nuotraukoje)

Profesorius Patersonas teigė, kad nebūtų neteisinga laikyti narkotikus
galimu mirtinos kvėpavimo takų infekcijos ā€žgydymu ar gydymuā€œ.

paaiŔkino, kad kai Australijoje ŽIV vaistas lopinaviras / ritonaviras
buvo duotas žmonėms, užkrėstiems koronavirusu, tai lėmė viruso iÅ”nykimą.

Jis Australijos naujienų svetainei sakė: ā€žTai potencialiai veiksmingas gydymas.

ā€žPasibaigus terapijai, pacientų sistemoje iÅ” viso nebus gyvybingo koronavirusoā€œ.

Nors gydymas buvo efektyvus ÄÆvairiais atvejais, nebuvo atlikta jokių
kontroliuojamų tyrimų, pavyzdžiui, kokių prireiktų norint iÅ”tirti naują
vaistą, - teigė profesorius Patersonas.

ā€žPirmąją pacientų iÅ”
Kinijos bangą (Australijoje) jiems visi labai gerai padarė, kai buvo
gydomi ŽIV vaistuā€œ, - teigė profesorius Patersonas.

ā€žTai, ką Å”iuo
metu norime padaryti, yra didelis klinikinis tyrimas visoje
Australijoje, apžiūrintis 50 ligoninių, ir mes lyginsime vieną vaistą,
palyginti su kitu vaistu, palyginti su dviejų vaistų deriniuā€œ, - teigė
profesorius Patersonas. .

Australijoje patvirtinta apie 300 koronaviruso atvejų ir trys žmonės mirė.

Tiriamas vaistas nuo ŽIV yra lopinaviras / ritonaviras, dažniausiai parduodamas pavadinimu Kaletra.

Tai antivirusinis vaistas, kurÄÆ gali vartoti du kartus per dieną ŽIV užsikrėtę žmonės, kad sumažėtų viruso plitimas organizme.

Reguliariai vartojant vaistus, siekiama sustabdyti ŽIV plitimą iki
AIDS, kuris yra mirtinas, taip pat gali sumažinti riziką, kad žmonės
perduos infekciją kitiems.

Tai narkotikų rūŔis, vadinama
proteazės inhibitoriumi, kuri sustabdo virusus nuo fermento, vadinamo
proteaze, naudojimo, kuris yra būtinas, kad jie galėtų plisti.

proteazės virusai negali padaryti visiÅ”kai subrendusių klonų, kad jiems
būtų galima užkrėsti kitas sveikas ląsteles, todėl infekcija negali

Manoma, kad Å”is gebėjimas sustabdyti viruso dauginimąsi
ir užkrėtimą naujomis ląstelėmis daro ā€žKaletraā€œ veiksmingu koronaviruso

Koronavirusu užsikrėtė daugiau nei 170 000 žmonių visame pasaulyje, o mažiausiai 6512 žmonių mirė

Profesorius Davidas Patersonas (nuotraukoje) tikisi, kad pacientai bus ÄÆtraukti ÄÆ klinikinÄÆ Å”io vaisto tyrimą iki kovo pabaigos
ŽIV vaistas ā€žKaletraā€œ parodė daug žadančius rezultatus dėl nedidelio
skaičiaus pacientų, gydytų koronavirusu, sako mokslininkai - jie nori
pradėti tinkamus klinikinius tyrimus
ŽIV vaistas ā€žKaletraā€œ parodė
daug žadančius rezultatus dėl nedidelio skaičiaus pacientų, gydytų
koronavirusu, sako mokslininkai - jie nori pradėti tinkamus klinikinius

Kaletra yra patvirtinta naudoti JAV, Europoje ir
Australijoje, o jos gamintojas - ā€žAbbVieā€œ - jau paaukojo Å”io narkotiko
atsargas Kinijos, JAV ir Pasaulio sveikatos organizacijai. Tai kitoks
nei PREP narkotikų derinys, neseniai patvirtintas ŽIV prevencijai JK.

Chlorokvinas - prieŔmaliarinis vaistas - veikia skirtingai ir yra
skiriamas žmonėms siekiant iÅ”vengti maliarinės infekcijos, jei juos
ÄÆkando uodas, neÅ”antis parazitą.

Tai neiÅ”gydo maliarijos, bet sustabdo jos vystymąsi, kai vartojama prieÅ” asmenÄÆ lankantis rizikos zonoje, jos metu ir po jos.

Vaistas veikia jų viduje esančias druskas, nuodindamas parazitus ir neleidžiant joms augti žmogaus eritrocituose.

Taip pat nustatyta, kad jis gali sunaikinti virusus, ir mokslininkai
laboratorinių tyrimų metu nustatė, kad jis gali bÅ«ti veiksmingas prieÅ”
koronavirusą (SARS-CoV-2).

Chlorokvinas jau plačiai naudojamas
kaip prieŔmaliarinis vaistas keliautojams. JK taip pat patvirtintas
naudoti žmonėms, sergantiems reumatoidiniu artritu ar vilklige.

Norėdami iÅ”bandyti ir gydyti koronavirusą, mokslininkai nori naudoti jau
patvirtintą vaistą, nes jis nutrauktų ilgus saugumo bandymų procesus -
jie jau ÄÆrodyti, kad jie yra saugÅ«s - ir gautų vyriausybės patvirtinimą
bei gamybą.

Infekcinių ligų gydytojas profesorius Patersonas
kartu su KaraliÅ”kąja Brisbeno ir moterų ligonine pradėjo rinkti lÄ—Å”as,
kad surinktų pinigų klinikiniams tyrimams paremti.

Koronaviruso veiksmų fondas tikisi surinkti 750 000 USD, kad suprastų ir geriau gydytų COVID-19.

Organizatorių pareiŔkimas sako, kad tyrimai ir bandymai bus vykdomi, kai tik bus užtikrintas finansavimas.

ā€žCOVID-19ā€œ stebėjimo priemonė



Post image
Pain is a Gift
Instead of avoiding it,
Learn to embrace it.
Without pain,
there is no growth

you know what to look for, you can tell the meaning of a Buddha Statue
by looking at the pose / posture, and the accompanying hand gestures.
Each traditional pose has a significance related to an important event in the the life - or past lives - of the Historical Buddha. (Note: You can see more examples by Visiting our Buddha Statues For Sale Page on this site.)

Also referred to as an asana or an Attitude, there are over 100
poses illustrating the life of the Buddha. And each posture will have a
specific hand gesture, called a Mudra,
associated with the posture. In general, the carvings of the Buddha
that you can buy are representations of highly venerated statues that
are enshrined at major temples throughout the world, or are
reproductions of well known sculptures that were originally commissioned
by royal patrons, and as such, their meanings and significance are
similar to the original statues.

Protection / Warding Off Fear Pose Protection Buddha

Protection Buddha / Overcoming Fear

This depiction of a seated Buddha with the right hand raised and facing
outwards has two common meanings. The first is that of the Protection
Buddha, as the raised right hand symbolically represents a shield. The
second meaning, Overcoming Fear, is closely related to the first (since
one who is receiving protection would be less fearful).

The main features of this pose, aside from the raised right hand, is
that The Buddha can be depicted either sitting or standing, and the
left hand may either be extended outward or palm up in the lap. This
statue signifies courage and offers protection from fear, delusion and

Once you become fearless life become limitless

Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless.

Hope is stronger than fear

Hope is the one thing that is stronger than Fear
Buddha Quotes - #Quotes - #BuddhaQuotes - #QuotesbyBuddha

When one has the feeling of dislike for evil,
when one feels tranquil, one finds pleasure in listening to good
teachings, one one has these feelings and appreciates them, one if free
from fear - THE BUDDHA the Awakened One with Awareness.


FREED. Buddha

Image result for There is no fear for one whose mind is not filled with desires The Buddha in animated Buddha image
There is no fear for one whose mind is not filled with desires
The Buddha


Overcoming Fear: Three Remedies for Fear; What Buddha had to Say About Fearlessness in Abhaya Sutta

Today, in this age for those who are amid CORONOVIRUS COVID-19 scare of terrorism ā€” and even the threat of nuclear attack from North Korea ā€” fear has become top of mind, again. Creating an atmosphere of dread is the goal of terrorists and dictators. Itā€™s easy to say, ā€œI canā€™t live my life in fearā€ and then pretend to go about your business. But, even if you bravely brush the fear aside ā€” in the background the nervous ā€œlook-over-your-shoulder-to-be-sureā€ feeling remains.

Overcoming Fear: Three Remedies for Fear; What Buddha had to Say About Fearlessness in Abhaya Sutta

Today, in this age for those who are amid CORONOVIRUS COVID-19 scare of terrorism ā€” and even the threat of nuclear attack from North Korea ā€” fear has become top of mind, again. Creating an atmosphere of dread is the goal of terrorists and dictators. Itā€™s easy to say, ā€œI canā€™t live my life in fearā€ and then pretend to go about your business. But, even if you bravely brush the fear aside ā€” in the background the nervous ā€œlook-over-your-shoulder-to-be-sureā€ feeling remains.

But how do we genuinely, in our hearts and minds, overcome fear? What did Buddha teach on overcoming fear? Buddha faced down not only Mara (inner demons), but also his own cousin Devadatta (who tried to kill Him more than once), charging elephants, brahmins and falling rocks
and other dangers. Iconic of His fearlessness is the hand held up in the Abhaya mudra. Who was this person, not afraid of death?

ā€œThe Buddha is seated under the Bodhi tree, looking relaxed and contemplative ā€¦ Surrounding him are the maras, all of the afflictions that assail the mind. Some have spears aimed at the Buddha and some are disguised in erotic imagery, aiming to disrupt the Buddhaā€™s concentration, trying to generate the fear that comes from being attacked. But the Buddha sits unmoved, with one hand on the ground, as if to say, ā€œI have a right to be here.ā€ The shield that surrounds him, that protects him from these afflictions, is his benevolence. His own loving-kindness shining out from him is the dissolver of all
afflictions.ā€ ā€” Sylvia Boorstein [4]

Another iconic image of Buddhaā€™s fearlessness, is the story of the rampaging elephant, enraged by wicked Devadatta. With loving kindness, and a fearless disposition, Shakyamuni instantly subdued the great beast. Devadatta tried to kill Buddha more than once, always failing.

The Abhaya mudra ā€” the famous gesture of the Buddha holding up his hand fearlessly (seen in many images of the Buddha) ā€” expresses Buddhist fearlessness in profound simplicity. The Awakened with Awareness Mind has no fear. But what about the rest of us? For us, those of us not Awakened with Awareness, we can take refuge in the Buddha the Awakened with Awareness.

Who is this Person, Not Afraid of Death?

In the Abhaya Sutta, Shakyamuni Buddha said, ā€œAnd who is the person who, subject to death, is not afraid or in terror of death? There is the case of the person who has abandoned passion, desire, fondness, thirst, fever, and craving for sensuality. Then he comes down with a serious disease. As he comes down with a serious disease, the thought does not occur to him, ā€˜O, those beloved sensual pleasures will be taken from me, and I will be taken from them!ā€™ He does not grieve, is not tormented; does not weep, beat his breast, or grow delirious. This is a person who, subject to death, is not afraid or in terror of death.ā€

Pragmatic Fearlessness ā€” ā€œDoing Good and Purifying Mind and Environmentā€

A more pragmatic view of fearlessness is found in the Abhaya Sutta, the ā€œFearlessā€ Sutta ā€” a discourse between the Blessed One and Janussoni the brahman who challenged Buddha with his view ā€œno one who, subject to death, is not afraid or in terror of death.ā€ The Buddha answers him with four ā€œcasesā€ of people who would die in fear, and four who would die without fear.

Strikingly, Buddha mentions a fearless person ā€œwho has done what is good, has done what is skillful, has given protection to those in fear, and has not done what is evil, savage, or cruel. Then he comes down with a serious disease. As he comes down with a serious disease, the thought occurs to him, ā€˜I have done what is good, have done what is skillful, have given protection to those in fear, and I have not done what is evil, savage, or cruelā€¦ He does not grieve, is not tormented; does not weep, beat his breast, or grow delirious. This, too, is a person who, subject to death, is not afraid or in terror of death.ā€ [2]

Itā€™s easy to understand the notion that a good person will receive a reward ā€”good Kamma the law of cause and condition. Buddha made it clear in the same Sutta, that the real key to freedom rom fear is the person ā€œwho has abandoned passion, desire, fondness, thirst, fever, and craving for sensuality.ā€ This person has lived the Eightfold Path, taught by Buddha, based on the Four Noble Truths. This person, who has removed attachments and craving, has no reason to fear. If you donā€™t feel attached to illusory enjoyments, you donā€™t fear losing them.

Four Types of People Free from Fear

In all, Buddha gave examples of four types of people who are free of fear. The journey away from fear is a lifetime one ā€” not an overnight revelation. Buddha lived for eighty-years and died without fear. His followers likewise spent lifetimes living the eightfold path. At what point does fear completely disappear? In the case of Shakyamuni Buddha, that happened under the Bodhi Tree when he achieved Awakenment with Awareness. For us, we might not fully achieve fearlessness until we achieve significant realizations, or even Awakenment with Awareness.

Yet, there are degrees of fear. The person who has ā€œmostlyā€ abandoned attachments and cravings for sensualities could probably be said to beā€œmostlyā€ free from fear. The person, like the ā€œgood personā€ Buddha described, could also feel fulfilled, happy and content, and therefore mostly free of fear.

Abhaya Sutta

Fearless Sutra

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu


Then Janussoni the brahman went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, exchanged courteous greetings with him. After an exchange of friendly greetings and courtesies, he sat to one side. As he was sitting there he said to the Blessed One: ā€œI am of the view and opinion that there is no one who, subject to death, is not afraid or in terror of death.ā€

The Blessed One said: ā€œbrahman, there are those who, subject to death, are afraid and in terror of death. And there are those who, subject to death, are not afraid or in terror of death.

ā€œAnd who is the person who, subject to death, is afraid and in terror of death? There is the case of the person who has not abandoned passion, desire, fondness, thirst, fever, and craving for sensuality. Then he comes down with a serious disease. As he comes down with a serious disease, the thought occurs to him, ā€˜O, those beloved sensual pleasures will be taken from me, and I will be taken from them!ā€™ He grieves and is tormented, weeps, beats his breast, and grows delirious. This is a person who, subject to death, is afraid and in terror of death.

ā€œFurthermore, there is the case of the person who has not abandoned passion, desire, fondness, thirst, fever, and craving for the body. Then he comes down with a serious disease. As he comes down with a serious disease, the thought occurs to him, ā€˜O, my beloved body will be taken from me, and I will be taken from my body!ā€™ He grieves and is tormented, weeps, beats his breast, and grows delirious. This, too, is a person who, subject to death, is afraid and in terror of death.

ā€œFurthermore, there is the case of the person who has not done what is good, has not done what is skillful, has not given protection to those in fear, and instead has done what is evil, savage, and cruel. Then he comes down with a serious disease. As he comes down with a serious disease, the thought occurs to him, ā€˜I have not done what is good, have not done what is skillful, have not given protection to those in fear, and instead have done what is evil, savage, and cruel. To the extent that there is a destination for those who have not done what is good, have not done what is skillful, have not given protection to those in fear, and instead have done what is evil, savage, and cruel, thatā€™s where Iā€™m headed after death.ā€™ He grieves and is tormented, weeps, beats his breast, and grows delirious. This, too, is a person who, subject to death, is afraid and in terror of death.

ā€œFurthermore, there is the case of the person in doubt and perplexity, who has not arrived at certainty with regard to the True Dhamma. Then he comes down with a serious disease. As he comes down with a serious disease, the thought occurs to him, ā€˜How doubtful and perplexed I am! I have not arrived at any certainty with regard to the True Dhamma!ā€™ He grieves and is tormented, weeps, beats his breast, and grows delirious. This, too, is a person who, subject to death, is afraid and in terror of death.

ā€œThese, brahman, are four people who, subject to death, are afraid and in terror of death.

ā€œAnd who is the person who, subject to death, is not afraid or in terror of death?

ā€œThere is the case of the person who has abandoned passion, desire, fondness, thirst, fever, and craving for sensuality. Then he comes down with a serious disease. As he comes down with a serious disease, the thought does not occur to him, ā€˜O, those beloved sensual pleasures will be taken from me, and I will be taken from them!ā€™ He does not grieve, is not tormented; does not weep, beat his breast, or grow delirious. This is a person who, subject to death, is not afraid or in terror of death.

ā€œFurthermore, there is the case of the person who has abandoned passion, desire, fondness, thirst, fever, and craving for the body. Then he comes down with a serious disease. As he comes down with a serious disease, the thought does not occur to him, ā€˜O, my beloved body will be taken from me, and I will be taken from my body!ā€™ He does not grieve, is
not tormented; does not weep, beat his breast, or grow delirious. This, too, is a person who, subject to death, is not afraid or in terror of death.

ā€œFurthermore, there is the case of the person who has done what is good, has done what is skillful, has given protection to those in fear, and has not done what is evil, savage, or cruel. Then he comes down with a serious disease. As he comes down with a serious disease, the thought occurs to him, ā€˜I have done what is good, have done what is skillful,
have given protection to those in fear, and I have not done what is
evil, savage, or cruel. To the extent that there is a destination for
those who have done what is good, what is skillful, have given
protection to those in fear, and have not done what is evil, savage, or
cruel, thatā€™s where Iā€™m headed after death.ā€™ He does not grieve, is not
tormented; does not weep, beat his breast, or grow delirious. This, too,
is a person who, subject to death, is not afraid or in terror of death.

ā€œFurthermore, there is the case of the person who has no doubt or perplexity, who has arrived at certainty with regard to the True Dhamma. Then he comes down with a serious disease. As he comes down with a serious disease, the thought occurs to him, ā€˜I have no doubt or perplexity. I have arrived at certainty with regard to the True Dhamma.ā€™ He does not grieve, is not tormented; does not weep, beat his breast, or grow delirious. This, too, is a person who, subject to death, is not afraid or in terror of death.

ā€œThese, brahman, are four people who, subject to death, are not afraid or in terror of death.ā€

When this was said, Janussoni the brahman said to the Blessed One: ā€œMagnificent, Master Gotama! Magnificent! Just as if he were to place upright what was overturned, to reveal what was hidden, to show the way to one who was lost, or to carry a lamp into the dark so that those with eyes could see forms, in the same way has Master Gotama ā€” through many lines of reasoning ā€” made the Dhamma clear. I go to Master Gotama for refuge, to the Dhamma, and to the Sangha of monks. May Master Gotama remember me as a lay follower who has gone to him for refuge, from this day forward, for life.ā€

Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless.

Hope is the one thing that is stronger than Fear

When one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings, one one has these feelings and appreciates them, one if free from fear.


There is no fear for one whose mind is not filled with desires.

From craving arises sorrow, from craving arises fear, but he who is freed from craving has no sorrow and certainly no fear.

Those who act with few desires are calm, without worry or fear.

There are those who discover they can leave behind destructive reactions and become patient as the earth, unmoved by fires of anger or fear, unshaken as a pillar, unperturbed as a clear and quiet pool.- THE BUDDHA the Awakened One with Awareness.ā€¦/noveā€¦/74100705ā€¦/india-doctor-claims-to-have-inventedā€¦
Doctor claims to have invented cure for Coronavirus

Chennai: A Siddha doctor from Tamil Nadu has claimed to have formulated a herbal medicine that can cure Coronavirus (COVID-19) Novel coronavirus to be called COVID-19: WHO The deadly novel coronavirus has now got its official name. From now on, the virus will be known as ā€˜COVID-19ā€²., which was first detected in the city of Wuhan in China in December 2019 and has no effective vaccine or drug to treat it.

Dr Thanikasalam Veni of Rathna Siddha Hospital in Chennai has 25-year of vast experience in field Siddha medicines

Speaking to ANI, he said: ā€œWe have formulated a medicine from an extract of herbs. It is very effective to cure any type of viral fever. Coronavirus has no medicine. In Chinaā€™s Wuhan where Coronavirus has claimed over 50 lives, experts have no idea how to cure the disease. Our herbal extract medicine is used to treat dengue, multi-organ fever and
acute liver fever.ā€

ā€œWe want to tell the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Chinese government that our medicine is very effective in treating multi-organ failure in corona fever condition,ā€ he said.

The Siddha doctor claimed that the medicine formulated by him along with his team treats infections caused by the virus within 24 hours to 40 hours.

ā€œWhen we treated the dengue virus with ourmedicine, many patients with reduced platelets count, acute liver failure, immunity deficiency and low white blood cell (WBC) were cured within 24-40 hours,ā€ said Veni.

ā€œIn coronavirus too I am confident our medicine will be very effective,ā€ he added.

The doctor said he is willing to help the state and the central government as well as China if required.

ā€œIf the Centre and state government require then I am ready with medicine. Also, if China wants my contribution I am ready to fly immediately to Wuhan with my medicine which can cure Coronavirus,ā€ hesaid.

The virus, which has no effective vaccine, was reported on January 16 in Japan, the first case outside China and its territories.

Coronaviruses (nCoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.

Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, the infection can cause
pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.

New Delhi, The deadly novel coronavirus has now got its official name. From now on, the virus will be known as ā€˜COVID-19ā€².

In a statement released by the World Health Organisation, its Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, ā€œwe now have a name for the disease: COVID-19. Iā€™ll spell it: C-O-V-I-D hyphen one nine - COVID-19.ā€ He termed the virus as ā€œa common enemy.ā€

The statement was released on Tuesday by the World Health Organisation.

The WHO chief also said that, ā€œunder agreed guidelines between WHO, the World Organisation for Animal Health and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, we had to find a name that did not refer to a geographical location, an animal, an individual or group of people, and which is also pronounceable and related to the disease.
Having a name matters to prevent the use of other names that can be inaccurate or stigmatizing. It also gives us a standard format to use for any future coronavirus outbreaks.ā€

According to the World Health Organisation there were 42,708 confirmed cases reported in China, and tragically the death toll surpassed 1000 deaths as on Tuesday. ā€œMore than 2000 people in China have lost their lives due to this virus. Most of the cases and most of the deaths are in Hubei province. Outside China, there are 393 cases in 24 countries, and 1 death,ā€ said Dr Ghebreyesus.

The world health body also said that it had activated a UN Crisis Management Team, to be led by Dr Mike Ryan that will help the organisation focus on the health response while the other agencies could bring their expertise to bear on the wider social, economic and developmental implications of the outbreak so we are all working to our strengths. Dr Mike Ryan will coordinate the whole UN response.

WHO is also hosting a two-day meeting of more than 400 scientists from around the world, both in person and virtually called Global research and innovation forum on February 11 and 12.

researchers claim two existing drugs could ‘cure’ COVID-19 after
patients they tested responded ‘very well’ to treatment

Researchers believe they’ve found a cure for the latest strain of coronavirus.

The disease has killed more than 6,500 people around the world since January Queensland researcher claims HIV and anti-malaria drugs may be the cure
Currently patients cannot be cured and only supported while they recover
Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?

Drugs used to treat HIV and malaria could be used to tackle the coronavirus, according to scientists in Australia. 

team of infectious disease experts at the University of Queensland in
Brisbane say they have seen two existing medications manage to wipe out
COVID-19 infections.

Chloroquine, an
anti-malarial drug, and HIV-suppressing combination lopinavir/ritonavir
have both reportedly shown promising results in human tests and made the
virus ‘disappear’ in infected patients.

drugs are being tested as researchers and doctors around the world
scramble to try and find a vaccine, cure or treatment for the deadly

Around 170,000 people across the globe have now been infected with the coronavirus and over 6,500 have died. 

China managed to get a handle on its sudden outbreak other countries
were blindsided by huge epidemics ā€“ almost 25,000 people have caught it
in Italy, around 14,000 in Iran, 8,000 in Spain and more than 5,000 apiece in Germany and France.

researcher, Professor David Paterson, said he hopes to enrol people in
larger scale pharmaceutical trials by the end of the month.

One of the drugs being considered for the trial is an anti-malaria treatment known as chloroquine (pictured)

Professor Paterson said it wouldn’t be
wrong to consider the drugs a possible ‘treatment or cure’ for the
deadly respiratory infection. 

He explained that when the HIV
medication lopinavir/ritonavir was given to people infected with the
coronavirus in Australia it led to the ‘disappearance of the virus’.

He told Australian news site ‘It’s a potentially effective treatment.

‘Patients would end up with no viable coronavirus in their system at all after the end of the therapy.’

the treatment had been effective in a smattering of cases, there hasn’t
been any controlled testing like what would be needed to test a new
drug, Professor Paterson said. 

‘That first wave of Chinese
patients we had (in Australia), they all did very, very well when they
were treated with the HIV drug,’ Professor Paterson said. 

we want to do at the moment is a large clinical trial across Australia,
looking at 50 hospitals, and what we’re going to compare is one drug,
versus another drug, versus the combination of the two drugs,’ Professor
Paterson said. 

There have been around 300 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Australia and three people have died. 

Lopinavir/ritonavir, the anti-HIV drug being tested, is most commonly sold under the name Kaletra.

is an antiviral medication which can be taken twice a day by people
infected with HIV in order to reduce levels of the virus circulating in
the body.

Regular use of the medication
is intended to stop HIV progressing to AIDS, which is fatal, and may
also reduce the risk of people transmitting the infection to others.

is a type of drug called a protease inhibitor, which works by stopping
viruses from using an enzyme called protease, which is vital for them to
be able to spread.

Without protease
viruses cannot make the fully-matured clones that they need to be able
to infect other healthy cells, so the infection can’t spread.

ability to stop a virus from reproducing and infecting new cells is
believed to be what apparently makes Kaletra an effective coronavirus

More than 170,000 people around the world have been infected with the coronavirus, and at least 6,512 have died

Professor David Paterson (pictured) hopes to have patients enrolled in a clinical trial of the drug by the end of March
Professor David Paterson (pictured) hopes to have patients enrolled in a clinical trial of the drug by the end of March
The HIV drug Kaletra has shown promising results in the small number of coronavirus patients who have been treated with it, scientists say ā€“ they now want to start proper clinical trials
The HIV drug Kaletra has shown promising results in the small number of
coronavirus patients who have been treated with it, scientists say ā€“
they now want to start proper clinical trials

Kaletra is approved for use in the US,
Europe and Australia, and its manufacturer ā€“ AbbVie ā€“ has already
donated supplies of the drug to authorities China, the US and to the
World Health Organisation. It is a different combination to the PREP
drug which was recently approved for HIV prevention in the UK.

ā€“ an antimalarial drug ā€“ works in a different way and is given to
people to prevent malaria infections if they are bitten by a mosquito
carrying the parasite.

It does not cure malaria but stops it from developing when taken before, during and after someone visits an at-risk area.

The drug works by salts inside them poisoning parasites and preventing them from  growing inside human red blood cells.

has also been found to be able to destroy viruses, and scientists found
in lab tests that it could be effective against the coronavirus

Chloroquine is already
widely used as an antimalarial for travellers and is also approved in
the UK for use on people with rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.

are keen to use an already-approved medication to try and treat the
coronavirus because it would cut out the lengthy processes of safety
trials ā€“ they are already proven to be safe ā€“ and getting government
approval and manufacturing.

Paterson, an infectious diseases physician, has launched a fundraising
appeal alongside the Royal Brisbane and Womenā€™s Hospital to raise money
to support the clinical trials. 

The Coronavirus Action Fund hopes to raise $750,000 to go toward understanding and better treating COVID-19.

A statement from the organisers says research and trials will be underway as soon as funding is secured.

COVID-19 Tracker


Satipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta (MN 10). The Discourse on the Establishing of
Mindfulness) and the Mahāsatipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta (DN 22) (The Great Discourse
on the Establishing of Mindfulness) are two of the most important and
widely studied discourses in the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism. The
former is also found in the Āgamas of other early schools, and has been
embraced by contemporary Mahayana practitioners such as Thich Nhat Hanh.

These discourses (Pāli: sutta) provide a means for practicing
mindfulness in a variety of contexts and potentially continuously.
Famously, the Buddha declares at the beginning of this discourse:”This
is the direct way (Pāli: ekāyano … maggo), monks, for the purification
of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the
extinguishing of suffering and grief, for walking on the path of truth,
for the realization of nibbāna….”

Title translation

English translations of the title, “Satipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta,” include:

    “The Arousing of Mindfulness Discourse” tipitaka/mn/mn.010.soma.html (Soma, 1999)
    “The Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse” tipitaka/mn/mn.010.nysa.html (Nyanasatta, 1994)
    “The Frames of Reference Discourse” tipitaka/mn/mn.010.than.html (Thanissaro, 1995)

to Anālayo (2006, pp. 29ā€“30), Thanissaro (2000) and Nyanaponika (1996,
pp. 9ā€“10), part of the reason for the variety in this title’s
translation has to do with how the compound Pāli word “satipaį¹­į¹­hāna” is
analyzed. It can be interpreted as “sati-paį¹­į¹­hāna” (”foundation of
mindfulness”) or “sati-upaį¹­į¹­hāna” (”presence of mindfulness”).

regard to the prefix “Maha-” in the Pāli title of DN 22, this simply
means “great,” or “larger” and likely refers to DN 22’s expanded section
on mindfulness of the Fourth Noble Truths.

Various Recensions & Canonical placement

the Chinese Canon, the Nian Chu Jing (åæµč™•ē¶“, Smį¹›tyupasthāna SÅ«tra), based
on a Sarvastivadin source, is found on page 582 of the Taisho Tripitaka
Vol. 1, Madhyama Āgama No. 26. A second version with the The
Smį¹›tyupasthāna SÅ«tra was not translated into Tibetan, except as part of
the long PrajƱapāramita SÅ«tra into which it had been incorporated. There
does exist in Tibetan translation a “Saddharma Smį¹›tyupasthāna SÅ«tra”
(dam pa’i chos dran pa nye bar bzhag pa’i mdo//dampĆ© chƶdren panyĆ©
barzhak pƩ do) but this is a very large early Mahayana sutra and is an
entirely different text. Ven. Ajahn Sujato completed an extensive
comparative survey of the various recensions of Sutta, entitled A
History of Mindfulness. These various versions are quite similar.

the Theravadin Pali Canon, the Satipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta is the tenth
discourse in the Majjhima Nikaya (MN) and is thus often designated by
“MN 10″; in the Pali Text Society (PTS) edition of the Canon, this text
begins on the 55th page of the first volume of its three-volume Majjhima
Nikaya (M), and is thus alternately represented as “M i 55.”

for the Mahāsatipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta, this is the 22nd discourse in the Digha
Nikaya (DN) and is thus often designated by “DN 22″; in the PTS edition
of the Canon, the Mahāsatipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta begins on the 289th page of the
second volume of the PTS’ three-volume Digha Nikaya (D), and is thus
alternately represented as “D ii 289.”

In post-canonical Pali
literature, the classic commentary on the Satipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta (as well as
for the entire Majjhima Nikaya) is found in Buddhaghosa’s PapaƱcasudani
(Bullitt, 2002; Soma, 2003).

this sutta, the Buddha identifies four references for establishing
mindfulness (satipatthana): body, sensations (or feelings), mind (or
consciousness) and mental contents. These are then further broken down
into the following sections and subsections:

    Body (Kāyā)
        Breathing (also see the Anapanasati Sutta)
        Postures (Walking, Standing, Sitting, Lying Down)
        Clear Comprehending
        Reflections on Repulsiveness of the Body
        Reflections on Material Elements
        Cemetery Contemplations
    Sensations/Feelings (Vedanā)
        pleasant or unpleasant or neither-pleasant-nor-unpleasant (neutral) feelings
        worldly or spiritual feelings
    Mind/Consciousness (Cittā)
        lust (sarāgaį¹ƒ) or without lust (vÄ«tarāgaį¹ƒ)
        hate (sadosaį¹ƒ) or without hate (vÄ«tadosaį¹ƒ)
        delusion (samohaį¹ƒ) or without delusion (vÄ«tamohaį¹ƒ)
        contracted (saį¹…khittaį¹ƒ) or scattered (vikkhittaį¹ƒ)
        lofty (mahaggataį¹ƒ) or not lofty (amahaggataį¹ƒ)
        surpassable (sa-uttaraį¹ƒ) or unsurpassed (anuttaraį¹ƒ)
        quieted (samāhitaį¹ƒ) or not quieted (asamāhitaį¹ƒ)
        released (vimuttaį¹ƒ) or not released (avimuttaį¹ƒ)
    Mental Contents (Dhammā)
        The Hindrances
        The Aggregates of Clinging
        The Sense-Bases and their Fetters
        The Factors of Awakenment with Awareness
        The Four Noble Truths

Personality-based typography

to Analāyo (2006, pp. 24ā€“25) and Soma (2003, pp. xxii - xxiv), the
PapaƱcasudani recommends a different satipaį¹­į¹­hāna depending on whether a

    tends more toward affective craving or intellectual speculation; and,
    is more measured in their responses or quick reacting.

Based on these two dimensions the commentary’s recommended personality-based satipaį¹­į¹­hāna is reflected in the grid below.
  experiential orientation
(extrovert) cognitive
reactivity /
temperament slow body mind
quick sensations mental contents

(2003, p. xxiv) adds that all practitioners (regardless of their
character and temperament) should also practice mindfulness of Postures
(moving, standing, sitting, lying down) and Clear Understanding, about
which he writes: “The whole practice of mindfulness depends on the
correct grasp of the exercises included in the two parts referred to
Single-focused, successive and simultaneous practices

There are a variety of ways that one could use the methods described in the Satipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta including:

    Focus on a single method. The method most written about in the English language is that of mindfulness of breath.
    Practice the various methods individually in succession.
    Maintain breath mindfulness as a primary object while using other methods to address non-breath stimuli.
    Practice multiple methods either in tandem or in a context-driven manner

See also

    Mindfulness (Buddhism)
    Buddhist meditation
    Mahasati Meditation

    Related discourses:

        Anapanasati Sutta
        Kayagata-sati Sutta
        Maha-satipatthana Sutta

    Related practices:


    Related concepts:

        Seven factors of enlightenment
        Four Noble Truths


Wikipedia:Satipatthana Sutta

Mahāsatipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta ā€” Attendance on awareness ā€” with best animated Buddha image, song, dance  in Classical English
Lord Buddha Short Stories For Kids in English - Inspiring Stories From The Life of Buddha

Geethanjali - Cartoons for Kids
197K subscribers
Lord Buddha Short Stories For Kids in English - Inspiring Stories From The Life of Buddha

The Buddha, the founder of the great religious philosophy of Buddhism,
lived in North India over two thousand and five hundred years ago and
was known as Siddhattha (Siddhartha = one whose purpose has been
achieved). Gotama (Sanskrit= Gautama) was his family name. His father,
King Suddhodana, ruled over the land of the Sakyans at Kapilavatthu on
the Nepalese frontier. His queen was Mahamaya, a princess of the

On a full-moon day of May, when the trees were laden
with leaf, flower and fruit, and man, bird and beast were in joyous
mood, Queen Mahamaya was travelling in state from Kapilavatthu to
Devadaha, her parental home, according to the custom of the times, to
give birth to her child. But that was not to be, for halfway between the
two cities, in the Lumbini grove, under the shade of a flowering Sal
tree, she brought forth a son.

Lumbini or Rummindei, the name by
which it is now known, is 100 miles north of Variinasi and within sight
of the snowcapped Himalayas. At this memorable spot where Prince
Siddhattha, the future Buddha, was born, Emperor Asoka, 316 years after
the event, erected a mighty stone pillar to mark the holy spot. The
inscription engraved on the pillar in five lines consists of
ninety-three Asokan (brahmi) characters, amongst which occurs the

‘Hida Budhe jate Sakyamuni’, ‘Here was born the
Buddha, the sage of the Sakyans’. The mighty column is still to be seen.
The pillar, ‘as crisp as the day it was cut’, had been struck by
lightning even when Hiuen Tsiang, the Chinese pilgrim, saw it towards
the middle of the seventh century after Christ.

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Mahāsatipaį¹­į¹­hāna Sutta ā€” Attendance on awareness ā€”in,29) Classical English,Roman,

This sutta is widely considered as a fundamental reference for meditation practice.

I. Observation of Kāya
A. Section on ānāpāna
B. Section on postures
C. Section on sampajaƱƱa
D. Section on repulsiveness
E. Section on the Elements
F. Section on the nine charnel grounds

II. Observation of Vedanā

III. Observation of Citta

IV. Observation of Dhammas
A. Section on the NÄ«varaį¹‡as
B. Section on the Khandhas
C. Section on the Sense Spheres
D. Section on the Bojjhaį¹…gas
E. Section on the Truths
E1. Exposition of Dukkhasacca
E2. Exposition of Samudayasacca
E3. Exposition of Nirodhasacca
E4. Exposition of Maggasacca


Thus have I heard:
one occasion, the Bhagavā was staying among the Kurus at Kammāsadhamma,
a market town of the Kurus. There, he addressed the bhikkhus:
ā€“ Bhikkhus.ā€“ Bhaddante answered the bhikkhus. The Bhagavā said:
This, bhikkhus, is the path that leads to nothing but the purification
of beings, the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, the disappearance
of dukkha-domanassa, the attainment of the right way, the realization of
Nibbāna, that is to say the four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas.

Which four?
Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing kāya in kāya, ātāpī
sampajāno, satimā, having given up abhijjhā-domanassa towards the world.
He dwells observing vedanā in vedanā, ātāpī sampajāno, satimā, having
given up abhijjhā-domanassa towards the world. He dwells observing citta
in citta, ātāpī sampajāno, satimā, having given up abhijjhā-domanassa
towards the world. He dwells observing dhammaĀ·s in dhammaĀ·s, ātāpÄ«
sampajāno, satimā, having given up abhijjhā-domanassa towards the world.

I. Kāyānupassanā

A. Section on ānāpāna

how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu dwell observing kāya in kāya? Here,
bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, having gone to the forest or having gone at the
root of a tree or having gone to an empty room, sits down folding the
legs crosswise, setting kāya upright, and setting sati parimukhaį¹ƒ. Being
thus sato he breathes in, being thus sato he breathes out. Breathing in
long he understands: ‘I am breathing in long’; breathing out long he
understands: ‘I am breathing out long’; breathing in short he
understands: ‘I am breathing in short’; breathing out short he
understands: ‘I am breathing out short’; he trains himself: ‘feeling the
whole kāya, I will breathe in’; he trains himself: ‘feeling the whole
kāya, I will breathe out’; he trains himself: ‘calming down the
kāya-saį¹…khāras, I will breathe in’; he trains himself: ‘calming down the
kāya-saį¹…khāras, I will breathe out’.

Just as, bhikkhus, a
skillful turner or a turner’s apprentice, making a long turn,
understands: ‘I am making a long turn’; making a short turn, he
understands: ‘I am making a short turn’; in the same way, bhikkhus, a
bhikkhu, breathing in long, understands: ‘I am breathing in long’;
breathing out long he understands: ‘I am breathing out long’; breathing
in short he understands: ‘I am breathing in short’; breathing out short
he understands: ‘I am breathing out short’; he trains himself: ‘feeling
the whole kāya, I will breathe in’; he trains himself: ‘feeling the
whole kāya, I will breathe out’; he trains himself: ‘calming down the
kāya-saį¹…khāras, I will breathe in’; he trains himself: ‘calming down the
kāya-saį¹…khāras, I will breathe out’.

Thus he dwells observing
kāya in kāya internally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya externally,
or he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally and externally; he
dwells observing the samudaya of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells
observing the passing away of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing
the samudaya and passing away of phenomena in kāya; or else,
[realizing:] “this is kāya!” sati is present in him, just to the extent
of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling
to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing
kāya in kāya.

B. Section on postures

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, while walking, understands: ‘I am walking’, or
while standing he understands: ‘I am standing’, or while sitting he
understands: ‘I am sitting’, or while lying down he understands: ‘I am
lying down’. Or else, in whichever position his kāya is disposed, he
understands it accordingly.

he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally, or he dwells observing
kāya in kāya externally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally
and externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of phenomena in kāya,
or he dwells observing the passing away of phenomena in kāya, or he
dwells observing the samudaya and passing away of phenomena in kāya; or
else, [realizing:] “this is kāya!” sati is present in him, just to the
extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not
cling to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells
observing kāya in kāya.

C. Section on sampajaƱƱa

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, while approaching and while departing, acts with
sampajaƱƱa, while looking ahead and while looking around, he acts with
sampajaƱƱa, while bending and while stretching, he acts with sampajaƱƱa,
while wearing the robes and the upper robe and while carrying the bowl,
he acts with sampajaƱƱa, while eating, while drinking, while chewing,
while tasting, he acts with sampajaƱƱa, while attending to the business
of defecating and urinating, he acts with sampajaƱƱa, while walking,
while standing, while sitting, while sleeping, while being awake, while
talking and while being silent, he acts with sampajaƱƱa.

Thus he
dwells observing kāya in kāya internally, or he dwells observing kāya in
kāya externally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally and
externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of phenomena in kāya, or he
dwells observing the passing away of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells
observing the samudaya and passing away of phenomena in kāya; or else,
[realizing:] “this is kāya!” sati is present in him, just to the extent
of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling
to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing
kāya in kāya.

D. Section on Repulsiveness

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu considers this very body, from the soles of the feet
up and from the hair on the head down, which is delimited by its skin
and full of various kinds of impurities: “In this kāya, there are the
hairs of the head, hairs of the body, nails, teeth, skin, flesh,
tendons, bones, bone marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, pleura, spleen,
lungs, intestines, mesentery, stomach with its contents, feces, bile,
phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease, saliva, nasal mucus,
synovial fluid and urine.”

Just as if, bhikkhus, there was a bag
having two openings and filled with various kinds of grain, such as
hill-paddy, paddy, mung beans, cow-peas, sesame seeds and husked rice. A
man with good eyesight, having unfastened it, would consider [its
contents]: “This is hill-paddy, this is paddy, those are mung beans,
those are cow-peas, those are sesame seeds and this is husked rice;” in
the same way, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu considers this very body, from the
soles of the feet up and from the hair on the head down, which is
delimited by its skin and full of various kinds of impurities: “In this
kāya, there are the hairs of the head, hairs of the body, nails, teeth,
skin, flesh, tendons, bones, bone marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, pleura,
spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, stomach with its contents, feces,
bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease, saliva, nasal
mucus, synovial fluid and urine.”

Thus he dwells observing kāya
in kāya internally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya externally, or
he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally and externally; he dwells
observing the samudaya of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the
passing away of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the samudaya
and passing away of phenomena in kāya; or else, [realizing:] “this is
kāya!” sati is present in him, just to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere
paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling to anything in the
world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing kāya in kāya.

 E. Section on the Elements

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu reflects on this very kāya, however it is placed,
however it is disposed as consisting of elements: “In this kāya, there
is the earth element, the water element, the fire element and the air

Just as, bhikkhus, a skillful butcher or a butcher’s
apprentice, having killed a cow, would sit at a crossroads cutting it
into pieces; in the same way, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu reflects on this very
kāya, however it is placed, however it is disposed: “In this kāya, there
is the earth element, the water element, the fire element and the air

he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally, or he dwells observing
kāya in kāya externally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally
and externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of phenomena in kāya,
or he dwells observing the passing away of phenomena in kāya, or he
dwells observing the samudaya and passing away of phenomena in kāya; or
else, [realizing:] “this is kāya!” sati is present in him, just to the
extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not
cling to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells
observing kāya in kāya.

Furthermore, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu,
just as if he was seeing a dead body, cast away in a charnel ground,
disconnected bones scattered here and there, here a hand bone, there a
foot bone, here an ankle bone, there a shin bone, here a thigh bone,
there a hip bone, here a rib, there a back bone, here a spine bone,
there a neck bone, here a jaw bone, there a tooth bone, or there the
skull, he considers this very kāya: “This kāya also is of such a nature,
it is going to become like this, and is not free from such a

Thus he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally, or
he dwells observing kāya in kāya externally, or he dwells observing kāya
in kāya internally and externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of
phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the passing away of phenomena
in kāya, or he dwells observing the samudaya and passing away of
phenomena in kāya; or else, [realizing:] “this is kāya!” sati is present
in him, just to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere paį¹­issati, he dwells
detached, and does not cling to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a
bhikkhu dwells observing kāya in kāya.

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, just as if he was seeing a dead body, cast away in a
charnel ground, the bones whitened like a seashell, he considers this
very kāya: “This kāya also is of such a nature, it is going to become
like this, and is not free from such a condition.”

Thus he dwells
observing kāya in kāya internally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya
externally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally and
externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of phenomena in kāya, or he
dwells observing the passing away of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells
observing the samudaya and passing away of phenomena in kāya; or else,
[realizing:] “this is kāya!” sati is present in him, just to the extent
of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling
to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing
kāya in kāya.

Furthermore, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, just as if
he was seeing a dead body, cast away in a charnel ground, heaped up
bones over a year old, he considers this very kāya: “This kāya also is
of such a nature, it is going to become like this, and is not free from
such a condition.”

Thus he dwells observing kāya in kāya
internally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya externally, or he dwells
observing kāya in kāya internally and externally; he dwells observing
the samudaya of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the passing
away of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the samudaya and
passing away of phenomena in kāya; or else, [realizing:] “this is kāya!”
sati is present in him, just to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere
paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling to anything in the
world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing kāya in kāya.

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, just as if he was seeing a dead body, cast away in
a charnel ground, rotten bones reduced to powder, he considers this
very kāya: “This kāya also is of such a nature, it is going to become
like this, and is not free from such a condition.”

Thus he dwells
observing kāya in kāya internally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya
externally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally and
externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of phenomena in kāya, or he
dwells observing the passing away of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells
observing the samudaya and passing away of phenomena in kāya; or else,
[realizing:] “this is kāya!” sati is present in him, just to the extent
of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling
to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing
kāya in kāya.

he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally, or he dwells observing
kāya in kāya externally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally
and externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of phenomena in kāya,
or he dwells observing the passing away of phenomena in kāya, or he
dwells observing the samudaya and passing away of phenomena in kāya; or
else, [realizing:] “this is kāya!” sati is present in him, just to the
extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not
cling to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells
observing kāya in kāya.

F. Section on the nine charnel grounds

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, just as if he was seeing a dead body, cast away in
a charnel ground, one day dead, or two days dead or three days dead,
swollen, bluish and festering, he considers this very kāya: “This kāya
also is of such a nature, it is going to become like this, and is not
free from such a condition.”

Thus he dwells observing kāya in
kāya internally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya externally, or he
dwells observing kāya in kāya internally and externally; he dwells
observing the samudaya of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the
passing away of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the samudaya
and passing away of phenomena in kāya; or else, [realizing:] “this is
kāya!” sati is present in him, just to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere
paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling to anything in the
world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing kāya in kāya.

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, just as if he was seeing a dead body, cast away in
a charnel ground, being eaten by crows, being eaten by hawks, being
eaten by vultures, being eaten by herons, being eaten by dogs, being
eaten by tigers, being eaten by panthers, being eaten by various kinds
of beings, he considers this very kāya: “This kāya also is of such a
nature, it is going to become like this, and is not free from such a

Thus he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally, or
he dwells observing kāya in kāya externally, or he dwells observing kāya
in kāya internally and externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of
phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the passing away of phenomena
in kāya, or he dwells observing the samudaya and passing away of
phenomena in kāya; or else, [realizing:] “this is kāya!” sati is present
in him, just to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere paį¹­issati, he dwells
detached, and does not cling to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a
bhikkhu dwells observing kāya in kāya.

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, just as if he was seeing a dead body, cast away in a
charnel ground, a squeleton with flesh and blood, held together by
tendons, he considers this very kāya: “This kāya also is of such a
nature, it is going to become like this, and is not free from such a

Thus he dwells observing kāya in kāya internally, or
he dwells observing kāya in kāya externally, or he dwells observing kāya
in kāya internally and externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of
phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the passing away of phenomena
in kāya, or he dwells observing the samudaya and passing away of
phenomena in kāya; or else, [realizing:] “this is kāya!” sati is present
in him, just to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere paį¹­issati, he dwells
detached, and does not cling to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a
bhikkhu dwells observing kāya in kāya.

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, just as if he was seeing a dead body, cast away in a
charnel ground, a squeleton without flesh and smeared with blood, held
together by tendons, he considers this very kāya: “This kāya also is of
such a nature, it is going to become like this, and is not free from
such a condition.”

Thus he dwells observing kāya in kāya
internally, or he dwells observing kāya in kāya externally, or he dwells
observing kāya in kāya internally and externally; he dwells observing
the samudaya of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the passing
away of phenomena in kāya, or he dwells observing the samudaya and
passing away of phenomena in kāya; or else, [realizing:] “this is kāya!”
sati is present in him, just to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere
paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling to anything in the
world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing kāya in kāya.

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, just as if he was seeing a dead body, cast away in
a charnel ground, a squeleton without flesh nor blood, held together by
tendons, he considers this very kāya: “This kāya also is of such a
nature, it is going to become like this, and is not free from such a

understands mana, he understands dhammas, he understands the saį¹ƒyojana
which arises owing to these two, he understands how the unarisen
saį¹ƒyojana comes to arise, he understands how the arisen saį¹ƒyojana is
abandoned, and he understands how the abandoned saį¹ƒyojana does not come
to arise in the future.

Thus he dwells observing dhammas in
dhammas internally, or he dwells observing dhammas in dhammas
externally, or he dwells observing dhammas in dhammas internally and
externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of phenomena in dhammas, or
he dwells observing the passing away of phenomena in dhammas, or he
dwells observing the samudaya and passing away of phenomena in dhammas;
or else, [realizing:] “these are dhammas!” sati is present in him, just
to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and
does not cling to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu
dwells observing dhammas in dhammas, with reference to the six internal
and external āyatanas.

D. Section on the Bojjhaį¹…gas

furthermore, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing dhammas in dhammas
with reference to the seven bojjhaį¹…gas. And furthermore, bhikkhus, how
does a bhikkhu dwell observing dhammas in dhammas with reference to the
seven bojjhaį¹…gas?

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, there being the sati
sambojjhaį¹…ga present within, understands: “there is the sati
sambojjhaį¹…ga within me”; there not being the sati sambojjhaį¹…ga present
within, he understands: “there is no sati sambojjhaį¹…ga within me”; he
understands how the unarisen sati sambojjhaį¹…ga comes to arise; he
understands how the arisen sati sambojjhaį¹…ga is developed to perfection.

being the dhammavicaya sambojjhaį¹…ga present within, he understands:
“there is the dhammavicaya sambojjhaį¹…ga within me”; there not being the
dhammavicaya sambojjhaį¹…ga present within, he understands: “there is no
dhammavicaya sambojjhaį¹…ga within me”; he understands how the unarisen
dhammavicaya sambojjhaį¹…ga comes to arise; he understands how the arisen
dhammavicaya sambojjhaį¹…ga is developed to perfection.

There being
the vÄ«riya sambojjhaį¹…ga present within, he understands: “there is the
vÄ«riya sambojjhaį¹…ga within me”; there not being the vÄ«riya sambojjhaį¹…ga
present within, he understands: “there is no vÄ«riya sambojjhaį¹…ga within
me”; he understands how the unarisen vÄ«riya sambojjhaį¹…ga comes to arise;
he understands how the arisen vÄ«riya sambojjhaį¹…ga is developed to

There being the pÄ«ti sambojjhaį¹…ga present within, he
understands: “there is the pÄ«ti sambojjhaį¹…ga within me”; there not being
the pÄ«ti sambojjhaį¹…ga present within, he understands: “there is no pÄ«ti
sambojjhaį¹…ga within me”; he understands how the unarisen pÄ«ti
sambojjhaį¹…ga comes to arise; he understands how the arisen pÄ«ti
sambojjhaį¹…ga is developed to perfection.

There being the
passaddhi sambojjhaį¹…ga present within, he understands: “there is the
passaddhi sambojjhaį¹…ga within me”; there not being the passaddhi
sambojjhaį¹…ga present within, he understands: “there is no passaddhi
sambojjhaį¹…ga within me”; he understands how the unarisen passaddhi
sambojjhaį¹…ga comes to arise; he understands how the arisen passaddhi
sambojjhaį¹…ga is developed to perfection.

There being the samādhi
sambojjhaį¹…ga present within, he understands: “there is the samādhi
sambojjhaį¹…ga within me”; there not being the samādhi sambojjhaį¹…ga
present within, he understands: “there is no samādhi sambojjhaį¹…ga within
me”; he understands how the unarisen samādhi sambojjhaį¹…ga comes to
arise; he understands how the arisen samādhi sambojjhaį¹…ga is developed
to perfection.

There being the upekkhā sambojjhaį¹…ga present
within, he understands: “there is the upekkhā sambojjhaį¹…ga within me”;
there not being the upekkhā sambojjhaį¹…ga present within, he understands:
“there is no upekkhā sambojjhaį¹…ga within me”; he understands how the
unarisen upekkhā sambojjhaį¹…ga comes to arise; he understands how the
arisen upekkhā sambojjhaį¹…ga is developed to perfection.

Thus he
dwells observing dhammas in dhammas internally, or he dwells observing
dhammas in dhammas externally, or he dwells observing dhammas in dhammas
internally and externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of
phenomena in dhammas, or he dwells observing the passing away of
phenomena in dhammas, or he dwells observing the samudaya and passing
away of phenomena in dhammas; or else, [realizing:] “these are dhammas!”
sati is present in him, just to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere
paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling to anything in the
world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing dhammas in dhammas,
with reference to the seven bojjhaį¹…gas.

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, there being uddhacca-kukkucca present within,
understands: “there is uddhacca-kukkucca within me”; there not being
uddhacca-kukkucca present within, he understands: “there is no
uddhacca-kukkucca within me”; he understands how the unarisen
uddhacca-kukkucca comes to arise; he understands how the arisen
uddhacca-kukkucca is abandoned; and he understands how the abandoned
uddhacca-kukkucca does not come to arise in the future.

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, there being vicikicchā present within, understands:
“there is vicikicchā within me”; there not being vicikicchā present
within, he understands: “there is no vicikicchā within me”; he
understands how the unarisen vicikicchā comes to arise; he understands
how the arisen vicikicchā is abandoned; and he understands how the
abandoned vicikicchā does not come to arise in the future.

he dwells observing dhammas in dhammas internally, or he dwells
observing dhammas in dhammas externally, or he dwells observing dhammas
in dhammas internally and externally; he dwells observing the samudaya
of phenomena in dhammas, or he dwells observing the passing away of
phenomena in dhammas, or he dwells observing the samudaya and passing
away of phenomena in dhammas; or else, [realizing:] “these are dhammas!”
sati is present in him, just to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere
paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling to anything in the
world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing dhammas in dhammas,
with reference to the five nÄ«varaį¹‡as.

B. Section on the Khandhas

furthermore, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing dhammas in dhammas
with reference to the five khandhas. And furthermore, bhikkhus, how does
a bhikkhu dwell observing dhammas in dhammas with reference to the five

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu [discerns]: “such is rÅ«pa,
such is the samudaya of rūpa, such is the passing away of rūpa; such is
vedanā, such is the samudaya of vedanā, such is the passing away of
vedanā; such is saƱƱā, such is the samudaya of saƱƱā, such is the
passing away of saƱƱā; such is saį¹…khāra, such is the samudaya of
saį¹…khāra, such is the passing away of saį¹…khāra; such is viƱƱāį¹‡a, such is
the samudaya of viƱƱāį¹‡a, such is the passing away of viƱƱāį¹‡a”.

he dwells observing dhammas in dhammas internally, or he dwells
observing dhammas in dhammas externally, or he dwells observing dhammas
in dhammas internally and externally; he dwells observing the samudaya
of phenomena in dhammas, or he dwells observing the passing away of
phenomena in dhammas, or he dwells observing the samudaya and passing
away of phenomena in dhammas; or else, [realizing:] “these are dhammas!”
sati is present in him, just to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere
paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling to anything in the
world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing dhammas in dhammas,
with reference to the five khandhas.

C. Section on the Sense Spheres

furthermore, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing dhammas in dhammas
with reference to the six internal and external āyatanas. And
furthermore, bhikkhus, how does a bhikkhu dwell observing dhammas in
dhammas with reference to the six internal and external āyatanas?

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu understands cakkhu, he understands rūpa, he
understands the saį¹ƒyojana which arises owing to these two, he
understands how the unarisen saį¹ƒyojana comes to arise, he understands
how the arisen saį¹ƒyojana is abandoned, and he understands how the
abandoned saį¹ƒyojana does not come to arise in the future.

understands sota, he understands sadda, he understands the saį¹ƒyojana
which arises owing to these two, he understands how the unarisen
saį¹ƒyojana comes to arise, he understands how the arisen saį¹ƒyojana is
abandoned, and he understands how the abandoned saį¹ƒyojana does not come
to arise in the future.

He understands ghāna, he understands
gandha, he understands the saį¹ƒyojana which arises owing to these two, he
understands how the unarisen saį¹ƒyojana comes to arise, he understands
how the arisen saį¹ƒyojana is abandoned, and he understands how the
abandoned saį¹ƒyojana does not come to arise in the future.

understands jivha, he understands rasa, he understands the saį¹ƒyojana
which arises owing to these two, he understands how the unarisen
saį¹ƒyojana comes to arise, he understands how the arisen saį¹ƒyojana is
abandoned, and he understands how the abandoned saį¹ƒyojana does not come
to arise in the future.

He understands kāya, he understands
phoį¹­į¹­habba, he understands the saį¹ƒyojana which arises owing to these
two, he understands how the unarisen saį¹ƒyojana comes to arise, he
understands how the arisen saį¹ƒyojana is abandoned, and he understands
how the abandoned saį¹ƒyojana does not come to arise in the future.

E. Section on the Truths

furthermore, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing dhammas in dhammas
with reference to the four ariyaĀ·saccas. And furthermore, bhikkhus, how
does a bhikkhu dwell observing dhammas in dhammas with reference to the
four ariyaĀ·saccas?

E1. Exposition of Dukkhasacca

And what,
bhikkhus, is the dukkha ariyasacca? Jāti is dukkha, aging is dukkha
(sickness is dukkha) maraį¹‡a is dukkha, sorrow, lamentation, dukkha,
domanassa and distress is dukkha, association with what is disliked is
dukkha, dissociation from what is liked is dukkha, not to get what one
wants is dukkha; in short, the five upādānaĀ·kĀ·khandhas are dukkha.

what, bhikkhus, is jāti? For the various beings in the various classes
of beings, jāti, the birth, the descent [into the womb], the arising [in
the world], the appearance, the apparition of the khandhas, the
acquisition of the āyatanas. This, bhikkhus, is called jāti.

what, bhikkhus, is jarā? For the various beings in the various classes
of beings, jarā, the state of being decayed, of having broken [teeth],
of having grey hair, of being wrinkled, the decline of vitality, the
decay of the indriyas: this, bhikkhus, is called jarā.

And what,
bhikkhus, is maraį¹‡a? For the various beings in the various classes of
beings, the decease, the state of shifting [out of existence], the break
up, the disappearance, the death, maraį¹‡a, the passing away, the break
up of the khandhas, the laying down of the corpse: this, bhikkhus, is
called maraį¹‡a.

And what, bhikkhus, is sorrow? In one, bhikkhus,
associated with various kinds of misfortune, touched by various kinds of
dukkha dhammas, the sorrrow, the mourning, the state of grief, the
inner sorrow, the inner great sorrow: this, bhikkhus, is called sorrow.

what, bhikkhus, is lamentation? In one, bhikkhus, associated with
various kinds of misfortune, touched by various kinds of dukkha dhammas,
the cries, the lamentations, the weeping, the wailing, the state of
crying, the state of lamentating: this, bhikkhus, is called lamentation.

what, bhikkhus, is dukkha? Whatever, bhikkhus, bodily dukkha, bodily
unpleasantness, dukkha engendered by bodily contact, unpleasant
vedayitas: this, bhikkhus, is called dukkha.

And what, bhikkhus,
is domanassa? Whatever, bhikkhus, mental dukkha, mental unpleasantness,
dukkha engendered by mental contact, unpleasant vedayitas: this,
bhikkhus, is called domanassa.

And what, bhikkhus, is despair? In
one, bhikkhus, associated with various kinds of misfortune, touched by
various kinds of dukkha dhammas, the trouble, the despair, the state of
being in trouble, the state of being in despair: this, bhikkhus, is
called despair.

And what, bhikkhus, is the dukkha of being
associated with what is disagreeable? Here, as to the forms, sounds,
tastes, odors, bodily phenomena and mental phenomena there are which are
unpleasing, not enjoyable, unpleasant, or else those who desire one’s
disadvantage, those who desire one’s loss, those who desire one’s
discomfort, those who desire one’s non-liberation from attachment,
meeting, being associated, being together, encountering them: this,
bhikkhus, is called the dukkha of being associated with what is

And what, bhikkhus, is the dukkha of being
dissociated from what is agreeable? Here, as to the forms, sounds,
tastes, odors, bodily phenomena and mental phenomena there are which are
pleasing, enjoyable, pleasant, or else those who desire one’s
advantage, those who desire one’s benefit, those who desire one’s
comfort, those who desire one’s liberation from attachment, not meeting,
not being associated, not being together, not encountering them: this,
bhikkhus, is called the dukkha of being dissociated from what is

And what, bhikkhus, is the dukkha of not getting what
one wants? In beings, bhikkhus, having the characteristic of being born,
such a wish arises: “oh really, may there not be jāti for us, and
really, may we not come to jāti.” But this is not to be achieved by
wishing. This is the dukkha of not getting what one wants.

beings, bhikkhus, having the characteristic of getting old, such a wish
arises: “oh really, may there not be jarā for us, and really, may we not
come to jarā.” But this is not to be achieved by wishing. This is the
dukkha of not getting what one wants.

In beings, bhikkhus, having
the characteristic of getting sick, such a wish arises: “oh really, may
there not be sickness for us, and really, may we not come to sickness.”
But this is not to be achieved by wishing. This is the dukkha of not
getting what one wants.

In beings, bhikkhus, having the
characteristic of getting old, such a wish arises: “oh really, may there
not be maraį¹‡a for us, and really, may we not come to maraį¹‡a.” But this
is not to be achieved by wishing. This is the dukkha of not getting what
one wants.

II. Observation of Vedanā

And furthermore, bhikkhus, how does a bhikkhu dwell observing vedanā in vedanā?

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, experiencing a sukha vedanā, undersands: “I am
experiencing a sukha vedanā”; experiencing a dukkha vedanā, undersands:
“I am experiencing a dukkha vedanā”; experiencing an adukkham-asukhā
vedanā, undersands: “I am experiencing a adukkham-asukhā vedanā”;
experiencing a sukha vedanā sāmisa, undersands: “I am experiencing a
sukha vedanā sāmisa”; experiencing a sukha vedanā nirāmisa, undersands:
“I am experiencing a sukha vedanā nirāmisa”; experiencing a dukkha
vedanā sāmisa, undersands: “I am experiencing a dukkha vedanā sāmisa”;
experiencing a dukkha vedanā nirāmisa, undersands: “I am experiencing a
dukkha vedanā nirāmisa”; experiencing an adukkham-asukhā vedanā sāmisa,
undersands: “I am experiencing a adukkham-asukhā vedanā sāmisa”;
experiencing an adukkham-asukhā vedanā nirāmisa, undersands: “I am
experiencing a adukkham-asukhā vedanā nirāmisa”.

Thus he dwells
observing vedanā in vedanā internally, or he dwells observing vedanā in
vedanā externally, or he dwells observing vedanā in vedanā internally
and externally; he dwells observing the samudaya of phenomena in vedanā,
or he dwells observing the passing away of phenomena in vedanā, or he
dwells observing the samudaya and passing away of phenomena in vedanā;
or else, [realizing:] “this is vedanā!” sati is present in him, just to
the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does
not cling to anything in the world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells
observing vedanā in vedanā.

III. Observation of Citta

And furthermore, bhikkhus, how does a bhikkhu dwell observing citta in citta?

bhikkhus, a bhikkhu understands citta with rāga as “citta with rāga”,
or he understands citta without rāga as “citta without rāga”, or he
understands citta with dosa as “citta with dosa”, or he understands
citta without dosa as “citta without dosa”, or he understands citta with
moha as “citta with moha”, or he understands citta without moha as
“citta without moha”, or he understands a collected citta as “a
collected citta”, or he understands a scattered citta as “a scattered
citta”, or he understands an expanded citta as “an expanded citta”, or
he understands an unexpanded citta as “an unexpanded citta”, or he
understands a surpassable citta as “a surpassable citta”, or he
understands an unsurpassable citta as “an unsurpassable citta”, or he
understands a settled citta as “a settled citta”, or he understands an
unsettled citta as “an unsettled citta”, or he understands a liberated
citta as “a liberated citta”, or he understands an unliberated citta as
“an unliberated citta”.

Thus he dwells observing citta in citta
internally, or he dwells observing citta in citta externally, or he
dwells observing citta in citta internally and externally; he dwells
observing the samudaya of phenomena in citta, or he dwells observing the
passing away of phenomena in citta, or he dwells observing the samudaya
and passing away of phenomena in citta; or else, [realizing:] “this is
citta!” sati is present in him, just to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere
paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling to anything in the
world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing citta in citta.

 IV. Observation of Dhammas

A. Section on the NÄ«varaį¹‡as

furthermore, bhikkhus, how does a bhikkhu dwell observing dhammas in
dhammas? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing dhammas in dhammas
with reference to the five nÄ«varaį¹‡as. And furthermore, bhikkhus, how
does a bhikkhu dwell observing dhammas in dhammas with reference to the
five nÄ«varaį¹‡as?

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, there being
kāmacchanda present within, understands: “there is kāmacchanda within
me”; there not being kāmacchanda present within, he understands: “there
is no kāmacchanda within me”; he understands how the unarisen
kāmacchanda comes to arise; he understands how the arisen kāmacchanda is
abandoned; and he understands how the abandoned kāmacchanda does not
come to arise in the future.

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, there
being byāpāda present within, understands: “there is byāpāda within me”;
there not being byāpāda present within, he understands: “there is no
byāpāda within me”; he understands how the unarisen byāpāda comes to
arise; he understands how the arisen byāpāda is abandoned; and he
understands how the abandoned byāpāda does not come to arise in the

Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu, there being thīnamiddhā
present within, understands: “there is thÄ«namiddhā within me”; there not
being thÄ«namiddhā present within, he understands: “there is no
thÄ«namiddhā within me”; he understands how the unarisen thÄ«namiddhā
comes to arise; he understands how the arisen thīnamiddhā is abandoned;
and he understands how the abandoned thīnamiddhā does not come to arise
in the future.

beings, bhikkhus, having the characteristic of sorrow, lamentation,
dukkha, domanassa and distress, such a wish arises: “oh really, may
there not be sorrow, lamentation, dukkha, domanassa and distress for us,
and really, may we not come to sorrow, lamentation, dukkha, domanassa
and distress.” But this is not to be achieved by wishing. This is the
dukkha of not getting what one wants.

And what, bhikkhus, are in
short the five upādānakkhandhas? They are: the rūpa upādānakkhandha, the
vedanā upādānakkhandha, the saƱƱā upādānakkhandha, the saį¹…khāra
upādānakkhandha, the viƱƱāį¹‡a upādānakkhandha. These are called in short,
bhikkhus, the five upādānakkhandhas.

This is called, bhikkhus, the dukkha ariyasacca

E2. Exposition of Samudayasacca

what, bhikkhus, is the dukkha-samudaya ariyasacca? It is this taį¹‡hā
leading to rebirth, connected with desire and enjoyment, finding delight
here or there, that is to say: kāma-taį¹‡hā, bhava-taį¹‡hā and
vibhava-taį¹‡hā. But this taį¹‡hā, bhikkhus, when arising, where does it
arise, and when settling [itself], where does it settle? In that in the
world which seems pleasant and agreeable, that is where taį¹‡hā, when
arising, arises, where when settling, it settles.

And what in the
world is pleasant and agreeable? The eye in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it
settles. The ear in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā,
when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The nose in the
world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises,
there when settling, it settles. The tongue in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it
settles. Kāya in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. Mana in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles.

Visible forms in the world are pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it
settles. Sounds in the world are pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā,
when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. Smells in the
world are pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises,
there when settling, it settles. Tastes in the world are pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it
settles. Bodily phenomena in the world are pleasant and agreeable, there
taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. Dhammas
in the world are pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising,
arises, there when settling, it settles.

The eye-viƱƱāį¹‡a in the
world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises,
there when settling, it settles. The ear-viƱƱāį¹‡a in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles. The nose-viƱƱāį¹‡a in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it
settles. The tongue-viƱƱāį¹‡a in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles.
Kāya-viƱƱāį¹‡a in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. Mana-viƱƱāį¹‡a in the
world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises,
there when settling, it settles.

The eye-samphassa in the world
is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles. The ear-samphassa in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it
settles. The nose-samphassa in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The
tongue-samphassa in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā,
when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. Kāya-samphassa in
the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises,
there when settling, it settles. Mana-samphassa in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles.

vedanā born of eye-samphassa in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The
vedanā born of ear-samphassa in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The
vedanā born of nose-samphassa in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The
vedanā born of tongue-samphassa in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The
vedanā born of kāya-samphassa in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The
vedanā born of mana-samphassa in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles.

saƱƱā of visible forms in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there
taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The saƱƱā
of sounds in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The saƱƱā of odors in
the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises,
there when settling, it settles. The saƱƱā of tastes in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles. The saƱƱā of bodily phenomena in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles. The saƱƱā of Dhammas in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it

The intention [related to] visible forms in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles. The intention [related to] sounds in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles. The intention [related to] odors in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles. The intention [related to] tastes in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles. The intention [related to] bodily phenomena in the
world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises,
there when settling, it settles. The intention [related to] dhammas in
the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises,
there when settling, it settles.

The taį¹‡hā for visible forms in
the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises,
there when settling, it settles. The taį¹‡hā for sounds in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles. The taį¹‡hā for odors in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it
settles. The taį¹‡hā for tastes in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The
taį¹‡hā for bodily phenomena in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there
taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The taį¹‡hā
for dhammas in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
arising, arises, there when settling, it settles.

The vitakka of
visible forms in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The vitakka of sounds
in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising,
arises, there when settling, it settles. The vitakka of odors in the
world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises,
there when settling, it settles. The vitakka of tastes in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles. The vitakka of bodily phenomena in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when
settling, it settles. The vitakka of dhammas in the world is pleasant
and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling,
it settles.

The vicāra of visible forms in the world is pleasant
and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling,
it settles. The vicāra of sounds in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The
vicāra of odors in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā,
when arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The vicāra of
tastes in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The vicāra of bodily
phenomena in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
arising, arises, there when settling, it settles. The vicāra of dhammas
in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when arising,
arises, there when settling, it settles. This is called, bhikkhus, the
dukkhaĀ·samudaya ariyasacca.

E3. Exposition of Nirodhasacca

what, bhikkhus, is the dukkha-samudaya ariyasacca? It is this taį¹‡hā
leading to rebirth, connected with desire and enjoyment, finding delight
here or there, that is to say: kāma-taį¹‡hā, bhava-taį¹‡hā and
vibhava-taį¹‡hā. But this taį¹‡hā, bhikkhus, when abandoned, where is it
abandoned, and when ceasing, where does it cease? In that in the world
which seems pleasant and agreeable, that is where taį¹‡hā, when abandoned,
is abandoned, where when ceasing, it ceases.

And what in the
world is pleasant and agreeable? The eye in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. The ear in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it
ceases. The nose in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā,
when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The tongue
in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is
abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. Kāya in the world is pleasant
and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. Mana in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there
taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases.

forms in the world are pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. Sounds in the
world are pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is
abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. Smells in the world are
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there
when ceasing, it ceases. Tastes in the world are pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. Bodily phenomena in the world are pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. Dhammas in the world are pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it

The eye-viƱƱāį¹‡a in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it
ceases. The ear-viƱƱāį¹‡a in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there
taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The
nose-viƱƱāį¹‡a in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The
tongue-viƱƱāį¹‡a in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. Kāya-viƱƱāį¹‡a in
the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is
abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. Mana-viƱƱāį¹‡a in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there
when ceasing, it ceases.

The eye-samphassa in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there
when ceasing, it ceases. The ear-samphassa in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. The nose-samphassa in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. The tongue-samphassa in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. Kāya-samphassa in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. Mana-samphassa in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases.

The vedanā born of eye-samphassa in the world
is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned,
there when ceasing, it ceases. The vedanā born of ear-samphassa in the
world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is
abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The vedanā born of
nose-samphassa in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The vedanā born
of tongue-samphassa in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there
taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The
vedanā born of kāya-samphassa in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it
ceases. The vedanā born of mana-samphassa in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases.

saƱƱā of visible forms in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there
taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The
saƱƱā of sounds in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā,
when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The saƱƱā
of odors in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The saƱƱā of
tastes in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The saƱƱā of
bodily phenomena in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā,
when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The saƱƱā
of Dhammas in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when
abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases.

intention [related to] visible forms in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. The intention [related to] sounds in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there
when ceasing, it ceases. The intention [related to] odors in the world
is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned,
there when ceasing, it ceases. The intention [related to] tastes in the
world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is
abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The intention [related to]
bodily phenomena in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā,
when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The
intention [related to] dhammas in the world is pleasant and agreeable,
there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when ceasing, it

The taį¹‡hā for visible forms in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. The taį¹‡hā for sounds in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. The taį¹‡hā for odors in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. The taį¹‡hā for tastes in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. The taį¹‡hā for bodily phenomena in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there
when ceasing, it ceases. The taį¹‡hā for dhammas in the world is pleasant
and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases.

The vitakka of visible forms in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there
when ceasing, it ceases. The vitakka of sounds in the world is pleasant
and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. The vitakka of odors in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. The vitakka of tastes in the world is pleasant and
agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there when
ceasing, it ceases. The vitakka of bodily phenomena in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there
when ceasing, it ceases. The vitakka of dhammas in the world is
pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is abandoned, there
when ceasing, it ceases.

The vicāra of visible forms in the
world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is
abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The vicāra of sounds in the
world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is
abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The vicāra of odors in the
world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is
abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The vicāra of tastes in the
world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is
abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The vicāra of bodily phenomena
in the world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is
abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. The vicāra of dhammas in the
world is pleasant and agreeable, there taį¹‡hā, when abandoned, is
abandoned, there when ceasing, it ceases. This is called, bhikkhus, the
dukkhaĀ·nirodha ariyasacca.

E4. Exposition of Maggasacca

what, bhikkhus, is the dukkhaĀ·nirodhaĀ·gāminÄ« paį¹­ipadā ariyasacca? It is
just this ariya aį¹­į¹­haį¹…gika magga, that is to say sammādiį¹­į¹­hi,
sammāsaį¹…kappo, sammāvācā, sammākammanto, sammā-ājÄ«vo, sammāvāyāmo,
sammāsati and sammāsamādhi.

And what, bhikkhus, is sammādiį¹­į¹­hi?
That, bhikkhus, which is the Ʊāį¹‡a of dukkha, the Ʊāį¹‡a of
dukkha-samudaya, the Ʊāį¹‡a of dukkha-nirodha and the Ʊāį¹‡a of
dukkha-nirodha-gāmini paį¹­ipada, that is called, bhikkhus, sammādiį¹­į¹­hi.

what, bhikkhus, are sammāsaį¹…kappas? Those, bhikkhus, which are
saį¹…kappas of nekkhamma, saį¹…kappas of abyāpāda, saį¹…kappas of avihiį¹ƒsā,
those are called, bhikkhus, sammāsaį¹…kappas.

And what, bhikkhus,
is sammāvācā? That, bhikkhus, which is abstaining from musāvādā,
abstaining from pisuį¹‡a vācā, abstaining from pharusa vācā, and
abstaining from samphappalāpa, that is called, bhikkhus, sammāvācā.

what, bhikkhus, is sammā-kammanta? That, bhikkhus, which is abstaining
from pāį¹‡Ätipāta , abstaining from adinnādāna, abstaining from
abrahmacariya, that is called, bhikkhus, sammā-kammanta.

what, bhikkhus, is sammā-ājīva? Here, bhikkhus, a noble disciple, having
abandonned wrong livelihood, supports his life by right means of
livelihood, that is called, bhikkhus, sammā-ājīva.

And what,
bhikkhus, is sammāvāyāma? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu generates his chanda
for the non-arising of unarisen pāpaka and akusala dhammas, he exerts
himself, rouses his viriya, applies vigorously his citta and strives; he
generates his chanda for the forsaking of arisen pāpaka and akusala
dhammas, he exerts himself, rouses his viriya, applies vigorously his
citta and strives; he generates his chanda for the arising of unarisen
kusala dhammas, he exerts himself, rouses his viriya, applies vigorously
his citta and strives; he generates his chanda for the steadfastness of
arisen kusala dhammas, for their absence of confusion, for their
increase, their development, their cultivation and their completion, he
exerts himself, rouses his viriya, applies vigorously his citta and
strives. This is called, bhikkhus, sammāvāyāma.

An what,
bhikkhus, is sammāsati? Here, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing kāya
in kāya, ātāpī sampajāno, satimā, having given up abhijjhā-domanassa
towards the world. He dwells observing vedanā in vedanā, ātāpī
sampajāno, satimā, having given up abhijjhā-domanassa towards the world.
He dwells observing citta in citta, ātāpī sampajāno, satimā, having
given up abhijjhā-domanassa towards the world. He dwells observing
dhammaĀ·s in dhammaĀ·s, ātāpÄ« sampajāno, satimā, having given up
abhijjhā-domanassa towards the world. This is called, bhikkhus,

And what, bhikkhus, is sammāsamādhi? Here, bhikkhus, a
bhikkhu, detached from kāma, detached from akusala dhammas, having
entered in the first jhāna, abides therein, with vitakka and vicāra,
with pīti and sukha born of detachment. With the stilling of
vitakka-vicāra, having entered in the second jhāna, he abides therein
with inner tanquilization, unification of citta, without vitakka nor
vicāra, with pīti and sukha born of samādhi. And with indifference
towards pīti, he abides in upekkha, sato and sampajāno, he experiences
in kāya the sukha which the ariyas describe: ‘one who is equanimous and
mindful dwells in [this] sukha’, having entered in the third jhāna, he
abides therein. Abandoning sukha and abandoning dukkha, somanassa and
domanassa having previously disappeared, without sukha nor dukkha, with
the purity of upekkha and sati, having entered in the fourth jhāna, he
abides therein. This is called, bhikkhus, sammāsamādhi.

This is called, bhikkhus, the dukkhaĀ·nirodhaĀ·gāminÄ« paį¹­ipadā ariyasacca.

he dwells observing dhammas in dhammas internally, or he dwells
observing dhammas in dhammas externally, or he dwells observing dhammas
in dhammas internally and externally; he dwells observing the samudaya
of phenomena in dhammas, or he dwells observing the passing away of
phenomena in dhammas, or he dwells observing the samudaya and passing
away of phenomena in dhammas; or else, [realizing:] “these are dhammas!”
sati is present in him, just to the extent of mere Ʊāį¹‡a and mere
paį¹­issati, he dwells detached, and does not cling to anything in the
world. Thus, bhikkhus, a bhikkhu dwells observing dhammas in dhammas,
with reference to the four ariyaĀ·saccas.

The benefits of practicing the Satipaį¹­į¹­hānas

whoever, bhikkhus, would practice these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this way
for seven years, one of two results may be expected: either [perfect]
knowledge in visible phenomena, or if there is some clinging left,

Let alone seven years, bhikkhus. For whoever,
bhikkhus, would practice these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this way for six
years, one of two results may be expected: either [perfect] knowledge in
visible phenomena, or if there is some clinging left, anāgāmita.

alone six years, bhikkhus. For whoever, bhikkhus, would practice these
four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this way for five years, one of two results may be
expected: either [perfect] knowledge in visible phenomena, or if there
is some clinging left, anāgāmita.

Let alone five years, bhikkhus.
For whoever, bhikkhus, would practice these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this
way for four years, one of two results may be expected: either [perfect]
knowledge in visible phenomena, or if there is some clinging left,

Let alone four years, bhikkhus. For whoever, bhikkhus,
would practice these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this way for three years,
one of two results may be expected: either [perfect] knowledge in
visible phenomena, or if there is some clinging left, anāgāmita.

alone three years, bhikkhus. For whoever, bhikkhus, would practice
these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this way for two years, one of two results
may be expected: either [perfect] knowledge in visible phenomena, or if
there is some clinging left, anāgāmita.

Let alone two years,
bhikkhus. For whoever, bhikkhus, would practice these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas
in this way for one year, one of two results may be expected: either
[perfect] knowledge in visible phenomena, or if there is some clinging
left, anāgāmita.

Let alone one year, bhikkhus. For whoever,
bhikkhus, would practice these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this way for seven
months, one of two results may be expected: either [perfect] knowledge
in visible phenomena, or if there is some clinging left, anāgāmita.

alone seven months, bhikkhus. For whoever, bhikkhus, would practice
these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this way for six months, one of two results
may be expected: either [perfect] knowledge in visible phenomena, or if
there is some clinging left, anāgāmita.

Let alone six months,
bhikkhus. For whoever, bhikkhus, would practice these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas
in this way for five months, one of two results may be expected: either
[perfect] knowledge in visible phenomena, or if there is some clinging
left, anāgāmita.

Let alone five months, bhikkhus. For whoever,
bhikkhus, would practice these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this way for four
months, one of two results may be expected: either [perfect] knowledge
in visible phenomena, or if there is some clinging left, anāgāmita.

alone four months, bhikkhus. For whoever, bhikkhus, would practice
these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this way for three months, one of two
results may be expected: either [perfect] knowledge in visible
phenomena, or if there is some clinging left, anāgāmita.

alone three months, bhikkhus. For whoever, bhikkhus, would practice
these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this way for two months, one of two results
may be expected: either [perfect] knowledge in visible phenomena, or if
there is some clinging left, anāgāmita.

Let alone two months,
bhikkhus. For whoever, bhikkhus, would practice these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas
in this way for one month, one of two results may be expected: either
[perfect] knowledge in visible phenomena, or if there is some clinging
left, anāgāmita.

Let alone one month, bhikkhus. For whoever,
bhikkhus, would practice these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this way for half a
month, one of two results may be expected: either [perfect] knowledge
in visible phenomena, or if there is some clinging left, anāgāmita.

alone half a month, bhikkhus. For whoever, bhikkhus, would practice
these four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas in this way for a week, one of two results may
be expected: either [perfect] knowledge in visible phenomena, or if
there is some clinging left, anāgāmita.

“This, bhikkhus, is the
path that leads to nothing but the purification of beings, the
overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, the disappearance of
dukkha-domanassa, the attainment of the right way, the realization of
Nibbāna, that is to say the four satipaį¹­į¹­hānas.” Thus has it been said,
and on the basis of all this has it been said.

Thus spoke the Bhagavā. Delighted, the bhikkhus welcomed the words of the Bhagavā.

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